YTSEJAM digest 2264

Date: Tue Feb 11 1997 - 15:30:34 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 2265"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2264

    Today's Topics:

      1) Uh oh...
     by Anthony G LaSorsa <>
      2) pre-part 2
      3) FCC rate reg. proposal (NDTC)
     by Timothy Templeton <>
      4) Pull Another Time
     by (Pat Sullivan)
      5) "Ride the Red..."?
     by Jeff Hayes <>
      6) Balls on a prater
     by (Pat Sullivan)
      7) Lie single.
     by Anthony G LaSorsa <>
      8) Ride the Red
     10) Nuno's Schizophonic is OUT!!!
     by (Dan Temmesfeld)
     11) Re: Al Balkewicz
     by Albert Balkiewicz <balkiewi@UMDNJ.EDU>
     12) New Dream Theater !
     13) Re: Let's beat Each other and Marilyn Manson
     by Stephen Daedalus <>
     14) Re: Al Balkiewicz (2/11/97)
     15) NO discontent with James
     by durnik <>
     16) Derek's/KM's Amps
     by Jeff Hayes <>


    Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 10:10:02 -0500 (EST)
    From: Anthony G LaSorsa <>
    Subject: Uh oh...
    Message-ID: <>

    Is it me or did everyone else notice Mike Portnoys email address in the
    last jam? Or was it his address at all? I hope for his sake that it
    isn't because there will probably be a bunch of crazed DT freaks emailing
    As far as eastwest goes. I'm all for the idea of an organized petition,
    but how do we do it? If anyone knows, please let me know. I suggested
    that everyone email east west, but if this is going to cause yet another
    delay for the album or problems with the label, I vote we do whatever
    will be the least annoying for the label. (But also lets them know what
    WE think)


    Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 11:13:28 -0500 (EST)
    Subject: pre-part 2
    Message-ID: <>

    roy thomas baker also produced queen albums such as "night at the opera", for
    he or she asking.

    love the porno names, you fucking cretins. i'll have to go jerk off and
    concoct more......

    umm.............i always brian eno would make a good producer for dt. how
    about eddy kramer? are you ready eddy?!! anyone get his number? i imagine
    trent reznor might gett off on the idea, too. and if we REALLY pooled our
    weekly allowances and suck the biggest cock possible, i'm sure george martin
    would be into the idea. someone ask derek how the stretch marks on his lips
    are (i mean, EVERYONE knows he's gay- har har) and see if we can pull him

    some early morning humor before another day of school.

    and if YOU can guess the four song titles, you win a bottle of finnish
    champagne (digital man- yo, peace).


    david yoichi kobayashi
    binghamton university

    "'conducting' is when you draw 'designs' in the nowhere- with a stick, or
    with your hands- which are interpreted as 'instructional messages' by guys
    wearing bow ties who wish they were fishing." -frank zappa


    Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 08:55:03 -0800
    From: Timothy Templeton <>
    Subject: FCC rate reg. proposal (NDTC)
    Message-ID: <>

    > >> Your local telephone company has filed a proposal with the FCC to
    > >>impose per minute charges for your internet service. They contend that
    > >>your usage has or will hinder the operation of the telephone network.
    > >>
    > > And so on and on.....
    > They've been trying to do that for years. I remember something like seven
    > years ago (back when we thought 9600 baud was the cutting edge), there was
    > talk about them taxing us for modem and fax use. It'll never happen. Just
    > how would they tell you were online anyway. Even if they did manage to
    > instate some kind of charge, It would be fun to hack around it. So would
    > Sprint Net bill there callers extra? Anyone else think the phone company
    > charges way the hell to much in the first place. And what the hell is up
    > with charging $1.50 at a non branch ATM? It's all electronic, less paper
    > work and so no extra employee to pay; who is that $1.50 going to pay
    > anyway?!! IT'S ALL A CONSPIRACY!!! DAMN THE MACHINE....uh gotta go, FBI
    > knockin' on my door.....

