YTSEJAM digest 1190

Date: Fri Dec 08 1995 - 08:04:53 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 1189"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 1190

    Today's Topics:

      1) Key music for DT?
     by (Robert Paul Andrews)
      2) Logic
     by Baron Sengir <>
      3) favor to ask/midwest Ytsecon
      4) Aargh !! I finally had to say something ! =(
     by Karri K Kiviluoma <>
      5) Re: YTSEJAM digest 1187
     by (Gerralt Partiman)
      6) Re: Some great alboums indeed
     by Bekiaris Vassilis <>
      7) Re: solo breaks are irrelevant
     by Bekiaris Vassilis <>
      8) Re: IRC suggestions
     by Damon M. Fibraio <>
      9) how to leave
     by (Ken Bibb)
     10) We're all fucking nuts
     11) one final plea
     by bjm3@Lehigh.EDU (Merritt)
     12) About the Religious Remarks (anti-ones, actually) I made some time ago
     by "Richard Karsmakers" <>
     13) IRC chat, bullshit, open channnel
     by Michael Backof <>
     14) Dream Theater Discography
     by Michael Backof <>
     15) Re: YTSEJAM digest 1187
     by steve matthews <WSM95003@UConnVM.UConn.Edu>
     16) Re: Ytse IRC (NDTC)
     by "Dr. Teeth" <GLYDE@VAX1.MANKATO.MSUS.EDU>


    Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 02:16:02 -0600 (CST)
    From: (Robert Paul Andrews)
    Subject: Key music for DT?
    Message-ID: <>

    Could someone please help me on this one:
    I'd like to know where I could possibly pick up the piano parts for
    DT songs. Space dye vest in particular but any other's would also
    be great. Any and all help Apreciated. :)


    Lifting shadows off a dream....


    Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 02:36:35 +0000 (GMT)
    From: Baron Sengir <>
    Subject: Logic
    Message-ID: <>

    > From: (MR MARTIN D SCHOCH)
    > Subject: Various Posts
    > Some thoughts on some recent posts:
    > >Bafu rules.
    > >God rules.
    > >Thus, Bafu is God.
    > Alas, your logic is flawed. For instance:
    > A dog has four legs.
    > A cat has four legs.
    > A dog is a cat.

    What? A dog is a cat? Where did this silly notion come from? <G> I know
    the logic is flawed, but I just wanted to say, "Bafu is God." <G>
    > Not quite. Sorry, Bafu.

    That wasn't Bafu. That was me. But thanks for the compliment. Oh...wait...
    You were just saying sorry to Bafu but you didn't think he wrote the
    post? Well, I have one thing to say to that: Oh.

    Okay, try this:

    God is the center of the universe.
    Bafu is the center of the universe.
    Bafu is God.

    Does this one work?

    > From: (Michael Coghlan )
    > Subject: IRC/Bafu's Sarcasam /PCashman - Step down N-man.
    > This is multipart MIME message.

    Aw, no. Not another MIME message!!!

    > From: Chris Oates <>
    > Subject: I've found GOD
    > Yes, it's me, the perennial atheist. I've been awakened. I found God.
    > BAFU is GOD.
    > I worship at your feet.

    See? Told ya. If Bafu can get atheists out of their inequity...<G>

    Baron "Bafu is God" Sengir


    Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 02:41:28 -0600 (CST)
    Subject: favor to ask/midwest Ytsecon
    Message-ID: <>

    Hi all,

    Just a coupla things that I wanted to mention:
    First off, I have been in the process of compiling all of DT's setlists for
    some time. I even went so far as to ask for everyone's help, but I did not
    hear from that many of you. Anyway, I would like to ask a favor of those of
    you going to the Dec. shows - chances are that some of you (especially the
    out-of-towners) will make a special effort to meet the band after the shows -
    could some of you please volunteer and print out a copy of my setlist
    compilation and hand it to Mike P? Being that he seems to be the most focused
    on the band's history and that he keeps all their shows on DAT, he would be
    the foremost authority to get all the setlists from. PLEASE some of you
    volunteer to help me out - I'd appreciate it very much! E-mail me for details
    (and I'll send you the list) - thanx in advance.

