YTSEJAM digest 338

Date: Sun Mar 06 1994 - 16:06:51 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 339"

    Re: acos tablature (J|rgen Bergstr|m <>)
    DT Boots (Martin A Hennemann <>)
    no subject (
    prog-metal videos (lerxst@Esy.COM (A Lerxst in Wonderland))
    new album title (lerxst@Esy.COM (A Lerxst in Wonderland))
    Wanted! ( (Michael A. Daugherty))
    Re: acos tablature (Tymoteusz Altman <>)
    Re: bootlegs ( (Zack Gemmill))
    Re: Spreading the disease. ("Gary G. Moegling" <>)
    Re: acos tablature ("Gary G. Moegling" <>)
    Re: Anything going on? (Jason Hough <>)
    Queensryche Boots ( (christophe white))
    Dream Theater bootleg discography (Michael Burstin <>)
    Re: new album title (Michael Bahr <>)
    Re: acos tablature ( (Jonathan P. Larkowski))
    AOL's opinions on DT (Michael Burstin <>)


    Date: Fri, 4 Mar 1994 14:47:33 +0100 (MET)
    From: J|rgen Bergstr|m <>
    Subject: Re: acos tablature

    Post the tab !


    Date: Fri, 04 Mar 1994 09:49:40 -0400 (EDT)
    Subject: Re: acos tablature

            Ok so far my responses have not been coming through. Hopefully
    this one will. In response to the tab please post any and all DT tab that
    you have. It would be greatly appreciated. I rarely have time to transcribe
    music as complicated as DT any more

    Tom Menegatos


    Date: Fri, 04 Mar 1994 09:59:53 -0400 (EDT)
    Subject: Re: Spreading the disease.

            I agree. My cover band plays DT Fates warning and Queensryche in
    in addition to some of the other college favorites (like Pearl Jam, candlebox,
    Tool, etc.) And to a degree it has an effect on the people who watch us. I
    feel that we have opened the doors, in regards to FW and DT, to some people.

            As for Fates Warning I have heard that after Parallels they broke up
    I also heard that some time after the break-up they decided to get back together
    They are a great band I have all of their albums from the time of their old
    singer. (the blonde haired guy, i forgot his name now.) They are great, I saw
    'em at the Limelight here in NYC one night and they blew me away live. They
    were flawless. Being a guitarist and songwriter myself I find it disheartening
    to see bands with this much musical prowess and creativity be cast aside
    because of poor record sales.

    See ya
    Tom Menegatos


    Date: Fri, 4 Mar 1994 14:57:49 -0500
    From: Martin A Hennemann <>
    Subject: DT Boots

      I really really want some DT Boots. ALl I have is WDADU, I&W and LatM.
    Boring! (well, not BORING, but you get the point :) I want something original,
    something you can't just go and pick up at the local music shop :) (although I
    suppose WDADU and LatM qualify for that too --- you g et the point though :)
      So any DT (or especially Majesty would be awesome!) boots would be great!
    I have 3 Queensryche boots that I just picked up today that I could offer.
    (plus lots of my suitemates have some boots: U2, old Pink Floyd, some Rush
    boots, stuff like that) The ones I have from QR are "Queensryche and Roll"
    (in Rolling Stone Rock Club 12/6/90 -- not sure where that is, and I havn't
    listened to it yet). "Queensryche Operation" (in Edenhal, Amsterdam Holland
    on 11/29/90 -- listening to it now, it's pretty good :) and "QUeensryche
    Disease is Rampant" (in Buffalo, NY March of '89 -- listened to it and it's
    good too :) So please scould someone mail me (or post here), cos I really
    want some DT/Majesty boots! Thanks much!!


    Date: Fri, 04 Mar 94 16:27:43 EST
    Subject: no subject

    unsubscribe ytsejam


    Date: Fri, 4 Mar 94 16:09:52 CST
    From: lerxst@Esy.COM (A Lerxst in Wonderland)
    Subject: prog-metal videos

    hit there...

