YTSEJAM digest 2157

Date: Sat Jan 04 1997 - 13:43:27 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 2156"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2157

    Today's Topics:

      1) rush and dt schtuff
     by (acook)
      2) Streets, Rush, Yes, DT, Rush again...
     by (Nigel Bridgeman)
      3) Re: question.....
     by Andrew Keegan <>
      4) prog bands with female vocalists
     by "Dale R. Newberry" <drnewb@MO.NET>
      5) Re: Rush tribute
     by "KorgX3" <>
      6) Re: Rules/Sucks
     by "KorgX3" <>
      7) where to buy LV
     by Fernando Ma <fernandm@U.Arizona.EDU>
      8) Re: YThreshold, Angra, Marillion (NDTC)
     by Mark Smeets <>
      9) Tshirt update...
     by Pat Griffin <>
     10) Re: Reviews requested - Threshold/ Atomic Opera / Enchant
     by (Dan Temmesfeld)
     11) Re: Threshold, Angra, Marillion (NDTC)
     by (Dan Temmesfeld)
     12) new LV?
     by "SchuBert" <>
     13) Re: Rush tribute
     by Carlos Alfaro <>
     14) Re: YTSEJAM digest 2156
     by Matthew P Robbins <>
     15) Derek Sherinian
     by (Edward J Wilk)
     16) New Year's DT Question...
     by "Robert Quezada" <>
     17) Re: Derek Sherinian
     by Wayne and/or Carole Chesser <>
     18) non DT plea
     by Seth Casale <casals@Sage.EDU>


    Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 22:41:49 -0500 (EST)
    From: (acook)
    Subject: rush and dt schtuff
    Message-ID: <>

    Hey all,

    > JP is so far beyond Lifeson in all areas...
    >somehow I have to doubt he does anything to be "Like Lifeson".

    Woh there, slow down a bit. May I remind you that Lifeson was the master of
    all things prog before JP had pubes and probably before he even picked up a
    guitar. Judging by your attitude you don't sound like a Rush fan, so let me
    fill you in. Alex is an incredible musician in all respects and I admire him
    even moreso than most guitarists because it takes considerably more talent
    to play in a trio format, especially when playing such dense tunes.
    Appregios, extended chord voicings, odd time rhythms, long solos, all of
    these things Lifeson does (I'm not saying he originated them, I don't want
    to argue about that) and JP has been quoted countless times as being heavily
    influenced by Rush and Lifeson.

    >> 4. There tends to be a large synth/sequenced presence at the head of tunes
    >> ("Learning To Live"), which is something that Rush has been doing for a
    >> while ("Big Money," "New World Man," "Force Ten").
    >I suppose Emerson Lake and Palmer are copying Rush for using synths to
    >start songs too? That's like saying "You started that song with an A7
    >chord on your guitar! Thief!"

    Actually ELP came out long before Rush, but that's another story. I don't
    particularly think that DT does synth intros to be like Rush, but moreso
    because it often sounds cool, which is probably why Rush did it.

    >> 5. Instrumental as solo piece -- "Ytse Jam" vs. "YYZ"
    >So they did an instrumental? What's the point? Rush didn't invent the
    >instrumental. That's more of a coincedental similarity if you ask me(and
    >by posting publicly, you are asking me. :))

    No, but these two songs are very similar in structure. Both are
    instrumentals with strong influence on the rhythm of the piece as well as
    the melodic content, both have solos and fills by each member mixed with
    lots of odd time sig drumming, both have middle eastern type melodic ideas,
    I could go on and on.

    >This is not a flame... I just don't know how much of the similarity
    >between Rush and DT is purposefully done. I love bothe bands, by the
    >way... I just vastly prefer Dream Theater.

    Think about it this way...I don't know if you're a musician, but if you're
    writing a tune you want it to sound good. In your mind DT's style is
    somehting that sounds good and you're aiming for something in that veign. I
    think writers do this naturally and a lot of times what I hear from DT's
    music makes me think of Rush. Obviously there are no direct parts that sound
    exactly the same, except for maybe the verse riffs to Natural Science and
    6:00. :)



    Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 04:55:34 GMT
    From: (Nigel Bridgeman)
    Subject: Streets, Rush, Yes, DT, Rush again...
    Message-ID: <>


    >Does anyone who owns Streets by 'Tage tell me where you bought it because
    >I've been looking for it for a couple weeks now and I'm really getting

    I got mine in Australia, if that helps at all.

