YTSEJAM digest 969

Date: Thu Sep 21 1995 - 01:02:23 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 962"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 969

    Today's Topics:

      1) How I got into DT
     by elliot h kim <>
      2) My Random Musings
     by Chris Oates <>
      3) More bathroom fodder for Mike :)
     by "Paul W. Cashman" <>
      4) Re: ACOS (Holy Shit!)
     by NuGgeTMaN <>
      5) Re: ACOS
     by Damon M. Fibraio <>
      6) stuff
     by (howard wiener)
      7) DT on the radio...
     by (Jan Melander)
      8) Thank You Dream Theater!
      9) DT boots....
     by (Jan Melander)
     10) ACoS
     by <>
     11) Please don't go...
     by Jeremy Longley <>
     12) ACOS (Another true believer speaks)
     by Jamie Burks <>
     13) Subconscious, ACOS, and how I got into all that
     by (Steffen Barabasch)
     14) Re: YTSEJAM digest 961
     by (Arlene Pope)
     15) various stuff
     by "Andrew S. Moore" <>
     16) another ACOS opinion
     by "Chad L. Cook" <>
     17) Babs-o-rama
     by david@pharlap.CI.COM (David B. Kuznick)
     18) Convert?/More ACoS/Thanks...etc
     by "Craig Newmeyer" <>
     19) Trevor Rabin (NDTC)
     by "Craig Newmeyer" <>
     20) Ahem
     by david@pharlap.CI.COM (David B. Kuznick)


    Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 03:11:43 -0400 (EDT)
    From: elliot h kim <>
    Subject: How I got into DT
    Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950921020727.15456B-100000@solix>

    Hi all!

    Here's my story:

    During the 'inevitable' summer of 1993, a friend of mine invited me to a
    DT concert. Not having heard the band, he was kind enough to loan me a
    cassette copy of I&W. I liked it, yet I wasn't compelled to go to the
    concert. I AM KICKING MYSELF SENSELESS 459,489,233,169,344,124 TIMES A
    DAY FOR HAVING REFUSED HIS INVITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    For the next year, I would see an article or two about DT or even hear
    PMU on the radio a bit. I thought it was pretty good and gave them the
    nickname 'Queensrysh.' I would hear little bits when I was in the car
    with the aforementioned friend as well.

    Then in August of 1994, I was at another friend's house and I was
    suddenly in the mood to check out DT again. He was kind enough to loan
    me the tape and he's lucky he ever got it back! I listened to it twice
    on the way home (he lived in Philly. I was in College Park, MD at the time).

    Even *before* I got a CD player, I went out and bought I&W on CD. Then I
    found out that my parents had just bought me one. I&W and Awake were
    among the first 10 CD's I ever bought. Now I have more DT CD's than I
    had CD's just over a year ago!

    Now for over a year, I don't think I ever got through a day without
    listening to at least one DT song.

    I've been playing guitar for over seven years. About six months ago, I
    decided to change my major to music education. DT is not entirely, but
    significantly responsible for my decision to choose music as my career.
    They just sort of pushed me over the edge. They continue to inspire me to
    forge ahead with it.

    And now MY $0.02 for "A Change of Seasons", or rather "A Change of

    It won't win any new fans by the masses, but it just might turn a few
    heads here and there. I love the Subcon version, but I DO like the new
    studio version better. All the wonderful things you can do in a studio
    made what was a long-ass song into an unforgetable epic.

    As for the covers, they great. It sounded like they had loads of fun at
    the gig. It shows in the way they play, IMO.

    And to Mike Bahr:
    An ulcer! That really sucks. Anyhow,get well wishes from down here in
    hot-as-balls-humid-beyond-tolerable Florida. Your health and well being
    come first. I can wait for Acoustic Dreams.

    Elliott Kim Florida International University


    Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 00:12:26 -0700
    From: Chris Oates <>
    Subject: My Random Musings
    Message-ID: <>

    As if we didn't have enough already...

    ACOS: Hey, do we want to have a contest for who got the "official" release
    My entry: 11:55 p.m. monday night. Tower Records sells new releases after
    when it first turns Tuesday. Pretty cool, and with the 1/2 hour drive from the
    nearest TOwer to Santa Cruz, I can get a good listen on my way home. I got
    Awake, Promised Land and now ACOS this way.

