YTSEJAM digest 2003

Date: Fri Nov 08 1996 - 02:51:50 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 2002"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2003

    Today's Topics:

     by Syrinx <>
      2) Bad Trader
     by (Dr. Mosh)
      3) DT is current, so...
      4) The mail software is being a dick.
     by Pat Griffin <>
      5) Re: DT is current, so...
     by Carlos Alfaro <>
      6) Threadding & Shredding
     by Steve Borzilleri <>
      7) The Mirror
     by Steve Borzilleri <>
      8) Need Rush tickets
     by (Raul Rodriguez)
      9) Picking up some CDs tomorrow...
     by (Zack Gemmill)
     10) re: James Joyce
     by (Jeffrey Falk)
     11) Re: YTSEJAM digest 2002
     by Chris Ptacek <>
     12) Re: Rush vs. Type O? DT?
     by "IbnzRG570" <>
     13) Re: The Mirror
     by "IbnzRG570" <>
     14) LiT!
     by RipZero <>
     15) Steve Vai Interview
     16) BLOODY URGENT!!!
     by durnik <>


    Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 18:34:54 -0500 (EST)
    From: Syrinx <>
    To: Yitz-see-jam <>
    Message-ID: <>

    > Hiya, kids.
    > To all of you who have not seen rush yet: go. go now. do not
    > pass go. do not collect $200. my god, did that show kick ass. if you
    > want a review, e-mail me, and i'll give it to you.
    > well, i was thinking about the end of the year and cd's i have
    > accumulated, and i think it's time for an "ytsejam end of year tally."
    > this is my plan:
    > from NOW until december 31st, every jammer (and i do mean EVERY
    > JAMMER) should e-mail me ( with their top 5 Cd's of the
    > year. When i mean "of the year" i mean that THE ALBUM WAS RELEASED IN 1996.
    > EX: Spock's Beard - Came out in 1995. Not in running.
    > Superior - Came out in 1995. Not in running.
    > Lemur Voice - Came out in 1996. _IN_ running.
    > Yes, Mike Bahr CD's count.
    > You are to send them to me like so:
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > to:
    > from: <enter your address>
    > subject: top 5 cd's of 1996
    > ...and here's where you put your top 5.
    > i will be grading them by points.
    > a #1 vote gets 5 points.
    > a #2 vote gets 4 points
    > ..and so on and so on.
    > so, what are you waiting for! let's start e-mailing!@!@
    > mike, aka syirnx.
    > (c) 1996 Happy Fun Ball, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


    Date: Mon, 8 Jan 1996 17:32:14 -0800
    From: (Dr. Mosh)
    Subject: Bad Trader
    Message-ID: <>

    Yes, you can put me on a bad trader list... but I really couldn't care
    less. It was one video tape that I've had a hard time getting out... but
    soon to be remedied as I pick up my other VCR! Yaaay...

    As all the regular traders know... if you've got worthy stuff to trade,
    I'll trade, and tapes and DATs I usually get out in a respectable time...

    But soon I'll have a good turn-around time on video too... but don't count
    on me trading too many of those yet!

    -The Doc

    #$%*#$*@                 E-MAIL:                     #$%#$#$%
    *$%&%#$* 		   Global Micro Solutions                      #$#$#@@#
    *$*$*$*#      Reality Enhancement Software - Engineering Reality       *$&#*#@$
    $%#$#$##                      #$#$@#@@


    Date: 7 Nov 1996 20:35:28 CDT From: To: Subject: DT is current, so... Message-ID: <>

    Mike Bahr wrote: YT>HYF... nothing they've written "matters". I mean, really, look at songs YT>like Roll The Bones and Half The World. Who the fuck CARES?? Those topics YT>are so nebulous and ponderous that a person in today's world who is YT>fighting to get ahead, reaching out to new people, and soon to settle down YT>to married life simply cannot relate. YT> Dream Theater, for me and most of you, is breathtakingly current YT>right now. I had Awake on rotation play, alone, solo, for MONTHS following YT>its release. DT is absolutely involved in the here and now and their music YT>is a reflection of the same reality that we are also experiencing.

