YTSEJAM digest 1220

Date: Sun Jan 07 1996 - 20:50:03 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 1223"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 1220

    Today's Topics:

      1) Hyz & Lowz
     by Steve Borzilleri <>
      2) Re: Pat vs Al (Re: YTSEJAM digest 1215)
     by jbako01 <>
      3) import singles (Re: YTSEJAM digest 1216)
     by Andrew Keegan <>
      4) intro and misc (Re: YTSEJAM digest 1217)
     by Joseph Dunn <>
      5) JPM-100
     by Jeffrey David Olson <>
      6) Hey, hey!
     by John Mastin <>
      7) Re: tattoos
     by An Angel's Kiss... <balkiewi@UMDNJ.EDU>
      8) I am The DT know it all
      9) Re: Death
     by brax@lamar.ColoState.EDU (Bracken MacLeod)
     10) Jeremy still alive
     by Wilco Barg <>
     11) WDATU UPDATE!!!
     by Michael Bahr <>
     12) Re: YTSEJAM digest 1218
     by (Christian Roth)
     13) ACOS Bootleg CD's


    Date: Sun, 7 Jan 1996 16:01:41 -0800 (PST)
    From: Steve Borzilleri <>
    To: Dream Thespians <>
    Subject: Hyz & Lowz
    Message-ID: <>

    Malibu & Birch Hill...


    -- meeting lots of other 'jammers. ("Ytsejammers UNITE!!")

    -- meeting Dream Theater. (good thing I don't live in Europe, where it's
       considered childish to be excited.)

    -- witnessing Mike Bahr's perfectly-choreographed LaBrie impression.

    -- reuniting with New York/East Coast pizza that is not present here. I
       mean, I like humus and pesto as much as the next guy, but come on now...

    -- being introduced to Korn, Machine Head, and Testament by Trey Allen,
       the unbelievably cool organizer of Ytsecon II. (despite his lack of
       knowledge of how "I" and "me" are part of the rules of writing in
       first-person English, he's a pretty cool guy)


    -- the crowd-surfer at Malibu who was dumped towards me with high
       velocity, which caused our skulls an unexpected meeting. Nothing wakes you
       up quite like a hello from another person's cranium kissing yours. I gave
       him a good SHO-RYU-KEN, which could be considered one of the Hyz.

    -- the skinhead at Malibu who rode the crowd five times before getting
       booted from the club. He was one of those surfers who liked to thrash his
       body around, kicking and stuff, which is a good way to make about fifty
       new enemies with each round. Some of you may remember this tornado.

    -- having trouble breathing at certain times during the Birch Hill show.

    "What, that's all? You're not gonna do six pages?"

    Bafu Vai


    Date: Sun, 7 Jan 1996 20:18:15 -0500 (EST)
    From: jbako01 <>
    Subject: Re: Pat vs Al (Re: YTSEJAM digest 1215)
    Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960107201517.11286A-100000@barney>

    On Sun, 7 Jan 1996, Barb Battaglia wrote:

    > >Thanks to all who talked to Al Balkewicz about the videos he has owed me
    > >for almost 11 months. Hopefully he will get the hint...
    > Yo Pat. Maybe you will get better success if you try a little sugar
    > instead of vinegar with Al.[deleted]

    Hey Al, do yourself, Pat, Me, and everyone on the 'jam a favor, and send
    Pat and myself our tapes. Or better yet, at least acknowledge our email
    (which you seem to fail to do). This shit is getting old already, so do
    the right thing.

    12 months and still no tapes!!!

    James Bako "This silence, deafening Kept inside, RAGES!"
    Polytechnic University -Anacrusis
    Brooklyn, New York "My Soul's Affliction"


    Date: Sun, 7 Jan 1996 20:55:27 -0500 (EST)
    From: Andrew Keegan <>
    Cc: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: import singles (Re: YTSEJAM digest 1216)
    Message-ID: <>

    On Sun, 7 Jan 1996 wrote:

    > ps- i saw the "lie" single at the wiz in greenwich village, ny for a whopping
    > $35.98...............i asked someone there, "is this the right price." he
    > looked at me (thinking he knew something i didn't), and said, "it's an
    > import."

