YTSEJAM digest 2608

Date: Tue Jun 03 1997 - 22:25:03 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 2609"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2608

    Today's Topics:

      1) Integrity
     by "Jim Munster" <>
      2) My Contribution to the KJLB Discussion
      3) Re: YTSEJAM digest 2606
      4) The Elements...
     by Adam Barnhart <>
      5) Conjugation (Definitely No DTC)
     by Kevin Madden <>
      6) The Allanis Controversy
     by "Jeremy P. Kube" <>
      7) FS: QR "Promised Land" 2CD-ROM
     by (Dan Temmesfeld)
      8) Re: New Releases (No DTC)
     by Your Majesty <>
      9) Drummer joke -- NDTC
     by Misha Horowitz <>
     10) Re: New Releases (No DTC)
     by Your Majesty <>
     11) Concerns addressed!! :)
     by durnik <>
     12) WTB: Dweezil Zappa "Confessions"
     by (Dan Temmesfeld)
     13) Re: Mike Bahr's new system
     by (Scott Cook)
     14) Let's trade...
     by Rogerio Brito <>
     15) Re:
     by "KorgX3" <>


    Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 17:54:57 -0400
    From: "Jim Munster" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: Integrity
    Message-ID: <>

    I have a DT bootleg entitled "Integrity". The song is basically a little
    keyboard/guitar thingy that's pretty mellow, then builds up quite
    majestically(I said majestically.) Anyway, I saw DT on Jones Beach in Long
    Island in 93-94(?) in a club called "The Malibu", and I could've swore
    they were fiddling around with this song there-a la "Mirror"
    fiddlings(jams) that go right into "Take the Time", found pre-Awake. Will
    this be our next jam gone song..let's hope 'cause it was pretty cool.
    BTW, I was about 5 feet from J. LaBrie and I was talking to a girl who had
    backstage pix of all the guys-supposedly she was backstage alot...ahem.....
    Keep jammin' all you prog freaks,


    Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 18:06:14 -0400 (EDT)
    Subject: My Contribution to the KJLB Discussion
    Message-ID: <>

    In the latest issue of German Rock Hard Magazine James is quoted as having
    said that during the whole Awake tour and the ACOS recordings he had serious
    health problems with his vocal cords and that he was therefore only able to
    use about half of his vocal power. So if you feel the need to criticize his
    singing abilities, please talk about the more recent shows. When I saw DT in
    Bonn in April, his voice sounded absolutely great to me...

    Andreas Berger

    Oh yeah, I also read in Metal Hammer that the working title for the new album
    was NOT Lines in the Sand, but Mike didn't want to say what it actually was.


    Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 18:15:09 -0400 (EDT)
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2606
    Message-ID: <>

    Anyone ever hear of a Dt import or live cd called "Home Sweet Home?"
    I had a local importer get me anything he could get his hands on and this is
    what he came up with. Just wondering if anyone had heard of it or not.I don't
    remember anyone talking about it before.


    Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 16:07:15 -0700
    From: Adam Barnhart <>
    Subject: The Elements...
    Message-ID: <>

    >From: "Brian Hayden" <>
    >Subject: The no-talent whore...aka "Go down on THIS in a theater, you bitch."
    >> You should know better than this. I'm sure there's some amount of irony
    >> here, but I'm not really seeing it. And, incidentally, I've seen and read a
    >> number of interviews with her. And, despite her age, she comes across as
    >> unusually intelligent, perhaps even exceptionally so. In a monosyllabic
    >> world, Alanis Morrisette seems a "savant" without the "idiot."
    >I'm not sure what you've read, but I've also seen interviews, and she
    strikes >me as a complete moron trying to sound intelligent through
    parroting of pop >angst bullshit...and her band is even stupider. They
    couldn't have a coherent >thought if you handed it to them whole.

    Hmmm...I've not heard from her band, particularly as they seem only to be a
    touring outfit (I'm obviously NOT talking about Glen Ballard, Flea, or Dave
    Navarro here, all of whom seem well-enough represented in the press), so I
    certainly can't comment on that side of things.