    As for the song, it still needs some time to grow on me. I have SubCon, and the
    version there took about 5 listens before it overthrew Metropolis as my #1
    song, so this had a lot to live up to. Unfortunately, most of my favorite
    parts were
    left out in the new version. I won't list them all, just the ones that
    other people
    haven't mentioned:

    Near the beginning, They all do a big arpeggio thing, then JM does a little
    during the silence on his bass. Maybe a mistake, but I loved it!

    I can barely hear Derek's keys when he's not soloing. Yes, he's mixed
    lower, but
    I think that the organ sound gets a bit lost in the rest of the crunch (read:
    JP) I think keeping the strings like Kev had would cut through the mix better.

    Linked to the above, the instrumental section right at the beginning of The
    Crimson Sunset
    (I assume they switch parts during the pause and not just when the lyrics
    begin) Had
    a great string melody on the Subcon version that's totally lost on the new one.

    Not something they took out, but does anybody besides me think that the
    acoustic intro
    and especially the outro are totally unnecessary and awfully
    generic-sounding? As I said,
    especially the outro. The song needs to end on that BIG chord, not with a
    whimper of
    guitar strings.

    The Subcon one just sounds more musically polished to me, like THIS one is
    the early
    version and they re-worked it to be the other one. Now, I must sound like I
    hate it.
    I don't -- it just needs more time to grow on me, but I'm not selling my
    ever. When I was out roving in the mountains this summer, when we came back
    from our
    last day hike, usually the longest and the hardest of a given backpack
    (about 1 week
    long on average) I would be wiped out physically and emotionally. THen I'd
    listen to
    ACOS and be ready for another 10 miles! Thanks Mike for Subconscious!

    Oh and speaking to Mike: Your newest CD idea sounds like "Subconscious II"
    to me...
    Mayby "Unconscious" ??? :)

    Oh, something I DO like about ACOS that I haven't seen mentioned: James'
    photo. All those hands are cool! Also about photos, Derek's clouds are a
    image of JPs. Which one is right???? Oh. James has the same clouds as JP.
    be Derek's that are backwards. Also, what is that behind Derek. Looks like
    a long
    white baloon snake about to bite him. :)

    About the cover: I like it. There's no artist listed because it's a
    The boy is sitting on his feet. I'm pretty sure about both of those.

    Oh, and lastly, thanks Pat from England for senging me the Lie Single and the

     __ /\ __
     // \ | \\


    Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 23:58:55 -0700 (PDT)
    From: "Paul W. Cashman" <>
    Subject: More bathroom fodder for Mike :)
    Message-ID: <> that I've had some time to really LISTEN to ACoS, here's some
    stuff for outhouse amusement... :)

    "Funeral/Love Lies Bleeding": is it just me, or does Derek fuck up a
    bit on keys in the beginning ('splashing' down on two adjacent keys at
    once, etc.)? No biggie, and it's not the easiest tune to play with
    feewing (I picture Elton J. really pounding the keys live), just
    proof that, contrary to rumor, DT isn't superhuman. :) GREAT bass
    in this song. When we played it on a friend's 18,000 watt stereo
    system, it shook the rafters. Same is true of all the covers, really.
    Splendid production.

    (Yea, I typed 18,000 watts. My friend lives at Atlanta's Wreck Room, a
    rock club (he has one of two loft apartments between the club and the
    ten band practice rooms on the side). We like to say that he throws
    really big parties every weekend. :))

    My promo copy of ACoS (all hail Gerry, especially since he's now
    working for WEA, oooh oooh) has been played several times on the
    club PA there. Some sample responses:

      "You mean this is all ONE band? Wow!"
      "This is Dream Theater? Cool"
      "This sounds so good. Are you sure it wasn't recorded in the studio
    and then they added live audience sounds around it?"
       [ Perfect Strangers ] "LOVE that crunch!" "Damn, you wouldn't
    expect something this heavy from Dream Theater."
       "They're a better cover band than otherwise." (asshole..... :))


      "Bring this CD back tomorrow night; I want to play those cover tunes
    again!" --Jimmy, soundman and co-owner

    --Not only is the Wreck Room a cool place, but our prog friends
    Early Warning -- or rather the band that was Early Warning and is
    now looking for a new name -- has one of the practice rooms
    mentioned above. Great vibe there on nights when there are shows on
    the main stage, and bands practicing in their rooms.

