YTSEJAM digest 1665

Date: Wed Jul 03 1996 - 17:08:36 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 1668"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 1665

    Today's Topics:

      1) Some good news about AZ radio....
     by mrkizer@CCGATE.HAC.COM
      2) Waltz of the Stoned Leprechaun
     by Adam Barnhart <>
      3) (U)Mytse-Con
     by "Steven Johnson" <>
      4) Kill Poot
     by Pat Daugherty <>
      5) Re: Pat's shirts, Vocalists' Musical Chairs, ID4, and EOJs
     by (Larry Odneal)
      6) LiT
      7) Blind music selection
     by Scott McCammon <>
      8) old judas preist tapes you dig out and theyre all cracked and faded rule
     by RipZero <>
      9) Well wishes and VH vocalist
     by (Rick Terry - TRC - MCSS)
     10) The C O N !!
     by (Rick Terry - TRC - MCSS)
     11) July 4th Weekend
     12) RE: Tori Show
     by Jay Runde <>
     13) Braindance and other stuph
     by (Andrew Miller)
     14) ***NYC Prog Night....Braindance???....D-Man
     by (Carlo D'Angelo )


    Date: Wed, 03 Jul 96 08:40:29 PST
    From: mrkizer@CCGATE.HAC.COM
    Subject: Some good news about AZ radio....
    Message-ID: <9606038364.AA836408699@CCGATE.HAC.COM>

         Well, I did get to hear some good stuff on the radio here in AZ last
         night after the Tori Amos concert in Phoenix (great show BTW).... A
         Phoenix station (98 KUPD) played "Looking for Love" from King's X
         (Cool, now maybe the Tucson stations will get a clue!)... Then at
         about 10:30 as I arrived back in Tucson (96.1 KLPX) played The Big
         Medley! Holy shit, batman... I never thought I'd here that on the
         radio! The DJs said they were going to play cuts off of the ACOS
         disc all night because it rocked (I wonder if they played ACOS?)...
         But the bad news is that this would be a one shot deal since the
         station doesn't own the CD, a friend of the DJ let him borrow it and
         wanted it right back (we all know that you can't let your DT CDs out
         of your sight for too long <G>)...
         Well, that's all... Hey Mike B. tried to spot you at the entrance to
         the Hall last night as I was leaving, but didn't. How did your tape
         turn out?
    .~~~~~~~ Michael Kizer -- Computer Sciences Corporation (Tucson, AZ) ~~~~~~~.
    | Email: (preferred) -or- |
    | WWW: <--- Dream Theater Song Book here!|


    Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 08:45:52 -0700
    From: Adam Barnhart <>
    Subject: Waltz of the Stoned Leprechaun
    Message-ID: <>

    >From: (Sheila Swanson)
    >As for the Green Day thread. I hate to say it, but I like Green Day. It's
    >the weirdest thing. They stand for everything I'm against yet I still buy
    >their albums and give them money. Maybe I've been brainwashed by the media,
    >maybe they just make good music.

    Yeah, it's clearly the minority opinion here, but I find their music
    appealing. Like a lot of folks here, I'm a musicially omnivorous person.
    Unlike a good proportion of those people, that diet includes some
    punk-sounding bands -- Green Day, Black Flag, Bad Religion, The Offspring.
    While some people feel comfortable with it, I'm not about to dismiss a whole
    genre of music.

    >From: Edward Ip <edwardip@ACSU.Buffalo.EDU>

    >I am new to the mail list. I am a really big fan of DT.
    >I know that DT was partially influenced by Rush. I am just wondering
    >which Rush album I should get?
    >In other words, which Album is going to impress me the most?!

    Well, my personal favorite (and I think I mentioned this before) is "Hold
    Your Fire." My guess, though, is that, as a Dream Theater fan, you'll want
    to look more to "Hemispheres" or "Moving Pictures."

