YTSEJAM digest 2054

Date: Mon Nov 25 1996 - 14:49:06 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 2052"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2054

    Today's Topics:

      1) DT stuff
      2) Deeyenda virus
     by Mike Backof <>
      3) Re: Bafu and Country Music.
     by (Greg "Big Brother" Lee)
      4) ..many happy returns...
     by Randall Braun <>
      5) Best Buy, Tower, etc.
     by (Paul Goracke)
      6) VAI in Dallas
     by Ryan Webb <>
      7) Steve Vai here in OKC tomorrow
     by Jonathan Case <>
      8) GREEK DT FANS
     by (Theo)
      9) Shows, skating, chicks named Graham
     by The Digital Man <>
     10) Re: YTSEJAM digest 2053
     by Chris Ptacek <>
     11) Re: DT stuff
     by Fernando Ma <fernandm@U.Arizona.EDU>
     12) bafu and country music
     by nicole mercedes gerace <>
     13) Re: YTSEJAM digest 2053
     by David Gamble <>
     14) More wasted bandwidth
     15) The Nectar of the Goddesses....
     by Adam Barnhart <>
     16) Interminglings of interests ... or sumthin'
     by (Richard Slaughter)
     17) Re: YTSEJAM digest 2053
     by (Richard Slaughter)
     18) Re: YTSEJAM digest 2053
     by greg massi <>


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 10:43:03 -0600
    Subject: DT stuff
    Message-ID: <>

    Best Buy opened a store here in Memphis last Saturday. I picked up a Lie
    CD single. The studio version of To Live Forever is coooooll!!

    I also noticed they have two copies of the Live in Tokyo video. Anyone
    interested? I already have two copies!!

    Richard Warren


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 11:43:51 -0800
    From: Mike Backof <>
    Subject: Deeyenda virus
    Message-ID: <>

    This virus is a hoax, I have a document which explains this, it is too
    big to send to the jam though since it has descriptions of all of the
    current hoaxes and popular net viruses. E-mail me if you want a copy.



    The warning messages like this are the real virus if the virus is a hoax
    Michael Backof
    WWW Pages - Unsigned Bands:
    WWW Pages - Inferno Page:


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 11:51:30 -0500
    From: (Greg "Big Brother" Lee)
    Subject: Re: Bafu and Country Music.
    Message-ID: <>

    Sir Bafu of the 'Jam wrote:

    "I disbelieve that country music could ever move me to violent, abusive

    Well, it may not lead to violence toward others, but Country music has
    probably influenced its fair share of suicides. In fact, I have even
    heard on the radio (a US rock station -- I forget which station, but it had
    a good morning show and was in the NY/Poughkeepsie area) that some study
    or another linked the suicide rate to the content of country music. Ie,
    a bad economy results in redneck country fans that have low income jobs
    being laid off. That redneck in turn hears of similar down and out
    situations in his country music, as country song writers tend to reflect
    the times, especially hard times, and that redneck gets drunk and blows
    his head! This study may or may not have been for real but
    resulted in a great deal of laughter and did make some sense.

    Of course I make a sweeping generalization in my characterization of the
    typical country fan, but -- what the sucks and its fans
    are mindless simpletons!



    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 10:57:20 -0600
    From: Randall Braun <>
    To: "'Ytsejam'" <>
    Subject: ..many happy returns...
    Message-ID: <c=US%a=_%p=GE%l=AMERIDATA/ADNC/>

    >>>>>Plus, the opening act, Mike Keneally, rocked just as hard! I bought
    his CD, and it is totally excellent. Very Zappa, but a little more on the
    heavy side. From what I understand, Keneally used to play with Zappa

    I know MK did play on Dweezil(sp?) Zappa's *Confessions*, as did Zakk
    Wylde, Nuno (co-producer & guitars), Gary & Badger (ex-Extreme-cry, cry,
    sad, sad) and Donny Osmond (!!) doing a rocked-up Bee Gee's song (!!).
    There is also song that was written in Fresno(!! me), if you read the
     scribbled teeny-tiny liner notes (a task in itself). MK also played on
    Mark Bonilla's *American Matador* (also included Ronnie Montrose)

    >>>>>> 1996 should prove to be a killer year with hopefully new CDs from
    > QR, Shadow Gallery, Fates Warning, Enchant (well maybe it will get
    > released here!), Nuno Bettoncourt, Savatage (maybe), Threshold, Ivanhoe,
    Ashen Dawn, and God knows who else I am forgetting.

