YTSEJAM digest 937

Date: Wed Aug 30 1995 - 17:13:34 EDT

                            YTSEJAM Digest 937

Today's Topics:

  1) Damn the Machine - no DT-content
 by "Ken H ili" <>
  2) I love Dream Theater!
 by (Larry Augustover)
  3) Petrucci Instructional Video
 by U-E59578-Charles Hanley <>
  4) Lessons
 by Rich Rochelle <>
  5) Re: Bank problem solved
  6) Lessons
 by (Euan Kilgour)
  7) shirts, subs, etc
 by (Ken Bibb)
  8) Qryche list??
  9) Closing dub site
 by Brad Kane <>
 10) non-DT
 by (Jason Gianni)
 by John Nguyen <>
 12) Catching up.
 by "Richard A. Rivera" <>
 by "Robert J. Castilone" <>
 14) ads and ytsejam
 by (Ken Bibb)
 15) Looking for Michael Black
 by Paul Holloway <>
 16) Alice Cooper, Wayne's World & Derek
 by (Randall Braun)
 17) list of music mailing lists
 by (Antti Nyrhinen)


Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 13:11:47 GMT+0100
From: "Ken H ili" <>
Subject: Damn the Machine - no DT-content
Message-ID: <>

Hi all!

For the past year or so, I've been trying to find Damn the Machine's
album, but it doesn't seem to be available here in Norway. A friend
of mine is going to Washington D.C. in a few weeks, and he's going to
buy a copy of the album if he could find it. I was wondering if someone in the
D.C. area could tell me where he could find the CD.

I'm also interested in any information about the band. The only thing
I've heard is that they made one album and then broke up.

It would be greatly appreciated if someone could email me with some

No DT-content this time, but there doesn't seem to much to write
about these days!

Mo i Rana, Norway

(coming soon: my New Nickname)


Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 12:41:21 -0400
From: (Larry Augustover)
Subject: I love Dream Theater!
Message-ID: <v01510101ac6a43b21a81@[]>

     I just wanted everyone to know that Dream Theater rules! This group
has the best talent in the music industry. Plus they play by far the best
music I've ever heard before. I really hope "A Change in Seasons" will be
a success because this group rules. I'm sick and tired of telling people
how good this group is. I've introduced DT's music to so many people and
got them interested. I hope they have a song which will be big enough
that I wont have to show everyone that DT is the best band in the world!


Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 12:57:29 EDT
From: U-E59578-Charles Hanley <>
Subject: Petrucci Instructional Video
Message-ID: <>

In Ytsejam #936, Damian Allis stated:

> Speaking of clinics, I've got a quick question. Does anyone know
> about the progress of the John Petrucci video? Portnoy said in a Modern
> Drummer interview ("Metal Drummer's Round Table," where he indirectly
> trashed Lars Ulrich (it's gotta be Lars)) that Petrucci was coming out
> with an instructional video. That was about 6 months ago, and I haven't
> seen it advertised yet. Any news?

At the clinic John Petrucci gave at the National Guitar Summer Workshop,
he mentioned that he had THREE releases coming out in September:

  (1) "A Change of Seasons," of course
  (2) A John Petrucci signature model guitar by Ibanez
       [only a 6-string model, no 7-strings...rats!]
  (3) An instructional guitar video

That's straight from the source. BTW, the totally improv concert he did
with (6-string fretless) bass great Steve Bailey disproved the "why can't
John jam" myth. [Who knows...maybe a video might be available...]



Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 11:56:05 -0700 (MST)
From: Rich Rochelle <>
To: Dream Theater <>
Subject: Lessons
Message-ID: <>

No, not the Rush tune!! (I save that for another list) :)
About lessons, I think that they can indeed help a player. However, it is
very important to take lessons from many different instructors, that way,
instead of sounding like so-and-so all the time, you can take a little bit
away from each of your lessons to use in your own style. It is this picking
and choosing what works for you from each instructor which allows you to
become your own player, and not just a sort of clone.
This leads me to an interesting thing: this one guy I took a lesson from said
that a major thing that I needed to do was my own transcriptions of a few
bass players. He said that if I transcribed 20 Ron Carter lines, I would
pretty much know his style completely. I've only done a few choruses of one
Carterline, and I feel that I've already got a decent grasp! So, I'd say
(in order to become the best (or just pretty good) on your instrument),
take some lessons (esp. for their value in technique training) from a few
players (the ones who actually play out), simply watch your favorite players
for their technique (if they are too famous or whatever to give you a lesson),
and transcribe like mad.
Disclaimer: this is only my theory, of course. I've got quite a ways to go
before I can be sure this works, but, then again, we can all learn from each
other, no matter how experienced/inexperienced we are.
A congratulations to Mike Bahr for causing justice to be done in his local bank
Rich Rochelle (
Arizona State University


Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 14:33:14 -0500
Subject: Re: Bank problem solved
Message-ID: <>

>>order... and that poor teller is without her job. That's what ya get for
stealin, ya know!<<

Poor teller? Ha! Who knows how many other's were screwed outta money by her!
 All I know is that justice was partly served. Know if criminal charges will
be brought against her? (I definitely think there should be.) All I can say
is: nobody better mess around with the YML's favorite CD maker!! Glad to here
things worked out for ya Mike!

