YTSEJAM digest 1311

Date: Fri Mar 01 1996 - 16:14:46 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 1310"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 1311

    Today's Topics:

      1) subscriptions
     by Scott Daugherty <SRDAUGZ2@ULKYVM.LOUISVILLE.EDU>
      2) Re: YTSEJAM digest 1304 (fwd)
     by Scott Daugherty <SRDAUGZ2@ULKYVM.LOUISVILLE.EDU>
      3) Mail Item Format Warning
     by "RESPONSE at IBMMAIL 03/01/96 - 18:50:30" <>
      4) Ignorance...
     by Pat Daugherty <>
      5) orchestral....
     by "Jill M. Lentchner" <>
      6) Showdown and TLF liner
     by Michael Bahr <>
      7) Fates Pale Fire single
     by Pat Daugherty <>
      8) Re: IAW v Awake?
     by KJ <>
      9) the best magna carta band.
     by Matt Rosin <>
     10) ytsecon2 group picture on my web page
     by Tymoteusz Altman <>
     11) Tribute not mindless idiocy
     by (Seth Hatlelid)
     12) instrumentals
     13) YTSEJAM digest 1310
     by "Steven Johnson" <>
     14) ATTN: OLAF BODE (sorry ndtc)
     by (Scott Cook)
     15) YTSEJAM digest 1310
     by "Steven Johnson" <>
     16) Re: YTSEJAM digest 1307
     17) Re: YTSEJAM digest 1308
     18) Re: Iron Maiden\Magna Carta
     by Benjamin Brizzell <brizzb@Sage.EDU>


    Date: Fri, 01 Mar 96 13:28:43 EST
    From: Scott Daugherty <SRDAUGZ2@ULKYVM.LOUISVILLE.EDU>
    To: Ytsejam <YTSEJAM@AX.COM>
    Subject: subscriptions
    Message-ID: <960301.133531.EST.SRDAUGZ2@ULKYVM.LOUISVILLE.EDU>

    Hey guys and gals,

       I just wanted to let you all know that, as my part in helping out our happy
    little mailing list, I will personally respond to the posts which appear that
    someone has incorrectly tried to subcribe. You know the kind I'm talking
    about? I'll just e-mail them with the correct info, and that way the'll get
    added and none of you will have to worry about it. Oh yeah, I'll also do the
    same for those desiring to unsubscribe. :(

    Just my way of helping out. I feel so bad for them, you know?

    Scott Daugherty

    -Yo, Bozo boy!


    Date: Fri, 01 Mar 96 13:41:37 EST
    From: Scott Daugherty <SRDAUGZ2@ULKYVM.LOUISVILLE.EDU>
    To: ytsejam <>
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 1304 (fwd)
    Message-ID: <960301.134546.EST.SRDAUGZ2@ULKYVM.LOUISVILLE.EDU>

    Hey Cat,

        Thanks! Look guys and gals, there can be intelligent conversation on the
    jam with everybody stating their opinions and nobody berating anybody! Have
    we risen to a new level?

    Scott Daugherty

    "I am, therefore you is"


    Date: Fri, 01 Mar 1996 13:51:20 EST
    From: "RESPONSE at IBMMAIL 03/01/96 - 18:50:30" <>
    Subject: Mail Item Format Warning
    Message-ID: <>

    The mail item that you sent at 18:50:54 GMT on 01 Mar 1996 has been delivered.

    However, it has been necessary to convert this item into a
    format that is acceptable to the recipient, FITIPMOL at IBMMAIL.
    Information beyond column 79 in the mail item will have been wrapped.


    Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 13:54:42 -0500 (EST)
    From: Pat Daugherty <>
    To: Dream Theater Mailing List <>
    Subject: Ignorance...
    Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9603011350.D23419-b100000@bdmserver>

    >Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 12:31:27 -0600
    >From: (GADEM)
    >Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 1308
    >Message-ID: <>
    >At 11:32 PM 2/29/96 -0800, you wrote:
    >>>What??? Yea right they could play them. Do you have any idea what it takes
    >>>to play classical music? I play piano - and there is no way they could.
    >>>The technical, let alone musical concepts are of a completely different
    >>>nature than the stuff Dream Theater puts out.
    >>You ig'nant! Just because they DON'T play it doesn't mean they CAN'T
    >>play it.

    >Shut up. You obviously don't play classical music or you wouldn't make such
    >completely uncalled for and idiotic remarks. Oh yea - I'm really ignorant.