    Midwest Ytsecon - I would love to attend this, but I must ask whoever will
    plan it to please make it Milwaukee or at least Chicago. I live in Milwaukee
    so it'd be nice to have here, but Chicago is much bigger and may be a better
    place to have a Ytsecon. I'd be able to travel to Chicago, but any greater
    distance would probably not be possible. What do you other midwest 'jammers
    say? I mean I know it's far off in the future yet, but does it hurt to get a
    head start?

    Scott Hansen


    Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 11:17:15 +0200 (EET)
    From: Karri K Kiviluoma <>
    Cc: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Aargh !! I finally had to say something ! =(
    Message-ID: <>

    > You, Warren, are precisely the sort of person that makes this world a
    > more difficult place in which to live. It is absolutely arrogant and

    [Snip 'n stuff]

    > ignorance and hatred on this list, then something is wrong. Maybe you
    > should seek counseling.
    > -Chris

            Maybe not a good cut out, but everybody read it awhile ago right ? =)
            What I wanted to say = Wow... WELL PUT !!!!!!

    > From: (Michael Coghlan )
    > Subject: YJAM digest 1179/Chris Crowder good point!/ Not bad for a BK employee. :)
    > Chris you wrote: in (>)
    > >Allright, but I've only one thing to say to all that, and I want you to really
    > >think about it : "Better safe that sorry." (wouldn't you rather show a little
    > >respect to God than risk going to hel?)
    > >
    > >That's all I have to say.
    > >
    > > Chris
            Uhh...Mike said something to the effect of rigorously agreeing =)
            (I deleted it =(>

            I Can't believe you're saying this !!!!!
            You are encouraging to people to base their worldview on some
            'better safe than sorry' theme, than instruct people to create
            that for themselves, thus enabling them to grow as humans ????
            And the same goes with 'God and his doings are not something
            we understand' Sheesh !!! With this kind of attitude we would
            be in the caves still.

            If you close your mind stagnation is inevitable

            Disclaimer: I'm not sure I got my point across here
                (not much of a writer). Please contact me personally if in need
                of clarification =)



    Date: Fri, 08 Dec 1995 10:38:30 +0100
    From: (Gerralt Partiman)
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 1187
    Message-ID: <>

    I have some excellent recommendations for people who are really into metal.
    1. Shadow Gallery: "Carved in Stone".
    Some of the most powerful melodies I've ever heard. Softer than Dream Theater, but heavier than Cairo. Drummer Kevin Soffera is at least as good as Mike Portnoy. The album was released on the great Magna Carta label. Hail!
    Support these guys and buy the album!
    2. Dissection: "Storm of a Light's bane". Like Iron Maiden on 78 rpm! Not everyone may like the vocals of John Nodtveid, but when you get the adrenalin rush from the incredible pace at which the band plays, you won't complain anymore, I can tell you that. The band is from Sweden, and they also powder their face like the Norwegian black metal bastards, but their songwriting qualities are much higher.
    3. The Gathering: "Mandylion". These dutch musicians have evolved from a death metal band to one that creates an atmospere that sends the shivers down your spine. Check out the absolutely fantastic (female) vocals from Anneke van Giersbergen, who is really the best female vocalist I've ever heard! To hell with Allanah Miles and her wimpy ballad shit.
    4. Threshold: "Wounded Land", "Psychedelicatessen" and "Livedelica". The order is chronologic. On "Wounded Land" there is singer Damian Wilson, who is good, but not as excellent as Glynn Morgan, who sings on the last two albums. These guys make music that every Dream Theater fan should listen to. You won't be sorry, except if you don't have money to buy the album after listening hahaha. These British musicians also have lyrics that makes sense, so you don't have to worry about that "I love you baby" rubbish.
    I hope any of you guys pick up some of these albums. If you have any questions/sugeestions/remarks/TIPS about these bands, or in general about metal music (heavy, speed, black, trash, death metal or whatsoever), you can email me at
    Bye bye and keep a healthy mind.
    Gerralt Partiman.


    Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 11:54:23 +0200 (EET)
    From: Bekiaris Vassilis <>
    Subject: Re: Some great alboums indeed
    Message-ID: <>

    > Gikas Gregory -Probably the only ytsejammer from Greece
    Gregory, not the only one!!Here i am...
    Anyway, in my opinion one of the best LPs i have ever heard is 'Parallels'
    by fates warning. I think this album surpasses anything i have heard till now.
    Someone said that Zonder is better than Portnoy..I aggree that Zonder is a
    better drummer..Check the drum patterns on 'Perfect Symmetry', especially
    'At fates hands' and 'Nothing left to say'..they are fucking great1!!.
    BTW one correction...Zonder joined fates on 'Perfect Symmetry'.In 'No Exit'
    they still had Steve Zimmerman...

    Thats all for now


    Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 12:06:51 +0200 (EET)
    From: Bekiaris Vassilis <>
    Subject: Re: solo breaks are irrelevant
    Message-ID: <>

    > > This part really
    > > sounds a bit irrelevant...
    > Subjective. Certainly Dream Theater didn't think it was irrelevant. I would
    > surely be offended if you told me that a part of a piece that I composed
    > sounded irrelevant. Maybe you don't like the fills. That's one thing.
    > Irrelevant? I would have to argue that they fit that part of the song quite
    > well.
    Ok it certainly is subjective, i didn't put into words right.This part
    seems to me irrelevant.I compose pieces which sound ok to me but my teacher
    says they are very 'loaded' with stuff and things. And of course DT thought
    it was ok, otherwise they wouldn't have put it there. Never meant to offend
    anyone, whether one likes or dislikes a song is personal taste...



    Date: Thu, 7 Dec 95 23:10:43 EST
    From: Damon M. Fibraio <>
    Subject: Re: IRC suggestions
    Message-ID: <>

      It wouldn't matter if Nuggetman did show up. If he isn't given channel
    operator privelidges, there's nothing he can do. He can't kick, or ban. You
    can also set a channel as invite only. But if you post the channel name to
    the list and Nuggetman shows up, it really won't matter because he doesn't
    have operator privelidges. The person who creates the channel has operator
    privelidges and can give them out with a command, (not telling what it is). I
    have some knowledge of IRC so if you want more information, get in touch.


    Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 08:18:59 +0800
    From: (Ken Bibb)
    To: ytsejam
    Subject: how to leave
    Message-ID: <>

    There have been a number of incorrectly formatted unsubscribe requests
    that have been sent recently (not to mention the one that was sent
    to the list instead of being sent to the server).

    To leave the list, send:

    unsubscribe ytsejam

    to with a subject of "asdf". Note that this
    goes to ^^^^^^^^ the request address and not to the normal address.
    If you send the request to the normal address, or if you include "sub"
    in the subject line, your request will be denied by the server program.

    Ken Bibb		"If the boundary breaks I'm no longer alone	 Don't discourage me	 Bring out the stars/On the first day"
    				David Sylvian--"The First Day"


    Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 06:40:42 -0500 From: To: Subject: We're all fucking nuts Message-ID: <>

    I have come to this conclusion....we all need some big fucking ytsejam psychotherapy seesion or something!! All of you asking me for tapes...I'll have a bunch with me at both Birch Hill and seek me out and you shall recieve...I'll be the little blonde dancing and carrying on like a drunken sailor ; ) Untill Later, Heather of Dragonlady alias...the ytsebitch... im getting used to that title LOL!!! ****************************** PS Hi Wild Koba, Matthew, Jay, and Elliot !!!!!!!


    Date: Fri, 08 Dec 1995 09:54:14 EST From: bjm3@Lehigh.EDU (Merritt) To: Subject: one final plea Message-ID: <199512081455.JAA87545@ns3-1.CC.Lehigh.EDU>

    Hi All, One last time: PLEASE stop posting all this religious stuff to the jam. And by that I mean anti-religious stuff too. If you want to discuss these kinds of things, is it so much harder to do it privately than to send it to the list? First of all, this is the DREAM THEATER list. I understand that it is impossible to stay %100 on that topic, especially when not much is happening with them; other interests and opinions on certain things will show up, and that's good. However, some sense of focus should be kept, things shouldn't get out of hand (as this has). Second, I for one think it is totally useless to argue about religious matters. The way I see it, if someone really believes in something, nothing that anyone says will change their mind. I don't exactly remember how this got started; I remember a bunch of people giving testimonials about how Jesus had changed their lives and all. Then, of course, came the atheists saying that they were full of crap and just buying into the lies of the establishment or something in their I'm-cool-and-grown-up-or-whatever-because-I-don't- believe-in-God attitude (not to make too much of a generalization). So then there was retaliation and so on and so on, and the whole thing just spiraled into the void of meaninglessness. Which means it's time to let it go. Anyway, sorry to waste space myself. I hope all the Catholics out there have a Merry Christmas. And all the atheists...well...have a Merry Christmas too :). Or whatever you are, just have a good time and don't knock back too many forties. Perhaps I'll see some of you in Birch Hill...

