YTSEJAM digest 1355

Date: Sun Mar 17 1996 - 17:23:01 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 1356"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 1355

    Today's Topics:

      2) Mail Item Format Warning
     by "RESPONSE at IBMMAIL 03/16/96 - 18:42:11" <>
      3) JP's Dad
     by Dave <>
      4) Question
     by Charone Frankel <>
      5) Re. Rush Tribute CD
      6) YKYADTF if...
      7) Nostradamas
      8) Wuh-Dah-Du
      9) I get the hint
     10) I HAVE SPOKEN...
     by The Masked Avenger <>
     11) JP Columns
     by (Sheila Swanson)
     12) Tony MacAlpine
     by Darren Redick <>
     13) Dream Theater Fan Club...GOOD NEWS
     14) Metallic Misc. Miasma
     by Gilbert Jack Thetgyi <>
     15) Re: Dream Theater Fan Club...GOOD NEWS
     by (DUSTY VESTAL)
     16) Malibu June '95
     by "Christopher R. Merlo" <>
     17) Re: YTSEJAM digest 1354
     by Joseph Dunn <>
     18) Re: YTSEJAM digest 1354
     by Karri K Kiviluoma <>


    Woo-hah! Got you all in check! (It thrills me, really, to see chess
    enthusiasts entering the rap genre)

    Dream Theater = Red Meat Hater = Retard Hate Me = Mr Death Eater



    Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 13:42:56 EST
    From: "RESPONSE at IBMMAIL 03/16/96 - 18:42:11" <>
    Subject: Mail Item Format Warning
    Message-ID: <>

    The mail item that you sent at 18:42:50 GMT on 16 Mar 1996 has been delivered.

    However, it has been necessary to convert this item into a
    format that is acceptable to the recipient, FITIPMOL at IBMMAIL.
    Information beyond column 79 in the mail item will have been wrapped.


    Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 13:46:05 -0500 (EST)
    From: Dave <>
    Subject: JP's Dad
    Message-ID: <>

    Hey there DT friends (and hopefully JP):

    Has anyone heard anything about John Petrucci and how he is handling the
    loss of his Dad? I hope that he's doing OK...I know that I would be a wreck
    if I lost one of my parents right now. If you are reading this John, I
    sympathize a lot with your situation right now, and I hope it does not get
    the best of you for too long. Your Dad (from what I have read in articles)
    was a great person, and I'll bet he was very supportive of you. I just want
    you to know that there are people out here who care about what you're going
    through, and that we hope you're allright.

    Dave Hatlee


    Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 10:52:08 -0800 (PST)
    From: Charone Frankel <>
    Subject: Question
    Message-ID: <>

    I don't think this got through before, so here's my question again:

            Are the Galactic Cowboys worth a two hour drive?

                    @ .. @ /\_/\
                    (----) Charone Frankel ( o.o )
                   ( >__< ) <> > - <
            "Death is the first dancing turrtellle!!!" -James LaBrie
               "Where's your sense of humor, man?" -Bart Simpson


    Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 14:33:09 -0500
    Subject: Re. Rush Tribute CD
    Message-ID: <>

    Steven C. Young wrote:
    <<<Okay, enough speculation about the Rush tribute CD already. Does anybody
    out there have any semi-concrete evidence that points to this
    too-good-to-be-true project actually materializing?>>>

    This tribute is being put together by Magna Carta Records which is very
    well-financed and run and has done well with their artists such as Magellan,
    Shadow Gallery, Cairo and the Genesis, Yes, Floyd etc. tributes. I know from
    one of the owners that some rythym tracks were completed by Portnoy and Billy
    Sheehan sometime in the early winter. I don't know all the artists that are
    appearing but I'm sure the record company is very eager to get this thing out
    so you can bank on this being out sometime in the near future...



    Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 14:33:50 -0500
    Subject: YKYADTF if...
    Message-ID: <>

    You go out and buy a CD just so you can hear Scarred.

