YTSEJAM digest 2294

Date: Thu Feb 20 1997 - 10:14:01 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 2293"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2294

    Today's Topics:

      1) Eckie, Superior
     by "Paul W. Cashman" <>
      2) ok- here we go on the merry go round
      3) Re: YTSEJAM digest 2288
     by Chris Ptacek <>
      4) Re: YTSEJAM digest 2293
     by "Richard A. Rivera" <>
      6) None Type Thing
     by Chris Ptacek <>
      7) The Concept/NDTC
      8) Re: The Concept/NDTC
     by "Louie The Drunken Irishman" <>
      9) A myth about Extreme's 'net tribute
     10) "damn T-word"
     by Jazzmin Belle Sommers <>
     by Jazzmin Belle Sommers <>
     12) hmm...
     by <> "Raivo Hool"
     13) 'Eve' transcriptions
     by SchuBert <>
     14) Savatage Live in Japan 94 Video
     by (Bill Wrightson)
     15) GC ***NABC***
     by Pat Daugherty <>
     16) I suck, I'm goin' to Disneyland
     by Jon Parmet <>


    Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 21:18:20 -0800 (PST)
    From: "Paul W. Cashman" <>
    Subject: Eckie, Superior
    Message-ID: <>

    (Kinda neet wordplay with the subject up there if ya think about it.)

    Eckie, that was hilarious, thanks!

    The best -domestic- US source for Superior is apparently Dream Disc.
    They have an address for checks and a phone number for credit card
    orders, and as I recall the price with shipping to the US was $15 or
    $16. Wes/Beavis at has recent experience with
    them and knows the details. is where I put the
    Dream Disc info (sorry, can't pull it up here).

    Overseas, try your local stores, since Noise International has
    released the CD in Europe and other places. If not, try emailing
    Bernd Basmer, guitarist for the band and a Ytsejammer (address is also
    on the page above). He'll try to hook you up.

    Superior's 'behind' was THE best CD I heard during 1996.

    +-- I never bared my emotions ---+ Dream Theater +- Paul W. Cashman ---+
    |    My passion always strong    |   "Scarred"   |     |
    |    I never lost my devotion  <-+-> CD: Awake   |  |
    + But somewhere fate went wrong -+----- ----+


    Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 00:52:04 -0500 (EST) From: To: Subject: ok- here we go on the merry go round Message-ID: <>

    ok..........jeez.........some wonderful posts all all you people leaving, i feel bad for you.........y'all gonna be missin' some fun in here........oh well.

    1) mr. zebrowski, in his response to my post on awake:

    <James didn't scream on I&W. He screams on Awake. Except on Innocence

    <Faded, The Silent Man, LSoaD, and SDV. The only songs on which he screams

    <on I&W are TTT, and LtL <and only briefly>.

    ok, maybe i fucked up in not being clear about it.........hmm.....i still think on some lines he wails pretty loudly in many spots on i/w......and i definitely think he does the same in awake. i guess the better way of putting it his by looking at james' vocal melodies......lots of high notes he belts.....virtually evry song.......look at parts of pmu and uagm.......esp. the choruses in both songs, where he belts em way up there. one thing i always hated about uagm is that he's so high up there on the chorus, it just seems like he's losing it there....i don't know.......i hope this clears some of it up.....

    >> 3- innocence faded-


    >> song that it seems not a lot of fans dig. note the queensrychean intro....(is

    >>his "eyes of a stranger"?). what i love is in the beginning how it goes from

    >Queensryche? I don't hear that at all. Sure, it's layered and has power

    >chords and acoustic, but that's where the similarities end, IMO...

    i think the best way to think of it is by listening to "eyes of a stranger" and if consecutively. note the similar-sounding guitar textures/chords (we can also put it in terms of sounding like some of andy summers' work w/ the police). and as you concurred, the eddie myung bass line makes it almost a dead ringer to me.....

