YTSEJAM digest 872

Date: Wed Jun 28 1995 - 07:27:46 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 874"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 872

    Today's Topics:

      1) Instrumental II / Subconscious CD
     by =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCQmc2PyEhMm1HNxsoQg==?=
      2) Echolyn cds spoken for
     by (Paul Goracke)
      3) James Labrie
      4) A good first impression
     by "Ken H ili" <>
      5) Message on dutch teletext and other things.
     by "R.H.G.Tijhuis" <>
      6) myung's writing...
     by Mats Rydstr\vm <>
      7) Alice In Chains
     by John Mastin <>
      8) Re: YTSEJAM digest 870
     by Hollywood <>
      9) Carrying on the new thread
     10) (U)Subscribe me
     by "Steven Johnson, P" <>
     11) Blind Guardian, Petrucci Workshop
     by U-E59578-Charles Hanley <>
     12) Popularity of DT increasing.
     by Pat Daugherty <>
     13) Cassette liner maker needed
     by Pat Daugherty <>
     14) Berklee College
     by (Marc Respass)
     15) DT fans by force
     by (Marc Respass)
     16) Re: Caught in a Web
     by "Ken H ili" <>
     17) Re: DT fans by force
     by (Siegfried Hanisch)
     18) IM, James, and the Chipmunks
     19) Need housing
     by Scott Raby <SRABY@NMSUVM1.NMSU.EDU>
     20) Unplugged/ R. Scott's
     21) Subconscious
     by Dave Silva <>
     22) threads to carpets
     by (Randall Braun)
     23) Trivia Question Answers
     by U-E59578-Charles Hanley <>
     24) What?? Revisited
     25) Kansas (non-DT -- Sorry)
     by humm paul gregory <>
     26) Caught in a web


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 17:00:00 +0900
    From: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCQmc2PyEhMm1HNxsoQg==?=
    Subject: Instrumental II / Subconscious CD
    Message-ID: <>

    FROM: <Masa Daigo>

    Hello, everyone!

    I've just received the above-mentioned CDs from the very
    nice guys in U.S.. Thank you again, Tim and Mike!
    Concerning these two CDs fascinate me a lot because of
    its great selection of songs. How I wish they would be
    released officialy. (OK, it couldn't be happened anyway.)

    I was impressed by some songs especially, Tears, Winter,
    and Mystery track from Subconscious, and YYZ studio
    version and Metropolis part I Karaoke version from
    Instrumental II. I've been wanting to sing Metropolis
    Karaoke, so my wish has been come true. Now I aim too high,
    I wish I could sing the song accompanied by Dream Theater!

    I am really happy to be a fan of DT's. I've got so many
    nice DT mates all over the world! I want to thank you
    to the DT mates who helps me everytime.
    Special thanks to Adam, Jennifer, Jaime, Mike, Tim,
    Jason, Ties, Niel, Kevin, Lon, Bill, Flody, and you!
    Very very special thanks to Steph! We can't live
    without Dream Theater, don't you think?

    BTW, I've got a live-recording from James LaBrie's
    pre-band called Winter Rose. It IS very nice!
    To tell the truth, I was not interested in what James
    had been doing in the past time, but I'm surprised
    he's always greatest singer ever! The sound of Winter
    Rose is rather hard rock, but very best hard rock!
    I like it a lot! I hope any album of the band will
    be released soon... It's worth having on CD.


    Masa <>


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 01:22:14 -0700
    From: (Paul Goracke)
    Subject: Echolyn cds spoken for
    Message-ID: <v02120d08ac16c0d321c6@DialupEudora>

    Just a quick note to all (especially those catching up on digests later)
    that the dirt cheap Echolyn cds have been spoken for, with a pretty fair
    waiting list on the off chance any deals fall through.

