YTSEJAM digest 3376

Date: Wed Dec 17 1997 - 18:51:03 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 3382"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 3376

    Today's Topics:

      1) fates fans/happy holidays
     by "Tedesco, Matthew" <>
      2) Coltrane (NDTC)
     by Chad Donovan Mitchell <>
      3) Lighten up people, or I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!!!!! hehehehehe
     by Jon Parmet <>
      4) UNCLASSIFIED:-Re: To give a fuck, or not to give a fuck, that is
      5) UNCLASSIFIED:-Re: big tough guys; b/l/s
      6) UNCLASSIFIED:-Re: YTSEJAM digest 3366
      7) Re: Take Cover!
     by "Brian Hayden" <>
      8) UNCLASSIFIED:-Re: Take Cover!
      9) Savatage singers
     by "Neil Evans" <>
     10) savatage members
     11) MY pet peeves / Japanese FII
     by Albert Balkiewicz <balkiewi@UMDNJ.EDU>
     by Albert Balkiewicz <balkiewi@UMDNJ.EDU>
     13) Re: Hollow Years CD Single
     by Tim Lodge <>
     14) Re; Yessugestion
     by "Ivan-Assen Ivanov" <>
     15) Re: The Gathering
     by "Ivan-Assen Ivanov" <>
     16) R: Error Condition Re: Posting rejected
     by "claudio conte" <>
     17) UNCLASSIFIED:-Re: MY pet peeves / Japanese FII
     18) TAKE IT TO E-MAIL!
     by Jon Parmet <>


    Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 14:26:00 -0500
    From: "Tedesco, Matthew" <>
    Subject: fates fans/happy holidays
    Message-ID: <>

    from phil:
    >2) Dropping the stick when I was bumped HARD in the midst of a crowd of
    >people, and watching somebody else grab my stick and head out the door.


    from chris ptacek:
    > > That's what amazes me about the Fates thread... So many people
    > > are trying so desperately to get into their music, simply 'cuz
    > > Ytsejammers are "supposed" to like them. Use album suggestions
    > > as a chance to broaden your horizons, but don't force yourself
    > > to like something just to fit in with the crowd.

    > I don't know where this particular quote came from, but I have 2
    >possible suspects, and I'd bet the farm on one or the other.
    > You just go on thinking that Fates fans are just following the
    >Progressive trend, and ignore the fact that people can like other
    >bands because of their own free will. I personally liked Fates
    >first. But regardless, I think that theory of yours is utter
    >bullshit. Just because you may not enjoy Fates doesn't mean everyone
    >mirrors your tastes. If someone buys their first Fates album because
    >of a suggestion on this list, it's no different than someone buying
    >Sean Malone's solo album, or Brian Wherry's demo... they do that on a
    >suggestion. If they then say they LIKE it, chances are..... THEY DO.
    >Just accept that. Don't second guess people... there's no need.

    whoa, hold on there, chris. (welcome back to the list, by the way.) i
    think all that original quote is saying is that he thinks certain people
    strain to get into fates simply because they *should* be into them. i
    don't think he's disagreeing at all that lots of people (like you and i)
    are legitimately huge fates fans, and that fates can genuinely appeal to
    lots of people who pick up their stuff after reading the 'jam. he just
    observes that a few people don't like fates and just keep on pressing,
    because they *should* like them. I don't think he's at all
    second-guessing those who genuinely do dig them.

    and with that, i've got a few vacation days ahead, and the office closes
    up for the holidays. so i have to unsub now, but i'll be back soon
    after the new year. have a safe and enjoyable holiday, spend time with
    the ones that count, and give someone FII for Christmas.



    Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 13:35:11 -0600 (CST)
    From: Chad Donovan Mitchell <>
    Subject: Coltrane (NDTC)
    Message-ID: <>

    > I don't have any of Monk's stuff, but I can tell you a bit about
    >Coltrane. His appeal is that he's an amazing technical player on the
    >Sax, but has a (then) unique sound and feel... a lot of soul, and a
    >LOT of work to get where he was. .... there
    >is SO MUCH to learn from that music!

