More Yes...

Date: Tue Feb 03 1998 - 15:32:20 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 3532"

    >fave yes tunes). and son, you got a lot of courage to be saying that the
    >studio stuff on kta II is actually better. but you're allowed to. i guess we
    >listen to it differently.

            To give another point of view, I have to say that I absolutely love
    the song "Mind Drive" off of KTA 2. I'd agree that the rest of the
    new stuff of KTA 2 isn't as good as the two new songs on KTA 1, but I
    think that "Mind Drive" is the best thing Yes has done since "Awaken"
    and maybe before that. It has the cool, classic Yes' "long-song"
    structure combined with some wonderful melodies -- I love it. I also
    really enjoy the two new songs on KTA 1 but the melodies in "Mind
    Drive" put it to the top for me.
            I think that both KTA albums are worth getting for Yes fans but if
    you're just curious to hear what Yes is like I'd recommend "Classic Yes"
    which is a representative greatest-hits type of collection.


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