YTSEJAM digest 2253

Date: Fri Feb 07 1997 - 12:56:37 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 2251"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2253

    Today's Topics:

      1) Thanks for the positive feedback!!
     by durnik <>
      2) Lotza Haha's and more where that came from..
     by "Rudy van IJzendoorn" <>
      3) East West email campaign
     by Anthony LaSorsa <>
      4) Re: Lotza Haha's and more where that came from..
     by Carlos Alfaro <>
      5) Paul Northfield
     by (Satu Reunanen)
      6) magna carta
     by Pat Daugherty <>
      7) Re: Enough with the Wheel of Fortune talk
      8) Dt email stuff
     by Anthony G LaSorsa <>
      9) FW: Re: Enough with the Wheel of Fortune ta
     10) SDV
     by Steve Borzilleri <>
     11) Email Campaign
     by "Greg R. Lee" <>
     12) Re: YTSEJAM digest 2251
     by Timothy Templeton <>
     13) Looks like candy/Re: The DT World Order Methodology and Relative Flaws Therein/Thereof/Throatus the Destroyer
     by Jon Parmet <>
     14) Space-Dye Vest Samples
     by Randall Braun <>
     16) emailing electra
     by Carlos Alfaro <>
     17) Re: YTSEJAM digest 2252
     by Chris Ptacek <>


    Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 02:19:36 -0700 (MST)
    From: durnik <>
    Subject: Thanks for the positive feedback!!
    Message-ID: <>

            Thanks to all of you so far who have given my humble page the
    thumbs-up. Someone asked about why it's got few graphics and is mainly
    right to the point. The reason is simpler than you might think at first: I
    languish on the net with a 14.4k modem. Yup, Mike Bahr is still stuck in
    the stone age in some ways. (I bought a 33.6, but it never seems to get
    stable connects, since it's an off-brand. One of these days I'll pick up
    one of those USR 56k doodads) Until then, all the images will be nice and
    small, and graphics will be simple for easy reading, and quick loading
    time. That way I can tweak the page without waiting six hours between page
    refreshes. :)

            And thanks for the influx of orders as well!! Apparently having
    the images and gritty details about all those CDs available for anyone to
    see was a good idea, because I got about fifty requests for WDATU and
    Scenes in my mailbox this morning. Cool!! And I'm just about out of
    Scenes, I think I have about two dozen remaining.

            Also, there is a NEW UPDATE on the page, dated 2/6/97. I'm fairly
    sure it's already there for your viewing pleasure.

            Take care all!

    - Mike Bahr - -


    Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 10:31:12 +0100
    From: "Rudy van IJzendoorn" <>
    To: "The Majesty Chronicle" <>
    Subject: Lotza Haha's and more where that came from..
    Message-ID: <>


    Ok, all I know is that if the new album doesn't hit the cd-stores within,
    say, 6 months I will go berserk! But I have to be more patient, as do you
    all! Now, Metallica for instance had a period of ... 5 years! between The
    Black Album and Load. Imagine what the fans must've thought about that! So
    I think DT has some more time to get things done. IMO I think 'the longer
    the wait, the better the album will be'. Rushing to find a producer won't
    do the new album much good. I'm sure us eagerly awaiting fans will get the
    surprise album of our lifetimes this year anyway, just have to be a little
    more patient.

    I have thought up a little scenario: What if DT delivers the new album
    which contains 78 minutes of (high quality) music, and add a bonus cd which
    contains Metropolis part 2? This for several reasons: 1) Met pt 2 is 30
    minutes long, so if they would put that on the new album, there wouldn't be
    much room left for the other great songs, some of which are almost 10
    minutes themselves. So that way they could put more songs on the album, and
    Met pt 2 would be added as a separate disc. 2) Adding a bonus cd is the
    least East-West can do after having us waiting for such a long time,
    actually such a long time, that DTC on the list here is getting scarce. 3)
    We deserve it cuz we are going through DT-Withdrawal!! :-)

    On to the Haha's ===>

    R. Kevin Preston wrote:

    > Recently I had to go and buy the "Silent Man" import to get the song Eden
    >on CD. Does anyone know if DT is going to release Eden on their upcoming
    >release? Also, does anyone know if they are going to remake their first
    >album with Petrucci singing it? That would RULE.

