YTSEJAM digest 1728

Date: Tue Jul 30 1996 - 09:21:59 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 1727"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 1728

    Today's Topics:

      1) Take the FAQ!
     by (jskewes)
      2) the problem??
     by "call me Joey The Axe Man" <>
     by Dave Hatlee <>
      4) John Petrucci's clinic
     by Mithrandir <>
      5) Through the skull and into your memory.
     by Ben Laussade <>
      6) jp, pinballs, the search for derek and crackheads
      7) Re: Angra questions.. :)
     by dan.souza@uucomet (DAN SOUZA)
      8) Re: Alan Adler
     by (Scott Cook)
      9) KMFDM SUCKS! ;-)
     by Rajkai Péter <>
     10) Re: lurk mode off
     by Rajkai Péter <>
     11) Please help me...
     by Rajkai Péter <>
     12) New CD update
     by Michael Bahr <>
     13) Galactic Cowboys (NDTC)
     by (Dan Temmesfeld)
     14) Flame war
     by Pat Daugherty <>


    Date: Mon, 29 Jul 1996 22:48:52 -0500
    From: (jskewes)
    Subject: Take the FAQ!
    Message-ID: <>

    After a lot of thought and consideration, I've decided to relinquish my
    position of maintaining the Dream Theater FAQ. I've become too busy lately
    to devote the time necessary that the document needs.

    My band is gigging a lot more around Dallas/Ft. Worth. I'm getting married
    August 17. And I just started a new job about two months ago.

    So... I need a volunteer..! I have to warn you - it involves more time
    than you think. I normally spent about 20 hours working on the thing during
    each update. If I get more than one response - I'll let the volunteers work
    it out as to who gets it.

    I'll post the outcome later in the week. I'll still be around, but I'll be
    lurking for the most part. I'll continue to support Dream Theater and
    SUPERIOR as much as possible.

    BTW - check out my NEW SUPERIOR page!

    And MY band is called PROXY. Check out our page at:

    (I'm the dork on the left!)

    If you live in the D/FW area - keep an eye out. We're gigging! (Schedule is
    on the web page!)



    Date: Tue, 30 Jul 96 03:51:35 UT
    From: "call me Joey The Axe Man" <>
    Subject: the problem??
    Message-ID: <>

    why is there all this tension chris????

    you know you were talking about the legalities of their dt tribute
    know that half of the boots we all have are all illegal...?????

    who ever said it would be in stores and not just sold here for us to enjoy or


    Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 00:30:22 -0400
    From: Dave Hatlee <>
    Message-ID: <>

    Howdy all..just wanted to share a QUICK take on the Mike Portnoy
    drum clinic here in Columbus Ohio Sunday. There's a lot I'd like to
    tell, but I want to keep this short so you can get the general idea:
    CAUTION: Some of you already know this stuff, so don't pounce all
    over me for repeating it! :)

    1. Mike HIGHLY recommended practicing and recording with a click /
       metronome whenever possible. (just to clear up any doubt)

    2. He said that for him personally, the click allows him to "flow" a little
       more freely with the parts, with a bit less worry, yet still concentrating.

    3. In a humorous manner, when the Jam was mentioned, he said "don't you guys
       have anything better to argue about?" :) (regarding the whole click thing)

    4. He explained 5/8 6/8 7/8 3/4 and many other time signatures in the most
       enlightened and simplified way I've ever heard it put. He also revealed his
       very own method of using these very sequences in DT's songs. Very in depth
       as to how he approaches something that is orignially written in 4/4, then
       puts together all the math to change it into the more complicated signatures.
    5. He showed us his techniques used in all the great fills, and played them in
       slow motion as he explained each note...VERY good instruction!

    6. When he mentioned the dissappointment in using the snare trigger on I&W,
       I asked him why they did it: "We've had to comprimise a lot on all of our
       recordings...the producer for I&W wanted the trigger...."