    Didn't think it would...

    It's the greatest album of all time, btw. Jon Oliva is a legend!

    I think I've mentioned that before...

    Onto other things:

    Did I mention that I got my first Rush video on Thursday? "A Show of
    Hands"... as you all would know, it's brilliant! The last half hour is
    probably the best half hour of music in the history of music videos!

    Can anyone tell me what the "Exit... Stage Left" and "Chronicles" videos are
    like? Are they worth buying? Any replies along the lines of, "Dude,
    *anything* by Rush is worth buying!" will be met with a stern frown. I
    *know* that, but I'd like to know what's on them, if it's entertaining, etc.
    And if the videos are of good quality as well. I'm ordering them from the
    UK (because they use Real-Person format - PAL - unlike you American types)
    and I'll be slightly miffed if I get them and no one told me that the sound
    quality is not entirely great, so to speak...

    As mentioned the other day, my Yes collection is now up to 6 cds. Pretty
    good, as those of you (if any) who have been following this saga would
    know... pretty dumb as well, probably...

    Well, that'll be all. My email addy has changed to,
    if anyone is interested. Not that anyone writes to me anyway *sniff*.

    I guess I'm just craving attention...

    Woops! DT content, almost forgot...

    Someone mentioned that "Bombay Vindaloo" was similar to "Xanadu". Well, I
    always thought that JP's guitar bit near the end of "Learning to Live" was
    like Alex's guitar bit near the end of "Xanadu". I love both songs because
    of these parts.

    And after watching "A Show of Hands" Neil Peart is now the best drummer in
    the world. I'd never thought he was that brilliant a drummer until I saw
    him play.


    See yis!!


    Now playing: "Pulse" - Pink Floyd


    Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 00:05:59 -0500 (EST)
    From: Andrew Keegan <>
    Cc: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re: question.....
    Message-ID: <>

    On Fri, 3 Jan 1997, Albert Balkiewicz wrote:

    > Anyone know where I get get a copy of an album by the opening act
    > for DT on the "Fix" tour......Einstein......please E-mail me and
    > let me know.....

    The Einstein CD is on Whirled Records and distributed by Touchwood
    Distribution (212) 977-7800

    I was disappointed with the CD and thought they were much better live.
    The keyboards are kinda buried and when they do stand out, they don't
    have a live feel. They sound too sequenced. I wonder if they suck as bad as
    that Marillion band :)

    Anyway- it's still a good album, but they do it much better live.



    Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 23:37:06 +0000
    From: "Dale R. Newberry" <drnewb@MO.NET>
    Subject: prog bands with female vocalists
    Message-ID: <199701040540.XAA06580@Walden.MO.NET>

    try Martha's Wake, maybe. I say maybe because I've never actually
    heard them, but I know they have a female vocalist, and they have
    been mentioned as being prog rock/metal with influences form DT.
    Anyone else know more about them?

    Dale R. Newberry


    Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 22:51:38 +0000
    From: "KorgX3" <>
    Subject: Re: Rush tribute
    Message-ID: <>

    > <bitching about Rush tribute deleted>
    > Something that really pisses me off is when people say a tribute album
    > sucks since it sounds nothing like the original material. Dont you

    ><bitching about bitching about Rush tribute deleted>

    Sorry, Pat, but I thought it sucked, too. I really like Rush, and I
    know the guys put their hearts into the tribute, but I'm a production
    sound freak. The album lacked horribly IMO in production quality. I
    know these guys were doing it with their spare change most likely,
    but still, I get better sound farting in the toilet. It's been in my
    CD junk drawer since the first timer I heard it, and I listened to it
    twice fully. Sorry, not for me...