    The Wiz on Long Island has "The Silent Man" CD single for $35.98. Every
    other import singles I checked (Pearl Jam, R.E.M., Green Day...) were
    between $9.98 and $11.98. Go figure (but don't buy at The Wiz).



    Date: Sun, 7 Jan 1996 18:13:34 -0800 (PST)
    From: Joseph Dunn <>
    Cc: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: intro and misc (Re: YTSEJAM digest 1217)
    Message-ID: <>

    Hey all you jammers, I think this is the right way to post...hmm maybe
    not..I just thought i'd share a little about myself. I am a
    drummer/percussionist attending CSU is kind of a crappy
    school but I'm going to Berklee next that's taken care of...I
    love Dream Theater!!! I have all of their non-bootlegs you know WDADU
    IM&W Awake ACOS LATM...when is DT going to come back around CA?? The
    last I heard of them was in Dec. 94..It has been a long time without my
    DT fix!!!This mailing is the best thing to come along since the net so
    kudos to the guys that keep this thing going! For the guy moving to
    Sacramento, go to Tower Records for cd's and stuff..the Boardwalk is a
    cool to the guy with a patch over his eye..he'll get you in
    if you are under 21..other than that..explore....DT RULES...well along
    with a few others.....Rush, Yes, Chick Corea, and a couple others...
    "Like a scream but sort of silent, Living off my nightmares...."-DT


    Date: Sun, 7 Jan 1996 19:21:50 -0600 (CST)
    From: Jeffrey David Olson <>
    Subject: JPM-100
    Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.91.960107185018.17462B-100000@shamu>

     Do any other ytsejammers own this piece of future history?
     Well, I do and if it doesn't get moderated out Id like to tell you the
    story as it came to be.. :

     Several moths ago I walked into the local music store and saw the new
    Ibanez USRG30 U.S.A. made w/ the new patented "Stress-Free Neck" etc..
    for $2000 and the guy told me it was the same Ibanez that the Guitarist
    from D.T. played.. Bzzzzzt WRONG ANSWER.. BUT, at the time I didnt know
    any betetr so I plopped $500 for them to put it on Layaway and Id get it
    ASAP, well.. turned out he talked to the dudes at Ibanez and they told
    him they were commin out with the JPM-100 and he says to me, "Sorry I
    didnt know" I threw a fit spazzin like a child.. :) ANYWAY.. I told the
    manager of the store the story and he told me just to calm down, and I
    told him I was gonna buy this guitar ONLY under the impression that it
    was Mr. Petrucci's cutom axe.
     He said what can we do to make this worth your while.. I said GET ME THE
    REAL JPM-100 Ibanez and I'll forgive all, Well not only did they get one
    for me, Im getting it for %25 off, wich is still more than what I would
    pay for a guitar EVER but it *IS* J.P.s Axe, and Mr Petrucci will someday
    be reagrded as the 20th Centuries All Time Greatest Guitarist in the All
    Time Greatest Band ( Am I going overboard on the D.T. Worship Wagon ?)
     Well, it's mine now and the ONLY thing I have to bitch about is that
    it's a Japanese guitar, not US made But I have Mr Petrucci's Autograph
    for Authenticity and I couldnt be happier. The reason I posted this is
    that everyone was posting about the YtseCon and I couldnt attend, Ive
    seen DT once and would have killed to go. I envy all of you!


     This is to Mr. Labrie or any other of the member who might happen to
    read this:

     To all of you, thank you for briniging me so much musical enjoyment and
    influence. You are all the greatest, and Welcome aboard to Mr. Sherinian

     And to Mr. Labrie you are my favorite singer.
                                      Jeff Olson


    Date: Sun, 7 Jan 1996 20:19:11 -0600 (CST)
    From: John Mastin <>
    Subject: Hey, hey!
    Message-ID: <>

