YTSEJAM digest 2709

Date: Mon Jul 07 1997 - 15:35:00 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 2710"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2709

    Today's Topics:

      1) Rush recommendation
     by Lisa Marie <>
      2) Central Florida (Re: Progday 97)
     by Walter Semerenko <>
      3) Rip, ACoS, 7-8, Brave (long)
     by Mark Bredius <>
      4) Re: Rush recommendation
     by Rick Audet <>
      5) Woot
     by Lars Hellsten <>
      6) No Snickers Bridge/Poontangawana
     by Adam Barnhart <>
      7) Progday
     by "The Notorious B.I.G. S.W.I.F.T.Y." <>
      8) About the FAQ stuff: text-only stays!
     by The Digital Man <>
      9) Yngwie
     by Eric Rodger <>
     10) Boogie Woogie
     by Chris Ptacek <>
     11) Minor DTC babble from the low end Re: The New Songs
     by (Arch Angel)
     12) The End
     by Chris Ptacek <>


    Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 10:35:24 -0700
    From: Lisa Marie <>
    Subject: Rush recommendation
    Message-ID: <>

    <> said...
    >I recently got A Farewell To Kings from Rush...took me a few listens but im
    >starting to get into it now... any other suggestions for my next cd purchase?

    Hmmm... I would suggest "Presto" or "Hold Your Fire". No particular reason,
    they're just two of my faves, so I thought I'd share that with ya :o)

    >I must admit, even though I shall now be emailed to death, that A
    >Pleasant Shade Of Gray was just not my thing... Oh well...

    Before you give up on it, try listening to it in the dark with headphones
    I liked it immediately, but I really began to love it after I spent an
    with it under headphones :o)

    > Any suggestions
    >are welcome, unless they include which sex I should prefer, and what religion
    >I should classify myself. ;}
    >kinda </dtc>

    Hehehe. Hey, another Lisa! Cool!! :o>
    Yikes, I hope this doesn't get too confusing :o)

    Lisa Marie "Jessie"

     ".`^~,^. __ _
     '._',_.; Lisa Marie Peterson \ \ ___ ___ ___(_) ___
      ( \/ ) \ \/ _ \/ __/ __| |/ _ \
       \ / /\_/ / __/\__ \__ \ | __/
        \/ \___/ \___||___/___/_|\___|


    Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 13:29:34 +0000
    From: Walter Semerenko <>
    Subject: Central Florida (Re: Progday 97)
    Message-ID: <>

    At 10:17 AM 7/7/97 -0700, you wrote:
    >To the guy who was asking about going to Progday 97: count me in! I'll
    >only be a couple of hours from it by that time! As long as I don't have
    >to work, and can afford it after my move. BTW, the website is:
    >Take a look for band and location information. Will the Ytsevan be
    >making an excursion for the occassion?

    It would be really cool to meet some Ytsejammer's there. Finneas Guage is
    playing Sunday. That should make you want to come!

    Anyways, I will be going, and I live in Orlando, FL. If anyone lives
    nearby, my friend and I will be driving up, and we have two seats available.
    (I haven't consulted my friend yet, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind.)



    Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 19:55:49 +0200
    From: Mark Bredius <>
    To: "'Ytsejam'" <>
    Subject: Rip, ACoS, 7-8, Brave (long)
    Message-ID: <>

      Scott Cook asked :

    > Was that *really* Rip?

      Yip. Talked to him on IRC a few days back... He heard all about our
      nice little gay thread and the fake email crap... I haven't been in
      #Ytsejam a lot lately, but I guess that is where he heard all about
      it. Needless to say, he wasn't too impressed... I don't expect him
      back on the list any time soon either... That's to bad, 'cuz he was
      (IMO) one of the nicest guys on the list.

