YTSEJAM digest 3357

Date: Fri Dec 12 1997 - 19:06:36 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 3366"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 3357

    Today's Topics:

      1) Re: DT and the Future
     by "Brian Hayden" <>
      2) Voltron/top 10/FW/Rush synth-pop?
     by Phil Carter <>
      3) DT live variety - or lack thereof...
     by Adam <>
      4) European DT television distribution
     by "Tom Baddley" <>
      5) Ugh
     by Adam Barnhart <>
      6) G.I.T.
     by <> "Chung Ng"
      7) NDTC: Warning to AZ Jammers
     by Michael Bahr <>
      8) stuff
     by Conrad Chi <>
      9) Re: YTSEJAM digest 3356
     by Richard Warren <>
     10) Re: YTSEJAM digest 3356
     by (Jeff Keifling)
     11) Maybe they are some
     by (Jeff Keifling)
     12) Vanden Plas clip
     by (Dr. Mosh)
     13) Re: Crowds at FW shows
     by "Timothy P. Shough" <>
     14) cd reviews
     by (alexis1)


    Date: Fri, 12 Dec 97 11:37:44 -0600
    From: "Brian Hayden" <>
    Subject: Re: DT and the Future
    Message-ID: <>

    Responding to the message of

    > newer material get more airplay if it was more commercial? Aside from the
    > occasional "Test For Echo" (when the album was first released)

    Test for Echo and Half the World both were played to death on the "classic rock"
    station up here, and Ghost of a Chance was played to *death* on the old "metal"
    station a few years back. Most of the Rush that's on the radio here is Freewill,
    Closer to the Heart, Ghost of a Chance, Spirit of Radio, Limelight,
    Subdivisions, and Tom Sawyer.


     "So understand, don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years.
       Face up, make your stand, and realize you're living in the golden years."
                                  -Adrian Smith
    Coleridge on IRC


    Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 17:40:36 -0500
    From: Phil Carter <>
    To: Keeper of the Seven Ytses <>
    Subject: Voltron/top 10/FW/Rush synth-pop?
    Message-ID: <>

    Greetings ye 'jamanoids...

    Matt says:
    >All right you bunch of pussies who like the lions. The lions suck!!!! Do
    >you hear me? They suck!!! What kind of a real fucking robot would have
    >little pussy lion heads as hands and feet? Everyone who's anyone knows
    >that air team, land team, and sea team are the way to go!

    How about those of us who liked *both*? I had both the lions *and* the
    land/air/sea Voltrons. Would still have 'em, too, if I hadn't tried moving
    'em in a box (precariously balanced) on the back of a friend's pickup
    truck. Round a curve we go, hit a bump, *POW!* the box flies into the air
    and into the river. I bet the fish are having a ball with 'em, though.

    Arash wanted to know:
    >Btw, some people have problems with my weekly top 10 albums. Why ?

    Probably because the rules you get when you sign up say "no top 10 lists".
    I dig the lists too since (like Carlo) I get lots of info about other cool
    bands. But I don't want this to turn into the Listsejam, and I don't think
    anybody else does either.

    Mike remarked:
    >their first album, On Through the Night, is's fast, heavy,
    >raw...if you like Def Leppard at all you sould give the album a
    >listen...unfortunately their last album, SLANG's basically
    >alternative...but i like the rest of them.

    Hm. I thought "Slang" was a pretty damn good album. "Gift of Flesh" and
    "Turn to Dust" are pure rock heaviness all the way through, and "Where Does
    Love Go When It Dies" is a soaring ballad with great lyrics. And "Deliver
    Me" is a fantastic tune too. Very different from the pop-metal sound of
    "Hysteria" and "Adrenalize", but at the same time very good.

    Jeff reassured me about the FW audiences thus far:
    >Quiet. We just stood there with our jaws on the floor.

    Most excellent. I hope to hell the people in Marietta will be like that
    too. Ytsefolk, if you're at the show, come say hi; I'll be the guy in the
    Santa hat. *grin*

    Scott says:
    >They [Rush] went from writing some
    >of the greatest rock songs of all time, prog or not, to becoming
    >a Human League/Eurythmics clone in the 80's. That shit from Signals
    >all the way through Hold Your Fire is all synth pop. I'm not saying
    >it's all bad, but most of it sucks (sorry Merlo, it had to be said ;-) ).