    Acquired two copies of ACoS today at Best Buy for $10 apiece, one for
    the car and one for the house. I went to a friend's place and played
    it for him; astounded, he offered me $10 cash for one of my copies on
    the spot. :) They had 7 copies when I went in; I took the time to
    move two to an empty slot in the New Releases section facing the
    front. heh

    +--- Paul W. Cashman ---+
    | Rush * Robert Jordan * Queensryche * Michael Moorcock * Metallica |
    | James P. Hogan * Dream Theater * Robert Heinlein * NIN *  Dead    |
    | Can Dance * Mercedes Lackey * Blue Oyster Cult * Raymond Feist....|


    Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 18:20:14 -0400 (EDT) From: NuGgeTMaN <> To: Cc: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: Re: ACOS (Holy Shit!) Message-ID: <>

    I'll keep my review brief (hehe I know that'Z a shut up and read). ACoS Is T00 c00l!!! This version is Totally c00l...and while a little slower...and kinda diff...I love it!!! However the production quality is seriously lame IMHO...Prater just doesn't do it fer me...but hey at least this time the drumZ aren't sampled!!! The coverZ are excellent in Quality, and almost better than the production of Yanni...Live at the Acropolis (those of you who have that know how g00d that one is...quality-wise). One final note...You people don't know how lucky I am to have Rachel Fugate as a girlfriend!!! This Woman freakin' went and bought me ACoS with NO beggin' from my total time of need (I'm beyond broke!!!) knowing that she would not like the CD (We live together...and she'Z not at all a DT fan)...but put her self aside and bought ACoS for me on the release day...just cause she knowZ how much it meanZ to me!!! Does this girl rock or what!!! So...e being the excellent boyfriend that I am...I'm Beggin' ALL of you who read this to just send her a quick E-mail MSG sayin' how Totally c00l that was of her to do this for me...her address is just tell her thanX fer buyin' me this Totally Killer CD...and those of you who's signifigant other doesn't like DT...can tell her how c00l that was of her. quick note...I should have a YTSEBOT set up on Global IRC in #Ytsejam within the next week...I'm not sure how stable this will be...cause my friendZ server tendZ to go down every once ina while...but if you'd like to be an operator on the channel...and have some previous IRC experience...send me E-mail tellin' me what you'd like, and I'll try to make this THE channel fer DT EnthusiastZ!!! (I can see it now on the next CD..."Check out our IRC channel #YTSEJAM...the Official Dream Theate Online fan club in REAL time!!!" hehe yeah right). TAke care all...and PLEASE send Rachel E-mail...She'Z THE Best!!!

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------- According to the circle of fifths, and the order of sharps and flats: If the alphabet continued as notes progressed (Using Major Key Sigs) (i.e. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, etc.) eventually the key of Z Major would have 4 sharps. StatisticZ show that if a person is born with Perfect Pitch, chances are they will grow up to be a famous...Baseball Player!!! :)

    "Just Lighten up and listen to the Music" -Kevin Moore (inside joke)

    Eric Moegling:

    fOr MoRE nFo AboUT mE fIngEr: ----------------------------------------------------------------------


    Date: Thu, 21 Sep 95 3:38:01 EDT From: Damon M. Fibraio <> To: Subject: Re: ACOS Message-ID: <>

    Steve Howe and Trevor are great guitarists. From what I hear, Howe and Wakieman are back in Yes. If Trevor is actually gone, I may feel his loss, but I would've shoved Tony K. out the door. I give the man respect, he's a capable keyboardist who knows about MIDI and stuff, but to compare him to Wakeman is to compare DT to the grade school concert band. Ugh. Excuse me, I need to puke now.


    Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 21:52:00 -0400 From: (howard wiener) To: Subject: stuff Message-ID: <>

    1. ACOS/artwork Music- Phat Art- Notice the contrast in color from the cover to the inside when you open up the case?

    2. Jason and Dave, When are we doing lunch?

    3. Damian Allis asked if anyone has copies of Jams from the last n=month or so. Yes, I do. When is Mike Portnoy going to be near Philly or State College,pa?

    4. How I got into DT. My friend scott introduced me them one night in the car. He just kept saying listen to this and listen to that. I was just so overwhelmed, that I went out got the IaW album for myself. It was just soooooooo awesome. Then I found out that my sister was into them and we listened together. Then I finally made to a live show at the Birch Hill in northern Jersey. It was their first show Back in the states on the Awake tour. I sat on the stage for the show!!!!!:) Needless to say that it was sososososo awesome. They ACOS...the revised version. Derek was great. J.P. did a guitar solo with Derek on keys. It was at least ten minutes long. I think that we were all just as lost in the moment as he was. All i can say is thanks to the Lord for DT. They are truely a G-dsend to the music industry today with all that other bs out there that is three not-even-chords (just fifths for all you musical ones). DT brings new meaning to musicianship in todays musical atmoshere. Three words: Dream Theater Rules! Enough said.