    Keeping religious anomonimonomity, Merritt


    Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 16:50:40 -0600 (CST) From: "Richard Karsmakers" <> To: Subject: About the Religious Remarks (anti-ones, actually) I made some time ago Message-ID: <>

    Well...I have been taken aback a bit by the response I got to the whole religious thing. Some people mailed me to say they had wanted to write something similar themselves, and others said it was a fucking stupid thing to do. I guess it had some of both. I just had to get it off my chest, and now I have. No more thoughts on the subject. One extra bit of info: Ben and Bafu were intended to be "the people who make the list interesting", not "the people who make it long". Wow. I still can't believe Bafu actually responded to one of my writings... *%\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\^/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/*%* * X ! X ! X ! X ! . ! X ! X ! X ! X * * O O O O .|. O O O O * * -*- * * Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise! '|` Happy New Year! * * Frohliche Weihnachten! *:* Chag Sameach! * * Sarbatori Fericite! * . * Boas Festas! * * Joyous Solstice! ** ** Gut Yontif! * * Mele Kurisumasu! *** o *** Iyi YIllar! * * Mele Kalikimaka! *\ O * Wesolych Swiat! * * Merry Christmas! ** \\ ** Velelykh Svyat! * * Happy Hanukkah! *** \\ *** Stastny Novy Rok! * * Pari Dzounount! * o \\ * Kelemes Unnepeket! * * Happy Holidays! ** O \\** Season's Greetings! * * Veseli Vanoce! ***\\ o \*** Gung Hay Fat Choy! * * Feliz Navidad! * \\ o * Felican Jarfinon! * * Joyeux Noel! ** o \\ O ** Joy to the World * * Bom Natal! **** \\ o **** - And to All a * * God Jul! ** o o \\ o ** Good Night! * * Cheers! *** O \\ *** * * ***************************** * * ##### * * I found this art somewhere ##### Credits to whoever did it * * ##### * ************************************************************************ Richard Karsmakers "Sex on television can't hurt you unless you fall off"

    Editor of : "Twilight World" Internet fiction magaz


    Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 10:58:45 -0500 (EST) From: Michael Backof <> To: Ytsejam Digest <> Subject: IRC chat, bullshit, open channnel Message-ID: <>

    Hello Jammers,

    For all of those who are pissed at the bot on #ytsejam, there is a site which prohibits bots, if you connect to that site and join #ytsejam it should solve the problem. If anyone tries to create a bot it will be destroyed and all users from that person's site address will be banned from the server as per the site-owners. So this should solve your problem with NuGGetboy or whatever he calls himself.



    ************************************************************************ *Mike Backof **** *** * *Inferno Home Page ******** *Unsigned & Indie Label Bands Page ******************* Support ********* * ****** Local Bands ******* ************************************************************************


    Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 11:06:05 -0500 (EST) From: Michael Backof <> To: Ytsejam Digest <> Subject: Dream Theater Discography Message-ID: <>

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ___ _ _ ___ _ ___ _ _ | \| >|_ /\ |\/| | |_||_ /\ | |_ | > _|_/| \|_/ \| | | | ||_/ \ | |_ | \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dream Theater DISCOGRAPHY Maintained by the FAQ folks - email for more info.

    **NOTE** Thanks to everyone who has helped me update this. Especially Keith Aspinall for Promo info, Scott Hansen for the proofread and Sookapat Niyomthai for Kaoru Kobayashi's Japanese Awake description. E-mail if you have info on new official releases and I will add them to this document.