    Hi everyone and Happy 1996 to you all! I just wanted to drop you a note
    to say hi. (I know that it has been a bit. I've been here, just lurking
    in the shadows. I've been busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking
    contest lately with work. You know braving the Blizzard to get back down
    to Va from NYC and all that good stuff!) Welll, I must say that it was
    TOTALLY COOL to meet all of the Jammers at the Birch Hill show! I'm sorry
    that I didn't stick around too long. (I'm really kicking myself for not
    hanging out after the show!! D'oh!) But I had 9 other DT fans with me
    (only one of them has net access tho..) and none of them were too familiar
    with the Jam. I told them all but they really didn't get it.. (Go figure.)
    And they all had to run home to their mommies after the show!!!! So, I
    had to tag along. Good thing:brought more fans to the show, Bad thing:
    didn't get to hang with the Jammers and DT! Maybe next time. Don't know
    if you remember me but I was the one who Brian Wherry was running around
    introducing as Johnny Motown.

    Who has a boot of the Birch Hill show, I want a copy. Please email me!

    Mike P, thanks for reading a request I put in on the Jam to FINALLY PLAY
    SCARRED!!!! The two Birch Hills shows are totally unique! The June show has
    ACOS on it and the December one has scarred!!!

    Speaking of the BH shows, did you notice that there was a ton more people at
    the December show than the June show? Like it or not, DT is gaining popularity
    bigtime! I think it would have to do with ACOS (and even the radio stations
    won't play that song!) and the YJ. The YJ has grown really big over the
    past few months. We even got mentioned during the show! Twice! And then
    Derrick had one of Trey's Ytsecon shirts!!! Mike Bahr once said that the
    December shows could end up being like Rush's Caress of Steel tour. I
    really think their next album is going to be big. They already showed that
    someplace like BH is too small. I feel bad for the people who had to be
    turned away!

    Enough of my babbling, on with the Jam!

    Johnny (Motown) :D

    John Mastin, Jr.	               	email:
    Pencom Systems Administration


    Date: Sun, 7 Jan 1996 21:47:04 -0500 (EST) From: An Angel's Kiss... <balkiewi@UMDNJ.EDU> To: Subject: Re: tattoos Message-ID: <>

    > did you take along the inlay from latm > or did you get a stock design (alot of parlours have flaming heart designs)???

    As a matter of fact, I brought the box from the "live in tokyo" video to the place...which is essentially the same thing, just a different size......

    Next up: Dali's "The Crucifixion" on my back.

    #$%^#%&#%^$*%&*^&*%&(%^&(%^&*(%^&*(*%^&*$^&*#^%&#^*$%^&*#%^&*#$%& | | %@#$^@#$^@^%%$&#$&^*$%&*$&*$%^$&$%^&$%^*$^%&*$%^&*$%^*$%^&%$^&%$%


    Date: Sun, 07 Jan 1996 20:46:24 EST From: (MR JOHN CAHILLJR) To: Subject: I am The DT know it all Message-ID: <>

    To all you jammers out there I am the source of all your knowledge. I grew up with The 2 John's and Kevin in Kings Park. To all concerned the listing of songs on the Majesty demo are as follows: Another won, Your Majesty, A Vision, Too Far, Vital Star and last but not least The March of The Tyrant. Also, Majesty was called " Centurion " before they went away to school. If anybody wants more info, post some notes and I'll do my best to provide you with my answers. P.S. I have an original copy of the demo so if you want a copy let me know

    Buenos noches, mein froinds Gandalf


    Date: Sun, 7 Jan 1996 23:28:35 -0700 (MST) From: brax@lamar.ColoState.EDU (Bracken MacLeod) To: Subject: Re: Death Message-ID: <9601080628.AA78034@lamar.ColoState.EDU>

    Ben Laussade Wrote: >> Does anyone like the band "Death"? I recently picked up their latest album, "Symbolic". Some really good metal. The drummer is friggin awesome. I'm not a very good judge of guitar playing, so I'll just stay out of that one. It sounds good anyways. The only downside is the guy's voice. It's not so much that the actual _sound_ of it is bad, just that he stays on the same single note through the whole album. And its not even a reeeeeally cool deep growl. It's this high, supergravely scream thing. It would be cooler if he screamed regularly and saved his gravel scream for special occasions. I don't know why I'm saying this because probably about 3 of you have actually heard Death. Oh!<<

    I love Death! Ben is correct, the drummer on Symbolic is incredible (the only real member of the band is Chuck Schuldinger). Symbolic rocks (my fav), Human is excellent (and also happened to turn me on to the only other Death Metal band I like, Cynic), and I just happened to space the name of the other album of theirs that is great. Before Human, however, CS wasn't doing as much porgressive type stuff. It's more straight forward death metal, and while okay, doesn't hold a candle to Symbolic.