    Brian, The Damn Tye-Dyer Maker's Eve!


    Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 14:33:57 -0500
    Subject: Nostradamas
    Message-ID: <>

    Anyone know the assress of that Nostradamus site where the Awake cover was
    used? I started to look on Yahoo for it, but didn't have the time.

    Brian, The Damn Tye-Dyer Maker's Eve!


    Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 14:34:02 -0500
    Subject: Wuh-Dah-Du
    Message-ID: <>

    Wasn't WDADU supposed to be re-released already? according to "The Wall" it
    is still out of print. I already have it, but I think a couple of friends
    were looking for it.

    Brian, The Damn Tye-Dyer Maker's Eve!


    Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 14:49:24 -0500
    Subject: I get the hint
    Message-ID: <>

    > And about 500 posts from

    It was only 372, thank you! No really. The reason that I post so much is
    because it's easier to do it that way from AOHell than to include all the
    things at once. Besides, I've asked people personally if I post too much, and
    most said they like it that way, as opposed to Bafu-esque page long posts.
    I've just got a lot on my mind. But I am not offended. Being on IRC lately
    has kinda de-sensitised me. Thanx for listening to 373'd post ;-)

    Brian, The Damn Tye-Dyer Maker's Eve!


    Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 15:58:28 -0800
    From: The Masked Avenger <>
    Subject: I HAVE SPOKEN...
    Message-ID: <>

    ::::::::::::::ATTENTION ALL OPPOSERS OF THE SIG CONFLICT::::::::::::
       After Processing The Data in the previous 4 ytsejams, I have come to
    a conclusion. The Sig Wars must sadly come to an end. Before I continue
    with this letter, I must make an important announcement:

    OPPENENT, CAT, THEN **** ******* ***** ***** **
    -- * * * * * * **
                          **** * * * ***** **
                             * * * * *
                          **** * ***** * **
      You are hereby notified to leave her alone. Imagine, if you will, a
    12.5 megabyte ZIP of an entire Green Day album on a .WAV file appearing
    in your mailbox. Everyday. For the rest of your on-line life. That's
    what will happen if you continue to flame my comrade in arms.:)

      I, the The Masked Avenger, am not going to make any apologies for "The
    Sig Wars" They were fun. They are over. I cannot see why you took it
    to heart so. How hard is it to click the down arrow and scroll past a
      In all my travels, I have not come across "
    wienies" or whatever it's called. All the picture I drew were from my
    own imagination. (I know this to be true of my opponents, also) I mean,
    come on! Where have you guys ever seen a dual super-fisted Marshmellow
    Chicken or Mutant Mega-Cow? :)
      Even though I was declared the "winner" by somebody (Thanks for your
    support) I would never accept. There cannot be a winner, for the battle
    was not properly fought. Altough, I do think that Ben's SIG was one of
    the funniest things I've seen In a while. So, If there is to be a
    winner, I say it should be him.
       And, Finally, WHY DIDN'T SOMEBODY SAY SO?!?!?! These things went on
    for a while! Why didn't somebody just scream "STOP!" (Like Skadz did!)
    instead of complaining?
       I guess that's all I have to say. Oh, one last thing: This "Universal
    Destroyer" voice I'm always talking in is a big silly JOKE!!
       Alrighty! No more SIG wars! :( I've got the message(es)! I've
    recieved the personal email! Let's get back to something really
    interesting that we can all participate in! Suggestions, anyone?


                     **********VID SCREEN**********
                     * /\__/\ *
                     * {[[|O O|]]} *
                     * | '' | *
                     * VvvV *
                            * |vv| *
                       * \__/ *
              "This is my SIG, and it's here to stay.
                  If you don't like it, go away!":)


    Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 15:11:09 -0700
    From: (Sheila Swanson)
    Subject: JP Columns
    Message-ID: <>

    Rob asked if anyone had all the John Petrucci columns. WEll, Rob, look no
    further. I have them ALL. E-mail me and we'll work something out.