    Last Update: 11/7/95

    ------- LEGEND: LP - Record CT - Cassette CD - 5" Compact Disc C3 - 3" Compact Disc CS - Cassette Single 2CD - Double CD set V - VHS Video SV - S-Video LD - Laserdisc DCC - Pioneer Digital Compact Cassette MD - Sony Minidisc Brief discography ------------------ When Dream And Day Unite, 1989, MCA/Mechanix (All) LP, CT, CD Status Seeker, 1989, MCA/Mechanix (USA) CD Afterlife, 1989, MCA/Mechanix (USA) CD Images And Words, 1992, Atlantic/ATCO (USA) CT, CD, MD, DCC (1994) Images And Words, 1993, Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) LP, CT, CD Another Day/Status Seeker, 1993, WEA International (UK Only?) CS Another Day/Under A Glass Moon, 1993, Atlantic/ATCO (USA) CS Pull Me Under, 1993, ATCO Promotional (USA) CD Pull Me Under, 1993, AVision ATCO Promotional (USA) V, SV Take The Time, 1993, ATCO Promotional (USA) CD Another Day, 1993, ATCO Promotional (USA) CD Under A Glass Moon, 1993, ATCO Promotional (USA) CD Surrounded, 1993, ATCO Promotional (USA) CD Live At The Marquee, 1993, WEA International (Germany, Holland, UK) CD Live At The Marquee, 1993, MMG Inc. (Japan) CD Live, 1993, ATCO Promotional (USA) CD Images And Words Live In Tokyo, 1993, AVision ATCO (USA) V, LD Awake, 1994, Atlantic/ATCO (USA) CT, CD, MD, DCC Awake, 1994, MMG Inc. (Japan) CD Lie, 1994, Eastwest/ATCO Promotional (USA) CD Lie, 1994, Eastwest/ATCO (Germany) CD Caught In a Web, 1994, Eastwest/ATCO Promotional (USA) CD The Silent Man, 1995, Eastwest/ATCO Promotional (USA) CD The Silent Man, 1995, Eastwest/ATCO (Germany) CD A Change of Seasons, 1995, Eastwest/ATCO (USA) CT, CD

    Extended discography ----------------------------------------

    When Dream And Day Unite, 1989, MCA/Mechanix, Worldwide MCD42259/MCAD42259/D:QM-F:BM720 Members of the band: Vocals: Charlie Dominici Otherwise same

    Side 1 - 1. A Fortune In Lies 5:10 2. Status Seeker 4:15 3. The Ytse Jam 5:43 4. The Killing Hand 8:40 I. The Observance II. Ancient Renewal III. The Stray Seed IV. Thorus V. Exodus Side 2 - 5. Light Fuse and Get Away 7:23 6. Afterlife 5:27 7. The Ones Who Help to Set the Sun 8:04 8. Only a Matter of Time 6:35

    Status Seeker, 1989, MCA/Mechanix Promotional (USA) 17783 CD single, remixed by Terry Brown (Rush) 1. Status Seeker (LP version) 4:15

    Afterlife, 1989, MCA/Mechanix Promotional (USA) 17784 CD single, remixed by Terry Brown (Rush) 1. Afterlife (LP version) 5:27

    Images And Words, 1992, Atlantic/ATCO (USA) 7567-92148-2 A known variant exists on cassette with a promotional cover. Members of the band: Vocals: James LaBrie Otherwise same

    Side 1 - 1. Pull Me Under 8:11 2. Another Day 4:22 3. Take The Time 8:21 4. Surrounded 5:28 Side 2 - 5. Metropolis Part I 9:30 (The Miracle and the Sleeper) 6. Under a Glass Moon 7:02 7. Wait For Sleep 2:31 8. Learning to Live 11:30

    Images And Words, 1993, Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Need a catalog # (mine is a copy)

    Another Day, 1993, WEA International, UK Only? Confirmation anyone? Need a catalog # (submitted as entry, I don't own it) Cassette Single

    Side 1 - Another Day (LP Version) 4:22 Side 2 - Status Seeker (Live) 4:28

    Another Day, 1991, Atlantic/ATCO, USA ATCO 4-98415 Cassette Single

    Side 1 - Another Day (LP Version) 4:22 Side 2 - Under A Glass Moon (LP Version) 7:02

