YTSEJAM digest 2825

Date: Tue Aug 05 1997 - 20:13:12 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 2826"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2825

    Today's Topics:

      1) Re: YTSEJAM digest 2823
      2) RE: Ptacek, production, football, YNM
     by "Blevins, Mike" <BlevinsM@amsc.Belvoir.Army.Mil>
      3) Re: Opinions...
     by Seroussi <>
      4) You not me..
     by NightCast <>
      5) Pro Duck shun
     by Christopher Ptacek <>
      6) Winplay3
      7) Re: Sick of people bitching. So let me bitch a little more. :
     by "Korg Eksthrey" <>
      8) reply to mr. mike
      9) Opinions
     by Kevin Madden <>
     10) Unclassified: Re: YNM
     11) I love You Not Me
     by "sykes" <>
     12) You Not Me clarifications
     by durnik <>
     13) Re: YTSEJAM digest 2824
     by Navin Systems <>
     14) Re: You Not Me
     by Brandon Elhai <>
     15) Mike's STUFF FOR SALE
     by durnik <>


    Date: Tue, 05 Aug 1997 15:38:05 -0500 (EST)
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2823
    Message-ID: <01IM33G658J6001HHF@LOYOLA.EDU>


    Sorry for taking up the jam with this -- but I seem to remember that
    there were some people on here that used to be on ISCA -- if you were, then
    you know what I'm talking about -- anyways, I cannot seem to connect anymore
    is it just me or what?

    Please reply in mail... bye, and thanks.

    -martin (


    Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 16:27:20 -0400
    From: "Blevins, Mike" <BlevinsM@amsc.Belvoir.Army.Mil>
    To: "''" <>
    Subject: RE: Ptacek, production, football, YNM
    Message-ID: <>

    Chris scribbled.

    >> There's a problem. It's not about art, it's about money. Most of the band's
    >>members have
    >> families now, and they have to make compromises to SELL their music.
    > I'm so glad we have someone here who can see completely into the minds of
    >the band.
    >It would be so unfortunate if we actually thought DT had integrity, and
    >played what they
    >wanted to play. I thank you for letting us know that DT wrote that song, and
    >hopefully the
    >whole album for the sole purpose of making a buck, as opposed to making the
    >music that they
    >want to make.
    > I must have misread Portnoy... he mentioned that if DT ever sold out, to
    >shoot him.
    >He must have meant that if DT NEVER sold out that we should shoot him,
    >because obviously our
    >psychic friend has shown us that this is their intent.

    Leave it Ptacek to give us a bitter bit of sarcasm. I hope.

    Pat wrote...

    >4 days until Division with Fates and Divine Regale... :)

    Hey, you finally got it in the right order! :)

    Ptacek again...

    >> look this gift horse in the mouth. Keep your complaints to yourself, at
    >> least until everyone else has a copy of FiI on which to form their own
    >> opinions and weigh them against yours.
    > No way, man. We're Ytsejammers. Whomever can state his or her opinion
    >using more
    >curse words than the others wins!

    Yeah - you f**king **shole!
    >> I can hear them very well, if I block out a SNARE that's louder than the
    >> lead vocal track.
    > Could that be the MP3 quality? No way...

    Could be, but I have the same problem with the Journey and Areosmith
    stuff I've heard. C'mon, I did a little homework before making an ass
    out of myself. :)
    > I respect what you're saying, and I think that you give a better case than
    >most of the
    >whiners out there as to why you're saying what you're saying. There's no way
    >and simply no
    >REASON to make you like YNM... but to piss on the team that made this album
    >for it, and to
    >piss on DT, and talk shit about the band for making one song that you don't
    >like, is stupid,
    >don't you agree? Some people don't. Maybe we're getting a little bit
    >spoiled. I remember
    >when buying a cd that had 3 songs that I liked was a big victory... there's
    >not that many
    >bands that are really infallible...

    You're going to have to stop saying things like that. I'm actually
    developing some respect for you. :)
    (BTW, I still consider three songs at least a holding action, if not a
    Eric wrote...

    >>I agree with Awake being a good one, with the exception of the snare
    >>being a little dry for my tastes, and the seven string guitar stuff
    >>being a bit muddy. I&W would have been even better, if it didn't have
    >>triggered drums. I was _hoping_ for a whole album that was more like a
    >>cleaner ACOS - my favorite in terms of the "blending" of the tones, if
    >>not the "cleanest". I guess I just like layering...
    >I think if you put Awake's drums in the ACOS mix, it'd be perfect. I
    >honestly can hardly listen to ACOS because of that snare drum. But, we've
    >been down this beaten path...haven't we? If FII has that piccolo snare,
    >somebody please tell me, so I can avoid buying the album.