    You're right on the money there, Mike (except for the who cares part, but I see where you're coming from). I agree that DT's music is easier for a person like you or me to relate to right now. One question, though...ten, fifteen years down the road, do you think we still will be able to relate to it? Or will we listen to DT and remember how things "used to be?" I'm pretty sure DT will still be one of my favorite musical entities in 10-15 years (if I don't die first), so that's not at issue. I guess the question is: Timeliness or timelessness?

    Thanks for listening, Mark Peters


    Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 19:44:01 -0600 (CST) From: Pat Griffin <> To: Subject: The mail software is being a dick. Message-ID: <>

    >I say again. If you begin a paragraph with "From" against the left side of >the screen, as I foolishly did in my last post, the entire paragraph will >disappear and be replaced with > >"-----------------------------------" > >I don't know why this happens. Chris Ptacek will probably tell me "the >mailing software is being a dick," so I might have to ask Skadz...

    Part of the email headers begin with 'From', it is normally a hidden=20 header that is just used to tell the email programs the origin of the=20 mail. It is different from the 'From:' line that shows the= =20 person who mailed the message. If you start a paragraph with the word=20 'From' then the email program (or in this case the listproc that handles=20 ytsejam) thinks that that entire paragraph is a part of the email=20 headers. Since the only headers listproc shows are the 'To:' 'From:'=20 (not 'From') 'Subject:' and 'Message ID:' ones, any paragraph that begins= =20 with 'From' will not show up in a post.

    =20 h t t p : / / w w w . m i s s o u r i . e d u / ~ c 6 7 5 3 1 1 / | Pat Griffin Reality=B2 Design | | | h t t p : / / w w w . m i s s o u r i . e d u / ~ c 6 7 5 3 1 1 /


    Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 22:22:46 -0400 (AST) From: Carlos Alfaro <> To: Subject: Re: DT is current, so... Message-ID: <>

    Mark Peters Wrote:

    . One question, >though...ten, fifteen years down the road, do you think we still will be able >to relate to it? Or will we listen to DT and remember how things "used to >be?" I'm pretty sure DT will still be one of my favorite musical entities in >10-15 years (if I don't die first), so that's not at issue. I guess the >question is: Timeliness or timelessness? > Yeah...i guess we'll still be able to relate to it.. i mean songs like Lie..and the Mirror are timeless.. Space Dye Vest... all are .. the dark themes in them ...being on relationships,deceit,"pissed-off-ness" heeh ..are themes of all times.. songs like take the can always apply that on your life..some parts of ACOs...yeah..i guess we can relate to them..i doubt in 15 yrs theres not gonna be problems w/ gfriends and people in general....

    We Can Learn From the past..but those days are gone.. We can hope for the future..but there may not be one... DREAM THEATER: A CHANGE OF SEASONS WOWOWOWWWWWW hoooo wowoW WOWWwwwwww hoooo -Devin Townsend Email:


    Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 18:31:02 -0800 (PST) From: Steve Borzilleri <> To: Dream Thespians <> Subject: Threadding & Shredding Message-ID: <>

    > From: John McCabe <> > > Okay, I think its time for some DTC! How about people who have been on > this list bring up some of the "old" threads from the past! This could > be about what Lie is about or what the is [insert DT member here] > playing at x:xx of [insert song here]. Because new jammers want some > DTC let's give it to them! :-)

    Did you hear Kevin Moore has testicular cancer?

    ---- > From: Chris Ptacek <> > Subject: Suckage and Dickliness > > I am neither ignorant of ANY guitar related technique nor eloquent

    Oh yeah? Ever try a glissando-stop? (no, it's not just a double-stop for the guitar) What about a double fanucci? Think "allegretto" and "andante." Keep in mind that a single fanucci can't exist since you need two--whoops, almost gave it away...

    And what about that pesky ottava cycle?

    > It is DEFINATELY not always distinctive. I can show you 10 shredders > that all sound close to the same.


    > I DIDN'T. You're being a dick.

