YTSEJAM digest 3361

Date: Sat Dec 13 1997 - 23:52:50 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 3365"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 3361

    Today's Topics:

      1) James LaBrie
     by Isaac Sabetai <>
      2) Trans Siberian Orchestra a hit in Atlanta
     by "Wes <Beavis> Foll" <>
      3) Re: YTSEJAM digest 3359
     by Rick Booth <>
      4) by new millennium
     by "Salvatore" <>
      5) Re: Megadeth 12/28
     by Stephen Dedalus <>
      6) Re: Variety/Setlists
     by "Brian P. Kelley" <>
      7) The commercial music world
     by "Jason Birzer" <>
      8) Turtles
     by "Jason Birzer" <>
      9) Re: Turtles
     by alex fraser <>
     10) **** Real Player PLUS!!! ****
     by Scott Fuller <>
     11) CDs for sale
     by Rick Booth <>
     12) Re: YNM debate
     13) Re: YNM debate
     by Rogerio Brito <>
     14) The last broadcast show???
     by Rogerio Brito <>
     15) TSO & NFL
     by "Christopher R. Merlo" <cmerlo@CS.WM.EDU>


    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 14:01:33 -0500
    From: Isaac Sabetai <>
    To: Ytsejam <>
    Subject: James LaBrie
    Message-ID: <>

    > > Not a bad idea but LaBrie's fucking ego gets in the way. This guy is

    > > one of the biggest assholes in rock and roll

    When I met James after the New Haven show he was really cool. After the
    show I tried to get a setlist, but they were gone. All that was left
    were the lyric sheets James used for Scarred. So I grabbed one of those.
    After the show I went up to James and asked him to sign my lyric sheet.
    He started signed it, without noticing what it really was. When he saw
    it was a lyric sheet, he looked at me (a look I won't forget) and
    laughed and joked around with me.

    T-minus 4 hours for DT in Boston!

    "It sounds diminished ... but it's not"- John Petrucci


    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 15:34:43 -0500 (EST) From: "Wes <Beavis> Foll" <> To: Subject: Trans Siberian Orchestra a hit in Atlanta Message-ID: <>

    TSO is VERY popular here in Atlanta. Check this out, I was over at my friend Andy's house today, and his his mom had bought TSO not knowing it was a band like Savatage. I was shocked first of all, because she had it and LIKED IT! I hadn't had the cd yet, so I gave it a listen and loved it (duh, like, it's Savatage heh). So we went out looking for it in various stores such as Media Play and Best Buy etc. NONE of them had it, and when I asked about them, the people all told me that they had 30 copies coming in soon because everyone and their mother was asking about it. I was wondering why all of a sudden it was so popular, and then this one guy told me that out local alternative rock station 99X had been playing it. I was in shock!! I can't believe it's getting so much airplay and that everyone loves it. I know if it had Savatage's name on it, people would not like it. Stupid people...oh well, at least Sava is getting rich off of stupid people. PLUS their fans who know about 'em anyways. I finally did find it however in Blockbuster Music who had a bunch of copies sitting there on the special display.

    COOL eh?? Beavis (Wes Foll) ++The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds.

    ++The pessimist fears it is true. /| / ||\ / || \ ______________ _ ______ _ __ __ //| || \\_____ _____| ||___ // |\ \/ / //_| || \ | || || | | || |/ ///|| \ / / __ || |\ \ | || || |__| || <//_|| / \ / / | || | \ \| || || __ || |\ \__ |/ /\ \ /_/ |_||_| \ || || | |_||_|/\ \ || / \_\ \ || ||/ \_\||/ \ ||/ \|


    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 14:55:21 -0600 (CST) From: Rick Booth <> To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 3359 Message-ID: <>

    > You know what scares me most of all, above all other things? > > It's that 1997 still has 2.5 weeks left. And God only knows what's > going to happen. I am more or less expecting my apartment to explode on > or about December 29th.

    Here is something for ya that will fuck with your head until you come to your senses.


    Happy New Year!

    # "The great thing about playing for this band as opposed to other # # bands is that these guys encourage me to actually play the keyboard, # # not just hold down pads. # # --Derek Sherinian (Dream Theater '98: Petrucci/Portnoy/Myung/Sherinian #


    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 22:10:31 +0100 From: "Salvatore" <> To: <> Subject: by new millennium Message-ID: <>

    critics and praises....i've heard different comments about dt last album, and i'll try to explane what i fill about it.sometimes i've heard that songs like "metropolis"are too cold and this album is better 'cose shoes moore feeling....other times i've heard that FII. seems don't be an DT album because this isn't real prog music ....sometimes i've even heard that the DT music is beginning commercial music, without technical dt elements. well,i've always been a BIG DT fun and i'm sure that everyone of you loves prog music and dream theater very, how could someone tell me that METROPOLIS ia cold song ?IMAGES AND WORDS :is it a cold album ,without feelings,without message? can you resist to love it? and coming to FII i think that every band has a way, a evolution and DT are going throught it . and i think that nobody could say FII be lacking of technical parts, of course different by "metropolis",but not less effective and good.i relly like this album,it's great!! each dt album is different by others.....let's love them and understand the......."change of season".....:-)!!........" A SENSE OF WIND OF CHANGE...." they tell it as well !! bye!! -betta-