    Well, at least YNM doesn't sound like a piccolo, although it is a bit
    basketball - y (how's that for a technical term?)

    Look, gang - I LIKE THE SONG. OK? I was humming it this morning. Even
    with KS producing ( :) ), I'd still rather hear this than virtually
    anything else that's come out this year. I know I'll be standing in line
    at Tower at 12:01 on a certain Tuesday morning...

    That is so cool for those of us who need instant gratification!

    BTW, two Ytsejam football league spots are still open - sign up now!
    (If you think we're competitive here... :)

    Mike - currently auditioning for Ytseasshole of the month!


    Date: Tue, 05 Aug 1997 17:21:41 +0200
    From: Seroussi <>
    Subject: Re: Opinions...
    Message-ID: <>

    > From: (Ernesto Schnack)
    > > Strong words for this crew, but opinions are like a$$holes - everyone has
    > > one!
    > No, they are like nipples.
    > Ernie
    everyone has three?


    Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 10:39:39 -0600
    From: NightCast <>
    To: "''" <>
    Subject: You not me..
    Message-ID: <>

    This song kicks ass! I just finished getting it about 10 minutes ago =
    and I like it a lot! I noticed it kind of sounds like it's skipping, =
    but that could've just been the way it was recorded to wav or =
    compressed.. or is this how it actually sounds? Or maybe it's even my =
    player just messing up. At any rate I like it. James does kind of =
    sound nasal in this one because of the harmonization but it's not to the =
    point where it sounds bad. =20

    One bitch: This song is going to make the minutes until September 23th =
    THAT much longer. Now that I've had a taste, I'm all the more hungry. =
    Thanks to the guys who made this one possible!


    Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 16:00:07 -0500 (CDT)
    From: Christopher Ptacek <>
    Subject: Pro Duck shun
    Message-ID: <>

    That idiot Mike Portnoy guy didn't know what he was talking about! The production on this
    song sucks bad, so it doesn't matter that he said each song was done individually and will
    sound different drum-wise and everything. I bet the whole album's just gonna be a cd-rom of
    low quality MP3s too!

    Let's boycott the album until DT sells out and does what WE want, instead of what THEY want!
    C'mon everyone! Get yer picketing signs ready now!


    Chris Ptacek at EnterAct, L.L.C -- (773) 248 8511 (business) (my contribution to
    --------------------------------- the vast wealth of
    "To err is human... to suck out | underdeveloped
     one's brain with an orally | web sites)
     deployed flesh tube is not."-MS| ****************


    Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 17:39:04 -0400 (EDT)
    Subject: Winplay3
    Message-ID: <>

    Could someone please send me a copy of Winplay3 in a zipped file? I need a
    registered copy. Thanks


    Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 15:40:50 -0600
    From: "Korg Eksthrey" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: Re: Sick of people bitching. So let me bitch a little more. :
    Message-ID: <>

    >What a load of shit. I can't believe there are actually people out there
    >who think this part is BORING.

    Hell, I didn't say hated the song, I just said the middle part is boring.
    Prog is good, but IMO it should be served in small quantities else
    indigestion occurs. There is a point to which you can listen to so much
    obscure pontillated playing that you become mindfucked. I hope to avoid
    that in the futre. (Whew!)

    >One bitch: This song is going to make the minutes until September 23th =
    >THAT much longer. Now that I've had a taste, I'm all the more hungry. =
    >Thanks to the guys who made this one possible!

    See! You don't have to break out the Pepto for Falling into Infinite!

    >Have fun at the bookstore...and you call yourself a fan.

    Nah, it's fanboy. :)

    >I think if you put Awake's drums in the ACOS mix, it'd be perfect. I
    >honestly can hardly listen to ACOS because of that snare drum. But,
    >been down this beaten path...haven't we? If FII has that piccolo snare,
    >somebody please tell me, so I can avoid buying the album.

    And you call yourself a fan... heheh...


    Date: Wed, 6 Aug 97 00:54:47 PDT
    Subject: reply to mr. mike
    Message-ID: <Chameleon.970806005627.omeraron@>

    the little and annoying mike wrote:

    > Omeraron wrote...
    > >well hello there ytsejamers...
    > >this is your massenger from israel talking,
    > >i have few things to say to you guys so listen up:
    > I'm not even going to touch this one... I might burn myself! :)

    well,well,well,i write something about DT that people maybe find
    intresting,and a ZILLION years later somebody replay on that fucking
    israel thing?
    oh mike you're good!

    anyway,does somebody else have a proplem with the mp3 of you not me?
    please help me!! i gotta hear the damn song! i listen to the same 4
    album they do have for the 11,243,456.11 times and that's getting a
    little annoying...

    youres truely,

    mr. geddy lee said once:
    "because he was human,because he had goodness,
    because he was mortal,they called him insane."
    from cinderella man
    nice things he say,don't he?
    just wanted you to know,thats all....


