YTSEJAM digest 990

Date: Thu Sep 28 1995 - 12:02:06 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 988"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 990

    Today's Topics:

      1) Re: YTSEJAM digest 986
     by YtseJammer <>
      2) stuff
     by (Trey Allen)
      3) Re: YTSEJAM digest 986
     by (Stewart Johnson)
      4) uhhh....hello....
      5) *** Thank You Letter to DT *** --Please READ!!!
     by mrkizer@CCGATE.HAC.COM
      6) James on the covers
     by Mad dog <>
      7) ytsejam973
      8) Vote! Make Petrucci #1!
     by (Edward Ju)
      9) No update for the moment, AD in, etc.
     by Michael Bahr <>
     10) Odds & Ends...
     by Jim Beavens <>
     11) I can't think of a title
     by Matthew Sirois <>
     12) Categorization of DT
     13) Massive disbelief
     by (Kevin Madden)
     14) My first post . . .WOW!
     15) some stuff
     by "L. Jason Hartman" <>
     16) YJ #988 (l-o-n-g)
     by Steve Borzilleri <>
     17) Re: YTSEJAM digest 988
     by Neil.D.Evans@Dartmouth.EDU (Neil D. Evans)
     18) Re: Thought Industry (and some Helstar!!!)
     by (Carlo D'Angelo )


    Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 13:54:12 -0400 (EDT)
    From: YtseJammer <>
    Cc: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 986
    Message-ID: <>

    Hi, i've been on this list for a few days now ... and since everyone's
    been talking about ACoS, i think i'll change the topic :) <dodges all
    flying projectiles and guitar parts> ... has anyone noticed that james
    likes to headbang like crazy during any song ... any part ... like in
    SURROUNDED on the "Live in Tokyo" tape ... whenever he's not singing,
    he's bouncing around the stage like a madman who's had one too many
    mountain dew's ... and sometimes his "growling" gets hella-annoying,
    esecially when he doesa it on the high notes ... sounds pretty bad
    actually. yikes! ..


    Date: Thu, 28 Sep 95 14:48:54 -0400
    From: (Trey Allen)
    Subject: stuff
    Message-ID: <>

    ==================MOVIE CRAP=====================

    >Holy crap dude, you got that right. That movie is easily the best movie
    >I've ever seen. I came out of the theater and my heart was beating
    >funny. So, people, if you have a choice between Showgirls and Seven, go
    >for Seven.. :) You won't regret it.

    i don't know man...I saw the movie Seven right before I saw Showgirls (one
    of those sneaky two for the price of one movies, if ya know what I mean) and
    I wasn't all that impressed by it. I generally like most movies but this
    one just had many things hta bothered me about it. Mainly the fact that
    film was shot with such little light. It seemed that the movie was dark all
    the time...even in the sunlight it was still dark.
    But Showgirls was pretty good. Its not an Oscar nomminee but I didn't suck.
    The scenery wasn't too bad either (:~) Check it out-its not near as bad as
    MTv said it was (not that I watch MTv but...)

    ========================DT STUFF===========================
    >I want to know everything about the new cd of Kevin Moore, I think that
    >at the guitar will be Mark (the guitar tech of John Petrucci) it's true ???
    >I tried to ask this to Mark at Rimini but he reply me : "...may be !!!".

    HELLO??? Did I blink to long and miss something????!??!!! Kevins got a new
    CD coming out???!!! -------HELP ME ON THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!-------

    >and if you want notice about DT ask me.

    IF you have any info on DT, don't wait for someone to ask you, just tell us all!

    "...Every day there's a constant reminder of all the pleasures we shared
    together. Love is not just a passing word, it's a state of heart that goes
    on forever..." (Mike Portnoy of Dream Theater)

    Trey Allen - -


    Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 13:35:46 -0500
    From: (Stewart Johnson)
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 986
    Message-ID: <v02120002ac909a351e62@[]>

    In reply to the question

    >I'm curious to know what other bands DT (or the ytsejam) is responsible
    >for getting you
    >guys into. For me, after hearing DT, I got into other prog bands (namely
    >Rush, ELP, Queensryche, Fates Warning, Magellan, Black Jester, etc.)

    I've been listening to Ryche since Midcrime , Fates since Parallels, and
    Rush for as long as I can remember. It was my interest in these bands that
    provoked me to buy IW by Dream Theater because I heard DT was sort of in
    the same vein. I was to say at the least pleasantly surprised.