    7. I asked his opinion on why DT hasn't done shows like Letterman and Sat.
       Night Live, and his answer was pretty much what we all have discussed here:
       "We're obviously not a "hit single" type of music, and the long songs probably
        scare them..." he went on to comment about the unfair type of treatment that
       progressive gets from the music industry. Don't get me wrong, he was a very
      cheerful dude! Just very honest :)

    8. When I handed him my WDATU CD #580 (thanks Jason Steele!) to sign, he said:
       " Ahhh you're on the Ytsejam" and smiled :)

    9. He played a TON of stuff, and he said it was the live debut of LINES IN THE
       SAND in it's entirety (without the vocals)...Imagine a balance between Awake
       and I&W! They are wayyyy into groove on this new stuff!

    10.(i loved this part) As he played the drums for Erotomania WITHOUT any backing
       music, he asked us all to sing the music along to help him out....Sure enough!
       During the parts where the drums stop briefly, everyone was right in time and
       on key with the parts! He had to stop for a second and tell us we were crazy..

    11. Tour start: Jan or Feb 97, along with CD release. PRODUCER: Still yet to
        be determined. Collins has been asked and not said yes or no, but they have
        other people in mind also.

    12. Mike really has a great sense of humor! My drummer buddy was sorta joking
        around with him, and actually got him to sign a drum head saying:
        "To Don, Thanks for all the lessons! Mike Portnoy" !!!! I thought
         that was cool as hell!

    13. Last but not least, and in spite of my photo from the JP clinic,
        I had pictures taken and I'm actually IN the picture with him this time!
        I'm almost afriad to put it up on my site because I was so happy, I gave
        biggest stupidist dorkiest looking face/smile anyone could possibly make!!

    The photo's will be on my web site tomorrow:

    This clinic, as with JP's, left me with an important impression of the guys
    in DT:
            Rather than sitting around on the weekends getting wasted and spending
       the money we pay for their CD's like most bands would, these guys fly around
       the world to share their knowledge, techniques, tricks, and themselves with US!
       To me, this even strengthens my feelings about them as true professionals, and
    justifies my respect and love for the band...DREAM THEATER!

    Very happy to have been in Ohio this year,
    Dave Hatlee


    Date: Mon, 29 Jul 1996 21:56:05 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Mithrandir <>
    Subject: John Petrucci's clinic
    Message-ID: <>

            Howdy kids!!!!!

            Well I just got back from the clinic, and I must say I was
    impressed. I am a drummer, and even still it was incredible. I took the
    train into N.Y.C. with D-man, Syrinx, Ibanez, and Doug. We met Jeff
    Chew(more about him later), Rachel, and Wild Kobayashi at the studio. John
    played some really cool stuff, showing his vibrato techniques, and Wah pedal
    effects. Derek was there, and even played a song with John. He then started
    asking questions to the audience, and he asked " What recorded instrumentals
    does DT have?" Of course Syrinx chimes in "Eve, Bombay Vindaloo, Ytsejam,
    and Erotomania". He won a shirt for that one. Then John realised that we
    were from the jam, and started picking on us, jokingly. He played a new song
    called "Lines in the sand" and his new stuff for Sega. He then took time to
    sign autographs and chat with us. After everyone else had left, me, John,
    and Eric Gandris(Lead singer of Centurion) remenised about the good old
    garage days. All in all, it was alot of fun.

          John's quote of the night after Jeff told him he met him a year ago;

    " Oh yeah, You grew "
                         Elen sila lumenn omentilmo, Mithrandir


    Date: Mon, 29 Jul 1996 21:58:29 -0700
    From: Ben Laussade <>
    Subject: Through the skull and into your memory.
    Message-ID: <>

    >I guess because you can't go then others shouldn't be able to do the=20
    >tribute at the con? 2 birds can be killed with one stone. The con and the=
    >tribute. This is the best idea I have seen.

    I thought I made that clear, Pat. If you don't wait for me, I'll kill you=

    >First off, prick boy, good luck getting this thing together. Second,=20
    >it's quite naive to think that whoever will run this whole gig will=20
    >just fork over the cash to do this project and not expect=20
    >reimbursement. Who do you think will take the flack if this should=20
    >be pursued by Warner Bros.? Are you a lawyer?

    Yikes. Cut down on the caffeine, man. First of all, I'd be willing to donate
    to the project if designing web pages for people ends up paying alot. If it
    doesn't, I'll be broke, but I'll give in my bottle full of loose change.
    Second of all, we obviously wouldn't DO it if it was illegal. That's why I
    said it would be wise to use one of our few connections with the band to ask
    if everything's okay with it.