    WHHAAAAHAHAAHHAAHAHA! This guy is *not* for real. I'm sure everyone is now
    flaming his ass off , and well I can't blame them if they do *grin*

    Itchy wrote:
    > _ _ ____ __ _____
    > [=| |=] _ [= _ \_/= \__==/
    > | |_| |[_]| |_\ | <> \/ /_____
    > [_____] [_____]_| \_\_______\
    > H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y ! !
    >Itchy :-D

    hehehhehehhehe, thanks a lot buddy :-D, now everyone knows I am an old
    geezer :-) Oh wait you didn't mention how old I became today, for the
    better!! Anyway thanks Mark!

    Rip wrote:

    >>Why don't Americans spell mucous "mucos"?
    >well if you think about it, "mu cous" kinda looks like "moo cows", and we
    >all know moo cows are good. that about sums it up :)
    > ~Rip

    *grin* now's the time to share with you all the story of the poop-fairy!
    See, Rip here actually is an extra-terrestrial from the planet Poop! (yeah,
    he told me himself, so it's true) Anyway, Rip uses this language (Mu-Cous,
    or Moo-Cows in a more earthly language) all the time. He lives, breathes,
    sniffs, and eats Cows!! Cows are considered Gods on the Planet Poop. And
    what he is doing now is converting us all to become Cow-Devotees :-) He
    uses the Poop-Fairy for that purpose. Be warned all, The poop-fairy is
    *evil*. You put your tooth underneath your pillow and the poop-fairy drops
    by and leaves a big pile of ... poop there!! You sniff it up when you
    Awake, and you're immediately hypnotized, and you will spend the rest of
    your earthly (miserable as Rip would call it) life praising Cows, working
    for Cows etc etc. So for the last time, BEWARE of the Evil Poop Fairy!!!

    Time to go or something,

    Rudy van IJzendoorn

    ---====== Rudy van IJzendoorn, ======---
      . . . . Love in a Space-Dye Vest (Dream Theater) . . . .
      . . . But only love will turn you round (Marillion) . . .
     Dream Theater : Under A Cyber Moon


    Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 06:47:03 -0500 (EST)
    From: Anthony LaSorsa <>
    Subject: East West email campaign
    Message-ID: <>

    Okay, I seen some good feedback on the subject of emailing EastWest. I DO
    agree totally that we should be polite even though we have a justified
    reason to tear off everybodies heads at east west. (See, I'm not even
    capitalizing it anymore, thats how mad I am!) Anyway, please email
    elektra/eastwest at:
    Let's do this for the greater good!


    Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 07:48:00 -0500
    From: Carlos Alfaro <>
    Subject: Re: Lotza Haha's and more where that came from..
    Message-ID: <>

    Rudy van IJzendoorn wrote:
    > Dream-Theater-New-Album-Awaiting-People,
    > all! Now, Metallica for instance had a period of ... 5 years! . IMO I think 'the longer
    > the wait, the better the album will be'.

    i guess this can apply with most DT..but the aforementioned
    metallica was the contrary, my guess is that if they (met) wouldve put
    out a record..say a year or two after the black album it wouldve been a
    hellof a lot better than know ..well lets not start anther
    load suxx if anywone wanna flame me please do it
    privately..take care yall ...

                  Increasingly the mathematics will demand the courage
                         to face its implications-Ian Malcolm


    Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 14:08:20 +0200 (EET)
    From: (Satu Reunanen)
    Subject: Paul Northfield
    Message-ID: <>

    Anyone remember a band from the late 80's called Vain ?
    I was just listening to them and noticed the record
     was produced (and engineered + mixed)by Paul..
    Funny..DT is something WAY different than these
    guys..any comments about the sounds on the Vain record ?
    Strange, but I always thought these guys sounded somehow
    different than the usual glam bands on record..


    Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 09:04:08 -0500 (EST)
    From: Pat Daugherty <>
    To: Dream Theater Mailing List <>
    Subject: magna carta
    Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.970207090011.9569A-100000@bdmserver>

    William wrote about how he hates Magna Carta and all magna carta bands
    are dt clones...