    On a sidenote, does any one know how Chasing time is? I can't find it at
    my record store here and i know it's a sort of compilation with a couple of
    new tunes. Does it have Guardian (from ATG) on it?



    Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 14:11:55 -0400
    Subject: uhhh....hello....
    Message-ID: <199509281811.OAA18990@cybertron.MOTOWN.GE.COM>

    cybertron calling the YJ..cybertron calling the YJ..are you there? <over>

    It's been a while since I posted. Been away on vacation and
    then catching up on week's and week's worth of jams.

    Ryan Benedict noted that he was upset at all of the posts about
    ACOS all over the place. I have to say, I expected it to be this
    way. I joined the list around the time of Awake (but been a fan
    since I&W- just never knew about the list until trolling the Net
    one day...) When Awake came out, the posts were just like this. Full
    of posts about *the new album*. I kinda like it. It seemed like when
    there was not much to post about DT, there was a lot of flame wars going
    on (I was not immune to them either!) My review about the new ACOS is
    that it is awesome. I LIKE IT. I first heard the new version at the Old Bridge
    NJ show and I said, *Holy shit....* (Just ask Buck!) Enough said.
    And yes, Ryan, I remember the SloppyJoe69 post...

    In my last post, it sounded like I slammed Brian Cox. I just want
    to say that it was not meant to sound like he was a bad trader. It
    was that I hadn't heard from him and was wondering if he was still around.
    (pretty much like Al Balkewicz - not a bad guy, just disappeared for a
    big due to circumstances beyond his control.) BTW, Brian did contact
    me and we got the information straightened out. :D

    Brandon (China) asks what other bands did DT or the YJ get you into.
    Because of the YJ, I now like Marillion and Fates. I probably wouldn't
    have given them a listen for it not the YJ. Plus too, I would not have
    heard about the Old Bridge show.

    Scott Hanson wrote about his interpretation of ACOS. Hey, man, there
    is nothing wrong with writing about how you see something. People here
    are pretty receptive. There are two sure things to start a debate: talk
    about religion and/or politics. :)

    Steve Johnson wrote that the line with f*ck in it from ACOS reads as
    "I don't need your mercy, f*ck!" addressing it as if they were calling
    someone that. My interpretation is somewhat different. I read the line as
    "I don't need your mercy f*ck to get me through the day." taking "mercy
    f*ck" as an thing itself. You know. Described as someone getting it because
    someone else felt sorry for them. A consolation of sorts. Taking
    it in that context, I can see why Mike changed it from "mercy f*ck" to
    "sympathy". Mike changed the word because many here were uncomfortable
    with it but he didn't change the context in which it was meant. Makes
    sense to me.

    Mike Kizer wrote that you can email him with the YJ thank yous. Please
    do. "Send your thank yous to dear ol' Mikey Kizer, send today, send right
    away...." (Oooops sorry, got into a Captain Noah thing there. Those of you
    from the Philadelphia area may know what I'm talking about.... :D )

    Eric Steadle must have recovered from that flamethrower I sent him about
    Radio Free Ethernet. (Glad to see you're back.) Saga? Yup. They're really
    cool. Any Triumph fans out there? :D

    Steve Johnson wrote about not liking the vocals of DLPM on Subconcious.
    Hey, pal, I had a cold during the time of that audition. At least I got
    a chance to sing with them. Ha, ha, ha. Just kidding! With my vocals, I
    couldn't land a job as the new singer of Nirvana..... :D

    Someone posted about new releases.
    2 days until Acoustic Dreams!
    1 month and 9 days until the new AIC, which I hear is going to be self titled
            and not called Tripod as listed. Guess we'll have to wait and see...
    Hopefully soon my boots from Brian will be here! :D

    What a cool month.



