YTSEJAM digest 2439

Date: Wed Apr 09 1997 - 15:51:31 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 2438"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2439

    Today's Topics:

      1) coupla things
     by Kramer <>
      2) Reply from the asshole of the jam
     by (Scott Cook)
     by (Scott Cook)
      4) Dear Scott... (NDTC)
     by Mark Bredius <>
      5) I'll try again...
     by Timothy Adams <>
      6) ACOS
     by Visker <>
      7) Re: YTSEJAM digest 2437
     by Chris Ptacek <>
      8) Re: Dear Scott... (NDTC)
     by alex fraser <>
      9) Re: ACOS
     by Syrinx <>
     10) Re: Autographed stuff
     by The Digital Man <>
     11) The Usual
     by Steve Borzilleri <>
     12) Re: This Marilyn Manson Crap
     by The Digital Man <>
     13) Re: ACOS
     by The Digital Man <>
     14) Shutting down?
     by Christopher Bellardine <>
     15) Re: Dear Scott... (NDTC)
     by 2112 <>
     16) oops
     by Timothy Adams <>
     17) Re: Shutting down?
     by The Digital Man <>


    Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 11:22:25 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Kramer <>
    Subject: coupla things
    Message-ID: <01IHI01DK08I9359VD@LTU.EDU>

    So who played backup guitar on Unplugged in Europe? I know one of you
    guys has to know it. It's all keyboard arranged for guitar, so maybe
    Derek has some minor guitar playing ability.

    If you think the readers awards in guitar mags are pretty bad, Lars Ulrich
    just won best drummer for 1996. Best bass player was Gene Simmons. Yeah
    right. It bugs me that these voters don't even bother to consider actual
    talent when they vote for this shit.

    -C# (no, not C-SHARP, it's C#)


    Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 12:07:36 EDT
    From: (Scott Cook)
    Subject: Reply from the asshole of the jam
    Message-ID: <>

    Why do men pay more than women for car insurance?
    Because women don't get blowjobs while they're driving.
    On Tue, 8 Apr 1997 22:52:29 -0700 (PDT) Larry Odneal
    <> writes:

    >Scott Cook wrote:

    (doesn't really matter)

    >Hmmmmm. . . I don't remember saying that . . . oh, I get it, Scott was
    >writing to Itchy! Thanks Scott - about 1000 people just read your
    >"private" message, and I think I can speak for most of them in asking
    >you to practice what you preach. PLEASE=A0take this shit to E-mail
    >and spare us your little rivalry. C'mon, man, I enjoy most of your
    >but this thing is getting really old.

    And I guess *your* post was necessary for *everyone* on the jam
    to read? Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying I didn't deserve it but
    don't you think you could've done that too?

    Itchy flamed me pretty good and I decided I was gonna keep my
    mouth shut and just hope it went away. When he turned around
    and flamed me *again* I decided I was gonna say something
    one last time. I sent it to Itchy and the jam in case he deleted
    my personal email that he would either have to read my post
    on the jam or scroll past it since he's in digest mode.

    Not that it matters but that's my side of it. As far as I'm concerned
    this thing with Mark is over from my end.


    Why do men pay more than women for car insurance?
    Because women don't get blowjobs while they're driving.


    Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 12:13:17 EDT
    From: (Scott Cook)
    Message-ID: <>

    I think I sent an email to the jam that was meant for private email.
    I don't know for sure, but it's possible. So I want to apologize to
    the jam and Larry. I meant to change the to: from ytsejam to
    Larry but I think I forgot.


    Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 18:00:52 +0200
    From: Mark Bredius <>
    To: "'Ytsejam'" <>
    Cc: "''" <>
    Subject: Dear Scott... (NDTC)
    Message-ID: <>

    > Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 16:14:06 EDT
    > From: (Scott Cook)
    > To:
    > Cc: <>
    > Subject: Re: Vote for Ytse-Asshole NOW!
    > Message-ID: <>
    > You say if I have something to say to you do it privately and
    > to quit replying to every single post of yours. Well, if you want
    > to do it privately then email me privately; and if you want me
    > to stop replying to all your posts then quit including my posts
    > in your replies.
    > Scott
    > ps. Coming from a place that has legalized prostitution I
    > wouldn't want to go around with the nickname of "Itchy" :-)

    Well, I was just about to insult your intelligence or lack thereof,
    after the crap you keep posting about me. But I didn't want to drag
    myself down to your level. That would be pathetic you know. Instead,
    I decided to just quote you and let your words speak for themselves.
    I will keep doing that, until you get off my back. Fact is, you've
    been flaming me for about a year now. You bitched about me posting
    those short monthly MFP-lists, so I took them to my homepage. You
    bitch every time I comment on a flamewar or the lack of DTC. And now
    you bitch because I'm trying to take some off the flaming off the
    list. Why do you feel you have to keep insulting me for no good
    reason ? And what's up with all that shit about prostitutes and
    therapists ? Maybe it's time you found a new hobby or a new list.