    5. Listen to EVERON.

    Later on folks, Howard

    "The coward dies many times before death itself. The valiant never taste of death but once." --Shakespeare-- LET'S GO STATE---HAIL TO THE LION, LOYAL AND TRUE "Don't expect your own Messiah, this neverworld which you desire is only in your mind." ---Dream Theater--- "O, that this too, too solid flesh would melt, thaw, and resolve itself into dew!" ---Shakespeare--- "Adesso che ho perso la vista, ci vedo meglio e di piu." --Dream Theater-- "There's a blues man in the distance and he's lost inside his, lost inside his note." ---Savatage---


    Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 10:36:33 +0200 From: (Jan Melander) To: Subject: DT on the radio... Message-ID: <v01510101ac86ee9f74c1@[]>

    Hi everybody,

    I must tell You this: Yesterday, half an hour after I posted my small toughts on ACOS to the Jam, I was heading home in my car, switched on the radio and it was some kind of Top 20 show playing some "alternative" garbage... suddely, trough the speakers came the wonderful sound of a distorted organ, I reached for the volume and ... BANG! Out came DT wondeful version of Perfect Strangers, what a ride home, then the DJ came on and annonced that ACOS was the *12th best selling album in Sweden this week*!!!! And is has only been out for 5 days...

    Just wanted to share this with You all. Cheers,

    --------------------------------------------------------------- Jan Melander WM-Data --------------------------------------------------------------- Q:Why didn't Intel name their CPU 586 instead of Pentium? A:When they added 100 to 486 the readout said 585.9999999999765, and it didn't fit on the chip.


    Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1970 04:56:05 -0600 From: To: Subject: Thank You Dream Theater! Message-ID: <>

    I know that a lot of us have picked up on this. ACoS is pure and simple a "Thank You" to the fans. It even says so in the credits! :) When you think about it, DT is not touring to support it. They will get zilch airplay. (A radio station playing a 23min song!! Imagine the radio edit!!) And, as far as I can tell, very little publicity. After I bought ACoS and had listened to it by a near by lake (nothing sounds cooler then the wind at the beginning of FFaF while looking at a wind swept lake during a storm) I went to several music stores around town. At the most they each had between 2-4 copies of ACoS and NO promotional flats or anything. Most didn't even know what it was! With this sort of attention by music store, you really have to feel indebted to Dream Theater for releasing this album. THANK YOU!!! I've tried to get some of my coworkers to listen to ACoS and DT. It's really hard for them... they don't understand the story behind the song, that I think is necessary to understand the song. Even those of us on here that have never heard the early versions, at least knew that there was something very very special about this song. As Matt Berger pointed out, DT is simply too complicated for the normal listener to absorb at once. Some of us could get into it right away but the rest, bombarded with one chord songs by Weezer and the like, don't realize that music can have so many sides and be so alive! ACoS has become a part of my soul and I'm sure others feel the same way. Well... I've rambled enough. :) One last point. Welcome to the band Derek. His playing on the covers was great! And Derek on ACoS is great with one exception.. that "freight train" sound at 18:36. What was that!?! ;) G'nite all!

    dave ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the last time, Gimme ten cents or a dime, And I'll kick the revolution off today.

    Kevin Moore - Hollow ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stood outside in the rain for us... I tried to work out all of the pain for us... I sat alone and took the blame for us... My mind has torn and gone insane for us...

    Mike Portnoy - ACoS (Subconcious) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


    Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 10:46:00 +0200 From: (Jan Melander) To: Subject: DT boots.... Message-ID: <v01510102ac86f1e73a13@[]>

    Hi everybody,

    Thanks Howard W for directing me to the CDnow page.

    Is there anyone who has a review of the different DT boots available? Which is the best in Your opinion?


    --------------------------------------------------------------- Jan Melander WM-Data --------------------------------------------------------------- Q:Why didn't Intel name their CPU 586 instead of Pentium? A:When they added 100 to 486 the readout said 585.9999999999765, and it didn't fit on the chip.


