YTSEJAM digest 6784

Date: Sun Feb 01 2004 - 22:24:35 EST

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                                YTSEJAM Digest 6784

    Today's Topics:

     by "Kez" <>
     by "James Arin Colberg" <>


    Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2004 07:42:55 -0500
    From: "Kez" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: Re: TRAIN OF THOUGHT
    Message-ID: <008f01c3e8c0$ea1b7a20$6401a8c0@amdathlon14>

      For example, I am the only person on this list that loves
    > "You Not Me" and I like the whole song...while I cannot stand "Just Let Me
    > Breathe".

    No you're not. I've loved that song since the disc came out, but I've been
    careful not to espouse that view too often around these parts, as it tends
    to get me laughed at. I can deal with JLMB, but it's not up there with my

    And yes, even though PMU has been played ad nauseum, it still gets me fired
    up too.



    Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2004 13:55:04 -0500
    From: "James Arin Colberg" <>
    To: <>
    Message-ID: <>

    Here is my strange take on this ToT thread. I have listened to the disc a
    couple of dozen times trying to "get" it, but I don't. I was disappointed
    with FII but truly love about half the songs on it. ToT on the other hand I
    don't even kinda like some of the tracks I actually dislike all of them. I
    have actually tried to give my copy to five different fellow DT fans but
    after listening none of them even wanted it for free. Now here is the
    strange part, I truly believe that this is the music that DT wanted to write
    for this album and that they are extremely happy with it. I don't believe
    that they were trying to sound like any other band or that they are trying
    to sell-out. They are certainly not trying to dis their core fanbase. As a
    band DT needs to make the music they want to make for themselves or what
    would be the point of continuing as they all would have no problem being
    successful with the many side projects they are involved in. Besides FII and
    ToT I love all the songs on all the other CDs. I did not 'abandon ship' when
    FII came out and I will not do so after my dislike of ToT, I may , however
    borrow a friends copy of the next album before a buy the next CD! ;>) I will
    not be seeing them live on this tour due to a combination of not like the
    new material, which, rightly so they should play most of and being so blown
    away by the Fates Warning/ DT/ Queensryche show.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: [] On Behalf Of
    Alexandro Talamini
    Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 5:14 PM
    To: Multiple recipients of list

    I've read many of your thoughts regarding ToT. As I was passing through a
    very tough time at work, so I decided to listend to it when I had time to
    really pay attention as a new DT album deserves.

    That day was yesterday (believe me!!). Well, I have to say that I'm really
    DESAPPOINTED. 6DoIT isn't my favorite DT albukm, but I do like 50% of its
    stuff, at least. MISUNDERSTOOD and BLIND FAITH are my favorites and sound

    I really regret the direction the band is going to. Trying to sound like
    Metallica is the last thing I would wish from DT. IMO, DT is way better to
    go some steps back. ToT totally forgets what I consider their signature:
    great melodies, heavy sound mixed with not-so-heavy sounds in a single song
    and mostly for James voice. He has the best voice from any band born on the
    last 15 years. ToT have too much effects over his voice and places Jordan in

    a support role. Jordan has so much talent to a role like that.

    PS: Just for the record, 14 out of 15 peoples I know that are really DT fans

    didn't like the new albun.

    It's a shame and I do expect things change positively in the future. I wish
    these thoughts could reach MP and JP.


    MSN Hotmail, o maior webmail do Brasil.


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 6784
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