YTSEJAM digest 2192

Date: Thu Jan 16 1997 - 15:07:23 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 2193"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2192

    Today's Topics:

      1) Re: New DT Thread
     by Jeff Hayes <>
      2) covers
     by Brian <>
      3) Boston? Massachusetts? Hello? Is anybody out there?
     by "Ryan P. Skadberg" <>
      4) Re:25 Rules for women.. Sorta long NDTC
     by Jeff Hayes <>
      5) VH Rumors, no DTC
     by Andrew Forcier <>
      6) Re: DT Cover Band
     by Fernando Ma <fernandm@U.Arizona.EDU>
      7) DT cover band, leaving the list...
     by Andrew Forcier <>
      8) one nite of dt
     by "Rip, Cow Virtuoso" <>
      9) Megadeth Live In San Fransisco
     by Brian <>
     10) Re: a temporary, one nite only DT line up...
     by Jim Beavens <>
     11) YTSEJAM digest 2190 -Reply
     12) Re: Steve Morse's' Stand Up/Smack Da Pack/Qu'est ce que c'est Flamage?
     by Jon Parmet <>
     13) Re: columbia house like Dream Theater!
     by Jon Parmet <>
     14) A buncha stuff
     by (Pat Sullivan)
     15) Please don't be offended...
     by (Pat Sullivan)


    Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 09:46:58 -0600
    From: Jeff Hayes <>
    Subject: Re: New DT Thread
    Message-ID: <>

    Boys and girls,
    Hmmm I would have to go with the following lineup:

    Michael Kiske - Vocals (ex-Helloween)
    Tony MacAlpine/Dave Uhrich - Guitar
    Jordan Rudess( MacAlpine if Uhrich on guitar ) - Keys ( Saw this guy play
    at AES in '95 AWESOME!!!! Check out Vinnie Moore's "Time Odyssey" for a
    preview )
    John Onder - Bass ( Worked with Joey Tafolla on "Infra-Blue" )
    Deen Castronovo - Drums ( All I have to say is listen to "Hundreds of
    Thousands" from MacAlpine's "Maximum Security" CD and drool!!! This guy
    can do AMAZING things with the ride cymbal, high-hat and double bass!!! )

    Let's see what other people think!

    Shred 'til yer dead!!
    Jeff aka IceBLADE

    In reply to:
    Hey Guys!

            I just got back from winter break and heard that the jam is a
    little quiet right now, so I was wondering what ideas you all might have
    for the following question...
            If you had to pick five musicians from any style of music to
    perform a concert of Dream Theater covers, who would they be? Here are


    Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 10:47:18 -0800
    From: Brian <>
    Subject: covers
    Message-ID: <>

    hey, I'm desperatly searching for the covers to DT bootlegs (ESPECIALLY
    InstruMENTAL 1 and 2 and all of Mike Bahr's CDs). If any of you have any
    DT bootleg CDs and a scanner or if you know of where I can get these
    images or whatever, please mail me, OK? Thanks in advance!

    ========================================================================"Are you gonna bark all day, little -----
            doggie, or are you gonna ---- ------------- ----
            bite?"-Micheal Madsen, ---- - ----
            Reservoir Dogs -- - - - - - - - --
    "Just victims of the in-house - - - - - - -
            drive-by. They say jump, - - -- - -- - -
            you say 'How high?"-Rage -- - - - - - - - --
            Against The Machine ---- - - - ----
    later--------------Brian ---- ------------- ----


    Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 10:56:37 -0500
    From: "Ryan P. Skadberg" <>
    Subject: Boston? Massachusetts? Hello? Is anybody out there?
    Message-ID: <>

    Hi Again All ...

            Well, so far the response to my invitation to do a Ytse-Lunch
    in Boston has been very very small :( If you want to come, PLEASE
    PLEASE email me now ( and I will add you to the list
    of people to update. Just to repeat, plans are:

    When: Saturday, January 25th @ Noon(ish)
    Where: Kenmore Square Are
    What: Boston Ytse-Lunch
    Why: Its fun to meet jammers and food is a good thing

    I have CC'ed a bunch of the locals I know (or go to BU), just in case
    they aren't paying full attention to the jam.

    Talk to you later!


    Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 10:12:13 -0600
    From: Jeff Hayes <>
    Subject: Re:25 Rules for women.. Sorta long NDTC
    Message-ID: <>

    Wow, Irene,
    All I have to say is "Take a pill woman!!!!" If you are going to take
    every little comment to heart, how do you function at all in the real
    world!!! Your post just seems to perpetuate the stereotypical "feminazi"
    attitude in reagrds to any words uttered by a guy that don't refer to
    "Womyn" in the highest possible regards is meant to be an evil, demeaning
    defacement of the entire gender. It was A JOKE! Perhaps you've heard of
    them. This is SUPPOSED to be a mailing list for Dream Theater. That much
    is understood. Granted the content of the "Women's/Men's Lists" was not DT
    related. However, does the phrase "lighten up" have ANY meaning for you.
    Please do not take this as a personal attack, although, given your previous
    response I have no doubt that you will.

    The gist of Chris' post was to step back, take a deep breath, and just let
    the thread die. Unfortunately, when one posts something such as you did in
    regards to an innocuous comment on the word "whine", the retorts will no
    doubt propagate for days. Perhaps the use of that particular vocabulary
    word was not the correct choice, but geez, Cut the guy some slack!!! OK,
    ok, enough ranting and raving!!! I'm sure to we'll hear about this for
    days now. I have broad shoulders. Feel free to lay the brunt of the
    perpetuation of this thread on me!

    And now for gratuitous DT content!!!
    I am going to resurrect an old thread here ( Sorry ). I want to try to get
    my girlfriend into DT. I have all of their studio albums an one bootleg
    (Tragedy/Comedy). If I had just an hour or so to ease her into the music,
    what should be my playlist. She's your typical Top 40 and new country
    kinda girl. PLus she "hates jazz". I know, I know. I should drop her
    like a bad habit, right. But, barring that option... Feel free to email
    me in regards to any of my ravings at:

    Shred 'til yer dead

    In reply to Irene who wrote:

    Ok, here's yet another post about the 25 Rules For Women...

    Well, while I know that list was intended as a joke and all, it did hurt to
    a degree. While some of the stuff was funny like "No you can't have the
    remote control" there were some that were a tad bit offensive.

    I know these are put out there as jokes, but they can get pretty demeaning.
    To me, it is an insult if someone hints that women are only good for
    cooking, cleaning, etc. That really is what some of that joke me feel like.

    Please don't say I'm bitching here... I've seen that posted on the jam that
    the women are bitching (I guess if a woman speaks up she's bitching. Go
    figure). I'm just saying how I felt about that post. Personally, I'm not
    holding a grudge against Vince, who posted the list... I really feel he did
    it for humor, and he did appologise (which I feel was very good of him even
    though he'd originally intended it only for a joke), but I'm more offended
    by the posts that went off on the women who posted about it. Here's the
    example that really pissed me off:

    >>Have a beer, smoke a stogie, just don't bitch about somethiing as simple
    >>and silly as a list like that.

    Chris, first of all, like I said a woman speaking her mind is NOT bitching.
    And second of all, while some may have found that joke humorous (in general,
    I did) some did get offended and they have every right to speak up about it!
    While it may be simple and silly to you, some got offended. Vince had the
    decency to appologise about it, and I wouldn't have posted this if it hadn't
    been for that comment of yours!

    I'm also not going to post anything demeaning towards men... I feel there's
    no need, I believe in equality. Even that top 50 against men I feel was
    unnecessary and all and I honestly hope no guys were offended.

    My point is that this jam is being read by many people, men AND women.
    There are different nationalities, races, etc. And everyone thinks
    differently. So when you post something you may offend someone. And that
    person has every right as a human being to defend him/herself. And not to
    be told they're bitching, whining, etc.

    I'm not gonna go on about this anymore, I've said what I feel. The only
    reason I'm sending this to the jam, and not to Chris himself, is because
    there were other instances in the past where disagreements such as this
    occurred. I really hope it won't anymore. I'm not ripping on the jam, I
    really love this place. It's just that I was hurt by those comments and
    felt I needed to speak up. Any comments, please send to me in private mail
    since I do hope this thread is coming to an end. Thanks, and take care all.



    Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 11:27:08 -0800
    From: Andrew Forcier <>
    Subject: VH Rumors, no DTC
    Message-ID: <>

            Just wanted to put in my two cents and say Van Halen sucks. No
    not the music, but the human being. Eddie Van Halen has no respect for
    his fans, and I'm of the opinion that anyone who asserts otherwise must
    be kidding. Forget artistic integrity for one second. I've read the
    magazines, the lists, the web pages, but I still have a low opinion of
    Eddie. Look at the facts.
            Eddie has expunged not one, but three lead singers (counting Roth
    for both times). The first time that Dave left, I have to agree, it was
    probably for the best. The band was heading in two directions and they
    weren't getting along, I'll grant Eddie that one. But tossing Sammy was
    ridiculous. The band has said for years they they were friends, something
    they never had with Dave in the band. Then they turn around and boot
    Sammy for two reasons: 1) they did not like a line in a ballad that was
    supposed to be on the Twister soundtrack, 2) the manager said that
    Sammy's stage show resembled that of a B-music star.
            This is crap, pure and unadulterated. For someone who steals
    piano lines from club acts, Eddie has no right to challenge someone's
    artistic integrity based on one lyric (one line really). Second, when I
    saw VH three times in 1995, the only consistently good things about the
    show were Sammy and Mike. Because of his hip, Eddie just stood around,
    and Alex was (as always) error-full. Though in one of his solos, Eddie
    encorporated some of Mean Streets and Romeo Delight, his playing was
    generally the same as it has been the past three tours (5150 was the
    last good one). I still think Sammy was good as a fill in for Dave, and I
    think Eddie's an asshole for pushing him out.
            Then this whole Dave thing last summer. Every single Van Halen
    fan I know thought the Dave thing was a sham from the start. *It'll never
    last, they won't tour.* Then they showed up on the Music Awards. All of
    my friends freaked. We alll started prepping for the tour, trying to
    imagine the setlists, the stadiums they'd fill. Bands don't make public
    appearances if they don't plan on sticking around for a while, right?
    Then Eddie had to go and be a cock again.
            Both Eddie and Dave agree completely on what went on that night.
    Dave did make the *it's my night* comment. But what Eddie didn't care to
    notice is that the crowd was giving a standing ovation to Van Halen, not
    Van Hagar. We all know the distinction is made. It was Dave's night, the
    first night in a long time that Dave had been given respect. Respect he
    desrved for owning up to the stuff he said in the eighties about Van
    Halen and apologizing. Respect for the good music he once made. Dave was
    the bigger man, Eddie was a jerk. Dave got the boot for doing what he
    hadn't been able to do since he parted company with Steve Vai and Billy
    Sheehan: bask in some glory. Can anyone blame him?
            I'd like to say that I will buy the new album. I loved Extreme, I
    loved Van Halen. But I will wait until I see it in a used bin. No more of
    my money will contibute to Eddie's *artistic integrity*, or his
    collection of sports cars (c'mon, who are we kidding). Eddie is not Dave
    Mustaine. He did not boot people out because they were impossible to deal
    with artistically (Mustaine even tries group counseling to settle band
    difficulties). He booted them out because they were impossible for Eddie
    to control, which it was it seems he really wants.
            In conclusion, I'd like to say I don't believe the *Mike* rumors,
    but who can tell now. They said there would be no Van Halen without Sammy
    (I have the 1991 GFTPM article), who says it would end without Mike, or
    even Alex for that matter. I just have five words in closing: Gary
    Cherone, watch your back...

    When the music stops,
    there's only the sound of the rain...


    Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 09:47:09 -0700 (MST)
    From: Fernando Ma <fernandm@U.Arizona.EDU>
    To: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re: DT Cover Band
    Message-ID: <>

    Five musicians:

    Guitar: Steve Vai
    Bass: Michael Manring
    Drums: Vince from Pantera
    Keys: Chopin
    Voices (background): The guys from GC
    Voices (lead): Mike Patton

                    Fernando Ma
                    Materials science & engineering
                    University of Arizona

    "I would like for this record to come out...and a blonde" - Derek Sherinian


    Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 11:59:11 -0800
    From: Andrew Forcier <>
    Subject: DT cover band, leaving the list...
    Message-ID: <>

            I'm posting far too frequently these days. As for those
    complaining about the quality of this list, I was told there was a
    moderated list that doesn't allow more open discussion. Is this still
    true? Don't several web pages carry the exact same DT related info that
    gets posted on this list? If so, then Ben, Lars, and co. can drag their
    boots there, IMHO.
            I like this list because 1) I had a far more intelligent
    discussion on this list about the WM Tribute (among other albums) than on
    the Rush NMS, 2) I have already discovered two new bands (well, new to
    me) from Jammer recommendations, 3) I would actually talk to Jammers at
    shows now, whereas NMSers don't seem too social, and 4) the most
    important function of this list is to talk about how music affects us,
    not limited to, but emphasizing the immortal five (six?), Dream Theater.
    No way am I leaving anytime soon. Besides, what else is there to do at
    work all day?
            DT Cover band:
            Guitar: Steve Vai (Joe is God, but DT ain't his style)
            Bass: Stu Hamm (though I think Geddy would be cool, I
                    don't think the tapping in Metropolis is his
            Keys: KevMo (why bother with anything but the real deal?)
            Drums: Jeff "Tain" Watts (why limit to rock drummers, Tain
                    is the King of Feel, though I don't think he owns
                    a double bass combo... Oh, well!)
            Vocals: Geoff Tate (but *YA-YO-GAK in a Web* would be fun)