    > I'm really quite shocked if that was really Mario because he is
    > usually very diplomatic

      He just got sick of all the bullshit on this list. I feel the exact
      same way... I'm just sticking around for the DTC, like D-Man's post
      about the new album. That's why I'm glad Chris Ptacek's back on the
      list. At least he has a brain and knows how to use it... Ben's back
      too now. :-) Guys, I think it's time to take out the trash ! ;-)

      Brandon Elhai wrote :

    >> btw, wasn't sept. 23 also the release date for acos?
    > No...A change of seasons came out on September 19th.

      And in Holland on the 17th. :-) (that's when I bought it)

      Lars Hellsten wrote :

    > I can distinctly remember being attracted to girls as young as age
    > 7-8,

      Hey, Hellsten... leave those kids alone !

      Razvan Tudose wrote about Marillion's masterpiece "Brave" :

    > Uhm ... I dunno how to say this , but ... Brave is SUCH a bore.

      Well, it *IS* a bore if you use intro scan or use it as background
      music. But under the right conditions, it'll be the most brilliant
      album you've ever heard ! It works on so many levels... All of the
      songs are connected, either musically or lyrically. There are lots
      of things that link the songs together. It's moody, it's emotional
      and deep, it makes you feel, it makes you think... It can move you
      to tears, if you'll let it. It takes some time to get used to it,
      but it's all worth while... You'll either love or hate this album,
      but if you give it half a chance, I'm sure it'll be the former...

      ("Brave" is a concept album about a suicidal teenage girl, and is
       based on a true story. There was also a movie made about "Brave")

    > Hogarth together with that Helmer dude write some horrible lyrics
    > ('Hard as love, baby...' - man , that sux!)

      Sure, lines like 'Baby, nothing's ever been as hard as love' *do*
      seem 'horrible'... Unless they're written from a certain point of
      view that calls for lyrics like that. "Hard as Love" was written
      that way, on purpose. It's a guy's point of view... A teenager...

      Just imagine if they had used the language you see on this list !

                "Hey bitch, nothing sucks as hard as love"

    > and all the magic of the Fish years is gone, both lyrically and
    > musically.

      But of course, that's just your point of view. A lot of fans seem
      to agree that the Fish years were cool, but that the new stuff is
      much more emotional and diverse. Like I always say, the old stuff
      makes me think, but the NEW stuff makes me FEEL. When an old song
      moves me, it's because of nostalgia... But the new albums have so
      many songs that move me both musically as lyrically... Amazing...

      Fish' lyrics were romantic, poetic, cryptic... Hard to understand
      but great to read/hear... Hogarth's and Helmer's lyrics are a bit
      more direct, or so it seems. But they put a lot into their words,
      that you simply won't get until much later... It seems people are
      just easier impressed by Fish 'cuz of his vocabulary... They know
      all the words Hogarth and Helmer use, so it can't be any good :-)
      Of course that's complete and utter bullshit.

      Anyway, if you're having a hard time getting into "Brave", simply
      follow the 'instructions' in the booklet... Listen to it LOUD and
      with the LIGHTS OFF (headphones also help). Do NOT use it as back
      ground music, because that'll kill the effect, and *thus* the way
      you'll judge the album.

      IMO, there are three kinds of music... There's the kind you dance
      to... The kind you put on as background music... And then there's
      the kind of music you LISTEN to. Marillion's music is the latter.

      If you're a metal head ONLY, don't even bother... But if you love
      great music, period, it doesn't get much better than this. But of
      course you shouldn't trust me on this. Just judge for yourself...
      as long as you give it a FAIR chance... You'll thank me later :-)

      Oh yeah, Marillion is one of Mike Portnoy's many favourite bands.
      He called Spock's Beard the best prog band since Marillion.

      Disclaimer: Just because a lot of Ytsejammers are into Marillion,
      that doesn't mean you will love their music too. If it turns out
      that you don't like their music, don't bitch and moan about it...
      If you claim you don't like them after only a few listens, you're
      an idiot. People usually don't love Marillion's music after their
      first listen. Give it time. But above all, give it a fair chance,
      just like you did with Dream Theater. It'll pay off in the end...

