YTSEJAM digest 923

Date: Wed Aug 16 1995 - 11:42:27 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 924"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 923

    Today's Topics:

      1) ACOS EP semi-review
     by "R. Haskin" <>
      2) Earplugs, an objective reaction
     by "Jeroen Verbunt" <>
      3) Blind Melon
     by "Ken H ili" <>
      4) Subconcious CD for sale
     by Carmen J Pezzone <>
      5) this Blind Melon thing
     by Mats Rydstr\vm <>
      6) Elton John cover song
     by Jeff "Jeffy" Seifert <>
      7) more hair
      8) Re: YTSEJAM digest 922
      9) HAIR! It was a joke
     by (Marc Respass)
     10) misc stuff...
     by James Beavens <>
     11) ACOS
     by "L. Jason Hartman" <>
     12) Is there a YJ fan club?
     13) Re: YTSEJAM digest 922
     by (Monty)
     14) Long hair...
     by (Robert Kasper)
     by Jon Larkowski <>
     16) Going back to...
     by Erik Wolfe <>
     17) Re: more hair
     by (Dr. Mosh)
     18) the great hair debate
     19) Long hair comments.
     20) All sorts of great stuff
     by Michael Bahr <>


    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 08:25:08 -0700 (PDT)
    From: "R. Haskin" <>
    Subject: ACOS EP semi-review
    Message-ID: <>

    Hello Jammers

    Just when I thought I was ready to pack up and leave the list....

    I get a promo copy of the ACOS EP from my local record store! So, I'd
    like to give my reactions, if I may.

    First of all, the title cut is _amazing_. Generally, it's the same song
    as the LaBrie Limelight performance and in the Cintron Demo performance.
    Differences include a new acoustic intro and outtro, as well as some
    tasty musical tidbits thrown in here and there to make it different
    enough to be a different experience from listening to a bootleg version.
    All in all, I'm VERY happy with it.

    A couple of things, though. I haven't been too stimulated by Petrucci
    recently with regards to his sound becoming a lot heavier (I think with
    the addition of the Ibanez 7-string to his collection). A lot of the
    guitar parts on this version are much heavier than on the other versions
    -- so, on the first two listens, I think they rubbed me slightly wrong.
    There are, however, some parts that sound _better_ with this style, so
    it's a crap shoot, I guess.

    Also, I'm having a tough time warming up to Derek's sound. His _style_
    is certainly good, but his _sound_ is entirely different from Kevin's.
    There is certainly a lot more jazz/pop influence on his playing, and it
    just sounds a bit odd sometimes compared to John's crunching, dostorted
    guitars. I guess I'll warm up to it, though. For those of you
    wondering _what_ this "sound" from Derek I'm talking about is, check out
    the new ending to TTT or his instrumental jams from the Awake tour.

    And, the number one pet peeve about the new version of ACOS -
    There is no "PLEASE DON'T GO!" :>
    (Not that I haven't been shouting it out myself everytime I hear it!)

    One other thing to note - anyone with this now check out Myung's part
    about 17:00 into it. To me, this sounds just like the bass lick to "Red

    As for the Ronnie Scott's tracks -

    I'm very happy with these, too. I'll talk about how they sound in a
    bit, but first I just want to say that these performances say a lot to
    me about the real talent of this band. Yes, I've been a DT fan for a
    long time (okay, 4 years) and I have known what great musicians they
    are, but I'll say this: it's one thing to be able to play your own
    songs well, but to play covers well, and such a diverse mix of artists
    and styles well, I think that says a lot about musicianship as well.

    The Elton songs are very well done. I'm not an EJ fan, but clearly
    Derek is showing his talents here, and James does an excellent job
    emulating the vocal style.

    Perfect Strangers is the surprize hit of the EP. I didn't really know
    if they could pull it off, but I'll tell you, this track sounds _good_.
    I'd like to see it get some airplay.

    The Zep stuff is good, but so far I haven't been able to really digest
    it yet.