    For the person who put Animal as the drummer, I can't stop laughing
    still. But this isn't the forum for Muppet related stories, or humor of
    any kind. Take it elsewhere!!!!:)

    When the music stops,
    there's only the sound of the rain...


    Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 11:17:37 -0600
    From: "Rip, Cow Virtuoso" <>
    To: Heavy Metal Computer Nerds <>
    Subject: one nite of dt
    Message-ID: <>

    > If you had to pick five musicians from any style of music to
    > perform a concert of Dream Theater covers, who would they be? Here are
    > mine...

    vocals- a cow
    guitars- a cow
    bass- a cow
    keys- a cow
    drums - a MOOO COW!!

    six o'clock on a christmas MOOOOOOOOOrning
    the silent cow
    caught in some mud.



    Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 12:35:37 -0800
    From: Brian <>
    Subject: Megadeth Live In San Fransisco
    Message-ID: <>

    If anyone has this promo disc put out by Capitol records or has any
    information about it, please let me know. Thanks

    "Are you gonna bark all day, little -----
            doggie, or are you gonna ---- ------------- ----
            bite?"-Micheal Madsen, ---- - ----
            Reservoir Dogs -- - - - - - - - --
    "Just victims of the in-house - - - - - - -
            drive-by. They say jump, - - -- - -- - -
            you say 'How high?"-Rage -- - - - - - - - --
            Against The Machine ---- - - - ----
    later--------------Brian ---- ------------- ----


    Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 09:41:13 -0800
    From: Jim Beavens <>
    Subject: Re: a temporary, one nite only DT line up...
    Message-ID: <>

    Among somebody's choices for a DT cover band:

    >drums: animal

    But Mike Portnoy's already in the band!! <g>

       Jim Beavens <>    | If I had a witty remark that
    MD6 Design Engineer, Intel Corp, Hillsboro OR | would better the lives of my
      -=(UDIC)=- Subconscious Dragon -=(UDIC)=-   | fellow mankind, do you really
            ** I don't speak for Intel **         | think I would put it HERE?


    Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 11:18:39 -0700 From: BILL HUSTON <HUSTON@IOMEGA.COM> To: Subject: YTSEJAM digest 2190 -Reply Message-ID: <s2de19ee.072@IOMEGA.COM>

    Vince asked where these words came from in Yj#2190

    "An Angel with a broken wing..." "Wind caressed your cheek" "Stars wrapped in your hair" "Why did you kiss the world goodbye?"


    The Cult song: Edie. I forget the name of the album but it was just after Electric.



    Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 18:42:56 +0000 From: Jon Parmet <> To: Subject: Re: Steve Morse's' Stand Up/Smack Da Pack/Qu'est ce que c'est Flamage? Message-ID: <>

    > The problem with _Stand Up_ is that it is not available on CD

    Sounds like a job for: Tape Recorder Man! :)

    Perhaps between the two of us, we have a full set of scratch-free songs!

    Well, I think I'm heading out to find High Tension Wires, given I haven't heard one bad thing about it here on Da Jam.


    Got that right!! Although Surrounded would kick ass during each sack of the Favre unit :)

    Now who wants to take the Pack and gimme da 14? :):)


    I'll probably get torn a new asshole for this; but it ain't gonna make or break my day! Besides, what is life without adventure? :)

    > When I posted regularly on this list a while ago I contributed a lot > more than the flames and drivel that come out of your keyboard.

    First, a very tiny attempt at humor (maybe): would the above be considered progressive keyboard? thrash?

    Second, some observations from the selectively brain damaged:

    Yeah, but it's not what have you contributed, but what have you contributed lately?

    This isn't a flame, nor is it in any way intended to be related to any ongoing battle, nor is it meant as a personal attack on you, nor is meant to be an excessive use of the word 'nor'...

    Ever look at a word you've just typed and it looks way too funny? Bafu, help me!!!! 'nor' looks funny. Is it because I'm typing it too much?

