Re: Carpe Diem

Date: Wed May 31 2000 - 01:08:25 EDT

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            Well said. :) It's easy to forget to try to enjoy something
    each day... I think I'm gonna put on a DT CD right now. :-)

    > Maybe I'm horribly over-tired, maybe I'm overly-stressed, maybe it's the
    >Hell-Raising Maine weather, who knows...but these past few days, as
    >Graduation Day comes closer and closer, I've been getting worse and worse.
    >I'm a Junior right now, and I *might* be graduating next year. I kind of
    >screwed off my Freshman and Sophmore years, and half of my Jr. year as well,
    >and now I'm doing the big rush to graduate on time. But all aside, I have a
    >very large amount of Senior friends who will be leaving, and tonight at the
    >Performing Arts Award Ceremony at my school, it really started to kick in
    >that I have about 4 months left with some of the greatest people to ever join
    >my life, before they leave to start their individual lives.
    >I suppose my point is, take everything in life for granted. Everything is so
    >damn precious and a lot of times nobody even realizes it. I find myself
    >thanking God everynight as I pray for everything I have in life. I mean, my
    >parents are the best role-models in the world, my grades still suck, I'm
    >currently job-less, but I'm still an incredibly happy and lucky person. I
    >always think, "It could be worse, I could have none of what I have now...."
    > A lot of times I don't have enough time in the day to look back on the
    >day and take it all in, which is saddening because I have so much that I want
    >to grasp. Each and every second I spend with my girlfriend I never want to
    >forget, I don't think I'll ever meet someone as perfect as her, she's made me
    >happy and she's made my life so much better than anyone or anything else ever
    >has, I just want to hold it all in for as long as possible, but I know that
    >someday, these memories will fade, and regardless if she's in my life or not,
    >(people around me have decided she's my soulmate before even I did....),
    >those memories will still be gone.
    > I think a problem people face in daily life is that we forget that it's
    >okay to enjoy things, and we don't absolutely have to be straight faced
    >serious all the time. We get to caught up in the throw of things, bills,
    >taxes, jobs, school, parents, kids, illness and etc. If people would just sit
    >back and relax for a while I don't think so many damn people would be killing
    >other people.
    >If there were only more time left in our lives....more time in the
    >day....they just don't make it yet...

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