YTSEJAM digest 1173

Date: Fri Dec 01 1995 - 15:54:59 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 1172"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 1173

    Today's Topics:

      2) Re:Megadeth on Letterman
     by Gilbert Jack Thetgyi <>
      3) Tsa Sui
     by Pat Sullivan <>
      4) Clearing the air.
      5) Re: Megadeth on Letterman
      6) the whole mtv boycott thang
     by dark star <>
      7) Yeah, but..
     by (The Ytsejammer from Hell)
      8) Re: 2nd guitar
     by Jeremy Lakatos <jeremy@grove.ufl.EDU>
      9) Opinions, pinions,onions...plaah...
     by Karri K Kiviluoma <>
     10) stuff
     by Shamus McConney <savage@grove.ufl.EDU>
     11) Dream Theater
     by rickbond <>
     12) David Prater trivial info
     by Andrew Keegan <>
     13) FTP sites and LDTC :)
     by Shawna Lea Adams <SADAMS1@WELLESLEY.EDU>
     14) Breaking and entering
     by Jeff Chew <>
     15) Metallica doing Mirror
     by Jeff Chew <>
     16) Re: A Voice
     by (Zack Gemmill)
     17) MTV Ban of Advertisers
     by Michael Pomerleau <>
     18) Re: Bass? No.
     by Damon M. Fibraio <>
     19) Re: Berklee is no fucking guarantee!!!
     by Damon M. Fibraio <>
     20) Re: "Morbid" Dt songs
     by Damon M. Fibraio <>
     21) Re: YTSEJAM digest 1167
     by Damon M. Fibraio <>
     22) Dregs
     by Damon M. Fibraio <>
     23) A Nice Long Reply To Marc Respass
     by Steve Borzilleri <>


    1. I'm a Christian.
    2. I know all Christians.
    3. I don't know you.
    4. You're not a Christian.

    Which sounded kind of similar to "When were you at Berklee? What do you
    know of Berklee?" Sorry you didn't see me there, Marc. You know, I didn't
    see you at the Moore Theater the last time DT came through Seattle. When
    were you at the Moore Theater? What do you know of the Moore Theater??
    How could you know about DT if I didn't see you at the concert???

    > > Ever since I heard of their origins, I have always considered DT a
    > > group of jazz musicians who decided to play metal.
    > Which means that you don't know what you're talking about and have made
    > many assumptions.

    No, that's not what it means, and this kind of pissed me off. Marc, you've
    made a few comments in the past that I disagreed with, but since I'm not
    you, I guess I didn't feel a need to char-broil your ass. You have now
    proven to me your intolerance of opinions that run perpendicular to your
    own. So I have now made an executive decision as Controller Of My Mind to
    flame you on any subject you raise in which you make a statement that I
    either disagree with or (possibly) know something that you don't. Here's
    hoping you get lucky and never mention any of the things that I know
    something about.

    > > Of course I could be wrong
    > You are.

    (light bulb suddenly sparks on)

    Oh, so THAT'S my problem! Geeeez, I've been trying to figure that out for
    YEARS!! Thanks for clearing that up, Marc. Just this morning I was
    spreading mustard on my toast, and I swear for the life of me that I
    simply could NOT figure out why the whole situation seemed so odd. Here I
    am every day, yelling at people who use their turn signals, when it's ME
    who should be using them... Man, I guess it really does take an outside
    opinion to show a person what they're really all about.

    > OTOH, anyone who thinks that someone is a jazz player just because that
    > person attended one year at the Berklee College of Music doesn't know
    > what he's talking about.

    Look, we've already established that I'm a fucking idiot. And just now you
    (quite scientifically I might add) took the theory a step further and
    proved that I'm "wrong." So what makes you think that all of a sudden I
    know what I'm talking about?

    > OK. Sorry to be so harsh Steve. No offense intended but I guess I have
    > to set the record straight ONCE AGAIN.

    Yeah, that makes sense. I believe that. Here, quick impression, stop me if
    you've already heard this:

            "Gee, Soddom, your city has been destroyed. Sorry to be so
            harsh. I apologize sincerely. Carry on as you were before."