    I'm sorry to post this crap, but I'll keep doing it until Scott
    decides to grow up. That might take a while, so get used to it.

    Would someone please let me know how we _ _____ ___ _ _ __ __
    have spun out of control ? |:||_.:._|/:._]|:]_[:|\.\_/./
    Has the captain let go of the wheel ? |:| |:| (.:(_ |:___:| \_::/
    (Queensryche - Sign of the Times) |_| [_] \___]|_] [_| [__/
    Itchy's Homepage -


    Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 11:11:19 -0400
    From: Timothy Adams <>
    Subject: I'll try again...
    Message-ID: <>

    I sent this last Jam but I got really screed up....

    Someone posted:

    >I bought last week the boot CD "Guitar Talkin'"... of DT...
    >There are some acustic songs, To live forever(audition of LaBrie), some
    >live tracks, Jams of some clinics of MP and JP, and some new songs
    >live, Rise the Knife and other song that is Untitled... the track 7...=20

    Anyone care to guess why the band didn't want their shows taped???


    Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 12:11:07 -0500 (CDT)
    From: Visker <>
    Subject: ACOS
    Message-ID: <>

    I was watching the movie "Dead Poet's Society" this past weekend and
    I wondered if the voice samples on "A Change of Seasons" were possibly
    taken from this movie?? "Gather Hebrews while ye may..." and "Sieze
    the Day"

    any jammers have any info???



    Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 12:38:23 -0500 (CDT)
    From: Chris Ptacek <>
    To: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2437
    Message-ID: <>

    > Ytsejam will hereby be shutdown in one week because the noise is high and
    > content is low...

            This has been a test of the emergency wakeup call system.
    Were a true emergency wakeup call neccessary, this test would have
    been followed by loud, angry ham, raving about time signatures, why
    no one should be allowed to say something "sucks" or "rules", or
    perhaps Marilyn Manson and Type O Negative. This is only a test.


    > From: "NEVANS.US.ORACLE.COM" <>
    > Subject: Ptacek's Prog Page

    > Check out Chris Ptacek's prog page folks. It's a great source of info about=

            Wow! Thanks! :)

    > prog bands and, if he continues to add to it (DO IT!!), could become a
    > "definitive" source (whatever that means). Anyway, I think it's worth a
    > look..

            I'm honored :) I guess I'd better add more stuff to the page!

    > PPS - How about putting some Morse/Dregs on there?

            You got it! Check later tonight.

    > > ps. Coming from a place that has legalized prostitution I
    > > wouldn't want to go around with the nickname of "Itchy" :-)
    > Despite the smiley, you totally annhialated the whole point of your
    > post. Don't criticize others when you just keep making a fool of
    > yourself.

            Wow... put it better than I could have, for sure. In the words of
    Chuck Billy (of Testament), Practice What You Preach! *(shouting
    backing vocals)*PREACH* ... oh great. Now I gots me a song stuck in my

    > From: "Rip, Cow Virtuoso" <>
    > Subject: contents

    > This list is to be about Dream Theater fans to discuss music they enjoy.
    > this doesnt just constitute progressive music.

            Well, I actually agree with Jeremy here (for once :) ... the list
    is not "to be about ... the music they enjoy." ... it's about DT and
    related topics. For instance, Metallica became a huge and insipid debate
    that did not, and does not belong on the list. By the same token, MM and
    TON both got way out of hand. Nothing was mentioned by Skadz at the time
    because he was falling behind in reading jams. It's not really a major
    issue to me, but I did feel that the statement you made was in err.

    > if you want that, there's
    > i'm sure a prog music list out there.

    follow the links to "Progress", sign up, and send us a message telling us
    who you are and what you're into!

