YTSEJAM digest 2055

Date: Mon Nov 25 1996 - 20:56:05 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 2056"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2055

    Today's Topics:

      1) Music Masala
     by Adam Barnhart <>
      2) Re: YTSEJAM digest 2053
     by Madelaine <>
      3) 7 more jams
     by Pat Daugherty <>
      4) Best Buy, etc.
     by "Paul W. Cashman" <>
      5) Re: mindless simpletons
     by matt rosin <>
      6) whew!
     by Pat Daugherty <>
      7) ..and I quote: " case there is 1 or two...."
     by "Kevin W. Madden" <>
      8) PRIZE of a Cd.
     by Juha Leinonen <>
      9) international fan club question
     by RipZero <>
     10) ALtura
     by Carlos Alfaro <>
     11) Re: Music Masala
     by Carlos Alfaro <>
     12) The Road to Poughkipsie...(help!)
     13) music etc.
     by "Beavis (Wes Foll)" <>
     14) Setlist for December DT Shows
     by Ryan Eschauzier 97 <>
     15) Re: Girl
     by Gary Cleghorn <>
     16) Re: Magellan & More Aimless Guitarpentry
     by "Ken McWatters" <>
     17) Re: Bafu and Country Music.
     by "KorgX3" <>


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 11:27:19 -0800
    From: Adam Barnhart <>
    Subject: Music Masala
    Message-ID: <>

    >have any of you heard of a band called "walt mink"? someone told me at work
    >that someone online mentioned to them that they were a great prog band, but
    >this guy didn't have any details beyond that. i was at the local music store
    >yesterday and saw their cd. i didn't want to buy it, because i have *no* clue
    >as to what they sound like.

    Walt Mink....well, they're kinda prog. I wouldn't say they're over-the-top
    prog. They're kinda like a college band that listened to Rush. They play
    some pretty uptempo stuff, but not particularly LONG. The title tune of
    their first album, "Miss Happiness," got them some recognition, as it was
    featured in a Memorex commercial. But on that album, for example, they
    covered "Pink Moon" by Nick Drake. Not super-prog, by any's part
    of their roots. If you like Clockhammer, Lucy Brown, King's X, that kind of
    thing, I'd say you might like them. If you're looking for something that
    sounds like "Tales From Topographic Oceans," you may wanna look somewhere
    else. Anyhow, they've got three albums. I like all three of them, but
    would recommend "Miss Happiness" before the other two.

    >From: Tyler Stephan Kushera <>
    >As a Dallasite, I've heard that Pantera was, as Rip said, a Motley Crue
    >type of band in the late eighties (but werent they all). I also heard
    >that they swithed to the "crunch" sound to "make it." Apparently they
    >sucked until they switched styles, and couldnt sell tickets at Trees, if
    >you know what Trees is (its on the back of some Dallas based bands's
    >CD). But this is only what I have heard and is definately conjecture
    >throughout the Dallas/Ft. Worth/Arlington metroplex.

    That's the thing that I think is so funny. Anselmo has come down SO hard on
    Metallica since the release of "Load." I mean, Pantera was not exactly the
    heaviest band on the planet in the mid- and late-80's and Metallica was
    putting together records like "Master Of Puppets" and "...And Justice For
    All." The glass houses thing, y'know?

    >I know I'm gonna get slammed for this but oh well... I dont think JP
    >plays with as much soul as I would like. Passion yes, soul no. I know the
    >differences are subtle and often they are the same thing, but I see a

    Nuno Bettencourt said something which is half-dumb, half-brilliant: "Feel is
    only feel if you feel it." In a way, this is obvious, but it flies in the
    face that the only way to evoke emotion with your playing is to bend a
    quarter-note. I'd say that Petrucci's playing HAS feel, passion, and soul.
    I'm not sure I understand that the difference between the three is,
    though....not in any meaningful way.

    >Dont get me wrong, I think JP is one of the, if not THE, best players in
    >the world right now. But, as all of my fellow musicians can attest to,
    >there is always something to work on, to make better. In JP's case, I
    >think he can work on changing things up and work on his blues/soul

    Ah yes...if "soul" means playing "soul" music, that probably doesn't bode
    well for Petrucci. It's unlikely Dream Theater is going to start writing
    music that sounds like Kool and the Gang. Or that they'll be playing a lot
    of 12 bar blues tunes. I'm not saying Petrucci is a perfect player, but
    he's a damn good one, who can certainly stir up some emotion in his soloing.