    Date: Thu, 28 Sep 95 12:12:12 PST
    From: mrkizer@CCGATE.HAC.COM
    Subject: *** Thank You Letter to DT *** --Please READ!!!
    Message-ID: <9508288123.AA812316617@CCGATE.HAC.COM>

         * The letters are still rolling in, 52 so far... but out of the 970
         * or so people on the Jam? Come on we can do better... 8^)
         * BTW, I keep sending this message because I want to be sure that
         * everyone has a chance to send in a message...
         I will now begin accepting personal messages to be included in the
         thank you letter that we will send to DT for putting out ACOS (and for
         thanking us in the liner notes :).. So go ahead and type up your
         message to DT and send them to ME PERSONALLY (not the list), I will
         compile all of them into a booklet format, print them and send them to
         DT's management (more details as I get close to finishing it). Send
         your submissions to:
            put 'DTTYL' in the subject so I don't miss your email
            and include your name, city,state,country and email address...
            I would like to put a DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS, let's say
         Oct 13th... that gives everyone a couple of weeks to do it.
         Also, if someone has the DT logo or other artwork in a format that I
         can use (PC/Windows) please let me know... this should preferably be
         black and white line art type stuff or true type fonts...
         Any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. send 'em my way...
    | Michael Kizer -- Computer Sciences Corporation (Tucson, AZ) |
    | (preferred) -or- |
    | |
    | ^--> Check here for the Dream Theater Song Book... |
    | "Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose." -Rush (The Band!) |


    Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 13:53:28 -0700 (MST)
    From: Mad dog <>
    To: ytsejam <>
    Subject: James on the covers
    Message-ID: <>

    1) Of course the main topic is gonna be ACoS. Its new. You can only expect
    that eveybody and their brother's sister's dog will write on it. Its not
    like ACoS is the ONLY topic, its just the most prominent. As it should
    be. DT put out something new, and we react to it. I expected this.

    2) I have gotten into Marillion and to a lesser extent Fatez due to the 'jam

    3) I love Queen. Oh wait. Wrong mailing list.

    4) My subject. James on the covers. If I were to sugar-coat my
    description of his vocals, I would say that they are not the best I have
    heard for those songs. If i were to be overly blunt, I would say that
    they are rather awful, at least in places. In every case I would much
    rather hear the original vocalist on their songs... (not including PS,
    cause I havnt heard the Deep Purple version, but including _Tears_ and
    _Winter_ from _Sub_) If it were in my power, I would outlaw all future
    Zeppelin covers, as well as make it illegal to play any past and present

    5) Note that #4 is MHO, feel free to disagree, and discuss...

    6) I really think I'm gonna miss Trevor and Rick in Yes, though it is
    quite likely that they will still put out great music...

    7) Well I'm gettin people mad with other stuff, I'll add that I dont
    really like Echolyn...

    8) _The_Ivory_Gate_of_Dreams_ rules! The drums in VII._Aquiesence_
    absolutly blow me away. Fatez sounded rather boring untill I that caught
    me and I started listening more carefully...

    9) I got into DT via the video, Mark Tedhams, Brian Fieg, and other
    drummers raved about them, played their music, but it was the
    _Live_in_Tokyo_ that caught me...

           A "Mad dog shaven head bottle boy Freak" aka John Haveman
         Much of [John] Owen's prose reads like a roughly-dashed-off
         translation of a piece of thinking done in Ciceronian Latin
                       - J I Packer, "Saved by his Precious Blood"
               the intro to _The Death of Death in the Death of Christ_


    Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 17:13:54 -0400
    Subject: ytsejam973
    Message-ID: <>

    Hello Jammers!

    This is my first post to the list. I've been a subscriber for about one month
    now and have learned a lot about DT that I didn't know. I seriously doubt I
    would've known about ACoS without you all talking about it.

    The reson I'm writing is that in jam973, Scott Herber talked about DT
    becoming "big" and what might happen. I couldn't agree more!! I've seen a lot
    of band over the years that I was totally into when nobody else was, and when
    they hit it big, their music totally changed. Look what success has done to
    bands like Aerosmith, Motley Crue, Journey, Rush, and Queensryche just to
    name a few. I don't mean to put any of these bands down (I'm still a HUGE
    rush fan). But there's no denying that once they enjoyed commercial success,
    They totally changed theire style.I would hate to see that happen to DT.
    How I got into DT: I was watching the headbanger's ball and rikki was talking
    to James about I&W and they played the vid for Pull Me Under. My wife asked
    me what I thought of them (she hates metal) and I told her I loved it. I went
    out later that week and bought the cd and thought it was awesome. I think the
    way they combine metal with prog is awesome.

    I have a question: Does anyone know where I can get WDADU on vinyl? If so,
    could you please email me. I would be eternally grateful.

