YTSEJAM digest 891

Date: Fri Jul 14 1995 - 09:02:18 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 893"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 891

    Today's Topics:

      1) Joyce letter/"Nora"
      2) Burrn! / "Dream In Progress"
      3) Kevin Moore Home Page
      4) Re: Anti Christian stuff
     by (Monty Newberry )
     by Brian Ketelsen <>
      6) Bladrunner
     by (Paul Goracke)
      7) Rush "decidedly atheistic"
     by (Marc Respass)
      8) Subconscious Liner notes Pt.1
     by "R. Haskin" <>
      9) Subconscious Liner Notes Part 1A
     by "R. Haskin" <>
     10) Subconscious Liner Notes Part 2
     by "R. Haskin" <>
     11) Re: YTSEJAM digest 887
     12) Notes From The Edge - A Message From Yes (fwd)
     by "Hitchcock's Other Eye" <>
     by Dave Silva <>
     14) hooking people
     by Michael Van Opstall <mavanop@grfn.ORG>
     15) IRC channel
     16) Dream Theater...agnostic???
     by zebrowski steven <>
     17) Re: Subconscious liner notes!
     18) DT in RI!
     by Brent Phillips <>
     19) Get Well Soon Al
     by (David Neff)
     20) an allan holdworth Question
     by Partha Mukhopadhyay <>
     21) WD&JU


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 05:35:07 -0400
    Subject: Joyce letter/"Nora"
    Message-ID: <>

    Well, alrighty then!

    I've had several requests via e-mail to post the letter from James Joyce to
    Nora which inspired the song, "Nora," so here it is:

    (Where italics are used for emphasis in the letter, I've inserted asterisks.
     Georgie, who is mentioned at the beginning of the letter, is their son.)

    To Nora Barnacle Joyce MS.
    6 August 1909 44 Fontenoy Street,

    Nora I am not going to Galway nor is Georgie.
         I am going to throw up the business I came for and which I hoped would
    have bettered my position.
         I have been frank in what I have told you of myself. You have not been
    so with me.
         At the time when I used to meet you at the corner of Merrion Square and
    walk out with you and feel your hand touch me in the dark and hear your voice
    (O, Nora! I will never hear that music again because I can never believe
    again) at the time I used to meet you, *every second night* you kept an
    appointment with a friend of mine outside the Museum, you went with him along
    the same streets, down by the canal, past the 'house with the upstairs in
    it', down to the bank of the Dodder. You stood with him: he put his arm
    round you and you lifted your face and kissed him. What else did you do
    together? And the next night you met *me*!
         I have heard this only an hour ago from his lips. [A footnote inserted
    here explains that the "friend" in question is Vincent Cosgrave, and his
    claims were later found to be false.] My eyes are full of tears, tears of
    sorrow and mortification. My heart is full of bitterness and despair. I can
    see nothing but your face as it was then raised to meet another's. O, Nora,
    pity me for what I suffer now. I shall cry for days. My faith in that face
    I loved is broken. O, Nora, Nora have pity for my poor wretched love. I
    cannot call you any dear name because tonight I have learnt that the only
    being I believed in was not loyal to me.
         O Nora is all to be over between us?
         Write to me, Nora, for the sake of my dead love. I am tortured by
         Write to me, Nora, I loved you only: and you have broken my faith in
         O, Nora, I am unhappy. I am crying for my poor unhappy love.
         Write to me, Nora.


    The letter Joyce wrote to Nora the following day is even more distressing.
     He was actually so distraught by that time that he goes so far as to ask
    Nora if their son, Georgie, is even his _child_. Pretty heavy stuff, not for
    the faint of heart! :) I heartily recommend the _Letters_ books, all three
    volumes, if you can track them down. It's quite interesting reading;
    essential, I would think, for any Joyce fan.

    Take care all,


    "Years falling out of my life, why don't you follow? Love falling out of the
    way, why should I stay? Words falling into my life, what should I write?"