    >From: Ben Laussade <>

    >>2) Aside from chronological issues, I have a problem seeing Simon Phillips
    >>as a synthesis of Neil and Portnoy. Simon Phillips certainly has the
    >>polyrhythmic thing together, but I wouldn't say it's as central to his
    >>playing as it is for Jack DeJohnette or Puffy Bordin.
    >Simon played a polyrhythm that actually made me piss in my pants. Yes, he
    >has the polyrhythm thing together. ;-)
    > I STILL say he's
    >>closer to Ginger Baker. Portnoy's polyrhythmic playing sounds a lot like
    >>Peart's, anyhow....more so, I'd say, than to Simon Phillips.
    >I never noticed many polyrhthms in Neil's playing. Sorry to keep asking for
    >examples from people about things, but where!? Simon Phillips has got the
    >evil(er) polyrhythms of Portnoy, and the killer ghost note diddle finger
    >crap of Peart. And the wildness of both. And, you're right...the beginning
    >of Xanadu does sound just like the beginning of Bombay Vindaloo. But, Bombay
    >Vindaloo was made up on the spot, so it doesn't count as much. :-)

    Well, I'd love to take credit for the "Bombay Vindaloo" thing, but I didn't
    come up with it. Still, you've never heard of "spontaneous composition?"
    Charlie Parker would be horrified.

    > Actually, that isn't a girl. It's a young boy named Evan, and
    >this clip, along with the clip "When that door get's locked at 9:00,
    >if you're not in this house, you find somewhere else to sleep" are
    >both taken from a CBC documentary.
    > Evan is a young child, 9 yrs. if I remember correctly, who has
    >behavior problems. The documentary chronicles his parents struggle to
    >deal with his behavior via therapy and in home camera monitoring. I
    >can find out the exact title if any of you are interested.

    That reminds me....what's with the sample of Jim Hill talking about OJ in
    "Space Dye Vest." I suppose it was timely....but man, what kind of
    left-field idea is that?

    Adam D. Barnhart

    Five Gratuitous CD's:
    1. Dave Matthews Band -- Crash
    2. Metallica -- Load (Yes, indeed....)
    3. The Honesty Room - Dar Williams
    4. Hold Your Fire -- Rush
    5. Ronald Shannon Jackson and the Decoding Society -- Barbecue Dog


    Date: 03 Jul 1996 09:21:09 GMT
    From: "Steven Johnson" <>
    Subject: (U)Mytse-Con
    Message-ID: <>


    All those who are interested (still) in coming to the Mytse-Con PLEASE E-MAIL
    ME ASAP!! Many of those who expressed interest early on can't come and I don't
    wanna continue putting together a gathering if only eight people show up. At
    least not one in which we cater and have hotel rooms blocked!

    SO PLEASE E-MAIL ME ASAP!! If I don't have a good number by _FRIDAY_ I am
    gonna cancel the event. I know it's summer and the band ain't gonna be there
    so it's not like I'm upset or anything, I just wanna know.

    I also need to know so Pat Griffin doesn't start a shirt production that is
    moot! PLEASE E-MAIL NOW!


    The Con is scheduled for Saturday, July 27 in Chicago at the Chicago Draft
    House. Hotel rooms have been blocked off at Days Inn (646 W. Diversey, (312)
    525-7010) in my name, but YOU need to reserve by July 12!!!! $84/night for
    four people....parking is $7/day. Rooms are blocked for Fri AND Sat night.

    Don't know costs for the gathering at the Draft House. Depends on the numbers.
    They DO serve food (great stuff BTW) and we can get a great beer/drink

    Other items.......There's a GREAT street festival nearby that weekend; either
    the Sox or the Cubs will be in town....too many restaurants to count in the
    area........Hell...It's Chicago!

    SO LET ME KNOW ASAP!!! If this ain't gonna happen, I wanna know now. Thanks,
    in either way, for all interested from the start. At least we know there's
    strong potential here in the Midwest!


    "You may remember me from such movies as 'The Revenge of Abe
    Lincoln' and 'The Wackiest Covered Wagon in the West'"
                                               - actor Troy McClure


    Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 12:06:01 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Pat Daugherty <>
    To: Dream Theater Mailing List <>
    Subject: Kill Poot
    Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960703120520.24068H-100000@bdmserver>

    Is there anyway to kill this poot person?

    This is the second jam with 5 messages just saying Poot.


    | Pat Daugherty |
    | "Every breath leaves me one less to my last" --Dream Theater |
    | "That is not an option, Mr. Mulder" --X-Files |
    |The Baltimore Orioles-The team to beat in 1996!!!!!!! | Go DC United! |


    Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 09:08:29 -0700
    From: (Larry Odneal)
    Subject: Re: Pat's shirts, Vocalists' Musical Chairs, ID4, and EOJs
    Message-ID: <>

    Just looked at Pat Griffin's T-Shirt designs - they are VERY COOL! The
    front is an awesome 3-D setting with columns, etc. reminiscent of the
    I&W inside scene (only cooler) with a floating, 3-D Ytsejam symbol.
    Check out the Web page, you'll be glad you did!