    KorgX3 NOT The "Other" Ibanez (anymore)

    "Well, I try to write music that Indiana Jones would listen to."
                                                  --David Arkenstone


    Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 22:51:38 +0000
    From: "KorgX3" <>
    Subject: Re: Rules/Sucks
    Message-ID: <>

    > My point was that if he really wanted to actually prevent people from
    > buying the album, he should have said what album it was and commented more
    > on it. I don't care if someone walks in my room and listens to my 400 some
    > CDs and he/she finds that they don't like any of them. That is their
    > choice and their preference. I encourage people to slag bands if they feel
    > that people shouldn't spend their money on their albums. My point was that
    > I'm not going to stop buying an album by a band that had gotten several
    > good reviews because a few people said simply "they suck". Tell me why
    > they suck, then I'll consider it. I agree that difference of opinion makes
    > the jam a more interesting place. I enjoy the fact that we have people who
    > are into varying musical styles.

    Hrm. I either misread his original post or didn't read yours right,
    I guess. I don't remember if he was intending to tell people not to
    listen to Marillion, cuz that's just plain stupid. It's OK to say it
    sucks out of personal discouragement over a band (which I have done
    many a time), but don't tell people not to buy the album if you don't
    like it. There's alot of stuff on the jam I've gone out and bought
    and wasn't too thrilled about but alot of others really like. If
    anyone's having troupble finding these I'll sell em to you.
    Discounted even. :)

    Magellan: Impending Ascension
    Ozric Tentacles: Arborescence
    Ivanhoe: Symbols of Time (The singer wasn't for me, the rest was OK)
    Echolyn: As the World
    Marillion: Fugazi (too wierd for me, Brave rocks though)

    I tried with all of these. I'm trying Echolyn again, but not all
    prog is for everyone, as we all know. (Don't we?)

    KorgX3 NOT The "Other" Ibanez (anymore)

    "Well, I try to write music that Indiana Jones would listen to."
                                                  --David Arkenstone


    Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 00:07:19 -0700 (MST)
    From: Fernando Ma <fernandm@U.Arizona.EDU>
    To: ytsejam list <>
    Subject: where to buy LV
    Message-ID: <>

    Where can I find Lemur Voice? And which catagory of music (International
    or Rock?) I've been looking for it ever since it was mentioned here months

                    Fernando Ma
                    Materials science & engineering
                    University of Arizona

    "I would like for this record to come out...and a blonde" - Derek Sherinian


    Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 00:05:22 PST
    From: Mark Smeets <>
    Subject: Re: YThreshold, Angra, Marillion (NDTC)
    Message-ID: <>

    ** Reply to note from 01/03/97 12:54pm -0800

    Angra has 1 more release, which is Holy Land. Thats the cd I
    won't shut up about, ask everyone on irc :) I won't be
    shutting up anytime soon either. They also released an EP
    called Freedom Call. I posted alot of this info a few jams
    back, so, maybe check out what ones, I think it was 2150 or
    so. I haven't had the chance to check out their first album
    yet but I heard a clip of it, which is what made me buy Holy
    Land, nothing like that clip but it kicks ass none the less.

    my account is now useless. Please email at either or --
    -Check out the new Serenity's End Chat room port 8888
    -Check out my web site
    Some people lose their faith because Heaven shows them to little. Others lose their
    faith because Heaven shows them too much. - The Prophecy -- I don't believe in
    I guide you through the sea of nightmares called existance and lead you to the
    sanctuary where a haven exists only to those who have lost hope and this is called
    earth but to those who have hope, stand alone outside this haven guarding it alone.
    I stand at the promised land with Fire In my Eyes!
    W.A.S.P. - The Crimson Idol


    Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 01:17:51 -0600 (CST)
    From: Pat Griffin <>
    Subject: Tshirt update...
    Message-ID: <>

    "Jonathan Dery" <> wrote:
    >Btw- Does any know when a new batch of Ytsejam shirts will be on sale
    >(or if there are any on sale now)? I've never had one and I've never
    >felt like a true Jammer because of it. (Plus it sucks not to be spotted
    >at shows.)