    i recently found a source in houston to buy good quality bootleg videos.
    the guy wants to stay obscure, so email me for information. he has a huge
    selection. he has master tape and first generation tapes out the ass.
    he is the guy that originally had the san fran dt show taped for him. any-
    way, he has all kinds of obscure stuff, like a houston fates warning 1990
    show, 2 houston helstar shows (if you can find anything by these guys, buy
    the damn thing, ask questions later!), as well as at least a dozen dream
    theater boots, all but one marked with an "A+" grading, which means less
    than 3 generations, excellent quality. i have bought stuff from him in
    the past, but now he has upgraded his equipment (he didn't even make stereo
    copies before, amazing to me how he stayed in business...) anyway, i just
    got 1st gen stereo versions of the deer park, san fran, and toronto dt shows,
    and they are absolutely incredible. i never knew just one generation loss
    could make so much difference.

    anyway, email me for details. the guy is expensive, so i would be willing
    to buy new videos at his prize, and split the cost with someone else, maybe
    one person getting half the lower generation tapes, the other getting the
    other half. oh well anyone interested, please email me.


    *Brian V. Cox *"You and I long to live like wind upon the water*
    *Texas A&M University * If we close our eyes, we'll maybe realize *
    *(214)553-9159 * There's more to life than what we have known *
    * * And I can't believe I spent so long *
    *************************** Living lies I knew were wrong inside *
    * "What you believe is * I've just begun to see the light..." *
    * What you are...Therefore* -Queensryche "Anybody Listening?" *
    * I am nothing" -Brian * "Machines have no conscience..." -Qryche NM156 *


    Date: Fri, 4 Mar 94 16:20:08 CST
    From: lerxst@Esy.COM (A Lerxst in Wonderland)
    Subject: new album title

    hello again...

    call me a troublemaker, but i would like to start up a new thread now that
    the list is back up (for how long?).

    i think we should start a "name the new album" guessing contest. maybe we
    could do humorous titles, or serious ones that we like. since the band has
    at least been aware of the net fans (i.e. the promo giveaway), maybe we could
    mail them our top ideas, and they will take it into consideration (yeah right!)

    anyway, lemme see what i can come up with right now:

    "A Change of Seasons"-would be nice to call the album this, too, no?
    "Carpe Diem"-taken from "ACOS", ok, cliche, but cool
    "Mind over Matter"-random thought...
            we could abbreviate it in our msges "MOM" hahha
            'Man, I really love MOM" hahahah

    sorry, i didn't say i would be any good at this. any other suggestions?

    sorry for this waste of BW, but i had to do something to pass a friday
    afternoon at work.

    later everyone...

    *Brian V. Cox *"You and I long to live like wind upon the water*
    *Texas A&M University * If we close our eyes, we'll maybe realize *
    *(214)553-9159 * There's more to life than what we have known *
    * * And I can't believe I spent so long *
    *************************** Living lies I knew were wrong inside *
    * "What you believe is * I've just begun to see the light..." *
    * What you are...Therefore* -Queensryche "Anybody Listening?" *
    * I am nothing" -Brian * "Machines have no conscience..." -Qryche NM156 *


    Date: Fri, 4 Mar 94 17:56:44 EST
    From: (Michael A. Daugherty)
    Subject: Wanted!

            I know this was just sent out on the digest but I need the DT FAQ
    sent to me. Also I need instructions on how to subscribe to any other
    digests that relate to progressive or alternative music. I am starting a
    forum on IRC for the discussion of this material and I want as much
    information as possible to be available to its users.
    +Thank you



    Date: Fri, 4 Mar 1994 12:42:49 -0800 (PST) From: Tymoteusz Altman <> Subject: Re: acos tablature

    > > is there any interest in me posting more of the "a change of seasons" > guitar tab? i got absolutely no repsonse for the first part, so I am not > gonna bother doing any more, unless at least one person out there actually > wants me to. it did post, didn't it? i got it... > > i thought some of you out there wanted guitar tab to be posted... > > **************************************************************************** > *Brian V. Cox *"You and I long to live like wind upon the water* > *Texas A&M University * If we close our eyes, we'll maybe realize * > *(214)553-9159 * There's more to life than what we have known * > * * And I can't believe I spent so long * > *************************** Living lies I knew were wrong inside * > * "What you believe is * I've just begun to see the light..." * > * What you are...Therefore* -Queensryche "Anybody Listening?" * > * I am nothing" -Brian * "Machines have no conscience..." -Qryche NM156 * > **************************************************************************** > > please post what you have from the beginning. thanx


    Date: Fri, 4 Mar 94 21:53:04 PST From: (Zack Gemmill) Subject: Re: bootlegs

    What about Home Sweet Home? I picked this up today (at Compact Disc Warehouse in Sunnyvale--- for anyone in the Bay Area, they had another copy--- $25). I don't have it with me, or I'd give info on it. I saw someone else post some time ago that they had this also. I'll post the info Mon.