    Date: Thu, 21 Sep 95 11:59:16 AST From: <> To: Subject: ACoS Message-ID: <>

    Hi 'jammers!

    I went to my local record-store to ask when ACoS would be released and the said that it was already released last tuesday (Sept 12). I missed it for a whole week!! ****! The first impressions: the first ten minutes are an improvement, the second ten are less than the version I know (Subcon-version). I guess that a lot of reviews are sent to the list, so I won't bother. Some other things that caught my mind: first John's bass is certainly NOT 'not audible', especially in the Led Zep-medley. Secondly, all members keep their hands hidden in the photo's, except James, who shows us seven (?) hands. I wonder what's the reason for this...

    Have fun with your new CD's

    Machiel ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Machiel Maseland E-mail: student, etcetera snail-mail: Zevenwouden 237 3524 CR Utrecht interactive vocal information processing and exchange: 030-894287

    Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. -- (Terry Pratchett, Men At Arms)



    Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 03:03:09 PDT From: Jeremy Longley <> To: Cc: Subject: Please don't go... Message-ID: <>

    .. it did. Bugger.


    Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 08:27:37 -0400 (EDT) From: Jamie Burks <> To: Subject: ACOS (Another true believer speaks) Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950921081020.13250B-100000@mgate>

    Ok. Its tuesday the 19th and I blow outta work early to play golf. On my way to the course I stop by one of my favorite shops and pick up ACOS. Walk outta the shop ripping the wrapping off the CD and pop it into my 10 disc changer. Continue on my way to golf, all the while my jaw getting closer and closer to the floor. I nearly ran a few people off the road before I made it to the golf course. I was blown away.

    Now its Thursday. I have listened to nothing but ACOS since Tues. evening, and am still having touble driving and listening at the same time. This disc is a killer!!! ACOS rules!!! This song can take you from quiet and thoughtful to full blown head banging in a matter of seconds. It can have you sobbing and next thing you know you're smiling and tapping your toes. You can gently harominize along with James, or pound furiously on your air drums with Mike!!!!

    Ok enough of that.

    I agree with past posters in that you can hear a section or two that bear a striking resemblance to erotomania.

    The acoustic intro and outro are wonderful. I am a real big fan of the acoustic movement and the use of acoustic guitar on ACOS was especially pleasing.

    The background vocals are killing me!!!! They add such depth and emotion to certain sections of the song (Ignorance surrounding me.... Ooooo this gives me chills!).

    The section where myung and petrucci are doubling makes my ears bleed!!! I swear if I listen to that one more time I will have a seizure!

    Finally, I really like the tempo. I don't find that slowing it down has taken anything away from the song. I think that it adds to the emotional tone of the entire piece.

    Note that all of the above are IMHO :)

    --------------------------------------------------- "....the voice of reason against the howling mob" "Nobodys Hero" - Rush Jamie Burks ---------------------------------------------------


    Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 14:12:21 +0200 (MESZ) From: (Steffen Barabasch) To: (Ytsejam - the Dream Theater mailing list) Subject: Subconscious, ACOS, and how I got into all that Message-ID: <>

    Hello once again!

    Just reading the digest with my last post (hell, why can't I see all these typos in time?) and already writing another one. Sort of rush hour on the 'Jam since ACOS ;-)

    Neil Gallop was the first one from Germany who asked for a copy of Subcon. Ok, put me on the Subconscious dub sites list, too. Send me a short mail, Neil, if you want a copy!

    BTW: If there's still anybody out there who wants to know about all these tracks on Subconscious and didn't get one of the liner notes, send me a short note!

    Hey, although I'm still preferring the drum sound on Awake, I LOVE the moment in the ACOS-intro when the drums appear. It has such a heavy groove. And every time I hear Derek's solos (and the heavy sounds he used) I like them more. All of them, the long one at about 19:00 and the jazzy bits before. If his songwriting is as refreshing as his soloing style, I'll be happy.

    I don't hear Erotomania in this song, BTW.

    How I got into DT? I read a review of WDADU in a book about Heavy Metal and it would be understatement if I would say the author LOVED or ADORED this album... I thought, it can't be that bad, if this guy is so blown away. I checked the album, bought it, loved it. And since then I bought every release immediately - except Live at the Marquee. I thought it was boring to hear the songs exactly as they were on the studio albums. It's not all the same, I know, but at this time I was also a bit bored of I&W. You know, too perfect after a while, the too thin vocal sound, the drums, etc. But then came Awake and since then I had to get everything. I never thought I'd become such a manic fan, but well...