    ...I'd be nice 1996, but I think you mean 1997...... (I know, I'm being


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 09:08:22 -0800
    From: (Paul Goracke)
    Subject: Best Buy, Tower, etc.
    Message-ID: <v02140b00aebf80e69288@[]>

    In the past 5 years, I have only been in a Sam Goody's or Musicland if I
    was _really_ bored. (Okay, once into Sam Goody's to get Satch to autograph
    "The Extremist") I haven't bought any cds from them--their prices stink.
    Their selection stinks. Their knowledge stinks.

    Best Buy (if you've got one around) does have good prices on cds. It's
    because they're loss-leaders to get you to buy their hardware.
    Unfortunately, it does hurt the small "mom & pop" record shops (you know,
    the ones that could get you Dream Theater back when, and spelled it

    For the sake of good music everywhere, support the small record stores,
    even if it costs a couple bucks extra. Sure, buy the remastered Genesis
    stuff at Best Buy, but just try to have an interesting musical conversation
    w/ one of the Mega Store Monkeys once.


            Paul Goracke | "To do is to be" - Aristotle
  | "To be is to do" - Plato
                                 | "Do be do be do" - Sinatra


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 09:20:38 -0800 (PST)
    From: Ryan Webb <>
    Subject: VAI in Dallas
    Message-ID: <>

    Hey....Anyone going to the Steve Vai show in
    Dallas this Friday?? I'll be in Dallas for
    Thanksgiving weekend, and would love to go to
    the show. If anyone's interested in goin with
    me, e-mail me personally. Thanks :)



    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 11:28:23 -0600 (CST)
    From: Jonathan Case <>
    Cc: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Steve Vai here in OKC tomorrow
    Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.90.961125112649.29310B-100000@rossby>


    I cannot wait until tomorrow night's concert. It should absolutely
    rule! He's playing at a small type club in OKC. Looking very much
    forward to seeing him, esp. after some of the rave reviews of how
    incredible he was.

    Tell you about it in a couple days!

    Jon Case


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 19:45:54 +0200
    From: (Theo)
    Subject: GREEK DT FANS
    Message-ID: <>

      Hello people,i m struggling to find any greek fans on the net or outside
    it .I m trying to find as many as possible to convince DT to make a stop to
    Greece on this European tour since last time we were utterly ignored.Any
    Greek fans out there??


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 12:53:17 -0500 (EST)
    From: The Digital Man <>
    To: Ytse Jam <>
    Subject: Shows, skating, chicks named Graham
    Message-ID: <>

    > From: Graham Borland <>
    > Subject: Girl
    > I am a girl, and I like Dream Theater.
    > I have even signed Kevin Moore's breast.

    That was you??? Well, finally we know what you look like.


    > From: Stephane AUZILLEAU <> > To:

    Stephane - FIX THAT! :)

    > Subject: HELP NEEDED!! > > Are there some jammers in New Jersey that plan to go to the 3 first shows of > "the fix for 96 tour" (Poughkeepsie, Long Island, New Haven)? > I will come from France for these shows and the hotel where I stay is in > East Rutherford (NJ). I'm looking for a seat in a car or I can rent a car

    East Rutherford, NJ. Hmm, that town rings a bell. Could that be the place where the Giants embarrased the Cowboys by a score of 20-6 yesterday? (Sorry, Ry, had to do it. :)

    BTW, Stephane - be sure to find us all before the Poughkeepsie show! Write to DreamNDay and figure out where the hell we're going to be!


    > From: (Barb Battaglia) > Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2051 > > >is that a number of us are in pretty regular communication with each > >other outside of the list. Who knows how many lurk! > > Uh-oh - that last sentence is gonna torment the men on this list (laugh).