    Thanks to all,


    Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 20:25:13 -0400
    Subject: James Labrie
    Message-ID: <>

    Personally, I think James is the perfect fit for DT's type of music. His
    vocals are absolutely amazing. I just recently found and purchased DT's 1st
    album, and when I first listened to it, I just had to laugh. Now don't get
    me wrong, Charlie's vocals are all right, it is just so different after
    having listened to James for so long. Charlie's vocals did however make me
    think of an opening band. (Vocals, not Music!!!).
     Fred Ward


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 11:07:25 GMT+0100
    From: "Ken H ili" <>
    Subject: A good first impression
    Message-ID: <>

    Hi everybody!

    I have only been subscribed to the Ytsejam for a couple of months, so
    I realise that this has probably been talked about before, but anyway...

    I'd like to know your thoughts about what DT songs make good first
    impressions on people. One day soon I'm going to play DT for a girl I
    know, and I'd like to play something that could turn her into a DT
    fan instead of alienating her (OK, so I like to manipulate people...he, he). She
    seemed to like the Jethro Tull tape I gave her, but apart from that, I don't think
    she knows anything about progressive music.

    Any suggestions?

    Yours wonderingly,
    Ken the Slave


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 95 10:39:12 CET
    From: "R.H.G.Tijhuis" <>
    Subject: Message on dutch teletext and other things.
    Message-ID: <>

    Hello fellow enjoyers of good music.

    1) This next message I found on the dutch teletext last saturday. Translated
    to 'a kind' of english it says the following:

    Dream Theatre (note the mispelling) listens to the biddings of all their
    many fans and will release a live-single (this was new to me) which will
    contain the number 'A change of seasons'! The single lasts a many as 23

    Well, kind of different what I heart on this list. I suppose they got it
    wrong but I like the idea. A sort of DoE in a smaller version.

    2) Mike the SUB-CD is really great. I think my favourite would be 'Don't
    look past me' espacially the end of it.

    3) Maybe a bit late but I would like the WDAJU-project because IMHO James
    sings those number really well. Unplugged albums are nice but always seems
    to bore me after 3 or 4 listenings.

    4) I'm going to Bospop in the Netherlands (with DT second on the bill). Are
    there any jammers on the list which will also be there. Maybe we could meet.
    And maybe (dream mode on) we could met DT (dream mode off).

    Well this was about it.
    Is it wrong to talk to myself even when there's nobody else?
      (D.W. Dick, Going Under)
    Young man says 'you are what you eat' - eat well
      (Genesis, Selling England by the Pound)
    In higher lives we seem to be always a moment too late
      (J. Petrucci, The Ones who Helpt to Set the Sun)
    I twisted my heart and I followed my mind, I gave up resistance and
    casually died (It Bites, Old Man and the Angel)

    Ronald Tijhuis, a student, they say!
    Always like to chat via E-Mail:


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 11:53:11 +0200 (MET DST)
    From: Mats Rydstr\vm <>
    To: Ytsejam <>
    Subject: myung's writing...
    Message-ID: <>

    Hi yet again,

    I think you all seem to focus too much on the lyrical writing, when it
    comes to the composing of DT's songs. I'm not at all saying that the
    lyrics don't make a difference, they do! But when you talk about who
    wrote this SONG or that you're always referring to just one person, the
    person who wrote the lyrics.

    Now, I think that's a big mistake being made!

    One guy writes the lyrics to a song, if the lyrics are bad (incoherent as
    some of you would say) then that does NOT make the person a bad composer,
    just a bad lyricist. Sure the music and the lyrics make up the overall
    impression, but with DT I feel that the music comes first, though the
    lyrics are often very good. I would say that the time they spend on the
    music is about ten times as much as on the lyrics, from my experience
    it seems to be that way. In the case with DT they all contribute to the
    songwriting meaning that they write the music together and the person who
    feels extra strong about writing the lyrics get to do that. They have
    stated this in interviews several times.