    Pull Me Under, 1993, ATCO Promotional (USA) PRCD 4724 (picture sleeve) CD Single

    Pull Me Under (Edit) 5:54 Pull Me Under (LP Version) 8:11

    Pull Me Under, 1993, ATCO Promotional (USA) PRCD 4928 (no picture sleeve) CD Single

    Pull Me Under (MTV Edit) 4:49 Pull Me Under (Edit) 6:01 Pull Me Under (LP Version) 8:11

    Pull Me Under, 1993, ATCO Promotional (USA) PRCD 5067 CD Single

    Pull Me Under (Edit) 4:39 Pull Me Under (MTV Edit) 4:48 Pull Me Under (LP Version) 8:11

    Pull Me Under, 1993, AVision ATCO (USA) (Need catalog # on this one) Video

    Pull Me Under (MTV Edit) 4:48 Pull Me Under (LP Version) 8:11

    Take The Time, 1993, ATCO Promotional (USA) PRCD 4911 (picture sleeve, wax seal and ribbon, funny message on back) CD Single

    Take The Time (Edit) 5:57 Take The Time (LP Version) 8:21

    Take The Time, 1993, ATCO Promotional (USA) PRCD 4949 (no picture sleeve) CD Single

    Take The Time (Edit) 5:26 Take The Time (LP Version) 8:21

    Take The Time, 1993, ATCO Promotional (USA) PRCD 5069 CD Single

    Take The Time (MTV Edit) 5:31 Take The Time (LP Version) 8:21

    Another Day, 1993, ATCO Promotional (USA) PRCD 5077 (no picture sleeve), 5090 (picture sleeve) CD Single

    Another Day (LP Version) 4:21

    Under A Glass Moon, 1993, ATCO Promotional (USA) PRCD 5080 CD Single

    Under A Glass Moon (LP Version) 7:02

    Surrounded, 1993, ATCO Promotional (USA) PRCD 5104 CD Single

    Surrounded (LP Version) 5:29

    Live At The Marquee, 1993, WEA International (Germany, Holland, UK) 7567-92286-2/CA 835 **NOTE** Pre-released Holland release is bundled with special packaging and contains the Another Day single.

    CD EP Recorded in London, England, UK, April 1993

    1. Metropolis 9:36 2. A Fortune In Lies 5:10 3. Bombay Vindaloo 6:48 4. Surrounded 6:00 5. Another Hand/The Killing Hand 10:30 6. Pull Me Under 8:42

    Live At The Marquee, 1993, MMG Inc. (Japan) ACM4-574 CD EP Identical to Germany/Holland/UK version Except: Substitute track: 4. Another Day 4:37

    Live, 1993, ATCO Promotional (USA) PRCD 5340-2 CD Single 1. Pull Me Under (live) 8:42 2. Surrounded (live) 6:00 Both tracks taken from the EP "Live at the Marquee"

    Images & Words Live In Tokyo, 1993, AVision ATCO (USA) 50537-3 Full-length video release

    1. Arrival 0:31 2. Under A Glass Moon (live) 7:13 3. The making of Pull Me Under 3:03 4. Pull Me Under (video) 4:48 5. The making of Take The Time 2:15 6. Take The Time (video) 5:31 7. Kimonos and Tapes That Are Too Big 3:01 8. The Condoms of Dream Theater 1:02 9. The Interview 0:27 10. Wait For Sleep (live) --> 2:45 11. Surrounded (live) 5:54 12. The Ytse Jam/Drum Solo (live) 10:28 13. Balls and Chunk Are Where It's At 0:51 14. Another Day (video) 4:29 15. (To Live) Forever/Barf Bag (live) 12:05 16. A Fortune In Lies (live) 5:00 17. Mike Crosses the Abbey Road 1:11 18. Pup/Take The Time (live) 10:32 19. Take The Time by Galactic Cowboys 0:29 20. Take The Time by Sebastian Bach 0:25 21. Breast Signing 0:50 22. Pull Me Under (live) 8:29

    Awake, 1994, Eastwest Records/Atlantic (USA) 90126-2 **Note** Scarred is omitted from cassette Band members same as for Images And Words

    1. 6:00 5:31 2. Caught In A Web 5:28 3. Innocence Faded 5:43 4. A Mind Beside Itself 20:26 I. Erotomania 6:45 II. Voices 9:53 III. The Silent Man 3:48 5. The Mirror 6:45 6. Lie 6:34 7. Lifting Shadows Off a Dream 6:05 8. Scarred 11:00 9. Space Dye Vest 7:29

    Awake, 1994, (Japan) AMCY-750 **Note** Two variations exist, catalog # is the same for both. The only way to tell the difference is to view the paper slip that comes with the release. The one that is limited edition has blue dot on the paper slip and the back of the slip has a track listing with Eve listed below SDV. The 3 inch Eve single (AMCY-750S) is included with the limited edition release.

