YTSEJAM digest 645

Date: Wed Jan 11 1995 - 12:44:10 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 646"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 645

    Today's Topics:

      1) DT and Ytsejammer diversity
      2) Another musical interests list
     by Mike Kinstrey <>
      3) Trading blank tapes, my .sig
     by "Dan Tshin" <>
      4) Dream Theater article
     by Robert J Weychert Jr <>
      5) miscellanous
     by Andreas Kasper <>
      6) Re: Dream Theater finding
     by BERTAPELLE ADAM RAYE <bertapel@ucsu.Colorado.EDU>
      7) Re: DT and classical music/ot...
     by James Bako <>
      8) Re: YTSEJAM digest 644
     by Jeremy Longley <>
     by Michael Bahr <>
     10) Radio Email
     by (Zack Gemmill)
     11) Pretty Maids
     12) Favorite music
     by (Paul Goracke)
     13) Re: Indiana Jones Soundtrack
     by William T Bajzek <impaler+@CMU.EDU>
     14) LIE single
     by Pat Daugherty <pdaugher@bdmserver>
     15) fates warning suggestions?
     16) To the person making copies of the Toronto show
     by "Mark A. Parker" <>
     17) Favorite bands... & Your DT cover top 10
     18) Re: fates warning suggestions?
     by (Dr. Mosh)


    Date: 11 Jan 95 16:12:00 -0600
    Subject: DT and Ytsejammer diversity
    Message-ID: <M650750.005.9hn84.4601.950111221134Z.CC-MAIL*/O=CCMAIL/PRMD=MSFC/ADMD=TELEMAIL/C=US/@MHS>

     Hello fellow Ystejammers;
     It's great to hear about the vast diversity of musical taste among DT
     fans; it shows just how powerful their music is. It's also good for me
     since I probably break the mold of the "typical" (if there is one)
     Ytsejammer anyway (I'm "mid-'30's" and still rockin'). Anyway...I was
     quite interested in the message from Eric Gautier:

    > Also, just a thought: what if DT had a full symphonic orchestra at their

    >disposition? Not just like the "A Classic Case" series, where an orchestra

    >interprets some of the band's greatest hits: here the band would actually

    >write the songs with the orchestra in mind, and perform along with it. They

    >could also throw in some non-traditional instruments if they feel like it.

     Since one of my favorite bands from the early days was Deep Purple, this
     brought to mind their "Concerto for Group and Orchestra" from 1969. Some of

     you may not know, but at the time, this was a pretty bold move and many
     critics predicted that Purple would never "recover". Of course, 1970 and
     "In Rock" album took care of those predictions. With respect to DT, I have
     come away from more than one show thinking how they remind me of early
     Mk II (i.e. 1970-71); their musical talent of course, but also the "free
     between songs that they throw in. Before Purple "settled" into the standard

     set used from late '71 on, spontaneous jams were always thrown into the set.

     I would *love* to see DT pull off a similar "Group & Orchestra" piece!
     I'll join the fray with my current favorites:
     Rush (of course!)
     King's X
     Savatage (especially "Edge of Thorns" and "Streets")
     Yes (check out "Talk")
     Alice in Chains
     Fates Warning
     Old favorites:
     Purple, Sabbath, Rush, Floyd, Rainbow, Yes, Priest, Budgie, Heep, Scorpions,
     Maiden, Zeppelin, AC/DC, Marillion, Van Halen, ELP, and many others...
     I was amazed to see a lot of you name the same favorite classical pieces
     composers as I would have; I wonder what common "thread" attracts us to
     particular pieces? (Right - they're all excellent, I know...)
     Sorry about the length-
     Tom Inman


    Date: Wed, 11 Jan 95 17:23:27 -0500
    From: Mike Kinstrey <>
    Subject: Another musical interests list
    Message-ID: <>

    I've been a lurker on this list for awhile now, but had to add my
    musical interests to this discussion. I play guitar, so my musical
    interests are usually centered around good guitar playing, be it
    electric or acoustic.

    Bands like Dream Theater, Queensryche, Dokken, early Van Halen
    get played the most often, with Ozzy, Extreme, Stevie Ray Vaughan,
    and Melissa Ethridge close behind. Given that, I also enjoy Molly
    Hatchet, Ted Nugent, Madonna (I don't like the persona, but she can
    write great dance tunes), Journey, Robert Plant, Kenny G, Eagles,
    and the Beach Boys.