    I dont think any of the Magna Carta bands sound like DT. I am sure that I
    am not the only one. Sure they all fall in the same category Prog metal.
    Does that mean that all prog metal bands sound the same? Of all the prog
    metal bands out there I can't think of any that are a clone of another.
    Sure there may be some similarities, that is why they are in the prog
    metal category...

    | Pat Daugherty |
    | "Every breath leaves me one less to my last" --Dream Theater |
    | "That is not an option, Mr. Mulder" --X-Files |


    Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 09:09:17 -0500 (EST)
    Subject: Re: Enough with the Wheel of Fortune talk
    Message-ID: <>

    In a message dated 2/5/97 12:54:28 PM, you wrote:

    <<I don't mean to be rude, but it is obvious that during the writing of
    "Scarred", and LSOAD, that Pertucci didn't stop and say "Hey guys, lets put a
    TV game show theme in the song". Actually now that i think about it, it does
    sound more like the "Price is Right" than "Wheel of Fortune".


    OPPPPs, sorry for the on topic discussion, i guess for now we should stick to
    threads that have nothing to do with dream theater so as to satisfy you O'
    Czar of the YTSEJAM, here is an idea lets kill the DT discussions and talk
    about shit that has no direct bearing in music, anyone up for an oj


    Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 09:22:04 -0500 (EST)
    From: Anthony G LaSorsa <>
    Subject: Dt email stuff
    Message-ID: <>

    Well, I think I've got the ball rolling. I hope all of you participate
    in the "Quest for the Holy Grail". Its about time again that the
    ytsejammers do something constructive as a group. Its hard to organize
    Ytsecons and Ytselunches, so lets just use our computers to politely yell
    at eastwest. I got a few of my friends in on it. Here's a sample.

    >Hey guys, here's the deal...

    >We want new Dream Theater! Quit yer stallin' and put out the album already!
    >How hard can it be? Just get your act together and release it! It'll be
    >for the greater good! Do it for yourselves! Do it for the fans! DO IT FOR
    >AMERICA AND THE WHOLE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE!!! Dream Theater fans must have
    >the new album!
    >Thank you for your time.

    Please, Take the Time (pun intended) and email eastwest at:
    Rock on!


    Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 06:26:43 -0800
    Subject: FW: Re: Enough with the Wheel of Fortune ta
    Message-ID: <>

    Plus, you forgot to mention cows and mucous.
    <<I don't mean to be rude, but it is obvious that during the writing of
    "Scarred", and LSOAD, that Pertucci didn't stop and say "Hey guys, lets put
    TV game show theme in the song". Actually now that i think about it, it
    sound more like the "Price is Right" than "Wheel of Fortune". >>

    >OPPPPs, sorry for the on topic discussion, i guess for now we should stick
    >threads that have nothing to do with dream theater so as to satisfy you O'
    >Czar of the YTSEJAM, here is an idea lets kill the DT discussions and talk
    >about shit that has no direct bearing in music, anyone up for an oj


    Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 06:51:15 -0800 (PST)
    From: Steve Borzilleri <>
    To: Dream Thespians <>
    Subject: SDV
    Message-ID: <>

    > From: Irene Raceu <>
    > Subject: Question about SDV samples..
    > (This here is quoted from the FAQ)
    > (unintelligible talking)"...I'll get up with the sun...she
    > doesn't, she doesn't want you to sleep in...I don't care what
    > you do, I don't care what you say, you're grounded...that door
    > gets locked, that door gets locked at night by 9 o'clock. If
    > you're not in this house by 9 o'clock, then you'd better find
    > someplace to think you can go to your mom's house
    > and sucker her into it?..."(unintelligible talking)

    That's from the FAQ? Who was in charge of the FAQ before Chris Merlo?
    Jason Skewes?

    > That is from this documentary called "Evan". It's from a Canadian
    > series called "The Fifth Estate".

    Would it be possible to transcribe from the actual documentary?

    > "I can move out on my own, uhm, get a job, get my own clothes...I'll go
    > to the mall whenever I like... they tell me I'm much too young..."

