YTSEJAM digest 2738

Date: Fri Jul 11 1997 - 13:58:08 EDT

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                                YTSEJAM Digest 2738

    Today's Topics:

      1) Voices backing vocals
      2) Mr. Wee.wee's spelling...
     by "Nicole R. Stachowicz McWatters" <stachowic_n@UHDVX3.DT.UH.EDU>
      3) to Ebow, or not to Ebow
     by "Kevin Hammer" <>
      4) Cybil
     by Adam Barnhart <>
      5) Brain Teasers
     by (Mike Potvin)
      6) apsog / fg
     by "Andrew Miller" <>
      7) Re[2]: Mood Songs
     by mrkizer@CCGATE.HAC.COM
      8) Re: Voices backing vocals
     by Albert Balkiewicz <balkiewi@UMDNJ.EDU>
      9) Shake, Rattle, Roll, Crash, Burn, Spindle, Mutilate
     by Adam Barnhart <>
     10) schtuff
     by "Adam Cook" <>


    Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 10:09:15
    Subject: Voices backing vocals
    Message-ID: <>

    Hey, I don't know if this has been covered before, but it's not in the
    FAQ so I'm going to ask. (Maybe it should be in the FAQ?)

    Who sings the background vocals on Voices, where it goes "See my diary
    on the newsstand, seems we've lost the truth to quicksand.." I think
    that's where it is, at least. I didn't bring Awake with me today.


    Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 11:15:25 -0500 (CDT)
    From: "Nicole R. Stachowicz McWatters" <stachowic_n@UHDVX3.DT.UH.EDU>
    Subject: Mr. Wee.wee's spelling...
    Message-ID: <Pine.PMDF.3.91.970711110106.20770A-100000@DT3.DT.UH.EDU>

    Our illustrious impostor keeps saying forms of the phrase "gayer than a
    hootananny." Uh, if you you were so concerned with spelling, as your last
    post seemed to indicate, you'd know the word is spelled "hootEnanny." Just
    pointing this out to our "looser imposter." ;)

    Now, D-Man was talking about the little math brain teaser that appeared
    on the jam yesterday. I hate to do this, but I must disagree with my
    esteemed colleague. (Screw it, I'm not checking the spelling 'cuz I'm too
    lazy!) On number 9, I believe the answer is c.) 10-40.

    The progression was 2-4, 6-18, ???. The way I see it, the first number
    in the pair is found by adding 4 to the previous number in the list. In
    other words, 2+4=6; 6+4=10. That's where I got the 10. The second
    number in the pair is found by multiplying the first number in the pair
    by x+1. In other words, 2*2=4; 6*3=18; 10*4=40. That's where I came up
    with c.) 10-40. But I can see where D-Man got his answer, so maybe there
    are two answers?

    Sorry to take up bandwidth (as usual).

    -Nicole/Kirby the Anal Parakeet! ;)

    P.S. How come no one caught the mistake in my .sig? It must be wrong on
    the Web (where I got the misquoted lyrics).

          Nicole Rene Stachowicz McWatters | The sleep is still in my eyes
        Undergrad Professional Writing Major | The dream is still in my head
           University of Houston-Downtown | I *heave a sigh* and ... smile
   | And lie a while in bed. |
              Kirby on | "Soliloquy" _2112_ by Rush


    Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 09:31:06 PDT
    From: "Kevin Hammer" <>
    Subject: to Ebow, or not to Ebow
    Message-ID: <>

    >Altering the volume of a note while it's resounding and maintaining the
    >volume while altering the vibrato are two things that can't be done on
    >acoustic guitar which are staples of violin technique.

    Unless you get yourself an Ebow :)
    If you haven't tried one of these yet GO GET ONE!
    These things are amazing. Just don't think of it as an effect, it's more
    like learning to play slide than learning to play with an echo. The tape
    that comes with it is a great help...

    are there any more Ebowers out there?

                                       kevin hammer

    the Ebow website also mentions DT thanks to yours truly :)
    /me pats himself on the back

    Get Private Web-Based Email Free


    Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 09:36:09 -0700
    From: Adam Barnhart <>
    Subject: Cybil
    Message-ID: <>

    >From: Matt Robbins-McDaniel <>
    >What about Jason Bonham? You know, the son of John from Zep. Who, IMO
    >kicks his Dad's butt all over the drum set, not to mention most other
    >drummers (except Portnoy of course). Just thought I'd clarify WHICH
    >Bonham is best IMO. $0.02...........

    Jason Bonham IS awfully good. But I saw his band open for ELP, fully
    expecting an enjoyable listening experience...