    In addition to that, I love flamenco guitar, and am starting to get into
    some jazz guitar music. When practicing guitar, I get inspired by all
    these styles. I wish I could play them all well. My wife's music
    interests include Broadway showtunes, classical music like
    Beethoven, Bach, YoYo Ma (my wife plays cello), to Meatloaf,
    B-52s. Much of *it* I like too.

    Back to lurking again...

    Mike Kinstrey (518)385-8214 " Houston. It's 180 degrees, but it's a dry heat." - "Space-Dye Vest", Dream Theater


    Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 17:42:33 -0500
    From: "Dan Tshin" <>
    Subject: Trading blank tapes, my .sig
    Message-ID: <>

    >> Michael Burstin mentioned that there are people on the
    >>list who are willing to trade for blank tapes to help people start up
    >>their DT collections. If such people indeed exist, could they please
    >>e-mail me with the details?
    >Please E-mail me too!

    Hi, I don't know where the original post was, but I'd like to trade
    blank tapes to start my DT collection.

    Hmm... My sig... well, I actually *borrowed* it off someone that had
    been (maybe still is) on Ytsejam. I haven't seen him around, but his
    full sig is (lemme search the old digests...)

    Wait, I'm wrong, he was just on, he wrote about FW opening for DT
    in Digest 642 (yesterday's) Here is his .sig:

    ---- Freedom belongs only to those without video screens for eyes and mouth --
    ---------------------- Queensryche - Screaming In Digital --------------------
    - Peace comes through thinking with our hearts and not with words. Until then
    ----------------- we'll light another candle for this world. -----------------
              Till 'Tillroy' Wagner <>
                     Elisabethenstr. 42f; D-63225 Langen; Germany

    Well Till, where does it come from?? Hope you don't mind me using it,
    it's a quotation I really like. Besides that, I must cut my .sig
    down, it's way too large and takes too much bandwidth!

    Happy ytsejamming!
    -------------------------------Dan Tshin------------------------------+
      .. "gO aGaInSt ThE fLoW" | _ _ |
     . /o--\/ ----> <---- | ( /V\ ) |
       \___/\ Shad Valley Carleton '94 SuRvIvOr | M |
    Shad WWW: | | |
    Shad Bio | |
    =+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-=+ "Ryche" |
    Peace comes through thinking with our hearts and not with |
    words. Until then we'll light another candle for this world. |
    Love is the Dance of Eternity - Dream Theatre "Images and Words" |


    Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 19:49:19 -0500 (EST)
    From: Robert J Weychert Jr <>
    Subject: Dream Theater article
    Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9412181705.A23981-0100000@atlantic>

    Hello all, this is an article taken from RIP magazine,
    July 1993. I thought you all might find it interesting.
    Enjoy! :)