    Date: Sat, 5 Mar 1994 01:53:04 -0600 (CST) From: "Gary G. Moegling" <> Subject: Re: Spreading the disease.

    Stuck with grunge, ooh that's a scary thought!!! I'll definitly do my part in spreading the disease (actually it's kind of more along the lines of a cure when compared to some of the stuff that's out there). Thanks for getting something going on the net, I was getting worried that since I hadn't recieved any mail from YJ.

    On Fri, 4 Mar 1994, Pat Daugherty wrote:

    > I feel that if we want to keep music like DT and Fates around then we > must spread the word. Try to get everyone we know to take a listen > to them and probably they will like them.] > > I don't know how many times when I am wearing my concert tee and I am > asked "Who is Dream Theater" or "What is a Dream Theater". Of course > I have to tell them. > > This past Friday, when I was at happy hour, I was talking to this girl and > we got around to talking about music. She asked me who I collected. I > said Dream Theater. "Who?". Fates Warning. "Who?". > > Get out there and spread the disease. Remember FW was or is on the verge > of splitting up due to lack of record sales. If we don't get people to > buy the albums there won't be any DT or FW left and we will be stuck > with grunge. > > > --Pat Daugherty >


    Date: Sat, 5 Mar 1994 01:56:52 -0600 (CST) From: "Gary G. Moegling" <> Subject: Re: acos tablature

    Dude, count me in!!! I haven't had a chance to even hear the song, and any DT tab would be way cool!!! On Fri, 4 Mar 1994, A Lerxst in Wonderland wrote:

    > is there any interest in me posting more of the "a change of seasons" > guitar tab? i got absolutely no repsonse for the first part, so I am not > gonna bother doing any more, unless at least one person out there actually > wants me to. it did post, didn't it? i got it... > > i thought some of you out there wanted guitar tab to be posted... > > **************************************************************************** > *Brian V. Cox *"You and I long to live like wind upon the water* > *Texas A&M University * If we close our eyes, we'll maybe realize * > *(214)553-9159 * There's more to life than what we have known * > * * And I can't believe I spent so long * > *************************** Living lies I knew were wrong inside * > * "What you believe is * I've just begun to see the light..." * > * What you are...Therefore* -Queensryche "Anybody Listening?" * > * I am nothing" -Brian * "Machines have no conscience..." -Qryche NM156 * > **************************************************************************** >


    Date: Fri, 4 Mar 1994 18:30:19 -0800 (PST) From: Jason Hough <> Subject: Re: Anything going on?

    On Fri, 4 Mar 1994, Lee T Sprague wrote:

    > > I haven't got any stuff from here for a there any discussion or > news?

    My apologies again. We're having some trouble with the listserv software.

    -----------------------------) Jason Hough - Nextmail is fine "I'm ashes on the water now, somewhere far away..." -Marillion (-----------------------------


    Date: Sat, 5 Mar 94 18:00:40 EST From: (christophe white) Subject: Queensryche Boots

    I posted this yesterday, but realized that I posted it from my friends account, who isn't subscribed here, so I don't think it went through. So if it did, sorry :) Anyway, I just picked up 3 Queensryche boots yesterday, and was wondering if anyone would like to swap them for some DT/Majesty (I'd LOVE to hear some Majesty stuff!) boots/demos etc. All I have from DT is I&W, WDADU and LatM, so any boots anyone has would be great! Ok, the 3 QR boots I have are "Operation", "Queensrych and Roll" and "Disease is Rampant". Disease is Rampant is from Buffalo, NY in March of '89. It's pretty good, not the best, but decent. "Operation" is from Edenhal, Amsterdam, Holland from 11/29/90 and is GREAT. The first 10 seconds of each side is a little fuzzy, but you don't miss anything, and the rest of the tape is great. "Queensryche a nd Roll" is from the Rolling Stone Rock Club on 12/6/90 (it's in Italy, cos you can hear one of the band membors say that they're glad to be in Italy). It's got some good songs, but the quality isn't as god as "Operation". It's still pretty good, although my least fave of the 3. So if anyone is interested in swapping, please mail me! :) I can also get some Rush boots (Russian Roullette, along with some others I think), some U2 boots, old Pink Floyd, some Ozzy, and probably some others. Just lemme know, and I'll be willing to swap! :) Chris


    Date: Sat, 5 Mar 1994 20:09:25 -0500 (EST) From: "TIMOTHY LODGE, STUDENT GOVERNMENT PRESIDENT, CCSU" <LODGE_TIM@CSUSYS.CTSTATEU.EDU> Subject: Re: bootlegs

    Ya know the scam...