    I AM familiar enough with Alanis Morrissette to be comfortable questioning
    where you looked to conclude that she's a "complete moron." And, like a lot
    of folks, you seem very comfortable condemning her for the sexual content of
    her lyrics, which I've got no beef with, provided that you'll point the same
    finger at Mick Jagger. I actually DON'T think she's a "no-talent whore,"
    but rather, a singer without as much refinement as one might like, but with
    an emotive delivery and the ability to carry a tune. If nothing else, I
    feel immediate legitimacy upon hearing her tunes. I don't think she's
    "parroting pop angst," though she certainly DOES seem to be mining that part
    of the musical spectrum. In any event, I don't think there's anyone else
    who's doing precisely what she is at this point (her prefab dance releases
    I'm not going to concern myself with). She's not Tori Amos or Tiffany or
    Liz Phair or the Spice Girls, she's an artist singing fairly empassioned
    music with dance and rock components. It's a little like Jamiroquai -- they
    can certainly PLAY, but they're playing some very dance-y stuff that ISN'T
    necessarily going to appeal to a traditional prog fan.

    Then again, I think Bad Religion and Black Flag are great, so I certainly
    don't count myself among those people who works well within the progressive
    orthodoxy, such as it is. And Ms. Morrissette is another stop on one
    musical continuum or another that appeals strongly to me.

    Five Gratuitous CD's:
    1. Rush: Test For Echo
    2. Alanis Morrissette: Jagged Little Pill (I'm an ornery SOB)
    3. Metallica: Ride The Lightning
    4. Mr. Big: Bump Ahead
    5. Lemur Voice: Insights

    Adam D. Barnhart


    Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 19:13:35 -0700
    From: Kevin Madden <>
    Subject: Conjugation (Definitely No DTC)
    Message-ID: <>

    Adam wrote:

    >By my reckoning, they'd be called "Mexicans." Just curious how you're
    >conjugating "Mexico" to "Americans."

    Aha. Re-reading the original post by mamalookireadyourpostwrong:

    >If when the maps were drawn up that all the countries in
    >Europe were known at States, then yes, French, Italians, et al would all
    >be known as Europeans.

    I see that he meant if Europe were a large country, and present-day
    France, etc. were no more than states within this country, then they would
    all be known as Europeans. Yeah. I can buy that. I thought he meant that if
    all the countries were *composed* of states *then* they would be known as
    Europeans. That typo he had <at states> is what threw me off. I apologize
    to Scott on that one. Argh. Long day. But what if Mexico were known as
    "The United Mexican States of America??" Would they be Mexicans or Americans?
    It would be redundant to call the USA "The United American States of America."
    Ah, who cares anymore?

    "Argh! Foiled by the Jug-Handle!" - Commander of the Mike Bahr Hostage
    Release Team




    Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 19:24:23 -0400
    From: "Jeremy P. Kube" <>
    Subject: The Allanis Controversy
    Message-ID: <>

    Just to finish off the discussion of Alanis on the jam...

            My personal opinion of her is that she is talented, and does have a
    good voice. Her only problem is the marketing that the record company
    did of her. It ruined her music. They released every single song on
    the album as a single. That is why I don't like Alanis. She really is
    good, and she doesn't realize that it's the money talking. I hope that
    her next album sucks so I can buy it and not worry about hearing a song
    off of it every 10 minutes on the radio.
                                            Just my .02$ Lata, J


    Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 20:14:36 -0400 (EDT)
    From: (Dan Temmesfeld)
    Subject: FS: QR "Promised Land" 2CD-ROM
    Message-ID: <v01520d00afba2bb3f03e@[]>

    I've got the 2-CDROM set from Queensryche for sale.

    Disc one is Promised land stuff and videos and getting stuff from the "cabin."
    Disc two is the "Big Log" game, a la Myst.

    Asking $35. It doesn't work too well on my 4M RAM Macinsuck...

    $35, OBO.

    Email me.