    > Like I said, you're either a jazz player or you're not. Knowing who
    > Miles Davis is and knowing what a Lydian scale is doesn't make you jazz
    > player.

    I've only heard Miles Davis' music, I haven't read his bio or studied his
    technique. And I haven't the slightest idea of what a Lydian scale is, or
    what its purpose is in making me a more competent musician. So I guess I'm
    a few notches lower than the average jazz player. But wait, you say that
    even if I did know all about those two things, I STILL wouldn't be a jazz
    player? What do I gotta do, sell my soul?

    > I just can't see Portnoy sitting behind a kit with one small bass drum,
    > a snare, hi-hat and ride and that's it though :).

    Hey, if that's all he can fit into the bathroom when he's thinking up new
    drum parts... I mean, his whole kit would require a bathroom the size of a

    > Thanks for your time
    > --Marc Respass


    Bafu "Wrong" Vai


    Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 17:18:55 -0500 (EST)
    From: Gilbert Jack Thetgyi <>
    Cc: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re:Megadeth on Letterman
    Message-ID: <>

    On Fri, 1 Dec 1995, Sean T Gill wrote:

    > Ben asked what Megadeth played on Letterman. I saw them play "Tout le
    > Monde" I don't know if they've been on more than once.
    They also played "Train of Consequences" on another show, with Paul
    Shaffer playing the harmonica fill at the end.


                                                    G. Jack Thetgyi


    Date: Fri, 1 Dec 95 17:24:11 EST
    From: Pat Sullivan <>
    Subject: Tsa Sui
    Message-ID: <>

    >BTW, what song did Megadeth play when they were on Letterman?

    "A Tout le Monde". Naturally. I hate it when bands I like get on the
    late-night shows, then play the slow song so they don't alienate the
    audience. I wish they'd had some balls and played "Train of Consequences"
    (or something).

    I wonder if Letterman allows moshing in the audience? :)

    >>> 2.) On the same boot, I think LaBrie said it like "Yet Say". is this
    >>> correct?
    >Well, he's Canadian, so his accent makes him say it wrong.


    Wouldn't it then be spelled "Yets, eh? Jam"?

    --And to the person who suggested the "Desert Island Top Five" thread (and
    also suggested people post it to the 'jam), I'd just like to say:


    "This has to come to an end/I'll never trust you again/It's time to make
    your amends/Look in the mirror my friend"

    have a day. :|

     /_________________Pat Sullivan__psull@ici.net_____________________________\
    ||She turned for one last look []Poison, power. Driven by fury. ||
    ||She looked me in the eye []Digital dictator, blackened expropriator. ||
    ||I said "I love you.... []Deliver us from evil, save the people. ||
    ||...goodbye." []Contagion of hatred must be eliminated. ||
    ||-DT / "A Change of Seasons" []-Vicious Rumors / "Savior From Anger" ||


    Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 17:34:31 -0500
    Subject: Clearing the air.
    Message-ID: <>

         Hello. I saw my name mentioned and I cannot validate the statement made
    by Andrew Garinger. Quote "I was scammed by Sue Moscardini".
         Sorry, Andrew. I don't know anyone by that name. Do you know something
    about me that 'I' don't know?
         Fellow jammer's, Andrew is clearly sending out a warning to protect
    yourselves. Follow his lead at your own discretion.
         Bafu Vai (required content).
         I have bought stuff from people I have met online and, so far I have NOT
    been scammed. However, I have gotten stuff from Robert Quezada, Mike Bahr,
    and David Kuznick. Trust me, very reliable people.
         All I have to say to close is, you make your own decisions. If you
    choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
         "Said I won't be afraid to take you away to a place where you and I can
    be as one"-
              Jason Micheal/Ice Cold July (1994) inspired by W. Shakespeare.


    Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 17:37:24 -0500
    Subject: Re: Megadeth on Letterman
    Message-ID: <>

    >When Megadeth was on Letterman, they
    >played A Tout Le Monde.

    I thought they played Train of Consequences, with
    Paul Schaffer doing a harmonica solo at the end...


