YTSEJAM digest 1117

Date: Thu Nov 09 1995 - 01:50:15 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 1120"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 1117

    Today's Topics:

      1) Subconscious dub site update
     by (Trey Allen)
     by (Trey Allen)
      3) Scarred (or the lack of it)
     by Martin Spain <>
      4) Rush member side project
      5) thanks
      6) some small insignificant observations
      7) Things that make you go hmmm...
     by (godfather)
      8) captn james t. labrie
     by (Mike Olekshy)
      9) ytsejam printouts
     by "Brian V. Cox" <>
     10) DT's foreign popularity/import cds
     by Kyle Mallett <>
     11) Ytsejam Printout Team
     by Elliott Kim <>
     12) alex lifeson's side project
     by (Matt Rosin)
     13) Inanimate objects hate DT
     by "'Crimson King' R. Ananda" <>
     14) Re: Drumbeat quiz, Ytsemorons
     by Damon M. Fibraio <>
     15) Savatage (WARNING: No Dream Theater content. Sorry)
     by Baron Sengir <>
     16) Weird twist of "fate's" WARNING: No DT content
     by Baron Sengir <>
     17) Dead Winter Dead
     by Matthew Sirois <>
     18) Rush member's side project (ACK! Again, no DT content)
     by Baron Sengir <>
     19) Idiot, huh?
     by Baron Sengir <>
     20) Re: Dead winter Dead
     by Victor Jason <>
     21) Ytse & Jam
     by Steve Borzilleri <>
     22) OK, I'm pissed.
     by Michael Bahr <>


    Date: Thu, 9 Nov 95 00:07:58 -0500
    From: (Trey Allen)
    Subject: Subconscious dub site update
    Message-ID: <>

    ----------------------Subconscious Dub site list-------------------------

    Contact these people individually to get the limmited edition Subconscious
    CD dubbed. Be prepared to send a tape and/or money for shipping.

    Jennifer <DAT COPIES ONLY!!>

    John Hough
    San Diego, Ca.

    Mathew Yee
    San Jose, CA

    Robert Quezada
    Central NJ

    Trey Allen
    Jacksonville, Fl

    George Bast
    Tampa, FL

    Marc Respass

    Mike Backof
    Westminster, Maryland

    polzin edward george
    Champane, Illonoise (Gregory Cole)
    Richmond, Va.

    Dave Delmont
    Omaha, NE

    Paul W. Cashman
    Atlanta, Ga.

    Dr. Teeth (David Peterson)
    Mankato, MN

    Wilco Barg
    Europe also (Steffen Barabasch)

    Andrew Garinger
    East Lansing, MI.

    "...Every day there's a constant reminder of all the pleasures we shared
    together. Love is not just a passing word, it's a state of heart that goes
    on forever..." (Mike Portnoy of Dream Theater)

    Trey Allen (T-Stretch) - -


    Date: Thu, 9 Nov 95 00:08:07 -0500
    From: (Trey Allen)
    Message-ID: <>

    HELLO!?!? Doesn't anyone else think that we should have another ytsejam
    convintion around the 28th of Dec? Come on man, DT's newest album was
    helped made possilbe by us! I am sure that they would honor a short
    presentation to their most loyal fans! Especially the most loyal in the

    If the person who did it before isn't willing to head this up, I will give
    this 100% of my efforts and see that some type of fairly private visitation
    to us, from as much of the band as possible, occurs sometime between the
    27th and 29th.

    Surely someone knows who the head hauncho of teh last YtseCon was...So...

    "...Every day there's a constant reminder of all the pleasures we shared
    together. Love is not just a passing word, it's a state of heart that goes
    on forever..." (Mike Portnoy of Dream Theater)

    Trey Allen (T-Stretch) - -


    Date: Wed, 8 Nov 1995 12:38:14 +0000 (GMT)
    From: Martin Spain <>
    Subject: Scarred (or the lack of it)
    Message-ID: <>

    I bought the Awake cassette the day it came out and I loved it. However,
    when my friend bought the CD he kept going on about this 11-minute song
    called Scarred. Intrigued, I listened to my cassette and realised that it
    wasn't on it, so I borrowed his CD and copied the song. It is one ofthe
    best songs on Awake and certainly one of the best songs DT have written
    so far, so why wasn't it on the cassette? It's really annoying.