    Scott Cook

    "Could I interest you in a pair of Zircon encrusted Tweezers?"
    Frank Zappa


    Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 14:55:48 -0700
    From: (Edward Ju)
    Subject: Vote! Make Petrucci #1!
    Message-ID: <>

    To all Ytsejammers:

            The November issue of Guitar for the Practicing Musician is conducting
    its annual readers poll again. This time we can mail in our ballots via e-mail
    so let's get moving and make Petrucci #1!


    - Best Rock Guitarist of 1995: has to be someone who either recorded or toured
      during 1995. Reissues by dead people don't count. JP qualifies for this one!

    - Best Guitar-oriented Band of 1995: any band that uses guitar as its primary
      instrument over the past year qualifies (DT!)

    - Best All-Time Favorite: you can vote for any guitarist, living or dead, that
      you think is the all-time best regardless of his or her being active in
      recording or touring at all this year. JP STILL qualifies for this one!

    - Best New Guitarist: I think JP won the spot last year... so maybe he doesn't
      qualify anymore. D'oh!

    - Most Overlooked Guitarist: "write down the guitarist who deserves more credit
      than he/she gets" - hmm. I think JP deserves more credit than he gets!! :)

    - Favorite Guitar Style Other than Rock: "styles such as blues, classical,
      country, fusion, jazz, and even rock-fringe styles such as grindcore..."
      How about prog-rock and prog-metal?

    - Best Non-Rock Guitarist: I guess no JP this time? :(

    - Your Prediction for Best Guitarist NEXT Year (1996): JP!!! JP!!! JP!!!

    - Model of the Guitar that YOU Play: make up one if you don't have a guitar. :)

            Please send your ballot to The deadline is
    November 1, 1995.



    Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 14:49:50 -0700 (MST)
    From: Michael Bahr <>
    Subject: No update for the moment, AD in, etc.
    Message-ID: <>

            I'm beginning to believe I'm hexed. Really hexed. Somewhere along
    the line, I've offended some sort of sorcerer. Things just can't get any

            Arizona is an arid land, in fact the river that runs through
    Phoenix, the Salt River, is perpetually dry and empty, a phenomenon that
    surprises and confuses visitors. There are about twenty days of rain a
    year, and when it does come, it comes with a fury like no other. I had an
    easy time of it at West Point, New York back in the summer of 1991... a
    little drizzle every single day is good for the air and plants. But here
    in Arizona, when it finally rains, it's a full-blown lightning downpour,
    with high winds blowing over mobile homes and power lines, high rains
    eating away at buildings and fixtures, lightning bolts blowing the shit
    out of things all over, and all that is usually preceded by a dust storm
    that blinds drivers and causes numerous accidents.

            So it was last evening. In the thunder and lightning, which I
    actually like because it's usually so damn hot and dry here, I was out
    enjoying myself with a few friends when I came back to my truck and found
    the back two tires flat!! I still to this moment have no idea how. It was
    quite unpleasant waiting in the rain for a tow truck, then paying him
    $130 for his trouble, and then paying $200 for replacement tires. Twas
    OK, I figured... these things happen sometimes.

            I get home, the thunder around me roaring to new levels. The
    computer is smoking. Odd, I say. Waitaminnit! Smoking! ARRRRGH! My
    computer was struck stone dead by the storm. The casualties: a Maxtor
    1.25 gig hard drive, my 486-66 chip, the power supply, and, of course, my
    USRobotics 28.8 dual standard modem. I'm calling in off a loaner right
    now, hoping to God my computer can be fixed, as all my CD efforts dangle
    precariously on my link to the internet.

            On top of this, I wake up this morning and the printing plant
    calls to tell me Acoustic Dreams won't be in until Monday morning, since
    UPS dosen't get off their asses on Saturdays.

            Nope, it's not been a good few days, folks. I'm hexed. :) Until I
    get my computer back from repairs (which should be in a few days)I won't
    have an AD update for you, but I wanted to let you all know that around
    60 orders have been received and processed, so if you sent an order any
    time recently, chances are you're all set. :)

            More on this as AD nears!

    Mike Bahr,


    Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 14:49:26 -0700
    From: Jim Beavens <>
    Subject: Odds & Ends...
    Message-ID: <>

    Some more miscellaneous ramblings:

    * Ok, so the beginning of ACOS kind of sounds like Erotomania. But has
      anyone noticed how similar "The Darkest Winters" is to the song Ytsejam?
      I was listening to it the other day on my new _Live in Tokyo_ video (if
      anyone doesn't have this yet, GET IT! I can't believe I waited this long
      to get it), and the section after the drum solo instantly reminded me
      of ACOS. On WDADU, it's in parts between the 4:00-5:00 mark of Ytsejam.