    The Big Medley I think is the best example of what I was talking about
    earlier. They seamlessly hook Floyd, Kansas, Queen, Journey, Dregs, and
    Genesis. If you haven't heard it, you won't beleive it's possible.
    Believe me, it is. And it's sure a pleasure hearing these guys play
    these tracks -- for me especially "In The Flesh?" and "Wayward Son"
    (though I wish James would sing on this one.)

    The great sound of these covers makes me want to hear the Marillion and
    Yes tracks even more! I also wouldn't mind some good recordings of
    Tears and Winter.

    Anyway, this isn't such a "mini" review anymore like I intended it to be!

    The only things about the Covers portion of the EP I don't like is the
    heavy echo that's on the recording. Yes, it sounds "live", but it does
    things like make the cut into "Perfect Strangers" really obvious that it
    was a cut.

    Overall, Jammers, I know you're all going to go out and buy it, so I
    won't urge you to do that. What I will say, however, is that if you
    have "Subconscious" or "Dance of Eternity" you won't be bored by this
    version. It's enough to make you all happy. It sure did for me!

    Randy Haskin

    P.S. A note on packaging: My Promo didn't come with any artwork, just a
    cheap laser-printed tray insert that looks like I did it at home. They
    even spelled "Led Zepplin" <----- wrong. :> But, on the CD itself,
    it's plain black with the standard "Dream Theater" in the normal font in
    yellow, with "A Change of Seasons" in some cursive-type script below it.


    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 11:39:00 -0600
    From: "Jeroen Verbunt" <>
    Subject: Earplugs, an objective reaction
    Message-ID: <9508161139.ZM29304@iris9>

    > First of all, as one of the "sound engineering types" on here, let me
    > emphatically state that EVERYONE should wear earplugs at concerts. Period.
    > Even if it's something as "cheap" as cotton stuffed in your ears, or those
    > really nice earplugs mentioned elsewhere, you should protect your hearing.

    Time for an OBJECTIVE reaction on this:

      _The Official Journal of the American Auditory Society_
    an article was published (June 1995, Volume 16, Number 3, Page 245-253)
       by: Alf Axelsson, Anette Eliasson and Bjo"rn Israelsson
    title: Hearing in Pop?Rock Musicians: A Follow-up Study
     ISSN: 0196-0202

    The extract says:
    "Exposure to loud noise is a major cause of adult-onset hearing loss, but what
    about exposure to loud music? We tested the hearing of pop/rock musicians in
    1975 and again 16 yr later, observing that many retain normal, or close to
    normal, hearing. The surprising resistance to hearing damage from loud music in
    profesionally active musicians suggests that there may be some protective
    effect from a generally positive attitude or from continuous contraction of the
    stapedial muscle. Nonetheless, please note that we do not encourage performance
    of pop/rock music at sound levels above 100 dBA."

    For those who want more information: send me a (personal) mail.

    Greetings, Jeroen Verbunt.


    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 13:09:32 GMT+0100
    From: "Ken H ili" <>
    Subject: Blind Melon
    Message-ID: <>

    Thanks to Brian K. Adams for posting the Blind Melon interview. I
    heard something about that, but I've never read what they said until

    It's really frightening that people can think like that, shutting
    themselves away from everything new, resisting knowledge. It's
    really, really sad.

    I am also of the opinion that envy really sucks!

    BTW, is Al B-man out of the hospital yet???

    Peace, love and UNDERSTANDING from
    Ken the Slave (and that means that I'm underpayed, not kinky!)