    Adam D. Barnhart

    Five Gratuitous CD's
    1. Rush: Test For Echo
    2. Mahler: Symphony No. 1 (Bruno)
    3. Pantera: The Great Southern Trendkill
    4. Pearl Jam: No Code
    5. Jaco Pastorius: Word Of Mouth


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 14:00:27 -0600
    From: Madelaine <>
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2053
    Message-ID: <>

    >Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 06:02:01 -0800 (PST)
    >From: Steve Borzilleri <>
    >Subject: Hobbies & Flame-Bait

    >> another query - is it really so rare for a female to love DT? I noticed
    >> one other besides me (i think her name is Jill) on the list, and in my
    >> area, I am the only chickie. hmmm.......any explanations or ideas?
    >Someone once said that DT's music was complex and intricate. "Thinking"
    >music that an untrained ear or mind would have to plow through and ponder
    >upon first contact in order to truly appreciate or understand.
    >I venture that this has something to do with the parallel theory that men
    >display a heightened usage of the analytical regions of the brain whereas
    >women use more of the empathetic regions. This pattern of thought and
    >choice within the human brain is not my decision or preference. It existed
    >before I was born. I am observing what Is and answering a question based
    >on a conclusion I have arrived at. Anyone with an eager swastika-brand may
    >feel free to disinvite me from their sandbox.

    Okay, I guess that would be me, brandishing that ever-popular swastika...

    Once again, Bafu, your asinine comments have made me quite tempted to
    unsubscribe from the Jam. It's times like this that I have to agree with
    people who have left because the content of the Jam sometimes degrades to
    90% slop.

    I guess, being female, that I'd have a difficult time liking any kind of
    complex music, since it would take _so_ much effort to prevent me from
    having an "untrained ear or mind." Guess it's a good thing that I stopped
    taking music theory class...that A that I got must have been some fluke in
    the grading system.

    On the other hand, perhaps I have some chromosomal abnormality which leaves
    me more male than female. Hmm... I enjoy breaking things...I loved going to
    Tae Kwon Do class while I was able...Heck, _nothing_ feels better than
    kicking someone in the gut with a pair of Doc Martens!
    Though there's a problem there, too. Especially considering that within a
    week, I'll be delivering a 7+ pound baby. Hmm... Guess I'd best go pray
    fervently that all the right equipment is in the right spot!

    > Analytical : Empathetic :: Progressive Metal : Country
    >Of course, it could just have to do with the fact that men are naturally
    >violent and enjoy breaking stuff and destroying things. Man do we love it!
    >Ain't nothing like strangling some random guy in a moshpit (ESPECIALLY
    >during a really good drum solo with lots of rototoms and double-kick
    >action)! Energetic music allows us to further realize our potential for
    >obliteration of objects/people. I disbelieve that country music could ever
    >move me to violent, abusive activity. But Dream Theater? Let's get ready
    >to RUMBLE!!
    Oh, and country music usually DOES move me to violent, abusive activity.
    Usually against the person who plays it...

    NOW do you see why so many female jammers hesitate to post? We might just be
    grouped with the sheep of some of the male jammers!



    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 15:04:04 -0500 (EST)
    From: Pat Daugherty <>
    To: Dream Theater Mailing List <>
    Subject: 7 more jams
    Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.961125144417.26298D-100000@bdmserver>

    Boy am i getting a lot of work done on my first day back from a week in
    Vegas for the Comdex show. 25 jams + other mail to read. Still have 7
    jams left and it is going really slow now...

    They were a lot of pretty cool displays at the show. A lot of cool
    software, sound boards, speaker systems, keyboards, games (Quake
    deathmatch ruled), and of course the booth I had to be at (well when I
    wasn't walking around or playing quake) the BDM Cybersheild booth...