     But like a needle in a haystack _ _____ ___ _ _ __ __
     the truth gets so disguised |:||_.:._|/:._]|:]_[:|\.\_/./
     in a kingdom built on madness and on lies. |:| |:| (.:(_ |:___:| \_::/
     (Marillion, Holloway girl) |_| [_] \___]|_] [_| [__/
    Itchy's Homepage -


    Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 14:21:05 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Rick Audet <>
    To: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re: Rush recommendation
    Message-ID: <>

    > <> asked,
    > >
    > >I recently got A Farewell To Kings from Rush...took me a few listens but im
    > >starting to get into it now... any other suggestions for my next cd purchase?

    ..and the lovely Lisa Marie commented,

    > Hmmm... I would suggest "Presto" or "Hold Your Fire". No particular reason,
    > they're just two of my faves, so I thought I'd share that with ya :o)

    Interesting thing, I first got into Rush with _A Farewell To Kings_ and a
    few others from that era. I'd suggest working outwards (meaning forwards
    and backwards chronologically) so that the evolution of their sound is
    observed. Jumping from _AFTK_ all the way up to _Presto_ is quite a leap,
    considering how much Rush has changed between those two albums.
    Personally, their later works are what drove me away, and I regret to say
    I barely listen to them anymore because of it. But my next pick(s) would
    be _Permanent Waves_, _Moving Pictures_, and _Hemispheres_, not
    necessarily in that order. Then again, I'm sure some of the other Rush
    nuts on this list will say something different. Just my two ducats.


    Since we're on the topic of religion here, I thought I'd mention an
    amusing little item I stumbled across yesterday at Tower Records. I was
    browsing through the electronica/gothic section (yes, I dig some of that
    shit, a la Front Line Assembly, Delerium, Noise Unit, etc.) and I saw one
    called, get this, _Satanic Mass_ Conducted by Anton LaVey, recorded at the
    First Church of Satan, San Francisco, California. Those of you who don't
    know, Anton LaVey is *the* honcho in the world of Satanism, and I believe
    that's what the Eagles' "Hotel California" is based upon. I'd like to give
    that disc a listen, actually. Might be neat. (Isn't that a Merloism?)

    Now Playing: Medeski Martin and Wood, _Friday Afternoon in the Universe_

    Rick Audet
    Dolby Labs


    Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 13:55:32 -0400
    From: Lars Hellsten <>
    Subject: Woot
    Message-ID: <>

    >with me, and a few feel they need to push their views upon me. that's fine,
    >but until someone gives me an intelligent retort based on hard facts, I am
    >right and you are the ones that are led astray in my book. Please keep it

    Go back and read my message a few jams back, please. Then respond to it
    (in private if you wish). I think the facts are pretty self-evident - did
    you choose to be straight? If so, you must have been born bi-sexual.


    Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 11:26:33 -0700
    From: Adam Barnhart <>
    Subject: No Snickers Bridge/Poontangawana
    Message-ID: <>

    >From: <> (Chung Ng)
    >I agree. While I probably can't name a single track from any of his last four
    >releases (I buy them all just because it's Yngwie), there is nothing like an
    >Yngwie outburst on the fretboard. I spent my high school/early college days
    >wearing out "Rising Force", 'Marching Out" and "Trilogy". I think they're all
    >classics. I can see how someone can get tired of the same harmonic minor runs
    >after 10 years, but there is still an audience for this kind of music.
    >Enjoy it while it lasts...

    I suppose. I'll still prefer "Rising Force" to pretty much anything
    neo-classical (outside of Tony MacAlpine, at least). It's a hell of an
    album. I liked "Odyssey" quite a lot, but it's probably the most
    "commercial" thing he's done, which leaves it one of the least popular of
    his records among the hardcore fans.

