YTSEJAM digest 2571

Date: Wed May 21 1997 - 05:16:54 EDT

  • Next message: : "DT on radio! :)"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2571

    Today's Topics:

      1) learning to die?
     by filth <>
      2) Metal vocalists, and ETERNITY-X!
     by (Edward J Wilk)
      3) Re: LaBrie / Bas
     by WhiteWolf <>
      4) DT Loyalty
     by Dave <>
     by Phil Carter <>
      6) Re: "Mainstream" music
     by WhiteWolf <>
      7) Re: Tesla
     by WhiteWolf <>
      8) WTF???
     by WhiteWolf <>
      9) GNR
     by (Dan Abosso)
     by (Jeff Keifling)
     11) Apology
     by Chris Ptacek <>
     12) MTV Countdown
     13) Loudest Gig
     by "DJW" <>
     14) New Conception Album 'Flow'
     by "Graham Boyle" <>
     15) YTSEJAM in general
     by "Paul Matthews" <>
     16) Re: Mike Bahr
     by James Mohr <JPMohr@PRIMENET.COM>
     17) Rush Review (JPM100 DTC)
     by "KorgX3" <>
     18) Re: learning to die?
     by (Dr. Mosh)


    Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 21:03:35 -0500
    From: filth <>
    To: Heavy Metal Computer Nerds <>
    Subject: learning to die?
    Message-ID: <>

    >and for a special bonus: James LaBrie Being Burnt To Death (live)

    YES!!! SIGN ME UP!!!!!!!!



    Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 22:25:09 EDT
    From: (Edward J Wilk)
    Subject: Metal vocalists, and ETERNITY-X!
    Message-ID: <>

    Hey there...

    >I'm curious: what's everybody else's opinion of the top 5 most powerful
    >vocalists in metal? I'd have to list KJLB (of course), Bruce Dickinson,
    >Tate, Michael Kiske, and Ray Alder, I think.

            This is a good question.. My biggest inspirations are Keith
    Sudano (of Eternity-X), Geoff Tate, Bruce Dickinson, KJLB, Jon Oliva and
    Zak Stevens. I know I'm gonna get some (major) shit for this, but.. I
    like Tate, Sudano, Dickinson and Oliva more, because I don't get that
    sense of emotion out of the other two. But all are damn good.

            Now.. for all of those who are looking for new music, go to
    WWW.ETERNITY-X.COM. Seriously. I can't say enough about these guys. If
    you go there, get the FREE (yes, absolutely free.. no shipping, nada)
    sampler cassette. They are a "universal" progressive, HR/HM band.. I'm
    writing a paper on them for school, actually and am the writer of the
    FAQ. These guys have elements of SO many different types of music.
    Their singer, Keith Sudano, besides being a GREAT guy (One of
    Eternity-X's things is that they vow to always keep in personal
    correspondance with their fans.. at least the ones that care to write..),
    is the single most emotional singer I've ever heard, plus he's got an
    amazing range. Their latest album, Mindgames, is probably their most
    progressive. They've got 2 EPs and 2 albums, with a 3rd coming out on
    the 27th. All of their albums are concept albums, and the EPs rock
    hard. Especially their first one, "The Neverending Dream". It contains
    the song "Behind These Guitars" which is just.. amazing. Words cannot
    describe. Not technically superior, but.. you'd have to hear it.
            I could go on and on and on and on for SO long about these guys,
    but.. hey, do yourself and the guys a favor, and go to WWW.ETERNITY-X.COM
    and grab a sampler and send Keith a letter. Tell him Ed says hi!

            Ed Wilk


    Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 22:07:27 -0600
    From: WhiteWolf <>
    Subject: Re: LaBrie / Bas
    Message-ID: <>

    A number of jams ago, someone said:

            It's cool to have a thread like this to see who is of his
            caliber to replace him......I have two words.....

                            Sebastian Bach.