    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 13:17:29 -0800 (PST) From: Stephen Dedalus <> To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: Re: Megadeth 12/28 Message-ID: <>

    All right, father-fuckers. I wanna know if any CA jammers are gonna be at the Megadeth show on the 28th. I won tickets off KSJO by insulting Dennis Erectus! Go me!!! Easy tickets!!! So, I'll be there with one of my buds. Who's gonna rock with me? Be well. Matt B

    "That is the truth. Not the hammer and sickle; not the stars and stripes; not the cross; not the sun; not gold; not yin and yang, but the smile... Because they died, we know we still live. Because a star explodes and a thousand worlds like ours die, we know this world is. That is the smile, that what might not be is." (John Fowles, The Magus)


    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 18:11:16 -0500 From: "Brian P. Kelley" <> To: Subject: Re: Variety/Setlists Message-ID: <>

    Adam <> wrote: > >>I swear I'd attend every show within 1,500 miles and would try to get >>tapes of every show of the tour if that were the case! This is why >>Phish has such a dedicated and GROWING following. No two shows are >>*ever* the same and no one knows what the hell to expect on a given >>night (except a great show). > >Yup, that's exactly what I was talking about in the original post. While I >don't particularly care for Phish, I'm very familiar with their music and >their concert going experience (I've been to 4), and it's quite the >shindig. Everyone's always paying attention to what's going on as they >have no idea what's gonna happen next, and that's not always the case at DT >shows. I've had people yell at me on about this >topic. They claim that the artists (QR in this case) played the song the >exact way they wanted it in the studio and there's no need to change.

    Personally, I would like to see a change in setlists for DT as well. This is only upon reading daily setlists though! I have yet to see DT live (but I will in 3 DAYS THOUGH :) And I will welcome and ride every single note that they play.

    After a while, a band tends to get into the routine of song cycles and adding or slipping other songs into that slot isn't easy at times. It can be manageable, but more thought and preparation has to go into it. For DT, I think a great idea would be to have a 3-song selection slot in the middle of the set which would change every 1 or 2 days. I notice a lack of material from Awake on this tour. Voices, Lie, and Scarred seem to make frequent appearances. But why not slip 6:00 or CiaW in there somewhere?! Also maybe an occasional TTT or LTL (though these are longer songs and would take away from some other regular numbers). Now this is only a suggestion, alright! Still, I hope that they don't "retire" TTT, LTL, 6:00, or CiaW for good! (That would be a real shame!)

    I think because this is the first tour to promote FII, about half of the set is right to focus on the new material. After a while, in my experience with seeing Phish and the Dead, they generally get a feel from the crowd about each song and from there, they can decide to keep them in the song rotation or not. Usually, if a song is not as "well-received" as others, they'll be put on the shelf for a while and make infrequent appearances. At times reading setlists, I've seen TAMP replace UAGM or Voices replace some other song. DT's changes are minimal, but should that be a big deal?! No, I don't think so!

    But if a band is known for being a big jam band with an immense following, then variety is essential to the travelling hordes (ie. Phish, Dead, WSP, moe). I know these bands aren't your typical talk on the Jam, but they are important in terms of improvisational jamming. There are not many bands that actually change the context of the song live as from the studio cut (ie. lengthened solos, unsung verses, extra bars to the intro, etc.) However, that doesn't make them less of a band because they don't extend their jams or whatnot. They just like to stick to the basics and give the song a true representation of the album version. Even if bands allow taping at shows, that is a priviledge to tapes as well as a small percentage of the audience members who may want a copy. It doesn't mean that the band is going to surrender to a random setlist of songs to appease the tapers. As far as with traders, we are well outnumbered by ones who just come to a show JUST for the show and could care less about tapes. That one experience is enough for many people to recollect in their minds without having to press "Play". I used to be that way too, but after meeting tapers at certain previously mentioned bands' shows (yes, those bands :) I became a tape enthusiast and started collecting and trading like crazy!! 500 tapes later and I want more, More, MORE!!! hee hee hee!!!

    Ok, ok, I'm going off the track. I won't derail just yet though!! ;) All I can say is, whatever a band wants to play in their set from night to night, that's their agenda. We are the ones there to collect upon the musical experience. Yes, I know I stated that I wish they'd play more Awake material and all, but I can't force them to! As time has gone by, bands usually make subtle change to setlists and jamming segments. Usually relating to the recent album. In any case, I could give a rat's ass about this upcoming Tuesday's setlist!!! :) Sure they'll upon with LITS, but I'll be in DT heaven enjoying every bit of it until the Metropolis encore!!! OH, YEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!