    It wasn't that they were BAD, but they were boring. I just didn't get into
    the show at all. A friend of mine, seeing them at another venue on the same
    tour, actually fell ASLEEP.

    For the record, I generally LIKE the Bonham records...
    >From: "S. Borzilleri" <>
    >Do Gilbert and Sheehan ever solo during Mr. Big shows? What about Torpey?
    >I'm talking long, extended spotlight stuff. ??

    Yeah....even as openers on the Rush tours, Gilbert and Sheehan took extended
    solos. Sheehan's better than Gilbert's in my opinion....well, on the first
    tour with Rush, it was about a push, but the things Gilbert was playing on
    the second Rush tour didn't impress me much.

    Then again, the singer for my old band disagreed totally...his comment on
    the Sheehan solo: "We just WATCHED the other guy do all that shit, why don't
    you do something ELSE?" I guess he was looking for a Robert Trujillo thing....

    >Five Gratuitous CD's:
    >1. Nuno: Schizophonic
    >2. Ashley MacIsaac: Hi, How Are You Today?
    >3. Gary Hoey: Bug Alley
    >4. T-Ride: T-Ride
    >5. Sarah McLachlan: The Freedom Sessions
    >Adam D. Barnhart

    Wha? Where did I go? And what happened to my collection? I thought I only
    had ONE of those CD's? I'm so confused....

    Or addle-brained, eh? Oh well...five out of MY collection....

    Five Gratutitous CD's:
    1. Rush: Grace Under Pressure
    2. Primus: Brown Album
    3. Enchant: Wounded
    4. Mind Over Four: The Goddess
    5. The Church: Gold Afternoon Fix

    Adam D. Barnhart


    Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 12:49:03 EDT
    From: (Mike Potvin)
    Subject: Brain Teasers
    Message-ID: <>

    >> minutes early. How many minutes did the man walk?
    >ARGH! The one I didn't get. :(

    ok...since you guys can't get's 40 minutes...i'll tell you says that the man got there an hour early and started walking
    now since it took them 20 minutes to get home from whereever it is that
    he walked to, it would be assumed that it would take 20 minutes to get
    there from home as well...and thus 40 minutes...

    yup....another day, another problem solved....


    Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 12:19:49 +0000
    From: "Andrew Miller" <>
    Subject: apsog / fg
    Message-ID: <>

    > I completely disagree. Almost any band could do a better job of holding MY
    > attention for an hour than Fates. APSOG is so long and drawn out some of
    > the parts are excruciating to listen to... not once have I been able to
    > listen to the album from start to finish,

    i ended up selling my copy. the album was praised and worshipped
    around here so much that i figured i should check it out. i listened
    to it 5 or 6 times before finally realizing that i simply couldn't
    get into it. the recurring "theme" of the song is like fingernails
    on a chalkboard to me... and i agree about your comments regarding
    the singer... the melodies he sings just sound too forced to me;
    as if he's simply laying voice over instruments without any thought
    of rhythm, phrasing, etc.. i was also disappointed by the keys from
    the start. i, as well as everyone else i imagine, was under the
    impression that KevMo was contributing more than his playing
    talents... i'd assumed he was being brought in to actually write the
    parts. so when i heard the album i kept thinking to myself... "ok,
    this keyboard part is nice, but where's Moore? this isn't him...."
    the only thing i really enjoyed about the album was the drumming.
    his name eludes me at the moment, but that guy does kick some serious

    anyway that's just my take on the whole thing. FW is one of the
    highly regarded bands by jammers that i just can't get into. i
    bought several other albums of theirs and they all had the same
    affect on me as well.

    but onto other albums.... i know i've said this before, but if you
    haven't heard finneus gauge, point the browser of your choice to . if you like highly complex
    arrangements and odd time sigs in a band that incorporates jazz,
    fusion, 70's prog and some funk, this is a must buy.


    | Andrew Miller - keyboardist/vocalist - subtlerage |
    | - |
    | "first impressions" released. cassettes available |
    | an 8/97 release is planned for sr2 *ON CDS!!!* |


    Date: Fri, 11 Jul 97 09:52:03 PST8
    From: mrkizer@CCGATE.HAC.COM
    Subject: Re[2]: Mood Songs
    Message-ID: <9706118686.AA868640181@CCGATE.HAC.COM>

    >Well, I can understand WHAT'S being said in the voice overs of Space Dye
    >Vest, but...
    >I just don't understand why somebody would talk about loving somebody
    >else, not as a possession, and then start talking about swimming pools
    >in Houston?
        My take on why Kevin put the samples in there in the first place, was just
    to express various feelings that the character in the song was having at the
    time... Here's my interpretation of the song and how the samples relate...

