YTSEJAM digest 2114

Date: Sun Dec 15 1996 - 18:57:57 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 2113"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2114

    Today's Topics:

      1) the gathering
     by RipZero <>
      2) earpluggs on Ivanhoe..?
     by (Lars Nilsson)
      3) Tonights Rush Concert
     by Jeff Forte <>
      4) I just thought of something
     by (Jeffrey Falk)
      5) a bit late on this thread, but what the fuck....
     by "'THE HAND...' R. Ananda" <>
      6) What
     by Jeremy Kube <>
      7) a show: trip review
     by saveur <>
      8) Re: as for the kes vs. guit controversy
     by Andrew Keegan <>
      9) Re: YTSEJAM digest 2113
     by "Fred Block" <>
     10) bitces in hell/frustration
     by Taco Belhai <>
     11) earplugs...
     by Tyler Stephan Kushera <>
     12) The Moodies revisited
     by Jennifer <>
     13) Background vocals
     by "Damon M. Fibraio" <>
     14) Re: BH
     by "Damon M. Fibraio" <>
     15) Jap PPV vid, potty mouth DT?, and Damon
     by "LRW" <>
     16) Re: as for the kes vs. guit controversy
     by "Damon M. Fibraio" <>
     17) Re: YTSEEar plugs and Blindness
     by "Damon M. Fibraio" <>


    Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 15:23:21 -0600
    From: RipZero <>
    To: Heavy Metal Computer Nerds <>
    Subject: the gathering
    Message-ID: <>

    someone asked about these guys a little ago.. i was just being played some
    of their music by one of the jammers on irc (thanks rudy!:) and i must say
    it KICKS ASS. i'm definately on the lookout for these guys now too.. if you
    see them, give em a listen. :)


    Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 22:36:58 +0100
    From: (Lars Nilsson)
    Subject: earpluggs on Ivanhoe..?
    Message-ID: <v01540b00aeda1ccf763f@[]>

    Hi, all ya out there. Here just some comment's:

    Ivanhoe. Great band! My friends had never heard of them, too bad, but I got
    them all diggin'. Just a warning: The guitarwork on their earlier work is
    not really as cool as you might want it to be. Otherwise... Great.

    Earpluggs. Great things to wear. My left ear got problems since playing
    bigband to much, and my right is on it's way. Tinitus is nothing to play
    around with.

    Bye, said Larsan (

    Ps. Anybody heard T-Ride? If you haven't there is something you should do.
    Their record is something special... It blew my brain out completly!


    Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 16:35:05 -0500
    From: Jeff Forte <>
    Subject: Tonights Rush Concert
    Message-ID: <>

    Hey everyone;

            I just got back from the Rush show at Nassau Coluseium (sp?), and I though
    I would fill you in on it. Generally speaking, it was okay, not great,
    just okay. Musically, they were dead on. They played some great stuff,
    Subdivisions, Roll the Bones, Test for Echo and a few others were really
    awesome, the rest like Force Ten, Leave that Thing Alone, Half the World
    were also good. 2112 was INSANE, the song comes off so much better live
    then it does on the album, as was Natural Science.
            My major complaint about the show was that the band didnt seem to have
    much energy about them. Geddy was great, running around jumping and he
    seemed to be having a good time. Alex was okay, he did his thing. The
    most disappointing member believe it or no was Peart. One of two thing
    coulds be happening, either he had one to many to drink the night before
    and was paying for it tonight, or he is just tired of performing in
    general. He looked like he had about 5000 other places he would rather be
    than be on that stage. He looked so exausted and un-interested in
    performing. Dont get me wrong, his actual playing was great, but the vibes
    he gives off on stage are not that good. The only time I saw him smile or
    show any type of emotion was during "The Spirit of Radio", when he actually
    smiled. Pearts drum solo was really good, and made me realize how much
    Portnoy borrows from Peart when it comes to soloing.
            The lasers were cool, I only wished that they used them more often during
    the show. The other thing I can say is that with earplugs, the volume was
    perfect, without them the volume was way too loud. I always wear earplugs
    to the shows I attend and I find that it cuts down on that distortion that
    is heard when a show is too loud.
            Anyway, on the whole the show was cool, but just not as landmark as I
    thought it was going to be. Take care everyone....see you on IRC