    Please, keep the sig. wars going. It adds humor and something to look at.

    I came across DT at my friend's house. He was playing it in the background,
    and all of the sudden I heard a real strange sound. Turned out that it was
    the guitar and the keyboard synchronizing on a solo. I was blown away, but
    couldn't stand the singer. It grew on me, and I have loved it ever since.



    Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 21:50:04 GMT
    From: Darren Redick <>
    Subject: Tony MacAlpine
    Message-ID: <>

    Hello All!

    I'm going to see Tony MacAlpine on Thursday the 21st of March here in
    London. Anyone else going? If you are let me know, it would be cool to meet
    you! I'll be wearing my Ytsejam International hat.

    "This one goes to eleven..." -Nigel


    Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 16:52:56 -0500
    Subject: Dream Theater Fan Club...GOOD NEWS
    Message-ID: <> one of the world record holders for being shafted by the Dream
    Theater Fan Club I have great news. I got a letter from DT's manager, Rob
    Shore. He apologized for the fan club problems and said things will be
    getting better immediately. He also sent me a check for the $ 16.00 I sent in
    January 1995. That's good news!! I hope the same energy goes into promoting
    the band etc.
    Now for the bad news...there are a lot of ASSHOLES posting a ton of crap to
    the jam. This is about DT. If you want to discuss anything else then go
    somewhere else to do it. :) IMO
    ..note the 'IMO' disclaimer you potential flamers.

    ***Ben Lassydude is an asshole....just check his anagram.
    ***Petrucci said in a recent interview that they will be wearing matching
    evening gowns on the next tour. Ben Lassydude will probably be trying to
    look up Myung's dress.
    ***RE: the drinking game...have one for me....tonight I am doing some heroin,
    crack, some everclear, a little model glue, some gasoline, Drano, and that's
    just the ingredients for the enema I need to take later...I got the recipe
    from Bafu Vai (required content)

    MARK METZGER is doing his part to help his fellow man by volunteering to be
    examined by all of the 349 students in the protoctology department at the

    To those of you who don't like/get my guessed're
    an asshole.

    Buy Tim Lodge's CD's...I have em all and they are excellent.
    Good luck on job hunting, Hairball...don't bother looking in Portland...this
    market sucks.
    Babs, will write soon, thanks for the note.
    It is not raining here in Portland Oregon today.

    Warren in Oregon
    PS...if you guys think this is a total waste of bandwidth....check out one of
    the many jams we get each day...


    Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 17:06:06 -0500 (EST)
    From: Gilbert Jack Thetgyi <>
    Subject: Metallic Misc. Miasma
    Message-ID: <>

    >I'd appreciate any help with this...I'm new to BMG and I'm wondering if
    >any of you guys know the numbers for Queensryche: Empire

    To the best of my knowledge, neither BMG nor Columbia House has Empire.
    But, BMG has Mindcrime, Rage For Order, The Warning, and Change of
    Seasons (sic).

    >Again, in my opinion, Metallica doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the
    >same breath (or on the same 'jam) as the GODS we know as Dream Theater!
    >OK, headbangers, let the flames commence!

    I'm glad you said, "in my opinion". I have forwarded your message to the
    Metallica Club and the Metallica newsgroup. Just kidding.

    >As to how now what urine looks like, my father is a nephrologist (kidney
    >doctor) and I've worked at his dialysis unit since i was 14 (I'm 18) as a
    >dialysis technician so I've seen ALL sorts of urine...NEVER SLIP

    Hey Seth, what do urinal mints (as according to Beavis) do to your
    kidneys? Also, do you remember that Simpsons episode where Bart
    "becomes" an exchange student, goes to France, and makes wine? They put
    ANTIFREEZE in the wine!

    >Well, what if a whole bunch of AOL 'Jammers got on there, and when the
    >MTV guy asks for a next video, everybody in the whole damn thing goes
    >"PLAY SOME DREAM THEATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    I've seen DT mentioned before! I've also seen King's X mentioned, but
    both efforts were futile.