    -hairball, not appearing on AD


    Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 17:42:11 -0500
    From: dark star <>
    Subject: the whole mtv boycott thang
    Message-ID: <v01530501ace52df88222@[]>

    regarding jeff hochberg's idea in jam 1169 about petitioning mtv's
    advertisers, that is certainly the way to go about making a change.
    however, one really has to wonder if it's really worth all the time and

    for one thing, spreading the word and trying to gather support over the
    internet, over related listservs and stuff... that will descend into spam
    fast, and will probably end up backfiring against the cause.

    but here's the real problem. organizing this huge movement (assuming jeff
    was being serious) would be a momentous task, as jeff said, but what
    exactly would it accomplish? ok, great, we'd get prog rock on mtv. is
    that really what you want? think about it. mtv by nature-- actually, just
    tv by nature-- is mostly about quick sound bites and demographic trend-wave
    riding. short attention spans. flashy colors, loud sounds. blurry,
    oddly-lit camera shots. headache-inducing strobe editing. it wouldn't
    have lasted as long as it has without that whole paradigm.

    trust me... conquering mtv is not worth the effort. let those top-40
    people have it. it belongs to them... and they're getting exactly what
    they deserve.

    now i will say that in spite of mtv's inherent cheesiness, i admit that
    it's occasionally fun to watch. but it's entertainment, that's all. would
    you peg down dream theater or rush or QR as being purely entertainment? i
    wouldn't... so it never really bothered me that they rarely if ever played
    prog music on mtv... when i did see it (all that comes to mind is rush's
    "stick it out"), it was kind of cool to see what the band (or their
    director) came up with for imaging ideas. but beyond that... it's not that
    big a deal.

    but if you're really, seriously, way hardcore concerned about this
    prog-rock-video issue, and you're willing to put all the work into it, why
    don't some of you brave entrepreneurial types start another cable music
    television corporation, if not to expressly compete with mtv, but to offer
    at least an alternative? you know, bold capitalist venture, great
    post-college goal. now that's kind of a far out idea, to say the least,
    but it would accomplish your goal better than taking mtv. and nowhere, but
    nowhere, will you find the networking opportunities available here on the
    jam and related lists. hey, mike bahr does the entrepreneurial thing, as
    does t-shirt boy and sticker boy (forget your names, buds).

    anyway, i'd say stick with the appreciating the music as it now stands.
    i've never been a status quo advocate, but in this case, i'd say that the
    prog rock community is flourishing pretty well without mtv's help. and we
    still have our integrity... mtv would suck it out like marrow.


    peace out.



    Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 16:15:13 -0700
    From: (The Ytsejammer from Hell)
    Subject: Yeah, but..
    Message-ID: <>

    >A Derek song? I really don't like him at all, and will he even be in the band
    >when the new album is recorded? Those of you who saw the HBB about a year ago
    >with James and Mike recall that he was just replacing Kevin temporarily until
    >they find the time to look for right man for the job.

    Yeah, but it sounds to me like you wouldn't be happy until they got Kevin
    Moore back.

    >ahhh, a new mailing list to conquer

    HA! HA! HA!
    Good fucking luck, man.



    Ben Laussade

    "LIE! LIE! LIE! LIE! LIE! LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" James
    Hetfield, from Leper Messiah



    Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 19:47:01 -0500 (EST)
    From: Jeremy Lakatos <jeremy@grove.ufl.EDU>
    Subject: Re: 2nd guitar
    Message-ID: <>

    I think I agree that DT should have a second guitarist.

    However, I don't think that should be a rhythm guitarist. Sure, it'd let
    those overdubbed album parts get played live, but I don't especially love
    those parts, anyway. A second guitarist should interact, build grinding
    semi-dissonant thick harmonies, ala Queensryche.

    But maybe Derek could do this. They'd have to write a bit more harmonically,
    though. As it is, I'd like it if they kept the studio stuff somewhat 'live.'

    But a second guitarist isn't a bad idea, once you think about it. JP's said
    that he had trouble with acoustic guitar. So we should have an acoustic
    guitarist, and then they could write meshed acoustic/electric tunes.