    Yeah, they have been trying to do it for years. But, this time, ALL of th
    local exchange carriers have gotten together to petition the FCC. And,
    there's a new sense of urgency for them; they can't make the maximum
    calls blocked which keeps the public switched network a "life-line"
    service. The phone companies KNEW this was coming since '94 or before &
    chose to bask in their yearly record profits instead of upgrading their
    switches to handle the new type of traffic. Now, they want YOU to foot
    the bill for the upgrade.
    The FCC public comment period ends Thurs. 2/13.

    The way they might employ to detect what kind of traffic is:
    voice becomes pulse code modulated (PCM) at the CO
    data is already on your line at a mod. scheme OTHER than PCM
    just do a GO/NO GO test on the line for anything other than voice (unless
    you can whistle, click, & beep like a modem :))



    Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 11:58:36 -0500
    From: (Pat Sullivan)
    Subject: Pull Another Time
    Message-ID: <>

    >i'll stop here for now. i really would like to hear opinions and further
    >observations. what attracts you to ttt, or ad, or pmu?

    Pull Me Under - Like a lot of fans, the single/video for this song was my
    first exposure to the band. What immediately grabbed my attention was the
    way they "melded" an aggressive, heavy-metal sound with keys and synths
    without losing the edge. I'm a fan of thrashy music and this was probably
    the first time I had heard that particular combination done with that level
    of virtuosity. I always felt split because I played keys, but liked HM
    music, and the two never seemed to work together. Until....

    AD - I really think this song is misplaced on the album. It's a great song,
    but putting it between PMU and TTT is naturally going to take away from it's
    perceived value. I also agree that this is a song (like Surrounded) that
    comes off MUCH better live that it does on the album, and I think it's
    mostly because live, they can put it with songs that go better with it
    (LSOAD, for example).

    TTT - Holy polyrythms, Batman!!! There's nothing about this song I don't
    like, except the triggered snare. If I could get a copy of the demo version
    of this song (the one on The Silent Man single), with a live drum sound, I
    could almost die happy. :)

    Koba, hurry up and post the rest of the stuff, man. I could break my
    personal record for DTC posts this week. :)


    _____Pat Sullivan_____________________________________________
    IRC: DDictator
    NP: Dream Theater - "When Dream And Day Unite"


    Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 11:01:48 -0600
    From: Jeff Hayes <>
    Subject: "Ride the Red..."?
    Message-ID: <>

    Hey man, my guess was that it had to due with the business terms dealing
    with "Being in the Red" versus "Being in the Black". Although, this sorta
    doesn't jive since if I remember correctly ( wish is a BIG IF ), "Being in
    the red" means you are losing money hand over fist (losing more than you
    earn in profit) . The part that doesn't jive would be "everyone smil[ing]"
    about the fact that you're losing your shorts... Well just my $.02 BTW,
    thanks again for the Becker TAB. Still haevn't had a chance to mess around
    with it, but hopefully this weekend.

    Shred 'til yer dead!

    Now playing: Flotsam and Jetsom: "Drift"

    Oh yeah, and on an unrelated note. I picked up a couple used CDs including
    Night Ranger's "Feeding off the Mojo", Queensryche's "Promised Land" and
    Jeff Beck's "Guitar Shop". The Night Ranger's production was pretty decent
    (Not sure I agree with someone's earlier statement about being all
    triggered drums, though (David Prater = producer). The QR disc made me
    ashamed to be a fan... My God, what the hell is this. Talk about a fall
    from grace. I still get goosbumps when I listen to "Mindcrime", but this
    PL crap makes me want to grab a Barry Manilow disc, just to hear something
    with a little harder edge to it. And the Beck disc?!?!?!?! Uhhhh, being a
    guitar player myself, I feel sorta qualified enough to make a comment of
    the following nature.... "WHY in the name of all that is HOLY do so many
    players (George Lynch, etc...) site this Brit as major influence. The crap
    I heard on this disc sounds like something I could hear during a first year
    guitar student's lesson!!! Call me a technical snob, but the hardest thing
    this guy does with a guitar involves a bar chord!!!! Ok, [Rant Mode
    OFF]... Sorry about the NDTC!!! Anyways... e-mail privately if you have
    some comments of a NDTC nature regarding my post...