    Can anyone shed some light as to why the song isn't on the cassette?

    Later, jammers

    Martin Spain
    University of Hertfordshire


    Date: Wed, 08 Nov 1995 19:48:59 CST
    Subject: Rush member side project
    Message-ID: <>

         The member of the band that is doing a side project is Alex Lifeson, their
    huitarist. He is bringing out a solo album that should be released at the
    beginning of 1996 sometime. For you Rush fans out there besides me, this has
    got to be a must-buy :)

    * Chris Crowder * Dream Theater, Rush, Alice in Chains, *
    * HU Box #596 * Queensyrche, Genesis, Metallica, *
    * Searcy, AR 72149-0001 * Silverchair, Clint Black, Blues Traveler *
    * * *** and the list goes on *** *
    * <> * *


    Date: Wed, 8 Nov 95 19:25 MST
    Subject: thanks
    Message-ID: <>

    Thanks to Matt, Jonathan, John, and Mike For responses to my NDTC question.
    Have you guys played X-Com or X-Com II? Thanks to Dave for making such an
    ass of himself. It really spices up the jam with all the cool flames. I
    just heard luvin touchin squeezin on the radio. It sounds just like the DT
    version (minus the cool axe fills). I'm glad the boys decided to cut it off
    and go into dixie when they did cause the rest of LT&S is pretty lame.

    CRAIG the JOCK


    Date: Wed, 8 Nov 1995 21:31:19 -0500
    Subject: some small insignificant observations
    Message-ID: <>

    i must be one of the few people on the ytsejam who actually doesn't like
    "ttt" and "surrounded". and hated "another day" on ad.

    strange. and i sometimes feel like the only person who likes "innocence

    just wonderin.......

    bafu: sorry, i forgot that your two friends possess you when they end up on
    the jam. maybe I'M the "fucking idiot." ha ha ha.

    speaking of dt, anyone hear the new alice in chains yet?? dying to hear it.

    peace, david, "no relation to kaoru" kobayashi


    Date: Wed, 8 Nov 1995 19:04:54 -0800 (PST)
    From: (godfather)
    Subject: Things that make you go hmmm...
    Message-ID: <>

    Someone said -----
    > Got my YtseShirt today! Now all I need are my special badges for being
    > part of the YJLHB, a member of the "I promise not to ask about Kevin"
    > club, and the up and coming "I'm going to shout Please Don't Go during
    > ACoS" club. :)
    Chris, you might also want to join my newly founded Bafu Vai
    Appreciation Society. :)
    Someone stopped -----

    Otherwise known as BVAS, to be pronounced as Beavis... =)

    Ryan Whitaker


    Date: Wed, 08 Nov 1995 20:26:24
    From: (Mike Olekshy)
    Subject: captn james t. labrie
    Message-ID: <>

    hello jammers,

    just thought id post an interesting story. I work on the shop floor of
    a factory with 25 other people. We also have a cd player, so I took
    this opportunity to throw on I&W. Most people were impressed but the
    funniest comment I got was during the outrageous key/guit workout in the
    middle of TTT. Somebody said "This sounds like the kind of music they'd
    play on the bridge of the USS Enterprise".

    "dammit jim, its time to make my aahhhmmmaahhhnndsss!!!"


    P.S. Hey Big Brother Lee, do you want a copy of my new album or what???

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     Your T1 Link providing Graphical as well as Terminal Internet access.
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    Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 00:32:27 -0600 (CST)
    From: "Brian V. Cox" <>
    Subject: ytsejam printouts
    Message-ID: <>

    > What's going on with the Ytsejam printout team?