    I don't really tire on him too much, though. What has happened is that all
    of the great guitarists that emerged between '84 and '91 or so (at least on
    Shrapnel) have really been unfairly lumped together. Yngwie predates all of
    this a little, but he gets blamed for a fairly monochromatic production
    style that I think really plagued the Shrapnel records and I'm beginning to
    fear will hurt all of the Magna Carta records. I mean, Rush, Yes, Genesis,
    and Tull all sounded radically different. When the prog metal movement hit,
    Queensryche, Fates Warning, and Dream Theater all sounded very different,
    from a purely sonic perspective. Because there IS that Magna Carta clique
    emerging, a lot of those records are basically very similar sounding from a
    production soundpoint, diverging primarily on how prominent a keyboard is or
    isn't. The MUSICAL differences between Shadow Gallery, Lemur Voice, Altura,
    and Cairo are pretty dramatic. But they're just packaged in this way that
    can tire a little.

    Five Gratuitous CD's:
    1. Rush: Counterparts
    2. King's X: Ear Candy
    3. Dream Theater: When Dream and Day Unite
    4. The Who: Who's Next
    5. Faith No More: Introduce Yourself

    Adam D. Barnhart


    Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 13:28:18 -0500
    From: "The Notorious B.I.G. S.W.I.F.T.Y." <>
    Subject: Progday
    Message-ID: <>

    "And searching my email for answers/I saw the words of a letter you

    > Take a look for band and location information. Will the Ytsevan be
    > making an excursion for the occasion?

    I'm even gonna fix the air conditioner before the trip :) I just hope
    band camp doesn't interfere.

    "Falling Into Infinity" - description of the balance on my last credit
    card bill.

    * Mark Peters -- -- Auburn University, Class of '99 *
    * Ytsejammer, tape trader at *


    Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 14:32:42 -0400 (EDT) From: The Digital Man <> To: A Pleasant Shade of Ytse <> Cc:; (see end of body) Subject: About the FAQ stuff: text-only stays! Message-ID: <>

    Hey again, gang. Big thanks to everyone that had a chance to e-mail me their views about the text-only version of the FAQ. I'm glad to say that two uniquely smart (and, fortunately, unix-knowledgable) jammers came to the rescue of the text-only FAQ.

    Scott McCammon and Rogerio Brito suggested a solution so simple, I feel silly for mot realizing it myself. And it makes everyone happy. I will convert the FAQ to a more readable and nicer-looking version, without the <pre> and </pre> tags. I will then load the FAQ up in Lynx, print it to a file, and voila - instant text-only version. This takes care of stripping tags, including img alt tags, and everything else, automatically.

    I strongly recommend this, by the way, for anyone that has to make text versions of web pages. And, if you don't have lynx, well... get linux! Sheesh! What are you waiting for? :)

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Digital Man \|/ ____ \|/ Secretary & Webmaster "@'/ ,. \`@" UVM Comp Sci Student Assn /_| \__/ |_\ "He won't need a bed \__U_/ He's a digital man" - Peart ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer of the Official Dream Theater Frequently Asked Questions List

    %%% overflow headers %%% Cc: FAQ updates -- Jennifer Albert <>, Matthew Schnoor <>, Michael Burstin <>, Emmanuel CLEMENCE <>, Geir Botterli <>, HyunSoo Cheon <>, Jeff Chew <>, Joao Aurelio Telles da Rocha <>, Michael Kizer <>, "Miguel Farah F." <>, Nigel Bridgeman <>, Scotch <>, Ryan Skadberg <> %%% end overflow headers %%%


    Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 14:49:43 -0400 From: Eric Rodger <> To: Subject: Yngwie Message-ID: <>