         What a difference chart position makes. For Dream
    Theater's first video, for the song "Pull Me Under,"
    "They told us an hour before we went on, 'Oh, we're
    shooting tonight,'" recalls guitarist John Petrucci.
    "I was pissed 'cause I hadn't shaved, and we didn't
    have any clothes." He shrugs. "It didn't matter; you
    couldn't see us anyway. It was all hair and strobes."
    The one identifiable piece of clothing was lead singer
    James LaBrie's Napalm Death t-shirt. Ironically, "I
    still haven't listened to them," James admits. "But I
    met Barney, their lead vocalist, and he was a really
    cool guy."
         "I'm the only one who's seen them," says drummer
    Mike Portnoy. "Barney loves Dream Theater. I think
    it's incredible that they listen to a band like us. It
    says a lot for their open-mindedness. He gave us a
    bunch of t-shirts. James just happened to be wearing
    one that night. Barney called me up a few weeks later"
    --he imitates the grindcore master's deep, British-
    accented growl--"'Hey, tell James wearing that shirt in
    the video, that's great.'"
         But this was all before Dream Theater started
    edging up toward the Top 40. Now a video director is
    trying to talk them out of wearing all black. Too
    Procol Harum, he says. "We ARE Procol Harum," Portnoy
         "What do you normally wear?" the director asks the
    drummer, who lifts his shirt to reveal his bare chest,
    hoping to be excused from this afternoon's shopping
         No such luck. They're off enmasse to the downtown
    L.A. warehouse of a shirtmaker. The stylist is playing
    show-and-tell with a bunch of necklaces she got in
    Mexico, while theband wisecracks about the scenery.
    "Look, it's a Napalm Deatht-shirt," laughs Kevin as the
    van passes a Hollywood Boulevard shop. "Made famous by
    James LaBrie." "Rock Star Accessories," quips Petrucci
    about another store stocked with studded leather
    jackets and spandex dresses. "I'd rather go to
    [upscale N.Y. department store] Bloomingdale's and get
    a cool silk shirt." Yes, in an era when most multi-
    platinum sellers are going for plaid flannel from the
    Salvation Army, Dream Theater are on their own path,
    both in culture and sound, mixing prog-rock influences
    like Rush and Yes with Queensryche and speed-metal
         "This music will never be cool, like grunge or
    industrial," says keyboardist Kevin Moore, and if that
    bothers them, you coulda fooled me.
         "Our fans are more real," says Mike. "It's not
    like we're part of a trend or anything. With the
    Seattle bands, after a while it becomes trendy and
    everybody starts to lump them together and starts
    liking them just because of the kind of music it is,
    not because they like the individual band. So it's
    probably better this way."
         Off the freeway and into the scuzzy area that
    surrounds L.A.'s wholesale garment district. We get
    lost for a bit and also lose a second car that's
    carrying some of the Dreamers. Upon our arrival at
    the warehouse, a panhandler hits on bassist John
    Myung the moment we get out of the van. A coffin-
    sized elevator opens into a slightly more posh
    reception area. "Is there a building in L.A. that
    doesn't have a full-length mirror?" grumbles Kevin.
    We're led into a warehouse full of shirts that range
    from great to horrifically garish.
         "Look at this," Petrucci quips. "I was looking
    for something in a mustard polka-dot."
         "Um, early Maui," grins Myung, fingering a loud,
    flowered extravaganza.
         As Keving discovers pants with an alligator
    motif, Portnoy and Labrie emerge from the mini-vator.
    "We saw this bum screaming for about ten minutes,"
    Mike announces. "We were watching him." The shirts
    don't interest him one bit, so he takes this
    opportunity to use the manufacturer's phone for a
    chat with his grandma.
         Mike is close to his family. In fact, his dad
    is driving to Dream Theater's show at the Palace
    tonight, all the way downfrom Monterey, site of the
    original Dream Theater, a movie house whose name the
    band copped after their first moniker, Majesty,
    turned out to be copyrighted by someone else. This
    was back in 1988, when nobody cared what color shirts
    they wore.
         Petrucci and Myung met while they were students
    at the prestigious Berklee College of Music. "I
    wanted to meet people to do what I'm doing now,"
    Petrucci explains, "but as long as I was there, I
    wanted to learn as much as I could about music."
    Later he used hi formal training to support himself
    as a guitar teacher. "It totally kept me on top of
    my technique, because you have to present ideas to
    your students, and they have to respect you. But
    when I built it up so muchI was making a living at
    it, I didn't look forward to it anymore. It was just
    like work."
         Still, it beat McDonald's. At the time Dream
    Theater were stuck in the quagmire their first label
    deal and disc, "When Dream and Day Unite", turned out
    to be. "Mechanic [Records] didn't have any money,"
    says Mike, and parent company MCA wasn't forthcoming
    either. Dream Theater had found themselves without
    tour support and increasingly at odds with their
    then-lead singer, Charlie Dominici.
         "His whole delivery wasn't in synch with what we
    were doing," Mike claims. "It was like Billy Joel
    trying to sing with Queensryche."
         Major changes were clearly in order. "We asked
    to get dropped from the label," Portnoy remembers.
    "They weren't going to let us go, so we had to settle
    it under the table." Then they parted company with
         "The experience totally changed us," says
    Petrucci. "It tested us as a band--to stay together,
    keep our heads clear, find the right vocalist and
    keep a good business head. The content of the entire
    'Images and Words' album is reflective of our lives
    during the three years we were dealing with it."
         In the meantime, James' band, Winter Rose, was
    touring his native Canada with his friend Lee Aaron.
    "She, unbeknownst to me, brought our tape in to
    Aquarius Records, who called me about a solo deal
    and then brought Dream Theater to my attention,"
    James recalls. Both parties were immediately taken
    with one another, and Atco Records, already
    interested in the band, were sold on the new 'n'
    improved package. Still, it was a surprise when the
    eight-minute-long "Pull Me Under" began to get
    substantial air- and MTV-play. "We thought we'd
    maybe get some college radio that would sete up the
    singles that would be released later," says James.
         Instead, their lives have been kicked into the
    hyperspeed that's de rigueur for the suddenly hot.
    Having finally located half a dozen cool shirts
    among the atrocities, they're off for a hasty dinner
    before soundcheck.
         Sweet's "Ballroom Blitz" comes on the van radio.
    Petrucci doesn't recognize it.
         "What, you weren't alive in the 70s?" snipes
    Portnoy. "That was a classic." A moment later he
    muses, "You think in 2010 somebody's going to be
    listening to Ugly Kid Joe on the radio going, 'You
    weren't alive in the 90s?'" He remembers the last
    time he was driving around L.A. Seems he spotted a
    woman with great-looking big hair in the car ahead of
    him. "I'm thinking, 'That's a mint chick. I gotta
    check her out.'" He pulled up alongside the car,
    only to discover that his dream girl was a huge,
    shaggy DOG!
         Back in Hollywood, most of the guys head for the
    chuck wagon while Mike hooks up with his dad, a
    jovial man clearly thrilled about Mike's success.
    They arrive at soundcheck to find everything a mess.
    Tech guys are running around, moving monitors and
    staircases, testing equipment and fiddling with
    lights. Even on a club stage, Dream Theater are
    believers in the The Big Show--rock 'n' roll as
    something grandiose and larger-than-life, right down
    to the exit music.
         "Usually, when a band is done playing an intense
    set, the deejay will start playing Metallica, and
    there's no room for breathing," says Mike. "We play
    the theme from "Twin Peaks", just to keep everyone
    depressed." He's a rabid fan of director David
    Lynch--so much so that he has the Log Lady's
    mysterious tattoo duplicated on his own leg. "I'm a
    very compulsive person," he admits. "I have a
    couple of thousand movies, CDs. I'm the one who
    tapes all the shows onto DAT and video and collects
    all the articles."
         Does this attitude extend to music?
         "We're all very meticulous about music, business
    and creative decisions," says Kevin. "That's one of
    the greatest things about this band, but it's also
    one of the worst. Five members have an equal say,
    and nothing gets by without everybody's approval.
    Everyone gets a chance for input, but it also creates
    a million arguments."
         Not of the tantrum-throwing variety, however.
    "Nobody yells, but it goes on for so long," laughs
    Mike. "After a while you just get disgusted. A half
    hour later, three days later..."
         Out front, a crowd is gathering--metalheads,
    Sunset Strip babes, serious guys with that I-practice-
    guitar-nine-hours-day look, and an unexpected older
    contingent, yuppies and Valley couples who probably
    dug Rush when they were in their teens. The crush of
    fans is a clear sign that sweeping, traditional
    progressive metal is far from dead, grunge movement or
    no grunge movement.
         Dream Theater, getting ready backstage, know
    this. Their mutual, oft-articulated ambition is to
    get to the arena level their stately music was made
    for. But James has one other item on his to-do list.
    "Some time soon," he says with a grin, "I definitely
    am going to give Napalm Death a listen."


    Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 16:22:30 GMT+100
    From: Andreas Kasper <>
    Subject: miscellanous
    Message-ID: <>


    Just a few things to let you know.

    recommendations :

    I think someone else already mentioned Threshold a few days ago.
    This is a perfect album for fans of progressive metal. They are
    really strong in their vocals and their keyboardist fits in really
    They have a newer release - PSYCHEDELICATESSEN - which is out for
    some weeks now and is reported to be heavier and less progressive -
    anybody out there already checked it out? I'm gonna get it anyway,
    'cause I like "WOUNDED LAND" so much.


    Faster than Threshold, they somehow remind me of Helloween's good old
    "Keeper Of The Seven Keys" albums. Again, a great vocalist.
    I also like the orchestration a lot. They also have a symphonic intro
    - just like Helloween on their "Keeper" albums.
    I think "Angels Cry" is their only release.

    Tiamat is a former Death-Metal-Band who has become more progressive
    now - I think that's due to some line-up changes.
    Some people might remember the discussion about Cynic's "Focus" -
    THIS is death metal, IMHO, but Tiamat is more progressive and less
    death metal. Oh, well, I myself still have to get used to their still-
    a-little-death-metal vocals.

    Next subject : TOWHTSTS and other acronyms

    Now everybody knows what TOWHTSTS means, so I like to add a few more:
    ATCOOBS - albums to check out or buy soon
    ATBASATAR - albums to buy as soon as they are released
    To explain this a bit : Threshold's "PSYCHEDELICATESSEN" is on my
    ATCOOBS-list, whereas the new DT-EP which is going to be released
    this year (hopefully soon) definitely belongs to the ATBASATAR.