    And none of this picking crap, either. We want a classical guitarists.
    Five fingers beats one pick any day of the week. Listen to Strunz and
    Farah, or DiMeola/McLaughlin/deLucia for the stunning effect of classical
    guitar on jazz.

    I see three problems: 1) Mixing so that the acoustic is audible with all
    the electric stuff going on ... probably have to go with a steel string
    guitar, but still, even though you can get a lot of volume from an
    acoustic, it's going to be tough. 2) writing music that uses the classical/
    electric mix ... for metal ... not easy at all. 3) JP's ego may be
    hopelessly damaged from being upstaged regularly.

    Yes, I'm quite odd. This, I think, is not one of my oddest ideas. (SF net-anthology taking stories; email for info)


    Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 02:55:51 +0200 (EET)
    From: Karri K Kiviluoma <>
    Subject: Opinions, pinions,onions...plaah...
    Message-ID: <>

            Okie !!! See the subject dude !! Here goes !!!!!!:
            (And HEY!! Let's not forget the IMO from there...)

            1. No keyboards/ a 'rhythm'guitarist ???
               DT without keyboards = Is DT WITHOUT keyboards, get it ???
               Oh...err...maybe you didn't. What I meant to say was that
               why take anything away ?? If you don't like the 'board sound,
               change it. Easy enuff...
               And what is a 'rhythm' guitarist ? (sorry if I'm stepping on
               someone's toes here ! =). As I understand DT 'seeks the godhood
               of their individual fields in music'. They said something like
               that somewhere (abit modified tho =). How is a 'rhythm' quitarist
               supposed to develop/improvise in the field guitarianship (?).
               The only thing that would work for DT, would be the Iron Maiden's
               Adrian Smith-Dave Murray type of thing. (Two shredders, playing
               alternate leads with separate least sound-)
               And in my onion there's no room by J.Petrucci on that stage!
               Anyways, keyboards sound kewler too =)

            2. Just like every good music, J. LaBrie took awhile to get 'into'.
               When I first heard I&W I thought exactly the same as some people
               here. But on Awake he's awesome !! The Man really USES his voice.

               Someone here suggested rap. Ack...ack...urgh...graah
               What I'd wanna hear was something we haven't ever heard before
               (No I don't mean the folk music on w. Mogabaiques or
               anything). Ie. Don't take all those styles and make a song.
               Mold to make a new kind of soound ! As such I think that
               -MAYBE- I could listen even some ...urgh...rap in there.
               And about Kevin Moore doiong Adrian Smiths (I think that
               was 'Hooks In You' on No Prayer..) SURE !! Doesn't mean that
               they should take anything away from Derek though. I wanna
                hear that guy for real =)
               In short: I wanna get a 2h cd that'll blow my mind (again)

            Yeah...Thats it. Another example of what comes from writing stuff
            at 3:00 am. =P

            Karri -the verbal torso

            Oh, btw. Any fantasy readers out there might wanna check out
            Terry Pratchetts latest one, 'Soul Music'. It's hilarious ! =)

            Ps. II: What is this (a newbie question I knoweth) <G> ???
                      *BLUSH* =)


    Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 20:57:44 -0500 (EST)
    From: Shamus McConney <savage@grove.ufl.EDU>
    Subject: stuff
    Message-ID: <Pine.ULT.3.91.951201203836.24426C-100000@willow>

    hi all.
    just wanted to coment on a few things that have been flying around the
    list as of late. 1st to the guy who was negatavly compairing james l to
    yngwie. i do not know if james is as eragant a yngwie but if he is he
    has the right to. both of then have the chops to backup what ever they
    have to say about their own musical performances. 2ed i am totaly behind
    the guy who said that if we want to make a difference with mtv we need to
    target their advertisers. i am a telecomunications production/
    broadcasting major and i know for a fact that every thing he had to say
    was true. 3rd thanks mike b. for acoustic dreams. realy good disk. my
    favs. are perfect stg. and lie. i would not call lie a boogie though, i
    would call it upbeat jazz/fusion since it is not to a shuffle beat which
    usualy charaterises boogie songs(i.e. satch boogie and all most anything
    by zztop). my only gripe about the disk is not mike's falt, i gust wish
    they would have miked the guitars and not use shitty acoustic pickups. i
    do not care how good an acousitc pickup is you need to add air in there
    to get a natural sound. that is the whole purpase of using an acoustic
    guitar in the 1st place, right? i just wish that more bands would take
    the time to mike acousics on stage and not take the easy way out.