Scott Hansen


Date: Thu, 31 Aug 1995 08:34:01 +1200
From: (Euan Kilgour)
Subject: Lessons
Message-ID: <v01510100ac6a79f25188@[]>

After playing guitar / bass on and off for about 8 years - I have to go
with lessons. I am mostly self-taught, stealing licks off teaching vids
and other players. But for the last year and a half now my playing has
plateau-ed (sp?) majorly. Lessons are a good way to be grounded solidly in
the basics (and I mean BASICS) of guitar playing. I wish that I had done
this, because now it is nearly impossible for me to unlearn all my bad
habits (there are a lot), and I fear that my playing will never get much
better than it is now. If you can master proper technique, then there is
no reason why you cannot play JP's chops if you practice hard and consult
with your tutor on the hard bits.


Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 20:20:02 +0800
From: (Ken Bibb)
To: ytsejam
Subject: shirts, subs, etc
Message-ID: <>

Please reply to if you have any
questions or comments.


        Jason Giles will be offering another batch of ytsejam shirts
        soon, probably in late September or October. So keep your eyes
        open for his announcement.


        Since school is coming back in session, I'd like to mention
        two Internet music resources.

        The _List_of_Music_Mailing_Lists_ (lomml) is a list of music
        oriented mailing lists. You can get a copy by sending mail
        to with a Subject of "gimme".

        The _New_and_Upcoming_CDs_ list is a mailing list which lists
        upcoming cds. You can subscribe by sending "subscribe
        new-releases" to


        To get info on subscribing, unsubscribing, changing out of
        digest mode, etc., send:

                info ytsejam

        to with a subject of "asdf". Note
        that this is *not* the normal list address--requests to the
        normal list are usually silently deleted by the software.

        If you want to help people who are trying to subscribe, tell
        them about the info command listed above.

Ken Bibb		"Through the fire backwards	 Again and Again	 Return to base."
				Peter Hammill--"A Headlong Stretch"


Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 17:15:53 -0400 (EDT) From: CHORVAT@UOFT02.UTOLEDO.EDU To: Subject: Qryche list?? Message-ID: <01HUOX39TOCI001F4I@UOFT02.UTOLEDO.EDU>

I just read a post from someone listed as ytsejammer, and this person said that there was a queensryche mailing list known as screaming in digital. If anyone knows the address for this list, PLEASE either send me a message or post the address on the ytsejam list. Thank you whoever you are!!


Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 17:27:34 -0400 (EDT) From: Brad Kane <> To: Subject: Closing dub site Message-ID: <>

Dear jammers,

I have closed my dub site since I am at college now. Thanx!

Yours, Jeff =)


Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 17:30:31 -0400 From: (Jason Gianni) To: Subject: non-DT Message-ID: <>

Hey all!

Sorry about the non-DT info, but I just wanted to mention a couple of things about MasterMind. I'm a good friend of Bill Berends, who is basically the head cheese behind the band. Well, he indirectly asked me to spread some info about some new material they have on the works. I'm actually not sure what it sounds like yet, but it's on a demo tape and on the way to Japan for some listening by their label's executives. Bill says it's not the lengthy, story-like epic tunes like some of their previous material, but it's more upbeat and catchy prog.rock; Cool!

Since I've just gotten back from the summer a week or two ago, I was just wondering if anyone had gotten a hold of and discussed their new album yet. I know this a DT list, so I won't take up too much time. But, if anyone has it, e-mail me and we'll discuss. If anyone HASN'T, try to get a hold of it; it's REALLY good material. OK, sorry about the non-DT info. Later....


p.s. And, like I mentioned in a previous message, PLEASE do yourselves a favor and check out the band EVERON!!


Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 17:39:22 -0500 (CDT) From: John Nguyen <> To: Subject: M PORTNOY Message-ID: <Pine.BSD/>

HELLO TO ALL YTSEJAMMERS! I'm back, after a long period of screwiness with my new e-mail address. Olivia (my 6 1/2 - week old daughter) also says hi to you all! Anyway, a local drum clinic here in Wichita, KS announced that Mike Portnoy was going to show up on Oct 12 or 13th to sign autographs and stuff like that (he will be in Salina the week before to give a drum clinic). Rest assured that I will be there! Can't wait :) !!!!!



Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 19:50:19 -0400 (EDT) From: "Richard A. Rivera" <> To: Dream Theater <> Subject: Catching up. Message-ID: <>

It's good to be back with Jam after a long absence. However, I have some questions. I wasn't about to read 4 months worth of Jams (I thought I had unsubscribed for the summer, but I guess it didn't work) so my questions concern very old news to you guys. But here goes:

1) What ever happened with the Ytsecon? Who ended up showing up from DT? Any interesting stories?

2) What's the latest news on "A Change of Seasons?" I heard some speculation over the summer that the EP was going to be extended into a "live album." Is this true?