    Chris Ptacek wrote:

    Does anyone know for sure what the crapdump "you can ride the red until
    everybody smiles" means? Please don't start with the solar powered car made
    entirely our of sanitary napkins type comments (or the more obvious sicko
    things that people have amusingly hinted at on #ytsejm <topic: "Not for
    Kids!">) The best I can figure is that it's the red carpet, like at a major
    award show, as in GrammyEmmyOscarAcademyBob's bowling ceremonies. The
    "until everybody smiles" would make sense in 2 ways: either people like you
    until shortly after the awards and then they're dying to put down your
    movies/cds etc (i.e. hootie or Kevin Costner) because you're old news or a
    one hit wonder OR 2). They realize you're the six fingered man and they're
    so glad that they've been able to find you because Bob's last name was
    Montoya and you killed him for the six fingered bowling ball... and that's
    about enough outta me...

     Chris W. Ptacek
    *Jeffrey S. Hayes Texas Instruments Incorporated
    *DSP Audio/Music Applications 12203 SW Freeway, MS 701
    *U.S. Applications Specific Products Stafford, Texas 77477
    *Semiconductor Group Post Office Box 1443, MS 701
    *(713)-274-2814 OFFICE Houston, Texas 77251
    *(713)-274-4381 FAX
    *(713)-274-2320 DSP HOTLINE
    * E-MAIL
    * WEB SITE
    * GO Detroit Red Wings!!!
    * GO University of Cincinnati BEARCATS!!!


    Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 12:07:24 -0500
    From: (Pat Sullivan)
    Subject: Balls on a prater
    Message-ID: <>

    >Anyways, I'm still a relatively new DT fan, so can someone explain to my why
    >everyone wants Dave Prater's balls on a silver platter?

    Two words: Drum Triggers

    Pull out Images and Words. Listen to the drum parts, particularly the snare.
    Notice how every snare hit on the album sounds EXACTLY the same. You can
    thank Mr. Prater later.

    Plus, the bass was WAY too low on there too.


    _____Pat Sullivan_____________________________________________
    IRC: DDictator
    NP: Dream Theater - "When Dream And Day Unite"


    Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 12:08:58 -0500 (EST)
    From: Anthony G LaSorsa <>
    To: ytsejam <>
    Subject: Lie single.
    Message-ID: <>

    Hello all! I was wondering if anybody has access to get a Lie single on
    cd. I am looking everywhere for it around my area and can't seem to find
    it. Can anyone help me out? Email me at:
    Thanks a bunch


    Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 12:14:50 -0500
    To: " - (052)ytsejam (a)" <>
    Cc: " - (052)someone (a)" <>
    Subject: Ride the Red
    Message-ID: <0010200001072188000002*@MHS>

    Chris Ptacek pondered in Jam #2263

    > Does anyone know for sure what the crapdump "you can ride the red until
    > everybody smiles" means? Please don't start with the solar powered car made

    What?!?!? That old thread again?!?!?! Jeez, why do all the newbies have to
    keep rehashing all the same topics?!?!?!? :) :) :) :) :)

    If you dig back deep into the annals of the Ytsejam, you will find...


    And the reply in Ytsejam #247
    > Date: Thu, 18 Nov 93 09:17:19 GMT
    > From:
    > Subject:
    > In last issue Bill Bajzek asked:
    > > What do they mean buy "ride the red" and "siren song"?
    > Fortune in Lies was written about one of their friends a while ago
    > who 'got into a bit of trouble, stole a lot of stuff.' (Quote from
    > the interview Mike Portnoy gave in the UK last April). The exact
    > details of this aren't clear, but my *guess* is that the friend
    > got into gambling in a big way (ride the red = roulette term),
    > couldn't escape his addiction (he kept hearing the 'siren song'
    > of the roulette table), and eventually ended up in prison (hence the
    > sampled noises of inmates taken from a documentary in the instrumental
    > section). The Fortune in lies, I assume, refers to the money he
    > made (or lost), and his habit of borrowing money from friends with
    > promises they'd get it back. 'Keeping a giant alive' is more difficult.
    > I think it may refer to the gambling habit, the giant being a monster
    > that needs to be kept under control, or destroyed, but which the guy
    > allowed to control him instead.
    > Just my ideas, any comments?
    > Paul May, University of Bristol, UK

    I guess this would be a good time to bring up my quest. I am in the process of
    acquiring every jam ever published. In the near future I will be enlisting
    your help in tracking down some of the Jams that are not available in the
    archive. My plan is to make the entire history of the Ytsejam available
    on-line in a searchable format so that you can find cute little tidbits like
    this one.

