YTSEJAM digest 6298

Date: Tue Aug 27 2002 - 13:35:34 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 6299"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 6298

    Today's Topics:

      1) Birch Hell; Atl; Godhead
     by "Paul W. Cashman" <>
      2) Milwaukee Show
     by "Todd O. Klindt" <>


    Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 01:37:35 -0400
    From: "Paul W. Cashman" <>
    Subject: Birch Hell; Atl; Godhead
    Message-ID: <>

    > From: WB Henderson <>
    > Subject: Birch Hill
    > >Noooo, not the dreaded Birch Hell. DT (the -real- DT, not this other
    > >DT band) played here in Atlanta tonight and I was reminiscing with some
    > >others about the infamous Dream Theater shows at Birch Hell, especially
    > >that -incredibly- packed show (Home for the Holidays, I
    > >think....1995?). Truly scary situation.
    > Can't compare it to 1995 since I wasn't there, but the 1996 X-mas show at
    > Birch Hill was easily the most (illegally) packed show I've ever been
    > to. I showed up late, stood at the back of a sea of human sardines, and
    > had a dude's beer-gut smashed into my back the rest of the night after the
    > emergency exit ramp filled up with more latecomers.

    I -think- this was a different show, but I could be wrong. I was at two
    shows there and the second one wasn't quite as packed, but it was still
    very tight. At the first show, I was about midway back on the floor
    (i.e., perhaps 15 ft. from the stage) and I had to have my arms across
    my chest to breathe. Every so often the crowd would surge and I'd be
    lifted off the floor and shifted over a few feet. Thankfully I never
    tripped and fell over. After a while I decided to say "fuck it" and
    went to the very back of the bar, where there was a bit of maneuvering
    room and breathing space. It's still the most-packed show I've ever
    attended, and I've been in some tight crowds.

    > From: rob denni <>
    > Subject: DT tour
    > Is anyone out there going to any DT shows or what? I
    > haven't seen one revue or setlist since this string of
    > shows started. If anyone went to Atlanta on the 24th,
    > please post a revue so I can know what I missed since
    > I am now on the other side of the world. Thanx.

    The Atlanta show was great. I was front-row just right of center
    (making this a string of 3 front-row shows for me and DT in the
    Southeast, plus G3 in the same venue). Mike recognized me in the front
    row. :)

    I don't remember the whole setlist from memory but "Surrounded" was a
    pleasant surprise as was "New Millenium" (which opened the show) and
    John M.'s Chapman Stick. The "Instrumedley" was also great as was the
    new material (TGD, etc.), TSCO, TtT, and more.

    It was clear that the crowd was 60% DT's, maybe even 70%, but it's hard
    to tell since there's a lot of crossover. Despite $40 tickets and a
    21-and-over restriction, the show DID sell out; about 2,700.

    Underage folks were allowed to watch the show for free on video monitors
    downstairs in the Cotton Club -- a fact that, if it had been widely
    known before the show, would have saved a lot of angry or sad scenes. I
    spoke to a guy from Europe who was going to buy a ticket but left,
    heartbroken, at around 3pm since he was only 20.

    Joe Satriani proved that he can be a reallly nice guy by going
    downstairs as soon as he heard about the age restriction and signing
    autographs for the underage folks. He instructed his tech to give out
    two guitar picks per autograph. THAT's the Joe I've heard about. :)
    Later he signed autographs for the -- much diminished -- crowd out by
    the buses.

    I wasn't granted backstage passes this time around but that's okay. I
    had something kinda cool to give to Mike, but oh well. He went
    straight to the bus when he came out of the venue and they rolled off
    almost immediately thereafter. (They were probably running late and
    there was a BIG crowd outside by this time, since even Joe's set was
    over by then.) James and Jordan get the Big Heart Award, signing
    autographs before -and- after the show (they came out before Joe's set
    ended, when there were only about 75 people out there instead of 150).
    John Myung signed autographs before the show.

    I saw a lot of Ytsejammer/ folks there and ended up having a late!
    dinner with Brian "Soundchaser" Kelley and Dave "Zildjian" Sijon. We
    didn't break up and go our separate ways until past 4am. :) Brian, of
    course, recorded the show. :)

    > From: "Alexandra O'Connell" <>
    > Subject: Re: Dark Tranquillity
    > From: "Paul W. Cashman" <>
    > >I played two tracks from it (the latter being "Damage
    > >Done") over WREK-FM 91.1 here this past Friday night
    > >and early Saturday morning.
    > >There is a week-long archive of the radio station's
    > >broadcast, so you could tune in and listen to the
    > >archive.
    > Awesome, thanks very much for the URL. Am listening
    > to it right now.. it's always good to get away from my
    > own current "mix" of CDs and hear some new things. I
    > really enjoyed the Godhead that started off the show,
    > btw.

    Thanks! They're good friends of mine and I'm hoping they get a better
    shake from the industry on their new CD than on the last one. I
    couldn't resist playing that hard cover of "Eleanor Rigby" as a
    transition from WREK's classic-rock show to the metal show. :)

    +--- Paul W. Cashman, ICQ #4151223    ----+
    |           **** NEW email:                   |
    |  **** NEW website address:     |


    Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 07:46:27 -0500 From: "Todd O. Klindt" <> To: <> Subject: Milwaukee Show Message-ID: <00ea01c24dc7$c2921760$>

    I'm off to the Milwaukee show. If any Jammers are up there, grab me and say Hi. You can find a picture of my fianci and I at


    Todd O. Klindt "Remember, the government doesn't create one dollar. When you get a dollar, that means the government took it from someone else." -Governor Jesse Ventura


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