    I'm currently about 50 or so 'jams behind (went on vacation for a week,
    and never had the patience to read the 30 jams I got :) but this post was
    brought to my attention. For anyone asking or curious, I do still have
    the new Ytsejam shirts, and they are still being sold. New orders will
    not ship out until later this month (when I'm back to school, and the rest
    of the shirts). If you've sent an order in the last month, it's probably
    waiting for me, and I'll get it on the next shipment.

    I'm going to revise the updates a bit, try to get the numbers more
    accurate, change the address (got a single!), etc... I'll try to send a
    new one out sometime early next week. Happy New Year everyone, and a
    special note to all those that got to see the shows last month: *@*&!^#
    @^& :)

        h t t p : / / w w w . m i s s o u r i . e d u / ~ c 6 7 5 3 1 1 /
        | Pat Griffin Reality=B2 Design |
        | |
        h t t p : / / w w w . m i s s o u r i . e d u / ~ c 6 7 5 3 1 1 /


    Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 07:08:14 -0500 (EST)
    From: (Dan Temmesfeld)
    Subject: Re: Reviews requested - Threshold/ Atomic Opera / Enchant
    Message-ID: <v01520d00aef31ce386e1@[]>

    Matthew P Robbins <> wrote in Y'Jam #2155:
    > I'd like to here some HONEST opinions and reviews on the
    > following bands before I make any purchases.

    > ~Enchant

    They've got one that I know of on Magna Carta called "A Blueprint of the
    World." I don't care too much for the singer. He's good, but almost too
    high for me. The keyboards and guitar textures are great. I like the song
    "Oasis" a lot...

    > ~Threshold

    Awesome group from the UK. They've got two out plus a live EP. The two I
    have are "Wounded Land" and "Psychedelicatessen." "Psyche" is a great
    album. I haven't really gotten into WL, yet, but it's got some great
    stuff. I think the main theme of that one is quite environmental- the
    wounding of the land, as it were. They've also got a great vocalist on
    both albums. I can definitely recommend these guys!!! And they're release
    another album "Extinct Instinct" in February.

    > ~Atomic Opera

    Another great band. They're from Texas and their first/only album (For
    Madmen Only) was produced by Sam Taylor (of King's X and Galactic Cowboys
    fame). They're heavy and melodic, much like both KX and GC. Great vocals,
    and great lyrics. Frank Hart (the main man behind AO) is currently demoing
    songs with new band members (and artrocker Kemper Crabb) for hopefully a
    second album soon.

    BTW, their album is O/P, and very hard to find (at least for me). If you
    see it, snag it. If you end up not liking it, let me know and I'll buy it
    from you. I've got people lined up who want it, after they heard my copy
    of it, they were hooked. :)

    Hope that helped,

    ---+ +---
    Dan Temmesfeld - /
                 "Home of the Galactic Cowboys Page"
    ---+ +---


    Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 07:08:20 -0500 (EST)
    From: (Dan Temmesfeld)
    Subject: Re: Threshold, Angra, Marillion (NDTC)
    Message-ID: <v01520d01aef31f3311e8@[]>

    Threshold's 3rd LP is due out in Europe in February, probably on Giant
    English Pea. It's gonna be called "Extinct Instinct," or that's the last I


    ---+ +---
    Dan Temmesfeld - /
                 "Home of the Galactic Cowboys Page"
    ---+ +---


    Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 13:27:34 +0100 (MET)
    From: "SchuBert" <>
    Subject: new LV?
    Message-ID: <>

    I was just thinking about what a great year this'll be: new DT album, new
    QR, new FW. Then a question popped up.
    I heard Lemur Voice has been playing a couple of new songs on their gigs, so
    is their any chance they're gonna bring out a new album soon?
      /__\ Groeten!
     | oo |
    (|_()_|) +-------------------------+
      \__/ | |
     /|\/|\ +-------------------------+


    Date: Sat, 04 Jan 1997 09:53:58 -0500
    From: Carlos Alfaro <>
    Subject: Re: Rush tribute
    Message-ID: <>

    KorgX3 wrote:

    > Sorry, Pat, but I thought it sucked, too. I really like Rush, and I
    > know the guys put their hearts into the tribute, but I'm a production
    > sound freak. The album lacked horribly IMO in production quality. I
    > know these guys were doing it with their spare change most likely,
    > but still, I get better sound farting in the toilet. It's been in my
    > CD junk drawer since the first timer I heard it, and I listened to it
    > twice fully. Sorry, not for me...