    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 09:06:28 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Carmen J Pezzone <>
    Subject: Subconcious CD for sale
    Message-ID: <>

    Hello all! A friend of mine would like to sell his Subcon CD to someone who
    would appreciate it more. He jsut never listens to it. Anyway, he has no net
    access so I'm taking the bids and giving them to him. You all know what this
    CD is, and I'm not making anything out of this, so I'm not gonna waste
    bandwidth with the entire description. However, if you want one, email me and
    I'll send the tracklist and the info. All that being said, let the bidding


    Mr. Carmen J. Pezzone Jr. (Aero/Astro Eng)
                    you can reach me also at
    Take the Time^Roll the Bones^Up the Irons^Balls to Picasso^Rust in Piece
    Mouth for War^Kill 'em All^A Jar of Flies^Songs for Instects^Speak the Word


    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 14:18:16 +0200 (MET DST) From: Mats Rydstr\vm <> To: Ytsejam Mailing List <> Subject: this Blind Melon thing Message-ID: <>

    Hi jammers!

    I hate to disappoint you all, but Bland Lemon is still around. They've got a new single out and probably a new album as well. (The single is not incredibly bad, I wouldn't hate it as much if I didn't know the BM->DT story honestly. It just sux like the regular Green Day/Offspring-crap!)

    The deal is that I'm going to see them the 1st of September here in Stockholm (oh, blasphemy!!!), well, it's not as bad as it sounds. It's a huge 9 hour show with Soundgarden headlining, the reason why I'm there! Other bands will be Reef, Sponge, Kyuss, White Zombie, Mudhoney...and Blind Melon.

    I'm considering wearing my DT shirt and standing very visible in the front row with my arms crossed ;-)


    Another cool thing with this BM article, some issues later there was an inteview with Alex Skolnick, he talked a little bout the stupidness of the BM-article and ended the whole article with "...well, I have got a million lights on my rig that jumps when I play" or something like that!

    Ok, take care!


    (whoops, finally got rid of that crappy old sig (was it even a sig?) and replaced it with an, well, not that much better ;-)

    Mats Rydstrom - /~~~~~~~~~~\~~BassPlayer/BREAKPOINT~~/ - \ no wrong, no right / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ or guilt admission / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 10:47:46 -0500 (CDT) From: Jeff "Jeffy" Seifert <> To: Subject: Elton John cover song Message-ID: <>

    In reference to the complaint that a cover of an Elton John song is going to be on the new EP:

    If DT had covered any old Elton John song, I'd be pretty miffed myself. Most of his songs are decent, but they really aren't in the same league as, say, Yes' Starship Trooper. BUT! DT didn't cover just any Elton John song; they did Funeral For a Friend, which is a rather progressive piece, and one of my favorite songs of all time! I am looking forward to hearing this one in September! (October?)

    It's no excuse for leaving out Yes, Marillion, and UK tho'...

    Also, does anyone know whether Funeral For a Friend includes Love Lies Bleeding? The two songs run together (a la Mirror/Lie), and it'd be a shame to listen to one and not the other. Then again, having both songs takes about 10 minutes in toto, and isn't the definition of an EP a "shorter" album? Does anyone in the Ytsejam know what defines an EP as opposed to a regular ol' album? (I guess they call 'em CDs now...)

    Later, Jeff

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ jeff seifert, supermarket to the world ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 11:00:54 -0600 From: E. Waldron <EWALDRON@RGSPS.WPO.UKANS.EDU> To: Subject: more hair Message-ID: <s031d00b.013@POBOX.CC.UKANS.EDU>

    to hairball: i'm sorry if i came off as shallow - fine if you want to have long hair, have long hair - but i am so sick of men who are so caught up with their hair that they don't have time for anything else. also, you have to admit that there are a lot of men out there who have long hair just for long hair's sake and it looks horrible, they do it just to imitate their favorite bands and end up looking like they have mange. and just to clarify i do not assume that an excess of hair means deficiency in intelligence.


    quoting: <You can't judge a book by it's cover. Not only is it shallow, but, you may miss out on someone who was "Mr. Right," and wind up going out with some jerk with short hair, a nice car,. . .>

    although i am opposed to long hair in theory, i also very seriously believe that you cannot judge a book by its cover and the man i am seeing now does indeed have long hair and doesn't have a car. i know it's the person that counts.

    ps. congratulations on finding a beautiful smart woman who loves you.



