YTSEJAM digest 2700

Date: Sat Jul 05 1997 - 17:22:42 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 2699"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2700

    Today's Topics:

      1) Music (Christian/Secular)
     by Corey Bell <>
      2) All people suck...
     by Buck Stodgers <>
      3) Flame me to hell, but some of you need to read this.
     by Buck Stodgers <>
      4) the greatest irony
      5) the music business
     by Brandon Elhai <>
      6) Re: the greatest irony
     by Brandon Elhai <>
      7) hey asshole, fuck you and your shitty opinion
     by filth <>
      8) New Yngwie
     by (Keiji Nishihara)
      9) DTC!!!
     by "woot" <>
     10) blah blah blah blah blah
     by Lars Hellsten <>
     11) Re: About Berklee...
     by Graeme Nicholson <>
     12) Misc. apologize from the low end the morning after
     by (James D Carey)
     13) James on tribute (DTC!!!)
     by Kevin Madden <>
     14) A Work In Progress Video
     by Glover <>


    Date: Sat, 5 Jul 1997 13:17:33 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Corey Bell <>
    Subject: Music (Christian/Secular)
    Message-ID: <>

            I have a little problem and I hope someone out there can help me
    out. Lately I have started to see, within my hometown, that people like to
    judge music on wether it is Christian or Secular(sp?). The first problem I
    had was with a friend of mine, who is a Christian, who's mother would not
    allow my bands cd into her house because it wasn't Christian. This is where
    my problem begins. I am having trouble seeing how people label what is
    christian and what is not. So with this in mind I borrowed some of her music
    and listened to it and to tell you the truth I couldn't really see the
    difference in the lyrics of her music and mine.
            I also have another friend who goes to the same church and he really
    likes stuff like DT and Metallica etc. but he will not buy any of these cd's
    because they are not Christian. However he doesn't hesitate to be the
    Galactic Cowboys or Kings X because they are.
            Why can't good music just be good music? I don't understand why
    music made by Christians is considered Christian music and what makes it any
    more holy than other music. If a gay person writes a song is it a gay song?
    What about instrumental or classical music, is it even capable of being
    classified? I believe that good music is good music no matter whom it is
    made by. If anyone has any opinions on this please let me know. Thanks for

    See ya,

    Check out my band, Joint Decision's, official website


    Date: Sat, 05 Jul 1997 13:30:51 -0400
    From: Buck Stodgers <>
    Subject: All people suck...
    Message-ID: <>

    Hello folks,
            At work on a Saturday using their phone to call South Carolina to look
    for apartments. And they complain that I misuse the computer
            Bought My Dying Bride on recommendation. Can't stand the vocals. Its
    going back on the shelf at CDworld, sorry. Though I do appreciate the
    info everyone gave on them, they're just not my bag. Also got new Keith
    Jarret (solo improvisational concert), haven't listened yet; and a
    Wayne Shorter disc. Don't you hate when you buy a jazz disc and it has
    all the cheesy *semi-pop* drum beats and synths. This one's getting
    returned too.
            Methinks that Dr. Mosh is trying to take over the Jam. Better him than
    others we have in here, methinks. :)
            In Adam's changer:
    >4. Cheap Trick: In Color

    Just when you thought you'd seen it all! :) Excellent choice sir!


    Now there's something I never thought I'd see in a sig...

    >From: (George Farber)
    >Subject: I WILL KILL YOU!

    Ummm.... Are you okay there buddy?

    >what goes on at concerts when they play 2112

    This is usually considered by fans to be the definitive Rush song
    (though I disagree). It was mostly an enormous turning point in their
    musical lives, where they decisively cut the cord to their Led Zep style
    and created their own identity. If you want to get into Rush, most
    people would say buy this album (2112). I would say Permanent Waves or A
    Farewell to Kings though.

    >I just picked up the first album by Tin Machine on CD today for $2.

    A bargain and a great find. An amazing disc that is constantly
    overlooked. I can't believe the number of copies of this I see in used
    bins. Its almost criminal.
            Bafu wrote:
    >like Boba Fett to the thermal-detonator-holding bounty-hunter from

    That would be Boussh. I think I got the spelling right... Not sure.

    > Everyone: do NOT trust any e-mail messages from me that are of a
    > distinctly contradictory nature to my usual stuff..