    -Kevin Moore/Nora :)


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 05:36:54 -0400
    Subject: Burrn! / "Dream In Progress"
    Message-ID: <>

    Me again,

    On Thu, 13 Jul 1995, Kaoru Kobayashi <> wrote:

    "Last summer, in an interview article carried in a heavy metal magazine in
    Japan called 'Burrn!', Kevin talked about his favorite author (Allen
    Ginsberg, Henry Miller, James Joyce etc) and his way of viewing thing, the

    I have this magazine, but had no idea what it said until just now because I
    can't read Japanese. ;) Therefore, I have a favor to ask of our YJ
    subscribers who _can_ read Japanese. Would someone PLEASE transcribe the DT
    interviews in that issue of Burrn! in English & post them here on YJ for
    illiterate people like me to read? :) I've seen English transcriptions of
    other articles from Burrn! and that magazine always does a particularly nice,
    in-depth job of interviewing their guests. If anyone has the time & energy
    to take up this task, thank you VERY MUCH in advance. :)
    More from Kaoru:

    "Kev told that he became unsure if he really believes in God and began to
    read the works of Joyce. He was about 21 years old then. His conclusion was
    very similar to that of Stephane Daedalus (of Joyce's 'A Portrait of the
    Artist as a Young Man'), I think."

    Stephen Dedalus is also a character in Joyce's _Ulysses_, BTW.

    "Finally, he concluded that he believes in God, but not simply the God in
    Christianity. He said that he came to believe in GOD and that what every
    religion is in search of is the same thing, and GOD is actually only one and
    the same. That's what he learned."

    I've tried to explain this before to various people at various times about
    Kev, but some of them didn't seem to understand exactly what I was getting
    at, so maybe this "horse's mouth" explanation helps a little bit. :)

    More on Joyce:

    "His mother's name was Mary Jane, and one of the characters in 'The Dead' was
    based on her, I guess."

    Joyce is well-know in the literary world for using the real people in his
    life as characters in his works. He was a fascinating human being, as well
    as an amazing writer, so if you can find a copy of the Joyce biography by
    Ellmann (same person who edited the _Letters_ books), check it out.

    "BTW, Joyce's 'Finnegans Wake' was titled as 'Work In Progress' when it had
    published serially on the magazine. DT's tour of '93 was entitled 'Music In
    Progress'. Is this just a coincidence? Does anybody get any idea?"

    No, it's not a coincidence. :)

    Nice to see you posting again, Kaoru.

    Take care all,


    "...i wanted to laugh, but it wasn't funny yet..."

    -patty larkin/_do not disturb_


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 05:41:09 -0400
    Subject: Kevin Moore Home Page
    Message-ID: <>

    Oops, almost forgot!

    Through another account, I'm putting together an "unofficial" official <G>
    home page for Kev, and a DT home page as well (tentative title:
     "Dreamland"), so if anyone out there has anything they'd like to contribute
    - photos, ideas, etc. - please drop me an e-mail. I've already got some
    great stuff lined up for both pages, so once they're up & running, please
    come & visit if you get a chance. (I'll post the URL here when they're
    operational.) I plan on including links to all other DT pages as well, so if
    you're currently maintaining one, send me your address info & I'll include
    it. :)

    Oh, and if anyone has any suggestions as to what to name Kev's home page
    (right now, I'm thinking about Space-Dye Web or Page, or something to that
    effect :), I would appreciate your input! Thanks!

    Take care everyone,


    "...her name was ingrid
    he called her margaret
    she just heard ingrid
    not the stuff of movies..."