    <rest of included digest deleted>

    wow (GADEM), You were so quick to flame someone that you go
    and do a most ignorant thing and include almost all of a previous digest in
    your reply...

      **** Pat Daugherty ****
    **** "Every breath leaves me one less to my last" --Dream Theater ****
    **** "That is not an option, Mr. Mulder" --X-Files ****


    Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 13:57:36 -0500 (EST)
    From: "Jill M. Lentchner" <>
    Subject: orchestral....
    Message-ID: <>

            I think a lot of people don't realize that the orchetsra people
    are serious about the tribute. For all of you guys out there who were
    kidding but want to get involved, let us know!!! Sean mentioned about a
    wind ensemble and being willing to transcribe, I just sent out stuff
    about that to those who are playing big band instruments. Please contact
    someone (me or llama dude) because we could use your help. It would be
    nice if we had more than keyboard and guitar tabs to work with!!
            All those interested, we are really working on it. Contact us.



    Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 12:06:19 -0700 (MST)
    From: Michael Bahr <>
    Subject: Showdown and TLF liner
    Message-ID: <>

            Actually, all of you are wrong about the songs on WDATU. :) OK,
    kidding, don't have a knee jerk reaction to that. I'm just kiddin'.

            "Untitled" is featured on the IAW video. That's _confirmed_.
    Moonbubbles _was_ from the Osaka 11/17/92 soundboard, and started with
    Myung alone playing solo bass, and gradually the other instruments
    swelled in. Barfbag was the original title of the instrumental on WDATU.
    Showdown has since been renamed Raise The Knife, and it had no lyrics at
    the time it was previously named.

            As to why I labeled it the way I did, I was asked to. That's all.
    I'll let people read whatever they like into that. I think certain people
    wanted me to help put an end to the title speculations. :)

            And yes, the person was right who mentioned that the To Live
    Forever lyrics in the liner to WDATU were the only lyrics NOT sung in the
    song at the time it was recorded. They're on the LIE single TLF.

            They just re-released TOP GUN on laserdisc, with a re-mastered
    widescreen picture, AC-3 sound, and THX compliance. Watching it again
    sure brought back a lot of memories, not the least of which was the kind
    of music that was out at the time. (Riiiiight Iiiiiinn Toooooooo Theeee
    Daynjah' Zoooone!) I like today's prog-rock quite a bit better now. The
    jet combat was incredible though, just like before.

    MTFBWY! Mike Bahr,


    Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 14:09:46 -0500 (EST)
    From: Pat Daugherty <>
    To: Dream Theater Mailing List <>
    Subject: Fates Pale Fire single
    Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9603011446.C25599-9100000@bdmserver>

    Does anyone have the Fates Warning Pale Fire single? Looks like I will
    be able to get one. Supposedly on it is the edited version of Monument,
    demo version of We Only Say Goodbye, and Pale Fire.

      **** Pat Daugherty ****
    **** "Every breath leaves me one less to my last" --Dream Theater ****
    **** "That is not an option, Mr. Mulder" --X-Files ****


    Date: Fri, 01 Mar 1996 12:03:32 -0700 (MST)
    From: KJ <>
    Subject: Re: IAW v Awake?
    Message-ID: <>

    > I'm coming out of lurk mode for my first post here, so bear with me.
    > Someone (forgive me, I don't remember whom) mentioned that they liked
    > IAW, and didn't like Awake as much, to which Ben "however you
    > pronounce it" replied, "I bet you wouldn't feel the same if you had
    > heard Awake before I&W. Nine times out of ten, people will like
    > better what the heard first. You kind of get used to it." In a way,
    > I agree.

    i think another important point is how much you like the first thing you
    hear. for instance, my roommate thinks empire is better than mindcrime.
    i got empire first, and then o:m, and at first i agreed with him. but
    then o:m grew on me, and now i think its clearly better. the change of
    opinion comes from 3 places: objectivity, time, and initial attraction.
    another example is the people who like the subconscious ACoS better.

    and now for a little fun humor from this month's U. Magazine.
            in response to the question "lights on or lights off?" one reply
    was "lights on. if i can't see him outside of me, i don't want him
    inside of me."



    Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 13:37:48 -0600 (CST)
    From: Matt Rosin <>
    Subject: the best magna carta band.
    Message-ID: <>

    the best magna carta band is SHADOW GALLERY, without a doubt, bar none
    (IMHO, of course). ;) in my mind, enchant and magellan don't even
    compare to this band.