    Song listing is the same as the USA Awake

    Lie, 1994, Eastwest Records/Atlantic Promotional (USA) PRCD 5807-2 (Digipak) CD Single 1. Lie (edit) 5:02

    Lie, 1994, Eastwest Records/Atlantic (Germany) 7567-95835-2 CD Single 1. Lie (edit) 5:00 2. Space-Dye Vest 7:28 3. To Live Forever 4:54 4. Another Day (live) 4:43 (recorded at the Marquee in London)

    Caught In A Web, 1994, Eastwest Records/Atlantic Promotional PRCD 5965 (picture sleeve), 5966 (no picture sleeve) CD Single 1. Caught In a Web (edit) 5:02 2. Caught In a Web (LP version) 5:28 (Eastwest records logo on back and cover, DT logo on CD and back cover)

    The Silent Man, 1995, Eastwest Records/Atlantic Promotional PRCD 9117 (picture sleeve) CD Single 1. The Silent Man (LP version) 3:48

    The Silent Man, 1995, Eastwest Records/Atlantic (Germany) 7567-95812-2 CD Single 1. The Silent Man (LP version) 3:48 2. Take the Time (Demo version) 7:58 3. Eve (studio version) 5:11

    A Change of Seasons, 1995, EastWest Records/Atlantic (USA) 61842-2 Band Members: Keyboards: Derek Sherinian Otherwise same as Awake

    (Japanese version has a slip that can be submitted to the record company. The first 500 receive a CD single with bonus Uncovered tracks) (I need info when someone gets one)

    1. A Change of Seasons 23:06 I. The Crimson Sunrise II. Innocence III. Carpe Diem IV. The Darkest of Winters V. Another World VI. The Inevitable Summer VII. The Crimson Sunset 2. Elton John Medley 10:49 I. Funeral For a Friend II. Love Lies Bleeding 3. Perfect Strangers (Deep Purple) 5:33 4. Led Zeppelin Medley 7:28 I. The Rover II. Achilles Last Stand III. The Song Remains the Same 5. The Big Medley 10:34 I. In the Flesh? (Pink Floyd) II. Carry On Wayward Son (Kansas) III. Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen) IV. Lovin, Touchin, Squeezin (Journey) V. Cruise Control (Dixie Dregs) VI. Turn It On Again (Genesis)


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    Date: Fri, 08 Dec 95 11:33:12 EST From: steve matthews <WSM95003@UConnVM.UConn.Edu> To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 1187 Message-ID: <951208.113525.EST.WSM95003@UConnVM.UConn.Edu>

    Who the hell is Bafu, anyway? I'm still slightly new to this, and all I see is Bafu this, Bafu that. Someone enlighten me, please.

    steve m.


    Date: Thu, 07 Dec 1995 17:53:58 -0600 (CST) From: "Dr. Teeth" <GLYDE@VAX1.MANKATO.MSUS.EDU> To: Subject: Re: Ytse IRC (NDTC) Message-ID: <01HYJ80OZTV600CFQX@VAX1.MANKATO.MSUS.EDU>

    NuGgEtMaN wrote:

    [Ah, fuck it. I didn't want to include any of it. Basically, it said that he's creating some new #YTSE server or something.]

    Anyway, here's my response. Enjoy.

    Dude, why the hell would anyone want to join your cute little IRC server? I mean, all I hear lately is people trashing you about how you and your stupid bots piss everyone off. I'm sure every one of your KEWL channels contains a bot that scans everyone's message and boots them if their statements contain the words "NuGgEtMaN" and "Weasel". Seems to me you're a little piddily self-righteous little shit that gets off on playing "God" by booting and banning everyone who says you're a jerk. Is this the only power you have in your life, because nobody ever talks to you because you spend all your time on friggin' IRC developing your "cute" little NuGgEtLaNgUaGe that, by the way, is EXTREMELY ANNOYING!!! It's people like you that give IRC a bad name, and it's people like you that caused me to stop doing IRC 2 years ago!