    Jeff Forte


    Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 16:48:39 -0500
    From: (Jeffrey Falk)
    Subject: I just thought of something
    Message-ID: <v01540b01aeda21563969@[]>

            I remember reading in interviews (or at least on this mailing list)
    that the new songs sounded more "radio-friendly" or "happier," like _Images
    and Words_. They certainly didn't sound like that in Providence (which is
    one of the reasons I was a little disappointed). Did they decide not to
    play the lighter songs, or did they rewrite them?

    Jeff Falk
    Box 3208
    700 Commonwealth Avenue
    Boston, Massachusetts 02215
    (617) 352-8639

    "Whatever their future, at the dawn of their lives, men seek a noble vision
    of man's nature and of life's potential. . . . It does not matter that only
    a few in each generation will grasp and achieve the full reality of man's
    proper stature-and that the rest will betray it. It is those few that move
    the world and give life its meaning."
            Ayn Rand, "Introduction," _The Fountainhead_


    Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 14:12:44 -0800 (PST)
    From: "'THE HAND...' R. Ananda" <>
    To: Fucknuts <>
    Subject: a bit late on this thread, but what the fuck....
    Message-ID: <>

    Behind on jams!!! And I missed 2112!!!

    Um...Being kind of a jazz nut m'self, I thought I'd post about the best
    jazz CD I've bought in the last five years....

    Dave Holland Quartet: Extensions -- This is probably the best jazz
    CD I own (including Coltrane, Monk, etc). This beast is an odd
    time nightmare: thirteens, nines, and sevens all over the place:
    the jazz equivalent of Dream Theater. Dave Holland played bass for Miles
    Davis, for those who're wondering who the hell the guy is. And for
    all fellow drummers out there, check out Marvin "Smitty" Smith's playing
    on this. He's got the crisp roll of Cobham, the ride attack of Elvin
    Jones, and the precision of Dave Weckl (but with feeling!!! sorry dave
    fans). Guitar is by Kevin Eubanks and I can't, for the life of me
    remember the sax players name. I really like this disc because it has a
    real contemporary sound to it, but you can sense the "jazz roots" there,
    know what I mean?

    Give it a listen. And if you do and you play guitar, could you please
    e-mail me your thoughts? I'd like to compare them to what my
    guitarist said...

    My guitarst. HA!

    Rahul Ananda : or
    The universe divided as the Heart and Mind collided : At
    paranoia's poison door : The pen won't stay the Demon's wings :
    The Weaver and the Web that he made : The youngest of the
    family is moving with authority : Willing to risk salvation
    to escape from isolation : You've drowned in your soul's
    emptiness : Bus stop rat bag haha charade you are : Knights
    of the Green Shield stamp and shout : Searching for the
    answers but there's D A M A G E


    Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 17:25:46 -0500 (EST)
    From: Jeremy Kube <>
    Subject: What
    Message-ID: <>



    Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 17:25:46 -0500
    From: saveur <>
    Subject: a show: trip review
    Message-ID: <>

    welp, Birch Hell part deux fully lived up to the reputation that we
    attendees of last year's sweat-fest had given it. it was hot, i was
    squished, a small mosh pit formed, ppl wore a stunned look on their faces,
    someone fainted...and this was just the pre-show gathering ;)

    actually, kudos to Heather for getting all 213435 of us into one section.
    the folx of TGIFriday's were nice, friendly and spoke w/ those funny NJ