    At 11:31 AM 7/7/97 -0700, you wrote: >>From: <> (Chung Ng) >> >>I agree. While I probably can't name a single track from any of his last four >>releases (I buy them all just because it's Yngwie), there is nothing like an >>Yngwie outburst on the fretboard. I spent my high school/early college days >>wearing out "Rising Force", 'Marching Out" and "Trilogy". I think they're all >>classics. I can see how someone can get tired of the same harmonic minor runs >>after 10 years, but there is still an audience for this kind of music. >> >>Enjoy it while it lasts... > >I suppose. I'll still prefer "Rising Force" to pretty much anything >neo-classical (outside of Tony MacAlpine, at least). It's a hell of an >album. I liked "Odyssey" quite a lot, but it's probably the most >"commercial" thing he's done, which leaves it one of the least popular of >his records among the hardcore fans.

    Hmmm... is that the way the general public really feels? I know I love Odyssey as much, if not more, than Trilogy. However Marching Out is still by far my favorite Yngwie album. My least favorite and least listened to are Eclipse and Fire & Ice, possibly because when these albums came out, any time I wanted to hear Yngwie I'd still put in one of the first 4 albums, since they had already achieved 'classic' status, in my book. I guess I never even gave Eclipse or F&I a chance, because Marching Out kept going in my deck. Also, since Marching Out was the album that got me into Yngwie, I rarely play the first album, instead reaching for MO, Trilogy, and Odyssey. BTW, I hate when Yngwie plays blues. I listen to him for a good dose of neo-classical, and it's best when accompanied by Jens Johansson.



    Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 13:50:07 -0500 From: Chris Ptacek <> To: Subject: Boogie Woogie Message-ID: <>

    >From: "Vincent G. LuPone" <> >Subject: Questions about Mesa/Boogie Power Amps

    I need to preface this by simply saying: If a 90 Watt per side tube power amp doesn't cut it for you, you ARE DOING SOMETHING WRONG. That's not an insult. Contact Boogie. They'll tell you that too. :)

    > In the next few months, I'll be in the market for a power amp to replace >my amp head, and I need to know if any of you have used or own either of >these two Mesa/Boogie Power Amps: > >Stereo Simul-Class 2:Ninety >Coliseum Three Hundred

    Both of these are top of the line Mesa products. You can't get better gear from another brand. Only equal. I use the Simul-Class and it's louder than god. The Coliseum presents some problems for any mortal. First, you DON'T want to have to lug that around. I think I weigh less than that power amp. Second, the local guitar shop guys were making fun of me mercilessly about the fact that one day, I'm gonna have to re-tube my power amp. 8 power tubes will cost somewhere in the vicinity of $400+. To use their exact terms, "What are you, SOFT?!" The Coliseum will be worse in that aspect. That amp is made to power enough equipment to play a... COLISEUM. You can play any club in America with a 50 Watt tube amp (And yes, tube power amps are considerably louder than solid state, watt for watt), and any venue in the world with the same amp mic'd. When you see a show with 70 Marshall Stacks, they're there for look... almost never even powered. The sound is coming from one or two small amps. Look at Vai touring with G3. He has a Bogner head, two 2X12 cabs and 2 SWEET Bogner 1X12 cabs. And his show was loud both times I saw them.

    > Now I know that Petrucci uses the 2:90 live, but 90 watts per channel >normally just doesn't cut it for me. I'm wondering, since this sucker has >8 tubes in it, if it actually is more powerful than your basic 90 watt >solid state.

    As I was saying, I really have to hesitate to believe that there's any show you're playing that requires you to play louder than DT does on tour. I'm not saying that with any sarcasm or insulting mannerism, bro... it's just simple and obvious.

    >Please let me know what the main sound differences are between these two >power amps, if you can. I'd appreciate any further information on these. >Thanks everyone!

    There is little sonic difference in the two power amps, for all general intents and purposes. You will want to contact boogie via e-mail to ask them how you can utilize the different power amp channel modes via midi when you're not using the TriAxis. There are no switches on the outside (or the inside to my knowledge). If you do write them, let me know what they say.

