YTSEJAM digest 2249

Date: Thu Feb 06 1997 - 07:39:17 EST

  • Next message: : "Re: Spock's Beard..."

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2249

    Today's Topics:

      1) Question about SDV samples..
     by Irene Raceu <>
      2) What the??!!??
     by Jeremy Kube <>
      3) Metropolis Part 2?
     by Jeremy Kube <>
      4) Spock's Beard
     by Andrew Dietr Miller <ytsejam@UDel.Edu>
      5) HELP PLEASE
     by (Michael Washkevich)
      6) PMU, Saigon Kick, Savatage, shows coming to Milwaukee
      7) Spreadin' the Love
     by "God's Only Mistake" <>
      8) Woops - one more thing (NDTC - forgive me)
      9) DT new album delay
     by durnik <>
     10) Changes at the label
     by "Paul W. Cashman" <>
     11) 30 minute songs aren't always prog :)
     12) angra-ndtc
     13) Mary Jane...
     by FIVAS <>
     14) Voices
     by Steve Borzilleri <>
     15) Bug Alley!
     by Steve Borzilleri <>
     16) Ibanez back online
     by Andreas Schaefer <>
     17) Cover My Eyes
     by Graham Borland <>
     18) Jeff Wayne NDTC
     by Dieter Cailliau <>


    Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 23:19:00 -0500 (EST)
    From: Irene Raceu <>
    Subject: Question about SDV samples..
    Message-ID: <>

    In response to the quesion about SDV,
    from Stephen Daedalus <>
    Digest 2247... and where the samples are from and what they mean:

    Hi all,

    I know I've posted this in the past, but since there are questions about it
    still, I'll post it again :)

    Some of them are in the FAQ, but the ones that are yet unidentified I can
    help with a bit. I sent this to Chris for the FAQ update too, so this may
    be in there soon enough. But anyhow...

    (This here is quoted from the FAQ)
    (unintelligible talking)"...I'll get up with the sun...she
            doesn't, she doesn't want you to sleep in...I don't care what
            you do, I don't care what you say, you're grounded...that door
            gets locked, that door gets locked at night by 9 o'clock. If
            you're not in this house by 9 o'clock, then you'd better find
            someplace to think you can go to your mom's house
            and sucker her into it?..."(unintelligible talking)

    That is from this documentary called "Evan". It's from a Canadian series
    called "The Fifth Estate".

    The show was basically about child abuse... the line above was spoken by
    Mike, Evan's stepdad who's a total dick throughout the show. The show was
    filmed by some researchers cause the parents supposedly complained that Evan
    was a problem child, had all sorts of behavior problems, etc. So they set
    up cameras in the house for many months and filmed what went on. And that
    line was caught from Mike screaming at 11 year old Evan.

    Then there's also a line in SDV where you hear a little kid that sounds like
    he's saying something like:

    "I can move out on my own, uhm, get a job, get my own clothes...I'll go to
    the mall whenever I like... they tell me I'm much too young.."

    Well, the voice of the little kid is Evan. Again, from that same documentary.

    I saw this in my Child Psychology class like 2 years ago or so (after
    hearing Awake). Believe me, it was quite a shock hearing that :) I went
    and found my teacher and asked her again what the name of the show was and
    she confirmed it.
    As for the other SDV quotes, some are in the FAQ. These are the only ones I
    can confirm though.

    Take care :)



    Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 23:37:31 -0500 (EST)
    From: Jeremy Kube <>
    Subject: What the??!!??
    Message-ID: <>

    I think that if DT has 3 CD's worth of music, they should take
    the 60-70mins that sound most like I&W's and just put that on
    1 CD. I don't need 2 other CD's full of White Zombie Theater
    (refering to some of the new stuff heard at Birch Hell).