    So since John Myung wrote the lyrics to LTL and with the knowledge of the
    way things work out in DT, I gather that he had a big part in the music
    of LTL also. Just listen to the main verse bass-riff or the outro-riff,
    or go listen to the main theme of LSOAD, yes he has surely contributed to
    that. Alot of you Petrucci-worshippers do also say that he is undoubtedly
    the greatest composer. Well, you say that he wrote most of their songs,
    VERY FALSE! He wrote about 50-60% of the LYRICS, they all wrote the
    songs, he might have a big input into the songs but they all share the

    Personally I find the songs with Petrucci-lyrics often the most hard to
    interpret and meaningless. I'm not saying that they are in fact
    meaningless, but they tend to be a bit too much in the vein of classic
    prog-rock, pretentious, overblown big words that don't mean much!

    "Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there!"

    "It's just the age, it's just a stage, we disengage, we turn the page!"

    And also if Petrucci had the main part in the music to the songs that he
    wrote the lyrics to, I doubt him a little. Ok, Metropolis is magnificent
    as is the Killing Hand and Scarred, but he also wrote the lyrics to
    Innocense Faded and Status Seeker (I might be wrong here) and Another
    Day, the three weakest DT songs IMO.

    I usually hold each member of DT equally high, but when Petrucci-
    worshippers get a little rabid, I usually stick with the rhythm-section.

    And, please check the facts and names of the songs we are talking about.
    UAGM had lyrics written by Petrucci. The last song on the second album,
    which is BTW called Images And Words, is called Learning To Live. If you
    have the album you should know this.

       / Mats Rydstrom - - /
     / "We can hope for the future, though there may not be one" - ACOS /


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 08:10:24 -0400
    From: John Mastin <>
    Subject: Alice In Chains
    Message-ID: <199506281210.IAA05164@cybertron.MOTOWN.GE.COM>

    > Yeah man! I dig Alice in Chains. I don't know what's up with them though.
    > Didn't Layne get arrested recently for heroin use or something? What the
    > hell with that? I don't do any drugs except alcohol so I can't understand
    > why someone would do it. Seems to just fuck up your life.
    Woah! Fellow Chainers! That's cool! AIC is best thing that came out of
    the *alternative* scene. They are awesome. I heard that they are putting
    together material for their next album. Layne was in rehab late last year
    for herion. While he was in there, he wrote most of the material for his
    side project's album. That band is Mad Season. It has Mike McCready from
    Pearl Jam too. It's a decent album. The next AIC album I think is slated
    to come out in the fall. You're right, I don't know why people who have
    a lot going for them decide to ruin it by getting all doped up.

    BTW, at the show in NJ, before DT went on, they played *Rooster*. The
    part that gets really loud!


    *I'm hiding in Honduras, I'm a desperate man,
    Send Lawyers, Guns and Money, the shit has hit the fan.*
                            - Warren Zevon, the only cool lines he ever wrote.


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 07:16:41 -0500 (CDT)
    From: Hollywood <>
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 870
    Message-ID: <>

    Steve sez:
    story even longer. Think about what you want to say, and say it. Writing
    lyrics, or poetry, or fiction, or whatever is not about being purposely
    cryptic. It is about conveying an idea or emotion to an audience. If you
    write something so ambiguous that only a selected few people can understand
    it, then it is a failure.

    I can't agree less. The whole point of writing lyrics is to create an
    idea or fantasy of your own. If you're happy with the way it's written,
    then the song is a success. If other people happen to find _any_ meaning
    in it (not necessarily the one you intended) it's just a happy side effect...


    |"It don't matter what. It only matters when. The time has come... |
    | believe." --Bad Radio |
    |Alex Fraser St. Olaf College e-mail: |
    | |
    Now playing in the Gateway 2000 CD Player... Lotion: Full-Issac
                                                 The Watchmen: McClarenFurnaceRoom
                                                 The Doors: Original Movie Sdtk.