    Damn... I guess this means no new Megadeth bootleg...:)

    >a third 'unofficial' Damn Yankees album that was put out under the name
    >of 'Blades and Shaw'

    Actually, I think it was Shaw/Blades. In case anyone goes looking...

    >finally picked up Eric Johnson's AVM, and am quite impressed so far.

    This is far better than VI. Give this one your attention. Particularly
    the second half (from Trademark on). Fantastic songwriting.

    >The Impostor That Took the Ytsejam

    Wow, I mean this guy really changed how I think about things. To think I
    was such a hypocrite all this time and I wasn't able to see the light.
    Wait, scratch that... Fuck off and die.

    >which apply more succinctly to the issue, without bringing in all sorts
    >of outside meanings.

    Last time I checked, we weren't supposed to talk about *issues* here, so
    please drop this before it gets really ugly.

    >(and in my opinion this is why) regarding gay comments:

    And let's drop this one too. Now.

    >Is "passi" a word?

    I believe he was trying for the word *passe* with an accent aigu over
    the e, pronounced (pass-ay). But then again, he could just be dumb as a

    >Skip over Christian posts if you hate us. It's not us hating you.

    Does anyone read the subscribe message anymore? Fuck that. My next post
    will include it so you all can refresh your absent minds on the GODDAMN

    >but this is a MUSIC list

    How in the fuck can you use this to JUSTIFY that guy making comments. No
    comments like that of ANY kind belong here!
            And from way out in left field:
    >From: (James D Carey)

    Buddy, he was trying to make light of a silly situation. He got me
    laughing that's for damn sure.
            From Mr. Portnoy:
    >It's incredibly FUCKING WEIRD that you guys have been talking about
    >King's X on the Jam......

    Just imagine what he'd think if he read the last 10 Jams. And its likely
    he has. Think about it people: Is this how you want the band to think
    about their fans?

    "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter..."
                -Yoda, the Jedi Master
    Andrew Forcier
    a.k.a. Buck Stodgers
    Maintainer of the List of Ytse-Traders of Repute; To submit
    names or request a copy,
    To view the list:
    --List Manager--
    The Peppermint Tribe, the Saigon Kick Mailing List
    For info, check out: 
    for e-mail inquiries,


    Date: Sat, 05 Jul 1997 13:51:05 -0400 From: Buck Stodgers <> To: Subject: Flame me to hell, but some of you need to read this. Message-ID: <>

    WELCOME TO YTSEJAM (last updated January 10, 1995)

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    Date: Sat, 5 Jul 1997 13:53:35 -0400 (EDT) From: To: Subject: the greatest irony Message-ID: <>

    i find it hyseterically ironic that doug pinnick is coming to guest sing on "lines in the sand." i guess that's 2 "lines" for him. fascinating.

    btw, wasn't sept. 23 also the release date for acos?

    "falling into infinity" may be the gayest (some pun intended) title since torman maxt's "just talking about the far". eesh. but hey, who am i, right?

    speaking of gayness....i've been trying to post this on the jam for about a week, but i have yet to see on, so i'll try see, my whole theory on the imposter situation is this: he's OBVIOUSLY trying to actually HELP d-man. take a deep breath- i did say that, and i'm almost totally serious.

    i mean, look at it- neil peart is gay, isn't he? and look at how brilliant his drumming was once upon a time. i mean, we've heard so much about the neil-likes-men stupidity that we almost hope he is in our darkest dreams.

    and of course, one of our very own- i've heard plenty of times on this here ytsejam that derek sherinian is gay. i mean, he almost does look the part. and what would you know? he's a pretty darn good keyboardist.

    so........there's a connection to be had here. sexual orientation rumors about musicians (usually started by musicians) can only help the accused one's career out. maybe this means d-man's going to be the next bass god. maybe stu hamm will be on his knees. maybe geddy lee. maybe bafu vai? maybe I will (if it were i, obviously, it wouldn't be for his bass playing).

    so let us ALL praise d-man. i would have suggested praise for the impostor, but he blew his chance by just trying to be too cool, so fuck him. personally, i wish someone said I was gay. that would only mean that my desire to conquer the music world will be attained that much easier.

    fuck all you healthy people ytsegoon

    ************************************************************************** david y. kobayashi

    "i'm afraid of americans, i'm afraid of the world. i'm afraid i can't help it. i'm afraid i can't." d. bowie **************************************************************************


    Date: Sat, 5 Jul 1997 13:59:00 -0400 (EDT) From: Brandon Elhai <> To: Dream Theater <> Subject: the music business Message-ID: <>


    Got a question. Can anyone tell me how much profit actually goes to a band once a CD is purchased? Also, how much does the store make where you bought it from? Thanks.