    Matt Rosin * SURREALITY: ambient-experimental
    PO Box 15315 * IMAGESCAPE: ambient-progressive metal
    College Station, TX * Matt Rosin: vocals/synths/programming
             77841-7315 * * email:


    Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 12:02:22 -0800 (PST)
    From: Tymoteusz Altman <>
    Subject: ytsecon2 group picture on my web page
    Message-ID: <>

    Just wanted to let you guys know that i have gotten the group picture
    that we took at the ytsecon II scanned, and it is now on my web page.
    It's not the highest quality scan, but it's not too bad.
    the address is
    you'll have to go to the Picture Gallery, and it will be in the section
    Dream Theater related pics.
    I also got my pictures developed from the malibu show, and i will have
    them scanned sometime next week.
    I'll let you know when they are up!


    Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 14:21:06 -0600
    From: (Seth Hatlelid)
    Subject: Tribute not mindless idiocy
    Message-ID: <v01510102ad5c2996531a@[]>

    Hiya all!
     About the Dream Theater tribute disk: first to the man who said the
    tamborine was as joke instrument, any tool of expressing an emotion or
    thought is a viable musical tool. Second, I thought that the idea of the
    tribute was not to mindlessly recreate the music of Dream Theater (drink it
    if ya got it), but to reinterpret the lyrics with our visions of the music.
    Our vision with a deep nod to a band that has influenced us greatly. John
    Myung convinced me to make the leap from four to six strings (thanx John),
    they inspired me to work my ass off so that I could attend Berklee even
    though I'd only been playing for three years (I was accepted formally four
    days ago, but I'm not going because I've decided to major in psychology,
    but being accepted to Berklee became a quest for me), they inspired me to
    play at crowded smoggy bars for free in order to express my musical vision
    to the world. I for one, am not going to play "Lie" like a human DAT
    machine, Ben Laussade and I are composing Metroplis Part II (we still need
    a vocalist and a keyboardist). I'm am going to try to give something back
    to Dream Theater and to the fans of such a fanatastic genre of music. I
    hope everyone on the jam willcontribute to the TRibute in some fashion or
    another whether it be with a guitar track, studio time, or simply giving
    the vocalist without a car a ride to the studio. It doesn't matter if ACOS
    is played by a symphony of kazoos, if the heart is there, if the passion is
    there, the music will follow.

    Please send responses to myself, Ben Laussade, or the Great Wally and Thanx
    Seth Hatlelid
    "It's only a flesh wound!"

    "Bassists are hung low!"

    "Why God? Why do I keep listening to this cursed Ween C.D.?"
    "Penance, but isn't it fun!"


    Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 14:23:19 -0600 (CST)
    Subject: instrumentals
    Message-ID: <>

    Bafu sez:
    >>Yes, I've heard that "Showdown" is a song to be on the forthcoming album.
    If this is true, why did Mike Bahr take that name and use it to title the
    2+ year-old instrumental "Barfbag?" Did DT play this same instrumental at
    a show during the summer of 1995 and say it was called "Showdown?" I have
    a tape of the NAMM show from 1994, in which Petrucci does the instrumental
    on the end of WDATU and says, "Thank you...that was Barfbag..." Plus Mike
    Portnoy has referred to this instrumental on more than one occasion as
    "Barfbag," so when did the name change, or is Mike Bahr mixed up?<<

    I think Mike was mixed up, but he never replied when I asked him about this.
    My take on that is that the song is indeed Barfbag (and is how I have it
    listed on my list of all of DT's setlists).

    >>Let me try to get this straight:
    "Moon Bubbles" is the instrumental usually found after "To Live Forever."
    It starts out with volume swells on keys and guitar, and is basically
    played at the same tempo and key as "TLF."<<

    Nope - as far as I know, Moon Bubbles actually is a guitar/bass piece that was
    played during the very first part of the I&W tour (late '92). This was played
    in between Ytsejam and Another Day. There are no keyboards or drums on this
    instrumental (at least the recordings I've heard).

    As to the extended solo/outro/whatever-you-call-it that follows TLF for most
    of the I&W tour (as can be heard on the LiT video as well as such boots as
    Lords of Sound and Dream in Progress), I have *never* heard of a specific name
    for this "piece".

    >>"Barfbag" is a very uptempo, jazzy piece that starts out with chromatic
    guitar and kicks into a real groovy, rather long guitar spot. <<

    I agree with you on this one.