    >You punk ass waste of time.=20


     The reason I said that is that you're a=20
    >real big shot thinking that we're going to have to only offer ideas=20
    >which are CONSTRUCTIVE to your little plan.

    We? Who's we? You and the voices? All you did in that post was completely
    shoot down the plan. I don't mind a deconstructive comment or three, but
    when it isn't accompanied by a constructive one, it pisses me off a little.
    That's not being helpful...that's pessimism.

    "=7F>I don't feel I owe you=20
    >that. I see a host of flaws in your plan for getting this cd=20
    >together, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let any jammers risk=20
    >travelling out to Bufu to record on something that they'll never=20
    >hear, or worse getting sued by a huge record label because nobody=20
    >pointed out that this isn't as simple as you want it to be.

    So, you're the Guardian of the Ytsejam now? Sounds like you're implying that
    they're all too stupid to take care of themselves. I think a few jammers
    might have a teeny problem with that.

    >I think=20
    >that in general all the jammers know that this isn't going to happen=20
    >as you have it planned, but on the chance that I was wrong I offered=20
    >my criticism. You don't like it? Censor me.

    If everybody knows it's not going to work, then why did the subject come up?
    And, I DON'T like it, but censorship sucks.

    >You don't understand the music business that well. DT may not have=20
    >the right to authorize the use of their music in this form. =20

    Yeah, but they can let us know if it is or not.

    I said:
    >> Whoa whoa whoa....drums and guitar are two different instruments

    You said:
    >Again, I see that you lack comprehension. When you get your head out=20
    >of your ass maybe you'll realize that drums and percussion are not=20
    >necessarily the same thing.

    Think about it.

    >Now, in Al DiMeola's case, you wad of=20
    >shit, :) he is a guitarist/percussionist/drummer. Al can play drums=20
    >if you want to take it to that level, but what I was saying is that=20
    >he plays percussion on most of his albums. it's not. You said:
    >>He's a better percussionist=20
    >>on guitar than almost any drummer I've ever heard is.

    Percussion ON guitar is different than percussion AND guitar. Since I'd
    never heard any Al DiMeola, all I had to go on was what you said. So, if you
    meant to say something different in the above quote, I apologize for the
    misunderstanding....but if you meant what you said, quit contradicting=

    >> Not too many drummers play guitar.
    >You don't get out much, do you?

    Not really.=20

    >I guess the sound quality on Promised Land is too "baaaaad" for you.

    So now you're supporting the Trib? Sheesh. Anyways, 1. never heard it, 2.
    Queensryche had alot better equipment than we do.=20

    >Stop the world. Mark can't make it to YtseCon. If you can't make it=20
    >to YtseCon, what were you going to do the the DT tribute cd. Or were=20
    >we just going to come to you.

    <knock knock> Hi, I'm Ben. When you asked what was I going to do the the DT
    tribute cd I just cracked up...but that's not the point. I explained in
    previous posts why I thought waiting till next summer would be better, so
    people could save up for travel expenses to meet in a central location, and
    learn songs better. I can't make YtseCon because of a little thing called
    School. And, if you want to come to me, go ahead.=20

    >I apologize to you jammers for taking up bandwidth with this, but I don't=
    >that I deserved to be flamed by this moron.

    When did I flame you?

    >won't reply to any more of his flames on the jam, for your sake.

    Still having trouble remembering....

    >or Ben or whatever your name is... don't waste my time.

    Ah..i guess you're referring to the post I sent a few days ago. Do you
    really consider something a flame when it contains something other than your
    opinion? That's sad. And, I will waste your time because 1. you wasted mine,
    and 2. you wouldn't have flamed me if you didn't expect me to reply.

    <wipes sweat off forehead> There. I've done it. Byebye.