    -jane siberry/_ingrid and the footman_


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 07:16:47 -0700
    From: (Monty Newberry )
    To: This is in response to the posts about ACoS being anti-Christian.
    Subject: Re: Anti Christian stuff
    Message-ID: <>

    Granted, I haven't even heard ACoS, much less read the lyrics, so I
    cannot comment on that (I haven't seen DT or heard any boots, etc. - I
    SUCK :>) - I am looking forward to the E.P. Anyway, I just want to say
    that DT is not ANTI-Christian. I read an interview that Mike Portnoy
    did in the Christian Metal mag Heaven's Metal a year or two ago, and,
    though he didn't espouse any religious beliefs, he was not against
    Christianity. They're just regular guys who play music, and are
    excellent at it, I must say :).
        Also, there have been just as many atrocities and hypocrisy
    committed by non-Christians as by so-called Christians. As far as that
    goes, many of the "Christians" who have committed said atrocities had a
    pretty screwed up view of Christianity. Also, I believe that many
    non-Christians (not ALL non-Christians, just some) have a limited view
    of what Christians are like. Many of them fail to see that Christians
    are real people, too, and are FAR from perfect (though many Christians
    think they're perfect). I have friends that are on both sides of the
    coin (to use a cliche), so that's what my experience has told me.
    Anyway, I'll shut up now and get off my soapbox, so, until next time...

        your friend and mine,

        Dale R. Newberry

        "The God I believe in isn't short of cash, mister." - Bono (U2)


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 95 08:24:31 -0500
    From: Brian Ketelsen <>
    To: "" <>
    Message-ID: <>

    -- [ From: Brian Ketelsen * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

    unsubscribe ytsejam

    Brian J. Ketelsen
 -- Wyoming's Leading Internet Service Provider

    Voice - 307-332-3030 FAX - 307-332-5270

    E-Mail --


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 08:09:13 -0700 From: (Paul Goracke) To: Subject: Bladrunner Message-ID: <v02120d00ac2c3595b5e2@DialupEudora>

    Bracken <brax@lamar.ColoState.EDU> asked the trivia question:

    > element of trivia: What fictional company has as it's slogan the title > of White Zombie's newest song, More human Than Human? I'll give a hint. > Phillip K. Dick came up with it.

    As Mike Bahr said, it is the Tyrell Corp. from Bladerunner. But, to pick nits, Philip K. Dick didn't come up with it. In the book, the android company is the Rosen Association, and I don't remember a slogan (correct me if you can find it.) So credit should probably go to Ridley Scott. Just one of the multitude of differences between the book and movie.

    If anyone likes the movie but hasn't read the book, do so. Completely different than the movie, yet it will explain things glossed over in the film. Then go read "A Scanner Darkly", then...

    Yeah, yeah, no DT content. I know.


    ----------------------------+---------------------------------- Paul Goracke | "Reality is that which when you | stop believing in it, | it still exists." - P.K. Dick ----------------------------+----------------------------------


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 11:13:03 -0400 From: (Marc Respass) To: Subject: Rush "decidedly atheistic" Message-ID: <v01510105ac2bff81eea5@[]> (Zack Gemmill) wrote: >As oppossed to Rush, whose (lyrics) beliefs are decidedly "atheistic," >DT is decidedly, probably more so now since KM left, "agnostic."

    You know, this seems to come up a lot that Rush is atheistic or anti-christian. How is Rush "decidedly atheistic" (and I assume you quoted atheistic for emphasis not as a quote)? I just don't see Rush saying "God does not exist" in any of their songs. I can't even remember them implying it. Atheism is the belief that there is no God. Agnostic is the belief that it is impossible to know if God exists. I have just not seen any evidence that Rush (any of the members but Neil - who writes the lyrics - esp.) is atheistic.

    So, feel free to back up your statement. If it's not appropriate to this digest, email me.

    ---------------- Marc Respass


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 08:13:24 -0700 (PDT) From: "R. Haskin" <> To: Subject: Subconscious Liner notes Pt.1 Message-ID: <>

    Due to the _OVERWHELMING_ number of replies in my account's in-basket this morning (now I know what Mike Bahr feels like whenever he introduces a new CD!) I'm going to post my liner note insert for the DT Subconscious CD. Please, no flames from anyone who does not have Subcon or doesn't want these (semi) lengthy notes filling up Ytsejam...