    Come on, Babs. We already know that you women have a complicated communication scheme set up among yourselves so that you can talk about us, even while we're in the room. :)

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Digital Man \|/ ____ \|/ Secretary & Webmaster "@'/ ,. \`@" UVM Comp Sci Student Assn /_| \__/ |_\ "He won't need a bed \__U_/ He's a digital man" - Peart ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer of the Official Dream Theater Frequently Asked Questions List


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 12:01:33 -0600 From: Chris Ptacek <> To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2053 Message-ID: <>

    >From: Steve Borzilleri <> >To: Dream Thespians <> >Subject: Hobbies & Flame-Bait

    >> i have noticed that most of my friends who are into Dream Theater are >> also into the same hobbies outside of music. For instance, we *all* >> read DragonLance, about half of us used to skateboard, and *all* of us >> love anime. has anyone else noticed this?

    I loved Dragonlance (Though there exist some DL books which have such utterly terrible plots, stories, and development as to make me almost not care to admit having read them), I used to skateboard a LOT, though I couldn't do a damned trick. I have been known to get into an Anime mood now and then, but I don't get off on porno, so I obviously find cartoon coochie distasteful.

    >I venture that this has something to do with the parallel theory that men >display a heightened usage of the analytical regions of the brain whereas >women use more of the empathetic regions. This pattern of thought and >choice within the human brain is not my decision or preference. It existed >before I was born. I am observing what Is and answering a question based >on a conclusion I have arrived at.

    I've known too many exceptions to this rule from both sexes to support it. Do chemical analysis, do whatever you want. We know very little about how the mind works. To argue under the pretense that we understand this to be the way it IS, would seem somewhat myopic. I don't understand how someone could want so much to explain away the phenomena of the sexes. Life will do as it pleases. Can't we leave it at that?

    >Anyone with an eager swastika-brand may >feel free to disinvite me from their sandbox.

    I'd prefer to invite you to the debate podium.

    > Analytical : Empathetic :: Progressive Metal : Country

    If I were a woman I'd cut your peepee off for that.

    >I just think it's more music that you feel, and feel immediately, whereas a lot >of progressive music I've heard takes several listens to assimilate and get >into.

    I'd argue that I personally feel NOTHING with country music, and feel MUCH emotion when listening to DT. And we're not talking about progressive music in general... we are talking about DT. Something like Watchtower or Cynic requires many listens to fully appreciate..... but I'd contend that DT is something you can pick up as easily as Pearl Jam (For some songs).

    >Of course, it could just have to do with the fact that men are naturally >violent and enjoy breaking stuff and destroying things.

    While I agree that we are more likely to get in that "Hey... I'd have a blast pulling your spine from your back and snapping your arms till they hang from threads of defunct ligament..." mood, I'd also say that this mood has never (Not a once) been brought forth while listening to DT. It was like drugs... I started getting that adrenal flow with Megadeth, Plantera and Alternica, then Nuclear Assault/D.R.I. (A bad era for me) and finally death metal. It always took more and more. DT just put me into an energized mood... but a peaceful one. This is why moshing at DT concerts is almost non existent (at least here in Chicago) and when it did break out it was really tame (Unlike Pantera, Morbid Angel, Testament... I think I was kicked in the head at every one of these concerts. No permanent damage. No permanent damage. No perman perman ant damage.)

    Chris W. Ptacek Musician and Listener A.K.A Madsman, on IRC

    "Can we search for inspiration -- those ideas that just come from 'nowhere'? They don't surface when you're tHiNKinG. They just come. What we CAN do is make fertile the ground on which idea seeds fall." - Michael Hedges


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 11:23:56 -0700 (MST) From: Fernando Ma <fernandm@U.Arizona.EDU> To: Subject: Re: DT stuff Message-ID: <>

    the same exact thing happened to me here in Tucson. Best Buy opened on Friday, and I got the Lie single on Sunday. weird...