    If you haven't already, try to pick up Cynic's Focus. Wow! is all I can say about that one.

    Back to your regularly scheduled 'Jam.

    Slainte mhath, Bracken

    P.S. I love the new improved moderated 'Jam, Ken. Good riddance to bad rubbish (ie., moshing, Blind Melon, general intolerance, etc...). B.


    Date: Mon, 08 Jan 1996 09:18:49 +0100 From: Wilco Barg <> To: Subject: Jeremy still alive Message-ID: <>

    Hi there,

    First a happy new year to all of the list. I know it's a bit late but well...

    [Ken I hope you let this message through] [I'm letting this through since the topic hasn't been around for a while. But please, don't let this turn into the flamefest that it was. Put your energy to more constructive uses and turn Sue/Jeremy over to the Postmaster for mail fraud. Previous digests that include articles on this thread are 1129, 1165, 1169, 1173-77, 1183, 1187-8, and 1191 --kbibb]

    As my header says Jeremy is still alive. Last year the basterd mailed me to trade tapes. There were several others, so at first I didn't know who he was, because he introduced himself as being Sue or Susan Moscardini. He/she lives at:

    6 Kish Place, Wallingford, CT 06492, USA.

    I think people who likes to trade should be aware of him/her. The address he/she used has been deleted just after I'd sending the stuff away. So hopefully someone can find this basterd and kick his ass.

    Sorry for the language but I am a little bit angry. Still thanks to Ben Gateno who tiped me. The truth is out there. So people get some action and ban this looser.

    By the way can someone contact me about some of the Christmas concert boots. I am very interested, and have a lot to trade.

    Wilco Barg

    Note: please do not use any "reply"-option, since the return address will not be correct. Instead, please reply to: ======================================== E-mail: or reply to: ========================================


    Date: Mon, 8 Jan 1996 02:20:35 -0700 (MST) From: Michael Bahr <> To: Cc: Subject: WDATU UPDATE!!! Message-ID: <>

    LIMITED EDITION COMPACT DISCS Information and Update, Current to 1/9/96

    Currently available: Rush "Cygnus" - a very few left. Dream Theater "When Dream and Today Unite"

    Open to pre-ordering: Dream Theater "Antiquities"

    SOLD OUT: DT "Acoustic Dreams"

    NOTE: Since the Jam is having bandwidth problems, I am shrinking this file down considerably. If you have further questions, please e-mail me.


    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = DISCLAIMER: These recordings fall into a grey area of law as an uncopyrighted recording produced in such a manner that at least one facet of the production occurs in a country (namely Italy) in which it is legal to do so. In the USA, it is permissible to sell used import CDs only if they are labeled as such. This is such a CD. Be aware that the various powers-that-be are collecting nothing for this. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Of course, that's all cover-my-butt lawyerspeak. I hope you all will want to be a part of this. I make roughly minimum wage doing it, so you know I'm not out to scam you. Ask anyone; I'm the real deal. Peace? :)

    1. What is When Dream And Today Unite?

    Hi all! Allow me to introduce myself, if you aren't familiar with me yet. I'm Mike Bahr, humble maker of special-edition CDs. No CD plant will make bootlegs, but they DO let me rent studio and equipment time and do it myself. And now I have When Dream and Today Unite available.