    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 12:05:06 -0500 (EST) From: To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 922 Message-ID: <01HU5214A47Y0006G7@sgenva.CC.GENESEO.EDU>

    Hello everyone, it's Babs. I have been reading the most recent digests and felt that I had to comment on the adoption thread. My mother was adopted as well as an ex boyfriend of mine. I watched my mother for years go through a lot of self scrutiny and pain wondering why she was adopted. As for my ex he was totally ok with it. I am a single mother and have corresponded directly with a couple of you from the list. What I wanted to emphasize to everyone who has been adopted to please not hate your "natural" parents. I went through a lot w/ my pregnancy and it is not an easy decision for anyone in that situation. I chose to keep my baby, but I can definitely identify with any woman who has had to deal with an unplanned pregnacy.

    Take care everyone. -BABS


    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 12:07:20 -0500 From: (Marc Respass) To: Subject: HAIR! It was a joke Message-ID: <v01510103ac57d3fd41c9@[]>

    elise (E. Waldron <EWALDRON@RGSPS.WPO.UKANS.EDU>) wrote: > hello. this doesn't really have much to do with DT at all, > but i've been lurking here for a while and i just wanted to > ask what is up with the hair debate. i know there are a lot > of people who are into it, but personally i find long hair > on men quite disgusting, as do all of my female friends. > just a note to those of you who can't get a date, cut the > hair. i do admit that there are a few men who can pull it > off quite well (i won't name names) but not many.

    OK. Goodness. I was joking. I was the one who started this by asking, "what's that about?" when refering to Derek's short hair. Of course it doesn't make a bit of difference if he has short hair. Only a fool would think that it does. I'm male and have long hair (Elise, you'd be jealous of my hair :p). I like it. That's me. Everyone in DT has long hair. There's some tradition of rockers having long hair. That seems to be changing now. Derek has short hair because he likes it. Good. It was a joke. I don't really care what he looks like as long as he can play (and write).

    As for your comment, Elise. I don't think I look disgusting and, well, you know where you can go. No offense, but thanks for judging me on it. My mother always gives me shit about it and I don't need it from you. Accept me for who I am. I wouldn't be happy with short hair. I like my hair. I often wear it in a ponytail. It's pulled back and neat. My girlfriend happens to love it and doesn't want me to cut it. So you and your friends don't like long hair on men. Good. I don't like short hair on women. Does that make me shallow? Does it make you shallow? I don't think so. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, remember. Again, no offense, but feel free to be a little more open minded. To say that no guy with long hair will get a date because YOU don't like it. That's just silly.

    ---------------- Marc Respass


    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 10:10:01 -0700 From: James Beavens <> To: Cc: Subject: misc stuff... Message-ID: <>

    Hey 'jammers,

    Just a note to waste some time and put off doing some work:

    1) Sharing time: I'm 22, and now that I think about it I'll be 23 in a few weeks (you know you're past adolescence when birthdays don't mean much anymore). I just graduated from college last June, majoring in Computer Engineering, and wound up with my dream job as a P6 design engineer for Intel in Hillsboro, Oregon. It's my dream job, because it's one of the only places I could work in my field and still stay in Oregon (I graduated from Oregon State University and was born and raised in Oregon). I've seen a couple people post from Portland, so it's good to know I'm not alone (I've worn my ytsejam t-shirt to work a couple times, but haven't had any comments yet :).

    2) Favorite band member: I think one of the best things about DT is that over the last 8 months or so I've been on the list, I've heard statements from different people that go something like this:

    "John Petrucci is God" "John Myung is the Bass King" "I love the band because of Portnoy. If he leaves, I go with him." "Kevin Moore is a huge loss. Not sure how they'll be without him." "James LaBrie's voice is what drew me into DT."

    It just goes to show you how good this band really is, that people consider each and every band member one of the best at their instrument. I personally love DT for their song-writing ability. That, and the fact that they blew me away the first time I saw them live in '93, when I saw how good they really are.