    > The best thing about living in Alabama - no annoying DT clinics or
    > concerts to cause traffic problems in our many major metropolitan areas.


    - Chris Ptacek

    "...and five times two will he be marked, once for glory, once for honor,
    and another 8 times for assorted shit." -The Book of Slunder Ch23 (34-93)
    (check out Slundersloth's irrelevant but humorous page: and LAUGH!)


    Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 13:10:24 -0500 (CDT)
    From: alex fraser <>
    Subject: Re: Dear Scott... (NDTC)
    Message-ID: <>

    try as i do to not read things unless they seem like they might be
    remotely interesting, like get the jam in 'ack' mode and only read posts
    by d-man, bafu, and others for example, every once in a while i catch on
    to the threads that everyone seems to be complaining about. like this
    one. as much as i'm against censorship, couldn't we maybe institute a "3
    strikes" program against needless flamers? i don't mean post by post,
    but if you're involved in several posts of a flame war (scott, mark)
    that's one strike. just something to think about/delete 'cause you don't

    i was gonna say more, but [deleted -kbibb]


    On Wed, 9 Apr 1997, Mark Bredius wrote:

    > > Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 16:14:06 EDT
    > > From: (Scott Cook)
    > > To:
    > > Cc: <>
    > > Subject: Re: Vote for Ytse-Asshole NOW!
    > > Message-ID: <>
    > >
    > > You say if I have something to say to you do it privately and
    > > to quit replying to every single post of yours. Well, if you want
    > > to do it privately then email me privately; and if you want me
    > > to stop replying to all your posts then quit including my posts
    > > in your replies.
    > >
    > > Scott
    > >
    > > ps. Coming from a place that has legalized prostitution I
    > > wouldn't want to go around with the nickname of "Itchy" :-)
    > Well, I was just about to insult your intelligence or lack thereof,
    > after the crap you keep posting about me. But I didn't want to drag
    > myself down to your level. That would be pathetic you know. Instead,
    > I decided to just quote you and let your words speak for themselves.
    > I will keep doing that, until you get off my back. Fact is, you've
    > been flaming me for about a year now. You bitched about me posting
    > those short monthly MFP-lists, so I took them to my homepage. You
    > bitch every time I comment on a flamewar or the lack of DTC. And now
    > you bitch because I'm trying to take some off the flaming off the
    > list. Why do you feel you have to keep insulting me for no good
    > reason ? And what's up with all that shit about prostitutes and
    > therapists ? Maybe it's time you found a new hobby or a new list.
    > I'm sorry to post this crap, but I'll keep doing it until Scott
    > decides to grow up. That might take a while, so get used to it.
    > Mark
    > ____________________________________________________bredius@globalxs.nl__
    > Would someone please let me know how we _ _____ ___ _ _ __ __
    > have spun out of control ? |:||_.:._|/:._]|:]_[:|\.\_/./
    > Has the captain let go of the wheel ? |:| |:| (.:(_ |:___:| \_::/
    > (Queensryche - Sign of the Times) |_| [_] \___]|_] [_| [__/
    > _________________________________________________________________________
    > Itchy's Homepage -


    Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 14:20:48 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Syrinx <>
    To: Visker <>
    Subject: Re: ACOS
    Message-ID: <>

    > I was watching the movie "Dead Poet's Society" this past weekend and
    > I wondered if the voice samples on "A Change of Seasons" were possibly
    > taken from this movie?? "Gather Hebrews while ye may..." and "Sieze
    > the Day"
    > any jammers have any info???

            i have two.

            1. read the faq.

            2. understand the faq.
            any questions? no? good.

    "..666 is no longer alone.
     he's getting out the marrow in your backbone,
     and the seven trumpets blowing sweet rock and roll
     gonna blow right down inside your soul.
     pythagoras with the looking-glass, reflect the full moon.
     in blood, he's writing the lyrics to a brand new tune.."
     * * * * * * * * * *
     mike ostrich e-mail: /
    offical lemur voice homepage:

    (c) 1997 Happy Fun Ball, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


    Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 14:27:38 -0400 (EDT)
    From: The Digital Man <>
    To: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re: Autographed stuff
    Message-ID: <>

    On Wed, 9 Apr 1997, Green Mean Mother From Outer Space wrote:

    > It's me again. I'm looking for autographed KI$$, Dream Theater, and
    > Galactic Cowboy items. If anyone knows where I can order such items, please

    Order? Doesn't anybody go out and earn their autographs anymore?