    Home Sweet Home is the same show as Live in Long island.

    Except LILI has one additional song on there!!!

    but both good buys!


    Date: Sat, 5 Mar 1994 21:55:45 -0500 (EST) From: Michael Burstin <> Subject: Dream Theater bootleg discography

    Well, here is my updated copy of the DT bootleg discography. Please send me any additions that you have.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ___ _ _ ___ _ ___ _ _ | \| >|_ /\ |\/| | |_||_ /\ | |_ | > _|_/| \|_/ \| | | | ||_/ \ | |_ | \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dream Theater BOOTLEG LISTING Maintained by Michael Burstin -email For info on the DT FAQ email

    Disclaimer: don't accept money for bootlegs. It's illegal. We don't.

    ------- LEGEND: LP - Record; CT - Cassette; CD - 5" Compact Disc; MD - 2.5" Mini Disc C3 - 3" Compact Disc - CS - Cassette Single; 2CD - Double CD set; V - Video CONFIRMED CD BOOTLEGS --------------------- A Fortune Pulled Under, 1992, LP (USA) Classics Live, 1993, CD (USA) Consciously Unreal, 1993, 2CD (Italy) The Dance of Eternity, 1993, 2CD (Italy) Dimension Shift, 1993, CD (Unknown) Images & Tour!, 1993, CD (USA) Live in Long Island (Home At Last) ptI, 1993, CD (USA) Live in Long Island (Home At Last) ptII, 1993, CD (USA) The Majesty Demos, 1986-88, CD (Italy) Runes, 1993, CD (USA) Skyway of Nightmares, 1993, CD (Germany) Unplugged, 1993, VHS (USA) Home Sweet Home Audience and Soundboard Bootleg Tapes: -------------------------------------- Sacramento, CA Ogden, UT Talahassee, FL Terre Haute, IN Tempe, AZ El Passo, TX

    L'Amours Brooklyn 9/25/86 (1 side) Sparks Deer Park NY 10/25/86 (1 side) Ritz, NYC, NY 11/14/89 (1 side) Sundance, Bayshore, NY 11/17/90, all instrumental show Ritz NYC, NY (6/8/92) (1 side) Sparks Theater, NY 10/4/92 aud Cabaret, San Jose CA 11/11/92 Osaka, Japan 11/19/92 SB The Bayou, Wash D.C. 12/10/92 aud Impaxx Club, 1/16/93 Buffalo aud Start, Milwaukee 1/28/93 aud/DAT B-/B+ The Palace, Hollywood 2/12/93 aud/camcorder Virginia Beach, VA 3/6/93 Hamburg, Germany 4/9/93 Utrech, Holland 4/10/93 Le Locomotive, Paris 4/13/93 Impaxx Club, Buffalo, 5/18/93 radio Summerfest, Milwaukee 6/29/93 radio Warfield, San Francisco 6/5/93 aud/camcorder City Lights, Indianopolis 7/6/93 Indianapolis Radio, 7/6/93

    Audience Videos: ----------------

    Bogart's Theater, Cincinatti Warfield Sparks Theater Industry Showcase: Images & Words: An Evening With Dream Theater The Limelight, NYC 3/4/93 Limelight 3/4/93 (single camera) The Palace, Hollywood, CA 2/12/93 The Edge, Ft Lauderdale 2/22/93 B/A B/B+ Toad's Place, New Haven 3/8/93 C/B+ B/A- City Lights, Indianapolis 7/6/93

    (I will detail all that of the audience tapes that I can.) (I also own all of the tapes that I am detailing.) (I don't have the set lists for the videos, but I own them all)