    *"As I wake in the morning just to miss the sunset.*Shamus McConney *
    * I lie here crying, but I know not why I'm upset. * *
    * So I wipe away the little portions of my youth. **
    * Only to reveal another mystery and not a truth." *~savage *
    * -Adesso che ho perso la vista, ci vedo meglio e di piu. *
    * "I was blind all the time while I was learning to see." *
    * "Take the Time" -Dream Theater *


    Date: Fri, 01 Dec 1995 21:26:11 -0800
    From: rickbond <>
    Subject: Dream Theater
    Message-ID: <>

    Hello all...this is my first post in the discussion. I've read the past
    7 or so "issues". I realize that I don't have to try to sell DT to the
    people on this conference, but I wanted to mention how absolutely
    incredible I believe DT to be. I'm a musician myself, drummer, and I can
    play a little guitar, and piano, and when I listen to DT it just blows me
    away. Of course, being a drummer, Mike Portnoy is the member that I
    focus on a lot, and he totally wracks my brain when I listen to some of
    the stuff he does...and even if I could play every DT song to a T...he
    would still blow my mind at the fact that not only does he play it...the
    guy wrote that as well! It just kills me, and some of the precision
    things that they do as a whole, especially some of the breaks on ACOS
    with drums and keyboards together...these guys kill me, and I hope I get
    the chance to see them live soon.

    Rick Bond
    Limbo Cage


    Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 22:40:46 -0500 (EST)
    From: Andrew Keegan <>
    Cc: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: David Prater trivial info
    Message-ID: <>

    I just picked up an LP "Ancient Medicine" by a band called Baby Grand.
    It's a 1978 release and the band includes Rob Hyman and Eric Bazilian who
    later formed The Hooters. It was produced by Rick Chertoff who went on to
    produced a load of '80s bands.

    Another member of the band was David Prater who, ironically, was the

    Anyway, Is this the same David Prater? And has he been in any other bands
    before becoming a producer?

    "Live fast, "There's only one way
     Be a spark and glow awhile of life,
     You'll be dead a long, long time" And that's your own"
               -B. Geldof - Levellers


    Date: Fri, 01 Dec 1995 23:52:27 -0500 (EST)
    From: Shawna Lea Adams <SADAMS1@WELLESLEY.EDU>
    Subject: FTP sites and LDTC :)
    Message-ID: <01HYB7X64WYA9I4Q6I@WELLESLEY.EDU>

    I was wondering if anyone has an address for a good music ftp site. I need
    to get various metal lyrics (like Kiss and Megadeth...:) for a paper and I
    don't remember the ftp site I used to go and get things like that and my
    Helloween and all that jazz.

    On a happy note (:) My web page is up...and I am open for more Dream
    Theater links...considering I only have Mike Burstin's DT page for a link..
    My main page's url is:

    Feel free to tell me what you think!

    Shawna Lea Adams
    "Seize the day and don't you cry,
    Now it's time to say good-bye
    Even though I'll be gone,
    I will live on"
            -"The Crimson Sunset" Dream Theater _ACOS_


    Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 22:50:10 -0500 (EST)
    From: Jeff Chew <>
    To: Brian Anderson <>
    Cc: Ytsejam <>, Jessica Yong <>,
    Subject: Breaking and entering
    Message-ID: <>

    Dear guys,

    Hey there, I needed to write to you guys about something that's happened
    for some time that I just found out about tonight. One of my "friends"
    discovered what my columbia account password was, so he began playing
    around and made some really childish prank e-mail lately. Anyways, if
    yany of you have received any strange mail from my account, it wasn't
    typed by me. But, I've changed my password already and everything should
    be back to normal. I'll TTYL!