    Basically, I wrote these using all the scraps of information floating around Ytsejam from about the time Subcon first came out. Some of it frm Mike B. himself, some from "Airdance" :> and some if it from my own firsthand knowledge. Basically, I wanted something for my personal use -- I really hate when bootlegs have _interesting_ material, but I don't know where it came from or how it got into my hands!!

    So, here they are! (the next two messages I'm sending)

    Feel free to copy these, print 'em up, send 'em to your friends, or even totally re-write them if you don't like them. :>



    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 08:15:02 -0700 (PDT) From: "R. Haskin" <> To: Subject: Subconscious Liner Notes Part 1A Message-ID: <>

    A Look Into The Subconscious...

    The CD you're holding in your hands is very special. It is a numbered pressing limited to 500 copies, and it was distributed exclusively through the INTERNET Dream Theater "Ytsejam" Mailing List. You're among a group of exclusive, and very lucky Dream Theater fans all over the world who own this CD. Among the owners if this compilation are even members of the band; drummer Mike Portnoy as well as ex-keyboardist Kevin Moore.

    The man behind this compilation is DT fan Mike Bahr of Chandler, Arizona. For months during 1994 ideas for a compilation tape of Dream Theater demos and rarities bounced around the Ytsejam list, yet little actual progress was ever made. Mike decided to head-up the effort, and requested low generation or master recordings of demos or live recordings. Over time, the tapes came in, not only from dedicated fans, but also from several sources very close to the band itself. "I think I can safely say that these are the best copies you can find outside of those in Portnoy's vault at home," says Mike. Eventually, the list of items for inclusion became so great (and interest from the Ytsejam List was so significant) that he decided that this project needed to make it to CD.

    And thus SUBCONSCIOUS was born..

    "I bought a CD burner and rented equipment from a CD pressing plant nearby, so I could produce the discs. I had to order blanks and jewelcases in lots of 500 or more, though, and thus the risk was made: I emptied my bank account and placed the order."

    As the project was finishing, and Mike was preparing to press the CDs and send them out to the list of hundreds of waiting DT fanatics, the studio he was working with decided that the sound quality of the version he was planning to distribute wasn't up to their standards.....

    "The disc[was] totally redone in Dolby Digital Surround Sound, compatible with any CD player but MUCH MUCH better than before, and compatible with Pro-Logic systems for full instrument separation on most tracks." "Every track stands out so much better -- Eve and Change of Seasons are better than they were on The Dance Of Eternity [bootleg], and songs that I was hoping would sound better, such as Don't Look Past Me and Mission: Impossible, now have nary a fuzz or distortion spot." "The tracks that were the worst originally (Wanted Dead Or Alive, Tears, Winter, and The Gorilla Session) were improved tremendously. Wanted Dead Or Alive is now on par with the best, Tears and Winter are downright tolerable (if you'd only heard the HISS...) and Gorilla... well... we tried. It's okay for a recording that was horribly done to begin with. In some cases, the rawness of the original recording will be evident, but at least you know you're hearing it the best way it can possibly be reproduced."

    "It's so clean, it's the way CD was meant to be. I was confident before that this disc would satisfy the DT collector that _had_ to have it all... now I am confident that if you like DT at all and are familiar with the usual sound of their older boots.. it will BLOW YOU AWAY."

    So, sit back, relax, and enjoy one of the most exclusive listening pleasures available to the Dream Theater fan....


