>Dow Jones is not going to go up. If we fight against Iraq,
>it'll plunge. Perhaps not at first, when the idiots will say
>"We're in war, that makes the stock market go up right?" and
>they'll invest. Once it's obvious that there is no productive
>capacity backing the market, it will be on its way down for
>sure. War is a sure-fire way to demostrate that. I mean,
>answer this simple question: soldiers need roughly 5000 calories
>a day, who is going to supply them? How long can they?
Ilia, are you being serious here? *Feeding* the soldiers
is what's going to break the bank?? Come on. Let's assume for
a minute that we have to *increase* the size of the armed forces
(after all we feed the current armed forces somehow, right?)
beyond their current size by 1 million people (very unlikely).
Let's also assume that is costs $50 *per day* to feed them
(very unlikely). That comes to a total cost of $18.25 billion
per year. And you expect that is what's going to bring the
economy to its knees??
Please find a better "sure-fire" way to demonstrate
your point. At least mention that these alleged 1 million people will
be out of the workforce, the cost of armaments, or something. It's not
even that I disagree that war could cause ecomomic problems, but saying
it's because of the food the soldiers eat? You can do better.
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