    Date: Sat, 5 Jul 1997 14:04:21 -0400 (EDT) From: Brandon Elhai <> To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: Re: the greatest irony Message-ID: <>

    On Sat, 5 Jul 1997 wrote:

    > btw, wasn't sept. 23 also the release date for acos?

    No...A change of seasons came out on September 19th.



    Date: Sat, 05 Jul 1997 13:37:57 -0500 From: filth <> To: Heavy Metal Computer Nerds <> Subject: hey asshole, fuck you and your shitty opinion Message-ID: <>

    i'm not back on the list, dont worry, you're still rid of me, but shit, i'm not even ON the list anymore and i've been flooded with conversation and topic about this whole gay debate. could you all please shut up so i dont have to hear it? the guy who posted fakely as d-man is an asshole. anyone who followed up on it is an asshole. i'm an asshole you're an asshole we're all assholes. SFW. i'm not gonna bother forcing any opinions out that its damn ok to be gay because through my LONG TIME debating on this list and ANYWHERE in life; YOU CANT CHANGE PEOPLE. you can rape them up the ass with a garden utensil, but you wont change them. so either drop it, or put a bunch of duct tape over your ass and pray when you go to sleep at night.

    ~Rip is gone again.


    Date: Sun, 6 Jul 1997 04:39:41 +0900 From: (Keiji Nishihara) To: Subject: New Yngwie Message-ID: <>

    Well,I happened to turn on my radio and heard new Yngwie. What I thought is "FED UP w/ Yngwie". All he can play is what he always plays (what he used to play). New vox (ex-Treat etc..) is the cloan of Mike Vecella (s.p.??). The same style again..... And the same guitar play...... Why should I pay extra money for the SAME thing? I have bought all his albums so far (from Streeler days),but this new album may be my last Yngwie album,or my first album I don't buy. Anyway,his new album will come out on the 3rd of Sep.

    Btw,have you ever heard of new Savatage? I haven't heard it so far. So anyone who heard it,please post about it.

    Thanks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- -Keiji Nishihara  Doshisha Uni. Electric/Electronic Material Lab. Semiconductor ARRAY KYOTO JAPAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------


    Date: Sat, 5 Jul 1997 14:15:39 -0600 From: "woot" <> To: <> Subject: DTC!!! Message-ID: <>

    fellow idahoan jammer and swell guy KorgX3 sends his regards and the following update:

    >DT news of the week: > >(AP) Long Island, NY: John Petrucci, long time guitarist for the musical >quintet "Dream Theater," is in stable condition nursing 2nd and 3rd degree >burns today as his Subway Sandwich ignited en route to the studio last >Saturday. Mr. Petrucci stated that, "Mike (Portnoy, bandmate, ed.) told me >not to go so heavy with the jalapenos." Later in the day, Mr. Portnoy was >stated as saying, "You should've seen how many (expletive) peppers that >(expletive) had put on his (expletive) sandwich! No (expletive) body can >eat that many (expletive) jalapenos! That (expletive) is one crazy mother >(expletive)!" John Myung, bass player, was unreachable for comment. > >According to the band's management, doctors refuse to allow Petrucci to >return to the studio until a full recovery has been made. Even so, 2000 >crazed "ytsejammers" from Long Island enshrouded the hospital yesterday, >demanding that Petrucci be released to finish te project. After a long >stalemate, the crowd dispersed, the only damage being several cars in local >parking lots had turned a peculiar shade of yellow. > >Management has reached an agreement with the fans by recruiting David Grohl >of the Foo Fighters to finish recording for Petrucci and perhaps begin >touring should Petrucci not be fully recovered. > >Your 'Jamming Journalist... > --KorgX3 > > > >



    Date: Sat, 05 Jul 1997 15:46:29 -0400 From: Lars Hellsten <> To: Subject: blah blah blah blah blah Message-ID: <>

    >Actually that's exactly what I'm implying. In fact I'll go ahead and say >it: Being gay *is* a matter of choice. There. I realize this will >probably get me a few enemies, and I'm really a nice guy, but I can't let >this matter go by without me saying what I know to be true.

