Re: jethro blues & moody tull

Date: Thu Jul 15 1999 - 17:28:37 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 4975"

    >hey .. i'm not sure why but i've still yet to pick up a jethro tull or moody
    >blues cd.. my floyd, rush, genesis, crimson, zappa cd consumption is at an
    >alltime high but for some reason never picked up a disk from these two
    >bands.. anyways..
    >i need some album reviews.. thanx..

            I'd recommend starting with one of these Jethro Tull albums:

    Aqualung -- more rock oriented
    Thick as a Brick -- pretty progressive, but rock too
    Minstrel in the Gallery -- somewhat progressive style

            I've pasted in my previous remarks on Tull that I posted to

    Jethro Tull -- Tull is less classically oriented with more influences from
            rock and blues. They can rock with tunes like "Aqualung" or "Cold
            Wind to Valhalla" and they can be quite proggy, like in "Thick as
            a Brick", with lots of dynamics. Ian Anderson's strong vocals
            are phenomenal, as is Martin Barre's guitar work. "Aqualung" is
            not all that proggy, but it's a strong album and is accessible.
            "Minstrel in the Gallery" combines many of their rock elements
            with prog complexity. "A Passion Play" is probably their most
            progressive album, but is harder to get into.

            I love Tull so I think they're definitely worth picking up.
    As for The Moody Blues, you may want to try a greatest hits to give
    you an idea of their style, or pick up "Days of Future Passed" (sp?).


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