    It just seems that a lot of people here continue on in spite of all the pissin' and moanin' goin' on (enough apostrophes yet?); while others use it occasionally/mostly for spleen venting. Hey, everyone has a bad day at work/school/gutter/etc. No problem. I probably pissed someone I know off the day the author of Curious George died 'cuz it affected me. CG was the BALLZ!

    If you're spending more time in the second category than the first, though, perhaps you need to: (and this is where the brain damage part comes in, in case you thought the entire article was :)

    don't surround yourself with yourself move on back to squares

    re-evaluate pick up the pieces go back to square one

    Perhaps the person flaming you is the one with the problem: SO WHAT? let it slide! Is any of it as important as MUSIC? If it is, get out the Tek-9 and start shreddin' :)

    Being here doesn't cost much, doesn't hurt much, doesn't ask for much...

    Oops, almost forgot: they're trying a new combination of ritalin, rogaine and electric shock on me today and I'm don't want to be late for my appointment. It's supposed to stimulate rapid hair growth while helping me deal with where it all went :)

    Bye bye now....


    Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 18:54:50 +0000 From: Jon Parmet <> To: Subject: Re: columbia house like Dream Theater! Message-ID: <>

    Nice job, Jazzmin!!!


    Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 14:47:51 -0500 From: (Pat Sullivan) To: Subject: A buncha stuff Message-ID: <>

    > Take care everyone... and just remember... the Super Bowl would >have been about 100 times better as Carolina vs. Jacksonville, just on >principle alone, but at least the COWBOYS aren't in it!! probably just pissed off a lot of Patriots and Packers fans...I *know* you pissed off *this* Pats fan... :)

    Although, I *was* glad the 'Boys got their dicks kicked in for 'em. :)


    > In summary, I would like to say that Kurt >sucked at guitar BUT, he influenced our society in the fact that he was >simple...catchy and had a grasp on all the kids.

    A novel concept. I think most on this list would agree that Mr. Cobain was never a musical influence (from an innovative standpoint), but I don't think anyone can deny his standing as a *cultural* icon, a reflection of society THROUGH music, rather than OF it.


    > The sad thing is that there are many VH fans who >think Eddie OWES them something, and that he should listen to their blubbering >complaints about what to do with the band.

    There's been a thread similar to this on the QR newsgroup (not about QR, just about music in general). The guy who started they thread basically said that once bands have developed a following, the are obligated to continue making the kind of music that this core group wants, irregardless of what they may WANT to do. In his opinion, bands like Metallica should keep remaking Master of Puppets forever, and if they want to record stuff like Load, they have to do it on their own time.

    It's really a silly argument. Bands/musicians do not owe fans anything, PARTICULARLY if they have to sacrifice their integrity for it. Fans may end up disagreeing with a bands musical direction, but if that's the case, I say: find some other band that meshes better with what you want, or go make the music yourself.


    > If you had to pick five musicians from any style of music to >perform a concert of Dream Theater covers, who would they be? Here are >mine...

    An interesting thread, perhaps, but it's a TOP FIVE LIST. :) How about collecting everybody's lists and compiling it into THE ALL-TIME-ROCKIN' DREAM THEATER COVER BAND and then posting it here?


    _____Pat Sullivan_____________________________________________ E-mail: IRC: DDictator WWW: NP: Dream Theater - "When Dream And Day Unite" ______________________________________________________________


    Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 15:01:31 -0500 From: (Pat Sullivan) To: Subject: Please don't be offended... Message-ID: <>

    >My point is that this jam is being read by many people, men AND women. >There are different nationalities, races, etc. And everyone thinks >differently. So when you post something you may offend someone.

    Yes, but if I (or anyone, for that matter), has to worry about who they might offend on every post, nothing will ever get said. ANYTHING can be deemed offensive by someone that is looking for it to be offensive.

    As an example, in my last post I mentioned the Cowboys getting a certain anatomical part rearranged in the playoffs. Because of this recent debate, I had to think a long time before I decide to leave such a "colorful" phrase in there. No offense was intended (or taken, I hope).

    I think if there is malice involved, then clearly, someone should step in and deal with the offender. But frankly, the people I've met on this list are some of the least maliciously-inclined people I know. If harm isn't intended, just let it slide. The stereotypes continue only if attention is continually drawn to them.


    Geez...I hope we get some new DT music soon.... :)

    _____Pat Sullivan_____________________________________________ E-mail: IRC: DDictator WWW: NP: Dream Theater - "When Dream And Day Unite" ______________________________________________________________


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 2192 **************************

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Thu Apr 01 2004 - 17:59:05 EST