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 10:24:14 -0400
    Subject: Carrying on the new thread
    Message-ID: <>

    >> I was wondering how many of you became DT fans right away and how many
    were made to love them by a DT fan<<

    Right away! And due to the RADIO, no less! I used to listen to 96 WCMF in
    Rochester, NY for a number of years, until I finally got sick of the
    commercialism and discovered a MUCH better college station, 90.7 WGCC. In
    mid to late 1992, I started hearing this one song. I had no idea who it was,
    and I was getting pissed off at the DJs because they would never identify the
    artist, and I would always crank the dial WAY up because it was so bitchin' -
    I could mosh myself silly while doing my AP US History homework. Finally,
    one night they identified the song as "Pull Me Under" by Dream Theater - the
    next time I had $ and was in a record store and came across Images, I nabbed
    it. I also found a friend about that same period of time who was a big prog
    metal fan, including of DT, and he kind of reinforced me. In fact, we saw &
    met DT together that summer. Imagine that - the radio. *chuckle* No chance
    of that happening these days, or at least not here in Virginia Beach! <G>

    Jaime the Dragon


    Date: 28 Jun 1995 08:18:08 GMT
    From: "Steven Johnson, P" <>
    Subject: (U)Subscribe me
    Message-ID: <>

    Please re-subscribe me!!!

    "Can't be king of the world if you're a slave to the grind."
     - Skid Row


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 9:54:30 EDT
    From: U-E59578-Charles Hanley <>
    Subject: Blind Guardian, Petrucci Workshop
    Message-ID: <>

    In Ytsejam #866, Arlea posted

    > I'll end by quoting a critic cited on the Course of Empire web
    > page (link to it via my page). "This band easily blows away most of the
    > high-selling alternative crap, call them an alternative to alternative."
    > This critic (Nigel Tuffnel) gives Course of Empire a 9 out of 11 rating.

    Is this the same Nigel Tufnel from Spinal Tap? Now that might color my
    opinion of the commentary! :-P BTW, where the heck can you find this CD
    (especially for those of us who cannot access the Web)?

    Two other unrelated questions:

    (1) Does anyone have info on Blind Guardian? As a mega-longtime Helloween
        and Gamma Ray fan, would I like them? Have they released anything
        in the U.S.?

    (2) I posted on a JOHN PETRUCCI GUITAR CLINIC, and there have been no
        comments. REPEAT--NO COMMENTS ON A PETRUCCI WORKSHOP!! I am shocked!
        I know this is DT content, but due to lack of interest, maybe I
        should avoid it in the future... :-)




    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 09:57:53 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Pat Daugherty <>
    To: Dream Theater <>
    Subject: Popularity of DT increasing.
    Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9506280953.B11397-a100000@bdmserver>

    I wore my Ytsejam shirt to the Dokken concert last night. (A Great
    show by the way, I recommend seeing them if you can). Instead of the
    usual "What is a Dream Theater" comments I was overwhelmed with
    "Dream Theater Rules", "Dream Theater is great", "Dream Theater, the
    best new band of the late 80's and early 90's". One guy was like
    "what do you think of their 2nd album Awake". I had to set him straight,
    but I think he was out of it. I also got 2 comments about my Ytsejam shirt.

    It is good to see that DT is growing in popularity. I think that is
    good since, the record company won't dump them and they will continue
    to put out the best music around.

    **** Pat Daugherty ****
    ** "Every breath leaves me one less to my last" --Dream Theater **
    ** "That is not an option, Mr. Mulder" --X-Files **
    **** ****GO ORIOLES!!!!**** ****


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 10:26:09 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Pat Daugherty <>
    To: Dream Theater <>
    Subject: Cassette liner maker needed
    Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9506281009.A11590-9100000@bdmserver>

    Can someone send me a decent cassette liner maker or tell me where
    I can ftp it from?


