Review of ACoS...

Date: Mon Sep 11 1995 - 11:59:35 EDT

        As I promised earlier, here is my review of the ACoS CD.
Overall, it's great! :-) I especially enjoy the new introduction
to ACoS and the vocals sound much better than on the live version
(and the backing vocals add some nice texture). I'm not particularly
fond of the crunching guitar sound, but other guitar sounds are used
as well, so there is nice variety.
        I now know why no one replied when I asked if my favorite part
of ACoS (the part at 15:00 in the live version) was still in there. :-(
It's not really there, though pieces of it are still used. That was
pretty disappointing for me. Why they took out that cool jam, I
guess I'll never know. Sigh. As I listen to it more, I'm getting
over it though. ;) The middle section of the song is very strong,
especially the vocals. I'm listening to that part now. Cool!
        Anyway, I really enjoy the disc -- the covers are all very good
too. I think it's wonderful that DT would put out a release like this
mainly for their fans. It shows what a cool band they are. Thanks


Steve Chew - -
"Men go abroad to wonder at the height of mountains, at the
 huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the
 vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars;
 and they pass by themselves without wondering."
     -- Saint Augustine

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