3) I don't know if anybody knew about this or not, but JP did a guitar clinic at the Guitar Center in Los Angeles in July. I couldn't go because I was leaving for Europe ONE HOUR before it waa schedualed to start (rough life, huh?) Although I'm a drummer, it still would have been an honor to meet him (maybe discuss some lyrics?). Did anyone on the list go?

4) NOw that the Awake tour is over (isn't it?), what is the best bootleg from it in comparison to "Lost in the Sky?"

I think that's everything. IF you don't want to clutter the list with old news, email me privately. But I think that there are some other returning students that spent the summer in the dark as far as DT is concerned that might want to know the answers to at least some of my questions. Thanks.



Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 20:39:46 EST From: "Robert J. Castilone" <> To: Subject: CYGNUS Message-ID: <>

I just thought I would add my opinion about Cygnus. I seriously do not know what people are comlaining about. This is a great recording for 1978 or so. Plus, it is any Rush fans dream to have these songs live on an album..and to hear rush in their prime. Sure, it is kinda dissapointing to have one part of hemispheres cut out...and to be teased by the into to La Villa....but hey, the rest is worth it!! Keep up the good work Mike!


I am looking for a new keyboard. I now have an Korg M1...and need something better. Any recomandations....please E-MAIL me. thanks

Robert Castilone


Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 20:53:55 +0800 From: (Ken Bibb) To: ytsejam Subject: ads and ytsejam Message-ID: <>

I haven't specifically stated this in the past, but people should not be advertising on the 'jam unless it's related to the 'jam.

For example, if people have Japanese import ACOS that they want to sell (DT-content), or if they have Mastermind or Inferno (not DT, but related) tapes, that's ok. Drumsticks that have the ends chewed off by Mike are also ok. But an old T-shirt once worn by Myung's cousin is pushing it :)

I don't want to have to sift through ads to get to the good stuff. Wading through discussions on Blind Melon and Hair length is bad enough ;)

Also, because of the spamming incidents during the past year, I'll be making some changes to the 'jam to prevent non-subscribers from posting to the list. I know that some of you post from one account (while reading from another). Please contact me and I'll fix things so you won't have problems. This change won't happen until late October to accomodate students who start late.

PS. If you send in a request to, please clearly describe what you need done in the subject. I've been doing searches on the string "sub" (catches subscribe and unsub requests) so if you don't have something blatant in your subject line, I've probably been skipping it :-/

PPS. With luck I might finally catch up again by this weekend :)

-- Ken Bibb "If the boundary breaks I'm no longer alone Don't discourage me Bring out the stars/On the first day" David Sylvian--"The First Day"


Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 23:28:22 -0400 From: Paul Holloway <> To: Subject: Looking for Michael Black Message-ID: <>

I'll make this short, as there's no DT content:

I was speaking with a guy named Michael Black from San Fransisco about a month ago. We had set up a trade, but the package I sent to him got returned (wrong address). I've misplacesd his email address, so Mike, if you're reading this, or if anyone knows his email, I'd like to get in touch with the guy. Thanx


Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 20:24:12 -0700 From: (Randall Braun) To: Subject: Alice Cooper, Wayne's World & Derek Message-ID: <v01530500ac6a820e3c96@[]>

I Hope this question doesn't show too much of my ignorance of certain aspects of modern youth culture:

As I was watching Wayne's World this last weekend on the telee, I noted the presence of one Alice Cooper, with, presumably, his band, mostly in the background; may one observe our beloved new DT keyman Derek anywhere in any of the relevant scenes from that movie? Since I have never seen DT other than on the CD covers and related, I'm not sure if I'd recognize Derek even if his presence was full screen.

As per my previous post, I will endeavor to include the Question/Answers to my latest trivia, if you are indeed interested, soon. This is just a quickee while I'm checking my backlog of Email.

Related to Mike Bahr: I probably won't get paid for two weeks as per the pay schedule of my new job. THEN I'll be able to send my $$ for Acoustic Dreams; thanks for all your patience;

Believe it or not this is a 'short post'.

--Randall L. Braun, the Quintessential Kludge

'What she is not, I can easily perceive, what she is, I fear, it is impossible to say.' -- E. A. Poe

'To write or to speak is almost inevitably to lie a little. It is an attempt to clothe an intangible in tangible form; to compress an immeasurable into a mold. And in the act of compression, how Truth is mangled and torn!' -- Anne Morrow Lindbergh

'When morality comes up against profit, it is seldom that profit loses.' -- Shirley Chisholm, former member of the US Congress


Date: Thu, 31 Aug 1995 13:30:22 +0300 From: (Antti Nyrhinen) To: Subject: list of music mailing lists Message-ID: <>

Could someone please e-mail me and tell me how to get the LOMML since I've forgotten how to do it.. I think it had something to do with Mr. Bibb but I could use a few details.

Thanks in advance, and sorry for the non-DT content.

-- Antti Nyrhinen | Find all you need in your mind Turku, Finland | if you take the time


End of YTSEJAM Digest 937 *************************

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