    Extended listing ---------------------------------------- Dream Theater songs (refer to list for song order) 1. A Fortune In Lies 2. Status Seeker 3. Ytse Jam 4. The Killing Hand 5. Light Fuse and Get Away 6. After Life 7. The Ones Who Help To Set The Sun ("The Death of Spark/Spock") 8. Only A Matter of Time 9. Pull Me Under 10. Another Day 11. Take The Time 12. Surrounded 13. Metropolis part 1 14. Under A Glass Moon 15. Wait For Sleep 16. Learning to Live 17. To Live Forever 18. Eve 19. A Change of Season 20. Moon Bubbles 21. Pup (also known as Puppies On Acid) 22. Bombay Vindaloo 23. Another Won 24. Your Majesty 25. A Vision 26. Two Far 27. Vital Star 28. March of the Tyrant 29. A Late Summer Rain 30. Schizophrenia 31. Cry For Freedom 32. "Resurrection of Ernie" 33. Mission: Impossible Theme 34. Golden Slumbers (The Golden Weight) 35. Don't Look Past Me 36. O Holy Night 37. Wanted: Dead or Alive (cover) 38. Freewill (cover) 39. Another Hand 40. Theme from The Simpsons 41. The Gorilla Session 42. Gates Of Babylon 43. Grab That Feel (working title for Take The Time) 44. Creep With Tonality (working title for Learning To Live) 45. Twin Peaks intro tape 46. various drum solos 47. various bass solos 48. various keyboard solos 49. various guitar solos 50. To Live Forever with extended instrumental (not all are marked below)

    Demos and CD Bootlegs: ----------------------

    The Majesty demos, 1986-89 (Not produced.) Members of the Band: John Petrucci (guitars) Mike Portnoy (drums) John Myung (bass) Kevin Moore (keys) Chris Collins (vocals) ::23-28

    Other Demos Available: 3,4,6,7,13,19,29-38,41,42

    A Fortune Pulled Under (USA) 1992, LP Need a mfr. and catalog # (it was submitted) 1 LP Recorded in Paris, France, October 1992 ::11,6,3,8,1,14,12,9 It is VERY likely that this is a regional title, possibly a boot taken from a radio show that has been reproduced by more than one bootleg manufacturer. This is because another boot, "Dimension Shift" is nearly identical to this one, and this one is next to impossible to find.

    Images & Tour! (USA) 1993, CD (Big Red Records #48733-DT) 1 CD Recorded from soundboard evaluation tapes (unknowingly?) provided by the band itself. Sound quality excellent. ::13,1,14,22,15,12,3,17,20,21,11,9 A whole show is not included; absent is Learning to Live and Another Hand/The Killing Hand.

    Runes (USA) 1993, CD (The Camera's Ear Productions, #9103) 1 CD Recorded in Sacramento, CA, USA, no date given. Can be distinguished by lack of good bass in the first three tracks. ::13,14,17,15,12,1,11,9,16 I need to know who is vending this.

    The Dance of Eternity (Italy) 1993, 2CD (Why Not? Records WOT2014/15) 2 CD's - Soundboard, easily the best DT boot available. Recorded at the Limelight, New York, March 4 1993 ::13,1,14,12,3,17,11 ::18,9,10,39,4,19,15,16

    Consciously Unreal (Italy) 1993, 2CD Classical Shots on CD Worldwide distribution by Robespierre, Srl, Italy CD #1 - CSCD009; CD #2 - CSCD010 Tracks 1-11 recorded in Milan, Italy on 5 April 1993. LaBrie on vocals. Tracks 12-16 recorded during the Dream & Day tour, Dominici vocals. ::13,1,14,12,3,10,39,4,9,11 ::15,16,13,6,17,3,4

    Skyway of Nightmares (UK) 1993, CD Recorded at Augsbug Rockfabrik, 7 April 1993, Germany ::13,1,14,12,3,10,9,11,15,16

    Live In Long Island: Home At Last Recorded at the Sparks Club, 4 October 1992 Deer Park, Long Island, NY (The humble place of origin of DT) Part I ::40,13,14,8,12,9,3,20,10,39,4 Part II::11,15,16,19,23,24,26,28

    Dimension Shift Nothing known about this--seen in a magazine ad. Suspected to be the same boot as A Fortune Pulled Under. ::13,11,2,6,14,3,8,10,1,12,9

    Classics Live (1993 REBORN CLASSICS: RC1045) Recorded at Plus 5, Ft. Lauderdale, Sat. 5 1992 It has the same cover as LATM, with text 'Classics Live' instead of LATM ::14,8,12,9,3,10,39,4,11,27

    Dream Theater "Unplugged": WHJY R'n'R Auction 14 December 1993 Audio curtesy of WHJY, Providence, RI Video curtesy of WNAS, Channel 64 (RI Fox affiliate) ::12,36