    * I did something I probably shouldn't have done. I listened to the
      Subconscious version of ACOS while reading the liner notes from the
      new version. This was the first time I really sat down and paid
      attention to the song on that disc, and it really blew me away. I like
      the new lyric changes (although a lot of it is identical), but the musical
      passages from Subconscious just have so much more effect on me. "The
      Inevitable Summer", in particular, is just so powerful on Subconscious.
      The new version has some really cool riffs, and a great solo by Derek, but
      it just doesn't give me goosebumps like Subconscious does. I agree with
      whoever it was that said the new version sounds a bit more conservative,
      for lack of a better word. Maybe a studio does that to you.

    * I miss Kevin! Yes, Dream Theater has a great new keyboardist. Yes, it's
      going to be good listening to some of the new ideas he brings to the band.
      And yes, Dream Theater is still going to kick ass. But it just won't be
      the same. Ever. I think I'm beginning to know how Van Halen fans felt
      during the big DLR ballyhoo. Being a youngin' at the time, and not really
      getting into them until 5150, I was among those heaping the praise of the
      new Van Halen, and wondering how anybody could want Dave back when they've
      got a more talented singer, that plays guitar to boot. Well, of course the
      answer is that it doesn't matter how much better it is; it's just not the
      _same_ (disclaimer: My Van Halen fandom was a high school thing, which
      has slowly eroded throughout college, and almost completely disintigrated
      with their new album, when I finally realized that they've been writing the
      exact same songs for the last 10 years. I guess I didn't really have a
      problem with that, but Dream Theater, among others, have really upped my
      expectation levels).

      Now before everyone responds to this with "Get over it...Kevin's gone,"
      let me just say that I am over it. I've stuffed this negative feeling
      far back in the depths of my mind, and I will always enjoy DT's music
      for many years to come. But you can understand if every once in a while
      I think back to Images & Words and remember with fondness the most
      beautiful mixture of musical styles ever put on a rock album. To me,
      there's something intangible missing from Awake, and I think it's because
      Kevin wasn't 100% in the game. If Derek can bring that intangible quality
      back, then there shall be some rejoicing. Until then, that little corner
      of my mind will pester me now and then (not that anyone really cares

    * You know Derek's first solo on ACOS? Where he suddenly jumps way out in
      front in the mix with a jazzy solo that lasts for like 5 seconds? I
      initially found this kind of annoying, but I noticed that Kevin's solo
      there in the Sub version isn't really that great either. I just don't
      think it's a very good place for a solo. Now when I listen to it, I get
      the impression that Derek purposefully went over the top because there
      wasn't much else he could do.

    * Thanks to everybody who recommended the movie "Braveheart". I wasn't
      planning on seeing it until I heard the glowing recommendations on here.
      So I talked my fiance into seeing it with me last weekend, and we were
      both amazed. Wow, what a movie. I'll have to go see "Seven" now. 8^)

    * To whoever was complaining about all the talk about ACOS, and how this
      list is getting boring: chill out! It's only been a week, and already
      the talk is starting to die down (although I guess I'm not helping... =).
      You have to expect this with a new release; I think part of the problem
      is that we only have one song to dissect, instead of a dozen, like on
      Awake. Nobody complains when different people are interpreting different
      songs; but when everybody comments on one song then it gets monotonous (sp?).
      I wouldn't worry about it.

    Enough for now. And I'm NOT sorry for the length (oooh, I'm such a rebel :-).



    Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 20:34:21 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Matthew Sirois <>
    Subject: I can't think of a title
    Message-ID: <>

            In response to that guy who doesn't like all the ACoS reviews: hey
    if you fellow jammers want to send me 80 pages a day of reviews, debate of
    the length of Portnoy's hair or the color of the new CD, GO FOR IT! I
    subscribed to this list to read endless DT ramblings, damn it. Nothing is
    too petty. Where else can I talk about DT anyway?
            Other stuff:
            Fates Warning's "Ivory Gate of Dreams" appeared on the album called
    No Exit.
            Does anyone know what's going on w/the lyrics to Lie where it goes
    "I won't, I swear I won't (Did) I'll try, I swear I'll try (Lie)"? What's
    going on with the "Did" and "Lie?" First time I heard the song I was
    reading ahead in the lyrics, and was dissappointed when those words weren't
            Another thing: I've seen several people mention a two disc bootleg
    called "Dance of Eternity." I have a bootleg by the same title, but it's
    only one disc! What's going on? The label says it was recorded in Buffalo
    at the Impax club on May 18, 93. Is this the same show as the other DoE?
    What the hell? There's no ACoS on my DoE, damn it!


