Superior -- Ultima Ratio review

Date: Tue Jun 11 2002 - 13:52:40 EDT

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    Superior's "Ultima Ratio" review:

            About a week ago I got the new Superior CD in the mail, "Ultima Ratio".
    It's been in the CD player ever since. I really enjoyed their first CD,
    Behind, but wasn't quite as fond of the follow-up, Younique, so I wasn't
    sure where they'd go with the new one. I have to say it kicks ass. Bernd's
    guitars are in full force, mixing well with the keyboards, and the music
    has a lot of dynamics and atmosphere.
            My wife says that it reminds her of SFaM. I can see the
    comparison in places but maybe because I've listened to them more this CD
    still has that "Superior" sound to me. "Ultima Ratio" is a concept album
    which may be why it reminds her of SFaM. The lyrics are interesting but
    I haven't tried to follow the story closely yet. I find that certain
    sections remind me of Awake and I&W-era DT. I think it's due to the
    orchestral-like (string) sound of the keyboards and the way they're used.
    I really like how they've used the keys to add depth and atmosphere to
    the sound while also providing the occasional lead. The vocals are
    also very good and provide nice melody and variety.
            If you like previous Superior CDs you should definitely pick
    this one up. And if you haven't heard them before "Ultima Ratio" would
    be a good starting point.
            For samples or to buy the CD their web site is:


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