    What kind of fan is this? I don't care if it sounds like shit. DT kicks
    ass even if they don't change a single time sig. I like all of the new
    stuff and I like all the of the old stuff. The heavier edge is fun and they
    seem to like to play it. It also fills concert halls. Don't worry they are
    still the same people. Fuck east/west they suck my balls. J


    Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 23:42:03 -0500 (EST)
    From: Jeremy Kube <>
    Subject: Metropolis Part 2?
    Message-ID: <>

    I heard or maybe misinterpreted a quote from someone that said there is a 30
    min. song called Metropolis 2 going on the new album? J


    Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 23:42:22 -0500 (EST)
    From: Andrew Dietr Miller <ytsejam@UDel.Edu>
    Subject: Spock's Beard
    Message-ID: <>

    If anyone is willing to make a copy of Spock's Beard, just the first cd...
    I don't need the live album, let me know. thanks... andy

    part ii

    If anyone is willing to make me a copy of Misplaced Childhood or Fugazi,
    let me know. For both of these you will be compensated.
    Maybe even with a tape of my band! HA!!


    Andrew Miller Cigarettes,
    ytsejam@Udel.Edu Burbon,
        --or-- A N D Betrayl......


    Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 20:57:34 -0800 (PST)
    From: (Michael Washkevich)
    Subject: HELP PLEASE
    Message-ID: <>

    You'll need to look on the Usenet newsgroups. There is talk over there
    about the fix show(s).

    OK- How do I get to the Usenet newsgroups? Private e-mail please.

    Mike Washkevich


    Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 23:18:51 -0600 (CST)
    Subject: PMU, Saigon Kick, Savatage, shows coming to Milwaukee
    Message-ID: <>

    Hi all,

    well for those keeping track, here's my first post with *gulp* DTC in it (for
    some time)!

    Everyone's talking about the ending to PMU, and it seems like at least some
    don't like the way the song ends in the studio - they prefer the way it is
    live. I personally feel the opposite about it - first of all how much more of
    an abrupt ending can you get than the way it ends on I&W? It certainly isn't
    as abrupt on LatM. Actually, I think it would be cool if they added some sort
    of outro when they do that song live - when the song ends (when playing live),
    to me it just doesn't come off right - it seems to end in an odd way. Okay,
    enough babble...

    About SK, I picked up Devil... and it's much much better than Water is.
    Strangely enough, my favorite song off of it is one of the mellower tunes
    (Eden) - there's just something very cool about that song. Some of the tunes
    go into other musical directions, which is good, but I just don't get into
    them (tracks 6 and 7 specifically). I just wish their original lead singer
    (Matt?) would rejoin (I know its the latest trend, but...) - there's just
    something missing without him (not that Jason sucks on vocals). Strangely
    enough, both he and their origianl bassist both show up in the "thank you"s -
    are they still good friends?

    I've been on a Savatage kick lately - just picked up Edge of Thorns (already
    have DWD) and I've been listening to my Savatage sampler tape (thanx J-Man) a
    lot lately - I remember hearing there was a possibility that Streets was gonna
    be released in it's entirity - what ever happened with that? Jaime? Anyone?
     I figure if I'm gonna get Streets (my next Sava-release which I've already
    heard) I wanna get the whole-enchilada.

    Anyone in South Eastern Wisconsin: Gary Hoey is playing the Rave on Feb 22
    and Rainbow is playing the Rave Mar 6 - I'm gonna be at both and I think it'd
    be cool to meet up with some 'Jammers there! Prices for both are very
    reasonable - especially if you go to the Rave box office. Please email me
    privately if you want to hook up!

    Scott Hansen

    PS I'm pleasantly surprised to *not* see anything on OJ on the list (except
    for that comment Zach made :) ) - lets keep it that way!


    Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 23:32:49 -0600
    From: "God's Only Mistake" <>
    Subject: Spreadin' the Love
    Message-ID: <>

    I went to "Jukebox Billiards", a local pool hall...and lo, & behold, in the
    jukebox was a Dream Theater album that had been put in because of several of
    us jammers demanded it. The word is spreading, my friends.
    Much love,

    Dyin' is's living that scares me to death.
                                    -Annie Lennox


    Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 23:33:49 -0600 (CST)
    Subject: Woops - one more thing (NDTC - forgive me)
    Message-ID: <>

    Sorry that this wasn't in my last post (forgot about it), but someone posted a
    bunch of CDs and other stuff from Angra - I know Angel's Cry is the first one
    (which I have) and that Holy Land is the second one (preferably the German one
    with the extra 3 track CD) and Freedom Call is an EP of stuff, but what
    exactly is Reaching Horizons and what is the Evil Warning (Jap) EP?? Do
    either of these feature stuff not available on the other CDs or is it all
    previously released stuff? Any info is appreciated.