    This work, finally completed, contains all the songs from When Dream and Day Unite, only performed live with James LaBrie at the helm. Here's the tracklisting:

    1. A Fortune In Lies 2. Status Seeker 3. Ytsejam 4. Another Hand/The Killing Hand 5. Light Fuse and Get Away 6. Mission Impossible 7. Afterlife 8. The Ones Who Help to Set the Sun 9. Only A Matter Of Time 10. March of the Tyrant 11. To Live Forever 12. Moon Bubbles

    All the performances from this, as many as could be, are from original performances not common on bootlegs. I did not use Live at the Marquee, Dance of Eternity, Lost in the Sky, or others like them, except that Status Seeker was only available in good quality on Dream Out Loud. I'll post a full source list when the CD is released.

    3. What is Antiquities?

    This one is just now taking shape. I'll have more details on it here as it gets developed. The master tapes are already being prepared to be made into a single master, and I've got an artist hard at work on the cover, as well as contracting for CD plant pressing time.

    So far, I'm cleaning these tracks up for the master:

    . A Change of Seasons with Chris Cintron on vocals, demo . The remaining (not already released by me) vocalist auditions - Metropolis with Steve Stone - The Killing Hand with John arch - A Fortune In Lies with John Arch - Don't Look Past me by Chris Cintron - Learning to Live with James LaBrie . The outtakes from Live at the Marquee (Glass Moon, Ytsejam) . The unknown instrumental from the Rocky Point Palladium 5/93 . The new song "Showdown" from Birch Hill in June . A DT/Rush only cover band covering Pull Me Under and Limelight . a few other neet things.

    4. What is the release schedule?

    This section was too long and was making the file unpostable, so I've cut it from the update. Let me assure you that I will be making information on new releases available far and wide for those who need it.

    To give proper warning: Cygnus is still available in limited quantity since I sold most of them on my trip to NY. WDATU is shipping now and is already a hot seller. Antiquities won't ship until the end of February at the soonest.

    5. How can I order a copy of one of these CDs?

    As stated before, I'm already shipping the CDs by and by. I ship orders in the order I received your checks, so those of you who sent your mail around when ordering began, those will be the first CDs out the door. I usually get a couple dozen a day into the mail. This is current for Cygnus and WDATU. AD is finished shipping.

    Feel free to e-mail me to reserve a copy for you, so that you will have a copy saved for you before you send your order in the mail.

    The pricing for all the CDs so far is as follows.

    Base cost: $25.00 US Additional postage USA free " Canada / Mex $1.00 US " Scandinavia $3.00 US " Europe / UK $4.00 US " Japan $5.00 US " Aus/NZ/etc. $5.00 US

    SPECIAL RATE FOR CYGNUS: Buy any other CD I make, including another copy of Cygnus, and your Cygnus costs only $16.00 US. If I am doing a dual-order I can eliminate a lot of overhead, and this will help them sell out completely so the price hiking can begin. :) This is valid even with an order of two Cygnuses (base total price $32.00 in that case).

    Postal rates were changed, but the postage cost MUST ONLY BE PAID ONCE. If you live in Europe and you order 4 discs, the cost is $104.00 US ($25.00 x 4, plus $4.00 postage) and not $116.00 US. Thus, if you have friends who want copies, I am more than willing to help you out. :) So no matter how many CDs you want, only add the postage cost Once.

    Things are pretty simple from here. Send mail including:

    -> * Your name, mailing address, and e-mail address <- -> * The check or money order for the amount <- -> * Which CDs you are ordering and How Many of Each. <-

    International customers may use whatever means of payment is most convenient for them, though I stress that sending cash is risky and should not be a first option, but a backup plan. :) CHECKS: I don't really mind them, but in the effort to be seen as a serious and responsible net merchant, I always recommend the traceable-both-ways Money Order as a preferred form of payment. So checks are OK; Money orders are Better.

    Please make out checks and money orders to me, Michael Bahr. The address is:

    Mike Bahr - Cygnus (or WDATU, or AQ, or whatever) 3175 N. Price Rd. #1066 Chandler, AZ 85224

    My home telephone number, available as a courtesy to you, is 1-602-777-0501. I am usually not home on weekends (band practice) so try during the week, between 4pm and 10pm pacific time, for best results.