    Vegas has way too many slot machines... As soon as you get off the plane
    there are slot machines... amazing... Also I have never seen so many ads
    for strip clubs/strippers...

    | Pat Daugherty |
    | "Every breath leaves me one less to my last" --Dream Theater |
    | "That is not an option, Mr. Mulder" --X-Files |
    | Hail to the Redskins 8-4 ** Congrats to the 1996 MLS Champs-DC UNITED |


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 11:55:36 -0800 (PST)
    From: "Paul W. Cashman" <>
    Subject: Best Buy, etc.
    Message-ID: <>

    Oddly enough, I've had some pretty good music conversations with Best
    Buy employees. Here in NE Atlanta, it seems like at some BB stores they
    -intentionally- hire kids with long hair... heh

    The same is true of Tower Records, but their prices aren't as good.
    :) The Tower store up this way got squeezed out by Best Buy and MediaPlay
    (inferior selection than BB; about the same pricing, but they DO
    mail-order) because of pricing.....

    Seen my diary on the newsstand           |            Paul W. Cashman
    Seems we've lost the truth to quicksand  |
    It's a shame no-one is praying       <---+---  Dream Theater "Voices"
    'Cause these voices in my head keep sayin'.."Love, just don't stare."


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 14:20:03 -0600 (CST) From: matt rosin <> To: Subject: Re: mindless simpletons Message-ID: <>

    >typical country fan, but -- what the sucks and its fans >are mindless simpletons!

    actually, it would seem to me that the mindless simpletons are the ones who write off entire genres of music. ;)


    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m a t t r o s i n / S U R R E A L I T Y / dark ethereal music / SURREALITY III COMING SOON. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 16:16:45 -0500 (EST) From: Pat Daugherty <> To: Dream Theater Mailing List <> Subject: whew! Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.961125160519.26298H-100000@bdmserver>

    Well after reading 100+ messages including 35 jams, all I can say is whew! I did read every single one. It is pretty amazing how topics change in a week.

    My thoughts: 1. I agree that Load is a great hard rock album. 2. everyone likes certain guitarist and dislikes others. It is just a matter of opinion. I like Friedman, Malmsteen, and Vai a lot. Dont really care for Satriani. That's my opinion. 3. I have found to be a very reliable online cd source. 4. A DT musical would be interesting. But seriously could DT write a musical? 5. About Eddie vs DLR and Sammy: Who knows what really happended. They each say one thing and the other says the exact opposite. It is all a matter of who you believe. 6. to all those seeing DT in the next few weeks... you are lucky! 7. Anybody seen Altura in concert? 8. Looking forward to Tapestry! 9. Saw the who 2 weeks ago. They weren't that loud... 10. Great news that Crimson Glory is reuniting.

    |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Pat Daugherty | |=======================================================================| | "Every breath leaves me one less to my last" --Dream Theater | | "That is not an option, Mr. Mulder" --X-Files | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Hail to the Redskins 8-4 ** Congrats to the 1996 MLS Champs-DC UNITED | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 21:48:01 GMT From: "Kevin W. Madden" <> To: The Washington Post - Apologies Department <> Subject: ..and I quote: " case there is 1 or two...." Message-ID: <>

    Pat so eloquently wrote:

    >Only gone a week and there are only 25 jams in my inbox to read... > >Have to read them all in case there is 1 or two important posts... > >|-----------------------------------------------------------------------| >| Pat Daugherty |

    Like this one? My God, man. What was the point? Let's see if I can add some worthwhile somethin'-somethin'..... Well, as for Bruce Dickinson's "Balls to Picasso," well, I thought it was pretty good...Not worthwhile, you say? Uhhh. Steve Vai is coming to town on December 22nd. Anyone going? (Washington, DC.) Hmm. Smurfberry Crunch is fun to eat? Nah. Hmm. /me pages through his dictionary. Aha! primate n. 1. The highest ranking bishop of a province or country. 2. One of a group of mammals that includes the lemurs, monkeys, apes, and human beings. DTC? Ok. Lemur Voice sounds like DT. See also: definition of "primate."

    9 more trips through hell.




    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 16:58:43 +0200 From: Juha Leinonen <> To: Ytsejam Mailing List <> Subject: PRIZE of a Cd. Message-ID: <>

    >>um..any Sam Goody's,Musicland,Specs Music,Tower Records have basically that >>same price on cd's.. every DT cd..and most other cd's have cost me 17.99!.. >>except Rush-Exit stage left that cost me 13$

    >i would kill myself if i ever was confined to shop at one of those ripoff >stores. i pay 5-10 dollars per cd, used places are great, look around your >area.