    And since I'm here, any new updates on Threshold would be appreicated as well!

    Scott Hansen


    Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 22:35:33 -0700 (MST)
    From: durnik <>
    Subject: DT new album delay
    Message-ID: <>

            As it might have been mentioned once or twice before (I think)
    here on the Jam, there are personnel changes taking place within DT's
    management. I'm sure this is done with the aim of getting DT into the
    studio and getting their album done and out. The up side of all this is
    that they have the material written to do another album within a year's
    time, or after a tour plus the usual few weeks off following a tour. The
    GREAT VAST VOID of 1996 is a phenomenon that will not be repeated, if
    their management ever gets its ass in gear. I'm giving them the benefit of
    the doubt (mgmt, that is) that the setbacks have been externally caused,
    but the personnel changes lead us to believe that might not have been the
    whole story.

            I _do_ want to reiterate that I'm more than willing to produce
    their album myself if they'll fly me on out to NYC. :) Granted, my
    experience is pretty limited, but hey, the job will get done. If there's
    one thing my CD projects prove, it's that I can focus and finish what I
    start. But enough about me. Portnoy co-produced Working Man, so he's a
    candidate as well. The entire band could produce themselves as a
    challenge... technology makes up for inexperience in a big way, generally.
    They _have_ options. They might not be fully aware of them all.

    - Mike Bahr/ An independent Equinox representative


    Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 23:00:14 -0800 (PST)
    From: "Paul W. Cashman" <>
    Subject: Changes at the label
    Message-ID: <>

    Hmm, if DT's main support at the label is gone, this could be Very Bad
    News, since they're under contract, and labels can drag their heels for
    years before they get around to honoring their end of the deal.

    Good grief, maybe the best thing to do would be to form their own
    label, record the CDs, then seek a distribution deal separately.
    They've GOT the fan base...... :)

    BTW, it would probably be best not to mass-email EastWest unless we
    hear from the band that it's a Good Idea. It would really suck if we
    pissed someone off there and they said "okay, can it for another

    +-- I never bared my emotions ---+ Dream Theater +- Paul W. Cashman ---+
    |    My passion always strong    |   "Scarred"   |     |
    |    I never lost my devotion  <-+-> CD: Awake   |  |
    + But somewhere fate went wrong -+----- ----+


    Date: 6 Feb 1997 03:19:34 CDT From: To: Subject: 30 minute songs aren't always prog :) Message-ID: <>

    Vince wrote: YT>gonna stop being prog. After all, Met pt 2 is supposed to be 30 minutes YT>or so. I dunno about you, but that's pretty darn progressive in my YT>ever-so-humble opinion. Either way, Dream Theater kicks butt and they'll YT>continue to do so. Rock on.

    I agree, but the first thing that popped into my mind was Neil Young's "ArcWeld." "Arc" was a 30+minute track that was comprised totally of guitar feedback (and it wasn't proggy feedback, if you know what I mean). Of course, I'm not Judge ProgIto ;), but length is not everything, even in music.

    Take care, everyone!

    ____ _______ ___ | | ___| |___ _/ \_ _/ [] \_ ___| |#| |___ _/ [+] \_ _____+_____ / [] \ | |#| |#| | / \ / .<_O_>. \ I==========I O=o=o=o=O=O=o=o=o=O I=I=I=I=I=I=I=I ============= | [] [] [] | |#|#|#|[] []|#|#|#| |+|+|+| |+|+|+| |++| | | |++| | [] [] [] | | | | |[] []| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [] __ [] | |#|#|#|[]_[]|#|#|#| |+|+|+| |+|+|+| |++| | | |++| | / \ | |#|#|#|_|_|_|#|#|#| |+|+|+|_|+|+|+| |++|_|_|_|++| |___|__|___| |_____/I_I_I\_____| |_____/I\_____| |__/H_H_H\__| ==============================================================

    The stupid little town where I live... Mark Peters


    Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 01:18:19 -0800 From: Subject: angra-ndtc Message-ID: <>

    Reching Horizons is their demo. It has most of the same songs as Angel's Cry. There are 3 on RH not on AC, and three on AC not on RH. The recording is not as good and the sound is a little rawer. I personally like the RH version of Wuthering Heights better. Get RH if you really like them. I don't know what Evil Warning is. trevor ---------- Sorry that this wasn't in my last post (forgot about it), but someone posted a bunch of CDs and other stuff from Angra - I know Angel's Cry is the first one (which I have) and that Holy Land is the second one (preferably the German one with the extra 3 track CD) and Freedom Call is an EP of stuff, but what exactly is Reaching Horizons and what is the Evil Warning (Jap) EP?? Do either of these feature stuff not available on the other CDs or is it all previously released stuff? Any info is appreciated.