    Date: Tue, 05 Aug 1997 17:57:49 -0400
    From: Kevin Madden <>
    Subject: Opinions
    Message-ID: <>

    Everything with music is going to be a matter of perspective and opinion.
    Otherwise everone would like the same music, and have the same favorites, which
    obviously is not the case. I find it a bit strange that opinions would be formed
    based on some sort of raw internet sound file regarding production value. For
    example, I listened to Bruce Dickinson's "Accident of Birth" on Real Audio, and I
    was just full of questions about its production values. Suprise, suprise, it
    turned out to sound about one hundred times better on my stereo.

    I am not advocating keeping one's opinions to oneself, only that we perhaps reserve crushing conclusions until the (not to mix a metaphor - ah, what the hell) paint is dry. If you think the album/song/production (or in my case, probably, the vocal performance - NOTE: I go publicly on record as disliking JLB's vocals, and if anyone *ever* sees me knobbing him after a concert, feel free to smash me like a fucking pancake, boy <tm, happy fun ball>) sucks, by all means express your opinions, but please try to be intelligent, witty (if possible), and most of all, considerate of others. Translation: leave the personal "you are a dick" type shit out. If you disagree, rebut intelligently. If you agree, great.

    CD of the day: Y&T - Musically Incorrect

    Green Bay Packers - 1996-97 Super Bowl Champions
    2-0 Preseason.



    Date: Wed, 6 Aug 1997 08:30:23 +1000
    Subject: Unclassified: Re: YNM
    Message-ID: <>

    Yeah I am getting mighty pissed off with all you so called DT fans slamming
    Kevin Shirley for his production on the new material, concidering that
    unless you are lucky enough to have the promo CD, you've only heard the
    edit of YNM over the internet, how the FUCK can you give a sensible opinion
    of the production from that ?

    okay Lars, what are the facts ?

    Why don't you give Journey's last album that Kevin produced a listen,
          sounds damn good to me.

    Think before you start shitting on Kev, can you who are slamming him do a
          better job.

    No so shut the fuck up complaining, if you don't like it, then don't buy
          the album, leave the rest of us to enjoy the new DT.

    Let's just wait till September 23rd before we crucify the guy, okay ?


    Sorry for my tone, but I have to stand up for a fellow Aussie :)


    Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 17:56:45 -0500
    From: "sykes" <>
    To: "The Ytse Jam" <>
    Subject: I love You Not Me
    Message-ID: <>

    OK I've been listening to YNM for about a day now, and here are my first

    When I heard the opening wah guitar thing, it IMMEDIATELY reminded me of
    Rage Against the Machine. The guitar just has that sound/tone to it. Holy
    JM! I hope he is this far up in the mix on the whole album. I think the
    verse lyris are very well crafted, kind of in the angry 'Lie' vein. The
    chorus is also very good, not utterly simplistic like a Dickenson era
    Maiden chorus; (btw, I love Maiden) it's catchy and repetitive, but they
    slide some really good lines in there too. I think the chorus is far
    better than other choruses they have wrote. (CiaW, for one) The solo is
    shorter than we might expect from JP, but it fits very well with the song.
    Very groovy, kind of reminds me of a Steve Morse solo on Deep Purple's

    Overall, I think this is a great song with good potential for airplay on
    AOR stations. I guess I'm lucky to have two hard rock stations in my area,
    so I expect to be hearing this a lot.


    Anyone going to the 8/17 Fates gig at the House of Blues know what their
    policy is toward underage people, my friend is 20, and we are wondering if
    he is going to need a fake ID to get in.
    | |


    Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 15:55:02 -0700 (MST)
    From: durnik <>
    Subject: You Not Me clarifications
    Message-ID: <>

            Well, now that the Child thing has been blabbed, I can speak up
    about it (I had known about it for months, but been sworn to secrecy). If
    I recall correctly what my band connection explained to me, You Or Me was
    rewritten by Desmond Child into It's All About You. Mike and James wanted
    it heavier so they scrapped much of what DC did to make You Not Me. So the
    final product _should_ be mainly DT's work. We'll know for sure when the
    album comes out, I guess.