    **** Pat Daugherty ****
    ** "Every breath leaves me one less to my last" --Dream Theater **
    ** "That is not an option, Mr. Mulder" --X-Files **
    **** ****GO ORIOLES!!!!**** ****


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 10:50:27 -0500
    From: (Marc Respass)
    Subject: Berklee College
    Message-ID: <v01510100ac172704cbb5@[]>

    >In response to Berklee school of musci...ummm...YES They do have an
    >audition...yes They DO Require a Back of the hand Knowledge of Music
    >Theory...and Yes You DO have to be somewhat talented in order to get into
    >the school (They require at BARE Minimum 2 years of formal
    > a Letter of reccomendation from your teacher evaluating
    >your skills). I Know this cause I was Berklee bound for All of High
    >School ("Recording Major'Z hafta have a principle instrument T00???") And
    >The 2 years was the only requirement I couldn't meet :( oh well...sucked
    >to be me! But Anyways whatever that d00d said about not needing any
    >talent in order to get in...and just needing Good SAT Scores...they want
    >Brains AND Talent...Which is why only GREAT Musicians can say they went
    >there! Take care Fellow DT Enthusiasts!!!!

    That "d00d" was me and I hope that what you are saying is true. Like I
    said, I was there 5 years ago. However, since the changes must have been
    made within the last 5 years, there are PLENTY of medicore musicians who
    can say they went there. Again, I'm not slamming Berklee because there are
    plenty of GREAT musicians who went there, I'm just saying that because
    someone went to Berklee doesn't mean a thing.

    Marc Respass


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 10:50:31 -0500
    From: (Marc Respass)
    Subject: DT fans by force
    Message-ID: <v01510101ac1729a168de@[]>

    From: "John R. Kotzian" <>

    > I was wondering how many of you became DT fans right away and how
    >many were made to love them by a DT fan. (A new thread!!!)
    > I bought WDADU when it first came out and fell in love with DT,
    >everyone else I know that is into DT, became fans AFTER I pushed it on
    >them. It seems a lot of you have similar experiences. So let's find out.

    Same thing with me and WDADU. I was at Berklee (and a huge Rush fan). I
    stopped by a friend's room and he played WDADU for me. I took it and
    listened to the whole thing then ran across the street to the record store
    and bought the tape. I've tried real hard to get others into DT. So far,
    the most success I've had is with my new girlfriend. She actually requests
    that we play DT! :).

    Marc Respass


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 16:33:30 GMT+0100
    From: "Ken H ili" <>
    Subject: Re: Caught in a Web
    Message-ID: <>

    Now here's something that makes me confused:

    > > > bet that Petrucci wrote the verses and LaBrie wrote the chorus? Quite
    > > > frankly, the chorus WIMPS OUT on that song. It rocks! IT JAMS! Until
    > > > LaBrie cheeses out with "Caught in a web, removed from the world, hanging
    > > > on by a thread,..." the song turns to SHIT in the chorus.
    > >
    > >I'm sure that's what happened. The chorus really does ruin the power of
    > >the song.

    >I agree that the corus sucks, but it's not just LaBries fault. Yes,
    >where he sings "Caught in a web, removed from the world ..." it sounds
    >cheesy, but the music behind LaBrie also sounds cheesy at this point.

    Whenever I listen to CiaW I just can't resist singing along with the
    chorus. After the very testosterone-infected verse, it's great to
    hear a chorus like that. CiaW is also to this day the only DT song
    that my brother the "Alternative Dude" can listen to...

    So am I the only one who likes CiaW???