    And since I'm here, any new updates on Threshold would be appreicated as well! Thanx!

    Scott Hansen


    Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 10:57:47 +0100 (MET) From: FIVAS <> To: Subject: Mary Jane... Message-ID: <>

    At 09:51 06.02.97 +0100, you wrote:

    >Subject: mary jane, new dt, and a request to all jammers >Message-ID: <> >

    >to mr. erik: >re: i know all about the honor of god, mary jane

    >...and for some stupid reason, dave mustaine comes to mind. the voice >makes me think of him- as if he could be the one saying it. whatever....

    Probably not a stupid reason at all. I guess it's your unconciousness remembering more than the rest of your brain. Fact is, Megadeth HAS a song called Mary Jane (from So far, So good...So what), in which, of course, good ol' Mustaine utters that name in his usual sneering way more than once.

    BTW Thanks for answering!

    Erik (


    Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 02:41:54 -0800 (PST) From: Steve Borzilleri <> To: Dream Thespians <> Subject: Voices Message-ID: <>

    > From: The Digital Man <> > Subject: Phish, Jazz' singing voice, other random crap > > First of all, let me say that I in no way presume to be an expert on > this matter. This is what usually works for me. I have no idea if > there's any scientific basis behind any of this at all.

    As if disclaimers, apologies, or grovelling have ever stopped someone from being flamed into oblivion.

    > When my voice is feeling particularly like shit, what I do is drink > some variety of tea product. I assume real (hot) tea, with lemon and/or > honey, would be best, but Snapple seems to do ok for me.

    I prefer Fruitopia to Snapple, mainly because the Snapple drinks tend to feel more acidic. They bite you, man, like Love.

    > Also, avoid all dairy products as much as you can. It stuffs up your > sinuses and then you have all that frothy sputnum to deal with.

    I've heard from many vocally "educated" people that (don't laugh, this is a widely-held belief) milk "generates mucous" and thus is bad for singers who want clear throats and wide-open sinuses.

    Milk by itself is a very thick, coating fluid. Usually it forms a layer of cloudiness on whatever it comes into contact with. To see this layering effect in action, fill a glass with milk, then empty the glass (perhaps by drinking it), then fill the glass with something strongly acidic like Coke, and you'll notice a layer of total stagnation on the surface of the Coke which resembles a swamp. (some people say it looks like Dagobah) By this I mean that the milk forms a layer on the glass itself, and by filling the empty glass with Coke you can actually see some of this MUCOUS-LIKE stuff on the surface.

    If you don't have any Coke, wash the glass out with hot water. The glass remains cloudy, and the layer is still there. Milk will coat the inside of your mouth if you drink it, as well as your esophagus. Unfortunately, human saliva isn't acidic enough to cut through it. Even worse, when you combine milk with what's already saturating the lining of your mouth and esophagus and keeping things nice and slick (i.e. mucous), it makes for an even tougher vocal situation.

    Milk's thickness and properties are very similar to mucous, but drinking it will not "generate" anything except a layer of sludge that even brushing your teeth won't get rid of. The point most people miss when talking about what not to drink to keep a singing voice in shape is that MUCOUS ITSELF makes singing difficult. It's not what you introduce into your throat/mouth ecosystem, it's what you eradicate from it that will improve your voice. Water dilutes mucous, drink a lot of it and your singing voice will be happy. And here I feel like I've stumbled onto the Battle Beasts discussion again. "WATER! WATER CUTS MUCOUS!" "MILK! MILK CLOUDS WATER!"

    > Finally, warm up a *lot* before you attempt to sing for real. Sit down > with the piano/guitar/whatever and do a couple of scales. Start at the > low end of your range and work to a little above the middle.