    >The bassist kinda scares me though. Anyone else who's seen them in
    >concert knows what I'm talking about. (That foot swing thing. yeesh.
    >Just looks all wierd-like)

    Please explain, I don't plan on seeing them in concert.

    >Do you think we, as loyal DT fans, like the fact that "our" band is kind
    >of "underground"? I do.

    I don't consider DT "underground". I usually connotate "underground"
    with bands that haven't signed a major label contract, or bands that are
    on small, independent labels. Thus, DT wouldn't qualify. I see your
    point, however, and I like DT's status.

    >I know tons of people who flock to Metallica concerts without a care to
    >what the music is about, they just want to bang their heads around and
    >hurt people.

    I'll have to disagree with you here. At the Metallica shows I've been to,
    the fans have been just as into it as the fans at the DT show I've been
    to. Fans are more likely to be aggressive during "Whiplash" than say, "Wait
    For Sleep", but that's because of the song itself, not the crowd. I'm
    not going to say DT is better than Metallica, or vice versa, because I
    like them about the same (Newsted and Myung are two of my favorite
    bassists). However, different songs generate different reactions, and
    ultimately different physical actions, i.e. "banging their heads around
    and hurting people".

    > "Yeah! I love Rush! Man, that new song! What is it, Tom Sawer?

    Tom Sawer? Wow, the logical sequel to "Tom Sawyer" and "The Trees"!

    >I hated James LaBrie's voice at first and thought the band could use a
    >heavy IV injection

    Hey _Mr._ Swanson, I think the band could use a heavy tritone (flat V)

    >Mountain Dew shrinks your nuts. Proven fact.

    What about almonds or cashews?

    >I feel like I'm going to miss something. Joe Satriani is playing here in
    >Vegas on the 16th....but I'm not going. I've never heard any of his music,
    >but I feel like I should be going to the concert. ARgh!!!!

    Hey, Uncle Ben, I feel like you should be going to. I've never seen Satch
    live (although I had tickets once and got sick). After reading all the
    buzz on the 'Jam, I'm going to go see him in Cleveland. I'll be wearing
    a Blind Melon T-shirt and Green Day hat ;)

    >We need a bassist with his/her own rig, transportation, and musical
    >ideas...TV theme song preference are not important

    What about the theme from "Mission: Impossible"?

    >Its impressing to see Tony playing his guitar with no fret inlays

    Do you mean that his fretboard has no "dots"? There can still be dot
    markers on the top of the neck, for example, one of Jason Newsted's
    basses has red LCD dots on the top (close to the low B) of the neck.

    >A Damn Dyer, currently thinking of ways to sign his letters

    How about Damn Ready?

    >Speaking of Sting, has anyone heard his new album?

    Yes, I bought it the day it came out. It's excellent, not too happy like
    Ten Summoner's Tales, or not too dark like The Soul Cages. It strikes a
    good balance, and has a diverse group of songs. Kenny Kirkland is now playing
    keyboards, and there are guest appearances by the Memphis Horns, Branford
    Marsalis, and a gospel choir. Those northumbrian pipes are back again, too.

    >Next, am I the only Toledo-area Ytsejam subscriber? I'm starting to
    >feel lonely amongst all this corn.

    I am just south of you in BG (amongst more corn). I'll be contacting you

    >one other thing. i want to apologize to the guy i flamed about the
    >"metal is mindless" thing. you're right, i misinterpretted you and i
    >admit it and i apologize for offending you. no hard feelings. i should
    >have paid more attention to what you wrote before a started typing.