    Long live the Revolution!


    Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 20:21:33 -0400
    Subject: Categorization of DT
    Message-ID: <>

    The following appeared in Ytsejam #964:
    > Firstly. I think the debate over whether DT is prog or metal is moot.
    are very metalish, but let's not forget that there aren't many metal bands
    that can do what DT does. So, maybe the appropriate title for DT is
    progressive metal.<

    On a related note... Besides all my 'net stuff, I also enjoy BBS related
    things like FidoNet (hello to fellow Fido reader/'jammer Lars!). One of the
    conferences/echoes (translation: newsgroup - for you 'net only types <g>) is
    a prog echo. Recently, someone posted some message about whether the echo
    included discussion about metal bands. The moderator stated that it's not
    for straight metal, but it does include progressive metal bands, like Dream
    Theater (his example!) I was pleased to see one of my fave bands as an
    example of prog metal. :) Also, the moderator is involved with that big prog
    online thing "Gibralter."

    Other miscellaneous notes...

    For the guy in Germany who is curious about ages: I just turned 24 recently,
    and my hubby, an unofficial 'jammer, is 26.

    I've already sent a private message to the person requesting "my DT firsts"
    because we've been this thread at least once before, so all you old timers
    know my story. :) For everyone else, I'll be brief and say that I was
    introduced to DT on my very first date with the guy who would become my
    husband. :) (Oh, and that was also the night that I found out how he likes
    to drive and drum at the same time. <g>)

    Jen <---will eventually get around to writing about *the* Dream Theater
    expedition one of these days <g>

    "Could we see clearer in a virtual reality?" - Magellan
    "I am the beat of your pulse/the computer word made flesh" - Queensryche


    Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 20:58:09 -0400 From: (Kevin Madden) To: Subject: Massive disbelief Message-ID: <9509290058.AA14082@>

    Steve Z. said: >Anyway, that's it for now. I'm gonna go to my girlfriend's house later and >get me a "massive fuck!" :) Does she know you refer to it like that? If my wife ever heard (or read) me

    say something like that, I would be getting a whole lot of nothing! On the DT front, all I can say is that I bought the cd, I think it was cool

    of them to price it nice and low, but I am pretty much uninspired by the disc as a whole, especially the covers. To each, his own (in this case...opinion.) -- Kevin ( GO PACKERS...GO WINGS....


    Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 20:46:19 EST From: To: Subject: My first post . . .WOW! Message-ID: <>

    Hello jammers!

    This is my first post and I hope it gets through okay. I'd like to respond to a few different threads that have been going around. First off, I think James improvises rather well. I'm not saying he's the best, but some people just can't improvise at all. Specifically, on the Zep tunes I think he was trying to keep Robert Plant's style. Plant always sounds sort of haphazard to me. Second, people shouldn't complain so much about the new ACoS for two reasons. For one thing, this isn't our band. Though we're all huge fans, DT is still in control and they can do whatever they want to their material. Hopefully they had a good reason for changing the song the way they did. Also, we're lucky that DT is so responsive to what we want. Many bands could care less what their fans want. Third, does anyone know about official DT music books, ie, scores, guitar or bass transcriptions, etc. I know about the few transcriptions in the various guitar mags, but I was hoping for something more complete like a score or an entire song book. I suppose this is long enough for my first post. Thanks for listening.

    Sean Haider bassist, INTROSPECTION


    Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 22:12:44 -0400 (EDT) From: "L. Jason Hartman" <> To: Subject: some stuff Message-ID: <>

    Someone in the last jam was talking about my comments on the buzzing snares on the snare drum. I think they miss understood. The sound I'm talking about is the little rattling noise that you hear when there is a big drum fill on the toms. The freq/volume of the tone coming from the toms makes the snares vibrate on the bottom head of the snare drum. You don't hear it when he is playing the snare itself.