    Shit, this thread has been beaten to death already, and I generally don't even waste my time getting involved in threads about homosexuality anymore, because the bleeding heart politically correct socialists throw around the word "homophobe" like it's going out of style. But there's one little thing I've seen pop up a few times in this that bothers me. And that's people assuming it's a choice. The LIFESTYLE is a choice. But being gay is NOT a choice, and how can you blame gay people for choosing the lifestyle they do - what are they supposed to do, pretend they aren't who they are?

    I sure as hell didn't suddenly think to myself one day "gee, there's a lot of straight people out there, I think I'll follow the crowd". I NEVER made a choice to be heterosexual. If gay people do in fact CHOOSE to be gay, then by the definition of the word "CHOOSE", heterosexual people CHOOSE to be heterosexual. I didn't choose to be straight. I can distinctly remember being attracted to girls as young as age 7-8, and there's no way in hell anyone that age can be mature enough to CHOOSE which sex they're going to be attracted to.

    I can't believe how stupid and ignorant some people are. If you don't like homosexuality (although this message is for the mostpart supporting them, I will say that I personally find homosexuality disgusting, and certainly DON'T think it's normal as some people pretend it is), and even if you aren't able to tolerate the fact that people ARE gay, at least think before you spew out this kind of crap. In fact, I can't see how it can be humanly possible to believe people choose to be gay - no one is that stupid. I think anyone who believes that is just looking for an excuse to fault gay people for their sexuality.

    There, I wanted to get that off my chest... I have strong and controversial opinions on this topic, but as I said, I'm keeping out of this conversation. I get more annoyed when I see the kind of ignorance you've displayed than when I see some of the arguments from the pro-gay zealots, because at least they've got their facts straight. You on the other hand make people like me look bad, and it's probably because of ignorance like yours that the word "homophobe" is thrown around so liberally.


    Date: Sat, 5 Jul 1997 21:33:59 +0100 From: Graeme Nicholson <> To: Subject: Re: About Berklee... Message-ID: <l03102801afe449c0760a@[]>

    >I fail to see how this is a bad thing. >Well, that is my two cents. Feel free to slam away.

    Corey, you GOT INTO BERKLEE. Who cares what anyone else thinks or says about the place, you're going to walk where GIANTS HAVE WALKED. This practically guarantees that you're going to have a profound understanding and appreciation of music that many could only dream of attaining.

    Please get in touch when it starts and let me know what it's like.

    ..Although, surely if both Petrucci AND Vai left after only a year, you should do that too! THAT must be the KEY!

    +----------------------- Graeme Nicholson | work t: 01202 299900 x260 PLAY+ Magazine | work e: --------------------+ home e:


    Date: Sat, 05 Jul 1997 16:39:55 EDT From: (James D Carey) To: Subject: Misc. apologize from the low end the morning after Message-ID: <>

    > His bands album Brain Scan is one of the best I've heard

    Ooops... Sorry, I was three sheets to the wind when I posted this last night (Me and my pal Guiness were celebrating the holiday) the album title is Brain Cloud. Sorry Brian for the mixup

    And another apology to eckie, beer goggles are not only good for filtering out women, but I guess Ytse-sarcam too.. my bad.

    -AA "Falling into Stupidity"


    Date: Sat, 05 Jul 1997 16:40:57 -0700 From: Kevin Madden <> To: Green Power <> Subject: James on tribute (DTC!!!) Message-ID: <>

    I was reading the official rsabbs site just now, and I noticed a tidbit in there about James singing "Freewheel Burning" on the Priest trib. What happened? He sure wasn't on the trib, nor was that song. Does anyone know?

    I just got the new Divine Regale and new Testament in the mail! Woo hoo. Reviews to come. The first track of the DR is kicking my ass while I type...

    Now Playing: Divine Regale "Ocean Mind"

    Detroit Red Wings - 1996-97 Stanley Cup Champions



    Date: Sat, 05 Jul 1997 17:04:37 -0500 From: Glover <> To: Subject: A Work In Progress Video Message-ID: <>


    A while back, I saw post by a guy who just had gotten the "A Work In Progress" video. I replied to it and I was talking about sending him some blanks for it. Since then, his letters have been deleted, accidently, along with almost 1700 other emails. I don't remember his mame, but IF YOU ARE THIS PERSON, please get back to me so that we may further discuss this deal. Thanks.

    -C. Glover


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 2700 **************************

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