    > are a bunch of us just printing out jams like crazy? Is anyone printing
    > out ALL the jams, intent on lugging 300 pages of digests to a concert?

    well, i printed out about a 4 inch stack of them last year and gave them
    to derek in houston on 11/18/94. derek was so grateful he told me he
    would set me up with guestlist/aftershow next time they were in town. i
    doubt he will remember that, but they did *really* get a kick out of it.

    i can pretty much print out whatever i want on campus for free, even really
    big jobs. since i am graduating in 36 days (not that i am counting) :) i
    dont mind printing out a shitload of them to piss the copy center off.
    what have they done for me lately anyways?

    my only problem might be car space for the road trip up to new york. looks
    like there will already be 3 of us on a 30+ hour trek from texas, i dont
    think we have room for a tree-worth of ytsejams.

    since we are coming all the way up from texas, i want to take the opportunity
    to meet all you northeast jammers that i can. we will definitely have to
    plan some pre/postshow get-togethers to hang out and throw back some beers.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Brian V. Cox~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    "I built a wall around my garden Rush
     When people started telling me what to grow, Dream Theater
     It's cold and callous and throws a heavy shadow, King's X
     Over the field I choose to call my own Queensryche
     I hate the wall and its selfish display echolyn
     My garden becoming sterile in its pretentiousness, Fates Warning
     My direction lost in shallow righteousness Tori Amos
     There's something wrong with this... DAT Taper/Trader...
     Suffocating the bloom...and every blossom" -echolyn


    Date: Wed, 8 Nov 1995 22:02:07 -0600 (CST)
    From: Kyle Mallett <>
    Subject: DT's foreign popularity/import cds
    Message-ID: <>

            I have a question for anyone who would like to offer a response.
    I get the distinct impression that DT is a bit more popular in foreign
    countries (not the US), Japan in particular. Any thoughts on this. This
    is not a substantiated comment, just an impression I've gotten.
            My second question is in reference to the abundance of cool
    material that is released only on import cds. This includes, but is
    obvioulsy not restricted to DT. It seems to me that there is definitley a
    market for such items in the US. Does anyone have any idea why the record
    companies never release such items, such as the Lie and Silent Man single,
    in the US? Even if they were the same price as they are as import
    version, it would be nice for them to be easier to find.

            There is a slight chance I may be able to catch one of the shows
    up east this Christmas. If I can, I may be up there for the holidays. If
    that is the case, I will be calling on a few Jammers to hang with at the
    show, since I am completely unfamiliar with the area. I'll know more
    about this as time passes.


    "likely or not it's a dream that we keep..."


    Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 00:33:27 -0500 (EST)
    From: Elliott Kim <>
    To: Dream Theater <>
    Subject: Ytsejam Printout Team
    Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951109003152.6231A-100000@serss1>

    Okay, Trey Allen has 1111-1120. Either e-mail me about what you've got,
    or e-mail me so I can assign you a range of jams.

      --<Elliott Kim>--<>--<Florida International University>--


    Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 00:38:25 -0600
    From: (Matt Rosin)
    Subject: alex lifeson's side project
    Message-ID: <>

    >I'm not a huge Rush fan, but the news I heard I have to tell you guys.
    >Anyway, someone from the band Rush, I think the lead singer (I know the
    >group so little that I don't even know the members of the group) is doing a
    >side project right now. They did not break up. This is just a side
    >project. The Rush member is making an album with members of the group
    >Primus. I don't see how they are related. It should be interesting to
    >hear this record. Anyway, I also heard on the same report that Rush will
    >come out with their next studio album sometime during the spring.

    the album is a solo album by rush guitarist alex lifeson. it's called
    "victor", and should be released for public consumption in january
    (postponed from october, dammit). i know that les claypool plays some bass
    on it, but i'm not sure about all the other "special guests". i've read a
    few preliminary reviews of it, and it sounds pretty interesting, but
    apparently it's NOT something you want to buy if you're expecting a
    rush-type album. it's very different. should be cool though. glad i could
    add some info. and yes, the new rush album (being produced as we speak)
    will be out in the spring. until later . . .
    * Matt Rosin * IMAGESCAPE *
    * PO Box 15315 * ambient/progressive rock *
    * College Station, Tx * Matt Rosin: vocals/keyboards/synths *
    * 77841-7315 * ----will be in the studio Dec. '95---- *
    * * ---------e-mail for more info--------- *