    The only thing I would append to this statement - Trane's sound is *still*
    unique. Throw on any Coltrane recording, either his own or one he played on
    with Miles or someone else, and most jazz aficianados will pick him out
    almost instantly. Not to mention that I've heard many many guitarists, from
    metal shredders to blues players and everything else, say that listening to
    and trying to emulate horn players made a big difference in their playing.
    And nearly all of them will mention Coltrane as an influence.

    Can ya tell I dig the man's blowin'? ;)

    Chad Mitchell
       "Doctors get to bury their mistakes...Architects can only advise their
    clients to plant vines."
                                            -- Frank Lloyd Wright


    Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 20:14:02 +0000
    From: Jon Parmet <>
    To: Just Let Me Ytse <>
    Subject: Lighten up people, or I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!!!!! hehehehehe
    Message-ID: <>

    >> BTW I really couldn't give a flying fuck what your top 10 albums

    Man, there are actually people still buying vinyl? I mean, I know I was
    late hopping on the CD bandwagon, but even *I* haven't bought an album
    in close to 10 years!!!


    >> of the week are this week or any week.

    Oh, so you mean the daily update would be of more use to you than only
    once a week? :)

    > Now get the fuck out of here till you can follow the rules.
    > Scott


    hehehe...welcome back, by the way :)



    | Jon Parmet | | 617-494-2851 |

    "The Apollo Guidance Computer was primitive by any modern
    comparison having but 72 kilobytes of ROM and 4 kilobytes of RAM"


    Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 08:20:07 +1000
    Subject: UNCLASSIFIED:-Re: To give a fuck, or not to give a fuck, that is
    Message-ID: <>

    >Well, bully for you Bucky! But why the fuck did you repost
    >his entire top ten list, you dildo!

    Well 'bucko' I did to emphasise just how annoying it is to see his
    top ten in every post, it annoyed you enough didn't it?

    >Now get the fuck out of here till you can follow the rules.

    Listen you shirtlifting dinosaur, if you are gonna start a flame
    war with me your gonna have to do better than that.
    That was pathetic, come back in try your luck in the big leagues
    sometime soon, if your gonna flame the 'ytsejam asshole' make sure
    you do a better job of it next, eh 'bucko' ?



    Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 08:41:02 +1000
    Subject: UNCLASSIFIED:-Re: big tough guys; b/l/s
    Message-ID: <>

    >no, it has nothing to do with speaking your mind. it has everything to
    >do with being consistently negative in posts, never without an insult.
    >i always get a good laugh at people (specifically you, graham) who talk
    bigger than life, >always quick to curse and scream at others through the
    >computer. what a spoiled little boy you are. amazing how tough people
    >can be hiding behind the computer screen... certainly a sure sign of a
    genuine coward.

    As I always get a laugh out of people like you who seem to take everything
    this list so seriously, it's an internet mailing list for peet's sake.
    I don't hide behind anything, care to come on IRC or iparty one night and
    we can discuss this matter further, I don't scream through the computer
    I try to have some fun on this list and a lot of my humour is lost though
    the words on the screen and quite obviously my sense of humour is a lot
    to yours, lighten up.
    A spoilt little boy I am certainly not, I actually work for a living and am
    doing it tough
    at the moment supporting a household on one wage.
    If you would like to see just how much of a coward I am, we can continue
    this in private ?



    Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 08:46:34 +1000
    Subject: UNCLASSIFIED:-Re: YTSEJAM digest 3366
    Message-ID: <>


    and you say I am rude ?


    Date: Wed, 17 Dec 97 15:34:54 -0600
    From: "Brian Hayden" <>
    Subject: Re: Take Cover!
    Message-ID: <>

    Responding to the message of <>
    > > I was wanting to get a Fates Warning CD and I heard alot of good things
    > > about Inside Out (I'm definitely not getting APSoG yet). Any other
    > > suggestions, comments?

    Well, Inside Out was my introduction to Fates, and I don't think it was a very
    good one. It's likely so much different from anything else you've heard that it
    can be difficult to get into (I'm still not really into after almost a year).
    I've heard that Chasing Time is a better one to start with.