    so my lil Dodge Shadow (VA plates BAZZIST for those of you who saw em)
    packed w/ 4 of the 5 ppl who had planned to go (damn drummers, eh rob?)
    left the sprawling, greater metropolis known as Manassas, VA at 2.45pm.
    after listening to, in order: WDADU, I&W, Awake, bit of Type O Negative,
    and most of ACOS w/ a touch of Tori thrown in somewhere, we arrive at
    TGIF's right at 6.30pm (had it not been raining, we'd have made even better

    we march into the restaurant, i immediately spot Heather (how can you not
    w/ that hair? jk, son :) and am told we dont have a table, yet. so as the
    rest of my party sits at the bar and orders food, i meet and greet w/ many,
    many fine Jammers, too numerous to list all of yous (though i'm sure
    *someone* will post all the names). after mingling for an hour or so and a
    beer, we're finally seated and the ever-so-capable TGIF's crew takes our
    orders. i don't think anyone's order was screwed up and everyone got the
    drink they was amazing. we ate, drank, and made merry while
    George ran around snapping pictures. Jammers and former Jammers continued
    to arrive (i guess there was some confusion about *which* TGIF's the meet
    was at).

    at some point Skadz looks at his watch, decides we should get going, and
    our fearless leader collected our money for this HUGEMONGOUS bill (it was
    quite large ;) by threatening to unsubscribe anyone who didn't pay.
    actually, he used that threat a couple times.

    anyway, w/ the bill paid, everyone gathered outside for a massive group
    orgy, i mean, group photo. that taken we filed to our cars. a few of us
    road travelers received lovely parting gifts, er, bags filled w/ food for
    the trip home, from Heather. thanx a MILLION, babe. that bag was muchly
    needed :)

    so we arrived at the matchbox sized club, stood in line for 20 mins or so
    (beats the HOUR plus from last year), sold my spare ticket to some guy
    waiting in the ticket line. i'm such a nice guy, i didn't even make money
    on it. so we piled in, bought shirts, congregated at the top of the stairs
    then as the main pack worked their way towards the soundboard, my brother
    and i opted for the floor. i got about halfway to the stage and figured
    there was no point in pushing further to see Einstein.

    boy was i wrong. and i picked the wrong side, too. should have gone over to
    the keyboardist's side to get a better, uh, look at her keyboards. yeah :)
    overall, i wasn't too impressed w/ Einstein. they were like a slightly more
    prog Soundgarden. and they need a real bassist, damnit. keep the keys tho
    :) they played their set and seemed to be having fun. they finished and i
    worked my way a couple more ppl closer to the front.

    unlike last year, DT didn't make us wait forever. they only played a couple
    songs during the wait, a bootleg version of Fates Warning's Monument,
    Rooster (of course) and that was about it. the lights went dark, the crowd
    leaned forward, the intro music played (who here misses the Simpsons theme?
    i do). DT hit the stage and again the crowd surged forward, except this
    year the club owners had a big metal barricade to protect the stage. some
    really ignorant fucks started moshing and i took it upon myself to step
    into the middle to stop it. amazingly they did...until they started into
    the Mirror. but by then i had been forced too far forward to do anything
    about it except get squished.

    the setlist was the same as all the previous shows, though they did a tease
    of One/Damage, Inc. at the end of Metropolis. was awesome seeing the
    Ytsejam and AH/KH. it seemed the ppl right near the front by Derek and JM
    were i ended up knew the older stuff, including the "PLEASE DON'T GO!".
    twas kool.