    Bye, Steffen


    Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 05:45:22 -0700 From: (Arlene Pope) To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 961 Message-ID: <v02110102ac86acd96a6c@[]>


    I am sorry but I need to "unsubscribe ytsejam" at this time :(

    I will not be at this e-mail address anymore since I am moving out of town. If I can, I will try to resubscribe.

    Thanks for everything!


    Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 13:18:34 BST From: "Andrew S. Moore" <> To: Subject: various stuff Message-ID: <>

    1. How come I'm getting more than one digest per day now? (not that I'm complaining! :) )

    2. What happened to ytsejam digest #966? I've received 965 and 967...

    3. ACoS: " "!!! (speechless with amazement)

    4. Uncovered: More amazement... (especially Lovin, Touchin, Squeezin - better than the original? I think so, and that's saying something!)

    5: Re: How did you get into DT? Thank you Metal CD magazine (RIP) for including (2 years ago) 'Take The Time' and 'Surrounded (Live at the Marquee)" on your free cover CDs. If I hadn't heard them, I wouldn't have bought I&W, followed by LatM, WDADU etc. ----------------------------------------------------- Andrew S. Moore Small Systems Support Assistant Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambridge, UK. -----------------------------------------------------


    Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 09:19:53 -0400 (EDT) From: "Chad L. Cook" <> To: Dream Theater <> Subject: another ACOS opinion Message-ID: <>

    I just picked it up yesterday, and I was completely blown away by the song... To me, it seemed to sum up the things I like so much about Dream Theater- It combines incredible musicianship (the best!), awesome lyrics, feeling and that emotion that hits you *right here*...


    PS Mike, if you happen to read this, Dave Stracher says hi!

    +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | == ====== ============== Chad L. Cook | | == ====== ============== System Administrator Phone: 617-873-4159 | | == == == == FAX: 617-873-5386 | | == == == == == == == | | == == == == == == == Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. | | == == == == == Systems and Technologies Division | | ========================== 10 Moulton St. | | ========================== Cambridge, MA 02138 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+


    Date: Thu, 21 Sep 95 09:38:49 -0400 From: david@pharlap.CI.COM (David B. Kuznick) To: Subject: Babs-o-rama Message-ID: <>

    > Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 08:45:21 -0500 (EST) > From: > > Hello everyone, it's BABS. I was able to get the cassette version of ^^^^^^^^ C'mon Babs. Live in this century already! :-)

    > A Change of Seasons yesterday. Here's my review: > > A CHANGE OF SEASONS: > > Lyrics: Absolutely beautiful. I can find no other way to describe the > words.

    They are nice. I wanted to quote something new in my .sig, but they're too damn depressing for the most part, and life's too good right now!

    > Music: Great, it has such a precise and crisp sound.

    I'm going to be mighty unpopular around here when I say ythat I agre with you more strongly than you think: I think the production is better than the actual music in a lot of ways. Don't get me wrong; I like ACoS, I just think it could be sooooo much better. They still need to work more (esp. on long songs) on stating, and developing themes. A lot of times they introduce ideas, but don't really refine them or revisit them in interesting ways. They do a bit, but I know they have it in them to do even better. A lot of prog. groups nowadays have the same and also a related problem; I think an skillful segue is one of the true hallmarks or prog. that VERY few groups nowadays have mastered. Cases in point: Megellan, Cairo, and yes, sometimes DT. Again, I LIKE all these guys, but I know they can do even better.

    > Vocals: I don't even need to comment on James - everybody knows that the > guy could gargle and I would think that it was great :) He is so fine!

    James is really in fine form. My only criticism is that some of the emotional intensity of the Subcon. version is missing, but that's a common occurrence of live vs. studio.

    > RONNIE SCOTT'S > > Truly wonderful, I was pleased to see that they were able to clean up and > fine tune the sound from the gig. The only thing that bummed me is that > they didn't put TEARS on it. I really like that tune.

    On a slightly different issue, I wonder if there's some legal reasons none of the "guest star" songs made it on. I know I would have rather had a CD version of them playing with Howe, Hogarth, etc.