    as for semi-through composed, and the sabbath/winger part, some things. a) sabbath, winger, dregs- they're all the same anyway, aren't they? ;-) and hey, the common denominator between the dregs and winger is of course, rod morgenstein. b) semi-through composed- i think that if that last section had been another song, that would be fine. but imo, it just doesn't go. new key, new feel. sure, it's a really good jam, but it's kinda like fitting my mother and your mother in a yugo (don't be offended at the mother jokes- i love them), as opposed to chocolate and peanut butter. i really think they coulds have jammed out with a section that was more consistent with what was going on inthe rest of the song. now, i don't mean to imply that i think they suck for it, just a matter of opinion....

    but yeah, keep the remarks going. i'll be looking for you when i do "a mind beside itself". thanks.

    2) neil gallop's asinine post. i so much regret that i deleted it by mistake, but that had me crying.......that was too too funny.....if you have that post, please, please foward it to me again. i need more laughter in my life....aww, yeah........funky fresh in da house.....

    3) the ytsejam civil rights emperor/dictator for life.

    "go fuck yourself." from the bottom of your heart, no less.....oh god, i almost sent you a message, dman, that would have read:

    "please remit $200 for new monitor. your remarks made me spit my fruit juice onto my old monitor....."

    basically put, you're a fucking cretin. well done.

    ok, soon enough, i'll send out part 2 of my awake retro, for "ambi". peace out, y'all.

    ffidh ytsegoon

    **************************************************************** david kobayashi

    ulf samuelsson and bob probert- perfect together. bring probert to the rangers! ****************************************************************


    Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 23:54:48 -0600 From: Chris Ptacek <> To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2288 Message-ID: <>

    >From: Jazzmin Belle Sommers <> >Subject: need info from tribute players

    This took balls to post.

    ------------ >From: "R. Kevin Preston" <> >Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2287

    > Ok, someone please send me information about how to get off this mailing. >At first I thought it was a place to exchange thought input with some >really swell DT fans. Now all I read is bitching, and reposts of private >e-mails for two sophomoric morons? What gives. Let me out.

    This took more balls! If I'm not mistaken, isn't this the guy that basically said we all suck, and cut D Man down for trying to help the situation? This guy's asking for OUR help now? Read your instructions. You get them weekly. You'e the WORST of the "piss on you on the way out" jammers... up until now, I believe everyone has left with only ONE insulting letter. How many is this for you? If I've mistaken you for someone else, I apologize... but I don't think I have. ------------

    >maybe it is me, but the music universe does not start with dream theater >and end with a fight over who is going to head up a tribute in their honor. >here's hoping for some good conversation... cheers

    Right on the moeny. All jammers eventually come to realize that this is a forum for discussion of things outside of Dream Theater as well.... even though it started as DT only. I love Dream Theater. But there are bands I like even more! There's so much music out there.... that some of the members of this list put DT as the be all and end all of music, is pretty damn scary. Those are the guys that I bet DT kind of inches away from with the scared looks on their faces... Your post was at least constructive. I think it's time we start some new threads and get off of this current heat wave. In my effort to do my part, I am completely withdrawing from the tribute. Vince: I will try to make the mailing list for you, and let you know what you can do with it. For now, I'm so sickened by the way the tribute idea is being run, I'm not going to THINK about being part of it. I withdraw my offer of web space for it... because I don't want to maintain a flame war web page. If I can be helpful, I'll try, but I'm not taking part in this war from here on out.

    Chris W. Ptacek Musician and Listener A.K.A Madsman, on IRC

    "Can we search for inspiration -- those ideas that just come from 'nowhere'? They don't surface when you're tHiNKinG. They just come. What we CAN do is make fertile the ground on which idea seeds fall." - Michael Hedges


    Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 00:56:11 -0500 (EST) From: "Richard A. Rivera" <> To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2293 Message-ID: <>

    On Wed, 19 Feb 1997 wrote:

    > Extreme has a mailing list called NETGRAFITTI <sp?> and they did do a > tribute album to extreme. They pulled it off. Does anyone know someone > that perhaps was on Netgrafitti when the whole idea of doing an extreme > tribute occurred? Maybe someone from their mailing list could enlighten us > jammers?