    Randy Haskin May 1995


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 08:15:44 -0700 (PDT) From: "R. Haskin" <> To: Subject: Subconscious Liner Notes Part 2 Message-ID: <>

    DREAM THEATER SUBCONSCIOUS 1. Eve (5:21) Recorded live at the Limelight, New York City on March 4, 1993. This is the only time known of (that has been recorded) where Kevin Moore played the samples from James Joyce's Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man in concert. 2. A Change of Seasons (19:19) This was also recorded at the New York City Limelight show on March 4, 1993 -- one of the few times it has been played live with LaBrie on vocals. This 20 minute epic is slated for release later this year. 3. O Holy Night (4:10) This is one of the demos done with ex-frontman Charlie Domi nici at the helm. This song was a part of a few live shows during the Images and Words "Music In Progress" tour, and a version featuring LaBrie is expected to be released in the future. 4. Carry That Weight/Golden Slumbers (6:13) A demo of a Beatles song, recorded in 1988 with Charlie Domi nici on vocals. It is suspected that the band was drunk when they did this one, because there was some drunken chatter before it on the master tape that was edited out. 5. Don't Look Past Me (6:21) This is one of the original Majesty demos, and in this instance, would-be vocalist John Hendricks is singing it. It's really quite a good song, and Petrucci works part of the end melody around to make an excellent instrumental ending reminiscent of what ap- peared later on the Awake track, "Innocence Faded." 6. Wanted: Dead or Alive (5:08) Originally John Petrucci did the instrumental track of this Bon Jovi cover tune for one of his guitar students, and left the tape sitting around. Ex-keyboardist Kevin Moore stole it, and his roommate Rich Kern (also featured on the Kevin Moore demos) decided to make it a bit spicier, and is the "other" voice heard in the background. 7. To Live Forever (acoustic) (4:54) This track was originally recorded as one of the four songs for James LaBrie's vocal audition. The others were; Take The Time, Metropolis, and Under A Glass Moon. 8. The Gorilla Session (excerpts) (2:59) A home-recorded solo session by Petrucci. At this early juncture in his career, John has really little songwriting ability and conse quently this track wanders quite a lot. 9. Mission: Impossible Theme (1:17) This song also made it into the live set occasionally on the "Music In Progress" Tour. Z-Rock uses this studio outtake on the air sometimes. 10. The Back Pain Jam (5:07) When Mike Portnoy's back went out at the 10/25/94 show in Toronto, Canada, Derek Sherinian and John Petrucci banged out this rare, never again played jam while Mike sat backstage with a chiropractor. 11. The Awake Heavy Jam (3:51) This rare instrumental was played on the Awake tour, filling the void left when "The Ones Who Help To Set The Sun" and "Innocence Faded" left the setlist. 12. Experimental (1:23) Once thought to be another solo Petrucci instrumental, possibly of him warming up before a show, this song was actually com posed and performed by John Myung. It's source, or why he wrote it, remains even now shrouded in mystery. 13. Tears (3:09) This is a Rush cover song, recorded live at the famous "Uncov ered" concert at Ronnie Scotts in London, England on January 31, 1995 14. Winter (2:23) A Tori Amos cover, also played live at the January 31, 1995 Ronnie Scotts' "Uncovered" gig. 15. Mystery track Okay, it's not Dream Theater -- it's from Mortal Kombat; specifi cally, it's a very interesting sound sample that only a few good players ever hear. It's the tune that gets played if you beat the secret character "Reptile" without losing any health. Getting to Reptile is tough enough, let alone a flawless victory on him! Compiled and Prodced by Mike Bahr, March, 1995


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 11:58:02 -0500 (EST) From: To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 887 Message-ID: <01HSUY7AJ32Q00054U@sgenva.CC.GENESEO.EDU>

    Hello everyone, it's Babs. I have been behind in some of the posts and see that a fellow jammer has had an accident. Does anyone have an address for him so that I can send a card? This reminds me of a fellow jammer that I had lost touch with before the convention who travels out of state every weekend to go home and visit friends and ride his dirtbike. I can remember not hearing from him for quite sometime and just being so worried that something had happened (btw he's fine). I guess that I am a typical mother and just worry when things like this happen. Again, if someone could send me this Al persons (sorry I don't even know his last name) address I will get out a card to him ASAP. Thank you. -BABS