    Information: The orders for Kaoru and Stephane are being bought as a group order for others in their home country, not a huge order to keep for later. I generally don't sell to dealers because it deprives Jammers of these CDs.

    When Dream and Today Unite orders PAID: (unpaid reservations not listed)

    001 Master 002 Press Master A 003 Press Master B 004 Mike Bahr 005 Justin Poulter 006 Steve McMaster 007 David Fox 008 Keith Aspinall 009 John Kotzian 010 Michael Burstin 011 Bill Wrightson 012 Scott Hansen 013 Mike Portnoy 014 Mike Portnoy 015 Mike Portnoy 016 Paul Humm 017 Brandon Beach 018 Howard Weiner 019 Howard Weiner 020 Brian Kirk 021 Ken Hoili 022 Dave Delmont 023 David Thornton 024 Steve Soukup 025 Jason Breitweg 026 Dan Temmesfeld 027 Chris White 028 Stephan Dobay 029 Andrew Garinger 030 Edwin Million 031 Patrick Davis 032 Scott Luttringer 033 Joe Cristina 034 Jeff Stewart 035 Mark Stahl 036 Rebecca Floyd 037 Wild Dave Kobayashi 038 Stefan Rau 039 Michael Backof 040 Richard Bradley 041 Jeffrey Smith 042 Richard Karsmakers 043 Jeff Seifert 044 Stefan Sutter 045 Paul Fini 046 Jason Skewes 047 Jennifer Sharward 048 Rick Beem 049 Wilco Barg 050 Partha Mukhopadhyay 051 Elliott Kim 052 Scott Cook 053 Ed Polzin 054 Uffe Moller 055 Uffe Moller 056 Brian Anderson 057 Brian Anderson 058 Eiji Hirai 059 Bill Buckley 060 Bill Buckley 061 George Bast 062 Mark Contrady 063 Scott Kuennen 064 Rachel Goldenberg 065 George Bast 066 Bill Huston 067 Joe Jurczyk 068 Rich Palladino 069 Jenn Albert 070 Greg Bunker 071 Greg Bunker 072 Sean Haider 073 [reserved] 074 Clinton Moyer 075 Michael Van Opstall 076 David Swanston 077 Jim Beavens 078 R. C. Hailey 079 Brandon Vaughn 080 Andy Tillotson 081 Scott McCammon 082 Kate Akers 083 Tim Shough 084 Andy Tillotson 085 Adam Edwards 086 Gary Esterle 087 Robert Quezada 088 David Edwards 089 Dennis Carmen 090 Eric Mauger 091 Corey Beasom 092 Martin Schoch 093 Sanjeev Ghai 094 Kevin Villines 095 Jason MacDonald 096 Robert Castilone 097 Younis Hilal 098 Bryan Crain 099 Michael Ostrich 100 Chris Crowder 101 Warren Williams 102 J.R. McCullough 103 Craig Newmeyer 104 Craig Newmeyer 105 Evan Nelson 106 Scott Luttringer 107 Scott Luttringer 108 Scott Luttringer 109 Rob Marquez 110 Eric Marlett 111 Kris Claerhout 112 George Szumski 113 George Szumski 114 Dave Silva 115 Colin P. Housing 116 Jeff Chew 117 David Boland 118 Chris Martin 119 Ross Specter 120 Dan Kidney 121 Chris DeRobertis 122 Jason Paskvan 123 Brian Cox 124 Sookapat Niyomthal 125 Bill Barry 126 Joe Kruger 127 Nick Buyaky 128 Tony Brock 129 Mike Kizer 130 Evan MacDougall 131 Martin Hayter 132 Stephen Glowacki 133 Astrid de Ronde 134 Astrid de Ronde 135 Jean-Francois Cote' 136 Gunnar Amundson 137 Paul Goracke 138 Peter Orullian 139 Rob Marquez 140 Neil Robbins 141 Michael Pomerleau 142 Heath Augustover 143 Andrew Hegel 144 Andrew Hegel 145 Charles Bodinger 146 Richie Teh 147 Paul May 148 Bengt Lundh 149 Paul Bileci 150 Paul Bileci 151 Thomas Thrush 152 Paul Cashman 153 Marc Respass 154 Tim Jensen 155 Sonya Delisle 156 Paul Holloway 157 Christian Roth 158 Luis Sanchez 159 James Phillips 160 Dean Cline 161 Gary Cleghorn 162 Richard Slaughter 163 Andy Schiller 164 Jan-Michael Souter 165 Mikko Kalermo 