    If anyone has any WDADU posters, I'd LOVE to get one! I could shower you with boots or cash or something. I have a space reserved on my wall for it, right along side my Images and Words and Awake posters. :)

    Let us know if there is some way to get one of those JOhn P Ibanez posters. That would be cool!

    Ivory Gate of Dreams : I think this is a cool song but it shouldn't get so much praise as being "a long song" cause it has alot of parts that just fade out and then the next part fades in, like seperate songs. Although the changes in ACOS aren't as smooth as ice, at least it is one continuous song.

    Brian Cox - please write me if you see this. Whats up with our trade?

    Mike Bahr - any word on that tape tree for the video tape with the Ronnie Scotts stuff?

    -- ************************************************************************** * Jason Hartman "I am the Killing Hand!" * * * * You're fighting the weight of the world, * * and no one can save you this time. * * Close your eyes - you can find all you need in your mind. * * * * "Take the Time" - Dream Theater * **************************************************************************


    Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 19:12:52 -0700 (PDT) From: Steve Borzilleri <> To: Dream Thespians <> Subject: YJ #988 (l-o-n-g) Message-ID: <>

    General Responses time!! But don't worry, I'll post something original soon. I still have that ACOS review I wrote this past Sunday night when I got the cd. And since I've gotten out of my contract with Airdance Management, I can post it here without donating any blood!

    To Steve Z.: "One normally must DO something to receive such an honor." HAA!!! I'm glad I'm not the only sarcastic person on this list.

    Speaking of that little "awards" article from Burn magazine, how the hell did Chris Impellitteri get third place in ANYTHING?! Were they holding a speed contest or something? It might as well have been, considering who took first... Seriously, that's like calling Goran Ivanisevic (#7) the Best Tennis Player In The World because he can serve the ball 138 mph! It takes more than blazing speed to be a "competent" guitarist in my opinion. Don Petrucci might not be as fast (ie raw speed and picking strength) as Don Impellitteri, but he's more of a musician than Imp could ever be. (come on, think hard, it's like calling Satriani "Satch")

    Speaking of Don Petrucci, thank you, thank you, I try to keep this list lighthearted and entertaining, seeing as how so many serious people present their unchallengeable opinions so often. And it's always nice to come back after a three-month break and get high-fives for your first tangent.

    Speaking of serious people...

    To Ryan: I haven't even been here as long as you have, and yes, sometimes YJ can get very redundant and boring. I remember earlier this year, at one point it got so bad, I found myself actually arguing with people with a fiery passion. I think the main topic was copywrights, among other things, and Pat Daugherty was slamming me, and Airdance was slamming me, war, attack, blood, blood, blood, pass me some flames I'm hungry etc. I soon realized that I was doing the exact same thing that I first thought was stupid, partaking in the sort of behaviour that made me start posting in the first place.

    The whole reason I started posting was that I thought this list was too serious and focused on "sticking to Dream Theater," so I started writing things slightly off-topic to spice things here and there. It worked, and it was fun, but not even the mighty Bafu Vai could remain in that state for a mere three months before turning to the Dark Side and getting involved in a disastrous argument that really got us nowhere.

    My point being: I thought YJ was lacking in liveliness, so I did my best to add some. I still do. And don't look now, but I've actually gotten a few "welcome back"s since my return. If you feel there are no good topics floating around, start some. Or unsubscribe.

    To Howard Wiener: I believe Ed Polzin had a really good Majesty Symbol, but I've been away for a while so he might not even be around. There's always the FAQ, which you may ask someone with more power than myself about. Oh, and your translation was dead-on. But what the heck is that thing at the end of your post?

    To Zack Gemmill: (clap clap clap) Not a mere flickering candle, but a flame straight from a dragon's throat! Masterfully executed! Well done! May I call you "Smoug?"

    To (again) Steve Z: So you're the Steve who suggested Pat Benetar as a female counterpart to James LaBrie? Well I'm the Steve who suggested Ann Wilson, and I say this thread isn't big enough for the both of us...

    To Dan R. Licon: Excuse me, but did you say, "BOY WAS I WRONG!!!!" ??? I've never seen you post before, but I've also never seen anyone post those words before, either. You have expressed in one sentence in your first post what many don't (can't) after weeks and weeks of shouting. Come on, everyone, all you arguing Dream Theater fanatics, you know you should have said it when you flamed that person, you know you shouldn't have yelled at that fellow Dream Thespian like that, so say it with me now:

    "BOY WAS I WRONG!!!!"