    I was on the list last year when the idea was proposed. I remember signing up for it, but I never heard anything back. But that may have been because by the end of the school year I had to unsub from all my lists. Anyway, if anyone has a copy of the tribute, e-mail me privately. I'd be really interested to see how it turned out.

    Speaking of Extreme.... Gary Cherone sent Nuno a tape of VH's new > stuff and Nuno said that it was just like Pornografitti/3 sides extreme.

    Thank God!!!

    He > was sort of pissed at Eddie trying to be like Extreme. I think his words > were, "Since when did Eddie get funky?"

    Really? Nuno said in Metal Edge that the new stuff was closer in style to old VH. Anyway, should be great stuff.



    Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 01:04:50 -0500 From: To: Cc: Subject: MUSICAL INTEGRITY Message-ID: <>

    >Concerning Queensryche: >A question to jammers in general - Am I the only one who is not particularly >thrilled with Queensryche's music? This is not a flame for QR fans, in any >way. It's just that the excitement and thrills I feel when popping in a DT >disc are simply not present when I listen to QR. I *like* the band, but to me >they pale next to the almighty DT. I have not heard much of PL, but I own >Empire and have heard Mindcrime many times. The musicianship is *good* (but >not DT level), the songwriting is *good* (but not DT level), and the lyrics - >well, they're probably good but I haven't paid much attention. These, of >course, are my own not-so-humble opinions. I'd like to hear (perhaps via >private email?) from jammers who agree or dissent, and can state their reasons >in a calm, organized fashion... thanx.

    Hello Neil, being a big Ryche fan myself, I would like to respond to this in a calm, ogranized fashion :)

    First off, I do understand that your post was in no way a flame, but I just wanted to point something out: Making an intelligent post (such as yours) about "not being thrilled" with a band in here will usually start a slew of cheap slags against that band by other users who "don't like" that band, and eventually erupt in a flame war between those of us do like them, and those who will just type in stupid shit like "they suck!" Negatives just don't seem to encourage many positives in here...maybe next time post about something you like? :) Just a thought...

    In regards to the "meat" of your post:

    No one compares to DT, but that shouldn't affect how I guage other bands, and to me especially Ryche. They may not be as technical or whatever as DT, but to me they write incredible material, and they progress with each album. I like the fact that Ryche has their own style, and to me some of their material gives me as many "chills" as DT's material does. Ryche maintains a great balance between agression and listenability, and concepts like "Operation Mindcrime" are brilliant stories...songs like "Someone Else" off Promised Land are full of emotion, and give you a peek into the personal minds of the band. The lyrics are very imprtant in Queensryche, as they are full of meaning like DT's stuff, and also like DT, they can be obscure and misunderstood at first listen.

    Ryche is not always about "excitement and thrills" as you mentioned above, but that doesn't mean people don't get off on the music or the message. If you know the concept and story behind Mindcrime, then like me, you might get pumped up when you hear "Revolution Calling" popped into the CD player. If you're looking for upbeat happy or good time rock&roll, Ryche is not the ticket. They are more about the human mind and society, and the music always carries a strong message, here is just a few song "themes":

    Revolution Calling: the government is sometimes corrupt, and people want reform Empire: it's happening in our city streets everyday Promised Land: sometimes having it all can lead to as much sadness as having nothing

    I could go on, but I guess my point is this: Do you like any other bands besides DT? Do you refer to them as "but not DT level"? Not everyone can be as thrilling as DT, but for some of us, other music is very important as well. I think Queensryche has made a great contribution to music both from an evolutionary standpoint, and musically influential standpoint. If I was going to mention a band in here that I don't like very much, it would definitely be a group with much less talent, experience, and MUSICAL INTEGRITY as Queensryche.