    Ben Laussade


    Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 01:04:05 -0400
    Subject: jp, pinballs, the search for derek and crackheads
    Message-ID: <>

    what a fun time was had by us all at the clinic. it was ffidh!!!!!!!!

    it was very funny (mad humorous) at often times.

    some things i won't forget too easily:
    a) "gee, notice how steve vai looks like ron darling in the picture..."
    b) guy (name forgotten- sorry) singing rush lyrics on line
    c) "look- it's derek!"
    d) petrucci's impersonation of a focus customer.
    e) jp playing b.c. rich?!?!

    had a blast meeting rob ibanez, syrinx, and all the other funky fresh in da
    house ytsers there.

    the unfunky ufo awards go to:
    mojoman for being mia.
    bafu vai for likewise, but i guess we knew that shit.

    peace out y'all, and keep the crack fires burnin.

    david kobayashi
    the wild and magical koba

    "i'm using the chicken to measure it." -some freak on "uncle meat".

    "for 20 long years, i could not read music. but now, thanks to 'hooked on
    phonics'...."- dean, screaming headless torsos.


    Date: Mon, 29 Jul 96 06:41:00 -0200
    From: dan.souza@uucomet (DAN SOUZA)
    Subject: Re: Angra questions.. :)
    Message-ID: <8C56191.019000B914.uuout@uucomet>

    > From: Dave Peterson <>
    > Subject: Angra and KMFDM

    > I've been thinking about picking up Angra's Holy Land off an internet
    > CD place, but there's 2 versions. The domestic versoin or a japan
    > import with a bonus track. What is the bonus track and is it worth
    > paying $38 to hear it?

      Well.. the price here in Brazil is 50,00! :) The bonus track is called
      "Queen of the Night" and was the first demo song of 'em. I heard it on
      the radio and I think that is not worth to pay more just for one song.
      There are rumors right here that they will edit an EP with "Pain
      Killer", and the others bonus tracks of Holy Land (there are also
      other versions with acoustic _Angels Cry_ songs)..
      Better wait.. ;)


     . * Dan Souza (Jay on IRC) * . "This is my whammy bar.. .
     . Email: . ... and it's gonna be loud" .
     . Telnet: . .

    .. Death is the first dance, eternal.
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30


    Date: Mon, 29 Jul 1996 22:21:59 -0700
    From: (Scott Cook)
    Subject: Re: Alan Adler
    Message-ID: <>

    In ytsejam 1727, Alan Adler wrote:

    >When I suscribed to this list last year I tought that it was going
    >to be something interesting...... but now I can see that sucks, you
    >only talk about shit, this is all crap....
    >I want to get off the list.... unsubscribe me.....

    Well Alan,

    If you want to unsubscribe do the following:

    Subject: asdf

    Body of message: unsubscribe ytsejam Alan Adler

    And there ya go!

    and don't the door his you in the ass on the way out!


    Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 10:01:49 +0200
    From: Rajkai Péter <>
    Subject: KMFDM SUCKS! ;-)
    Message-ID: <>

    > Second, Dr Teeth asked about the new KMFDM....
    > not exactly like Nihil. Alot more electronic, alot
    > less guitar. I like it, but I like too much for my own
    > good :) (ask my 300+ CD collection :)

    I also like KMFDM (I will buy the new album this week). Anyway, do you know
    a site where I can find lyrics of KMFDM (mainly for Nihil and Naive, I have
    the lyrics for Money and Angst)?



    Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 10:01:56 +0200
    From: Rajkai Péter <>
    Subject: Re: lurk mode off
    Message-ID: <>

    > the tribute thing- i really think that this is just not realistic at
    > all. i don't know how many people on this list can afford to buy a
    > plane ticket, take time off from work, pay for studio
    > time and help pay for production costs for a cd that will make no
    > money whatsover. (unless you discuss royalties with DT or something).
    > but hey, that's just me talking. if you want to try it, more power
    > to you.

    I think you're right, I really can't buy a plane ticket to the States,
    but I can send the keyboard parts I know on DAT. Almost the same sounds
    and notes. Do you have problems with it?



    Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 10:02:01 +0200
    From: Rajkai Péter <>
    Subject: Please help me...
    Message-ID: <>

    1. I don't speak English very well (shame on me) and can't figure out the words
    on LiT. Could you tell me what they are speaking about in the limo?

    2. When the drum solo begins, there is a sample saying something (on every
    drum solo I've heard from Portnoy). Could you tell me what that is and where from?

    3. Has anybody MIDI file (or the right transcription) for Queensryche's "Someone Else"?
    I think there is a lot of guitarist here and maybe they have the tab for PL album.
    Is there a transcription in the tab book for this song?