    Apology accepted, Captain Needa, uh, I mean, Matt. No hard feelings here

                                                    Beware the Ides of March,

                                                    G. Jack Thetgyi
    G. Jack Thetgyi
    "Any movie with wakka-cha-wakka in it is okay by me."
                         -Tom Servo, Mystery Science Theater 3000 #512: "Mitchell"


    Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 15:14:49 -0700
    From: (DUSTY VESTAL)
    Subject: Re: Dream Theater Fan Club...GOOD NEWS
    Message-ID: <>

    > one of the world record holders for being shafted by the Dream
    >Theater Fan Club I have great news. I got a letter from DT's manager, Rob
    >Shore. He apologized for the fan club problems and said things will be
    >getting better immediately. He also sent me a check for the $ 16.00 I sent in
    >January 1995. That's good news!! I hope the same energy goes into promoting
    >the band etc.
    >Now for the bad news...there are a lot of ASSHOLES posting a ton of crap to
    >the jam. This is about DT. If you want to discuss anything else then go
    >somewhere else to do it. :) IMO
    >..note the 'IMO' disclaimer you potential flamers.
    >***Ben Lassydude is an asshole....just check his anagram.
    >***Petrucci said in a recent interview that they will be wearing matching
    >evening gowns on the next tour. Ben Lassydude will probably be trying to
    >look up Myung's dress.
    >***RE: the drinking game...have one for me....tonight I am doing some heroin,
    >crack, some everclear, a little model glue, some gasoline, Drano, and that's
    >just the ingredients for the enema I need to take later...I got the recipe
    >from Bafu Vai (required content)
    >MARK METZGER is doing his part to help his fellow man by volunteering to be
    >examined by all of the 349 students in the protoctology department at the
    >To those of you who don't like/get my guessed're
    >an asshole.
    Hmm, I think you must have been caught "under a glass moon" and turned into
    a flaming idiot. Afterall, it doesn't take a genius to realize that they
    made this list un-moderated for a reason!!!!... Yes, we do need to keep up
    on dream theater, but we are also entitled to have a little fun now and then
    without all the winers attacking us........DAMIEN...

    p.s.. I for one supported the sig wars while they lasted. I think it was a fun
    burst of creativity........

    |"Likely or not, it's a dream that we keep and at odds with|
    | our senses we'll climb. But if faith is the answer, we've|
    | already reached it, and if spirit's a sign, then it's |
    | only a matter of time" ---- DREAM THEATER |
    | |
    | ( : |



    Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 17:27:21 -0500 (EST)
    From: "Christopher R. Merlo" <>
    To: Ytse Jam <>
    Subject: Malibu June '95
    Message-ID: <>

    Hey! Does anyone have a boot of the DT show from June '95 (the 13th, if I
    remember correctly)? I remember that being a really good show, with an
    outstanding drum solo. Just wondering...

       \|/ ____ \|/ The Digital Man \|/ ____ \|/
       "@'/ ,. \`@" "@'/ ,. \`@"
       /_| \__/ |_\ /_| \__/ |_\
          \__U_/ \__U_/


    Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 14:41:58 -0800 (PST)
    From: Joseph Dunn <>
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 1354
    Message-ID: <>

    sorry, but I can not handle the volume of jams that keep coming!!! Wow,
    it is quite amazing ...I think I am going to have to stop having do I un-subscribe?


    Date: Sun, 17 Mar 1996 00:58:39 +0200 (EET)
    From: Karri K Kiviluoma <>
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 1354
    Message-ID: <>

    > From: Neil Elliott <>
    > Subject: Re: The International Fan Club
    [Taken from the .sig files !]
    > The past is your "Story", The future is your "Mystery", and The present is what
    > it says, it's a "PRESENT." So enjot it! - KJL

            Is this really from our own Kevin James or am I mistaken (again) ?
            Pretty kewl, I'm impressed =) (And I enjotted it ;)
            Hit me with e-mail on that fanzine, lets see if I have money
            in the bottom of my pocket after that WDATU, WHICH I FINALLY
            GOT !!!!!! =)
            Dunno know what to say except I REALLY LOVE AFTERLIFE....
            errr the song, and sorry for the caps.

            Nuttin more... You are dismissed =)



    End of YTSEJAM Digest 1355

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