    11. "Space-Dye Vest" (07:29)
          - Kevin Moore

        Falling through pages of Martens on angels
        Feeling my heart pull west
        I saw the future dressed as a stranger
        love in a space-dye vest

        Love is an act of blood and I'm bleeding
        a pool in the shape of a heart
        Beauty projection in the reflection
        Always the worst way to start

    *** OK, so our character here, if you read the FAQ and know the story behind the
    song, has fallen in love with a picture of girl... this occurring after a bad
    break up to a real, live, flesh and blood girl <G>...

        "But he's the sort who can't know anyone intimately,
         least of all a woman. He doesn't know what a woman is.
         He wants you for a possession, something to look at like
         a painting or an ivory box. Something to own and to
         display. He doesn't want you to be real, or to think or
         to live. He doesn't love you, but I love you. I want you
         to have your own thoughts and ideas and feelings, even
         when I hold you in my arms. It's our last chance... It's
         our last chance..."
        [Sample from the film "A Room With A View"]

    *** I think the sample just represents exactly how the character really views
    women, this is the type of relationship that he is seeking. Maybe he is also
    feeling guilt over the last relationship for not saying these types of things to
    her. And perhaps yet, he is wanting to say these thigs to the girl in the
    picture so that she won't think of him as a nut who fell in love with her from
    her picture (and carried it around with him <G>)...

        Now that you're gone I'm trying to take it
        Learning to swallow the rage
        Found a new girl I think we can make it
        as long as she stays on the page

        This is not how I want it to end
        And I'll never be open again

    *** Reflecting back on the failed relationship...

        "...I was gonna move out...ummm...get, get a job, get my own
         place, ummm, but... I go into the mall where I want to work and
         they tell me, I'm, I was too young..."
        [Sample from a 1994 PBS documentary on dysfunctional families.]

    *** I think this sample of a young boy in a dysfunctional family, contemplating
    moving away from his parents, just represents the characters feelings of
    confusion, feeling alone, and basically the sense that he is starting his life
    over or from scratch...

        "Some people, gave advice before, about facing the facts,
         about facing reality. And this is, this without a
         doubt, is his biggest challenge ever. He's going to
         have to face it. You're gonna have to try, he's gonna
         to have to try and, uh, and, and, and get some help here. I mean
         no one can say they know how he feels."
        [Sample from a news commentary about the OJ Simpson freeway chase.]

    *** This is pretty self explainatory... He is going to have to deal with his
    breakup and not pretend that he can just get over it simply... I mean, he is
    carrying around a picture he tore out of a magazine and basically fawning over

        "That, so they say that, in ya know like, Houston or something,
         you'd say it's a hundred and eighty degrees, but it's a dry heat.
         In Houston they say that?
         Oh, maybe not. I'm all mixed up.
         Dry until I had the swimming pool."
        [Sample from the Conan O'Brien show.]

    *** The keey phrase here is "I'm all mixed up"... this sample just adds to the
    portrayal of the character's confusion...

        "...I get up with the sun... Listen. You have your own room to
         sleep in, I don't care what you do. I don't care when. That
         door gets locked, that door gets locked at night by nine
         o'clock. If you're not in this house by nine o'clock, then you'd
         better find some place to sleep. Because you're not going to be
         a bum in this house. Supper is ready..."
        [Sample from a 1994 PBS documentary on dysfunctional families.]

    *** More samples from the dysfunctional family... I am not too clear on this
    one, but it does present a pretty sad state in this family. So perhaps Kevin was
    just trying portray the feelings of separation (parent/child), confusion
    (there's that word again), and abandonment...

        There's no one to take my blame
        if they wanted to
        There's nothing to keep me sane
        and it's all the same to you
        There's nowhere to set my aim
        so I'm everywhere
        Never come near me again
        do you really think I need you

    *** No more smaples, but I'll finish the song anyway <G>... His grief and
    confusion is now clearly turning to anger and self pity..

        I'll never be open again, I could never be open again.
        I'll never be open again, I could never be open again.

        And I'll smile and I'll learn to pretend
        And I'll never be open again
        And I'll have no more dreams to defend
        And I'll never be open again

    *** Pretty darn depressing stuff, eh? <G>... Well, Kevin sure did know how to
    write some exquiste songs...and this one is really a Kevin Moore solo song
    tacked on the end of a Dream Theater album (quite a fitting farewell)... The
    version on his first batch of demos (with him on vocals) has some different
    samples in it (which are also in the DT Song Book), but the general feelings and
    mood are the same... I hope he finishes the next CHromo Key release soon....