166 Joe Devenny 167 Ryan Eschauzier 168 Will Herrmann 169 Andrew Martin 170 Matthias Murra 171 Matthias Murra 172 Matthias Murra 173 Jon Kretschmer 174 Jon Kretschmer 175 James Lutz 176 James Lutz 177 Andy Stiles 178 Yuji Shimizu 179 Jeff Hill 180 Kiran Mooken 181 Richie Rivera 182 John Nguyen 183 Steve Chew 184 Tomonori Iwahori 185 Tomonori Iwahori 186 Brian Ross 187 David Russum 188 David Russum 189 David Russum 190 Jon Heller 191 Chad Cook 192 Anthony Kozar 193 Richard Schwarz 194 Ties Gobel 195 Ties Gobel 196 Ties Gobel 197 Ties Gobel 198 Stephane Auzilleau 199 Stephane Auzilleau 200 Stephane Auzilleau 201 Stephane Auzilleau 202 Stephane Auzilleau 203 Stephane Auzilleau 204 Stephane Auzilleau 205 Stephane Auzilleau 206 Stephane Auzilleau 207 Stephane Auzilleau 208 Stephane Auzilleau 209 Stephane Auzilleau 210 Greg Sands 211 Greg Sands 212 Stephane Auzilleau 213 Evelyn Lauer 214 Stephane Auzilleau 215 Stephane Auzilleau 216 Stephane Auzilleau 217 *Stephane Auzilleau 218 *Stephane Auzilleau 219 *Stephane Auzilleau 220 *Stephane Auzilleau 221 *Kaoru Kobayashi 222 *Kaoru Kobayashi 223 *Kaoru Kobayashi 224 *Kaoru Kobayashi 225 Jason Russell 226 *Kaoru Kobayashi 227 *Kaoru Kobayashi 228 *Kaoru Kobayashi 229 *Kaoru Kobayashi 230 *Kaoru Kobayashi 231 *Kaoru Kobayashi 232 *Kaoru Kobayashi 233 *Kaoru Kobayashi 234 *Kaoru Kobayashi 235 *Kaoru Kobayashi 236 *Kaoru Kobayashi 237 *Kaoru Kobayashi 238 *Kaoru Kobayashi 239 *Kaoru Kobayashi 240 *Kaoru Kobayashi 241 Deb Hanson 242 Chris Freel 243 Chris Freel 244 Andreas Kasper 245 Dave Boland 246 J. Patrick Daugherty 247 Mark Parker 248 Denis Schoen 249 Joshua Carey 250 Asif Khan 251 Tilman Kuendgen 252 Shay Smith 253 Bryan Hunter 254 Bryan Hunter 255 Karri Kiviluoma 256 Michael Harper 257 Jonathan Larkowski 258 Ryan Redfern 259 Ryan Redfern 260 Joseph Smith 261 Chuck Hanley 262 Michael Torres 263 Ryan Inverso 264 Ryan Inverso 265 Jason Pline 266 Chris Floyd 267 Kevin White 268 Malcolm Watson 269 Trey Allen 270 Shigeru Yamashita 271 Shigeru Yamashita 272 Shigeru Yamashita 273 Mirko Pelgrom 274 Mirko Pelgrom 275 Till Wagner 276 Till Wagner 277 Till Wagner 278 Till Wagner 279 Patrick Tompkins 280 Damion Sanchez 281 Jason Russell 282 *Kaoru Kobayashi 283 Bill Nottingham 284 Mats Rydstrom 285 Ryan Skadberg 286 Ryan Skadberg 287 Greg Picklesimer 288 Greg Slang 289 Randall Braun 290 Howard Wiener 291 Samuel Krauss 292 Chris Hebertson 293 Steffan Barabasch 294 Steffan Barabasch 295 Ronald Tijhuis 296 Ronald Tijhuis 297 Ronald Tijhuis 298 David Hafke 299 Dave Carver 300 Dr. Teeth 301 Adam Marshall 302 Jim Giaco 303 John Mastin 304 John Mastin 305 Kevin Dohnal 306 Kevin Dohnal 307 Joe Lukas 308 Jodi Tack 309 Brian Vivier 310 Craig Erskine 311 Rick Bond 312 James Abraham 313 Evelyn Lauer 314 Ken Maupin 315 Dobronte Gabor 316 Dobronte Gabor 317 Antoni Krasinski 333 Kris Claerhout 334 Daniel Carlisle 406 Joe Lukas 341 Bafu Vai 366 Brian Reichow 400 Chad Klunck 401 Darrell Bishop 420 Darren Brown 421 Darren Brown 427 Ryan Brown 444 Kris Claerhout 496 Zach Gemmill 497 Zach Gemmill 498 Zach Gemmill 499 Zach Gemmill 500 Riana Karel 502 Rich Rochelle 555 Kris Claerhout 666 Mark Metzger 777 Kris Claerhout 888 Kris Claerhout 999 Kris Claerhout 1000 Kris Claerhout