    Well, now I don't anymore wonder how you can have those huge record collections :) Because, here (in Finland) average new cd's prize is about 26.5$ It's same where you buy it. Variation is not more than 3-4$ Example DT: Awake 28,67$ but Van Halen's Best Of Vol.1 22$ (it's offer) Yep, it sucks...

    -- *************************************************************** * * * * * My homepage at * * The Official Celestial Empire’s Homepage at * * * * * ***************************************************************


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 16:19:09 -0600 From: RipZero <> To: Heavy Metal Computer Nerds <> Subject: international fan club question Message-ID: <>

    for those subscribed or even those who run it (niel;) is there any way to get back issues of Images and Words? thanks for info ~Rip


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 19:38:25 -0400 (AST) From: Carlos Alfaro <> To: Subject: ALtura Message-ID: <>

    Does anyone have like Sound Bites from altura? Ive heard that theyre like LM or SG but better (in the opinion of a friend)..if anyone has a cool Sbyte please send it to me..

    We Can Learn From the past..but those days are gone.. We can hope for the future..but there may not be one... < DREAM THEATER: A CHANGE OF SEASONS> WOWOWOWWWWWW hoooo wowoW WOWWwwwwww hoooo -Devin Townsend WoWoW WoWoW WoWoW - Mike Portnoy Email:


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 19:44:58 -0400 (AST) From: Carlos Alfaro <> To: Subject: Re: Music Masala Message-ID: <>

    A >Ah yes...if "soul" means playing "soul" music, that probably doesn't bode >well for Petrucci. It's unlikely Dream Theater is going to start writing >music that sounds like Kool and the Gang. Or that they'll be playing a lot >of 12 bar blues tunes. I'm not saying Petrucci is a perfect player, but >he's a damn good one, who can certainly stir up some emotion in his soloing. > Indeed Adam, i wouldnt figure DT playing bluesy stuff for a long time,some little bits and licks are kinda bluesy but its very unaparent..nevertheless... JP's solos and other licks have LOTS of emotion and soul..songs like Eve (the last part w/ the slight dist) touch my senses everytime i listen to it..same with some parts of Erotomania (not nesessarily the "solo" solo part but the part that comes before /w piano and stuff) and others.. are really emotional and soulful stuff.. Jp's not one to be called "fast but w/out emotion" like many other shredders..

    We Can Learn From the past..but those days are gone.. We can hope for the future..but there may not be one... < DREAM THEATER: A CHANGE OF SEASONS> WOWOWOWWWWWW hoooo wowoW WOWWwwwwww hoooo -Devin Townsend WoWoW WoWoW WoWoW - Mike Portnoy Email:


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 18:17:29 -0500 From: To: Subject: The Road to Poughkipsie...(help!) Message-ID: <>

    Hey All,

    I am planning on attending the Poughkipsie DT show on the 4th next week and was hoping to find someone to share transportation with. I have a car, but I am pretty worried about it's chances of making the round trip. So I am hoping to find someone here who can help. I live in NJ, about 5 miles due west of Staten Island. I live no more than 2 or 3 miles off of both the NJ turnpike and the Garden State Parkway. I am looking for someone who can either 1) Stop by and pick me up; 2) someone who can meet me somewhere within 30 miles and share their ride; or 3) someone who wants to share car rental who lives close to me. I am also intersted in any info on pre-show activities that may be happenning. Please respond via private mail.

    I will also be going to Birch Hill, so I am looking for info for any pre-show activities there as well. Back to your regularly scheduled musings...

    L8R, Brian

    IN CD PLayer--For Love Not Lisa-Merge


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 18:19:34 -0500 (EST) From: "Beavis (Wes Foll)" <> To: Cc: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: music etc. Message-ID: <>

    >An I thought I was the only person like that. I can be listening to >Les Miserables one minute and throw in some Paradise Lost! or Pantera >the next. Heheh... Rock on!

    Heh, yeah man! I don't see why some people get so uptight about stuff, as long as the band ain't pandering towards mtv and only in it for the money, I'm usually okay with em (USUALLY) if I like their tunes. In other words, as long as it isn't that shitty bubble-gum "new rock" stuff...and that FAKE punk bullcrap. But anyways, I'm wasting precious bandwidth...later!