    Fernando Ma Materials science & engineering University of Arizona

    On Mon, 25 Nov 1996 wrote:

    > Best Buy opened a store here in Memphis last Saturday. I picked up a Lie > CD single. The studio version of To Live Forever is coooooll!! > > I also noticed they have two copies of the Live in Tokyo video. Anyone > interested? I already have two copies!! > > Richard Warren > > >


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 13:23:36 -0500 From: nicole mercedes gerace <> To: Subject: bafu and country music Message-ID: <>

    bafu writes- > > I've never read DragonLance. I've never skateboarded. I've seen about two > or three animes in my life. One was called "Ranma," which featured > characters who were having difficulty in maintaining a set gender, but was > nonetheless very entertaining. The other was called "Appleseed," which I > thought was kinda cool. Regardless of the plot, both of these animes > featured a healthy number of big guns.

    do you really dislike me, or are you playing devil's advocate? i never said that the similarities between local DT fans were rampant among all of us. we are a group of mostly teenagers, how old are you, bafu? perhaps this can clear up some issues.

    i am also curious as to whether or not you think that because you are male, you appreciate DT's music more thasn i do, as an "empathetic" woman? i have heard some bizarre sexist comments in my life, but that one is ridiculous. not the part about men being more analytical, but the part about "empathetic=country music." i like to think i am more than a sobbing, mindless puddle. comments?

    -nicole _________________________________________ "this town needs an enema." - the Joker, Batman ____________________________________________


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 10:29:16 -0800 (PST) From: David Gamble <> To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2053 Message-ID: <>

    Hi all,

    Dave Gamble the message from more plugs for the band...

    Question. Does anyone remember when John Petrucci's guitar was a limited edition, 100 models type-thing. I got one of those for $1732.00, and was really proud. But then they came out with the series, with a yellow face in the middle instead of the green one. I play, but I don't mine gonna be worth more (I have 1 of 100 green faced ones), or are they both of equal value? Just curious....


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 13:43:00 -0800 From: To: Subject: More wasted bandwidth Message-ID: <>

    Pat Daugherty wrote: > Only gone a week and there are only 25 jams in my inbox to read... > > Have to read them all in case there is 1 or two important posts... >

    Actually Pat, the ratio of "important posts" to other posts improved while you were gone. Of course, I'm not implying that it was BECAUSE you were gone! A little tip, though - next time you post just to say there are too many worthless messages, how 'bout leaving off the 8-line sig?



    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 10:34:04 -0800 From: Adam Barnhart <> To: Subject: The Nectar of the Goddesses.... Message-ID: <>

    >From: "Carlo D'Angelo" <> > >IRON MAIDEN: "Rime of the Ancient Mariner"

    Anyone else think of Maiden as a progressive band? I mean, the length of "Rime" certainly qualifies under the traditional progressive rubric, the guys in the band can play. But they've always been associated with Metal....and correspondingly, with pomp of a different kind. And the lyrics....I mean, the band's been slammed over and over again for lyric content, when their lyrics are generally oriented to literary and historical fare that hardly qualifies as mindless. Aside from that, Steve Harris was always a role model for me as a bassist...working through Maiden tunes really did wonders for my facility before I decided to attack Geddy Lee, Stanley Clarke, and Jaco Pastorius.

    And some assorted other stuff....

    My SO is into Dream Theater quite a bit, but, since I introduced her to them, I'm not sure she'd really count under whatever qualifications are being used here. Besides, she's not on the list....but it is nice to have someone who (mostly) shares your musical tastes in the house.

    I guess this wave of the Metallica controversy has passed, but I've gotta say, I find it seriously amusing how many people would try to end the conversation and THEN COMMENT ON IT. There's a strong aversion in most people to giving someone ELSE the last word...I can't imagine that too many people really thought that they'd just offer what the had to say and everyone else would just bow out respectfully. Doesn't happen to often, as far as I can tell. So, without further ado....

    Petrucci vs. Friedman: I'd say they're vaguely similar players. Friedman, of course, sounds more Eurometal than Petrucci, who, as has been observed, tends to sound a bit like a lot of people named Al (DiMeola, Lifeson, Holdsworth) and Steve (Hackett, Morse, Howe, Vai). Friedman in Cacophony was clearly into the shred....since, he's backed off a lot and emphasized his other skills. I point at "Lucretia" as an example of what he's done recently, emphasizing the IDEA over the shred. He's an impressive player.