    "Dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick DICK." --Mr. Brown

    Bafu Vai


    Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 18:55:43 -0800 (PST) From: Steve Borzilleri <> To: Dream Thespians <> Subject: The Mirror Message-ID: <>

    > From: "LRW" <> > Subject: Old threads > > I would tend to agree with that. When I first subbed, all the > conversation was about what Voices was about or how the last part of > The Mirror demonstrates the couples frustration with the bends and > harmonics.

    Actually, the last verse/chorus is a metaphor for the couple's wedding reception inside a submarine. In the excitement of the festivities, featuring a rather loud barbershop quartet (sonorous voices amplify tenfold inside a metal submarine), the captain took the vessel up to the surface a bit too quick. Everyone vomited.

    Then all at once, the captain realized what he had become - a submarine, as both he and his warcraft were vessels he had always assumed he was in control of. Look in the mirror indeed.

    ---- > From: "IbnzRG570" <> > Subject: WDADU > > If you don't get it, you'll just wonder what your missing forever.. :)

    Yeah. Just like the Ibanez JPM100...

    Bafu Vai


    Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 21:27:21 -0600 From: (Raul Rodriguez) To: Subject: Need Rush tickets Message-ID: <>

    Hi there:

    I am plannig to go to the states in the firsts days of december, so it is a good oportunity to atend to a Rush concert. Are there any ytsejamer selling two tickets for the Phoenix or San Antonio date?

    Please e-mail me privately.

    See you Omar Rodriguez

    I said " I love You.....Good-bye"


    Date: Thu, 7 Nov 96 20:26:36 PST From: (Zack Gemmill) To: Subject: Picking up some CDs tomorrow... Message-ID: <9611080426.AA11642@tengs1>

    and I was wondering what Angaalgard sounds like.

    I'm picking up some Angra, too btw !^)>



    Date: Fri, 8 Nov 1996 00:04:48 -0500 From: (Jeffrey Falk) To: Subject: re: James Joyce Message-ID: <v01540b00aea86b28f319@[]>

    I've subtly suggested that this should be taken to private e-mail (as one person has had the grace to do), but since it's been prolonged in front of the entire list, I'd like to answer a few charges in front of the list.

    >Whoever is trying to degrade the work of this master better back >off! I doubt anyone degraded it more than he did himself. And if the "back off" was directed toward me, it obviously didn't work.

    >I've taken a full year of Joyce and carefully studied most >of his work, which has helped define a generation and a lifestyle. If that's true, then I don't think it's a generation or a lifestyle than anyone should want to be a part of.

    >Joyce is meant to be RE-READ, not just read. There is no >way on this earth that after reading one story that anyone can >formulate an opinion to base all his work on. I did state that I based my opinion on the descriptions and explanations of others (not just their assertions) that share my ideas on many things (including literature). I looked at part of _Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man_ and found that I had reason to believe everything I thought about him before.

    >It took Joyce >ten years to write "Ulysses", which is thought by many scholars, >myself included, to be one of the most illuminating book >ever written. I'm aware of more than you seem to think, including the fact that many scholars like it. For the same reason that I would never like R.E.M. because the "experts" at _Rolling Stone_ laud them, I don't consider the scholars' pronouncements to be immutable fact.

    >Did I hear someone say Ayn Raynd was a >great writer? After you see me correct your spelling (it's Rand), you'll hear me say it: she's not only one of the greatest novelists in history, she's also one of history's greatest philosophers. (Incidentally, _Atlas Shrugged_ was named the second-most influential book of all time in a joint survey by the Library of Congress and the Book of the Month Club; the survey's results didn't include James Joyce in the top ten.)

    >She is not bad At least someone who's part of the modern intellectual establishment will admit that much >but her character sketches lack >any type of luster found in classic literature if you mean by "luster" the kind of depreciating, "humanizing" humility, depravity, and ordinariness common of anti-heroes in modern "classic" literature, you're right. (I wouldn't call it luster.)