    VOCALIST AUDITION TAPES: John Hendricks: 35,17 Steve Stone: 17,13 John Arch 4,35,1,The Apparition (Fates Warning, he was former singer for Fates Warning) Chris Cintron: 35,19 James LaBrie: 17(acoustic),16,11

    Audience and Soundboard bootleg tapes: --------------------------------------

    Taped as MAJESTY: L'Amours Brooklyn 9/25/86 (1 side) 23,31,42,24,28,6 Sparks Deer Park NY 10/25/86 (1 side) 6,23,31,24,27,3,28

    Taped as Dream Theater: Ritz, NYC, NY 11/14/89 (1 side) 13,6,17,3,4,8

    Sundance, Bayshore, NY 11/17/90, all instrumental show 45,13,5,43,44,3,46,48,47,blues jam,3,19 Encore: Medley Of Covers: Funeral For A Friend (Elton John) Heart Of The Sunrise, Close To The Edge (Yes), Aqualund (Jethro Tull), Carry On Wayword Son (Kansas), Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen), Angry Young Man (Billy Joel), Cruise Crontrol (The Dregs), Karn Evil 9 (ELP), YYZ (Rush)

    Ritz NYC, NY (6/8/92) (1 side) 9,14,13,1,16

    I will list the set lists once for all shows, since they had only a few constant set lists for the shows that changed as the tour progressed.

    Set List One: 13,14,8,12,9,3,20,10,39,4,11,48,15,16

    Sparks Theater, NY 10/4/92 aud Cabaret, San Jose CA 11/11/92 Osaka, Japan 11/19/92 SB The Bayou, Wash D.C. 12/10/92 aud

    Set List Two: 13,1,14,12,3,10,9,11,16,17

    Impaxx Club, 1/16/93 Buffalo aud Start, Milwaukee 1/28/93 aud/DAT B-/B+ The Palace, Hollywood 2/12/93 aud/camcorder Virginia Beach, VA 3/6/93

    Set List Three (European shows): 13,1,14,12,3,22,10,39,4,9,11,48,15,16

    Hamburg, Germany 4/9/93 Utrech, Holland 4/10/93

    Set List Four: 13,1,14,12,3,extra jam?,9,11,16,17 (I have to check this one) Le Locomotive, Paris 4/13/93

    Set List Five: 13,14,2,15,12,21,11,17,50,10,9,18(inst),16 Impaxx Club, Buffalo, 5/18/93 radio Warfield, San Francisco 6/5/93 aud/camcorder

    Set List Six: 13,14,1,15,12,11,17,50,2,10,9,18(inst),16

    Summerfest, Milwaukee 6/29/93 radio (mine is missing 16) City Lights, Indianopolis 7/6/93 (mine is missing 18,16)

    -- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The way your heart sounds makes all the difference | | It's what decides if you'll endure the pain that we all feel | | The way your heart beats makes all the difference | | In learning to live | | Dream Theater Learning To Live Images and Words | | Michael Burstin Brandeis University | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Let's Go Pens Let's Go Pens Lets Go Pens Let's Go Pens | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ For info about Dream Theater, finger


    Date: Sun, 6 Mar 1994 00:39:17 -40962758 (MST) From: Michael Bahr <> Subject: Re: new album title

    Possible new album titles for Dream Theater...

    Stained Glass Mirror Image Prismatic Distant Motion Dawn's Edge (well.... that would be a better SONG title) Approach


    Date: Sat, 5 Mar 94 11:56:52 CST From: (Jonathan P. Larkowski) Subject: Re: acos tablature

    > i thought some of you out there wanted guitar tab to be posted...

    You betcha! Keep posting tab. I hope to get DoE soon, so it would be nice to have a start on ACOS. And if anyone requests it, I know most of the parts of most of the songs on I&W, and a couple off the LIT video. Just ask.