    David Kuznick - (Work: Play: coming soon...) So storm through the barricades and raise your hands up high All of you pull down your walls, help those too scared to try Don't let them tell you it's only a dream, for never to dream is to die. Don't close your eyes. - "For Your Eyes" - ARAGON


    Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 09:44:02 EDT From: "Craig Newmeyer" <> To: Subject: Convert?/More ACoS/Thanks...etc Message-ID: <>

    Hi all!

    I gotta tell ya... I've been listening to ACoS non-stop lately, and I thought my wife might start to get irritated with me, but... She told me that she thought that 'Perfect Strangers' and 'In the Flesh?' were pretty cool. Last night we were driving back from a pre-season hockey game (It's great to see Mario Lemieux back on the ice!), and I had my ACoS tape blasting in the car (Surprise, surprise). After the ending of ACoS, I hit the FFwd button. She said "What are you doing? Is that the end of the tape?" I said "It's the end of that side, why?" She said "I gotta hear 'Perfect Strangers' again!" Cool....

    Hey... the more I listen, the more I love it! Carpe Diem, Another World... Awesome! How about the freight train that roars in outta nowhere at the 18:36 mark! Awesome! Kicks ass! Love it! Sometimes I rewind it and listen to it again before moving on....

    I became a DT fanatic back when I&W was released. I was up very late working on Autocad, I had some drawings to get done... (Or was it Civilization:)) I had already heard PMU a couple of times... I thought it was pretty cool... But as I was sitting there working (Or was it destroying the Roman civilization ?)... 'Take the Time' came on the radio... It absolutely blew me away! I ran out the next morning to get the tape of I&W. I was hooked & a fanatic by the end of the day. I bought the CD by the end of the week! I played the tape while playing basketball with a couple of friends and they were both stunned! My friend Joe wouldn't let me go home with the tape... he had to borrow it. (Haven't seen it since as a matter of fact!).

    The more I think about the acknowledgment of the 'on-line Ytsejammers' in the liner notes and the review in GFTPM ("This was truly a release for their loyal legion of fans..."), we owe the guys a huge thank you!

    Mike, John, John, James, Derrick... If you guys happen to read this... You all rule! Thank you soo very much! And keep it coming!!!!

    Sorry 'bout the length...

    Later all!

    Craig .............................. "Adesso che ho perso la vista,. Ph: 313-337-5671 vedo meglio e di piu".... Fx: 313-323-8706


    Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 09:49:20 EDT From: "Craig Newmeyer" <> To: Subject: Trevor Rabin (NDTC) Message-ID: <>

    I'm back... Hey! To anyone out there trashing Trevor Rabin... watch it! I believe Tony Kaye was the keyboard player for the generation of Yes you guys are talking about... And... about Trevor's playing on the live version of Starship Trooper... get serious! Have you really heard it? I mean HEARD IT?! When I heard Trevor play 'iii - The Wurm' live, Whoah!!! Holy Shit!!! It was phenominal!!!! It gave me chills, it choked me up! He played with so much intensity and so much emotion... I was reeling after it! I still get chills hearing it! I've seen him play live about four times and every time... he blows me away! He is phenominal... plays with incredible intensity and emotion... So give him another listen and think about it!!!!

    Sorry 'bout that... But lay off Trevor!

    Craig .............................. "Adesso che ho perso la vista,. Ph: 313-337-5671 vedo meglio e di piu".... Fx: 313-323-8706


    Date: Thu, 21 Sep 95 09:49:43 -0400 From: david@pharlap.CI.COM (David B. Kuznick) To: Subject: Ahem Message-ID: <>

    > Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 18:36:45 +0200 (MESZ) > From: (Steffen Barabasch) > > Ever heard ACOS with headphones? That fading from left to right and back of > some samples and vocals drives me mad. A bit antique, isn't it? We aren't > in the seventies anymore! "Whoa, listen, that's in stereo!" Ok, it's not > that bad, but I had to tell you that.

    Boy, does this attitude drive me up a wall. The "This is so DATED" schtick. What the heck does that mean? Why not say that any time you hear anything that's similar to something you've heard before? Almost everytuing you hear is "dated". This particular thing is done for a reason, and I for one always appreciate groups that go out of their way to do interesting things in the stereo field. It's fine to not care for it, but to criticize something for being "dated"? I'm sorry, but I just don't get it.

    David Kuznick - (Work: Play: coming soon...) So storm through the barricades and raise your hands up high All of you pull down your walls, help those too scared to try Don't let them tell you it's only a dream, for never to dream is to die. Don't close your eyes. - "For Your Eyes" - ARAGON


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