    Ken the Slave


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 95 18:32:04 CDT
    From: (Siegfried Hanisch)
    Subject: Re: DT fans by force
    Message-ID: <>

    > I was wondering how many of you became DT fans right away and how
    >many were made to love them by a DT fan. (A new thread!!!)
    I am a DT fanatic since I bought WDADU back in 1989 when it came out. It was
    the record with the highest rating ever in the German metal magazine "Rock Hard"
    (9.83 points out of 10 possible if I remember correctly); it still holds this
    position) (BTW, Rock Hard had featured them even before the release of WDADU,
    back in Majesty times; Rock Hard got liner notes on all 3 DT studio records).
    Not too many pleople liked WDADU ("not bad....").
    I bought I&W when it came out. I played I&W to almost everyone I know, and
    there are at least 5 more guys who buy every DT release now. Many said
    they appreciated DT music, and a few still resist.
    The Live EP, video and Awake brought no new fans (from my point of view), since
    everyone I knew who I thought could be interested in DT music had heard I&W

    Greetings # They shoot without shame
        Siegfried Hanisch # In the name of a piece of dirt
    =====================================# For a change of accent # Or the colour of your shirt (ScreenSaver support) # Better the pride that resides
    =====================================# In a citizen of the world
    PGP public key available # Than the pride that divides
    Team OS/2 # When a colourful rag is unfurled RUSH


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 13:15:46 -0400 (EDT)
    Subject: IM, James, and the Chipmunks
    Message-ID: <950628131546.20a00651@SECORD.NIAGARAC.ON.CA>

            Can't remember who posted about Derek playing guitar, but, if a
    Maiden song is to be played. I would vote for either No Prayer for the Dying
    or Fates Warning off of No Prayer for the Dying (probably because I listened
    to it this morning on the way to work).
            Also I remember hearing a long time ago that JLB was asked by Steve
    Harris to replace Dickinson just after he left Maiden. James turned it down
    because he said his new band was doing great and had a good feeling about this
    band going places (or something like that). Can anyone back me up on this?
            BTW, on Subcon, Wanted Dead or Alive, don't people realize that the
    voice in the background has been altered by the pitch. Is it not odd that
    the voice sounds two furry animals off of a chipmunk? A couple of years ago
    a friend of mine had rented some equipment and we played around with the pitch
    to the point that we we're laughing just breathing into the mic. Anyone with
    this equipment that can back me up, after all I'm just a drummer with some
    shells and some skins.
    Concert Trail:
    1 day to Nugent, Bad Co., and Kim Mitchell - Friendship festival, Fort Erie
    17 days to QR at Darien Lake
                    "Oughta my way I'm comin' through
                     I know what I want
                     And I know how to get it"
                             Comin' Through - KiLLeR DWaRfS
    See Ya,
    Bob "How can I see tomorrow if you keep me in the dark"
                             Face against my soul - sUBHUMAN rACE - Skid Row


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 95 11:22:53 MDT
    From: Scott Raby <SRABY@NMSUVM1.NMSU.EDU>
    Subject: Need housing
    Message-ID: <>

    Sorry for the lack of DT content, but I am in need of finding a place to
    live in Tucson. I will be attending Grad. school there, so a place near
    school would be nice. If anyone knows where I can get hold of a housing
    list or local newspaper, I would appreciate it. Thanks.



    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 16:00:41 -0400
    Subject: Unplugged/ R. Scott's
    Message-ID: <>

    but the Unplugged stuff was given to us by a certain someone and I am very
    sad to have to wait for this most special gift. Please reconcider and do
    Unplugged first as I was one of the lucky Jammers to be there when this gift
    was presented. It seems that if the count was 70/ 70 and this being the
    YTSEJAM and all I feel that DT should get the upper hand. PLEASE, PLEASE,
     PLEASE!!!!! :) By the way Mike how long is the Unplugged disk gonna be?
    2) R. Scott gig- As far as I can remember the tape of this was also given
    to someone at the Ytsecon. Correct? How long is it? Mike (?) you posted the set list. Does this mean you have it and
    know how long it is? Just was wondering how impossible it would be for them
    to fit the whole thing on the EP? :)


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 15:22:03 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Dave Silva <>
    To: ytsejam <>
    Subject: Subconscious
    Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9506281503.B5005-a100000@champs>

    Hey everybody,

    I'm new here so don't flame me for asking something that probably lots of
    people have asked already. Can somebody PLEASE email me how to get a copy
    of that Subconscious(sp?) disk that I keep reading about. Of course if
    it's a bootleg, I don't want to break any laws by getting it :-).