    I'd love opposing/informative viewpoints, because I can only speak from my own experiences and understandings, and I may not be taking everything into account. Chris W. Ptacek Musician and Listener A.K.A Madsman, on IRC

    "Can we search for inspiration -- those ideas that just come from 'nowhere'? They don't surface when you're tHiNKinG. They just come. What we CAN do is make fertile the ground on which idea seeds fall." - Michael Hedges


    Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 15:00:14 EDT From: (Arch Angel) To: (Hey D! What's your secret?) Subject: Minor DTC babble from the low end Re: The New Songs Message-ID: <>

    > Ok! Finally some DT content here! Incredible. Let's make the band > proud of having a list about them that really talks about them.

    No kidding, I'm surprised with all the homosexual threads abound that someone didn't start degrading Rush for "Nobody's Hero". Than D would have really had to get physical.

    > To get to the point, I think that the songs still have some > "Awake" feel and less "Images and Words" (I consider "Images and Words" to > be much more progressive than "Awake" -- I consider "Awake" almost plain > heavy metal).

    Here's where I have a difference of opinion. I think Awake is every bit o' progressive as I&W's, you have the segmant from Caught In A Web that is reminicent of the intricate middle run of Metropolis where Petrucci, Myung, and Moore follow each other through it. You've also got mad time sig changes in Scarred that would rival Take The Time, and I think Space-Dye Vest is a powerful piece that gives me the chivers much like Another Day. So I think it's just as bit progressive just with a deeper, heavier, darker tone.

    > But these songs are a bit longer and definitely different. The > other songs not present on the Fix for 96 shows are "Where are you now" > and "Raise the Knife". Good songs, but nothing like "Take the Time". The > only thing about "Raise the Knife" that I know is that it is a relatively > long instrumental (about 11 minutes) and it is ok. But I don't know if > they'll put vocals on it or not (any information on this is welcome).

    I saw the Fix show at Poughkeepsie and I was impressed. I hope that if they do another EP with Metropolis II on it that they put Caught In Alices Nine Inch Tool Garden on it... that was amazing. Take My Pain Away was the high light of the show for me.. and lyrically was one of Petrucci's best work... very moving. Those are the most predominant memories I have of the show. I remember Raise The Knife and Just Let Me Breathe being jammin tunes, but I really don't remember much than it was the closest thing I've had to a religious expierience (no thread necessary). So when Falling Into Infinity gets released it will only make it that more enjoyable for me.

    Arch Angel "In a dimly lit room with a stool as his stage a dream stricken prince of a pauper's descent haunts the eavsdropping silkence that presses his window as he sweats a performance to an audience that ticks on the wall"

    -K. Moore "Only A Matter Of Time"


    Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 14:21:39 -0500 From: Chris Ptacek <> To: Subject: The End Message-ID: <>

    >Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 12:26:46 -0500 (CDT) >From: >To: >Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2694 (NDTC) >Message-ID: <>

    More ridiculous banter. I know the jam doesn't want me to reply to this issue, because it'd be too long (though thoroughly amusing), so I will not. I will PROBABLY respond to this message privately, and I weill DEFINITELY send a copy of his message to Skadz. I urge any of you who are sick to death of this shit to please write Skadz and let him know what's going on on this list. His e-mail is, and he won't bite you. Try to use

    Ytsejam Problems (<issue> {i.e. Religion debates on the jam})

    as the message subject, so he can easily delete the messages once he's dealt with the issue. This is out of hand, and CLEARLY against several ytsejam policies.

    Take care

    Chris W. Ptacek Musician and Listener A.K.A Madsman, on IRC

    "Can we search for inspiration -- those ideas that just come from 'nowhere'? They don't surface when you're tHiNKinG. They just come. What we CAN do is make fertile the ground on which idea seeds fall." - Michael Hedges


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 2709 **************************

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