    TJWILTPH (That's just what I like to post here).

    on the classical music subject :

    My favorite composer is Beethoven, and I mostly like his symphonies,
    especially Symphony #6 (Pastorale). Anybody familiar with it?

    As I'm not sure if my last message made it to YTSEJAM, I post part of
    it again right now. Please, don't mind if you've already read this.


    - Andreas -


    Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 18:52:42 -0700 (MST)
    From: BERTAPELLE ADAM RAYE <bertapel@ucsu.Colorado.EDU>
    Subject: Re: Dream Theater finding
    Message-ID: <199501120152.SAA00265@ucsu.Colorado.EDU>

    The video you found with Pantera and Dream Theater was "Rock Video
    Monthly", right? I subscribed to that for a while, and the Heavy
    Metal edition had VERY Heavy Metal (Sepultura, Napalm Death, Cannibal
    Corpse, etc."


    Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 20:56:54 -0500 (EST)
    From: James Bako <>
    Subject: Re: DT and classical music/ot...
    Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9501112020.A13139-0100000@barney>

    Re: [my long list of bands I like that I posted earlier....]


    > I guess your neighborhood CD store is cleaned out?


    >Is there anything you don't like?!?!?!?

    What can I say, except that I have broad tastes? It was hard trying to
    condense that list, being that my CD collection hovers about the 500-600

    Stuff I don't like: top 40, country, and cheesy death/black metal.



    Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 02:03:46 +0000 (GMT)
    From: Jeremy Longley <>
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 644
    Message-ID: <>

    some of the CDs near the top of my desk: (other than DT)

    Mr Big - Lean into it.
    Megadeth - Youthanasia
    G'n'R - Appetite for Destruction (their only album that I like)
    Dave Lee Roth - Eat 'em and Smile
    Pink Floyd - The division bell
    Extreme - III sides
    Joe Satriani - the time machine
    Steve Vai - Passion and Warfare (pure genius, surely..)

    [ps I'd _REALLY_ like to know about that February UK date...]

    Cheerz, Jezza.
       _ _
      (_)___ ________ _| | Jeremy Longley -
      | / -_)_ /_ / _` |_| Selwyn College
     _/ \___/__/__\__,_(_) Cambridge Sattinger's Law:
    |__/ It works better if you plug it in...


    Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 19:47:39 -0700 (MST)
    From: Michael Bahr <>
    Message-ID: <>

    > hello!! hello!! I'm a JAPANESE jammer.
    > This is my first post. Thank you!

            Koinichii wa Kuniyuki-san! Welcome to the Ytsejam.

            (actually, I can't speak Japanese at all.. I just know what I
    have learned from anime/manga, which is a little).

            How many Ytsejammers do we have now from the land of the Rising
    Sun? Twenty?

    Mike Bahr,


    Date: Wed, 11 Jan 95 19:12:34 PST
    From: (Zack Gemmill)
    Subject: Radio Email
    Message-ID: <9501120312.AA22896@teng6.fmt>

                    I sent a message and thus KSJO responded:

    ======== Fwd by: Solid Rock an ========
    ======== Fwd by: Dana Jang ========

    Thanks for your note on the Internet...KSJO is proud to be the only station
    in Northern California to play Dream Theater.

                    I guess this is standard fare, but what about 104.1
                    (Stockton/Modesto) and KRXQ 93 Rock in Sacramento
                    (the station that tops `em all, IMO)? Maybye I'll
                    apply for a job in Sac...

    I'll pass your comments on to
    Uncle Nasty.

    Thanks again for the input.

    Dana Jang, KSJO


    ======== Fwd by: Solid Rock an ========
    ======== Fwd by: Greg Stone ========
    I'm just one man, hey remember I"m not the boss!
    But I bet I can turn you on to some Dream Theater.
    peace and thanks for listening.


                    So, they are listening. If you live
                    within broadcast range, send a message!



    Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 21:37:34 -0500
    Subject: Pretty Maids
    Message-ID: <>

    >>>Someone said a few days ago that one of the bands they liked was Pretty
    Maids! I didn't think anyone else had ever heard of them? Are they still
    together? What was there last CD?<<<

    Actually, I was the one to mention Pretty Maids. I got introduced to them
    from my husband - and he'd received a copy from a friend of his. We both
    enjoy the tape so much that about six months ago, we tried to look them up on
    the Muze at Tower. That was a depressing day: everything we looked up (Fates
    Warning, Dream Theater, and Pretty Maids) was out-of-print. Well, later, we
    were able to track down Fates (the old stuff was reissued) and Dream Theater
    (WDADU came from a used/specialty shop), but no luck in the Pretty Maids
    department. : ( It's tough to get dubbed copies 'cause no one seems to have
    heard of 'em!

    Better hope our tape doesn't break then... I'm quite fond of driving with it
    - it just strikes me as good music for zipping down the freeway!


    "Could we see clearer in a virtual reality?" * Magellan

    "I am the beat of your pulse, the computer word made flesh." * Queensryche



    Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 21:32:58 -0800
    From: (Paul Goracke)
    Subject: Favorite music
    Message-ID: <v01510100ab3a60659667@DialupEudora>

    Oh, how I usually abhor these things. I tried to hold out, really I did.
    So, in alpha order, cause that's the way they sit on the wall:

    Anthrax, Blues Traveler, Boiled in Lead, Clapton, Crash Test Dummies,
    Robert Cray, Curve, Danzig, Miles Davis, DT, Tinsley Ellis, Gear Daddies,
    Genesis, Golden Earring, Stuart Hamm, Mickey Hart, Hendrix, Iron Maiden,
    Tull, Billy Joel, Eric Johnson, Kansas, King's X, Marillion, Megadeth,
    Metallica, Ministry, Bob Mould, New Model Army, NIN, Michael Penn, Pink
    Floyd, Primus, Police, Queensryche, Bonnie Raitt, Ray & Glover,
    Replacements, Rush, Satriani, Screaming Trees, Sisters of Mercy, Smashing
    Pumpkins, Soundgarden, Sugar, Andy Summers, Therapy?, Toad the Wet
    Sprocket, Urge Overkill, Vai, SRV, Roger Waters, Muddy Waters, Zappa (Frank
    and Dweezil)

    Classical (yes, I do keep them separate - different moods): Bach, Dvorak,
    Handel, Mahler, Mozart (esp. Requiem), Orff, Arvo Part, Rachmaninoff

    . and the other 2/3 of my collection which doesn't spend quite as much
    time trickling into my brain. Very few soundtracks do it for me.

    .my two cents (hey, somebody slipped a Canadian one in on me.. now how am
    I supposed to get rid of _that_? :^)


    "Beaten paths are for beaten men." - _Unix Shell Programming_


    Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 22:50:44 -0500 (EST)
    From: William T Bajzek <impaler+@CMU.EDU>
    Subject: Re: Indiana Jones Soundtrack
    Message-ID: <>

    Excerpts from ytsejam: 11-Jan-95 Indiana Jones Soundtrack by
    > The soundtrack for the Last Crusade blows away the Star Wars sndtrk. Does
    > anyone else agree? Just my 2 cents.

    Belly of the Steel Beast blows away pretty much everything else john
    williams has done by itself, imo

    you know that the blood you shall reap-william
    is the blood that you shall sow--golgotha--http://www.contrib.andrew.
    till the rivers run red----symphony in
    and there's nothing left at all-arr!-stuff-hahahaha--busy... me? HAHA
    -cds for sale:
    guitars, not-very-impressive backing vocals, and songwriter, aepithix


    Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 23:06:47 -0500 (EST)
    From: Pat Daugherty <pdaugher@bdmserver>
    To: Dream Theater <>
    Subject: LIE single
    Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9501112347.A10472-9100000@bdmserver> now has the European LIE single for $11+

    they also have the train of consequences by Megadeth for the same
    price if anyone is interested.

    no fates though:(

    Pat Daugherty
    "Every breath leaves me one less to my last" --Dream Theater
    "That is not an option, Mr. Mulder" --X-Files


    Date: Thu, 12 Jan 95 0:40:55 EST
    Subject: fates warning suggestions?
    Message-ID: <>

    Ok, it's time for me to display my total ignorance. I've seen lots of
    people here mentioning this band, so I've been considering checking them
    out. Do they only have one album available right now or more? If it's more
    than one, would anyone care to make suggestions on what I should look into

    Gary Schrock


    Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 01:58:45 -0500
    From: "Mark A. Parker" <>
    Subject: To the person making copies of the Toronto show
    Message-ID: <>

    Sometime in December someone offered to make copies
    of the Toronto show. I'll be damned if I can
    remember who it was. Anyways, I sent what I was
    supposed to, but haven't heard anything from
    you yet.