    If anyone has any thoughts, suggestions, comments, ideas, or concerns about
    this, feel free to drop me a line.

    "Briiiaaaaan!!" "Kiiirrrrrrk!!"
            - Joe, Wings - Khan, Wrath of Khan
    Write me. If you dare!


    Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 13:03:04 -0500 (EST)
    From: (Dan Temmesfeld)
    Subject: Nuno's Schizophonic is OUT!!!
    Message-ID: <v01520d01af261e59f656@[]>

    Got it today! I've listened to it three times so far. I like it. It's
    more natural (less polished feel) than Extreme. He's got less solos, but
    he's got some good solos on some songs. There's more of an emphasis on
    songs and vocals, and I like it. The lyrics are pretty good too.


    ---+ +---
    Dan Temmesfeld - /
                 "Home of the Galactic Cowboys Page"
    ---+ +---


    Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 13:45:43 -0500 (EST)
    From: Albert Balkiewicz <balkiewi@UMDNJ.EDU>
    Subject: Re: Al Balkewicz
    Message-ID: <>

    > DO NOT trade etc.,etc.,

            Yes, I'm a scumbag, dickface, etc., etc.,
                    you forgot to mention that I also do the following:

            1.) haven't traded with anyone else since, even though I
                    could have....

            2.) I eat little babies, human AND non-human

            3.) I write all of the offensive lyrics for Marilyn Manson.

            let's keep this to private E-mail and spare the 'Jam.

    |								|
    |	I wasn't born with enough middle fingers....		|
    |								|
    |  Al Balkiewicz   SEND MAIL HERE -->balkiewi @ |
    |			OR HERE!  --->DA_PROF @ BIGFOOT.COM 	|


    Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 14:25:53 -0400 From: To: Subject: New Dream Theater ! Message-ID: <>

    Cliff Totten 02/11/97 02:25 PM

    I' m so hard up for new DT that wouldn't care if the new album was:

    Broadcast through the internet using "Real Audio" and received by a PC at an AM Radio station and sent out over the air to a crappy Yugo car radio, then open-mike recorded onto a Radio Shack normal biased cassette and played back through an Emmerson boom box with a thick wool blanket over the speakers!

    This is INSANE! I'm going through severe DT with "withdralls".

    I am going to seek mental therapy and send the bill to East West records!!!!!


    Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 14:28:00 -0500 (EST) From: Stephen Daedalus <> To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: Re: Let's beat Each other and Marilyn Manson Message-ID: <>

    Sure, Marilyn Manson doesn't have great stuff, but you gotta love their version of Sweet Dreams. That was the scary part of the eighties. I think we should start a Trojan war. Like, maybe one half the Jammers could wield a flag bejeweled with the Majesty symbol and the other half... well... I don't know. Does anyone have access to tacticle Nuclear Weapons? Flaming is just getting boring so let's flame for real. Rock on violence. I'll write offensive lyrics on how we Ytse-fuckin'-jammers blew each other and the entire world into oblivion. Woo hoo. Be so well... s-well... swell!!! Matt B

    ==================== "You are all weirdos. Hmph." (Sam the Eagle, The Great Muppet Movie)

    "Now all we need is a little enerjon, and a lot of luck." (Optimus Prime, Transformers the Movie)


    Date: 1/1/1994 0:34 From: El Vaquero <VAQUERO@CONCENTRIC.NET> To: undisclosed-recipients:; Subject: Re: Al Balkiewicz (2/11/97) Message-ID: <>

    Hey Pat...