    Cory Swanson wrote:

    > 1) The Lurker Returns

    >I haven't been very active on the jam lately. The reason? To make a
    >long story short, a two and a half ton slab of sandstone fell on my
    >Dad and he's been in intensive care since last Thursday.

    Man! I hope your Dad is OK. That sucks!
    Hey Cory, I had a minor question for ya in 'Jam 1663 - which radio
    station in Denver was it, that played "Alice's Restaurant" for 2 or 3
    days solid?

    Mike Bahr wrote:
    >"Those who would know" say that you're likely to see a very
    >familiar face singing for VH... stay tuned... I'll say this: he's the
    >singer of a popular band that won't be along much longer.

    Hmmmmmmmm . . . Damn you and your teasers! OK, my guess - Sebastian
    Bach! Now THAT would be a hell of a band. Long shot, though, I think.

    >Also: Sammy Hagar has already been contacted by the Stone Temple

    That one is hard to imagine! It _could _ work, though!

    Mathew (Bishop?) wrote:

    >i just got home from seeing 'independance day', and i just wanted to
    >say, GO SEE IT!!!! it's probably the best movie i've ever seen!

    I tend to agree! BTW, I think they should have a new subtitle for ID -

    "Four Billion Funerals and a Wedding"

    >Sir Reality
    >End of YTSEJAM Digest 1663

    YYYYYESSSSSS! (Are EOJs still cool, or was that just a phase we went

    Oh, almost forgot: some parts of this post are flames, but they are
    subliminal so you won't notice it. But you will soon feel warm.


    Date: Wed, 03 Jul 1996 18:10:12 +0200
    Subject: LiT
    Message-ID: <>


    I'm not sure if anybody else has raised this yet:

    In the LiT video, the scarf/banner with the Japanese writing that
    Kevin Moore has hanging down from the back of the keyboard appears
    to be upside-down.

    Can any Japanese readers confirm this?



    Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 11:17:40 -0500 (EST)
    From: Scott McCammon <>
    Subject: Blind music selection
    Message-ID: <>

    Hi Jammers,

    Just sitting here pretending to work while listening to
    a CD I picked up a while ago. The group is Lir and the
    album is Magico Magico. It really grooooves. I happen to
    find this in a used bin and I liked the name so I bought it.

    What I was wondering was, what kick-ass groups/albums have
    people bought on a whim without ever hearing a thing about?

    Ok, thats it... jam on!

    -Scott (Tolk)

     \ / "Find all you need in your mind."
    - * - is Scott McCammon
     / \


    Date: Wed, 03 Jul 1996 11:33:05 -0500 From: RipZero <> To: Heavy Metal Computer Nerds <> Subject: old judas preist tapes you dig out and theyre all cracked and faded rule Message-ID: <>

    >I asked for someone to please unsubsribe me.!!!! Your god damn letters >are flooding my mail!! when will one of you fucking morons >listen@!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop sending me shit!!

    hehehe....hahaha.h..hahahahahAHAHAHAFFHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! sorry man, CANT DO THAT! its all part of our DIABOLICAL SCHEME TO DESTROY YOU AND YOUR PUNY MAILBOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    >That's IT! Those are the lyrics for "A Song Cows Like"

    rah! see, lyrics never work when you try :)

    >> 1 =A6 Ben Laussade 4 =A6 33 > >Oh yeah. ;-) I'm da bomb.

    just be glad IBMmail not here :P

    hey whatever happened to that guy? :)

    >From: >To: >Subject: Rock on the Radio?

    Rock on the radio...... you turn it up til your speakers blow!

    who remembers dose guys? :) ~Rip


    Date: Wed, 03 Jul 1996 17:08:26 GMT From: (Rick Terry - TRC - MCSS) To: Subject: Well wishes and VH vocalist Message-ID: <>

    >Date: Tue, 2 Jul 1996 14:48:27 -0600 >From: (Sheila Swanson)

    >I haven't been very active on the jam lately. The reason? To make a long >story short, a two and a half ton slab of sandstone fell on my Dad and he's >been in intensive care since last Thursday. But, man I hadn't posted before >that for over a month. That was because I was a lazy person.