    Date: Wed, 8 Nov 1995 23:11:05 -0800 (PST)
    From: "'Crimson King' R. Ananda" <>
    Subject: Inanimate objects hate DT
    Message-ID: <>

    This is kind of weird, but it's been occuring with alarming
    frequency and regularity over the last several days. It seems
    like the vast majority of non-living things in my room (which
    is everything but me) absolutely detest Dream Theater. The
    most irritating is my CD player. It has served me faithfully
    over the last few years, but over the last few days I eye it
    with increasing aggravation and now regard it as a piece of shit.
    It doesn't matter which DT CD I insert, it _always_ makes it skip
    be it Awake, Images, Subconscious, or Live at the Marquee. I even
    got my copy of Acoustic Dreams a couple days ago and this fucker
    skips too. They work fine on other players, but not on mine.
    Solution? I borrow my housemate's stereo and use that for my
    fix. I did this once last week and, during the heavy part of
    OUT SIMULTANEOUSLY. In the words of Dave Barry, I am not making this
    up. Two days ago, I had the stereo again to listen to Acoustic Dreams
    when, with no forewarning, a picture fell off the wall, landed
    on my Stravinsky CD, destroying it instantly. And finally, this
    morning, during the jam at the end of Innocence Faded, my small bookcase
    fell over. This doesn't seem like much, but there was a bottle of
    beer (Henry Weinhard's) on top of it. This fell and broke among
    the books on the floor and the beer insidiously soaked the pages
    of some of my favorite tomes.

    What I'm getting at here is: has anything even remotely similar
    happened to anyone else? Or have I been snared in the slavering
    jaws of some anti-DT mischief-making demon?

            --An Aural Hand


    Date: Thu, 9 Nov 95 2:22:54 EST
    From: Damon M. Fibraio <>
    Subject: Re: Drumbeat quiz, Ytsemorons
    Message-ID: <>

       I don't know about you guys, but this Jersian is not a rude person with no
    manners and a really bad attitude, although I do openly say that I am
    obnoxious, but in a good way, if that's possible. I know this John Ambrose,
    or however you spell his last name. He is or was on The National Midnight
    Star, the Rush mailing list. Don't know if he's liked there either, but his
    remarks in the Jam are definitely out of line. Dude, relax. Take some
    depressants. I love Prog rock, and I get knocked for it more than anybody, (I
    work at an alternative college radio station), and I haven't flipped out yet.
    Dave Mathews has ability and talent. Unfortunately for you rap lovers, I have
    to agree that rap does suck, IMHO. (Hey, that means in my humble OPINION,
    John, use that abbreviation sometimes and you can avoid the nasty mail you
    are probably getting). Anyway, enough of devoting Jam space to this guy. Do
    what they do on the rush list, and just basically ignore him.


    Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 00:44:00 +0000 (GMT)
    From: Baron Sengir <>
    Subject: Savatage (WARNING: No Dream Theater content. Sorry)
    Message-ID: <>

    > Date: Tue, 7 Nov 1995 17:25:48 -0500 (EST)
    > From: Andrew Keegan <>
    > Subject: Re: Dead Winter Dead (NDTC)
    > On Tue, 7 Nov 1995, Baron Sengir wrote:
    > > I agree with you praise of Savatage's _Dead Winter Dead_. Yes, GET THIS
    > > ALBUM! It is an excellent piece of work. You just have to bear with some
    > > of the vocals, but other than that, it's great.
    > I also agree. BTW, Are the vocals in "I Am" done by the lead singer? It
    > doesn't really sound like him.

    No, they aren't. The songs "I am" and "Doesn't Matter Anyway" are sung by
    former lead vocalist Jon Oliva. Jon also played keys on _Dead Winter Dead_.
    I also noticed that almost the entire band has changed since _A Handful
    of Rain_! The drummer and guitarist are gone. Now they have TWO



    Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 01:02:04 +0000 (GMT)
    From: Baron Sengir <>
    Subject: Weird twist of "fate's" WARNING: No DT content
    Message-ID: <>

    Before you read the message, read the subject line again. :)

    > Date: Tue, 7 Nov 1995 15:43:33 -0700
    > From: (Ktulu)
    > Subject: LaussadeJam? Not quite.