    Okay, D-Man, I'll hold him down and you flatten him like a fucking pancake.
    :) Moving Pictures through Hold Your Fire is my favorite Rush "era",
    PRECISELY because it's so keyboard-heavy. I still get chills every time I
    hear those three opening notes of "Subdivisions." The keyboards weren't
    thrown in just because it was the cool thing to do at the time, they were
    written in as an integral part of the music. Try to imagine "Chemistry" or
    "Distant Early Warning" or "The Enemy Within" or "Between the Wheels" or
    "Lock and Key" without keyboards. Ugh!

    .and just what the hell's wrong with the Human League and the Eurythmics
    anyway? :)

    Happy holidays,

    Phil Carter --
    "Music brings peace to the restless, and comforts the sorrowful. They who
    no longer know where to turn find new ways. And those who have despaired,
    gain new confidence and love." -- Pablo Casals
    Currently playing: Handel -- "The Messiah" (Gardiner, Monteverdi Choir)


    Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 17:52:03 -0500
    From: Adam <>
    Subject: DT live variety - or lack thereof...
    Message-ID: <>

            Is it just me, or does anyone else wish DT would actually throw some
    variety into their live show? I've been trading DT boots for awhile and
    after 2 or 3 from the same tour you've heard pretty much all the tour has
    to offer. The setlists, while occasionally changing a bit, are 95% the
    same throughout the tour. This is a problem I've always had with
    Queensryche. Why the hell did QR have a tapers section on all tours
    (except for HITNF) when their live show is EXACTLY the same every night.
    And worse for QR, they play all their songs EXACTLY the same as the album
    version. Forget jams, forget improvs. Might as well play the album and
    have them pretending to play on stage. Why would anyone want to trade
    tapes of identical shows? DT isn't quite that bad, and it's always
    interesting to hear how James sounds from night to night, but for the most
    part there's absolutely no variety in DT live shows. Now, this doesn't
    stop them from being incredible live, but it doesn't make me want to do a
    road trip to see 4 or 5 DT shows in the summer if they're all gonna be the

            This is why I also enjoy bands like the Grateful Dead and Widespread
    Panic. For those who just blow off the Dead (like I did) because they were
    a "hippie band" really needs to give them a listen. "Terrapin Station,"
    for example, is a 16-20 minute long (depending on jam lengths), story and
    has many progressive undertones - time changes, key changes, etc etc, and
    the guitar work, while not blazing, is bluesy and really excellent. But I
    digress. I trade tapes of Dead and Widespread because every show is
    completely different from all the others. Rarely will you find a song
    played more than once or twice a week, and new jams, etc are always being
    introduced. It really makes trading worth it... Just my two cents... :)

    DT in ATLANTA = 4 days (!!!) (Yes, they're still MyFavoriteBand) :)



    Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 15:56:12 -0700
    From: "Tom Baddley" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: European DT television distribution
    Message-ID: <01bd0751$2469c9a0$>

    I'm sure that some of our European jammers taped the recent VIVA DT
    interview (and clips? I only saw a mention about a updated ver. of CiTM,
    and that it was very high quality). Would there be any way that we could
    arrange a video tape tree to help distribute this to fellow jammers? Most
    important (to me, at least) would be arranging for the conversion from PAL
    to VHS format, so that US jammers can actually play them. I'd dub copies
    for postage and blank tapes for jammers in the US and Canada, if someone
    could provide me with a VHS copy of the program.

    Could someone give us the details on this program. What country did it
    originate from? Was it broadcast (and taped) in stereo? How long was it?
    What did it feature?

    I'd love to coordinate with a few people to help spread some newer DT video
    material around. Earlier this year, a helpful jammer made me a copy of
    JP's guitar clinic in Orlando. This was a must have for any DT fan before
    FII came out. It was the first time I heard the arrangement changes in
    LiTS, as well as the new rhythm arrangement for TaMP. Plus, I got to see JP
    playing every part including a stunning rendition of Purple Rain. What a
    nugget this was for a fan to trip across, all because a generous jammer
    wanted to help others out and spread the wealth.

    I occasionally read the Phish newsgroup, and I notice that they seem far
    more interested in helping each other out than most group's fan network. I
    know that a lot of this has to do with Phish's liberal taping policy. But
    even for public broadcast-type stuff, they make sure everyone has an
    opportunity to see it. They quickly set up web sites with RealVideo clips
    of the Conan O'Brian appearance, where they played a rather average song
    called _Farmhouse_. There were also many offers to dub copies for fans who
    missed the appearance (this makes me think of the TSO appearance on Rosie.I
    missed it...but would really like to see it). I'd like to see more of this
    type activity here on the 'jam.