    3) Non-musician fans: I am not a musician, although I do have some knowledge of music (I played clarinet in high school and college bands). This subject reminds me of a lecture one of my professors gave one time, dealing with the level of appreciation that people are capable of. Basically, there is a theory that people can only appreciate a level of ability that is only so far above their own. When confronted with a level of ability that is far greater than yours, you simply don't have the means to separate it from other levels of ability that may be just moderately higher than yours. If you go too high, then the level of ability you percieve just flattens out and reaches a platuea, whereas the actual level of ability may be much higher (there was a graph that illustrated this, but I don't want to try reproducing it in ASCII).

    The lecture applied this to the work environment, where an incompetent boss may not recognize your accomplishments because his level of ability is low. However, as an example he mentioned Mozart, who was probably the most gifted musician of all time, yet died of starvation at age 26 (or was it 23? Can't remember). To most people, Mozart was just as good as most other top composers of that time. But Antonio Salieri (sp?), who was the court composer for the king of Austria, and whose musical ability was considered much better than most during that time, recognized that Mozart was truly something special. He instantly thought his prestigious job might be at stake. Yet he was amazed, and relieved, when he saw that no one else recognized Mozart's talent as he did, but was instead lumped together with other good composers in the minds of the masses. So he kept his wonder to himself so he could keep his job, while Mozart struggled to make a living. When Mozart died of malnutrition at such a young age, Salieri was overcome by guilt for the remainder of his life because he let such a beautiful talent die. This concept of recognizing ability only so far above your own was emphasized heavily in the play "Amadeus", and to a much lesser extent in the movie of the same name (btw, the storyline in the play and movie in which Salieri plots to kill Mozart is just a rumor, and there is historical evidence he did no such thing).

    So the moral of this is that there is a reason why most uninformed people think of DT as just another Metallica clone, and why the majority of people who appreciate DT are somewhat knowledgable in musical areas (this also proves that Blind Melon has the musical ability of doorknobs 8^). Anyway, enough of the history lesson. Hope everyone's still awake...

    4) ACOS: Sheesh, this is getting confusing. I get my ytsejam digest, and I read about how ACOS is coming out soon. Then I go to the Robert Jordan newsgroup, and read about how ACOS is going to be out early next year (A Crown of Swords is his next book in the Wheel of Time series). And then I go to the Rush newsgroup and read references here and there to ACOS (ok, so there's no 'A' in Caress of Steel, but hey, it could happen). What's a poor 'netter to do? =]

    Alright, enough babbling...sorry for using so much bandwidth, I'll try and keep it shorter next time...

    Jim Beavens ** I don't speak for Intel ** (<sigh>...sorry, they make me say that here...)


    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 12:04:23 -0400 (EDT) From: "L. Jason Hartman" <> To: Subject: ACOS Message-ID: <>

    Is there anyone out there that can tell me where these folks are getting there promo or pre-release versions of ACoS??? I'm going nuts waiting to hear the studio version plus it would be a nice addition to my collection.

    If anyone is interested in getting any boots, please mail me and I'll send you a copy of my list. It's got lots of DT goodies.

    BTW - if anyone is interested in getting a 4-track recorder, I have a Vestax unit for sale. Please mail me for more info.

    -- ************************************************************************** * Jason Hartman "I am the Killing Hand!" * * * * You're fighting the weight of the world, * * and no one can save you this time. * * Close your eyes - you can find all you need in your mind. * * * * "Take the Time" - Dream Theater * **************************************************************************


    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 12:08:27 -0400 (EDT) From: CHORVAT@UOFT02.UTOLEDO.EDU To: Subject: Is there a YJ fan club? Message-ID: <01HU529PAMGI002X92@UOFT02.UTOLEDO.EDU>

    I figure that there is a YJ fan club somewhere. If anyone has some info, please either post it or send it to my email address direct. In either case, thanks!! :)


    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 10:44:38 -0500 From: (Monty) To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 922 Message-ID: <>

    Just a few more things I felt moved to comment on:

    To hte dude who was leaving: >Farewell Ytsejammers! Hope to see you again soon! We'll all miss you. Hope to see you back soon...