    Take the time, Brian

    "T-minus 3 days and counting..." -- DT in Atlanta!!! >:O


    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 16:50:10 -0500 From: "Jason Birzer" <> To: "The Jam" <> Subject: The commercial music world Message-ID: <>

    >Do you ytsejammers think that todays commercial world can be changed. >Or will it continually spiral downward so that my 5 year old nephew >banging on a pot and a pan will make millions.

    Good question. I think things will stay the same as long as the record companies are still making money. The problem is, popular music, by definition, tries to please everyone. (How can it be popular otherwise?) Winning bands are cloned. Radio stations base their playlists more on marketing rather than what is actually good. Perfectly good bands are not getting airplay. Someone mentioned Def Leppard's "Slang". This is probably the best album DL has come out with in a long time. Did they get any support? No way. I didn't hear a single song on the radio.

    Every genre has their "Name" band that drives sales. There are perhapse better bands in the genre, but the "name" band is going to get the credit. I think with "Progressive Metal" the name band is going to be DT. That isn't necessarilly a bad thing, if DT plays its cards right and puts a good mix out there, but it is the reality of the industry today. DT isn't going to cause any revolutions the way they are going and I don't blame them.

    What needs to change is the way the record industry works. There are some who are trying to do this. The only one that I am familier with right now is Robert Fripp's Disipline Global Mobile. Here is a writeup on DGM:

    DISIPLINE GLOBAL MOBILE A Small, Mobile, and Independant Record Company

    Business Aims:

    * The first aim of DGM is to help bring music into the world which would otherwise be unlikely to do so, or under conditions prejudicial to the music and/or musicians

    * The second aim of DGM is to operate in the market place, while being free of the values of the market place.

    * The third aim of DGM is to help the artists and staff of DGM achieve what they wish for themselves.

    * The fourth aim of DGM is to find its audience.

    * The fifth aim of DGM is to be a model of ethical business in an industry founded on exploitation, oiled by deceit, riven with theft and fuelled by greed.

    If a small company, which aims to be true, can succeed in the music industry there is hope for others. We each support each other without necessarily seeing or knowing how this might be, or when it occurs. But on the level where things are true, this is true.

    Any business will be successful if it probides its customers with either what they want or what they need. If the public needs what it wants, or wants what it needs, the business will be very successful. In this sense public tast can redirect and reconstitute our business culture. There is hope in this.

    The formal view of Crimson Music and DGM is that business practices, although widespread and "common practice", which seek to deprive the creative element of its authority, and artists of the benefit of their work, are short-sighted and immoral. (Man, did he use enough commas here? - JB :^)

    Any culture whose artists are directed or controlled by commercial interests is in mortal danger. Any artist willingly directed or controlled by commercial interests is not to be trusted.

    The history of the music industry is a history of exploitation and theft.

    - Robert Fripp, Saturday 28th Dec., 1996

    That should generate some conversation here. :^) My feelings are summed up in a Rush quote below. Being on this list and being close to a couple of artists have made me realize that they are all getting screwed by the fat cats called the record companies. It has always been that way. Hopefully, one of these days there will be another way of doing things. We need more DJs like D-Man who play what they LIKE instead of what will sell airtime. We need more artists like Fripp who try to find different ways of getting their music to the people who will enjoy it. The problem is, I can't see things changing anytime soon.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason Birzer "One likes to believe in the freedom of music "The Longshot" but glittering prizes and endless compromises shatter the illusion of integrity." Rush - The Spirit Of Radio --------------------------------------------------------------------------


    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 17:01:59 -0500 From: "Jason Birzer" <> To: "The Jam" <> Subject: Turtles Message-ID: <>

    >Hmmm... How old are you again? I mean, I'm 20, and the TMNT aren't that >old...

    The comic hit about 10 years ago. Man, it is amazing how time flies...

    now back to your regularly scheduled Ytsejam....

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason Birzer "One likes to believe in the freedom of music "The Longshot" but glittering prizes and endless compromises shatter the illusion of integrity." Rush - The Spirit Of Radio --------------------------------------------------------------------------


    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 17:55:01 -0600 (CST) From: alex fraser <> To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: Re: Turtles Message-ID: <>

    > > >Hmmm... How old are you again? I mean, I'm 20, and the TMNT aren't that > >old... > The comic hit about 10 years ago. Man, it is amazing how time flies...

    And they were aroudn as a role playing game (a la D&D) a few years before that, as I recall...