            As for me "sucking up to the band"... uh, I don't think so.
    Whoever it was that said that should really read some back-issues of the
    Jam. I call 'em as I see 'em. Of all the people in this world that knows
    how NOT to be a "typical fan groupie" in the presence of bands, I'm right

            Anyway, DT showed us with IAW and Awake that they can put together
    awesome tunes that had a lot to them. With FII they may be showing us that
    they can put together awesome tunes with more impact and less digression.

            If the rest of the album sucks, you'll hear about it from me. I
    for one don't get excited about "Burning My Soul" (too ordinary) but most
    of the other songs I already dig bigtime.

    - Mike Bahr - -


    Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 16:07:47 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Navin Systems <>
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2824
    Message-ID: <>

    Ok well I haven't actually replied or sent any messages to this list (so I
    don't even know if this will work), but I need to join in the action :)

            Actually I want to comment on Dt's choice of Producer; Kevin
    Shirley. Well, this is the thing. I've heard a lot of you complaining
    about the production and the quality, etc.. (even for a 22khz mpeg3 with
    48khz/sec streaming). This is simply a matter of Analog V.S. Digital
    sound. Some people like Analog, and some people like digital. ALL of
    Kevin Shirley's producing efforts (with the exception of Rush's
    Counterparts) has been done in the analog domain. (this is just a known
    fact about Kevin Shirley, and his recording ethic). SO almost invariably,
    FII has been "analogued."

            What's the difference in sound between analog and digital you say?
    Well I'll break it up simply for you:

            Digital: It's just that. Music in 1's and 0's. During the
    recording process, everything is recorded algorithmatically. The digital
    domain has "built in" error correction (feeding in 1's and 0's) and will
    also be susceptible to "peak dumps." Which basicall;y means recording at
    a level too "hot" for the microphone(s)/mixer. However, I digital is a
    matter of taste. Some people really like the clean "produced" digital
    sound. Everything is a bit sharper, and the clarity is unmatched (of
    course). But some people prefer analog. Here's why.

            Analog: Music is "printed" on to a magnetic tape. Sound
    "saturation occurs" (which is the same as recording too hot in digital).
    However, this is GOOD in analog recording because where in digital you
    would hear an ugly breakup in sound, in analog you get tape saturation
    which adds warmth and "character." (or so they say). Analog sound is
    also susceptible to flows and other recording "illnesses." Also, with
    analog you get noise. (now it can be reduced, but it is never actually
    taken away).

            So, how does this translate as far as sound? If you like sharp
    biting snare sounds (similar to AWAKE), then go digital. If you like in
    your face guitar (sharp), then go digital. If you like clear "in front of
    the mix" vocals, go ANALOG. So as you can see, there is goods and bads to
    both. The human ear can only hear analog sound (waveform), and all
    digital has to be converted via D/A converters anyways. So it's a matter
    of recording sound that really only makes the difference. But any good
    mixing engineer can make digital sound analog, or vice versa.

            So as this relates to YNM? Well, it doesn't. You can't tell in
    22khz, expecially when the original recording was one in 44khz. (but you
    see, this is analog, so when you convert it back on to your computer from
    CD (which stores digital rather then a tape storing analog), the computer
    uses a A/D converter and converts it back. All this converting only makes
    the song sound more muddy.

            Someone said that the loud snare was getting in the way of the
    vocals? I have two words for that. TAPE SATURATION. You see, the lows
    (plosives) get saturated less, and therefore the highs are more up close.
    Snare drums are high pitched (for the most part), so that is why that may
    be the case. As far as an MP3 being the cause? It is actually a
    possibility. It depends on the quality of A/D converter our fellow
    ytsejammer used when putting this thing onto MP3. (in other words, I
    doubt he mixed down the cd to dat, put an optical cable in a digital input
    of a digital sound card, recorded digtial into a program like sound forge,
    and then converted that digital sound to a wav file.

            SO, what is being said is this. GIVE THE CD A CHANCE. Wait till
    that comes out. Sound quality can be manipulatwed in many forms. From
    headphones, to speakers to recording, to your own ears. (anyone here have
    tinnitus?). Put your fingers in yoru ears, and if you hear even the
    slightest low rumbling noise, that's how much bass you are adding to a
    song. And that is how much "natural clarity" you are losing.

            So, there was a psuedo-technical explanation to some of your
    arguments. If you don't understand me, well then, don't complain about
    the song. If you do, then you shoudl already know enough about sound
    quality to know not to pass judgement. Now as far as the performance of
    the song.. Well.. now that is completly valid for arguments, but let m,e
    tell you one last thing. In the studio, it is very common to make
    "several" mixes. This does NOT waste session time. A mixing engineer can
    remix say a song like MaSTER of Puppets, to sound like Peter Cetera if he
    wanted to. So just wait, and Take the Time :)


    Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 19:07:49 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Brandon Elhai <>
    To: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re: You Not Me
    Message-ID: <>

    On Tue, 5 Aug 1997, Pat Daugherty wrote:

    > Another Day was IMO the perfect song to get radio airplay. It got some
    > but very little. I don't think it matters what DT puts out. Nothing will
    > get much airplay at all.