    Present FAQ Maintainer: if this is what is in the present FAQ, or if this
    is what's going into an upcoming FAQ, please e-mail me.



    Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 09:54:29 -0500 (EST)
    From: "Greg R. Lee" <>
    Subject: Email Campaign
    Message-ID: <>

    Alrighty folks...lets get mailing Elektra at've just
    told them to get off their asses and get DT in the studio!



    Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 22:02:40 -0800
    From: Timothy Templeton <>
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2251
    Message-ID: <>

    > Cliff Totten
    > 02/06/97 03:15 PM
    > I dont understand how DRINKING anything could affect your voice.
    > I always thought that your "voice box" or vocal chords are in your "wind
    > pipe". Nothing that
    > someone swallows actually passes through their "wind pipe". If they did, it
    > would go into their lungs and they would cough like shit !
    > Later CTotten@Discovery.comAs a former vocal music major, I can tell you that drinking certain
    liquids DOES affect your voice. Although the vocal chords are in the wind
    pipe, they are at the top of it. When you intake fluids orally, it causes
    the mucous in your throat to move from within your throat above the
    juction with the windpipe down the trachea and the esophagus. Usually,
    only small amounts of mucous travel down the windpipe. But, when larger
    amounts travel (esp. during a performance), it causes you to cough. I
    used to use Ricola herbal mints, Halls cough drops (sometimes causes more
    mucous, though), or lemonade (it can sometimes make your throat dry &
    scratchy, but the voice sounds fine during the performance).

    Hope this helps.

    ODTQ - "Seen my diary on the newsstand, seems we've lost the truth to
    It's a shame no one is praying
    'Cause these voices in my head keep sayin..." JP


    Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 16:06:37 +0000
    From: Jon Parmet <>
    Subject: Looks like candy/Re: The DT World Order Methodology and Relative Flaws Therein/Thereof/Throatus the Destroyer
    Message-ID: <>

    > From: The Digital Man <>
    >> From: Chris Ptacek <>

    >> This is weird. The best vocal drink I've ever found was Very Fine
    >> Fruit Punch. Get a bottle and tell me I'm wrong. :)

    > Yeah, but try to *find* it anywhere!

    Do they have things like electricity up there yet, Chris? :) It's right
    in the canteen truck downstairs, bro... How does this relate to DTC?
    Uh,let's see, do any of the members drink Very Fine Fruit Punch or other
    flavored drinks? I suppose it could make for an interesting stage show,
    with the lights shining on those airborne colored globules...

    > I hope they release the album sometime in the summer.

    That actually makes sense, now that I think about it. I'd be cruising
    the strip down at the beach ripping the knobs off. In a related story, I
    really wish DT would include speaker insurance coupons when they release
    their stuff...

    >I dont understand how DRINKING anything could affect your voice.

    Yeah? Try the coffee down in the caf here at work :) After you remove
    the loose skin from inside your throat, you may be able to actually



    "Mr. Gates, who has been described in those terms himself, promised that Microsoft would instead reach the public through its software. After installing Windows '95 once myself, this reporter considers that last statement a threat." -- Internet News Service bulletin.


    Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 10:57:41 -0600 From: Randall Braun <> To: "'Ytsejam'" <> Subject: Space-Dye Vest Samples Message-ID: <c=US%a=_%p=GE%l=AMERIDATA/ADNC/>

    >>>>>I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the samples are in SDV?


    7.3 Where are the samples in "Space-Dye Vest" from?

    The first sample in SDV is from the Merchant/Ivory film "A Room With A View".

    The complete passage says, "...he's the sort who can't know anyone intimately, least of all a woman. He doesn't know what a woman is. He wants you for a possession, something to look at, like a painting or an ivory box. Something to own and to display. He doesn't want you to be real, or to think, or to live. He doesn't love you. But I love you. I want you to have your own thoughts and ideas and feelings, even when I hold you in my's our last chance."

    These lines are spoken by actor Julian Sands' character, George Emerson. In this pivotal scene, he's trying to convince the woman he loves, Lucy Honeychurch (played by Helena Bonham-Carter), who is engaged to be married to someone else, that she's making a horrible mistake and that she truly belongs with him instead.