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 12:07:55 -0400 (EDT) From: "Hitchcock's Other Eye" <> To: ytsejaM - <> Subject: Notes From The Edge - A Message From Yes (fwd) Message-ID: <>

    Morning folks, This just showed up from the Yes ML, and I thought it significant enough to send along to the list, more for those that dont happen to subscribe to NFTE. I tried to cut it down to just the important stuff..


    ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: jeff hunnicutt <HUNNICUTT@UNCWIL.EDU> To:

    A Message from Yes

    July 14, 1995

    KNOW THAT THIS IS YES =====================

    A message to Yes fans from Jon Anderson, Steve Howe, Chris Squire, Rick Wakeman, and Alan White:

    21 years ago, at Stouffer's Hotel in Cincinnati on Chris' birthday, March 4, we, the members of Yes--Jon, Steve, Rick, Chris, and Alan--decided that if the world was still together and that we were able as musicians to work together, we would unite in 1995 on the 4th of March in order to perform yet again not just for one album or one tour, but for the next five years in order to take the band and its fans into the 21st century and beyond. A document was created which we all signed that evening in the year 1974. Thankfully, not only for ourselves but for Yes fans around the world as well, we have decided to follow this prophecy through into THE FUTURE!

    Be ready. KNOW that you are part of the future. KNOW that you were part of the past. KNOW that we will deliver the true YES MUSIC. %#^&$&$&$^^#&$*$&%# %$^#&*%(%*^$*$*^ ^%$&^$*%^&#&%$* #&%$&$&^$&^$&^ ^$#&%*%*#&#&%#^ ^$#&$*%* ** YESKNOW ** &%$&^%* %$&%$*%* %$^%*&%( ^%#&*^(&^& %$&^%(^& $&%$*%*$^$^$*%&%&#^%$* $#*$%#&$^ %$^% #$

    * * * * * * * * * *


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 12:02:00 -0400 (EDT) From: Dave Silva <> To: ytsejam <> Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9507141200.F14071-b100000@champs>

    Hey guys,

    I just recently got a taped copy of the Subconscious CD (Thanks Mark!! Above and beyond the call....). I like all those songs I've never heard before. No, I've never seen them live. I'll be listening to it for awhile!! I'm still interested in getting an actual copy of the CD if anybody is willing to part with an extra copy as long as they're not asking an outrageous price for it!!

    I know a number of you have asked about getting the 'Jam in digest form. I was wondering how you get it in just the regular mail form, getting the messages as they're sent to the 'Jam. Let me know.

    Also, does anybody know if DT will be playing in PA before they finish up their tour? I want to see them badly, and am not sure about how to find out? I;m sitting smack in the middle of PA, in State College, so I'm willing to travel all the way to Pitt or Philly. Jersey is not necesarily out of my range either. If you have the info, let me know.

    Talk to you guys later.


    Sometimes our big splashes are just ripples in the pool.


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 12:37:47 -0400 (EDT) From: Michael Van Opstall <mavanop@grfn.ORG> To: Subject: hooking people Message-ID: <>

    How to hook people on DT (try to, anyway), since someone asked.

    1. Select person. 2. Stealthily stick Awake in his Green Day CD case. 3. If said person gets drunk, he won't notice the CD difference, and maybe he'll even think 6:00 sounds like Burnout.

    /alternate method/

    1. Select Person 2. Stealthily stick The Silent Man single in case for "Nirvana Unplugged in New York" 3. If the person selected is not tone deaf, he will notice the guitars are in tune right away and spot your ploy. Try again later.

    Glad to hear no Live on AD. I dislike Live. I don't care. That's my opinion. WDADU sounds great tone-wise compared to "Throwing Copper"

    Does anyone think that DT might have heard of all this arguing and edited the offensive word out of ACOS in mixing? It seems that no one has heard it live.