    Petrucci, too, has an awful lot of dexterity. "Erotomania," obviously shows that off. He's really a strong player with a lot of chops who ISN'T in top gear all the time. In that sense, he's significantly different than someone like Chris Impelliteri, who's as fast as anyone, but drops that on you in damn near every song. I LIKE his playing, but I'd like it more if he wasn't in high gear in every song.

    Adam D. Barnhart

    Five Gratuitous CD's: ===================== 1. Rush: Test For Echo 2. Pantera: The Great Southern Trendkill 3. Dr. Demento: 20th Anniversary (Disc 1) 4. Dr. Demento: 20th Anniversary (Disc 2) 5. Indigo Girls: Swamp Ophelia


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 13:04:46 From: (Richard Slaughter) To: Subject: Interminglings of interests ... or sumthin' Message-ID: <>

    Yeah, most of that stuff's cool. Never really got into skating, but I almost did. I blade, though. Fantasy rules, but DragonLance got a bit ... weighty ...? for lack of a better word. I prefer Donaldson. (Thomas Covenant RULES!) And Goodkind (Richard Rahl is even better than Covenant). Anime is pretty darn'd cool too. But music is the driving force here. I play sax (sop. and tenor) And build competition car stereos. (DON'T MISINTERPRET THAT -- I ****HATE**** boomers. Sound Quality rules.) And video games. Were there any others? I don't remember... I sang for a metal band once... but we sucked. :) That was our name: We Suck.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    -Onyx & Brimstone; Black Fire; Dark Passion

    "I have given everything I could And I don't think it really even matters Maybe nothing does How it keeps returning to remind me That I want to remain A child with you Forever"


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 13:21:36 From: (Richard Slaughter) To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2053 Message-ID: <>

    >I venture that this has something to do with the parallel theory that men >display a heightened usage of the analytical regions of the brain whereas >women use more of the empathetic regions. This pattern of thought and >choice within the human brain is not my decision or preference. It existed >before I was born. I am observing what Is and answering a question based >on a conclusion I have arrived at. Anyone with an eager swastika-brand may >feel free to disinvite me from their sandbox. > > Analytical : Empathetic :: Progressive Metal : Country >

    I can't agree with that. I myself don't listen to Dream Theater, or Queensryche, or Fates Warning, or Rush, (etc.) for their "analytical" qualities. I would have to say that Dream Theater (or any other band I listen to) *most likely* doesn't write their music for that quality, either. It would seem to me that they use their skill to better portray their "Empathetic" messages. Thus, whether they observation about female vs. male / empathetic vs. analytical is true or not (actually, I believe it probably is) it still doesn't explain the disproportionate (I have no idea if that's spelled right) male / female ratio. I listen to music because of feeling, not because of skill or impressive playing; what's the point of playing well if the music doesn't have feeling? and Dream Theater is, in my opinion, one of the best "Empathetic" bands I know of. -Onyx & Brimstone; Black Fire; Dark Passion

    "I have given everything I could And I don't think it really even matters Maybe nothing does How it keeps returning to remind me That I want to remain A child with you Forever"


    Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 13:43:11 -0500 From: greg massi <> To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2053 Message-ID: <>

    >> I've noticed that there are a few Maiden fans around here. Did any of >> you pick up "Balls to Picaso", Dickinson's "solo" project? What did ya >> think? I thought it was pretty cool, he's kinda mellowed out since the >> Seventh Son... days.

    I personally love Maiden, and was pretty hesitant to pick up " Balls To Picasso", but when I did I immediately loved it. Every song has its own personality and that guitar player is wicked f##$in good. If you like that album I would also suggest getting the live album " Alive in Studio A", its a truly classic live album. However did you pick up the new one " Skunkworks"? Its completely different than " Balls..." but I still like it but not as much. And does anyone know when he'll be coming around on tour?



    End of YTSEJAM Digest 2054 **************************

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