    If you were doing this and can contact me, please
    do so. Else I will be checking my Ytse-jam
    back issues for addresses for the next few
    days and see if I can figure out who.



    Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 02:38:25 -0400 (EDT)
    Subject: Favorite bands... & Your DT cover top 10
    Message-ID: <>

    Since everyone else has posted favorites, figured I might as well too!
    Also with all the bands being listed, I got to thinking about what
    covers I'd like to see Dream Theater perform at that "secret gig" (if
    I was in the UK...). So how 'bout it, anyone have a top-ten list
    of covers you'd like to see performed by DT. I'll give mine after some
    favorite bands of mine. I like most kinds of music, however my CD
    collection (1100 and counting, not a misprint, I won a contest a few years
    back, $5000 worth of CDs, was a nice feeling to walk into the store and say
    "give me these, and not having to reach for the wallet) is mostly rock/metal
    and I listen to the radio when I'm in the mood for something else. Some
    favorite bands are:
           Van Halen (Mostly DLR era, Sammy's ok too)
           Dream Theater, Rush, Aerosmith, Dokken, Queensryche, Extreme, Zebra
           Priest (early to mid 80's), Maiden (up to 7thson), Whitesnake
           Scorpions, Satriani, The Moores (Gary & Vinnie), MacAlpine, Vai
           early Ying-Yang Malmsteen (Alcatrazz & first 3 or 4 solos)
           Kansas, Prophet (NJ band with DT qualities, went the pop-metal

           route on their CDs, still good though, in fact one of their songs
           has a guitar solo that is very close to the solo in Another Day...)
           Foreigner, Cheap Trick, Boston, Zeppelin, Nugent...
    Definately a straight ahead rock-type... But on the radio, I'll listen to
    anything except rap & country, strictly for a change of pace.

       Here goes my top-10 covers list: (No particular order)
          1. Rush - Side One of Hemispheres (ok, not one song, but DT likes
                 the 'roman-numeral" songs as well : ) )
          2. Iron Maiden - Trooper
          3. Judas Priest - Victim of changes
          4. Zebra - Who's Behind the door
          5. Kansas - The Wall
          6. Van Halen - Feel your love tonight
          7. Dregs - Cruise Control (w. Guest app by Steve Morse, a big fan
                 of DT and John P.) Into solo by John P. consisting of:
                      a. Eruption -VH / b. Satch Boogie - Satriani (both w/ band)
                      c. for the love of God - Vai d. Broons Bane-Rush
                      e. Beg. of Lavilla Strang. - Rush
                      f. Beg. of Sails of Charon - Scorpions (w/ Band)
          8. Song on Vinnie Moore's first album w/ keyboards that remind me
                of the keyboard solo in Take the Time (sorry, can't remember title)
          9. YYZ - Rush
                Including Mike doing drum solo from Exit Stage left in middle
                of song...
         10. What's on my mind/ Carry on Wayward Son/ Rest of Leftoverture- Kansas
                  (album reminds me very much of DT...

    9. Pink Floyd - Mother, particularly for the solo
         10. Queensryche -



    Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 00:49:27 PST
    From: (Dr. Mosh)
    Subject: Re: fates warning suggestions?
    Message-ID: <>

    No... fates warning has seven studio albums... here's a discography.

    Early FW sounds maidenish with a progressive sound to it... Beginning on
    No Exit they begin to morph into the new sound. Perfect Symmetry some
    would argue as the most progressive album ever made by any band...
    Parallels is also a masterpiece.. then Inside Out...


                                    FATES WARNING

                               Compiled by Mike Borella


    TITLE: Night on Brocken
    RELEASE INFO: 1984 CD US Metal Blade Records 71103-2

    MUSICIANS: John Arch - Vocals
                    Jim Matheos - Guitars
                    Victor Arduini - Guitars
                    Joe DiBiase - Bass
                    Steve Zimmerman - Drums

    TRACKS: 1) Buried Alive 4:35
            2) The Calling 5:04
            3) Kiss of Death 4:39
            4) Night on Brocken 5:28
            5) S.E.K. 1:12
            6) Misfit 5:06
            7) Shadowfax 3:15
            8) Damnation 6:27
            9) Soldier Boy 6:34


    TITLE: The Spectre Within
    RELEASE INFO: 1985 CD US Metal Blade Records 72088-2