    >although her >elitist philosophy comes through pretty clearly I think you mean "elitist" as a pejorative term, but, depending on how it's defined, it could be used to describe one of her philosophy's virtues. And it sure does come through pretty clearly. Out of consideration for those not interested who read this list, I won't discuss it here. Now let's do this privately (you're welcome, Skadz).

    Jeff Falk Box 3208 700 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02215 (617) 352-8639

    "The issue of freedom vs. statism--or individual rights vs. government controls, or capitalism vs. socialism--_is_ the basic issue of political philosophy. It is _the_ root, _the_ start, _the_ fundamental which is involved in every specific measure, by which all else is determined, by the side of which all other considerations are trivia. It is the basic--and, today, the only--issue by which all other considerations are trivia. It is the basic--and, today, the only--issue by which a candidate must be judged: freedom vs. statism." Ayn Rand, _The Objectivist Newsletter_


    Date: Thu, 07 Nov 1996 23:52:29 -0600 From: Chris Ptacek <> To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2002 Message-ID: <>

    >Many have said Johnson was the quiet paladin of >the trio with the sweetest tone and most tasteful/melodic chops, many have >said Satriani just kicked ass and displayed his Obi Wan Kenobi-ness with a >stellar performance that solidly outshined the other two, many have said >Vai is the zesty showman with the really wild licks and unbelievably >impressive technique... > Then there are the stragglers who declare Stu Hamm just pulls the carpet >right out from under the headliners. Then there's Adrian Legg, the guy >with a huge reputation and a supposedly novel approach that makes the rest >of the gang look like hacks.

    Let me just offer my little guarantee... If you HAVE NOT seen Vai before, he will decimate you on the spot. He will steal the show, beat you, and leave you begging for more. If you have seen him live and in person before, I can not tell you what to expect. Having seen Stu, I was sort of bored (understatement) by the lack of _ANY_ new material. Having been blessed enough to know some great bassists in my life, Stu doesn't really leave much of an impression anymore... except that he sweats a lot. I was far more impressed by how solidly he played the rhythm to "Always with me Always with you"... tapping the majority of the song. I'd seen this before, but it wasn't as tight. Adrian Legg didn't do much for me because until Vai came on I was sort of thinking "Man... I'm missing a Michael Hedges concert right now... and all the pricks are here... so the concert would have rocked..." I don't think Legg even COMPARES to Hedges... and that's an opinion, so leave it at that. I'll be interested to hear your opinion of the show... I can't imagine thinking ANYONE could be as good on stage as Vai and Keneally. Satch was totally ON and Johnson was performing like I was told he would... but man... Vai.........

    >Anyway, I remember long ago stumbling into an archive of DT graphics. It

    Please post the URL if someone tells you via E Mail

    >I say again. If you begin a paragraph with "From" against the left side of >the screen, as I foolishly did in my last post, the entire paragraph will >disappear and be replaced with > >"-----------------------------------" > >I don't know why this happens. Chris Ptacek will probably tell me "the >mailing software is being a dick," so I might have to ask Skadz...

    LOL!!! No Way! That would TOTALLY explain why two of my last posts were missing big chunks... as i they had been edited.


    Chris W. Ptacek Musician and Listener "Can we search for inspiration -- those ideas that just come from 'nowhere'? They don't surface when you're tHiNKinG. They just come. What we CAN do is make fertile the ground on which idea seeds fall." - Michael Hedges


    Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 22:48:06 +0000 From: "IbnzRG570" <> To: Subject: Re: Rush vs. Type O? DT? Message-ID: <>

    > Hard to say. I'm getting disenchanted with Rush lately. I enjoyed > TFE, but it's... well... irrelevant. I don't know how better to put it. > Rush is exploring all these new fascinating themes and topics, and not a > damned one of them matters in the slightest.

    I agree with Mike on this. I haven't said anything about TFE cuz, personally, I think Rush's losing their glamour. The Only song I thought that was realy any good, IMO, was Totem. The Color of Right is cool melodically, but the lyrics are weak. I hope their next album gets better, cuz I'm afraid they're going to end up a washed-up "barband" if they put out another one like this. I mean, "dog Years" and "Virtuality" may appeal to the younger crowd with their more alternative sound, but as far as I'm concerned, their gonna lose their old croud if they do that.