    Push-ups. Lots of 'em. On your knuckles. While underneath a car. With an angry, thrashing alligator beneath you.

    On "Live In Tokyo," during the part where Mike Portnoy is introducing a drummer he idolizes (I forget his name), you can hear LaBrie doing a whole-tone warmup in the background.

    > Then break out the tapes and try to sing along at moderate volume with > something you're comfortable singing - for me this is often Alice In > Chains' softer stuff and Stone Temple Pilots. Whatever works for you.

    I usually crank up the Chopin. Talk about speed and range, you scream along with some this "etudes" stuff and Dream Theater becomes child's play. And if that doesn't work there's always Lita Ford to build your baritone thunder.

    > Then, eventually work it up to concert volume.

    That means sing so loudly that you don't need a microphone. Gary Cherone is good at this.

    > Once I've warmed up like that, I can pretty much tackle anything in my > "normal" range (which still totally excludes all DT except the > beginning of "Lie". :)

    What about the first verse of "Voices???" ;)

    > Oh, and one final non-scientific note. I love DayQuil. It does > wonders for me. Clears me up in like 5 minutes. Two of those happy > little caplets and I'm Pavarotti.


    There's always gum. Someone once told me that chewing gum is "uncouth and unethical," but the chewing motion massages and warms the muscles in the face, to the point where the sinuses are opened and ready for action. Too bad Trident generates mucous. Well not really, but it's fun to think that way.

    Bafu Vai


    Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 02:44:41 -0800 (PST) From: Steve Borzilleri <> To: TAKE ME OFF THIS GODDAMN LIST <> Subject: Bug Alley! Message-ID: <>

    Welly well, I just picked up "Bug Alley" by Gary Hoey. Overall great, a spirally cool album. I'm not going to conform to 1997 and substitute the word "tasteful" for "dull," but there are no extremes on this album, which is strange considering the virtuosity of Gary Hoey. This me no like. Aside from about four or five super-groovy tracks, this album has a lot of mid-tempo stuff and seems to drown as background music, or what some might call "film" music. Kind of like Van Halen's "Baluchitherium" - it can be cool if you're really in the mood for it, but you won't exactly be floored if you walk into a room and find it blaring on a stereo.

    "Desire" (the radio release based on a piece by Bach) will drill into your brain like a wandering Q-tip after you've had too much coffee. The main melody is like the Energizer Bunny! Half of the song is that one riff! You'll be humming it within minutes! Within seconds! Uncontrollably! Worse than "It's A Small World!" It will drive you into a state of total panic! And generate mucous!

    Hoey's voice cruises. Not like an MX missile, but like a Cadillac. :) Then there's special guest Brian Setzer doing leads on "Bug Alley," which make the song even more buggy. Speaking of buggy, Gregg Bissonette's drumming throughout the album is mighty buggy! Then that bonus track, what a total wipeout... ;)

    Bafu Vai


    Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 13:18:22 +0100 From: Andreas Schaefer <> To: Subject: Ibanez back online Message-ID: <>

    Hi there,

    The subject says it all, is back online and they have a feature on the JPM100PIII complete with pictures and specs.

    greetings - jerry :--)

    P.S.: Neil are you still on this list? Missing your comments on new CDs and your sarcastic voice! P.P.S: Mike Bahr, please get in touch with me, I'm still waiting for an answer on my last mails...

    --------------------------------------------------------------- Andreas Schaefer ...bei 200 Grad 15 Minuten backen, und keine Eier! - Tool ---------------------------------------------------------------


    Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 12:36:55 +0000 (GMT) From: Graham Borland <> To: YtseJam <> Subject: Cover My Eyes Message-ID: <>

    Cover My Eyes is about what to do if you're sunbathing with a couple of spare cucumber slices.

    Graham B. _______________________________________________ | o o | | Graham Borland |:: | |:: | |:: |_______________________________________________|:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


    Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 13:31:47 +0100 From: Dieter Cailliau <> To: Subject: Jeff Wayne NDTC Message-ID: <>

    Does anyone know what Jeff Wayne did except this one CD war of the worlds? I didn't find anything on the www about his other work. Personal mails please. Thanks.

    Dieter Cailliau (effX)


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 2249 **************************

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