    Yeah, if DT made a conscious attempt to "sell out" and it showed in their
    music (ie. they sounded exactly like Bush), then yes, they would get
    airplay. But they are not going to get much airplay by just making a long
    song shorter. It still has the DT trademark right? I haven't heard "you
    not me" but it's still DT I assume. And what radio station would play DT?

    caller: "Can you please play some Dream Theater?"
    DJ: Dream who??? I got The Spice Girls!!! How 'bout that?
    caller: dial tone...



    Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 16:54:43 -0700 (MST)
    From: durnik <>
    Subject: Mike's STUFF FOR SALE
    Message-ID: <>

    Star Wars - SNES - Playstation - etc.

    This is my sale of stuff. Lots of good stuff. My CDR drive just quit and
    since it's sort of my livelihood, I needed to replace it, and doing so has
    put me at an all-time low for available funds. So first offer on this stuff
    is gonna take it away.

    1. Playstation stuff
            I have for sale a modified (chipset) Sony Playstation. Includes
            two controllers and games: Street Fighter Alpha/Zero 2, King of
            Fighters '95, Namco Museums 2 and 3, Crash Bandicoot. Total $170.
            Now what a modded PSX means is that the system can play not only
            normal USA games, but also Japanese and Asian PSX games, games
            copied to CDR, you get the picture. You don't have to do the swap
            trick because the mod chip takes care of it. Again, $170 for all.

    2. SNES stuff
            I have for sale a SNES with a console copier and about 100 games.
            You'll have no problem downloading more off the web. (just search
            for "emulators+ROM+SNES" and you'll find the stuff). I have the
            following games on cart: Starfox, SFA2, Empire Strikes Back, Super
            Metroid, and Zelda 3, Mario All Stars, Castlevania IV, and japanese
            carts of Dracula 4, Dragonball Z 1, 2, and 3, and then about another
            90 to 100 games on floppy that you load into the copier and play
            normally. The copier is a Super UFO 7.3 with 34MB of RAM, and has
            Hirom support and breaks most cart copy protections, so it plays
            just about any SNES game except those with special hardware like
            Mario Kart, SFA2, Starfox, etc. which you'll notice I picked up on
            cart for that very reason. It's about the most advanced copier out
            there, roughly equal to the Wildcard-DX. It will play games in any
            copier format... Wildcard DX, Magicom, Game Doctor, Pro Fighter,
            whatever they happen to be in. Plus, two Asciipads and a
            super Jojo SF2-style joystick. Total price for all: $400.

    3. Star Wars stuff
            I've been collecting POTF2 for a while, and I gotta give it up for
            the money thing. So I'm selling these figures at basically bargain-
            basement prices. They're all on their original cards where carded,
            and the loose ones are, well, loose.
            Carded = all from wave 1 to the Emperor/Bib/Han/Lando/Fleet Trpr
                    wave from May and June. All mint. Plus deluxes. We're
                    talking like 39 or 40 carded figs here. Plus 3-4 extras.
            Loose = same as carded, minus Bib Fortuna. Plus Han Stormtrooper
                    (from Froot Loops) x 5, plus spirit of Ben Kenobi. Includes
                    the tan-vest Jedi Luke and half-circle Boba Fett. (the carded
                    versions are normal). Plus a dozen vintage figures, mint.
                    Plus extra Stormtroopers & similar Imperials + Probot.
            Vehicles = most of them. Vintage Snowspeeder mint with box, then all
                    mint from POTF2: Xwing, TIE, Falcon, T16, Outrider, Slave 1,
                    Vader's TIE, Landspeeder, Speeder Bikes w/Luke and Scout,
                    Swoop, Death Star playsets, and new Snowspeeder, and ATST.
            Additional = all Action Fleet through March '97, mint.
            All of this for the absurdly low price of $500.

    4. Other stuff
            Authentic two-handed sword, very high quality - $200.

            We'll work out shipping... if the order comes in fast enough, I may
    just spring for it. Let me know if you want any of these packages.

    -Mike Bahr,

    DISCLAIMER: It's illegal to use video game ROMs you don't own. So whatever
    you do with the ones I'm selling is your decision, and I Can't be held
    responsible. As for the sword, you can use it legally in almost all states.:)


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 2825

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