    However, that still leaves one instrumental (that I'm aware of) that few
    people seem to know of. This instrumental followed TLF on 5/15/93, but I have
    yet to hear it from another show. This song is not any of the above, nor is
    it Bombay Vindaloo. In talking to Mike Bahr once, he mentioned that this
    instrumental was called "Showdown", but I get the feeling that it is not.
    James LaBrie (or any other band member if they've gotten 'Net access), if you
    are reading this, could you (through some secret channel or something) resolve
    this? What is *that* instrumental called?

    >>Does anyone remember if "Showdown" had any lyrics if/when DT actually
    played it live? Was it the instrumental from the end of WDATU? Is there
    anyone alive who has WDATU and has heard the ending instrumental, and has
    also heard "Showdown," and can tell me if the two are the same?<<

    According to Neil Elliott's review in an earlier issue of I&W (the fanzine),
    he mentioned that they played an instrumental excerpt of it, which then went
    into CiaW. I myself have not heard any boots from either of those two shows
    (6/9/95 or 6/13/95), but I know some people have them. Perhaps someone could
    shed some light on "Showdown"? (Brian Cox maybe?)

    >>One other question: Did DT play three or four shows in Japan a few months
    ago to support ACOS?<<

    Three - 10/26, 10/28, and 10/30. Shame on you Bafu! :) You'd know this if you
    subscribed to I&W the official fanzine (shameless plug even though I'm not
    connected to it).

    To all who are not subscribed to the fanzine, do so!! It's a *very*
    worthwhile fanzine to get. Yeah, so you have 'Net access; there still is a
    lot of cool stuff in the fanzine that you won't get here. I highly recommend
    it. Contact Neil Elliott for more info (sorry I don't remember his email
    address off the top of my head).

    Scott Hansen


    Date: 01 Mar 1996 14:24:14 GMT
    From: "Steven Johnson" <>
    Subject: YTSEJAM digest 1310
    Message-ID: <>

    *** Reply to note of 03/01/96 12:46
    Steve of DREG records...please e-mail me. My firewall prevents initial
    contact!! Thanks (is the Jam tired of me explaining my firewall predicament?).


    "I'll be defending you on the charge of......MURDER ONE!?! Wow!
    Even if I lose, I'll be famous!!" - Lionel Hutz, attorney


    Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 12:36:56 -0800
    From: (Scott Cook)
    Subject: ATTN: OLAF BODE (sorry ndtc)
    Message-ID: <>

    (I'm sorry to post this to the jam, but I've sent emails to Olaf and he
    hasn't been receiving them so I can't figure any other way to do this.)


        I'm sorry, but I don't have access to a PAL system. I can, if you
    wish, put it on audio for you if you want, total time is :163. It's in
    stereo, so it'll still sound real nice.
        I forwarded your letter to a friend of mine in Detroit to check
    into the questions you asked about the origin of the cd's. If he comes
    up again, I'll email you and hopefully you'll get it. If you have any
    questions, you can email me. I do usually receive them.




    Date: 01 Mar 1996 14:36:14 GMT
    From: "Steven Johnson" <>
    Subject: YTSEJAM digest 1310
    Message-ID: <>

    *** Reply to note of 03/01/96 12:46
    This arguement about DT not being able to play classical music is ridiculous.
    If they have practiced enough to do what they do now, why wouldn't it make
    sense that they could practice enough to play classical music? Are all
    classical musicians so arrogant they feel nobody else could play their music?
    This seems even more elitist to say of five guys (well, four and that's if
    Mike jumps on the tympanies (SP?)) who'd have a head start in the classical
    direction over many of their contemporaries, much less people like myself.

    I don't think a classical musician, with all their mighty technical abilities,
    could be a decent jazz musician in one week, but to think they COULDN'T become
    one -- especially with the ability to draw from their already mature music
    knowledge? Hmmmmmmmmm (said with a Marge Simpson falsetto).

    Get off your horse. (Semi-credibility factor -- I'm a partial musician who
    grew up in a family where the matriarch has a masters in music and concentrate
    son classical and the patriarch is finishing his Ph.D. in music and
    concentrate son jazz and rock) SHEESH!!!


    "I'll be defending you on the charge of......MURDER ONE!?! Wow!
    Even if I lose, I'll be famous!!" - Lionel Hutz, attorney


    Date: Thu, 29 Feb 1996 15:36:35 EST
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 1307
    Message-ID: <>

    I said...
    >I'm Sure the same could be said about Mr. or Ms. anonymous at
    >KEU@POINTBLANK.COM................AND then again FLATTERy gets you
    >everywhere (squish)........;)

    You said....
    >>My name is Jon and I resent that! How could you say you would
    >>like me flat????

