Finding prog albums...

Date: Tue Jan 17 1995 - 14:33:25 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 650"

    >Unfortunately, I can't find any info on Psychotic Waltz. I've been to
    >the alternative/metal music stores, record conventions, etc., but I
    >can't locate Angra, Adramelch, Anekdoten, Asgard, Black Jester, Blackthorne,
    >Divine Regale, Enchant, Heir Apparent, Inferno, or Mercury Rising
    >anywhere. Maybe I'm in the quality music netherworld....

            I'm not familiar with all of the above bands, but I do know that many
    of the ones you listed are very hard to find in stores. There are a few
    excellent sources for prog and prog-metal that you can try (which I will
    list below). I know they at least have the following bands (who have been
    mentioned in Ytsejam digests recently):

    Black Jester
    Shadow Gallery

            BTW, all of the bands listed above are worth trying for prog fans.
    My favorites of those listed are probably Magellan, Anglagard and Anekdoten.
            I've had very good luck finding prog albums (like the above) at
    "Of Sound Mind" in Baltimore, MD. That store specializes in hard-to-find
    progressive music. They will accept mail-order calls too. (410) 529-7082
    If you call, you'll most likely talk with Chris Lamka (the owner) -- he's
    very friendly and will help you find what you want.
            You can also send email to or
    and tell them which albums you want. I've had good luck with both of those
    people too and I trust them (though Ranjit tends to be slow in responding
    since it is only a side business for him).
            If you need more pointers to find the CDs, let me know.


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