    Wouldn't you like to /kick me right now? Maybe /ban me? Well ya can't!!! I don't DO IRC ANYMORE!!! Still feel powerful, little man? We should start calling you NuGgEtBoY until you learn to grow up a little and learn to face people that have differences with you, rather than kicking them out of your life. Reality is based on discussing and compromising and listening. If I were in the room with you, what would you do then? Have you developed the skills enough to confront me? Because you surely can't /kick me, can ya? What would you do? Reality: Eric. Give it a try.

    My advice to you: Chill out, lay off IRC for a while, and get a girlfriend!

    And one other thing: Get a new .sig, man! I mean, look at this thing:

    >---------------------------------------------------------------------- >According to the circle of fifths, and the order of sharps and flats: >If the alphabet continued as notes progressed (Using Major Key Sigs) (i.e. >A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, etc.) eventually the key of Z Major would have >4 sharps. >StatisticZ show that if a person is born with Perfect Pitch, chances are >they will grow up to be a famous...Baseball Player!!! :) > >"Just Lighten up and listen to the Music" -Kevin Moore (inside joke) > > > > Eric Moegling: > > > >NEW HOMEPAGE!!!! > > >fOr MoRE nFo AboUT mE fIngEr: >----------------------------------------------------------------------

    The first half of it talks about some stupid concept that will never happen and we've been seeing over and over again ever since he's been posting here. The other half basically says, "Look at me! I've got a lot of ways for you to contact me! I have numerous accounts and a web-page! fOr MoRe InFo On _ME_, finger: Blah@Blah.Blah" Me Me Me. Could you please take up any more space with your .sig? God, man. Do you like yourself or something? Or do you like the character, NuGgEtMaN, you've created? Are you ashamed of Eric or something? (Go ahead and flame me about the Dr. Teeth and the Glyde thing. I can handle it...) =)

    I'm done flaming NuGgEtMaN now.

    Now, on to Michael C.

    Mike, I love God too. I'm a Christian. God is important to me. But people are right when they way that your postings are getting tiresome. Feel free to defend God if you want, but when your posts turn into 2-page "teachings" as you call them, you are talking to yourself because EVERYONE has skipped past your post. It gets old, man. If you defend Christianity in 2-3 lines, then that's fine. Set the record straight, man. But your 2-3 page postings believe it or not, is "preaching". What is "preaching" anyway? Isn't it basically "Teaching"? You defend your post by saying you're not preaching, but guess what? You definition of preaching is different from many of the 'Jam. 2-3 pages of "teaching" is annoying and I'd call it "preaching".

    Next time, if you get the impulse to post about God, first consider the other 'jammer's thoughts while you consider your own. If you still feel that you should post about and defend God, then why can't you make it private? I'll ask it again, Why can't you make it private? Personally, I feel that you do indeed want to post about God here so that you'll convince others that your way is right. THAT is PREACHING! If you're into converting people, do it privately!

    I realize the 'Jams are very bitchy lately and this post doesn't help matters and I'm sorry if this annoys you. I should just take my own advice and TOLERATE, TOLERATE, TOLERATE. Intolerance and miscommunication are the two biggest reasons your society is in the state that it's in. This is the first really bitchy letter I've written in at least a year. If you get the urge to really flame someone, don't right away. Stop and think about it. If, later, you still feel the same way, flame away! IN PRIVATE!!! Again, I know. I should take my own advice. I'm sorry. I'm done ranting now.

    .-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=. | ______ "Hmmmmmmm..." ____ ______ - David Peterson - | | /\_____\ /\ \ /\ /\___\ /\_____\ | | / /___ / / \/ / / / /\ /_/__ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| | / /\__/\ / / / / / / / / /\____\ "The most beautiful thing that | | /_/___/ //_/___ / / /_/___/ / /_/____ this world has to offer is a | | \_____\/ \_____\ \/ \_____\/ \______\ woman's smiling face" - Me | `-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-='


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 1190 **************************

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