    Anyone interested?

    Tom Baddley
    AirCell, Inc.


    Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 15:08:36 -0800
    From: Adam Barnhart <>
    Subject: Ugh
    Message-ID: <>

    >From: Scott <>
    >Subject: Smack my Bitch Up!
    >And if you can listen to anything Rush put out AFTER Hemispheres
    >and say they didn't go commercial then you're either not paying
    >attention or have an IQ of a turnip! They went from writing some
    >of the greatest rock songs of all time, prog or not, to becoming
    >a Human League/Eurythmics clone in the 80's. That shit from Signals
    >all the way through Hold Your Fire is all synth pop. I'm not saying
    >it's all bad, but most of it sucks (sorry Merlo, it had to be said ;-) ).
    >It wasn't until Presto that they started getting back more towards
    >guitar oriented music and stopped trying to get airplay in the

    (Adam, raising his hand, indicating that he DOES, in fact, have the IQ of a

    Well, I'm on record as seeing "Hold Your Fire" as the apex of the Rush
    canon. I don't think the phrase "synth pop" is applicable to that period
    of the band's music. I suppose you dislike the synth sounds, but you can
    track Rush making strange noises all the way back to "Fly By Night," and
    even on, say "A Farewell to Kings," the synth plays a significant role.
    Perhaps the concise tunes turn you off (though both "Natural Science" and
    "The Camera Eye" fall into this period and are, in fact, a bit longer than
    an average AOR tune, though perhaps not quite the length of "Hemispheres"
    and "2112"). I'm curious which songs are, in fact, the ones you're talking
    about being "some of the greatest rock songs of all time" (I'm not
    DISAGREEING with you about the quality of that part of their catalog --
    they're my favorite band -- I'm saying that I think the music they've
    written since stands up equally well), as the many of the songs folks often
    cite as Rush's best work..."Tom Sawyer," "Sprit of Radio," "YYZ"... come
    from the period immediately following "Hemispheres."

    You're right, though...the albums after "Hemispheres" ARE more commericial.
     And, as we've discovered in hashing through the issue a million times
    here, it's something that almost EVERY band does: the recent work of Yes,
    Genesis, Jethro Tull, and Metallica, to pick four, sounds very little like
    where they began (although I think the last album of each of the four is
    quite good). The mistake most people make is equating the heightened
    presence of the synths on "Signals" with a greater level of make THAT album, after the tremendous success of
    "Permanent Waves" and "Moving Pictures," was actually a tremendous risk.
    Which is why I may say it's more accessible, but NOT a grab for the cash.
    Changing your sound radically is NOT, generally, how a band makes money.
    Not after your biggest album, anyhow.

    I'm sure a lot of folks are already groaning at this point, so I'll quit
    here, since I'm not actually likely to convince anyone and I've made all
    these points here before.

    Five Gratuitous CD's:
    1. Lost Souls: Howlin at the Moon
    2. Dave Matthews Band: Crash
    3. Marillion: Clutching at Straws
    4. Rush: Hold Your Fire
    5. Rush: Test For Echo

    Adam D. Barnhart


    Date: Fri, 12 Dec 97 17:35:49 EST
    From: <> "Chung Ng"
    To: <>
    Subject: G.I.T.
    Message-ID: <>

    Is the Guitar Institute of Technology still a popular place for music
    students? Back in the 80s, it was "THE" place for shredders to go hone their
    craft. I wasn't very good, but I dreamed about going there and coming out as
    the next Yngwie or Van Halen. Just wondering. If I ever get out to the West
    Coast, I'd like to visit.


    Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 16:06:53 -0700
    From: Michael Bahr <>
    Subject: NDTC: Warning to AZ Jammers
    Message-ID: <>

    Hi all

            This is NDTC, it's a warning for Arizona Jammers. NEVER buy a vehicle
    from any Earnhardt's dealership. I was just defrauded out of my $2000
    down payment from Earnhardt Dodge of Gilbert, and on top of that, the
    1997 Neon they sold me is a lemon and is no longer drivable!! I am
    making legal attempts to nullify the original contract of sale, and it
    ain't easy. All attempts to deal with the dealership rationally have
    been met with stonewalling and/or denial. I'm already contacting local
    media just to ruin ED's reputation with an "investigative report". It
    was near impossible to get that down payment together to begin with (as
    many of you know, I'm not a very wealthy person...) and since my credit
    is already shot, this might end in a voluntary repossession of the
    vehicle by the credit provider. We shall see. The warning again, never
    ever buy any vehicle from Earnhardt's. I had comparatively little to no
    trouble with previous car/truck purchases from Saturn of Tempe and
    Chapman Chevrolet, and I wish I had kept my Saturn, cracked engine block
    and all!! Take care everyone.