    MUSICIANS: John Arch - Vocals
                    Jim Matheos - Guitars
                    Victor Arduini - Guitars
                    Joe DiBiase - Bass
                    Steve Zimmerman - Drums

    TRACKS: 1) Traveller in Time 7:11
            2) Orphan Gypsy 6:00
            3) Without a Trace 4:50
            4) Pirates of the Underground 7:07
            5) The Apparition 5:50
            6) Kyrie Eleison 5:27
            7) Epitaph 12:00


    TITLE: Awaken the Guardian
    RELEASE INFO: 1986 CD US Metal Blade Records CDE-73231

    MUSICIANS: John Arch - Vocals
                    Jim Matheos - Guitars
                    Frank Aresti - Guitars
                    Joe DiBiase - Bass
                    Steve Zimmerman - Drums

    TRACKS: 1) The Sorceress 5:42
            2) Velley of the Dolls 5:22
            3) Fata Morgana 5:21
            4) Guardian 7:31
            5) Prelude to Ruin 7:21
            6) Giants Lore (Heart of Winter) 6:00
            7) Time Long Past 1:40
            8) Exodus 8:35


    TITLE: No Exit
    RELEASE INFO: 1988 CD US Metal Blade Records D2-73330

    MUSICIANS: Ray Alder - Vocals
                    Jim Matheos - Guitars
                    Frank Aresti - Guitars
                    Joe DiBiase - Bass
                    Steve Zimmerman - Drums

    TRACKS: 1) No Exit 0:40
            2) Anarchy Divine 3:46
            3) Silent Cries 3:17
            4) In a Word 4:25
            5) Shades of Heavenly Death 5:56
            6) The Ivory Gate of Dreams 21:25
               a) Innocence [1:13]
               b) Cold Daze [2:15]
               c) Daylight Dreams [3:06]
               d) Quietus [4:25]
               e) Ivory Tower [3:17]
               f) Whispers on the Wind [2:24]
               g) Acquiesence [4:24]
               h) Retrospect [1:01]


    TITLE: Perfect Symmetry
    RELEASE INFO: 1989 CD US Metal Blade Records 7 73408-2

    MUSICIANS: Ray Alder - Vocals
                    Jim Matheos - Guitars
                    Frank Aresti - Guitars
                    Joe DiBiase - Bass
                    Mark Zonder - Drums

    TRACKS: 1) Part of the Machine 6:15
            2) Through Different Eyes 4:21
            3) Static Acts 4:27
            4) A World Apart 5:03
            5) At Fates Hands 6:58
            6) The Arena 3:17
            7) Chasing Time 3:38
            8) Nothing Left to Say 7:57

    NOTES: Keyboards on At Fates Hands by Kevin Moore of Dream Theatre, violins
            on At Fates Hands by Faith Fraeoli.


    TITLE: Parallels
    RELEASE INFO: 1991 CD US Metal Blade Records 9 26698-2

    MUSICIANS: Ray Alder - Vocals
                    Jim Matheos - Guitars
                    Frank Aresti - Guitars
                    Joe DiBiase - Bass
                    Mark Zonder - Drums

    TRACKS: 1) Leave the Past Behind 6:14
            2) Life in Still Water 5:44
            3) Eye to Eye 4:06
            4) The Eleventh Hour 8:12
            5) Point of View 5:07
            6) We Only Say Goodbye 4:56
            7) Don't Follow Me 4:42
            8) The Road Goes on Forever 6:32

    NOTES: Guest Vocals on Life in Still Water by James Labrie of Dream Theatre.


    TITLE: Inside Out
    RELEASE INFO: 1994 CD US Metal Blad Records P2 53915

    MUSICIANS: Ray Alder - Vocals
                    Jim Matheos - Guitars
                    Frank Aresti - Guitars
                    Joe DiBiase - Bass
                    Mark Zonder - Drums

    TRACKS: 1) Outside Looking In 4:50
            2) Pale Fire 4:17
            3) The Strand 5:29
            4) Shelter Me 4:45
            5) Island in the Stream 6:30
            6) Down to the Wire 4:30
            7) Face the Fear 5:37
            8) Inward Bound 2:34
            9) Monument 6:34
           10) Afterglow 3:26
    other recordings:

     "At Fates Fingers" - Guitar for the Practicing Musician CD Volume 4
       Fully instrumental re-mix of "At Fates Hands"

     "Kyrie Eleison" - River's Edge soundtrack.

    Above file available at the FTP site..

    -The Doc

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