    BTW, I love ACOS. Sometime if you've got 20 minutes (get up early or something), just listen to it. Or listen while you're doing something else... if you just take in the music, you won't notice the imperfections of the live performance and sound systems.

    M.A. VanOpstall


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 12:51:11 -0400 From: To: Subject: IRC channel Message-ID: <>

    Is there a specific system you need in order to access this channel? I followed the instructions someone posted a few days ago, but no joy; the computer had no idea what I was talking about.

    Jaime the Dragon


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 13:09:25 -0400 (EDT) From: zebrowski steven <> To: Subject: Dream Theater...agnostic??? Message-ID: <>

    In the last Jam is was stated that while Rush seemed "atheistic," DT seemed <to this person> to be "agnostic." Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that agnosicism was being neither theistic nor atheistic, but not caring whether or not there is a God, or god, or supreme being, or whatever. If this was the case with Dream Theater, then there would be no songs like The Mirror/Lie, and especially Voices. These songs seem to show the internal conflict of someone who doesn't know what to believe--hardly agnostic. As far as Rush is concerned, I've always believed their music was more agnostic; a common theme of many Rush songs of late is that of thinking about those intangible, unexplainable things that show evidence of a higher power, but saying, "I don't have time for that right now--let me get my own life in order first." Dream Theater are definitely not agnostic, if my understanding of the word is on target. Hope I didn't offend anyone. After all, this is just my $.02...

    See ya!

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___ "...all that I feel is honor and spite. | __| |_ _| | __| | V | | __| |_ | ...all I can do is to set it right." |__ | | | | __| \ / | __| / / Kevin Moore, PMU |___| |_| |___| V |___| |___|"Of all the stupid things I could have Steve Zebrowski thought this was the worst..." Joe Jackson, Hometown ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 14:03:54 -0400 From: To: Subject: Re: Subconscious liner notes! Message-ID: <>

    > Hello all! > > I have two of the three parts needed to make the complete "insert" for > Subcon... > > I have a track-by-track description of where each song was recorded and > some information nuggets about why each song is > important/significant/cool enough to make it on to Sub. > > Second, I have a small essay on how and Why Sub was made, so in 5 years > when you whip it out for some fanatic DT collector (umm, like yourself!!) > you will know what the heck this CD is! > > The third and final part is the lyrics. I understand that the full set > of lyrics for all the Subcon songs is available at someone's WWW site. > > If anyone wants me to send them the first two insert parts (text only > over email) let me know, *or* if there is significant enough interest, I > can post them to the List.....

    >HECK YEA man! I'm interested! I say post'em here if there not too >long. >Otherwise send me a copy!

    HEY! could I get this too! I missed the first time around. I didn't have my copy yet! :-)

    Thanks in advance.

    Matt M.


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 14:43:53 -0400 From: Brent Phillips <> To: Subject: DT in RI! Message-ID: <>

    Any of you Boston area 'Jammers interested in car-pooling/hanging out/ etc. for the 8/3 show in Providence? If so, please email me! I'll coordinate...


    - Brent (

    ------- End of forwarded message -------


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 17:33:49 -0600 From: (David Neff) To: ('') Subject: Get Well Soon Al Message-ID: <>

    Hey Al!

    Wow, bummer dude! Sorry to hear of your misfortune. Get well soon!

    -Dave (


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 17:55:47 -0400 (EDT) From: Partha Mukhopadhyay <> To: Subject: an allan holdworth Question Message-ID: <>

    Sorry, no DT here.... Did Mr. Holdsworth ever do something with the Alan Parsons project? The name seems vaguely familiar............. psm


    Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 18:00:33 -0400 From: To: Subject: WD&JU Message-ID: <>

    What exactly is When Dream and James Unite going to be?



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