YTSEJAM digest 372

Date: Mon Apr 11 1994 - 18:41:31 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 370"

    Re: video (Nathan T Morse <>)
    WWW Page? (
    majesty/galactic cowboys ( (Stacie Rosenzweig))
    Re: YTSEJAM digest 369 ( (Ken Higginson))
    Re: DoE ( (Zack Gemmill))
    Re: hello (Michael Bahr <>)
    MY BAND OPENED FOR DT (James Peele <>)
    who wrote Don't Look Past Me? (hartman larry <>)


    Date: Sun, 10 Apr 94 10:34:20 EDT
    From: Nathan T Morse <>
    Subject: Re: video

    nope, teh first galactic cowboys is pretty straightforward, though the tape may
    have been lacking the end of track ten with the reading of a school lunch menu
    (for the tomkyn r5 school district ;^) - i can't recall.


    Date: Sun, 10 Apr 94 08:32:26 PDT
    Subject: WWW Page?

    Has anyone bothered to setup a Dream Theater WWW page? It would be pretty cool
    if there were such a thing. If there is, would someone care to post the
    location? Thanks!

         - Jeff


    Date: Sun, 10 Apr 1994 12:34:27 +22304916 (CDT)
    From: (Stacie Rosenzweig)
    Subject: majesty/galactic cowboys

    Just a couple of observations:
    1) For those of you who have an original copy of WDADU, look at the Mechanic
    Records symbol (bottom of the back cover). I think we've found the source
    of the majesty symbor :-).
    2) Sorry to waste space here, but does anyone know if Galactic Cowboys is a
    pro-life band? I know Dream Theater isn't a christian band, but they do
    have religious overtones. I was wondering if GC was the same way. Is "If I
    Were A Killer" pro-life (in the same way that some of DT's material is
    christian?) My boyfriend, who doesn't share my musical taste, pointed this
    out to me when he read the lyric sheet (sue me, I'm not very observant).



    Date: Sun, 10 Apr 1994 13:44:52 -0400 (EDT)

    Whoops....I didnt mean to send my list and everthing to everyone
    on the net. it was meant to go out to somebody who had sent
    a message to the net. my apologies.....



    Date: Sun, 10 Apr 94 11:59:44 MDT
    From: (Ken Higginson)
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 369

    What's the latest word on the new album?


    Date: Sun, 10 Apr 94 11:30:32 PDT
    From: (Zack Gemmill)
    Subject: Re: DoE

    I was listening to two DJs interview Mike and Petrucci
    on the radio a while ago during grammy's week in NY.
    They said that James had some formal opera training
    before he joined DT. This was straight out of the
    bandmember's mouths, so I guess it's true. Not hard
    to believe.



    Date: Sun, 10 Apr 1994 11:56:52 -40962758 (MST)
    From: Michael Bahr <>
    Subject: Re: hello

    > <<<
    > Okay, sorry about all that guys, a friend of mine who uses my
    > internet account for his goddamn MUDs noticed mail from Ytsejam, and
    > since he likes Dream Theater also, decided to make me the butt of a
    > "Portnoy Knows We're Here!" prank... that mail did not come from me nor
    > did I have any idea it was posted. I'll ring his scrawny neck when he
    > comes home from work today.
    > For the record: I'm not Mike Portnoy, I don't know him
    > personally, and I sure the hell don't speak for him, and I'm sorry my
    > friend decided to pull such a blatant one... as if he didn't even know
    > our names were at the top of all our messages...
    > >>>
    > Odd that he knew so much about Dream Theater's new album (at least what was
    > consistent with what we've heard). I think that's what would have convinced
    > me....

            Well, the reason he knew so much was because I told him. :) We're
    both into Dream Theater and I usually fill him in on what we know on
    Ytsejam... hehe.



    Date: Mon, 11 Apr 1994 00:23:15 -0400 (EDT)
    From: James Peele <>

    Greetings progressive metalheads from Jay Peele (band: INFERNO),
    I've been a huge DT fan since WD&DU came out and I obtained a promotion
    copy of I&W the week before it was released (Of course I also have Marquee
    and DoE as well). I've seen the band perform live 4 times and met them
    every time. The first time I saw DT Mike Portnoy was wearing one of
    my band's t-shirts. After the show he told us that a friend of ours
    in Atlanta had given him the shirt and told him to wear it in
    Jacksonville.... (Amazing!)
     About 14 months ago, at a different show here in Jacksonville, my band,
    INFERNO, got to open
    for DT. At the soundcheck, they played 'to live (forever)' and a smal part
    of ACoS (It was incredible). Our music is highly influenced by the likes of
    Rush, DT, Fates Warning,
    Queensryche, Yes, Pink Floyd, Watchtower, Voivod, etc. As most of you know,
    progressive metal bands don't muster up a lot of support so I thought I
    would ask all of you for help. If anyone is interested in hearing my
    band's debut independent album entitled 'Psychic Distance' please email me
    directly at or send a check for $9.25 made payable
    to Jay Peele to the following address:
    c/o Jay Peele
    6556 Fern St.
    Green Cove Springs, FL 32043

    (I will send you a tape - you can trust us progressive types, you know. $8
    is to cover the cost of the tape and $1.25 is for postage. The album is
    over 50 minutes long and has great sound quality. I hope to generate some
    interest among beloved DT fans... Here is a quote from the song Psychic
    Distance (Part 2)..

    "We sift through our insecurities
    Longing for innocent bewilderment
    That feeds an unremembered vision
    Imposing thought on youth's emotions
    Feeble attempts to restore tranquil moods
    We hold on to real motivation

    Dare to heed the call
    Dare to chase the light
    Endure the freezing cold
    Persist until the end
    Dare to question lies pressed upon your mind"

    -Jay Peele (INFERNO)


    Date: Mon, 11 Apr 1994 01:05:52 -0500 (EDT)
    From: hartman larry <>
    Subject: who wrote Don't Look Past Me?

    Does anyone know who wrote Don't Look Past Me? Its a cool song.
    It's kinda along the lines of Surrouned and To Live Forever.

    Also, does anyone know who sings the 2nd (or is it 3rd?) verse in
    O Holy Night. Charlie does most of it but I can't decide who does
    the other. I don't think that it is John P.

    Any news on the new album or the Music book for I&W's? Will the book just
    be guitar or will it have keyboard too? I will shit myself if it has
    all of the keyboard parts!!!

    * Jason Hartman "I am the Killing Hand!" *
    * *
    * Find all you need in your mind, if you Take the Time - Dream Theater *

    End of Digest

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