      The Digital Man \|/ ____ \|/ Secretary & Webmaster "@'/ ,. \`@" UVM Comp Sci Student Assn /_| \__/ |_\ "He won't need a bed \__U_/ He's a digital man" - Peart
      Maintainer of the Official Dream Theater Frequently Asked Questions List


    Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 11:35:44 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Steve Borzilleri <>
    To: Dream Thezbians <>
    Subject: The Usual
    Message-ID: <>

    > From: chief <>
    > Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2433
    > whoever the fuck you are -
    > stop sending me your pointless shit. i don't want it. go
    > bother someone else. oh, by the way, how the fuck did you get my
    > goddamn name?
    > fuck you.

    "Thank you, you may step back... Ytsejammer #2. Step forward and read the


    So, who on this list has heard of T-Ride? Who among the Have Heards has
    their album? Yes yes, I know how cool it is... Aside from the T-Ride
    website, anyone know where I might probe around to find one? It's out of
    print and I don't think cdnow is all over it or anything...

    Bafu Vai


    Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 14:39:02 -0400 (EDT)
    From: The Digital Man <>
    To: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re: This Marilyn Manson Crap
    Message-ID: <>

    On Wed, 9 Apr 1997 wrote:

    > Jeremy, why do you care if Marilyn Manson is talked about on the jam?

    Uh oh. You know whenever a post starts like this, instead of something
    like "I'd like to address what Jeremy <> wrote in a
    previous digest...", we're in for trouble.

    > You can state your opinion, but don't try and tell others what they should
    > or shouldn't post. Half the shit on the jam is barely about music, let
    > alone progressive rock or metal or whatever you call dt. dt is my favorite

    Well, ok. That works.

    > band but recently I started to really like manson as well. And I disagree
    > that Marilyn Manson is the farthest thing from progressive that there is.
    > I see progressive rock or metal or whatever you want to call it as anything
    > that is very different from what we're used to musically. And Manson is
    > just that. it's moving metal in a different direction.

    Hmm, ok, I think I got it now. I farted in practice once, and my
    bandmates moved in a different direction. Hey, Richie, we're a prog

    > and secondly, these delays with dt's new album are really pissing me
    > off. I don't really care that there are delays, but what bothers me is
    > that no one really knows why. the only bullshit that we hear is that
    > 'there are internal changes at the label' or some shit like that. I don't

    Um, ok, now I'm starting to have some problems. Do you, like, only read
    the posts you want to?

    > care if it takes three years for the new album as long as we know the truth

    "The truth is out there."

    > as to what is going on. and that good for nothing Red Sector A page is
    > doing nothing. They seem to be so fucking impressed with themselves that
    > they're the official DT page yet they're doing nothing for the fans really.

    Um, did your parents beat you as a child? You've got some issues to deal
    with, man. For starters, find out what you're really angry at, and go
    resolve it. We didn't kick your dog. Secondly, pay attention around here
    once in a while. The rest of us are all pretty clear as to what's been
    going on, because we actually read the jams, rather than skimming it
    looking for people to vent on.

    :ring: :ring: Hear that? That's the clue phone. It's for you.

      The Digital Man \|/ ____ \|/ Secretary & Webmaster "@'/ ,. \`@" UVM Comp Sci Student Assn /_| \__/ |_\ "He won't need a bed \__U_/ He's a digital man" - Peart
      Maintainer of the Official Dream Theater Frequently Asked Questions List


    Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 14:42:40 -0400 (EDT)
    From: The Digital Man <>
    To: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re: ACOS
    Message-ID: <>

    On Wed, 9 Apr 1997, Visker wrote:

    > I was watching the movie "Dead Poet's Society" this past weekend and
    > I wondered if the voice samples on "A Change of Seasons" were possibly
    > taken from this movie?? "Gather Hebrews while ye may..." and "Sieze
    > the Day"

    Um, I think you were watching the Bible movie with Charlton Heston.