            (yeah, he's a Jersey boy, so I'm biased, but boy does he have
             a pair.........lungs, that is)

    True, he does have a set of pipes on him, but if no one knows, Sebastian
    is, like James,
    Canadian. He's from Thunder Bay, Ontario.
    James is from Ontario, about an hour outside Toronto.

    Ontario, Canada - breeding grounds for awesome vocalists! :-)

    Madness reigns in the Hall of the Mountain King


    Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 23:28:18 -0400
    From: Dave <>
    Subject: DT Loyalty
    Message-ID: <>

    >From: (Jason T. Breitweg)
    >Subject: How many jammers?
    >Message-ID: <>
    >Ok the other day I was telling someone how loyal DT fans are and of
    >course I mentioned the jam. So I was wondering how many people are
    >actually subscribed to this list right now? I wanted to provide this
    >guy with some numbers since he is a nonbeliever. ANy help would be
    >great, thanx.

    Hi Jason. I cant tell you how many
    subscribe to Ytsejam, but I put together this email for your
    friend, and I hope it brings some more awareness....

    The mass of people that keeps Dream Theater alive is enormous, and
    goes well beyond the internet. How does your friend think a band
    manages to put out 4 albums with no support/promotion from the
    music industry, and almost no airplay at all? *AND* with no recent
    radio/video play, is going into the studio this month to record
    their 5th album.

    For example,
    Pearl Jam was *heavily* promoted by reecord industry, playing their
    songs and videos on the radio and mtv *hundreds* of times a day, to
    the point where even people that don't listen to rock knew who they
    were, and they released 4 full CD's.

    Dream Theater are working on their 5th full CD, and how often do
    you hear them on the radio or see them on mtv? You almost don't.
    It almost would seem that no one knows who they are...
    So how do they keep selling CD's? DIE HARD FANS! LOTS OF THEM!

    I can't tell you how many subscribe to the jam, but these two
    links should give him an idea of just how much DT is supported
    by fans:

    A list of links to about 50 DT web sites, and most likely only
    about half the DT sites in existance are listed here:

    A copy of the petition signed by fans on the web. Literally
    THOUSANDS of Internet users signed this petition to get DT
    back in the studio....I think it's somewhere around 3,000
    people signed, but not sure:

    We're not sure if the petition is the reason why DT will be recording
    the new CD, but the project was off until the petition was submitted
    to the record company :)

    If you're friend is still a non-believer after this, see how many
    web sites he can find about his favorite band, and compare that to
    how many Dream Theater web sites you find (I'm sure there is at
    least 100 out there) <G>

    Take care,
    Dave ( - "When Dream and Doom Unite" - "Surgical Strike"


    Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 00:15:25 -0400
    From: Phil Carter <>
    Subject: SHEER VOLUME
    Message-ID: <>

    Greetings ye 'jamanoids...

    I remarked:

    >> The loudest concert I've been to was a Metallica show. I read somewhere
    >> (probably the Guinness Book, and I don't mean a book about beers) that
    >> the Castle Donnington Monsters of Rock show (headlined by Iron Maiden,
    >> if I remember right) hit 138 db during Maiden's set. If your ears
    >> weren't bleeding after that one, you must have been out of the country.
    >> And I'll bet even that wasn't a guarantee. :)

    Then James corrected me:

    >I thought that Disaster Area, the Plutonian Rock Band, held the record for
    >the loudest concert. ;-)

    I stand corrected. I should have specified "Loudest Concert on Earth." :)

    But I need to correct you a bit too, James, since Disaster Area is
    generally held to be not only the loudest rock band in the galaxy, but in
    fact the loudest noise of *any kind at all.*



    (btw, can anybody fill me in as to why Frank Aresti left FW? I haven't seen
    anything about it).
    Phil Carter --
    "Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
                            -- Berthold Auerbach
    "Music brings peace to the restless, and comforts the sorrowful. They who
    no longer know where to turn find new ways. And those who have despaired,
    gain new confidence and love." -- Pablo Casals


    Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 22:29:44 -0600
    From: WhiteWolf <>
    Subject: Re: "Mainstream" music
    Message-ID: <>

    >> Since I know some of you will get a kick out of this, I tought I'd
    >>mention it: Gwen Stefani of No Doubt has just signed a contract with UTA
    >>for theatrical representation. Yes, the blonde bimbo will be starting an
    >>acting career. First I had to stop listening to the radio, does this
    >>mean I have to stop going to the movies too? :P

    I despise all "mainstream" music. You name the band, I won't like them.
    Especially Alanis (I get ill just thinking about her). I haven't turned a
    on in over 6 years.

    Now... DT content.
    I wish stations here would play DT, because there are times I feel I am the
    only DT fan here. To back this theory up, my buddy at HMV says that I am
    literally the only guy he's seen buying DT discs at his store. Pathetic...
    If DT does tour with Queensryche (abbr. Qr, not QR - reason QR: Quiet Riot
    Qr: Queensryche) I don't think they'll show up here. On the Empire tour,
    2000 people showed up at the show. Luckily for those there, they chose to
    perform anyway, doing the entire Operation: Mindcrime set. For this reason
    (2000 people), I seriously doubt Qr will come through here.

            My $0.02 ...

    Madness reigns in the Hall of the Mountain King


    Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 23:01:56 -0600
    From: WhiteWolf <>
    Subject: Re: Tesla
    Message-ID: <>

    > Hi Jammers, I was just wondering if there were any other TESLA fans on this
    >list besides myself. I always felt they were a band that was never as
    >greatly appreciated as they should have been (IMO). I know they have been
    >split up for about a year now, so chances are we will not hear anymore
    >from the's too bad, a talented band just being lost in the
    >shuffle of today's music......

            Tesla was a talented band, but not spectacular. They were a "working man's"
    band. Tommy and Frank aren't virtuosos like John P., Keith had a somewhat
    annoying voice, (kinda like WDADU...if you can get past the vocalist,
    there's some great music to be had) but overall, they were a solid band.

    Madness reigns in the Hall of the Mountain King


    Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 23:28:10 -0600
    From: WhiteWolf <>
    Subject: WTF???
    Message-ID: <>

    Just catching up on some Jams I missed when this shit caught my attention...

    >Hey, maybe we can start a petition to get James kicked out of the band,
    >since everyone here seems to hate him...

            If there's people out there thinking like this, I'm embarrassed to call
    myself a
    fan of DT. Has anyone REALLY listened to WDADU? Dominici's sounds like (and
    like) a faggot! That falsetto really gets on my nerves. He can't sing and,
    to James, has no real range.

            Sure, there may be better singers out there, but as fans...can we not respect
    the decision that was made 5 years ago by 4 extremely talented musicians in
    Mike, JP,
    JM & Kevin? Does anyone recall that James was first in line to replace
    Bruce Dickinson in Iron Maiden? ( I had to bring this up when I saw someone
    suggest Bruce to replace James). They approached James, btw.

            Admittedly, while Awake lacked the "sparkle" that I&W had, it also marked
    a new direction for DT. Sure, I'd love to see a return to the I&W days, and
    ACOS was a sign of it, I think. (Yeah, I know ACOS was written during the
    I&W sessions, that's why it has the same "sparkle" I&W has.)

            Now, who was it who said "You can please some people some of the time,
    but not all the people all of the time" ?? DT, as it stands, is a great,
    solid band.

    Madness reigns in the Hall of the Mountain King


    Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 00:57:40 -0400 (EDT)
    From: (Dan Abosso)
    Subject: GNR
    Message-ID: <>

    -- snip --
    (don't bother flaming me for that, I know I'm the only one who still likes
    -- snip --
            I still like GNR quite a bit.. and I've heard so many different rumors
    that I have just don't believe any of them.. are they even in the studio?
    if so, when is it going to be released? who is slash's replacement? what
    type of music (heard axl went industrial) will it be?
    - Dan

    Look at him now.. he's paler somehow... but he's coming 'round...
    He's starting to choke... it's been so long since he spoke...
    Well he can have the words right from my mouth...


    Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 01:18:15 -0500 From: (Jeff Keifling) To: Message-ID: <v01530500afa839577589@[]>

    >>"not cool" to listen to stuff like this. I went to High School, I know how it goes. >>Whenever my friends and I would go music shopping, they would explain >>to me why it was "not cool" to listen to Joe Satriani, or how it was "not >>cool" to listen to Rush.

    I'm interested in knowing what kind of explanations you have heard. When I was in High School - about ten years ago - listening to different music wasn't cool or uncool. I don't think people paid much attention to what anyone else liked.

    >>I meet all kinds of people interested in music and I mention Dream Theater and I get a big, "Who?"

    I was playing WDaDU in my car picking up friends from school one day, and one of them didn't like it. 3 years later I met up with this friend again and he was telling me about this great new band with a song called "Pull Me Under" and how I just had to hear them.

    >>Ytse Jam serves 1200 : (How to make Ytse Jam)

    Thanks Pat. This was "Fucking" hilarious!


    Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 00:53:50 -0500 From: Chris Ptacek <> To: Subject: Apology Message-ID: <>

    Hey folx,

    I just want to apologize publicly for getting a little carried away today. I realize that Nicole (Kirby) was trying to be helpful, and not just to be annoying. I was out of line. I get in bad moods too (especially when there's construction workers ripping 3 feet of bricks from the wall your computer is by, while you're trying to answer tech calls.)

    I will try not to let that happen again.

    Chris W. Ptacek Musician and Listener A.K.A Madsman, on IRC

    "Can we search for inspiration -- those ideas that just come from 'nowhere'? They don't surface when you're tHiNKinG. They just come. What we CAN do is make fertile the ground on which idea seeds fall." - Michael Hedges


    Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 21:39:06 -0500 From: To: Subject: MTV Countdown Message-ID: <>

    I found it funny that new video's from the past 5 months seem to mix in seemlessly with the old ones. If it was a true "Top 500", than why would the latest top 10 magaically appear throughout? <Lunatic's Asylum BBS * * (907) 274-8645 or (907) 278-8646) <The Place To Go When Life Is Driving You Nuts>


    Date: Wed, 21 May 97 08:18:38 PDT From: "DJW" <> To: Subject: Loudest Gig Message-ID: <>

    Hi, Probably the loudest gig I went to was Motorhead in the late eighties - plaster was falling off the ceiling during the show and just when I thought I would never hear again Lemmy said "Thankyou and goodnight" and they all lent their guitars against the amps and walked off - leaving them to feedback for ten minutes. I couldn't hear for a week and I got quite worried but hey - that's rock 'n' roll. I read a few jams back about some chap (or chapess) not liking "Innocence Faded (Ahhhh)" what about the cool solo at the end (following the stabs) it's got to be worth a listen just for that! Finally - if any of you like the heavier side of life - check out the new Machine Head CD - I think it's excellent - the drummer is a bit good! Stay Cool, Dave (UK Jammer).


    Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 17:26:34 +1000 From: "Graham Boyle" <> To: <> Subject: New Conception Album 'Flow' Message-ID: <>

    Ladies and Gentleman & the Rest...................