    The Boys looked like they were having a grand time; laughing, joking
    around, JP had cheeze, crackers and wine on his amp and offered some to
    James and Mike. of course Mike took a piece of something, bit into it and
    then threw it out into the crowd. AND PPL DOVE FOR IT! A PIECE OF FOOKIN
    CHEEZE! James was in the best mood i've ever seen him in, pointed out JP's
    GI Joe shirt, making fun of the little spotlite that magically came on when
    he started talking, and squirting/spiting water at Mike. and he only left
    the stage a few times. unlike previous shows, he stuck around for most of
    the instrumental parts, playing a tamborine. kool.

    sound: was it loud? i really couldnt tell. i had my earplugs in and being
    so close to the stage, missed the main brunt of it. but what i heard, the
    mix was good. everyone was clear, lots of nifty subs etc.

    hmmm, let's see. wut else? oh yeah. fans of JM's boots take note: BIG
    clod-hoppers this year...i wish i was a rock star so i could wear leather
    pants...JM's new basses are sweet. i din't really dig the colour of that
    blue/black translucent one but they sounded excellent.

    ok, i'm sure i've left out another 3 or 4 posts worth of stuff but i've
    gone on long enuf as is. once again, a HUGE THANX! to Heather for the
    pre-show activities and the lifesaving food for the trip home. sorry i
    couldn't stick around and try and get backstage passes from the running
    Skadz. maybe next time :)

    john saveur

    j . c h r i s t i a n s a v e u r @ c a i s . c o m
    s h t t p : / / w w w . c a i s . n e t / j j e n s /


    Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 17:44:40 -0500 (EST)
    From: Andrew Keegan <>
    Cc: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re: as for the kes vs. guit controversy
    Message-ID: <>

    On Sun, 15 Dec 1996 wrote:

    > the guitar is phallic. the keys are not. girls who go see bands like guys who
    > play with phallic things because they are wholly convinced that's how they
    > play with their true phalli. males, ever-wise marketers of the good of the
    > world, realize this, and thus push all other instruments out of the way.
    > but what about drums? what's so phallic about drums, and they get all the
    > attention, too. well, some girls get so enthralled by guys beating on
    > things, well....the rest is history.

    I was sorta thinking something like this at the Birch Hill show last
    night. One problem with keyboard players is that you can't easily see
    their fingers going wild all over their instrument.

    I hear Derek wailing on Line in the Sand, but I can't see what the fuck
    he's doing. Mike, John, and John get to show everything. It looks so cool
    to just watch them. All we get to see with Derek is his snarl, and that
    gets a bit tired after a while. Derek needs to get one of those Keytar
    things and show his stuff.

    > "energy, intensity, eclecticism" - robert fripp

      "lions and tigers and bears" - dorothy



    Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 18:00:57 -0500
    From: "Fred Block" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2113
    Message-ID: <>

    > Anyone at the shows happen to see what kind of kit Mike Portnoy is using?

    > Is he back with Mapex? Tama? Maxwell House?
    > Bafu Vai

    Hey Bafu! Missed ya at the show last night!! Wasup?

    Sure did. At least I saw the heads. :) TAMA all the way baby.
    of them almost hit me in the head after the show. Heh! Awsome set!

    Anyways....I want to say a BIG hello to all of you for I am back. I had
    unsubscribed from the list a while back but had to come back I
    am. I was at the show at Birch Hill with a few friends. Let me tell
    was AWESOME! Totally blew away last years show and the new shit is

    What is this I hear about waiting till SUMMER to get the new album?? :(

    That sucks.

    Anyways....I was real glad to meet all of you at TGIF (of course I went to
    the wrong one first. :) It was a blast to talk with all of you but I suck
    at names.

    Skadz: Get in touch and we will work out mirroring the IRC server without
    me getting kicked and banned from the IRC channel. :) Long story. Cool to
    see ya again.

    Augie: Nice to meet ya although....if that was you that cut EVERYONE off at
    the Rt. 9 jug after the show....ya almost hit me ya nut!! :) Do you drive a
    gray celica? Heh!

    To everyone that sat at OUR little end of the table...took long enough for
    us to get a fucking coke eh? Nice to meet all of ya.

    To the guy who flipped his Neon or whatever and did not even know it....In
    the future....I do not recommend you telling that story to someone who just
    met you...made ya look like....well...... kinda weird. :) No offense eh?