    Another interesting connection between SDV and "A Room With A View" is that Kevin based most of the song around a chord progression that's actually from the background music in movie! It only appears a couple of times in very short sections, but it's *definitely* the same chord progression that Kevin used in SDV.

    This sample was taken from a TV commentator during the O.J. Simpson police chase. "Some people gave advice before about facing the facts, about facing reality. And this is, this without a doubt, is his biggest challenge ever. He's going to have to face it. You're gonna have to try, he's gonna have to try and, uh, and, and, and get some help here. I mean, you know, now no one can say they know how he feels..."

    The following is (unconfirmed) from a Conan O'Brien show:

    "That's what they say that, like that in Houston, or something. They say 'yeah, it's 180 degrees, but it's a dry heat.'"

    "In Houston they say that?"

    "Oh, maybe not, I'm all mixed up."

    "Dry until they hit the swimming pool."

    This sample has not been identified as of yet:

    (unintelligible talking)"...I'll get up with the sun...she doesn't, she doesn't want you to sleep in...I don't care what you do, I don't care what you say, you're grounded...that door gets locked, that door gets locked at night by 9 o'clock. If you're not in this house by 9 o'clock, then you'd better find someplace to think you can go to your mom's house and sucker her into it?..."(unintelligible talking) ---- [As I recall, someone on the JAM, around the time Awake first came out, mentioned that the above sample, and the part about the girl looking for job at the mall/moving from home are both from a PBS special about problematic parent-adolescent relationships. I can not affirm/deny the accuracy of this]

    **************************************************************************** ************* Randall Braun, Contract Review, Systems Integration Group Direct phone (209-685-4508); SIG FAX (209-688-6696) SMTP email: 5 GECITS, GE Capital Information Technology Solutions, Western Regional Distribution Center


    Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 13:28:24 -0500 From: Carlos Alfaro <> To: Subject: emailing electra Message-ID: <>

    i think that if its done tastfully and with restraint they wont take it bad...but if we do an email bomb..well that could bring on harsh consequences..anyway.. can anyone email me privately some kind of format message to send them..i cant think of anything besides "get dt on the fuckin studio alreadY" :) hehe..i wanna be polite

    -- Increasingly the mathematics will demand the courage to face its implications-Ian Malcolm


    Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 11:47:43 -0600 From: Chris Ptacek <> To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2252 Message-ID: <>

    >From: William T Bajzek <> >Subject: Re: i&w, awake, progmetal, stuff.

    >i like awake, but i do think it's a step down in quality... it's too >strung together and the transitions, which are one of the main things >i look for in a bad, are very harsh compared to i&w... there's too >much slamming from one part to another. and scarred, imo, is proably >one of their worst songs, with too many choppy transitions, a kinda >aimlessness to it, and a general feeling to it that i don't like... it >bores me.

    Hmm. Can you site an example od a transition on Awake that's more choppy than Metropolis? It's fine to not like an album, and Awake is almost a different Dream Theater... but with the length of this letter and the gripes you mention, it almost makes me think FT stole your girlfriend. :)

    >, except for >the changes in keyboard patches, which sometimes seem too abrupt and >jarring for me.

    Hmm. So you only want that smooth synth sound from Awake and no distorted analog keys/ I LOVE the Analog key sounds!

    >mind you, it's nothing like with Magellan, where they have to change >mood, key, time, and sounds every 11-15 seconds, but the transitions >just seem harsh to me... there was something about I&W where when >someone changed sounds, they would come in very gracefully and >appropriately... that gracefullness kinda went away with awake, and >kinda dissappoints me.

    I have to disagree. On the one hand, Awake IS a heavier album. That is obviously intentional. But I can't find anything that isn't graceful about Voices, Innocence Faded, Erotomania, Silent Man, SDV, and LSoaD. The other songs are a bit more harsh, but that's because it's what the mood dictates. You don't want to be calm, smooth and slithery when you're trying to let out the emotion that says "Hey! I just got fucked over!" It wouldn't sound right. You need to be abrasive sometimes, if your song plays off that emotion.