    It's not often that a new album 'blows' me away, I concider myself a very tough critic when it comes analysing new music. Well I got the new Conception album 'Flow' today and I was left 'gobsmaked' after getting an earful, this truly is an awesome album, much more consistent than their previous efforts. I am sure any DT fan would love this album, it is the best album I have heard in a long time and yes I have the new Fates Warning album, IMO 'Flow' leaves it for dead. Sorry Doc :)


    Graham Boyle Sydney, Australia

    'No one ever dreams and lives'

    Bell In The Sea M a r i l l i o n


    Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 17:47:52 +1000 From: "Paul Matthews" <> To: Subject: YTSEJAM in general Message-ID: <>

    Dear jamsppl,

    This is quite a substantially sized mailing list. But, it appears that it would be quite a lot smaller and infinitely more readable if we didn't have all the NDTC rubbish.

    I don't really want to know about black metal. IM*H*O it's a completely tasteless waste of acoustic impulses. I don't mean to offend anybody by that, but I wont beat around the bush either.

    I don't really want to know about how bad stuff from the top 40 is compared to DT.

    I just want to know about DT.

    For all those ppl wanting to know about black metal etc. surely there is a news group or mailing list provided exclusively for that.

    Methinks it's fine to use this mailing list to compare and contrast DT to other similar bands to broaden ones musical horizons, but we really don't need all the irelevant stuff. If people wanted to know about something that is not DT related, surely we can give them pointers to other web resources.

    OK, I've had my say, what do you other guys think???

    Thanx for reading,



    Date: Wed, 21 May 97 03:04:57 -0500 From: James Mohr <JPMohr@PRIMENET.COM> To:, Subject: Re: Mike Bahr Message-ID: <>

    >Welp, since I've sent a couple emails to you in the past couple >of weeks Mike, and you havent responded, but you have been posting >to the jam, I thought maybe I would copy the text from my email to you >and post it here on the jam in hopes that you might see it and respond. > >Here goes.....again: > >>Hi Mike, Im not trying to be a nuisance, but I'm still >>wondering where my CD is. I thought I was supposed to have it >>in early april?? > >>Dave Hatlee -

    Hey, I'm still waiting for CDs that I ordered last year. Mike's talking about shipping for PT and TDOW and I haven't received the Tori disc yet. Then, there's the Scenes discs... Ah well, should be any day now... right?



    Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 02:18:52 +0000 From: "KorgX3" <> To: Subject: Rush Review (JPM100 DTC) Message-ID: <>

    Let's keep the review short and sweet...

    Rush - the band played perfectly and wonderfully and I couldn't ask for a better performance. Rush - the concert sucked a royal donkey leg. (And I didn't meet any jammers... Pisser...)

    Also, as for going to Salt Lake's wonderful music stores I crossed an item or two that might interest fellow jammers...

    (1) Ibanez JPM100 (2nd model) for $749 + gig bag. (Woo! Woo!) (1) Ibanez SDGR 6-string (wood tone) bass for $999.

    I personally ran the JPM through my tests cuz I thought there had to be Something wrong with it, but it passed with flying colors. I didn't notice any marrs to the paint, no knicks in the neck, no bad connection or anything pickup-wise, warped neck, etc. It played wonderfully (better than the first series one I played recently). Email me and I'll give you the number of the place.

    I didn't try out the bass, but it didn't have any obviuos imperfections. It just seemed like a good deal. :)

    Sorry, no 7-stringers. I did see a nice JEM at another store for $1100, though, but we didn't take time to try everything out. :)

    "Trash Heap has spoken... NYAAAAAAAAAAH!" ---KorgX3


    Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 01:55:26 -0700 From: (Dr. Mosh) To: Subject: Re: learning to die? Message-ID: <>

    On the Eve of Destruction, filth said: >> >>and for a special bonus: James LaBrie Being Burnt To Death (live) > >YES!!! SIGN ME UP!!!!!!!! > > ~Rip

    I want RIP to sing... then we can criticize his cowass and burn him onstage...


    -The Doc

    -- #$%*#$*@ E-MAIL: #$%#$#$% *$%&%#$* Global Micro Solutions #$#$#@@# *$*$*$*# Reality Enhancement Software - Engineering Reality *$&#*#@$ #$@#$#@# @#$@##@$


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