    Who drove the furthest to get to the show? I emphasize...DROVE. :)

    Loved the picture we took after eating. Hope to get it developed soon then
    I will post it on my www page for all of you. Nice mob shot.

    As for the I know why nobody likes Birch Hill. need a
    fucking fortune to purchase a all terrain vehicle to get to the fucking
    building!! The drive way sucks and so did the $2 for parking!! Maybe they
    will pave the damn place.

    New shirts look great. Got one. Long Sleeve. Got a hat too. $50. Can we say
    "Cha-Ching!". :)

    Last but not least...I brought my camera with me and took about 20 shots.
    Now all I can do is hope that they came out. Will let all of you know soon.

    Talk to yas later!!

    Fred Block

    P.S. Can we go to the Fantazia diner again next year? Maybe I can get
    kicked out again for telling the fatass loser that they call a manager to
    go fuck himself!! :)


    Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 18:17:25 -0500 (EST)
    From: Taco Belhai <>
    To: the cool people <>
    Subject: bitces in hell/frustration
    Message-ID: <>

    Hey there-

    I first want to thank all the jammers who posted useless shit in jam 2112.
    It was some great reading material.

    I have gone to Birch Hill and come back alive. Ahhhh yes...what a blast.
    If only there weren't so many dicks in the club. What was up with those
    moshers. What assholes! They were really pissing me of. Who the fuck
    moshes to metropolis??!!?

    I met some jammers. Some cool, some not. I met Augie or Heath or whatever
    the hell his name is. He was an ok guy to talk to but he kept asking me
    and my friend to move our arms so that he could get to the front. I told
    him to stay the fuck where he is. He kept bothering my friend until my
    friend told him that he would deck him if continued to bother him. Augie
    stopped then.

    The songs were great. Ytsejam was the highlight. I really wish I remember
    what the new songs sounded like. I guess I'll just have to wait until the

    Oh yeah...I love the long sleeve DT shirt that I got there. AWESOME!!!!!

    Brandon (aka Taco Belhai)


    Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 17:17:55 -0600 (CST)
    From: Tyler Stephan Kushera <>
    Subject: earplugs...
    Message-ID: <>

    I'm sorry that I'm getting into this late b/c someone may have already
    answered it...

    Do "professional" bands have to wear earplugs when thet play live? I
    heard (no pun intended) that OSHA had something to do with it?

    On a personal note, earplugs rock!! The sound quality is so much better
    with them... but don't try to mosh with 'em in, you won't have them in
    very long :)


    FINALS SUCK!!!!!!!


    Date: Sun, 15 Dec 96 15:25:08 -0000
    From: Jennifer <>
    To: "Ytsejam Mailing List" <>
    Subject: The Moodies revisited
    Message-ID: <>

    Partha in #2110:

    >then it said it also included the moody blues.....wha??? sure, they got
    >orchestration stuff happening, but are they really considered prog?

    You must be a 'jam skimmer. ;) We just had this discussion only a week
    or two ago. I don't intend to reiterate reasons here, but, yes, they're
    considered prog by many.


     o.-.o For millions of years mankind lived just like animals.
     ((^)) Then something happened which unleashed the power of our
    O) _ (O imagination...we learned to talk. (Steven Hawking)
     O/ \O


    Date: Sun, 15 Dec 96 18:29:53 EST
    From: "Damon M. Fibraio" <>
    Subject: Background vocals
    Message-ID: <>

      Who was doing background vocals for Mirror at Bh? When he yelled out
    Hyjpocrite, James just burst into laughter. Kind of ruined the line, but it
    was so funny, I almost pissed myself.