    [Cut out some stuff]

    > BTW, Bafu Vai is the winner for my "Visual Music" as he put it.
    > It's the beginning of Erotomania. Though music is almost ALWAYS visual for
    > me. If I close my eyes when listening to something, I can kinda see colors

    This is weird. At exactly the same moment I read this part of the
    message, I was listening to THIS part of Fate's Warning's "Face The Fear":

         And you close your eyes
         I hear what I want to hear
         And we hide in our suspicions
         Afraid to face the fear

    Ahhh, now "Monument" is on. Cool.



    Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 02:03:01 -0500 (EST)
    From: Matthew Sirois <>
    Subject: Dead Winter Dead
    Message-ID: <>

            I've been glad to see all the great reviews that Savatage's new
    album is getting. I'd have to agree with everyone and say that this disc is
    incredible. Truly, this is great music. Anyone that has heard Savatage's
    older stuff needs to realize that their new material is very different (and
    in my opinion better) than their new stuff, though all of it has that 'Tage
    feel to it.
            Again, Dead Winter Dead is an amazing album! Imagine, music created
    to convey an actual idea throughout the album. Intelligent, beautiful, and
    it kicks ass too. Everyone should look into it.

    long live the revolution. -matt


    Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 01:07:18 +0000 (GMT)
    From: Baron Sengir <>
    Subject: Rush member's side project (ACK! Again, no DT content)
    Message-ID: <>

    To Heath:

    One of the members of Rush is INDEED doing a side project. It's not the
    lead singer, though. It's Alex Lifeson, the guitarist. He is doing a solo
    album with Les Claypool from Primus on bass and the lead vocalist from I
    Mother Earth on vocals. Alex, of course, will be playing guitar. <G> The
    album's name is _Victor_ and it's due out in Janurary. It was supposed to
    be out in October, but it got pushed back.

    WHy did I post this to the 'jam? I figured that other people would want
    to know this if they don't know it already.



    Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 01:32:46 +0000 (GMT)
    From: Baron Sengir <>
    Subject: Idiot, huh?
    Message-ID: <>

    > Date: Wed, 08 Nov 1995 00:25:05 -0500
    > From: (Cornholio)
    > Subject: Savatage DWD------ndtc
    > Jammers,
    > If you have not gotten Dead Winter Dead because of low cash flow, that is
    > one thing. However, if you are jsut plain lazy, get off of your tuchus and
    > get it. It is an incredible rock opera. Perhaps one of the best out
    > there. I think that there is more to it MUSICALLY than Mind Crime. Note
    > that I emphasized the MUSIC part, and not the lyrics/story part. The
    > songs just get better and better as they go along. The last two songs both
    > have six-part vocal harmony (three different lyrics overdubbed in thirds
    > with themselves). The musical mood of each song fits perfectly with the
    > lyrics, as does the way that the lyrics are sung. It is not a matter of
    > getting past some of the vocals (whoever you are, idiot), rather, a matter

    I was agreeing with you up to this point. I'd appreciate it if you'd keep
    comments like "whoever you are, idiot" off of the 'jam. You called me an
    idiot because I simply said that DT fans just need to get past some of
    the vocals? I seriously resent that. You must admit that Jon's voice is
    quite rough (even if it fits in with the story). DWD is incredibly
    impressive, but I stil say don't expect vocals like James LaBrie's or
    Geoff Tate's. It takes getting used to. When I first heard _Streets_, I
    loved the music, but I wasn't happy with Jon's vocals. The more
    I listened to his voice, the more it grew on me.

    > of actually reading thge liner notes and the poem (singular) that is
    > divided up between the different songs. When I read the notes, I actually
    > cried for the first time since I dont know when (excluding when I heard
    > the sorrowful news about Yitchak Rabin, bless his soul). Anyhow, This is
    > a definate MUST have for any progressive fan and anyone with a prog radio
    > show (hint hint damon fibraio). I give it two thumbs up and an aural orgasm.