    Thx in adv. Peter from Hungary


    Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 01:52:20 -0700 (MST)
    From: Michael Bahr <>
    Subject: New CD update
    Message-ID: <>

            A new CD update dated 7/30/96 is available. You know where to
    look... also Skadz will have it on the server...

    - voluntas vincit omnia - Mike Bahr - -


    Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 09:07:31 -0400
    From: (Dan Temmesfeld)
    Subject: Galactic Cowboys (NDTC)
    Message-ID: <v01520d01ae236f0095bc@[]> in Ytsejam #1727 wrote:
    >On my way to work today, I was listenning to the ONLY decent music on the air
    >here in the NY Metro area in the AM, WSOU, and the DJ said "and this is
    >Galactic Cowboys".

    Oh my gawd...I've yet to hear *any* GC on radio!! quite surprising. I'm
    glad to see some stations play it...these sucky Dayton stations keep giving
    me B.S. reasons why they "like the band, but can't play it."

    >Anyway, the singer
    >kept saying "I'm not amused" if that is any clue to which song it was.

    The song is "I'm Not Amused" off of their debut self-titled album on Geffen
    (sucks!) Records in 1991. Not my fav from the album, but still a good
    song- all things considered.

    >These guys obviously have a good sound. One thing though,
    >I cannot point to any part of the song that I did not like, but the SONG, as
    >a whole, did not seem to work. The song seemed like two distinct songs sewn

    I agree. It's a 6:21 song, and parts of it seem to be disjointed. I
    wouldn't judge this song as very representative of the GC sound, though.
    To describe their sound: their first two albums are proggy, their latest
    one isn't as proggy- but it's still excellent. Their an excellent metal
    band that knows how to sing...imagine that! :)

    I'd start out with their second album "Space In Your Face." Both it and
    the first album are now available on Geffen's (sucks!) Goldline- which
    means about $8 for a CD. SIYF has some of their best work, IMO, like
    "Blind," "Still Life of Peace," "If I Were A Killer," and more. Their
    debut has my fav GC song on it, "Speak To Me"- a 10+ minute beauty.

    Their newest one, Machine Fish, is on Metal Blade (a label that actually
    supports its artists- did I mention that Geffen sucks!). It's got a lot of
    GREAT songs as well. You really can't miss with any GC albums, IMO.

    They've also got an EP due out in Sept/Oct with "Feel The Rage" (from
    MFish), plus 3 new GC tunes, and 3 cover tunes.

    >I think that this band is closer to what I like than some others I have read
    >about here (like Echolyn, or Magellan), sort of on the same wavelength as DT
    >or FW. No EXCESSIVE banging, but just enough to get you going and strong
    >musical themes...

    They're really not much like DT or FW, except for the fact that they use a
    lot of different sounds (and instruments) and time changes. their strong
    point is definitely their vocals, 4-part harmonies and whatnot.

    You can find a lot more info about GC at my homepage (URL in the .sig).


    Dan in the CD-Rom Audio Player: silent man single :)

    Dan Temmesfeld --- email:
              "Home of the Unofficial GALACTIC COWBOYS Page"


    Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 09:14:44 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Pat Daugherty <>
    To: Dream Theater Mailing List <>
    Subject: Flame war
    Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960730091140.27863B-100000@bdmserver>

    Chris Ptacek
    >I apologize to you jammers for taking up bandwidth with this, but I don't see
    >that I deserved to be flamed by this moron. I thought it best to reply. I
    >won't reply to any more of his flames on the jam, for your sake. As
    >far as the jam is concerned, I will let this issue die. If anyone
    >wants to complain about something I said, send it in e mail. Mark,
    >or Ben or whatever your name is... don't waste my time.

    No need to apologize. Ben always thinks he knows it all. He thinks
    everything should be his way and if you dont think what he does then you
    are wrong. But come on, give him a break afterall he is 12 or something...

    | Pat Daugherty |
    | "Every breath leaves me one less to my last" --Dream Theater |
    | "That is not an option, Mr. Mulder" --X-Files |
    |The Baltimore Orioles-The team to beat in 1996!!!!!!! | Go DC United! |


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 1728

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