     "So understand, don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years.
       Face up, make your stand, and realize you're living in the golden years."
                                  -Adrian Smith
    Coleridge on IRC


    Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 08:55:49 +1000
    Subject: UNCLASSIFIED:-Re: Take Cover!
    Message-ID: <>

    >I don't understand. GaZ is generally cool on IRC and IParty... but
    >this is clearly fucking with people just to cause problems. Can you
    >make an ATTEMPT to keep your fragile little temper in check? I'm
    >doing so.... see? I haven't called you a dick yet. :) Come on...
    >you're just looking for another Fors to jump on... consider that it's
    >not that amusing to other people.

     Ooh so I am not as bad as you think I am :)
     No I just kept getting pissed off with Arash and his constant posting
     of his top 10 and the icing on the cake of a rather large signature.
     If everyone posted their top 10 here where would we be at ?
     I wasn't trying to 'amuse' anyone, I just wanted to get my point across
     about this guy and his Tt, I probably shouldn't have worded it as I did.

     Okay I am off to therapy, last post for the day



    Date: 17 Dec 97 13:20:33 -0800
    From: "Neil Evans" <>
    Subject: Savatage singers
    Message-ID: <>

    I feel the need to throw my voice into the fray regarding the Savatage

    The first Savatage disc I got was "Gutter Ballet", and I still think it's
    one of their best. I love Jon's voice on this album - TOTALLY unique and
    certainly not "out of key" or anything like that. It's a rough, edgy, raspy
    voice that fits the mood of songs like "Hounds" and "Mentally Yours"

    When I first took "Edge of Thorns" home and listened to it, my initial
    reaction was "WTF?!?! - They replaced a very cool, unique singer with
    somebody who tries way too hard to sound like Hetfield??." I think that
    Zak's voice is a slight drawback to modern day Savatage. He is a very
    talented singer, but his voice just seems to be too "generic"-sounding to me
    - like the minute you hear it you think "that's a standard metal voice".

    Anyway my purpose in writing this is not to piss off people who think Zak
    rules and Jon sucks, but to stress to Sava-virgins out there that you should
    really try both singers and give each a fair shot. I've gotten more used to
    Zak and think he's decent, but I would prefer that Jon did all the singing.



    Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 16:59:08 -0500 (EST)
    Subject: savatage members


    Savatage is pretty confusing.

    I just checked my 5 or 6 albums, the oldest being gutter ballet, and as far
    as I can tell, it's like a revolving membership. The only guy on all my
    albums is the bassist. Jon Oliva's on most of them, but not handful of rain...
    except he *is*, as a "backup" keyboardist or something. He doesn't get a
    picture in that one, though. Same with edge of thorns... J. Oliva's not in
    photo, is noted as keyboardist, but a space below the other members. And
    Zak sings. On the others, Jon sings, and sometimes, Chris Caffery is there,
    sometimes, not there. And the drummer was a constant, until DWD. But I'm
    sure he'll be back, just to fuck me up some more.

    Since Edge of Thorns and Handfull of Rain(the two best albums, far and away)
    have similar member configs, I have to assume that J. Oliva works best with
    keyboards, and Zak should stay on vocals. Most of you seem to agree with

    And oh yeah, before C. Oliva's unfortunate death, he too was only in some of
    the wait, he was in all of them, sorry. I can't keep this
    straight. Why did Caffery leave and come back? And who's on what for Wake
    of Magellan?



    Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 17:20:48 -0500 (EST)
    From: Albert Balkiewicz <balkiewi@UMDNJ.EDU>
    Subject: MY pet peeves / Japanese FII
    Message-ID: <199712172220.RAA26473@njmsa.UMDNJ.EDU>

            OK, I agree with Mr. Borland here. Arash, how about comprimising
            and posting only five, and having it take up two lines instead of 15?
            Sorta like Mr. "Gratuitous". I don't mind the shit, as long as the
            message is as long (preferably longer) than the .sig. That holds
            true for MR. "Burning Guitars" LaRue, with his big-ass sig and
            copying an entire post for a two line message - three times in a row.