    Now, I will agree with you on the rest. The feelings evoked by DWD are
    incredibly intense, the music is outstanding, and Zach's voice is
    wonderful, especially on the six-part vocal harmony. I am listening to
    DWD right now. It's about the 8th or 9th time I've listened to it since I
    bought it on Oct. 31. In fact, it sort of kept me away from Dream
    Theater for a while. I DEFINTELY recommend this to ANYONE on this list. I
    can almost GUARANTEE anyone on this list will like it.

    Baron "Fucking Idiot" Sengir
    aka Paul


    Date: Thu, 9 Nov 95 10:15:04 EET
    From: Victor Jason <>
    Subject: Re: Dead winter Dead
    Message-ID: <>

    Sava's new record dead winter dead, as I gather is mostly new songs with a
    few old one's! So i thnk that u can still find it!


    			Gather ye rose-buds while ye may,
    			  Old time is still a-flying:
    		      And this same flower that smiles to-day,
    			  To-morrow will be dying.

    -Robert Herrick


    Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 00:42:01 -0800 (PST) From: Steve Borzilleri <> To: Dream Thespians <> Subject: Ytse & Jam Message-ID: <>

    In order to read this post correctly, your physical participation is required. Form two hand puppets with your hands by touching the four longer fingers of each hand to the corresponding thumbs. Good. Now, your left hand is "Ytse," and your right hand is "Jam." Hold them up to your monitor, read the following aloud, and move their mouths accordingly. This works even better if you happen to have two socks on hand(no pun intended), preferably different colors like green and purple.

