YTSEJAM digest 1257

Date: Tue Feb 13 1996 - 08:34:01 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 1259"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 1257

    Today's Topics:

      1) Ytsejam
     by Steve Borzilleri <>


    Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 23:14:15 -0800 (PST)
    From: Steve Borzilleri <>
    Subject: Ytsejam
    Message-ID: <>

    [This should be the last post--everything will be
     coming out at Well folks, it's been a lot of hard work and
     a lot of time spent keeping this list running. In the end it's the
     music that made it worthwhile :) Since Steve had the last word so many
     times by coincidence, I thought he should have it on purpose this time :D

     And if you've been living in a cave, the new subscription addresses are

     (unmoderated) send:
            subscribe ytsejam Your Name
     to with a subject of "asdf"

     (moderated) send:
            subscribe metropolis Your Name
      to with a subject of "asdf". -- kbibb]


    Well, I guess this is goodbye to You know, it seems
    like only yesterday when SloppyJoe69 presented us his dissertation on
    corruption in the goat herd. Boy was that educational. And speaking of
    education... Everything I ever needed to know I learned from Ytsejam.
    Such as:

    Don't mess with the guy in charge. He can take the words right out of your
    mouth, even if you curse directly at him. Even worse, he can put words
    into your mouth...without anyone even knowing he did.

    Calling yourself "Monkeyboy" will probably not gain you much respect,
    regardless of your situation. "Ktulu" works much better.

    Speak highly of your peers, no matter how annoying some of them may be.
    It makes people think you're mature and responsible, and earns you fame
    and respect even though you still despise certain people as much as
    everyone else.

    Don't name your child Toxic Waltzer. Whatever he says will automatically
    offend everyone around him.

    Ignorance is bliss. Sometimes all it takes is a simple question to be
    flamed to death. So don't ask any questions and nothing will piss you off.

    You can find all you need in your mind, if you take the time.

    Mental imbalance is contagious. Truly crazy people sometimes have a
    tendency to SpEl lYk dISs. Don't get involved with them. They'll either
    backstab you by banning you from public places after inviting you there,
    or they'll just make you l00z yEr SaNItEE, d00d!!

    If someone casually refers to you as a "fucking idiot," don't laugh and
    make a joke about it as if you aren't the least bit offended by the
    nickname. People might think you actually WANT to be called that, and will
    do so every chance they get.

    When an elder speaks, listen. (****IMPORTANT**** Especially if they're
    named "Airdance.")

    Challenge conformity. If being popular means wearing a sock on your head,
    be the most unknown soul on the face of the earth. Progressive music isn't
    about being cool, it's about being yourself. And most of all, It's About

    Never blow off someone with the word "Fire" in any part of their name.
    Chances are they have a fiery disposition.

    When someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES.

    Beware of the sudden removal of the passive voice. You can lurk in the
    shadows and keep a clear record for as long as you want, and you'll have
    all the friends in the world. But it only takes one public voicing of an
    opinion to establish your personality in a block of marble for eternity.

    Exercise patience. Don't rush a project if it requires more time or
    effort. You never know, there might be a scorpion lying in wait for when
    you decide to force things.

    A degree in anything is not necessarily a magic wand that will instantly
    command the respect of your peers and make your opinions the most valid.
    Berklee is no fucking guarantee.

    Make your mark as an individual when you can. Don't end up announcing your
    entrance to the world with "Hi, I'm Greg Chew, Jeff Chew's brother."

    There is no "best" anything. Only favorites.

    Playing by the rules won't always keep you out of trouble. Sometimes it
    can make you seem downright arrogant, even if you're writing in the first
    person and happen to naturally make heavy usage of "I" and "me" as
    dictated by the English language.

    Not everything fits into a definite category. Some things you shouldn't
    try to rank or define. Make enough top five lists, and soon you'll be
    making top-five lists of top-five lists.

    Never argue about plants with a gardener. And if you do, make sure you
    argue in a slaughterhouse, where the guy in charge isn't interested in
    plants. Then at least you'll have the Boss on your side when the argument
    becomes so heated that someone must be removed from the slaughterhouse.

    Sometimes all it takes to make two guitarists see eye to eye is a

    Don't underestimate what isn't apparent. The guy making things happen
    behind the scenes and steering the ship probably isn't a fool. In fact,
    he's probably the brains behind the whole operation.

    No guts, no glory. You have a voice and you have an opinion. Don't shrink
    back beneath the opposition, make yourself heard. And when you do speak,
    make sure everyone remembers your name. Balls and chunk are where it's at.

    And above all: SEIZE THE DAY!!!

    Bafu Vai

    p.s. special thanks to Elliott Kim for presenting me with the lone title
    of "Everything I ever needed to know I learned from the Ytsejams" and
    prodding me to go with it. cool idea. he also suggested the quote from
    "Take The Time."

    Peace out ya'll. I guess she's watched long enough, now she's finally
    taking us to our home...


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 1257

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