    Incidentally, let people have their own opinions on who their favorite
    drummer, guitarist, etc... is. Be aware that how an artist plays is
    limited by the medium they play in. I'm sure that Peart could play
    everything that Portney, Rich, etc... could play and vice-versa. Liking
    somebody's style the best doesn't mean that another person should come along
    and imply that you don't know what you're talking about because HE knows
    who the best is. Please, let's end this. It's really getting tiring.

    Otherwise, it's pretty interesting to see what all of you guys have to
    say. Keep it coming.

    Dave Silva

            Sometimes are big splashes
                    are just ripples in the pool.


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 13:04:23 -0700
    From: (Randall Braun)
    Subject: threads to carpets
    Message-ID: <v01520c00ac16e7841374@[]>

    >King's X Dogman Cover Colours:
     I've seen red, blue and yellow, See JAM 865 for the facts

    >Describe DT to others_WITHOUT_ using others bands
    I guess we missed the WITHOUT part. Progressive rock with a good metal
    edge, if 'they' understand rock genres. For a novice: Five excellent
    musicians who play very intricate and excellent music with
    thought-provoking lyrics. It might be difficult to compare IAW's PMU and
    WFS, because of the great differences in instrumentation, although, IMHO,
    that honor goes to Extreme's 'More than Words' vs. 'Rest in Peace'; that
    these two pieces on AOR radio were by the same band came as quite a
    surprise to me in my pre-Extreme days.

    >On picking apart DT music: better, more complete, answer in JAM 865, I'd
    >add that musician's don't pick apart the music to ruin it, but rather to
    >understand 'How its done'

    >Best guitarist thread: it started with VH vs JP; I added a thread to
    >introduce some non-guitarists, younger Y'Jammers to some other excellent
    >guitarists (my intent). I would strongly agree with Gilbert Thetgyi's
    >discussion of the complete guitarist in JAM 865. IMO, guitarist such as
    >Steve Howe, Steve Morse or Ronnie Montrose might be considered to more
    >complete guitarists. Howe and Montrose are also noted classical
    >guitarists as well. Although Howe tends to mainly use one of his various
    >Les Pauls for electric and Martins for acoustic, he has a rather large
    >string arsenal at his command (see some of solo works), including one of
    >my favorite oddities, the harp guitar (Windham Hill's Michael Hedges uses
    >this quite a bit.) (I also found Page's double-neck acoustic on Unledded
    >to be an interesting piece of construction).

    > On concept albums: some listed are actually only part of whole LP/CD:
    >i.e. 2112; in that case, being a longtime ELP fan, I might include Tarkus
    >and Karn_Evil_9 as my own personal favorites. Others not already mentioned
    >might include Genesis' Duke and the Who's Quadraphenia (sp?; although I'm
    >not a bass player, John Entwhistle has some pretty good work, IMHO, on
    >this album.)

    > On one-handed keyboarding: in some earlier Jams, some J'Yammers were
    >complaining (?) about KM's 'one-handed keyboarding' on Awake. For
    >non-keyboardists, there are several reasons for using a one-handed
    >technique. One is the use of multiple keyboards at one time, one hand per
    >keyboard. Another reason concerns the history of electronic
    >keyboards/synths; on the earlier synths (i.e., mini-moog, etc.), the
    >electronic technology of the time only allowed you to play only one note
    >at a time; even with today's technology, many electronic keyboards have
    >limitations on how many keys can be played at a time. One other reason,
    >is that one-handed techniques allow you to play those guitar-like
    >speed-riffs, as in the guitar/keyboard duals/duets in many DT songs.