    >> Book(s): Frank Herbert's Dune series... far & away the best story ever written! I think I mentiioned this before, but there is a Dune/DT/Maiden connection. Listen to Maiden's "To Tame a Land<" which is obviously about Dune, and there is also a song, I believe, on the Majesty demos (forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think I remember reading the lyrics in the DT songbook) that is about the very same story. Really cool. The movie was definitely not the best in the world, but it wasn't bad. I read the series because of the movie, so it can't be all bad.

    >Not only was he a lefty bassist but he still is ;). He was recently on the >cover of Bass Player magazine. Great bassist, BTW. Guess I missed that issue. I can't afford a subscription, and it's hard to find in stores here (in St. Louis even). I remembered this from seeing an old picture of my high school jazz band where the bass player was playing a lefty Rickenbacher. I remembered he was a McCartney fanatic, so, well, I kind of figured it out. Thanks.

    >personally i >find long hair on men quite disgusting, as do all of my female friends. just >a note to those of you who can't get a date, cut the hair. i do admit that >there are a few men who can pull it off quite well (i won't name names) >but not many. I got my hair cut about a month after my now ex and I broke up. She always HATED my long hair (not really THAT long, not quite middle of the back. Bangs in the face, too), and she was steming mad when she found out I cut it AFTER we broke up (did it because I was tired of bad hair days, but it was kind of fun getting on her nerves like that :))). Anyway, my point (it's about time). I haven't had a date since then (about a year - I don't consider myself unattractive, either). I don't think it has had anything to do with the hair thing (I have gotten many compliments from girls, but no dates - what's up with that?), but I really don't want to waste my time with someone who is not going to take me for who I am. Granted, they may like short hair better than long hair (everyone has their preferences), but if someone is only going to like me in any way shape or form only for my something like that, they're a waste of my time. It's kind of funny, because I used to really only find long hair attractive on females (my ex has always had shorter hair than mine, until I got mine cut), but came to the realization that it doesn't really matter. It can be attractive short or long. Man, this seems to be getting deeper than it should be. Sorry about that. I had to deal with a lot of superficiality a lot with my ex. Heck, she even said I looked "evil" because I had/have a gotee. Like I said before, she is now my ex. Sorry for going on about this. I'm sure you (Elise) only meant to state your preferences. I didn't mean any of this against you.

    >Go ladies! My girlfriend has joined the ranks of the 'living >awake'. Ah, one of the lucky ones to find someone with GREAT musical tastes. >I resent that! Iron Maiden is NOT satanic! I agree (I am a Christian, BTW), but I think the "Heaven and Hell" thing was more meant as a figure of speech, and not a commentary on either band. I believe this person was simply pointing out the irony of having CDs (?) of bands with reputations like these two next to each other in the player. I like Maiden, BTW.


    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 12:14:03 -0500 From: (Robert Kasper) To: Subject: Long hair... Message-ID: <>

    I just had to put my $0.02 in on this laughable post: >hello. this doesn't really have much to do with DT at all, but i've been >lurking here for a while and i just wanted to ask what is up with the hair >debate. i know there are a lot of people who are into it, but personally >i find long hair on men quite disgusting, as do all of my female friends. >just a note to those of you who can't get a date, cut the hair. i do >admit that there are a few men who can pull it off quite well (i won't >name names) but not many. >-elise Just a note on the long hair thread... shallowness and superficiality are easy to come by. Awareness of oneself and one's true desires will inevitably cause awareness of others. It's not easy to assail that wall of aloneness and isolation which exists between each of us, but exertion of effort will sometimes cause one to 'see' beyond it and into the inner self of another. Some have the 'guts' and will to do this, some don't. Choose what attracts you to a person... is it looks, (ie: long hair/short hair) or is it the PERSON that resides within? I look for the person inside, myself, and not at the transient outward appearance. The beautiful person you meet today may be a hideous, scarred shell of a person within; and vice-versa. BTW, Elise... some men prefer women who can punctuate and capitalize properly. Is that any more or less shallow than your own post? Is it a question of grammar, or of hair-length? I say neither, but maybe we both have something to work on... Derek's hair looks fine. If he can play and write I wouldn't care if he were bald! If hair length defined the musician, wouldn't Bon Jovi be a better band? Come on, people. Quit being so shallow. "You label me I label you so I dub thee Unforgiven..." - Rob