    You have our best collective wishes for his speedy recovery. Remember to take care of yourself too.

    >Date: Tue, 2 Jul 1996 14:19:18 -0700 (MST) >From: Michael Bahr <>

    > "Those who would know" say that you're likely to see a very >familiar face singing for VH... stay tuned... I'll say this: he's the >singer of a popular band that won't be along much longer.

    Hmmm. You've got me wondering with this one. I was wondering if you might have been referring to Layne Staley of AIC. I have heard that they are calling it quits after the tour for Tripod. Unless you mean Weilland from STP? God, I couldn't imagine that. From one form of substance abuse to another.

    > Also: Sammy Hagar has already been contacted by the Stone Temple >Pilots. Chances are he won't join, but they HAVE offered him the job. >You'll catch the full story on MTV news tomorrow or thursday, no doubt.

    Hmmmm...what will they call themselves? Stone Temple Hagars, Hagar Temple Pilots? How about The Stoned Hagar Pilots? :)


    Date: Wed, 03 Jul 1996 17:19:50 GMT From: (Rick Terry - TRC - MCSS) To: Subject: The C O N !! Message-ID: <>

    Hi folks,

    >Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 02:09:46 -0400 >From: (Gordon McFee)

    > I dunno, I'm a little out of shape in the alcohol consumption game.

    I'm a little out of shape FROM the alcohol consumption game! :)

    > I have no clue.. probably going to try and find a bus to be >honest.. I can't really afford airfare and I don't own a car.

    I know what you mean. Besides, I really would rather not have my new car get carjacked in NYC. Don't laugh New Yorkers! It happened to some friends of mine who were there on vacation last year. At any rate, If I go, maybe we can arrange for the Canadian Ambassadors of the Church of Dream Theater to have the same room. I wonder how much Upper Canada Rebellion I can sit in my gym bag. ;) Maybe I'll bring some Molson XXX and we'll see who can still walk by the end of the CON. ;)


    Rick Toronto


    Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 13:34:17 -0400 From: To: Subject: July 4th Weekend Message-ID: <>

    Attention all ytsejammers:

    Hi all, if any other jammers will be in the Lake Havasu, AZ area this weekend, I will be partying on a houseboat in copper canyon all weekend. You're welcome to come by during the day and party with us. We'll be the houseboat with the "RED WHITE AND NUDE IN HAVASU" banner. Listen for DT and follow your ears.

    See ya,


    "The spider in the window" |<Dream Theater: Voices> "The angel in the pool" | "The old man takes the poison" | Tom Tubbiola "Now the widow makes the rules"|


    Date: Wed, 3 Jul 96 13:10:45 CDT From: Jay Runde <> To: Subject: RE: Tori Show Message-ID: <>

    > From Mike Bahr

    >Here's the early preliminary info for Inside The Storm. I taped >the show successfully and the sound quality is SUPERB. At least as good >as Over The Europe; possibly as good as the Earthquakes live video. >Thanks to James Runde for lending me the Core mics to do it with, he just >finagled himself a mention in the credits! :) The setlist was AMAZING,

    It's the least I could do to help out. I have enjoyed the all the CD's that you have put out so far. Just keep up the good work and anytime you need to borrow them again just let me know.

    -- James Runde - Glenayre One Glenayre Way Quincy, IL 62301 Compassion -- that's the one thing no machine ever had. Maybe it's the one thing that keeps men ahead of them. -- McCoy, stardate 4731.3


    Date: Wed, 03 Jul 1996 13:49:26 From: (Andrew Miller) To:, Subject: Braindance and other stuph Message-ID: <>

    >From: >>>1 S, 5 Hs, 44 Us, 4 Ts, 1 P, 8 !s >>> >>>..and one big asshole > >That's because you're YELLING the whole time at everyone on this >jam. I mean you've been posting more than that IBMMAIL thing >lately to yell at everyone. Let Skadz do that.

    hmmm.... now gimme a minute, i want to look back at a previous jam... yep. there it is. at the #4 spot for the most posts for the month of may (22,BTW) was Dave King. what are YOU bitching about Dave? at least Ben tries to add a little humor to the jam. quit trying to start shit with people over stupid little things.