      The Digital Man \|/ ____ \|/ Secretary & Webmaster "@'/ ,. \`@" UVM Comp Sci Student Assn /_| \__/ |_\ "He won't need a bed \__U_/ He's a digital man" - Peart
      Maintainer of the Official Dream Theater Frequently Asked Questions List


    Date: Wed, 9 Apr 97 14:23:22 EDT
    From: Christopher Bellardine <>
    Subject: Shutting down?
    Message-ID: <>

    I'm new to this mailing list. Dt is the greatest band ever, and I thought
    this mailing list was primarily for DT fans. All Manson fans need to go find
    your own page. I have never heard a band more talented than DT. They could
    play anything they so desired. What's this I hear that ytsejam is shutting
    down. Let's talk Dt. Fuck these other bands that don't belong hear. I nead
    to explore FW, but I'm not impressed with QR. I don't think QR is even close
    to talent level of DT, not any of the instruments or the vocals are even
    close to DT. Manson sucks hard. Could someone E-mail me and tell me exactly
    what progressive rock means. My understanding is that it is a technical
    style of rock music. Could someone please give me insight into this. I love
    Rush, and I love Floyd, but I will not talk about Floyd hear. I'll talk to
    their mailing list.


    Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 14:56:39 -0500 (EST)
    From: 2112 <>
    Cc: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re: Dear Scott... (NDTC)
    Message-ID: <>

    On Wed, 9 Apr 1997, Mark Bredius wrote:

    > I'm sorry to post this crap, but I'll keep doing it until Scott
    > decides to grow up. That might take a while, so get used to it.

    Actually, wouldn't it be wiser to be the better man and just stop
    posting crap? If you're waiting for someone else to grow up to stop
    posting useless crap, you're just as bad as him.



    Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 13:22:29 -0400
    From: Timothy Adams <>
    Subject: oops
    Message-ID: <>

    Sorry about that re-post. It was my puter that screwed up the Jam, not
    the Jam. Anyway, before I get flamed...."I'm SORRY" :>)

    But I think I made my point

    -Tim A


    Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 15:27:47 -0400 (EDT)
    From: The Digital Man <>
    To: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re: Shutting down?
    Message-ID: <>

    On Wed, 9 Apr 1997, Christopher Bellardine wrote:

    > I'm new to this mailing list.

    *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*

    This is a message from the Recently-inducted Ytsejam Veteran Alert System.
    THIS IS NOT A DRILL. This is an actual exercise. READ CAUTIOUSLY. The
    words of genius follow.

    *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*

    > Dt is the greatest band ever, and I thought
    > this mailing list was primarily for DT fans. All Manson fans need to go find

    OK, look dickbrain. Just because this list is for DT fans, it doesn't

    * that we can only discuss DT
    * that we can only like DT
    * that we can tell people who happen to like other types of music to leave
    * that, as a member of the list, we can tell other people which of their
    opinions are valid and which are not

    > your own page. I have never heard a band more talented than DT. They could
    > play anything they so desired. What's this I hear that ytsejam is shutting
    > down. Let's talk Dt. Fuck these other bands that don't belong hear. I nead
    > to explore FW, but I'm not impressed with QR. I don't think QR is even close

    we don't care.

    > to talent level of DT, not any of the instruments or the vocals are even
    > close to DT. Manson sucks hard. Could someone E-mail me and tell me exactly

    How do *you* know how hard Manson sucks? Did he at least buy you dinner

    > what progressive rock means. My understanding is that it is a technical
    > style of rock music. Could someone please give me insight into this. I love

    Here's some insight:

    * You want answers? Ask politely.
    * You want answers? Sit back and read for a while.
    * You want to learn something from this list? Give and take. Be a
    constructive citizen of our society.
    * But don't come blazing in here saying, "I'm new here, and it sucks.
    Change it for me." We won't.

    > Rush, and I love Floyd, but I will not talk about Floyd hear. I'll talk to
    > their mailing list.

    That's too bad. There's stuff I want to learn about Floyd.

    Now. You want to hang out and talk about music? Fine. Welcome aboard.
    You want to show up, gunz-a-blazin', complaining right out of the gate?
    We don't need that, and we won't welcome it.

    You want to tell *me* what I can and cannot listen to? Get in line. But
    Mom's gonna be a while, so pack a lunch.


      The Digital Man \|/ ____ \|/ Secretary & Webmaster "@'/ ,. \`@" UVM Comp Sci Student Assn /_| \__/ |_\ "He won't need a bed \__U_/ He's a digital man" - Peart
      Maintainer of the Official Dream Theater Frequently Asked Questions List


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 2439

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Thu Apr 01 2004 - 17:59:17 EST