Re: terrorist attacks

Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 16:37:16 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 5960"

    > I haven't seen not ONE post about this topic. So i'll just say a few
    >My prayers goes to the many victims and their families, and i'm not the
    >only non-american to say this, judging from what i have been reading in
    >the Symphony X mailing list, the TEoF.

            I think that the Ytsejammers are in shock from the events
    yesterday. I know that I feel alternately nauseous, angry and
    disbelieving. Suddenly, talking about your favorite band doesn't
    seem so important. Instead we're spending time with our friends
    and families and doing things like making appointments at the local
    blood bank to contribute what help we can.


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