    >BTW, if you're quoting someone, then QUOTE!!!!!. For instance: > >And I listen openly... (JM) >Ben Laussade

    uh oh. Grammer 101. welcome to class kids....

    >From: unknown <> [snip] >I asked for someone to please unsubsribe me.!!!! Your god damn >letters are flooding my mail!! when will one of you fucking morons >listen@!!!!!!!!!!!! >Stop sending me shit!!

    whaddya say everyone on the jam forwards their last ten jams to this dipshit... he'd get, oh, about 7,700 emails or so... :-)

    that would be cool

    BTW, after reading the posts regarding Braindance's performance over the weekend, i'm about ready to scream. man, i would LOVE to have seen that performance. does anyone know of any boots, videos, or any merchandise available besides the Shadows and Fear Itself albums? reply via personal mail if ya do. thanx.

    Andrew ====================================== Andrew Miller - Keyboardist/Composer Interum - New Age/Progressive Instrumental SubtleRage - Progressive Rock ======================================


    Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 13:58:54 -0700 From: (Carlo D'Angelo ) To: Subject: ***NYC Prog Night....Braindance???....D-Man Message-ID: <>

    Hey everyone, Carlo here (aka "Fates" aka "Ytse-Satan")

    I have gotten a lot of positive response about my post urging everyone in the NYC area to check out the first Wednesday of every month (Prog Night) at the Rock 'n Roll Cafe. However, a big question arose as to whether BRAINDANCE is playing or not. I just recieved a flyer from the promoters of Prog Night saying that the lineup is MASTERMIND, CURIOUS WORKS (?!?!?!), and MONOLITH (Again, great band!!). I am confused by this because I checked the web page for worldwide prog concert listings at:

    and it stated for both MASTERMIND and BRAINDANCE that they are scheduled to play July 3 at the Rock 'n Roll cafe! I really hope that it was a mess up or something cause I am DYING to finally check out BRAINDANCE! Anyway, I downloaded a bunch of .WAV files from MASTERMIND's page and they sound MONOLITH always puts on an incredible show; so it's STILL gonna be a great showcase of intense musicianship! I just hope that this message gets to you all in time. I'll be there....just look for the guy with the ANGRA or FATES WARNING shirt...See ya there!

    ***Oh yeah, D-Man brought up the point that it was nice to see old-school jammers back on the jam. I agree...I remember joining the YTSEJAM around issue #600 or something like that..anyone remember the good old days on IRC (EfNet) when we didn't have our own server for a DT chat room and the room was called "Ytsejam"...I think the most people logged on at once at that site was about 7 or 8!! Remember Nuggetman's bots from HELL! Dem be da good ole' days....oh yeah..where's BAFANGULO these days??

    Since I post VERY LITTLE, I would like a little self-indulgence if I may to resurrect my FATES WARNING "Ivory Gate of Dreams" .sig from the ashes once in a while :-)

    cheers, Carlo ("Fates" aka "YtseSatan")

    Currently playing: ELDRITCH "Seeds of Rage"

    (I hope the text doesn't come out all warped in the transfer!!)


    /\ "THE IVORY GATE OF DREAMS" /__\ /____\ /\ /__{}__\ /\ Enter ivory gates through midnight skies /**\/________\/**\ Daylight dreamers in private parades /__________________\ Perform before perpetual dawn | [] []| As dusk engulfs the gate of horn | [] [] | |] [] | Ivory towers appear beyond the gate | [] [] | Invisible fortresses of escape | [] [] | Traversed by ramparts made of hopes and fears | [] [| Impervious to reality | [] [] | |] [] | | [] [] | A cold daze plagues the air | [] [] | Driven by aging winds |_______[]_________| The walls give way to the rush |//*//*//*//*//| and let reality in |/*//*//*//*//*| |*//*//*//*//*/| |//*//*//*//*//| //////// ////// /////////// ////// /////// |/*//*//*//*//*| // // // // // // |*//*//*//*//*/| ////// ////// // ////// /////// |//*//*//*//*//| // // // // // // |/*//*//*//*//*| // // // // ////// ///////

    // // ////// ////// // // // // // //////// // // // // // // /// // // /// // // // /// // ////// ////// // / // // // / // // //// // // // // // // // \\ // / // // // / // // // ///// ///// // // // \\ // /// // // /// ////////


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 1665 **************************

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