    Sorry for the length (and all this DT content <G>)... 8^)

    ~Michael Kizer -- Computer Sciences Corporation (Tucson, AZ)
    Email: / /
    Fates Warning (Island in the Stream) & Dream Theater ("Unofficial" Song Book)
    *** Sola sapientia est qui me in merda posuit ***


    Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 13:00:45 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Albert Balkiewicz <balkiewi@UMDNJ.EDU>
    Subject: Re: Voices backing vocals
    Message-ID: <199707111700.NAA21344@njmsa.UMDNJ.EDU>

    > Hey, I don't know if this has been covered before, but it's not in the
    > FAQ so I'm going to ask. (Maybe it should be in the FAQ?)
    > Who sings the background vocals on Voices, where it goes "See my diary
    > on the newsstand, seems we've lost the truth to quicksand.." I think
    > that's where it is, at least. I didn't bring Awake with me today.

            I think that's Mr. LaBrie just doubling himself......I'm pretty
            sure of it......The "sample"-ish part "blah,blah, because of my
            suffering......." etc. is in the Awake liner notes, G-money or
            something to that effect...........



    I inhale the sun...........I exhale the absence of light I am the number One..........burning.

    ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^ email: HOMEPAGE:


    Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 10:16:13 -0700 From: Adam Barnhart <> To: Subject: Shake, Rattle, Roll, Crash, Burn, Spindle, Mutilate Message-ID: <>

    >From: > >I got Primus' The Brown Album today. If you didn't know there's a new >drummer(only known as Brian), well, there is. :)

    Actually, the drummer is Brain...he was in Psychefunkapus.

    >First thing I spotted >was The Return of Sathington Willoughby. I liked the melody of the >original song, but, this one sounds like Les is drunk and is mumbling >about Roosevelt. :P

    He's doing sort of a put-on of traditional old-timer thinking, really. The effect is a little odd, but the musical backdrop of that one is one of the more interesting things on the album.

    >The one thing that stands out the most from my >first(and only so far) listen was the low end! Now usually this is a >good thing for me. But I can't explain it too well but I just thought it >sounded too bassy(I think this is Myung's nightmare ;) ). You can still >hear the guitar but usually I liked to hear how Herb would throw in some >cymbal work.

    Yeah, they went analog, I guess (from what I read in an interview in the local paper) at the behest of Brain. I think it was a bad call. It's a REALLY muddy-sounding album. There are times when it gets in the way of the tunes, I think. The band has never spent a lot of time prettying up an album, but I think they shoulda stuck with the ADAT's they've used on the last coupla records.

    >But this guy Brian is a double bass freak, I don't think >this guy has heard of cymbals before signing up with Les and Ler! :)

    This underscores a problem I've had with an album. Brain is a great groove player....he can set up a nasty, powerful foundation for Les and LaLonde. But he ain't "Herb"...I mean, I've gotten used to some really adventurous, ornate drumming in Primus tunes. I loved that Claypool would go out on a limb and somehow, right along with him, was this weird drumming. Having someone play more traditionally gives Les a little more latitude, but it's not quite an interesting, to my ears.

    >...But there are two that suck the imposter's anal hole bald so bad it aint >funny. One's TRoSW, and the other was the last song Arnie. They're done in the >same style, take a dump on an album.

    Well, I think it's the style that you're responding against, rather than the quality of the music. It's a little weird, but I actually think they openers and closers are among the best songs on the album.

    >But overall I liked this CD, though it isn't one of my favorites, it'll >probably grow on me. And I can't mention Primus with a good ol' yell of >"Primus SUCKSSSSSSSS!!!"

    And that's just it. "Frizzle Fry" is really the best thing the band has ever done. It's a coupla cuts above "Suck on This," I'd say. Beyond that, though, I thought "Sailing the Seas of Cheese" was a little less interesting, "Pork Soda" significantly less interesting still. "Tales From the Punchbowl" reversed that trend (I'll leave out "Miscellaneous Debris"), with an album I liked quite a lot more than "Pork Soda" ("Southbound Pachyderm" is AWESOME). The latest album I don't like quite as much as "Pork Soda" yet, but Primus albums DO tend to appeal to me more over time, so I'm giving the album its fair amount of listens. If you're really into Primus, it's worth the effort....but if you aren't adding to a complete Primus collection, go and buy one of the first three records.