    Jeff =)

            " n-night...h-have we come...s-so...f-far..."
                                                    --- Kim from Miss Saigon
            <*> Jeff Chew <*> <*> (212) 853-6952 <*>
                   <*> <*>
                       <*> <*>
        <*> Lifting Shadows : <*>


    Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 23:27:39 -0500 (EST)
    From: Jeff Chew <>
    To: Ytsejam <>
    Subject: Metallica doing Mirror
    Message-ID: <>

    Dear jammers,

    >>>I agree with another jammer that Metallica would do an awesome version of
    the Mirror. But I think any song from Dream Theater would sound awesome
    from Rush. The first time I heard Rush, I thought it was a new song from
    DT. I'm not joking!

    Heath Augustover<<<

    I agree. I think Metallica can do it, since it is heavy and the fact
    that there aren't any hard solos in it. That way, it will be simple
    enough for Kirk Hammett to follow it.

    Jeff =)

            " n-night...h-have we come...s-so...f-far..."
                                                    --- Kim from Miss Saigon
            <*> Jeff Chew <*> <*> (212) 853-6952 <*>
                   <*> <*>
                       <*> <*>
        <*> Lifting Shadows : <*>


    Date: Fri, 1 Dec 95 21:02:05 PST
    From: (Zack Gemmill)
    Subject: Re: A Voice
    Message-ID: <9512020502.AA11337@tengs1.teng>

    > My first post:
    > I find it odd that a Dream Theater fan would want them to be anything
    > other than what they are. Talk of removing the keys, talk of adding
    > another guitar, talk of James as the proverbial weak link. I guess
    > discussion is one of the axis' upon which our world turns, but I would
    > suggest that the reason we like them is because of the chemistry they
    > currently seem to have acheived. I was sad when Kevin left, but I like
    > Derik. And with respect to the thread on Labrie's voice, I can answer
    > that I did not personally buy their work until he took the mic. I won't
    > say they would not have been as successful without him, or with another
    > vocalist, but I could argue just that.

    <<stuff annihilated>>
    > I can't listen to backgroud music, it has to compel me and take me with
    > it, and it's melody lines must course off the lips of a vocalist who has
    > the ability to thrill me, not just with high notes, but certainly not
    > without them. James' training was well spent. Everytime he sings into
    > the masque mine does almost resonate with him.
    > Peter Orullian

    Dude, that was one of the most beautiful posts I've ever seen on
    the ytsejam *sniff* You should post more often.



    Date: 02 Dec 95 00:17:08 EST
    From: Michael Pomerleau <>
    To: <>
    Subject: MTV Ban of Advertisers
    Message-ID: <951202051707_72064.614_GHB56-2@CompuServe.COM>

     In a previous jam, Jeff Hochberg stated that they way to get MTV's attention
    is through their advertisers.

     JEFF...YOU GOT IT EXACTLY RIGHT. I am sick and tired of MTV advancing their
    POLITICAL AGENDA, rather than playing music. On their MTV news show the top
    story the other day was about how some abortion rights activists were being
    sued or something like that. What does this have to do with MUSIC NEWS??? MTV
    is PRO-ABORTION, and they use their clout to influence the younger generation.
    Look at how they handled the 1992 campaign, with their favorable treatment of
    BUBBA. Also, look at how they treat homosexuality, and Transexuality (RuPaul).

     I don't want to start an political discussion here, because this is not the
    place for it(in case you have not guessed, I am a conservative pro-lifer).
    However, MTV could not give a S**T, or 2 flying #$*%'s( what we thought. Its
    about time that we let their advertisers know how we feel. Politics and their
    agendas should be left to CNN, The NEW YORK TIMES, etc... and MTV should play
    all styles of popular music so we can be exposed to it.

     By the way, can anyone tell me WHY MTV is willing to play FOO FIGHTERS 1000
    times more often then Dream Theater? Is is because the 2 chords played are
    really catchy? Or is the singers off pitched screaming really pleasing. My
    point is that we NEED to do something, or we will forever be PROGRESSIVE ROCK
    fans trapped in a world of CRAP (Oops, I meant RAP) and GRUNGE. Perhaps if we
    let enough advertisers know how we feel, when some organization tries to
    create competition for MTV, advertisers will realize that there is a market
    there and support an alternative. It is obvious MTV will never CARE what we

     I'll get off my soapbox now

     Sorry, and on with the DT Content.