    (right now I'm listening to a cool Anthrax bootleg from 1987. Shit sound, but hey, it's Thrax! What the hell else do ya need!??!) Beavis (Wes Foll) /| / ||\ / || \ ______________ _ ______ _ __ __ //| || \\_____ _____| ||___ // |\ \/ / //_| || \ | || || | | || |/ ///|| \ / / __ || |\ \ | || || |__| || <//_|| / \ / / | || | \ \| || || __ || |\ \__ |/ /\ \ /_/ |_||_| \ || || | |_||_|/\ \ || / \_\ \ || ||/ \_\||/ \ ||/ \| "What is, is. What is not, is not. What is is, and is not, is is, and is not."


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 18:28:45 -0500 (EST) From: Ryan Eschauzier 97 <> To: RESPONSE at IBMAIL <> Subject: Setlist for December DT Shows Message-ID: <>

    I'll admit, I haven't been paying attention to 100% of the jam posts recently, but does anyone have an idea of what Dream Theater will play for the December shows? I assume they'll be trying out some new material, but as for the older stuff, what does everyone think? Last time they were around, there were a number of us who posted about wanting to hear some songs from WDADU. Although I doubt this is a possibility, it would be nice to hear. The songs I think they will stick with this December: Lie, Mirror, CoS, PMU, LtL, and I think they may even stick with a covers medley instrumental. It seemed like they had such a great time doing that last time I saw them. Just speculating.....ryan

    r u s h call it blind frustration call it blind man's bluff call each other names your voices rude - your voices rough k i d g l o v e s ryan eschauzier 97 860 439 4799


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 23:46:48 +0000 From: Gary Cleghorn <> To: Subject: Re: Girl Message-ID: <0CTW+FAo$>

    In message <Pine.LNX.3.93.961125111704.24075A-100000@grel>, Graham Borland <> writes >I am a girl, and I like Dream Theater. > >I have even signed Kevin Moore's breast. > Graham , have you been on the Buckfast again? -- Gary Cleghorn Toon Army Rules


    Date: 25 Nov 1996 19:27:07 -0000 From: "Ken McWatters" <> To: Subject: Re: Magellan & More Aimless Guitarpentry Message-ID: <>

    About 20 jams ago, Bafu Vai wrote regarding Eric Johnson:

    >Right. Chin on his chest, mesmerized to his hands, headphones to block out >the stage noise (the life around him), I'm sure he blew the other guys off >the stage. Now all he needs to learn how to do is pretend he's having fun >in a manner recognizeable by an audience of people like me who know >nothing about the guitar.

    At the Houston G3, I overheard a lady who had been backstage before Eric Johnson's set. She said among other things that he was "nervous" and was having to wear earplugs (and I assume the headphones as monitors sometimes) to protect his hearing. His performance was good, if a little subdued, but that's his personality I guess. My point is that he had a reason for wearing the earplugs/headphones, not necessarily just to isolate himself.


    ************************************************************ Ken McWatters Quote of the day/week/month: "You analyze the earth and the sky/I ask you why you can't analyze the signs of the present time" -Extreme, "Rise 'n Shine", III Sides to Every Story ************************************************************

    --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at ---------------------------------------------------------


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 18:31:39 +0000 From: "KorgX3" <> To: Subject: Re: Bafu and Country Music. Message-ID: <>

    > Of course I make a sweeping generalization in my characterization of the > typical country fan, but -- what the sucks and its fans > are mindless simpletons!

    I wouldn't go as far to say that, but most of the guys are heavy drinkers. Most of them work as either construction workers, farmers, or truck drivers. Some of them do all three. The women sit at home all day making those stupid little crafts that we all think suck. You know, the straw farmwomen, wreaths, and cows. They watch Roseanne every Tuesday and every weekend they go to the nearest bar and dance really stupid. It's amazing how well they can dance as stupid as they do in unison. You can bitch and gripe all you like, but this is the complete truth. Having lived in Idaho for 20 years, I have had the opportunity (like it or not) to study this strange faction of our species. They seem to like what they do, so who gives a crap, right?

    Disclaimer: All entries posted in this text are copyrighted by KorgX3 and are subject to applicable laws. Unauthorized reproduction of any entry contained within without written consent of the owner is strictly forbidden. "Rokz nadz, kikz butz, and hott chikz" are trademarks owned by KorgX3. :)


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 2055 **************************

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