    Date: Sun, 15 Dec 96 18:34:25 EST
    From: "Damon M. Fibraio" <>
    Subject: Re: BH
    Message-ID: <>

    Pellaz and Augie were there and I didn't meet them? What the hell is up with
    this? I get it. Ytsejammers are avoiding me. With a few exceptions, you all
    are afraid to look me in the face. Can't blame ya, even my girlfriend rates
    me a 2 on a 10 scale. I don't care if Brad Pitt is 10, either, a 2 is a 2.
    Anyway, you all suck, and I will never forgive you. Well, maybe I will, if
    you come to my house and kiss my butt. :)


    Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 16:38:48 -0700
    From: "LRW" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: Jap PPV vid, potty mouth DT?, and Damon
    Message-ID: <>

    hey everyone. Excuse my ignorance, but does anybody know which tragedy it
    was that called for the 15 seconds of silence? That vid rocks. Derek is
    really good. I hope he's gotten rid of the double-chin though. It does
    kinda look like he says "Homo" but there's no "I'm a" before it. Didn't
    somebody say that KJLB was sick that night? I thought he did a marvelous
    job, although I suppose his voice did crack a few times. Insert joke about
    Ytse-adolescence/Ytsepuberty. 8^)

    I was disappointed when I heard that James says "shit" in one of the new
    songs. Not that I don't listen to stuff with naughty words in it, but I
    just always thought DT was above that sort of stuff. DON"T STOOP TO RAP'S
    LEVEL!!!! whoa sorry about that.

    Sorry about the harsh words Damon, but does anybody else agree that 10
    posts in one jam is a bit excessive? Especially when he blatantly breaking
    3 out of the sacred 5 ytserules. And yes Damon we know that you are blind.
     We all feel really bad about it, but I don't see why that has to a topic
    of conversation. Although it is kinda fun to say that your blindness was
    caused by something to do with a certain Stevey Vai song (hehehehe)

    Is that normal speaking speed for japanese people or was that chick on the
    vid just really perky? g-whiz she was fast.



    Date: Sun, 15 Dec 96 18:49:17 EST
    From: "Damon M. Fibraio" <>
    Subject: Re: as for the kes vs. guit controversy
    Message-ID: <>

    Hey, Wildcoba. Let's drink.

      You know why girls love drummers. Look at what drummers use to hit the
    drums. Sticks. Use your imagination enough and you know what we can translate
    sticks into. Oh well, enough of my dirty mind. You're not too awesome
    yourself, anyway, dude. :) You ramble, too.


    Date: Sun, 15 Dec 96 18:57:53 EST
    From: "Damon M. Fibraio" <>
    Subject: Re: YTSEEar plugs and Blindness
    Message-ID: <>

      Could it be? I have a half-brother on the jam. Yo, Steve. Welcome to the
    world. Hey, man, together, we can post meaningless bullshit all over the Jam.
    Join the ranks of the ytseblind today.

      In a serious note, Yeah, there are people like Stevie wonder and Ray
    Charles, and yes they are talented , but do you think that maybe their
    blindness was the reason why they are who they are. Marketting blindness as a
    tool for success? God, if that could only work for real.

      I've found in my experience that in NJ, if you can't drive, who needs you.
    Hell, I can play well enough to get into most bands, except Dream Theater and
    the like, although I could get into a Rush Tribute band, but if you can't
    drive, then they don't want to spend the time to pick you up with your
    equipment. Ahh, the sacrifice. Who cares if the guy can play and add to your
    sound and maybe give you that extra edge and songwriting ability. No car,
    Fuck off. Die. Well, I would say it's your loss, but the reality is that it
    is mine, because musicians are working and I am not. Jealous? Yes, i am.
    Bitter. You bet your ass. But I think I have a reason to be, don't you guys?

      Oh well, Steve, it's good to know that I am not the only ytseblink here.
    Why did it take you so long to come out of the closet, anyway? It's not like
    you're gay or something. Admitting blindness won't bring hellfire down upon
    you, like admitting homosexuality. For the record, I am not homophobic, do
    what you want behind closed doors, but don't involve me.


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 2114

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