    Can I get a witness?

    Bafu Vai


    Date: 28 Sep 95 22:25:49 EDT From: Neil.D.Evans@Dartmouth.EDU (Neil D. Evans) To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 988 Message-ID: <19604373@dancer.Dartmouth.EDU>

    For those of you (Partha Mukhopadhyay <>) who are looking to hear the original version of the Dixie Dregs' "Cruise Control", there is a studio version on the "Best of the Dregs, Divided We Stand" disc and a live version on the "Bring 'Em Back Alive" disc. To anyone who hasn't heard the dregs and who appreciates quality musicianship, songwriting, and amazing chops, I recommend them highly. After all, Steve Morse is one of Petrucci's primary influences. There is a classic Morse lick in the solo for UAGM, for example. The fast, neck pickup chromatic lick. Oh, and Morse is coming to Dartmouth!!! Yes! enough rambling...



    Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 19:28:39 -0700 From: (Carlo D'Angelo ) To: Subject: Re: Thought Industry (and some Helstar!!!) Message-ID: <>

    You wrote:

    > >some last jam asked if anyone out here listens to thought industry. i do, >and i must say that thought industry is *the shit*... > >thought industry is to me the most interesting metal band to come around in >a long time. they do as much for me as echolyn. in fact, my two favorite >cd's to listen to right now are echolyn's "suffocating the bloom" and >thought industry's "mod's carve the pig".

    Thought Industry is defintely "THE SHIT"..some of the most innovative music I've heard in a while. If their sound isnt original....I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS???? I must say they are definitely an acquired taste, but DAMN are they worth it...theyre sort of crazy like Watchtower but have more sense of "flow" (for lack of a better word!!) To sum it up..they RULE!!

    > >thought industry is from kalamazoo, MI, and blend prog-metal, industrial, >thrash, acoustic, jazz, all kinds of styles together to create a unique >style of their own that is just amazing. > >they have 2 albums out already (that i know of) plus one about to be >released: > >songs for insects >mods carve the pigs: toad's, assassins, and god's flesh >outer space is just a martini away

    I think they also have an EP or maxi-single available through Metal Blade mail-order called "Gelatin"....I never had the chance to pick it up though :-(

    > >mods carve is the only one i have, songs for insects is out of print. >i have heard it though and it is amazing. i saw them in houston (and >DAT taped them of course) and they played some songs from the forthcoming >outer space album, and they were amazing too. > >if you can find one of their albums, snag the sucker. songs for insects >is as hard to find as suffocating the bloom or helstar's nosferatu...

    I actually like "Songs for Insects" better than "Mods" just seems nothing on it can compare to "Chalice Vermillion"!!!!! (Leanna Nechlon.... :-) Cant wait to hear some new stuff from them!

    However, I didnt know that "Songs" wasnt in print anymore. I actually got it right when it came out through......*gasp* Columbia House of all places. Totally was not into it at first (forgive me..I was somewhat into a *dare I say*...alternative phase at that point; I have long since sold those "beauties" to my local CD junkyard) Anyhow, I was looking through my collection a year later and forgot all about so I decided to give it a listen...SHIT, I could have kicked myself for letting the dust settle on this disc for so long!!!! I am pretty sure its available through Metal Blade, as is Helstar's "Nosferatu" and "A Distant Thunder" (thats how I got em).....I got the new one :-(, but cannot for the life of me track down the first two AARRGGHHHH!!!! I need more Corbin; You have no idea how much I am anticipating the next Fates Warning....*hehe, maybe Jim will let him open up with "Perseverence and Desperation"..just maybe :-) BTW, what the hell happened to Larry Barragan?? I saw Corbin in Guitar World with Jeff Loomis (from Nevermore <--- awesome band, saw em live on Long Island....AMAZING!!), but no mention of Barragan?? I still havent picked up Echolyn, but am planning to after seeing them open for DT at Lido Beach (Yes, the infamous show which Derek totally restarted LTL after a fuck up....the whole crowd made a noise like they had all been hit in the balls)!!

    Anyhow, thats enough for my first post

    Cheers (UP THE IRONS!!!!), Carlo


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 990 *************************

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