    I was a Ytsejammer in when I was in college and haven't had Internet access since, until just recently. That's about three years ago. I remember from back then that you were bad-mouthing Al Balkiewicz for not returning tapes to you. All I can say is...get over it!! It's been three years!!! I find it hard to believe that I can take a three year hiatus from the Ytsejam and find another one of these postings on the first digest I receive afterwards. You've made your point. me a favor. Give the guy his stuff back. You've obviously mentally crippled him for the past three years. I'd be surprised if he doesn't hunt you down. Does the name Ray Finkle mean anything to you? Laces out, Al!!! :)

    Vin De Benedetto Ytsejammer 1993-1994, 1997 (Today)


    Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 12:42:57 -0700 (MST) From: durnik <> To: Subject: NO discontent with James Message-ID: <>

    There is NO discontent brewing in the band by or for JLB, and there hasn't been. We don't know how the rumours are getting started, but this one really has NO base in reality.

    You might wonder about JLB being missing on the Xmas CD, or only writing portions of each album... well, he _does_ live in Toronto. Management has a hell of a time getting him back and forth to NYC for all the band functions, but they do it. This usually means that "just for fun" stuff will go on without him unless they're actively on tour or he was there for another reason already. I don't know about anyone else, but I fully support anyone's right to live anywhere they please, so as long as JLB reports to the tour bus on time, I ain't complaining.

    As for the album contributions part... we really ought not to have a qualm with this. Each member contributes a hell of a lot to each album. I would be happy just to HAVE input on an album... I've been in a band where I have had no creative control, and it's no fun. So you can bet that anything JLB feels good about writing is probably considered very highly by the rest of the band.

    And now as for the questions about JLB's attitude. I don't think this one is really even a question. He's both the lead singer and the _frontman_. The press attack him first, Petrucci second, the rest later. Ironic as always that the drummer is the one that's more than happy to do the talking. Kind of like Metallica or vintage Zeppelin. Plus, the fans in some places can be especially rude and critical toward the frontman in particular. JLB isn't taking this sensitively... quite the opposite. He's used to it now and he has his blinders up, his "heat shields at maximum" when it's likely to be a problem. Such as in interviews, which are press-related functions in which a person is asked stuff that even best friends usually don't ask because it would be in bad taste!! :) We read it and interpret it as bad attitude, when all it really is, is him not letting the negativity of the press and of the industry beat him down. He's insulating himself from that negativity, and rightfully so. Look at how many lead singers have turned to drugs or just gone fucking NUTS after going through the publicity turnstile...

    Now hear this once and for all. The members of Dream Theater are amazingly good friends who have spent YEARS cooped up together while touring. IF there were discontent or backstabbing, it would have happened a long time ago. They're battle tested. No member of the band is on the bubble either contractually or chemistry-wise. Further, the entire band's contract with the label isn't the problem either. They've just hit a lot of logistical problems lately.

    - Mike Bahr - -


    Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 14:04:37 -0600 From: Jeff Hayes <> To: Subject: Derek's/KM's Amps Message-ID: <>

    Hey boys and Girls, I have a buddy who is looking into getting a real nice keyboard amp. He was asking me for suggestions, but being a Guitar/Bass player, I'm not real up on what's considered good for keyboards. Anybody got any suggestions? Anyone know what KM used to use or what Derek's using now with our favorite band boys? Please e-mail me OFF-LIST as I think this is sorta off-topic and we don't need to waste any more bandwidth than I already have. Thanks. Oh yeah, my buddy is using a digital piano with a Kurzweil sound module, if that makes any difference. Thanks again.

    Shred 'til yer dead!! Jeff

    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *Jeffrey S. Hayes Texas Instruments Incorporated *DSP Audio/Music Applications 12203 SW Freeway, MS 701 *U.S. Applications Specific Products Stafford, Texas 77477 *Semiconductor Group Post Office Box 1443, MS 701 *(713)-274-2814 OFFICE Houston, Texas 77251 *(713)-274-4381 FAX *(713)-274-2320 DSP HOTLINE * E-MAIL * WEB SITE * GO Detroit Red Wings!!! * GO University of Cincinnati BEARCATS!!! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 2264 **************************

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