    I reply...

    I want you flat in the same way you want me sharp...which is to say...I was
    just KIDDING...and I'm only half convinced YOU were. So there. :)


    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IN GODS WE TRUST.........................................
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ALL OTHERS PAY CASH......................
                                                      -STEVEN BRUST


    Date: Fri, 01 Mar 1996 14:48:43 -0600 (CST)
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 1308

    Date sent: 1-MAR-1996 14:15:19
    >>>takes to play classical music? I play piano - and there is no way they
    >>>could. The technical, let alone musical concepts are of a completely
    >>>different nature than the stuff Dream Theater puts out.
    There are a plethora of bands that that can be said about, but I'm not sure
    DT is one of them. Hell, I ain't gonna shit on anyone who got into
    >Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 00:40:20 -0500
    >From: Dave <>
    >Subject: Awake not Blow Away?
    >Message-ID: <>
    >>gothic sound. As for DT, I saw major changes as soon as I heard the
    >>"Awake" album. None of the songs blew me away like they did on IAW. What
    >>Debbie Seeger
    >>University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
    >>Music Major (Recording Technology emphasis)
    >Dear Deb:
    >Please don't take this in any dirogatory way whatsoever, but what are you

    For your information This is my 26th day of QUITTING smoking, thank you
    very much!!!

    > I guess if awake doesn't move you, it just doesn't, but I have a
    >hard time believing that I&W blew you away and not Awake. To me, although
    >the Cd's are a bit different from each other (IW being as close to
    >mainstream as DT will ever get), the stuff on Awake is still Killer!! It's
    >just in a different frame of mind, and it takes some time to get "involved"

    Well, that's your opinion. What I was trying to say is that possibly Dt's
    "touch of success" with IAW negatively influnced the material on Awake. I
    never thought i'd hear DT write songs about getting screwed over by some
    chick. I mean, I was as pissed after hearing that than I was when I saw a
    stupid model striking poses in Fates Warning's "Eye To Eye" video! what's
    the world of "progressive" rock coming to!?!
    >mean) I guess all I'm trying to say is that I LOVE both albums just the
    >same, and I'm having a hard time believing your dilemma:) Did you try
    >listening to Awake on a long drive with no one else in the car, and a really
    >good stereo system? heheheh
    Sorry, I have Awe on CD and my car stereo doesn't have a CD player!
    Seriously, I have LISTENED to the disc as opposed to HEARING it, and I'm
    still not udderly mesmarized by it. Yes, tunes like Voices and Lifting
    Shadows Off A Dream are great and still have that DT sound, but what the
    hell is the story with Lie? What the fuck happened there?
    I know a number of you are from the New York City area, but is anyone from,
    more specifically, the White Plains/Mamaroneck area? I might take my
    internship out there and I was wondering if there's anyhting a cheesehead
    like me should know about the area. Also, would those of you in the area
    know of anyone needing a roommate come late May/Early June? Please mail me
    if you can help!
    Debbie Seeger
    University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
    Music Major (Recording Technology emphasis)

    Vocabulary Building with Deb:
    CORPORATE PUNK: noun. Green Day (need I say more?!) [Courtesy of Michael


    Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 15:57:35 -0500 (EST)
    From: Benjamin Brizzell <brizzb@Sage.EDU>
    Cc: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re: Iron Maiden\Magna Carta
    Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960301155455.16668A-100000@zeus>

    On Fri, 1 Mar 1996, Ryan Eschauzier '97 wrote:

    > I am still taking the final count for the ytsejam's favorite Maiden
    > album, so if you still want to vote, email me!
    > You have to think that Enchant may be the best Magna Carta band. I think
    > Magellan is the best for lyrics and Enchant is the best for music, what
    > do you think?
    I've never heard Enchant, but I think that Shadow Gallery has to be the
    best for music. I can't really say for lyrics. I thought that Shadow
    Gallery's are okay at time and cheesey at others, Magellan is okay, and
    so is Cairo. I'm not a good judge at this, I guess. Later...

    | Ben Brizzell | "Flee the icy Lucifer. |
    | e-mail address: | Oh, he's an awful fellow! |
    | | What a mistake! |
    | Individual Studies | I didn't take a feather from his pillow." |
    | Sage Junior College | - JETHRO TULL |
    | of Albany | "A Passion Play" |
    | Check out my band, ANACHRONISM's, new home page at |
    | |


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 1311

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