    Thanks Neil, for at least presenting your semi-negative opinion about them in a mature format, and welcoming comments from both like and non-like opinions. I hope my response was organized enough to encourage another look at Queensryche :)



    Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 00:11:21 -0600 From: Chris Ptacek <> To: Subject: None Type Thing Message-ID: <>

    >Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 19:07:36 -0800 (PST) >From: >To: >Cc: >Subject: How To Help Nuno! IMPORTANT!

    I didn't quite catch that. Could you spam the jam again? Please?

    - Rot in hell, and may my God step on your mother. -


    Chris W. Ptacek Musician and Listener A.K.A Madsman, on IRC

    "Can we search for inspiration -- those ideas that just come from 'nowhere'? They don't surface when you're tHiNKinG. They just come. What we CAN do is make fertile the ground on which idea seeds fall." - Michael Hedges


    Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 01:45:51 -0500 From: To: Subject: The Concept/NDTC Message-ID: <>

    In light of a recent post, I've written out the basic concept of the entire album "Operation Mindcrime" by Queensryche. If anyone out there doesn't know the story behind the CD, or would just like a copy of my interpretation of it, just email me with a request! (it's only 1 page)


    Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 00:57:07 CST From: "Louie The Drunken Irishman" <> To:, Subject: Re: The Concept/NDTC Message-ID: <>

    I would leke to get a copy. Please.

    -Pat Worrall

    On 19 Feb 97 at 22:52, wrote:

    >Date sent: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 22:52:47 -0800 (PST) >Send reply to: >From: >To: Multiple recipients of list <> >Subject: The Concept/NDTC

    >In light of a recent post, I've written out the >basic concept of the entire album "Operation Mindcrime" >by Queensryche. If anyone out there doesn't know the story >behind the CD, or would just like a copy of my interpretation >of it, just email me with a request! (it's only 1 page) > > > > @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world because they'd never expect it. |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Pat "Louie" Worrall | | Zeta Omega Omega | | Augustana College | | Rock Island, IL 61201 | | Patrick-Worrall@Augustana.Edu | `````````````````````````````````````````


    Date: 20 Feb 1997 01:47:42 CDT From: To: Subject: A myth about Extreme's 'net tribute Message-ID: <>

    Hello all. I noticed a post in the last 'jam that pointed to "Netgraffitti" (a tribute to Extreme by the members of their list) as an example to follow. THIS IS FALSE!!! I contributed a track to this tribute ("Don't Leave Me Alone") over 3 months ago, but I haven't heard a damn thing about it since the guy got my finished recording. Therefore the Extreme list members aren't necessarily better than we are:)

    Q: What does a 75 year old woman's cunt smell like? A: Depends....

    Mark Peters


    Date: Thu, 20 Feb 97 01:29:30 -0600 From: Jazzmin Belle Sommers <> To: Subject: "damn T-word" Message-ID: <>

    Andreas Schaefer wrote...

    On another subject (damn T-word), if anybody's interested in recording a Surrounded-version rearranged to all power-chords (ACDC style) plus unique bavarian lyrics - count me in! The _real_ tribute here seems to be to act like a record company: get no recordings done because everybody needs to discuss who's in charge, which paperwork has to be done by whom... (Jazz, Vince are you EastWest-Execs ?)

    and I reply:

    I'm waiting on a call back from Jay Beckenstein about 1)lending us Bear Tracks studios in New York around mid-May (it's nowhere near official yet) and 2)joining us for one of his beautiful sax solos. (If you don't know the significance of this, look at your I&W liner notes).

    Also, I keep missing the attorneys for DT. They are supposed to call me back, perhaps when it rains and they can't play golf... =) I thought contacting them before it got too late would be a good idea!

    SO... I'm not an east-west exec, but I'm doing my homework.