    >however, i'm looking forward to the new album... i just can't consider >DT my favorite band anymore... I&W is definitely among my very >favorite albums, but like Marillion's Brave, it's a hell of a mountain >to top.

    I don't even really like Brave. So we'll never really agree on this.

    >i'm getting tired of "prog"... there's more to composition than >stringing together complex sectinos of music with lyrics designed to >make reviewers call the lyricist intelligent, you know, the usual >buzzwordy style proglyrics...

    If it ain't your cup of tea, that's fine. Don't insult someone's hard work though. If you put a year or two worth of work into a song and someone says you're trying to impress people with your chops and your vocabulary, you wouldn't be pleased. What one person finds to be poetry, isn't worth the paper it's printed on to another. But that's an issue that should be left alone. No one should have to defend why they like William Blake or William Shakespeare... if it speaks to you and you like it, great. If you don't like it, great. But there's never a reason to put down the artist like that. Well, I guess there are reasons... :) I don't accept it when a band I love starts singing about how good it is to get drunk and stoned. I don't like songs that are written with the intent to piss people off until they go hurt someone. And I don't like sappy love songs that say "baby" or "sweet honey child" every other line. But I would venture that most prog songs take a long time to write lyrics and vocal melodies to. And if the effort is put in (i.e. Brave) and I don't like it, I don't make fun of the band or the lyrics. I'm not saying you should be like me. I'm just sharing my feeling on the subject, as you shared yours.

    >dissappointed by Awake. It is a very cool album to listen to, but the >quality is not at the same level as I&W, particularly, i believe, >because they were excited about doing a new record and rushed >themselves.

    I have major doubts about this one. I would say that they probably spent more time in the studio for Awake then for I&W. The album is many things. As it is pregressive, they didn't keep every aspect of their last album on the new one... they evolved and tried new things. The album is heavier... the album is more abrasive. It is NOT however rushed. Even if you hate the music, you should be able to see the effort it would take to write music like Awake. Some of those songs were written a long time before they were ready to do Awake. I am guessing that the new album doesn't hold much hope for satisfying you, because you want another I&W... you aren't interested in seeing where the band's pwn creativity takes them. One of the reasons I listen to bands like Alice in Chains, Fates Warning, and DT is that they change a lot from album to album. Since I know the musicianship and songwriting talent is there, I trust them to do what they want, and 9 times out of 10 I love the product. I'll be the lst to say you have to like one thing or another... I'm simply stating my opinion that I think the new album (which we should give a temporary title until they name it. :) ) will be a step further away from I&W.

    >From: "Davide" <> >Subject: East West E-mail >HERE IS EAST WEST E-MAIL: >LET'S START WRITING!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey! LET'S GET OUR E MAIL PROGRAM WORKING SO WE ONLY TAKE UP THE TWO LINES THAT SHOULD HAVE TAKEN! :P (Actually, bandwidth doesn't bug me. I just wanted to be a smartass. Other people may know the solution to your e mail quandry, and perhaps someone will explain to you how you can cut the bs computer related headers and stuph out of your e mail)

    Lastly, I wanted to thank some people.

    I owe a few people taps and cds (and a video or two!) and I want to thank you guys for your patience. My philosophy is "don't cash the check until you send the goods" and I haven't cashed any checks yet. I don't feel bad about the tapes, because I only got one tape in the mail out of the three people that were supposed to mail to me, and only one of the people to whom I owe a tape has bothered contacting me.. but they will all go out soon. I wanted to thank Icarus D4 ( I believe your name is Jason, but you've signed most of your e mails as Icarus, so I thought I'd note it here). for mailing me a new copy of the transcription to Jason Becker's Air. Because of this I was able to fax it to another jammer. My friends back here couldn't come through for me, but you could. I'm grateful. And that is all.

    Chris W. Ptacek Musician and Listener A.K.A Madsman, on IRC

    "Can we search for inspiration -- those ideas that just come from 'nowhere'? They don't surface when you're tHiNKinG. They just come. What we CAN do is make fertile the ground on which idea seeds fall." - Michael Hedges


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 2253 **************************

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