    - Mike Bahr / Prism Records
    - durnik @ goodnet . com


    Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 15:11:22 -0800 (PST) From: Conrad Chi <> To: Subject: stuff Message-ID: <>

    I have watched the TSO performance on Rosie on tape now many times. It still kicks ass!! Hopefully that DT and SAVATAGE Viva show will be floating around soon.

    Also, MEGADETH, MACHINE HEAD, and LIFE of AGONY at San Jose St is getting closer! That is some heavy ass metal!!!



    Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 17:17:10 -0600 From: Richard Warren <> To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 3356 Message-ID: <>

    >On Thu, 11 Dec 1997, ProgRckBoy wrote: >> I'm the same. It seems that if you write something that sounds good clean, >> you can arrange the parts to add a distorted guitar... but if you write >> things dirty, then you have a lot of cleaning to do. And you don't need an >> amp for an acoustic. > >I HIGHLY doubt Mirror/Lie was written on an accoustic!

    There is a song on Acoustic Dreams called Long Island Expressway that has a bass line that sounds like Lie. The guitar part is acoustic.


    Richard Warren


    Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 18:31:08 -0500 From: (Jeff Keifling) To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 3356 Message-ID: <v01530505b0b777bf0a23@[]>

    >>How many of us >>found DT after hearing PMU on the radio? I did. I distincly remember >>hearing it a couple of times and thinking, you know, this isn't half bad.

    Having had WDaDU for awhile I was there in the kitchen cleaning up after a cookout, and we had the radio blaring. I always hated the radio, but I had room-mates back then. So there I am in the kitchen kind of getting into this song they were playing. When it was over I heard the words "That was Dream Theater" and I think I about fell on the floor. I never thought that day would come. That song turned me into a radio couch potato just waiting for it. Having no money in those days, I'd walk down to the Cd shop around the corner and just stare at it - every day. Gosh, memories...


    Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 18:34:17 -0500 From: (Jeff Keifling) To: Subject: Maybe they are some Message-ID: <v01530506b0b77a1d988c@[]>

    >>Maybe they are some artists they don't know, so maybe they will get in to >>them. >>Like Royal Hunt !

    Like me! I've tried their web site, but I can't seem to get the files to work on a mac. Anyone care to e-mail some .ra's?


    Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 15:37:48 -0800 From: (Dr. Mosh) To: Subject: Vanden Plas clip Message-ID: <>

    I just added an mp3 from Vanden Plas's latest release, the God Thing, in my sound clips section, they are currently opening for Dream Theater on the European tour...

    URL below:

    -The Doc

    -- #$%*#$*@ E-MAIL: #$%#$#$% _+_+_+_+ Unix, Internet, Intranet Engineering _+_+_+_+ [][][][] Dr. Mosh's Progressive Feast [][][][] #$@#$#@# @#$@##@$


    Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 18:45:43 -0800 From: "Timothy P. Shough" <> To: Subject: Re: Crowds at FW shows Message-ID: <>

    Phil Carter inquires:

    > With the FW show here in the Atlanta area coming up soon, I was curious: > those of you who've been to FW shows so far on this tour, how are the > crowds behaving? APSOG is a pretty quiet, contemplative song at times, and > it could be absolutely ruined by a bunch of people making a lot of noise > during the quiet parts. How's the noise level been so far? > > I realize that your mileage may vary, but I was just wondering what the > shows've been like so far.

    I hope this doesn't bother those of you who are tired of hearing about Fates. :) I was fortunate enough to see FW at Club Bene in NJ this past Wednesday, and the crowd was great! Unfortunately, I don't know if this was really representative of a typical Fates show because the turnout was piss-poor. The Northeastern coast got hit pretty hard with an ugly sleet/snow/rain storm that day, and that may have forced many to stay home. The club was only about 1/2 full so there was plenty of room and a lot of people were clustered right around the stage. Everyone was really well-behaved; no yelling during the quiet parts, moshing, or other evidence of advanced moronism. Overall, an excellent show! Point of View and The Eleventh Hour were killer. The band did flub one part of APSoG (I forget which part) but recovered nicely. Some of the openers were great, too, especially the impressive Divine Regale. As an added bonus the APSoG shirts are far cooler than the lame Touring into Infinity shirts. I hope the Atlanta show is as good as this was definitely worth risking near-certain death in a blinding blizzard. Enjoy!


    Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 19:49:44 -0400 From: (alexis1) To: "ytsejam mailing list" <> Subject: cd reviews Message-ID: <004401bd0758$a0830720$964d92cc@alexis1>

    This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

    ------=_NextPart_000_0041_01BD0737.18541040 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    Hey people! I've gotten some cds recently, and just wanted to give = quick reviews about them:

    Gamma Ray - Land of the Free This cd just rules. I never thought i would enjoy Kai's voice after = listening to some of his songs from the ol helloween days, but he does a = great job on this cd. The songs are as catchy as they come. Great = music all around. This cd reminds me more of Imaginations From The = Other Side (Blind Guardian) than it reminds me of helloween (unlike = Insanity and Genius, which is very helloweenish). Cool guest vocalists = (e.g. Kiske and the guy from BG).

    Gamma Ray - Sigh No More This cd is good, but I don't like it as much as the other two Gamma Ray = albums I have. Anyways, it's getting better with each listen. The = songs just aren't as catchy as in the other albums, at least on the = first few listens. Could anyone tell me how Heading for Tomorrow is = compared to other gamma ray albums?

    DT - Mosaic Alright Mike, i think you fooled some of us (at least me) when we first = saw the announcement for the Odjeda Demos. From what I read, i thought = it would be stuff like the Rudess Morgenstein Project. Boy was i wrong. = For those who don't know, the songs are thrash kinda mixed with rap = (mike compared it to SOD). It's cool to have those songs as collector's = items, but they are terrible. Thanks god they only last about ten = minutes total. The rest of the cd is great. Excellent quality. Another = very good cd by mr. bahr.

    That's it for now. Bye!


    P.S. Why can't I stop listening to Gamma Ray?

    ------=_NextPart_000_0041_01BD0737.18541040 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


    <META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 = http-equiv=3DContent-Type> <META content=3D'"MSHTML 4.72.2106.6"' name=3DGENERATOR> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Hey people!&nbsp; I've gotten some = cds recently,=20 and just wanted to give quick reviews about them:</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV><FONT size=3D2>Gamma Ray - Land of the Free</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT size=3D2>This cd just rules.&nbsp; I never thought i would = enjoy Kai's=20 voice after listening to some of his songs from the ol helloween days, = but he=20 does a great job on this cd.&nbsp; The songs are as catchy as they = come.&nbsp;=20 Great music all around.&nbsp; This cd reminds me more of Imaginations = ]From The=20 Other Side (Blind Guardian) than it reminds me of helloween (unlike = Insanity and=20 Genius, which is very helloweenish).&nbsp; Cool guest vocalists (e.g. = Kiske and=20 the guy from BG).</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Gamma Ray - Sigh No = More</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT><FONT size=3D2>This cd is = good, but I don't=20 like it as much as the other two Gamma Ray albums I have.&nbsp; Anyways, = it's=20 getting better with each listen.&nbsp; The songs just aren't as catchy = as in the=20 other albums, at least on the first few listens.&nbsp; Could anyone tell = me how=20 Heading for Tomorrow is compared to other gamma ray albums?</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV><FONT size=3D2>DT - Mosaic</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT size=3D2>Alright Mike, i think you fooled some of us (at = least me) when=20 we first saw the announcement for the Odjeda Demos.&nbsp; From what I = read, i=20 thought it would be stuff like the Rudess Morgenstein Project.&nbsp; Boy = was i=20 wrong.&nbsp; For those who don't know, the songs are thrash kinda mixed = with rap=20 (mike compared it to SOD).&nbsp; It's cool to have those songs as = collector's=20 items, but they are terrible.&nbsp; Thanks god they only last about ten = minutes=20 total. The rest of the cd is great.&nbsp; Excellent quality.&nbsp; = Another very=20 good cd by mr. bahr.</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>That's it for now.&nbsp; = Bye!</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Alexis</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>P.S.&nbsp; Why can't I stop = listening to Gamma=20 Ray?</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>



    End of YTSEJAM Digest 3357 **************************

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