     - Michael Pomerleau, Written 01-Dec-1995 @ 23:52:43
       Using: Windows NavCIS PRO 1.62


    Date: Sat, 2 Dec 95 2:20:22 EST
    From: Damon M. Fibraio <>
    Subject: Re: Bass? No.
    Message-ID: <>

       Mark R.

       Sequenced or not, it doesn't lose that human feel because I don't quantize
    anything. The way I play it into the sequencer is how it stays unless I need
    to make it machine accurate for club music drum machines or whatever. If you
    are doing drums and fills and stuff yourself and not with a drum machine like
    I do, then you don't lose that human feel. Listen to my sequences if you can,
    and you can't so it's a dead issue anyway. But if you ever heard my sequence
    work, it doesn't sound li,ke shit.


    Date: Sat, 2 Dec 95 2:24:55 EST
    From: Damon M. Fibraio <>
    Subject: Re: Berklee is no fucking guarantee!!!
    Message-ID: <>

       Stop! Stop! I'm drooling over Berkley. Stop! I can't stand it. Stop!!!!!!
    The school I should've gone to except that it's in Boston centered around the
    city and my parents think that my blindness would get me killed. and I didn't
    think I was good enough as a musician. The biggest mistake of my life. and
    here you are telling me about howgreat Berkley is. Damn you. Stop reminding
    me. Monmouth University's music program blows balls.


    Date: Sat, 2 Dec 95 2:36:36 EST
    From: Damon M. Fibraio <>
    Subject: Re: "Morbid" Dt songs
    Message-ID: <>

       On the topic of Morbid DT songs, what would you call Space dive Vest? Or
    some sections of ACOS? Come on. Pretty moribd stuff there.


    Date: Sat, 2 Dec 95 2:50:33 EST
    From: Damon M. Fibraio <>
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 1167
    Message-ID: <>


      Trevor Raben isn't that bad. I like him. So he's poppy. Big deal. I liked
    his writing. I don't listen to prog all the time, and some 80s yes is
    progressive. Listen to changes off of 90125.


    Date: Sat, 2 Dec 95 2:54:36 EST
    From: Damon M. Fibraio <>
    Subject: Dregs
    Message-ID: <>

       When I decided to check out the dregs, I bought the Best of CD. Love it,
    but am I missing anything. and as far as Genesis goes, I stole two CCDs out
    of the radio station I work for (they don't use them anymore). And then there
    were three, and another one with Follow you follow me or something I don't
    know. Maybe I goofed on the titles and stuff, but I need to know. Is there
    something I can buy that would sum up Genesis in one or two CDs?


    Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 23:37:43 -0800 (PST)
    From: Steve Borzilleri <>
    To: Dream Thespians <>
    Subject: A Nice Long Reply To Marc Respass
    Message-ID: <>

    Seeing as how I am still resisting the temptation of conforming to popular
    activity by posting only what I dislike about DT, I figured I would do the
    usual and handle something differently than the guy before me did, ie Marc
    Respass. Hey, what can I say, I gotta be me.

    > From: (Marc Respass)
    > Subject: Berklee is no fucking guarantee!!!

    After reading just the subject heading, I was suddenly hit with a flash of
    inspiration for another wonderful story. See what you think:

    Marc Respass, McLaughlin Of The Ytsejam

    Marc: Issue #1. DT isn't a jazz band. They aren't jazz players. They
    shouldn't play jazz.

    Me: I could be wrong, but didn't they study jazz at Berklee?


    Anyway, Marc brought up another argument that reminded me of an event that
    will probably offend a few people. But considering who I am, what does
    that matter?

    > > Might I remind you that Dream Theater is comprised of three
    > > men from Berklee?
    > Big fucking deal! When were you at Berklee? What do you know of Berklee?