    ************************************** Ytse & Jam, Dream Theater Fans, Part V **************************************

    Ytse: So, X-Files kicks ass? Jam: Hell yeah!! About as much ass as Trent Reznor!! Y: Oh geez... Nine Inch Nails... J: Yeah! NIN is just one guy, but for some STUPID reason, everyone refers to NIN as "they." It's not a band, it's one guy!! Get with the program, people!! Y: Anyway, howabout that Frank character? J: He flamed EVERYBODY!! That took BALLS!! Y: Yes, and now he's hated by everybody. J: "Better to die on our feet than live on our knees!" Y: "Every man dies, not every man really lives." Okay, I see your point. J: He and SloppyJoe69 should get together and flame the whole Internet!! Y: There you go advocating negativity again. J: Then Bafu Vai will write some crazy shit to all THREE of them! Chop those fuckers down with the edge of his hand!! Y: So what do you think of that Bafu Vai fellow? J: He's cool! He writes CRAZY shit!! Y: He detracts from the topics a bit. J: Topics?! I just got 4 FREAKING 'JAMS IN A ROW! And that was just during Melrose Place! Y: Your point being? J: There are too many 'Jams flying around to have actual TOPICS! Threads maybe, but no topics. Y: Yes, but all Mr. Bafu Vai does, aside from an occasional transcript or other tidbit of musical information is (1) crack jokes that make you forget about the person who pissed you off, but nevertheless drive everyone off-topic, or (2) piss you off himself! J: Your point being? Y: He's like a mosquito-bite on your brain that hurts when you try to think of something intelligent to post! J: Yeah, but he's got a cool name! VAI!! Steve Vai kicks ass! He's Italian, ya know! Y: Yes he is. Yet another Italian fretboard wizard. J: Speaking of Melrose Place, "Innocence Faded" sounds just like the theme-song! Y: What? It does not. I think it's a beautiful piece of music. J: Bullshit! Wrong! It sucks! It's too commercial! It sounds like the themes from Melrose Place, Beverly Hills 90210, AND Wheel of Fortune ALL at the same time!! It SUCKS!! Y: You know, Petrucci plays a bit of the Wheel of Fortune theme song in "Scarred," at 5:30. J: Yeah, I played Wheel of Fortune last night and screwed EVERYBODY over! And even with seven new cards in my hand, "Innocence Faded" STILL sounded like crap!! Y: You sure you're a Dream Theater fan? J: Of course! I'm on the Ytsejams Mailing List, aren't I? Y: Yes, but you don't have to be here if you really have nothing but negative anger to contribute. J: Hey, is my name Frank? Hello? I'm Jam! Where would YOU be without me? You'd just be "Ytse!" What the hell is "Ytse?!" Is that more Greek or something? Y: I think it's a type of poisonous fly, but I'm not sure... J: At least I'm a real word! "JAM!!" Like GRAPE-, or TRAFFIC-, or -SESSION, or -THEIR FREQUENCY, MR. SULU!! Y: It takes two wings to fly. I think both of us are needed to make "Ytsejam," right? J: Yeah, yeah, whatever. When is Acoustic Dreams going to arrive?? I swear I'm going to take hostages at the post office if it doesn't get here quick!! Y: It'll arrive with the Third. J: The Third? The Third WHAT? Y: Dance. J: Huh? Is that a request? Y: No, the Third Dance. J: Which is? Y: Well, (breaks into song) "the THAAAAAAAAAD is Loooh-hove!!" J: Love? Courtney Love?!! DAMMIT, I HATE-- Y: No no no... "LAAAAAAAV is the daaance, HAV-VY-TANEH-DEEEEEEEE!!!" J: Whoah... Cool! Y: Thank you. I've been working on getting the pronunciations right for about six months now. J: That was almost as cool as...Jagermeister!! Y: Jagermeister?! What does Jagermeister have to do with Love? J: JAGER!! It's Portnoy's favorite drink! Y: Yikes. That stuff can fuel lawnmowers for hours. J: Right, that's how he does his wild drumming! He's Animal, you know, like from the Muppets? Y: I suppose. But he doesn't have red hair, though. J: Yeah, Animal has fiery red hair! Like Tori Amos!! Y: She's cool. J: She plays the piano! Pianos are cool! She and Kevin should do an album together!! Or a porno!! Y: What?? A minute ago you said you didn't like Tori Amos. J: Well I'm WAFFLING! So sue me! Tori Amos rules! Y: I take it that now you like Kevin Moore's demos all of a sudden, too? J: Kevin Moore rocks!!! That new guy can NEVER replace him!! Y: Derek Sherinian? J: Yeah, whoever the FUCK he is. He's got no chops! He's nothing! Y: Come on, all we've heard him on is "A Change Of Seasons." How can you tell with so little time? J: Can you believe they took out "PLEASE DON'T GO!!" That was my favorite part! I HATE the new version! It's not like the REAL version from those two bootlegs... Y: But really, how can you tell after so little time that Derek won't work out? J: I just CAN. I don't need TIME! If he can learn all those parts in a matter of months, then I can decide if he has skill or not in a matter of months!! "LOGIC!!" Y: Ah, not exactly... J: Yeah, yeah, I told you, I don't speak Greek! Anyway, I remember Derek's live solo, all slick-haired, no-shirt, black-leather-vest-wearing pretty boy! He's the reason DT didn't play "Scarred!" Y: What? How come? J: Pretty Boy Derek couldn't learn it! And when they toured, he missed all his cues! Y: "All" his cues? J: Yeah! ALL OF THEM!! The whole concert I saw, he was playing "Chopsticks" or some other ditty while the other four members of the band were glaring at him and getting real mad and stuff. Myung kept looking over at him and screaming obscenities! Y: Myung doesn't speak. J: Oh, yeah, well then James was screaming at him! He'd lean in real close during a song and shout the chorus into Derek's face to get him on-track! He leaned in once and shouted, "Caught in a WEEEEEEBDEREKWHAT THEFUCKAREYOUDOIIIING??!!" It was cool! I have the bootleg where he says that! Y: You know, James doesn't approve of bootlegs. Neither does Petrucci. J: What?! They're trying to keep the music from their fans!! "Only buy our albums, blah blah blah!" They don't want the fans to get as much music as they can. See? They're not doing it for the love, they're doing it for the money! SELLOUTS!! Y: You and your sellouts. Sometimes I wonder why DT writes any music at all with people like you running around. You're worse than someone who hates DT and likes other things, you're someone professing to be a DT fan, then you slander them like Nikki Sixx unto Metallica. J: Yeah, that Sixx guy needs to get his ass kicked!! He and Jason Fickett!! Who do they think they are, anyway, thinking they're entitled to opinions and stuff? Let's get Trent Reznor and Glenn Danzig to track them down and kick their asses! Danzig ROCKS!! Y: You mentioned him before. Portnoy mentioned Danzig once, along with some other heavy metal, grindcore-ish bands. J: Heavy metal rules! Balls and chunk is where it's at!! Y: Yes, that quote had a lot of spontanUity to it. I think Portnoy also mentioned Napalm Death. Those guys make an appearance on LaBrie's shirt in the "Pull Me Under" video. J: Napalm Death!! They do that "Mystery Track" on Subconscious!! That's a cool song!! Y: That short, oriental-sounding, five-second thing? J: That's Napalm Death! Do those guys ROCK or what?? Y: That track isn't a band, it's from a computer game. J: What? DT's into computers, now? Huh, I guess "Caught In A Web" could be about the World Wide Web and web-pages and stuff. Y: No, no, no. That track is... Forget it.