    Peace and great fuckin', ~Jazzmin


    Date: Thu, 20 Feb 97 01:49:21 -0600 From: Jazzmin Belle Sommers <> To: Subject: ACOS (NO TRIB CONTENT) Message-ID: <>

    .. the one thing I wonder about is why they didn't cover "Godzilla" in that medley...



    Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 11:45:31 +0200 From: <> "Raivo Hool" To: Subject: hmm... Message-ID: <>

    > I personally don't find this offensive, but alot of people would > prefer that you use little stars to call attention to your profanity.

    Profanity = vocabulary. ;-)

    A lot of people are stupid enough to pay attention to how words look, not what they mean. Little stars (alias asterisks) don't change anything, but no one seems to understand.

    I've been thru that on the Soundgarden list where I basically got booted because I didn't like the asterisk business and openly said that. There's no reason for hypocrisy.

    Oh yeah, mul on u"sna kama, mida sa siia handi keeles kirjutad.



    Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 12:25:29 -0800 From: SchuBert <> To: Subject: 'Eve' transcriptions Message-ID: <>

    Has anyone got any written transcriptions of 'Eve' ? I'm particulary looking for keys parts, but if you have anything, please mail me at or Thanx.


    Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 08:11:22 -0600 From: (Bill Wrightson) To: Subject: Savatage Live in Japan 94 Video Message-ID: <>

    Hey Jammers, Has anyone seen this or does anyone have this. I have the CD which is awesome and I am considering ordering the video but the price is $70 and I want to make sure the video is worth it. My questions are mainly, 1) How is the video/audio quality, and 2) how long is it (are there any extra songs)? Any help or cheaper offers would be much appreciated!


    *************************************************************************** ** ** ** Bill Wrightson email: ** ** DNA Enterprises, INC. ** ** 1240 E. Campbell Road ** ** Richardson, Tx 75081 ** ** ** ** Voice: (972) 671-1972 ext:267 Fax: (972) 671-1581 ** ** ** ***************************************************************************


    Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 09:39:11 -0500 (EST) From: Pat Daugherty <> To: Dream Theater Mailing List <> Subject: GC ***NABC*** Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.970220093721.22971B-100000@bdmserver>

    Merlo wrote: >Galactic Cowboys "Space In Your Face" I'm on track two now, and I LOVE >THIS! The only thing I'd heard from them before this was their rendition >of TTT on LiT. :) These guys are *great*!

    Have you gotten to the 2 secret tracks yet? This cd has the most annoying hidden track setup ever.... It was cool the first time but gets old real quick...

    |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Pat Daugherty | |=======================================================================| | "Every breath leaves me one less to my last" --Dream Theater | | "That is not an option, Mr. Mulder" --X-Files | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|


    Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 14:48:07 +0000 From: Jon Parmet <> To: "Ytse Suckin' Jam" <> Subject: I suck, I'm goin' to Disneyland Message-ID: <>

    > From: The Digital Man <>

    > Yet you remain because of... ?

    I guess we suck so damn hard, a wake vortex of respectable size is being created, sucking all corporeal entities into the void.

    > As long as you're not going to wreck the curve, you can stay. :)

    There a stigma attached to the sigma :)

    > From: Adam Barnhart <>

    > "Oh shit, Cairo blows chunks....

    Cool! Chunk is half of where it's at...

    > From: "Beavis (Wes Foll)" <>

    > it is true that they [Anthrax] got out of their contract

    Perhaps DT can get out of theirs and go with someone like a Warner Bros. or Atlantic. Big talent requires a big label!!! Hey Elektra, if you can run with the big dogs, STAY ON THE FOOKING PORCH!

    May a blessed piece of ass be with you,


    *------------*------------------------*--------------* | Jon Parmet | | 617-494-2851 | *------------*------------------------*--------------*

    If I'd started from the top, And worked my way down There'd be no reason, To live forever To live forever - Dream Theater


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 2294 **************************

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