    Five Gratutitous CD's: ====================== 1. Rush: Grace Under Pressure 2. Primus: Brown Album 3. Mind Over Four: The Goddess 4. Kansas: Leftoverture 5. Dada: Puzzle

    Adam D. Barnhart


    Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 13:32:50 -0400 From: "Adam Cook" <> To: <> Subject: schtuff Message-ID: <>

    Ok now I feel dumb cause I sent my last message twice. Hey, shit happens.

    > >Then again, I'm still playin' through a Morley wah pedal and a little > >Crate GX 20M practice amp. It's a solid state amp, and while it may not

    > >be the amplifier to use for actual performances, I'm getting damn good > >tone out of it! > > Well, good is always subjective, and everybody's different, but I bet > you'd like the tone of a Rectifier Solo better... :)

    Yeah, most people seem to think their tone is good until they hear a real amp. Crate's are generally not considered pro gear, they're practice amps. Although there's nothing wrong with using them and you might be able to get a good sound out of a shitty amp, generally top of the line stuff like Boogie, Bogner, Rivera, Matchless, and the good Marshalls will be better. But hell, Ty Tabor got one of my favorite guitars sounds of all time out of a Gibson Lab-5 which he used on the first four King's X albums. Ty is a master of tone. He got total BALLS AND CHUNK (DTC) on Dogman when he used a Boogie Rectifier, and I believe Ear Candy is mostly a Marshall 30th Anniversary on the second channel. This is a medium gain channel and it breaks up perfectly for those jangling appregios that Ty uses so much in his playing. Speaking of appregios, Alex Lifeson also used a 30th Anniversary amp on T4E, but I don't think he got as good a sound on T4E as Tabor did on Ear Candy.

    >The > Custom Custom has a really sweet midrange that is great for soloing - it > sounds really close to the Dimarzio Tone Zone that JP uses - which is > not a stock one, I believe - must be nice to be big time!

    Ya, JP uses a Steve's Special which is a Tone Zone that he had Steve Blucher of Dimarzio modify a little bit. His original Ibanez USA Custom with the Picasso had the Tone Zone in the bridge, but when they released the JPM100 it had the Steve's Special in the bridge and an Air Norton in the neck.

    > ANYTHING sounds better to me than the stock Ibanez pickups - but then, > I'm a tone snob. :)

    Not really, the stock Jackson are just as bad. Most of the shred guitars came with shitty pickups because back in the 80's the big thing was hot-rodding your guitar.

    > I completely disagree. Almost any band could do a better job of holding MY > attention for an hour than Fates.

    You say this and then you go on to say that you're a fan? Your way of thinking confuses me...

    >APSOG is so long and drawn out some of > the parts are excruciating to listen to...

    That's the point. The band specifically said that this was not for MTV or radio, it was for themselves. I personally like all 53 minutes and couldn't see myself skipping over any of it. Sometimes if I'm doing something while listening to it and the song isn't over I'll just sit there and listen to the whole thing until it ends....except sometimes I admit stopping before the alarm clock. :-)

    > there are some parts that are either incredibly boring, or just suck.

    Examples??? The only part I could see as being boring would be part 10 which is really just a transition back into the flow of the song after the accoustic part and then it goes into the kickass proggy section with mad drumming.

    > As for Kevin Moore, he didn't write any of the music on APSOG, he just > played. They could've gotten any keyboardist to do that.

    This is true. A lot of people think Kevin came up with many of the keyboard parts but Jim had EVERYTHING written out and Kevin just played them.

    I will ignore the Ray Alder comment...

    > And Matheos, don't even get me started... I'm not a guitarist so I can't > speak for how talented he is, but I certainly don't think he's a very good > songwriter.

    I find it hard to see how you could be a fan of the band if you hate 3 of the 5 people who play on the album (Alder, Vera, and Matheos). Matheos is one of the best all-around musicians I've ever heard. Think about it, he wrote a 53 minute song all by himself, most of it instrumental, and he didn't even give himself one solo! There's only one part which I could see as being a solo but it's mostly a melody. To me, that says he cares more about the song then any solos or anything that might take away from it.

    > So in conclusion, I think DT could write a better 55 minute song in their > sleep. Flame away if you want, I am a FW fan, but I'm not one of these > people who considers them gods because they wrote a fucking 55 minute song...

    You're a fan? Could have fooled me. Instead of comparing DT and FW why don't you just acknowledge that they're both great and talented bands and you just like one more then the other?



    End of YTSEJAM Digest 2738 **************************

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