     I dont know aboyut you but I just figure that they were aiming for the
    same production RUsh had in the times when the songs were
    get the 70's/early 80's feel... at least all the instruments sound clear
    and individual..

                  Seize the day, I heard him say :
                 "Life will not always be this way,
                   Look around...hear the sounds...
             Cherish your life,while you're still around... "
                  <Dream Theater: A Change Of Seasons>
                  WoWoW! WoWoW! WoWoW! -Mike Portnoy


    Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 09:48:37 -0600 (CST)
    From: Matthew P Robbins <>
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2156
    Message-ID: <>

            To the guy asking about'Tage - Streets: A Rock Opera and DT
    boots. I've seen Streets at Best Buy on a regular basis. I picked up my
    copy at a used CD chain called Disc-go-round for $6.99. I've seen it in
    several used CD bins since then. So, give the used places in your area a
    try. As the a good DT boot, give Mike Bahr's "When Dream and Today Unite" a
    try - he still has some left. It's pretty good sound quality (with the
    exception of two tracks which sound pretty hollow). It has all the WDADU
    songs with James L. on vocals. Good luck.


    Date: Sat, 04 Jan 1997 12:18:14 EST
    From: (Edward J Wilk)
    Subject: Derek Sherinian
    Message-ID: <>

    Hey all,

            For all of you who have Shadow Gallery's 'Carved in Stone', have
    you checked out the Special Thanks To section? I always love to do that
    when I get a new album. Anyhow, in it, they thank a guy named.. Derek
    Sherimean. Hmm.. I was thinking. Is this our pal Derek under pseudonym,
    or did they spell his name wrong? Or is it someone else altogether? I
    found that kinda interesting, and would like to hear from someone who



    Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 12:50:33 -0500
    From: "Robert Quezada" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: New Year's DT Question...
    Message-ID: <>

    It's a brand new year and something came to mind while listening to
    Learning to Live. The two times that I saw Dream Theater at Birch Hill,
    they always ended the show with Learning to Live.

    When we enter the year 2000, are DT going to change the lyrics in the part
    when James sings "the 90's bring new questions" when its played live?
    How's it going to sound? "the turn of the century brings new

    Just curious...


    RQ's CD Player (for NT/Win95)
     *View lyrics as they're sung.
     *Divide songs into indices
     *Examples & instructions to make lyric files


    Date: Sat, 04 Jan 1997 12:24:14 -0600
    From: Wayne and/or Carole Chesser <>
    Subject: Re: Derek Sherinian
    Message-ID: <>

    At 09:29 AM 1/4/97 -0800, you wrote:
    >Hey all,
    > For all of you who have Shadow Gallery's 'Carved in Stone', have
    >you checked out the Special Thanks To section? I always love to do that
    >when I get a new album. Anyhow, in it, they thank a guy named.. Derek
    >Sherimean. Hmm.. I was thinking. Is this our pal Derek under pseudonym,
    >or did they spell his name wrong? Or is it someone else altogether? I
    >found that kinda interesting, and would like to hear from someone who
    > Ed

    Maybe I have a different printing or something, but I can't find Derek's
    name in the Thanks section anywhere. I did find Kenny Rogers (the Kenny
    Rogers? Anyone know?) Where is Derek supposed to be? Maybe I'm just blind.


    "A different opinion is just another point of view" - Fates Warning


    Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 13:23:46 -0500 (EST) From: Seth Casale <casals@Sage.EDU> To: Subject: non DT plea Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.970104131218.15640A@zeus>

    Hello jammers, this is my first post ever, and i would really like to know if anyone has ever heard of a band called clockhammer. they are my favorite band, but i have been unable to locate other fans or any information regarding them. if anyone has any information about this band, please mail me privately at i apologise for this message not having DT content. also if you have not heard of them, i will be more than happy to make you dubs of any of their three albums i have, just a blank tape and sase please. seth


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 2157 **************************

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Thu Apr 01 2004 - 17:59:03 EST