    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 13:29:42 +0100 From: Jon Larkowski <> To: Subject: Re: FINAL CD SALE UPDATE! MAJESTY/INSTRUMENTAL I&II/RISING POWER Message-ID: <>

    OK, now I'm definitely interested in InstruMental II. Where do I send my money? Thanks!


    Lark * Jon Larkowski * Covert CVFN Guy *


    Date: 16 Aug 95 17:38:06 EDT From: Erik Wolfe <> To: "" <> Subject: Going back to... Message-ID: <950816213805_71473.371_CHU97-3@CompuServe.COM>

    the thread of "acoustic" tracks...the following is a list of tracks on Awake where John uses an acoustic guitar:

    1> Innocence Faded <Arpeggiated intro rhythm>

    2> Voices <16 bars under "Judas on the ceiling" lyric 1/2 time under "This is not reality" dialog - 14 bars anf the final 8 bar segue>

    3> The Silent Man <Gtr 1 - 6-string Gtr 2 - 12-string or "Nashville"-tuned 6-string Gtr 4 - Nylon-string for solo>

    4> The Mirror <Believe it or not!> <6 bars under the "How in the hell" lyric>

    5> Lifting Shadows Off A Dream <Behind the choruses <I believe it's a 12-string>

    6> Scarred <Verse 1 - 8 bars of "Nashville"-tuned acous. playing whole notes 8 bars under "What if the rest of the world" lyric -- 12-string>

    7> Space-Dye Vest <"Nashville"-tuned acoustic doubles keyboards 8 bars before verse and through both verses>

    That about covers all acoustic tracks on Awake One sidenote: The ultra-cool usage of an E-bow by John at the end of "Space-Dye Vest" under the "I'll never be open again" lyric. The only place it appears on Awake.


    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 16:11:06 PDT From: (Dr. Mosh) To: Subject: Re: more hair Message-ID: <>

    I have really long nose hairs, sometimes I braid it, it looks really cool... sometimes when I'm eating... and I don't have a napkin, I'll use my nose hairs... I think really long nose hairs are cool... I don't care what people say about it... I like to grow it cause I'm just real cool with it...

    -- #$%*#$*@ REAL: + VIRTUAL: *@#$*@#$ *$%&%#$* The Dream Theater Archives: /pub/dr/drkhoe/dt &*@#$*@$ **%^$#$% WWW: "" #$**@#*$ *$*$*$*# Reality Enhancement Software - Engineering Reality *$&#*#@$


    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 14:40:38 -0400 From: To: Subject: the great hair debate Message-ID: <>

    Sorry, I had to open my mouth on this one. While I personally have a taste for guys who have hair long enough that I can at least get my fingers into it, and preferably longer than my own (to my shoulderblades) - what the bloody difference does it make where a band is concerned? Granted, some of them might look pretty darn stupid with shaved heads, dreadlocks, dyed hair, or your basic "normal-guy" cut as opposed to hair past the waist, but I hardly think it should turn into a major bone of contention. Last time I checked, it was the music we were interested in, not the haircuts!

    For the record, I happen to be the only DT fan in Virginia Beach that I know of (if there are lurkers from this area, *please* email me!), although I do have friends in other states and countries who are fans - predominantly male, but some female as well, and they are interested in the music as much and more than for the looks...

    Jaime the Dragon, awaiting the judgment of the Storm God, otherwise known as Hurricane Felix...