    When a band changes with the times, to me, that's kewl. But when a band changes their style to go with the flow, they might as well change the name.

    As with Type O and Rush, I'd rather sell both sets of tickets and save the money in a fund to get me to a DT show in Poughkeepsie or something. TON wasn't that great at the QR show. I like their stuff, but not enuff to send me running to meet them backstage. I'd just go backstage to use a private toilet and drink out of a fountain noone's pissed in. Maybe find a vending machine that sells pops for less than $1 per 12 oz. That's the biggest rip-offs about concerts, dontcha think?

    IbnzRG570 aka Mr. Chuckalupugus Most Frequent Poseur on the Dream Theater Mailing list (10/96)


    Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 22:48:06 +0000 From: "IbnzRG570" <> To: Subject: Re: The Mirror Message-ID: <>

    > Actually, the last verse/chorus is a metaphor for the couple's wedding > reception inside a submarine. In the excitement of the festivities, > featuring a rather loud barbershop quartet (sonorous voices amplify > tenfold inside a metal submarine), the captain took the vessel up to the > surface a bit too quick. Everyone vomited. > > Then all at once, the captain realized what he had become - a submarine, > as both he and his warcraft were vessels he had always assumed he was in > control of. Look in the mirror indeed.

    No, it actually has to do with a flying collander that flies around throught the night and sneaks into people's houses and strains people's spaghetti noodles when they aren't looking. The bends and stuff are equivalent to the fact that it's not an aerodynamically sound vessel and it bobs and weaves through the sky. Not too many people know about this phenomenon cuz the FBI likes to keep it hush, hush. Rumor has it that it's a secret government plot to phase out all Italian foods. One lady reported that it raped her with a beam of light, but I refuse to believe it. I have seen it once and it only seems to be enthralled with straining pasta. Mike Portnoy obviously is trying to subtly inform us all of this harmless phenomenon through his music. If you haven't figured it out yet, though, give the song another listen. I'm sure you'll figure it out.

    You were real close Bafu. IbnzRG570 aka Mr. Chuckalupugus Most Frequent Poseur on the Dream Theater Mailing list (10/96)


    Date: Fri, 08 Nov 1996 00:37:08 -0600 From: RipZero <> To: Heavy Metal Computer Nerds <> Subject: LiT! Message-ID: <>

    i had october rust in my hand today, out at a best buy in an area of the city i'm usually not in, and low and behold what did i come across but LiT!! RRRRRA!!! this rocks, i've already watched it once, now i'm going to again :) i was beginning to think i was simply never going to find this video. wooo. it was really a blast to see all the videos they did and the behind the scenes shots n stuff... tho myung only says like one line the whole time! and portnoy talks the camera's ear.. er.. microphone off :) definately a fun vid, if any of you see it get it or i'll kick yer ass =)



    Date: 8 Nov 1996 02:33:44 CDT From: To: Subject: Steve Vai Interview Message-ID: <>

    Sorry about the NDTC, but if anyone wants the 1st half of the Steve Vai interview that appears in the November issue of Cosmik Debris, email me and I'll send it to you (I'll send you the 2nd half when I get it).

    See you in Old Bridge... Mark Peters


    Date: Fri, 8 Nov 1996 00:41:22 -0700 (MST) From: durnik <> To: Subject: BLOODY URGENT!!! Message-ID: <>

    Naturally... the day after I move to Gilbert, they CHANGE the ZIP CODE!!! Can you all believe this? Thus, my new mailing address, for all of you with orders, is:

    Mike Bahr 275 W. Juniper Ave. #1013 Gilbert, AZ 85233

    NOT 85234. Apparently mail sent to 85234 will get there anyway because of new-code-error-correction by the USPS, but just to make sure, I'd better set the record straight for all of your phonebooks. :)

    - Mike Bahr - - ASU Sun Devils 9-0!!!


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 2003 **************************

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