    >Finally, I came across some more interesting typos in recent Jams

    'introkit'- what novice drummers practice with?
    'base players'- musicians of questionable character?
    'contrevertial'- ?, see definitions of 'vert' in a good dictionary
    No flames intended; I, too, am guilty of typos, and creating 'new words'

    --Randall L. Braun

    'To write or to speak is almost inevitably to lie a little. It is an
    attempt to clothe an intangible in tangible form; to compress an
    immeasurable into a mold. And in the act of compression, how Truth is
    mangled and torn!'
      -- Anne Morrow Lindbergh

    --...fighting the fire while feeding the flames... --Rush, Second Nature(?)

    --... its <108 degress>, but its a dry heat; in <Fresno> they say that...
    --DT, Space-Dye Vest, my paraphrase, and its true

    When I was younger, I thought I knew where I stood; now that I'm growing
    older, I find the ground keeps moving --Youthquakes & Hardaches


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 16:31:09 EDT
    From: U-E59578-Charles Hanley <>
    Subject: Trivia Question Answers
    Message-ID: <>

    In Ytsejam #871, Randall L. Braun asked:

    > Today's rock trivia question: who was the vocalist on the self-titled
    > Montrose album, and what well-known group is he with today? (Hint, the
    > group has been a thread in recent JAMs) If you get that one, who was the
    > vocalist on Jeff Beck's first solo album, also a well known vocalist today.

    No hints needed: Montrose's vocalist is SAMMY HAGAR (killer Red Motor
    Scooter track!), and Beck's vocalist is ROD STEWART with Ron Wood of the
    Stones also playing in Beck's original group.




    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 16:53:29 -0400
    Subject: What?? Revisited
    Message-ID: <>

    The following appeared in Ytsejam #868:

    >No joke, man!!! This news is for REAL!!! Amazing as it may seem, they're
    trashing Charlie and picking up this new guy I guess.<
    >Aviad: You mean Dream Theater has a SECOND album out???<

    You have just entered...the Twilight Zone!

    Hey, Babs, can you pass me the orange juice? <g> <---- inside joke


    "Could we see clearer in a virtual reality?" - Magellan
    "I am the beat of your pulse/the computer word made flesh" - Queensryche


    Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 16:08:04 -0500 From: humm paul gregory <> To: Subject: Kansas (non-DT -- Sorry) Message-ID: <>

    Has anyone on the list seen Kansas on their current tour? I have the opportunity to see them this Friday, but I haven't decided if I will go. I love their 70's stuff (Kansas, Song for America, Point of Know Return, Leftoverture, etc.) but I'm not sure how good they are without Kerry Livgren and their original violinist and bassist. If anyone can fill me in on how good a show they are putting on and how much of the old stuff they are playing, I would appreciate it. You may wish to e-mail me privately to avoid taking up more space here. Thanks.

    Paul Humm


    Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 08:43:37 +1200 From: To: Subject: Caught in a web Message-ID: <v01510101ac176e57b60c@[]>

    >> > bet that Petrucci wrote the verses and LaBrie wrote the chorus? >>Quite >> > frankly, the chorus WIMPS OUT on that song. It rocks! IT JAMS! Until >> > LaBrie cheeses out with "Caught in a web, removed from the world, >>hanging >> > on by a thread,..." the song turns to SHIT in the chorus. >> >> I'm sure that's what happened. The chorus really does ruin the power of >> the song. > >I agree that the corus sucks, but it's not just LaBries fault. Yes, >where he sings "Caught in a web, removed from the world ..." it sounds >cheesy, but the music behind LaBrie also sounds cheesy at this point.

    All true, but it may be because the band wanted to have some kind of contrasting theme in the song? Hey, they've done it before (see Erotomania, LTL, Metropolis, Voices, etc...) where the band suddenly changes the meter, tempo and style of the song in one left turn. That's what makes them good to listen too.

    Sure the song sounds cheesy, but IMHO it was just a bad call on the part of the band that the contrasting styles actually clash instead of their desired effect.


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 872 *************************

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