    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 14:55:48 -0400 From: To: Subject: Long hair comments. Message-ID: <199508161855.OAA01829@cybertron.MOTOWN.GE.COM>

    Ha, ha, ha. I might as well throw my two cents in.

    Elise wrote that she finds long hair on men disgusting. Some women like it, some don't. I have gotten mixed reviews on my hair. I used to have really short hair and recently (recently? more like 2 years) I've let it grow out. Although not super-long (little past shoulder length), it is longer than what I have ever had it in the past. At one point, I had it almost this long and I cut it for a woman. Big mistake. Needless to say, we didn't last long after I did. :)

    I have noticed that some people take you differently depending on if you have long or short hair. Unfortunately, too many look at long-haired guys in a negative light. It is a shame that society still has a little backward thinking. Just because I grew my hair longer doesn't make me any different than I was before.

    As for cutting my hair to get a date? Not unless you're Cindy Crawford! (Ha, ha, ha. That's a little humor there...not a flame, Elise.)

    As Hairball said, you can't go around judging a book by it's cover. You have to at least look at the table of contents. Hair is transitory. It can come and it can go. What is on the inside, stays, my dear Elise.

    Proud to be a long-hair, Johnny


    Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 12:44:17 -0700 (MST) From: Michael Bahr <> To: Subject: All sorts of great stuff Message-ID: <>

    Hi all!

    Just had to address a few things...

    * I'm going out of town til tomorow night, it's my folks' 50th anniversary party up in the mountains of northern AZ at their cabin. It's going to delay the CD shipping a bit, but I can't skip out on this one. I promise it won't be a big delay. Also, don't email me until tomorrow night because it won't get answered anyway until then.

    * The Perfect Strangers on Acoustic Dreams is _not_ the same as the one on ACOS, for those who are curious. :) The one on ACOS has James singing. The one on Acoustic Dreams is firstly a studio recording (not live) and secondly has guest Bruce Dickinson on vocals.

    * I'm adopted too (bet you never figured on Cd-man saying that). My original parents were both Canadian, so thumbs up to all you polar krakens! I'm 21 and I wanna be a rock star when I grow up. :)

    * Has anyone here bought one of my CDs and _not_ bought a DT boot from Tim Lodge? If so, FOR SHAME! Tim's doing something so cool I wish I could be doing it myself... finding the rarest of the DT boots that _already_ exist and selling them at a VERY reasonable price. This Bud's for you, Tim. If I didn't have copies already I'd buy all 4.

    * The DT video tree will start soon, I'm currently copying up all the masters for all you who volunteered to help out as tree branches.

    * Magic: The Gathering rules! Just how many Jammers are playing this? I've heard from about 10 that do so far. What's your rarest card/how long have you been in it? I've been in since Revised began, and the two cards I have that are hardest to get are probably Juzam Djinn and Time Vault. Alas, for I own no Mox Jewels or Black Loti. I got an idea... I'll trade Acoustic Dreams and Cygnus CDs for really rare Magic cards.... grin wink! I like to play all sorts of different decks, usually a friend and I will think of some weird way to play it and go from there (e.g. make a deck with nothing but small creatures and big artifacs, make a deck with a minimum of 200 cards and all 5 colors must be in it, open two sealed starters, one each, and shuffle and play without even looking to see what we got, etc.) I think the link between Dream Theater/Rush and fantasy roleplaying games has extended to the card phenomenon of Magic.

    * Blind Melon are spiteful because they can't _play_. My friends and I figured out No Rain in 5 minutes. We're _still_ working on Take The Time for our live show, and it took two Months to learn Pull Me Under perfectly. Oh well, BM (nice abbreviation eh? appropriate) is a flash in the pan anyway, as shown by their hit and departure.

    * I'm already working on the master DATs for Death of a Dictionary and When Dream and Something Unite. :)

    Take care, everyone! May every card you draw be useful!

    Mike Bahr,


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