    Note: I think I finally got all the corrections for numbers of copies. Many of you mailed me for this. Let me know if I still haven't.

    -Mike Bahr,


    Date: Mon, 8 Jan 1996 01:52:57 -0800 From: (Christian Roth) To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 1218 Message-ID: <>

    >Date: Sun, 7 Jan 1996 16:12:42 -0700 >From: (Ktulu) > > Does anyone like the band "Death"? I recently picked up their >latest album, "Symbolic". Some really good metal. [deleted]

    Ben, Yeah, I have a couple of Death's tapes. Some cool stuff. Gene definitely puts my double kick skills to shame. Some innovative stuff with odd time twists to it. Anyway, just wanted to put in some input after two months of reading the Jam. This is a cool idea and I wish some organized events would go on in California. I was wondering if someone could brief me on Mike's approach to playing in crazy time signatures. The way that he explains at all his clinics. Thanks a lot and don't forget to sign me up for those bootlegs of the Christmas shows. Christian


    Date: Mon, 8 Jan 1996 12:51:42 --100 From: To: Subject: ACOS Bootleg CD's Message-ID: <>

    Hi there Ytsejammers,

    I would like to thank all the people who replied to my message for the ACOS bootleg CD.

    I must say that I'm a bit disappointed with the replies, only 35 people responded for a total of 50 CD's (thanks to Stephane Auzzileau who ordered 15 cd's)

    I think the explanation (sp?) for this is that most of the people on the list don't know me and thus are a little scared. They have to send money to somebody they don't know with little guarantee whether they will get anything back for it

    I don't blame anybody or this, actually I think that all the people are right. I remember a certain Jeremy/Susan person who scammed a LOT of people (including me!) a couple of weeks/months ago. So I guess the best thing to do for me is to introduce myself:

    I've been a member of the list for about 2.5 years now (and lurking since! I'm not the kind of guy to reply to every little thread) and I have traded with a lot of people (Mike Burstin, Stephane Auzzileau etc...) who can guarantee that I allways send back what is expected from me.

    I'm 22 years old, a computer science student, Dream Theater & Van Halen collector, I can't think of anything more.......

    other things now:

    - Some people replied saying that 'my' ACOS bootleg is not the first bootleg which features ACOS. I know this, but I meant the NEW ACOS version.

    - A lot of people responded saying that the price was a bit too high ($30), like I said in my original message, I really don't know what the price will be I think (seeing how many people said it was to expensive) the price will be around $25

    - Thanks to the people who came up with names for the bootleg, some are really cool :)

    - Tomorrow I will post a full listing of all the people who responded.

    Once again, I need at least 100 reservations to get this thing goin' so please come on and mail your reservation to:


    Marcel Berkhout

    Ps. Happy New Year everybody!


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 1220 **************************

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