    Bafu Vai

    p.s. the views expressed in these five tales concerning DT and all other included topics of discussion in no way reflect the views of the author.

    p.p.s. but they might. ;>


    Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 01:44:33 -0700 (MST) From: Michael Bahr <> To: Subject: OK, I'm pissed. Message-ID: <>

    This day SUCKED, and it just got worse, and now I'm being called a bigot on the Ytsejam list. I am _not_ happy.

    The dumbasses at the CD plant forgot to send in the DAT tape, so I got set back a week... luckily, I had already planned some delay into the schedule for WDATU. I really hope never to see any more of that.

    My Awake CD was dinner for my cat. That's Awake CD #3... the first USA one I bought was played until it was so worn and scratched and the aluminum so frayed it wouldn't load. The second was the Japanese one with the Eve 3" mini CD, which I put away for safekeeping. Number three was my current listen-to-it CD. And little Tori, whiskers bobbing in ecstasy, fed upon it whilst I slept. Damn cat. Time to buy my fourth copy of Awake... on the bright side, I guess I'm helping DT album sales!

    And I'm a bigot now for telling that indian joke, am I? If that's the reaction someone takes to a joke like that, then I can't do anything to help you or to change your frame of mind. You have to just be _looking_ to be offended there. It's a far cry from burning a cross in someone's front yard or grabbing a woman's ass in an act of harassment. It's when ridiculous accusations like that take place that the _real_ problem of prejudice winds up being devalued, and thus the accusers are working contrary to their own desired ends.

    I bear no hatred toward any race, color, or creed. I do not discriminate due to gender, national origin, or even, yes, sexual orientation. (Gays can do their own thing... it dosen't interfere with my life, so I won't interfere with theirs.) I want that known here and now, because bigotry is such a stigma in today's society that it is akin to being accused of witchery in Salem in those dreadful years: confess and you're guilty, but deny it and you must be lying, and you're guilty.

    We all get a hard time these days, from some angle or another. I get it for my religion. Some get it for their race, some because of gender. It's never fun to get it and it's pretty easy to tell when real discriminatory harassment is taking place. And JOKES ARE N O T IT!!! I hate to have lapsed into "yelling" there, but this is serious, no?

    And even if a person didn't want to take my word for it, why not just look at my track record... my continuing to be healthy and successful making CDs depends a lot on my being friends with all of you, and that's something I take very seriously. We need all the friends we can get these days. I don't care if my friends are different from me; they are not any less "my friends" for so being. Even if I wasn't undertaking projects such as these, I would hardly want to shove a large portion of the population out of my life through bigotry. I can think of a lot more important things to hate, such as injustice, child abuse, the Slavic civil war, and deaths caused by drunk drivers.

    I'm sorry if I brought any of your bright, happy moods down into the gutter with this post... it wasn't the intent. But as the rain is pouring down... tears of sorrow washin' by... drifting with the current, the stream of life [will] move on...

    Mike Bahr,


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 1117 **************************

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