            I propose the only long sigs, over 6 lines long should be the
            Ivory Gate of Dreams sig (when appropriate) or the infamous
            middle finger sig (also when extremely appropriate).

            Onto actual content now....two things:

            1.) Did people on here mention Loreena McKinnitt? For some reason,
                 I was at the CD store, and her name came into my head. I
                 bought one of her CDs (forget the name off-hand), and I like
                 it a lot. Very mellow - kinda like Tori Amos with monks and
                 Renaissance/Baroque/Middle Eastern-type musicianship.....
                 very cool...........

            2.) About the Japanese FII - people are saying that its sold out
                 now. Does that mean you can't get a Japanese FII at all?
                 Or does it mean that you can't get the Japanese FII with the
                 bonus 3"?????


            I inhale the sun...........I exhale the absence of light
                    I am the number One..........burning.


    Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 17:22:01 -0500 (EST)
    From: Albert Balkiewicz <balkiewi@UMDNJ.EDU>
    Message-ID: <199712172222.RAA26942@njmsa.UMDNJ.EDU>

            Sorry this is on the 'Jam -


                    Lost your E-mail. Everything came through OK.
            Thanks a bunch.


                                 Al Balkiewicz


    Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 17:40:02 -0500
    From: Tim Lodge <>
    Subject: Re: Hollow Years CD Single
    Message-ID: <>

    >From: Todd <>
    >To: Multiple recipients of list <>
    >Subject: Hollow Years Single Release Date?
    >Message-ID: <>
    >does anybody know when it is released in the US. i saw some posts about a
    >couple of people who had it, where and how did you get it? thanks.

    The single was released in Europe, and not in the United States. Even if a
    single were to be released in the US it would most likely be one or two
    tracks at most with the studio version and the edit versions of HY...
    This is exactly what happened to the single for Lie...US version had
    studio and edits...while the great UK import had that plus more!!!

    If anyone is having a hard time finding this CD in the US I might be able
    to get my hands on up to 5-10 copies if need be. Fortunately I live 15 mins
    from a great small mom and pop record place that always has a nice supply
    of imports and boots on hand... Unfortunately when I got my single there it
    was like $12 and change with tax. :( So if anyone (including todd the original
    poster) is interested please email me at the address below and I'll see what
    i can do..

    Jam on!!!



    Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 00:58:20 +0200
    From: "Ivan-Assen Ivanov" <>
    To: "Ytsejam, aka the Ultimate Inbox Flooder" <>
    Subject: Re; Yessugestion
    Message-ID: <>

    >> Look at DT I&W: some very popular sounding stuff on there
    >> (PMU,LSOAD,IF)

    Well, "popularness" has to have its limits. I can stand "popular" as in
    PMU or UGAM, but with TAMP and HY it's just getting too much.

    Anyway, on the Yes topic: I'm damn glad they got back together
    (even the last Rabin album, Talk, was very good in my opinion);
    I just don't like the perspective of waiting 10 years for DT to get
    out of their pop period [they seem to enter right now].


    Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 00:53:43 +0200
    From: "Ivan-Assen Ivanov" <>
    To: "Ytsejam, aka the Ultimate Inbox Flooder" <>
    Subject: Re: The Gathering
    Message-ID: <>

    >> Lastly, I chose a random The Gathering CD, in the hope that it has that
    >> Anneke chick singing on it. Nightime Birds.
    > Well, I heard "Mandylion" and while the singing and music are
    >interesting, one thing that put me down on this band were the lyrics, I
    >mean, the lyrics kind of neutralized the enthusiasm that I felt with the

    Lyrics? LYRICS? No, The Gathering don't have ANY lyrics, it's just
    a few random frases a song. But the music is worth it.
    "that Anneke chick" is singing on "Mandylion", "Nighttime Birds" and
    a few singles; their previous female vocalist, Martine Van Loom,
    is now with a band called Lords Of The Stone, which is weaker but still
    okay; TG used to have a male vocalist as well, but back then they were
    a boring doom-metal (as in Venom, say) band.


    Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 00:17:38 +0100
    From: "claudio conte" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: R: Error Condition Re: Posting rejected
    Message-ID: <01bd0b41$f7589780$>

     please, can you stop sending these messages..? thanks of all


    Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 10:45:01 +1000
    Subject: UNCLASSIFIED:-Re: MY pet peeves / Japanese FII
    Message-ID: <>

    >About the Japanese FII - people are saying that its sold out
    >now. Does that mean you can't get a Japanese FII at all?
    >Or does it mean that you can't get the Japanese FII with the
    >bonus 3"?????

          run only, a la 'Awake' was
     with the bonus 3" disc of 'Eve', many of the online shops are still
          offering the FII Jap w/ 3"
     but for how long remains to be seen ?



    Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 23:41:26 +0000
    From: Jon Parmet <>
    To: The friendly little reminder recipient team <>
    Subject: TAKE IT TO E-MAIL!
    Message-ID: <>

    > People need to realize we don't care about their favorite lyrics to an
    > album, especially if it takes up 15 lines and is the same as everyone
    > else's ("In the stream of consciousness..." for example). Jeeze...

    "Same as everyone else's"? Who gets to keep theirs then? The person who
    was first? Have they claimed the territory?

    j/k :)

    I like seeing DT lyrics, though. Heh, if nothing else, it's DTC!!!
    Sometimes they hit me just right and are so appropriate to upon what I
    am thinking about at the moment. I like this :) That may just be me,

    I'd actually rather see that than the ensuing threads which in evitably
    form (and to which I am now contributing and don't wanna see either!)
    when people try to point out the rules and stuff.

    I promise, this is the last you will hear from me on this. It's the same
    shit as everywhere else on-line, like on Usenet.

    The majority of the people on the list understand most of the rules and
    abide by them (for example, imagine 900+ top ten lists a month!).
    There's no need to post, 'cuz you're preaching to the choir. In SHORT,
    the thread becomes worse than the ONE post causing the initial
    infraction (bench minor :)..... In LONG:

    It can and should be taken to e-mail (as subsequent rants from me on
    this and other topics - that piss me off enough to say something about
    - shall be). It appears that the resurfacing of the phenomenon warrants
    this one little, friendly, directed at no one in particular, reminder
    post though. Okay, so it's not that little :) If it doesn't warrant it,
    regardless of size, shoot me :)

    Now if you can joke about, that's a different story :) To me anyways, as
    you may have noticed in many of my replies.

    I'm not sure about most of you, but there's more than enough stress
    elsewhere in many a jammer's lives. This place should be about relieving
    that, with all the 'good' talk about music (read that as arguments over
    music can be good, as well as other music talk); and, of course, with
    joking around :)

    If something is that much of a pain in the butt for you that the <page
    down> key won't cure it (as has become the case here for me when a
    single rant has evolved into a thread), take it to e-mail! (Sorry, I
    promise I will next time :).....

    one or two slaps of the <page down> is tolerable, many become annoying
    after a while when the reply thread starts spanning across many digests.
    The <page down> loses its robustness as an 'annoying post avoidance
    tool' :) I'm not sure what the official threshold is on this, but for
    me, around the time I see it in the second digest's worth, I just delete
    all the digests remaining in my mailbo, in a fit of uncontrolled rage,
    throwing the baby out with the bath water, and hope and pray that it's
    gone by tomorrow :)

    Again, I promise this is the last you will hear from me on this, and to
    those in the choir, I apologize.


    It's not that hard, all you have to do is change "" to
    <address of intended miscreant> before transmitting. The rest of the
    document (Subject, Body, excessive length signature) can be sent as is
    and should still remain fully compliant with _most_ existing e-mail
    systems :)

    3-line signature follows, as I remove the silly quote at the end given
    I've taken up enough bandwidth already...
    | Jon Parmet | | 617-494-2851 |


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 3376

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Thu Apr 01 2004 - 18:06:55 EST