    Lark "I eat the Holy Bible. I am the plague" --Fight .DigitalDoctor* BBS


    Date: Sun, 6 Mar 1994 13:09:31 -0500 (EST) From: Michael Burstin <> Subject: AOL's opinions on DT

    Well, I decided that it was time to check the old America On-Line account yesterday, since I was sick and didn't feel like doing anything proguductive, and they sure had some great things to say about the guys. These are various messages taken from their message boards, which I guess closely resembles Usenet Newsboards. (I skipped some small conversations over bootlegs... mostly people looking for DoE) Here is what they had to say:

    >Attention musicians and/or people who love progressive metal. A new >progressive metal band called Dream Theater now exists. In my mind, this >is the greatest band in the world right now. Not only does Dream Theater >write the most complex and difficult music I have ever seen, but each member >of Dream Theater is a master at his instrument. The group consists of: >James LaBrie, who is one of the most amazing vocalists in the buisness, >John Petrucci, who people have called "The guitar god of the 90's", John >Myung, who can play bass like noone I've heard, Kevin Moore, whose >keyboard playing is unmatched, and Mike Portnoy who is undoubtedly the >greatest drummer in the world. Check out the groups release "Images >and Words". And if you get a chance, go see Dream Theater in person. >They're progressive metal at it's finest!

    [I think that this pretty much wraps up my feelings... maybe Peart is better than Portnoy, but other than that, agree 100%]

    >I agree! Dream Theater is one of the best bands I've heard. I HIGHLY >recommend anyone who likes progressive rock to get Images and Words by >Dream Theater. The only downside to getting Images and Words is that >almost anything else you listen to will begin to sound like a bunch >of 12 year olds rehearsing in a garage somewhere...yes, they are that >good.... Also, If anyone is interested I know the e-mail adress of a >Dream Theatre mailing list on the Internet....

    [I posted an ad for YTSEJAM, and offered to mail anyone a copy of the FAQ, Discog, Bootleg Discog, and lyrics, since they can't FTP]

    >Any word on a new Dream Theater CD? Is their first still in print? >Will success spoil Dream Theater? Will their next effort have a bunch >of three and four minute songs instead of the aural feasts on the last >album?

    [I replied to let them know that ACOS was scheduled for inclusion, as well as Forever and Eve]

    >I AGREE TOTALLY WITH JOSHG24430. IT IS REFRESHINg to find that in the >world of MTV, where three-chord bands get hyped to no end, talented, >creative musicians like Dream Theater exist. I had the fortune of >seeing them at Dallas City Limits last year and I was blown away. Now, >if we could only get them together with Rush and Queensryche to do a >tour...

    [what a tour combination that would make... I'd probably pay $150 for scalped tickets to see that show :) ]

    >I don't know when the next DT CD will be coming out but I hear they >started recording a few months ago... As for their first CD, it can >usually be found in the import section of music stores (but it's easy >for me to find this stuff, I live in LA....) Also look for their live >release titled Live at the should also be able to find >it as an import...they have a concert video out as well now... >Good luck finding them....

    [I told everybodt to check out and import shops for these]

    >Anyone read this month's issue of Guitar for the Practicing Musician ? >They had their 1993 readers polls,some of the results went something >like this:

    >Most underrated guitarist: John Petrucci from Dream Theater >Best new guitarist: John Petrucci, Dream Theater >Most innovative songwriters: Dream Theater >Best new band: Dream Theater >Best new alblum: Images and Words, Dream Theater >Cool huh?

    [I forget, did someone post these results here?]

    >Yes, Dream Theater is a most excellent band. I just neglected to put >them on the list with the others. MIZELTHORP, thanks for the tip on >Mercyful Fate, I'll have to check it out.

    >Dream Theater is the first band to come out with some truely brilliant >progressive rock since Rush ended is prog faze after Moving Pictures >in 1981. Images and Words is the only album that can capture the >highlights of 1970's prog-rock. Also, Kevin Moore is the best keyboard >player on the face of this planet.

    Well, it looks like America (On-Line) agrees that DT is one of the best prog metal bands to come out in quite a long time. Now let's get the rest of the country listening... I am trying to figure out now whether I should wear my DT shirt from this summer or my NMS (National Midnight Star) t-shirt to the RUSH concert this Friday (assuming my NMS shirt comes before then). Should I advertise for DT, or NMS? Difficult question, I must say...:)

    Anyway, that's all for now... just though that you might be interested in AOL's opinions of DT... oh, also, there were absolutly NO bad comments about the guys there. (as I said, I included everything except the people's comments on looking for DoE and other bootlegs)

    -- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The way your heart sounds makes all the difference | | It's what decides if you'll endure the pain that we all feel | | The way your heart beats makes all the difference | | In learning to live | | Dream Theater Learning To Live Images and Words | | Michael Burstin Brandeis University | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Let's Go Pens Let's Go Pens Lets Go Pens Let's Go Pens | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ For info about Dream Theater, finger

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