    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 16:07:15 -0800 (PST) From: Scott Fuller <> To: "All the lucky 'jammers" <> Subject: **** Real Player PLUS!!! **** Message-ID: <>

    All of you who wanted to record the DT show from, you may want to follow this link:">

    (not joking!) This is the "gateway" to the full version of Real Player 5.0. It also has some HTML thingy for those poor people (like me) who are behind a firewall.

    DISCLAIMER: These files have nothing to do with me, I only found this wonderful link ;) . If you do download the player for a trial period, you must delete it within 24 hours of dowloading (or the dt concert).

    Sorry for the waste of space, just covering my back.

    You can also get the record crack here: - Here we come!!!

    Scott (Still waiting for DT in Australia!)

    +=====================================================================+ >>>>>The Dream Theater Image Archive<<<<< >>>>>The Spacedye Ring Homepage<<<<< +=====================================================================+ Perhaps only people who are capable of real togetherness have that look of being alone in the universe-the others have a certain stickiness. --D.H. Lawrence

    _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at


    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 19:01:57 -0600 (CST) From: Rick Booth <> To: Subject: CDs for sale Message-ID: <>

    I have the following CD's for sale. The prices include the $2 I need for shipping/packaging. E-mail me if your are interested.

    $10 Fates Warning - Parallels (near-mint condition) $10 Fates Warning - Perfect Symmetry (NM, features Kevin Moore) $10 Frank Zappa - You Are What You Is (excellent condition) $10 Frank Zappa - Sheik Yerbouti (excellent condition) $10 Magellan - Impending Ascension (excellent condition) $10 King Crimson - Thrakattak (only played twice)

    $10 Dream Theater - Dream Out Loud (nm--last track fucks up/skips--it was like that when I bought it new.)

    DT tour speculations:

    I've only heard King's X a few times. A friend of mine had a KX CD and I listened to a couple tracks...a few years ago. I can't quite remember what the music was like. Anyhow, would KX be a good opener for the DT tour?

    If they did open, Doug could sing back-up vocals on LiTS...THAT would be amazing. I love the soul in his voice on LiTS... I'm not exactly sure if they would be a good opener tho--what does their music sound like? Is it proggy or more rock-like?

    NP: "Sentiment"/Cynic


    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 18:30:53 -0700 (MST) From: To: Cc: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: Re: YNM debate Message-ID: <>

    > > statioin listener and get them interested. There are unfortunately a ton of > > folk out there to whom Ozzy Osbourne and Ratt are "good music". > > I happen to enjoy listening to Ozzy and Ratt (although I recognize that they're > usually not very technically challenging). Does that make me a troglodyte? If it > does, than you can just bend over and "suck my ass." BTW, Randy Rhoads could

    Me too! If you don't think No More Tears is a great album, why I oughta.... To each their own...even if they suck. ;)



    Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 00:26:30 -0200 (EDT) From: Rogerio Brito <> To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: Re: YNM debate Message-ID: <>

    On Sat, 13 Dec 1997 wrote:

    > Me too! If you don't think No More Tears is a great album, why I oughta.... > To each their own...even if they suck. ;)

    I have to agree with you. And the song "No More Tears" is the song!!

    BTW, for people concerned with keyboards, Ozzy has(had?) Wakeman playing with him...

    > ~Eckie

    []s, Roger...

    -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rogerio Brito - - Undergraduate Computer Science Student - "Windows? Linux and X!" Bootleg/trade page: "Life is ours, we live it our way (...) / And nothing else matters" James Hetfield (Metallica), Nothing Else Matters =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


    Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 00:45:03 -0200 (EDT) From: Rogerio Brito <> To: Subject: The last broadcast show??? Message-ID: <>

    Hi, there.

    I'd like to know from you people that heard the last Dream Theater show broadcast by <> some little thingies:

    - what's its sound quality? - what was its length? - what songs were played??

    Thank you *very* much and let's just wait until Dec/21.

    []s anxiously waiting, Roger...

    -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rogerio Brito - - Undergraduate Computer Science Student - "Windows? Linux and X!" Bootleg/trade page: "Life is ours, we live it our way (...) / And nothing else matters" James Hetfield (Metallica), Nothing Else Matters =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


    Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 23:36:46 -0500 From: "Christopher R. Merlo" <cmerlo@CS.WM.EDU> To: Subject: TSO & NFL Message-ID: <>

    While watching the *ahem* NFC East champion New York Giants run roughshod over the Washington Redskins today, I distinctly heard "Christmas Eve" over the stadium's PA at the end of a TV time out. Thought that was neat, and I felt like sharing the fact that the Giants are the NFC East champions. :)

    Oh, yeah, Cook - Don't even go there. :)

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Digital Man \|/ ____ \|/ "640 K ought to be enough "@'/ ,. \`@" memory for everyone." -Gates /_| \__/ |_\ "He won't need a bed \__U_/ He's a digital man" -Peart ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer of the Official Dream Theater Frequently Asked Questions List


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 3361 **************************

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