    Okay, quick story. I'm sitting outside having lunch with several people,
    one of whom is a born-again Christian. We'll call this person Hubris.
    Anyway, Hubris is going on and on about a gospel vocalist named Susan
    Ashton, and how absolutely incredible her music is.

    I ask Hubris, "Who's Susan Ashton?"

    At this point Hubris looks at me like I'm an alien from another world.

    "She's a Christian singer." Hubris says. "You've never heard of Susan

    To which I reply, "No, I'm just a Roman Catholic. Guess that's why I've
    never heard of her."

    Hubris then gives me a rather silent, hollow look and demands that I
    clarify my Catholicism, since I can't be all that Christian if I don't
    know who Susan Ashton is. I field her questions, then proceed to remind
    Hubris of the position of born-again Christians in the church as opposed
    to that of the stupid, naive, non-Susan-Ashton-listening-to Roman
    Catholics, one of whom is the pope himself.


    1. I'm a Christian.
    2. I know all Christians.
    3. I don't know you.
    4. You're not a Christian.

    Which sounded kind of similar to "When were you at Berklee? What do you
    know of Berklee?" Sorry you didn't see me there, Marc. You know, I didn't
    see you at the Moore Theater the last time DT came through Seattle. When
    were you at the Moore Theater? What do you know of the Moore Theater??
    How could you know about DT if I didn't see you at the concert???

    > > Ever since I heard of their origins, I have always considered DT a
    > > group of jazz musicians who decided to play metal.
    > Which means that you don't know what you're talking about and have made
    > many assumptions.

    No, that's not what it means, and this kind of pissed me off. Marc, you've
    made a few comments in the past that I disagreed with, but since I'm not
    you, I guess I didn't feel a need to char-broil your ass. You have now
    proven to me your intolerance of opinions that run perpendicular to your
    own. So I have now made an executive decision as Controller Of My Mind to
    flame you on any subject you raise in which you make a statement that I
    either disagree with or (possibly) know something that you don't. Here's
    hoping you get lucky and never mention any of the things that I know
    something about.

    > > Of course I could be wrong
    > You are.

    (light bulb suddenly sparks on)

    Oh, so THAT'S my problem! Geeeez, I've been trying to figure that out for
    YEARS!! Thanks for clearing that up, Marc. Just this morning I was
    spreading mustard on my toast, and I swear for the life of me that I
    simply could NOT figure out why the whole situation seemed so odd. Here I
    am every day, yelling at people who use their turn signals, when it's ME
    who should be using them... Man, I guess it really does take an outside
    opinion to show a person what they're really all about.

    > OTOH, anyone who thinks that someone is a jazz player just because that
    > person attended one year at the Berklee College of Music doesn't know
    > what he's talking about.

    Look, we've already established that I'm a fucking idiot. And just now you
    (quite scientifically I might add) took the theory a step further and
    proved that I'm "wrong." So what makes you think that all of a sudden I
    know what I'm talking about?

    > OK. Sorry to be so harsh Steve. No offense intended but I guess I have
    > to set the record straight ONCE AGAIN.

    Yeah, that makes sense. I believe that. Here, quick impression, stop me if
    you've already heard this:

            "Gee, Soddom, your city has been destroyed. Sorry to be so
            harsh. I apologize sincerely. Carry on as you were before."

    > Like I said, you're either a jazz player or you're not. Knowing who
    > Miles Davis is and knowing what a Lydian scale is doesn't make you jazz
    > player.

    I've only heard Miles Davis' music, I haven't read his bio or studied his
    technique. And I haven't the slightest idea of what a Lydian scale is, or
    what its purpose is in making me a more competent musician. So I guess I'm
    a few notches lower than the average jazz player. But wait, you say that
    even if I did know all about those two things, I STILL wouldn't be a jazz
    player? What do I gotta do, sell my soul?

    > I just can't see Portnoy sitting behind a kit with one small bass drum,
    > a snare, hi-hat and ride and that's it though :).

    Hey, if that's all he can fit into the bathroom when he's thinking up new
    drum parts... I mean, his whole kit would require a bathroom the size of a

    > Thanks for your time
    > --Marc Respass


    Wrongfu Vai


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 1173

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