>--- "Todd O. Klindt" <todd@klindt.org> wrote:
>> If there's enough interest, and few leaches, I think
>> it would work well.
>Yeah, leaches are a big problem. I ran my own DC
>server for a while, but became discouraged because
>everyone was taking, but nobody was sharing anything
>other than what they downloaded from me.
While it's no fun to have leaches, the cool thing about the Ytsejam
DC hub would be that even if most people shared only those files which they
found on the Ytsejam DC hub, we still benefit. We benefit because we'll
be able to choose from more places to download rather than having it
available from only a single ftp site which quickly becomes overloaded.
The whole point of the hub is to spread the load across multiple machines
so having everyone share the same files is OK. Plus, using a password
should reduce the number of leaches who just hop on, suck files, then
hop off.
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