    ---+ +---
        Dan Temmesfeld -
             "Home of the Galactic Cowboys Page"
    ---+ +---


    Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 20:22:33 -0500
    From: Your Majesty <>
    Subject: Re: New Releases (No DTC)
    Message-ID: <>

    > New Release
    > Bruce Dickinson- Accident Of Birth (still have yet to purchase)...

    well do not hesitate any longer...This album is great.
    Bruce's vocals are as good as they always were.
    and the guitars have that Maidenish sound again (due to A.Smith)
    I think this album is much better than his past solo efforts
    If your into Maiden and Bruce, i would HIGHLY recommend this album.

    i also picked up the new Faith No More. All i can say right now is....
    Interesting......very interesting :)
    this one is gonna take me a few listens to get into...Their style is varied
    as ever. If your a fan of ALL their past stuff, then i would pick this
    one up...but if you didn't care for their last one all that much, then
    i would take a listen first.

    |\| So here I stand all alone...With chisel in hand I work my stone... |/|
    |\| And leave a message for all to see...And contemplate mortality.. |/|
    |\| - Savatage |/|
    |\| Jim Lutz |/|
    |\| |/|
    |\| |/|


    Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 20:24:48 -0400
    From: Misha Horowitz <>
    To: "''" <>
    Subject: Drummer joke -- NDTC
    Message-ID: <>

    Well, with all the jokes being posted in here, thought I would put one =
    that I heard this summer at camp...anyway, here goes (btw, this message =
    has nothing to do with "To Live Forever," or Mike Bahr! :)

    A man walks into a little shop in the city. He looks around the store, =
    just perusing, but doesn't see anything he sees. Then, all of the =
    sudden, the man sees a large golden rat. "Hey, I want this rat," the =
    man says to the shopkeeper.
    "Sure, man, take it." So as the man is leaving the store, the =
    shopkeeper says, "There's just one thing, you can't return that thing! =
    Take it, but don't you bring it back here!" The man thinks this is a =
    bit strange, but doesn't say anything.

    Anyway, he leaves the shop, and as he's walking down the street, he =
    notices a few rats following him around. He doesn't really think too =
    much of it, but as he keeps walking, the rats keep accumulating. By the =
    time he's walked a few blocks, there are like 50 rats following him! =
    The man starts running -- he's run 20 blocks, and there are like 200 =
    rats after him. So the guy books it to a bridge, tosses the golden rat =
    in, and watches as all the rats jump into the river and drown.

    The next day, the guy walks back to the shop where he got the golden =
    rat. =20
    "Hey, man, I told you I don't want that rat back!" yells the shopkeeper.
    "No, no, no. The rat was great! I was wondering, do ya have any golden =

    Hope it was good for a other notes, I CAN'T WAIT TIL THE =
    NEW MEGADETH COMES OUT! "Trust" just came on the radio, pretty freakin' =
    cool IMHO...well, that's all the rambling for today.


    "I said, 'the mailman doesn't deliver on Sunday.'" -- Scottie Pippen, =
    trash-talking to Karl Malone


    Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 20:23:44 -0500
    From: Your Majesty <>
    Subject: Re: New Releases (No DTC)
    Message-ID: <>

    > New Release
    > Bruce Dickinson- Accident Of Birth (still have yet to purchase)...

    well do not hesitate any longer...This album is great.
    Bruce's vocals are as good as they always were.
    and the guitars have that Maidenish sound again (due to A.Smith)
    I think this album is much better than his past solo efforts
    If your into Maiden and Bruce, i would HIGHLY recommend this album.

    i also picked up the new Faith No More. All i can say right now is....
    Interesting......very interesting :)
    this one is gonna take me a few listens to get into...Their style is varied
    as ever. If your a fan of ALL their past stuff, then i would pick this
    one up...but if you didn't care for their last one all that much, then
    i would take a listen first.

    |\| So here I stand all alone...With chisel in hand I work my stone... |/|
    |\| And leave a message for all to see...And contemplate mortality.. |/|
    |\| - Savatage |/|
    |\| Jim Lutz |/|
    |\| |/|
    |\| |/|


    Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 17:25:33 -0700 (MST)
    From: durnik <>
    Subject: Concerns addressed!! :)
    Message-ID: <>

            Hi all!!

            Well, a lot of my loyal international customers brought up a HUGE
    concern to me about the King's X boot, and since they're absolutely right,
    I am going to correct it to the best of my ability here and now. :)

            It was mentioned to me that international mail is so slow that my
    customers fear they will miss out on the King's X boot if they just send
    the order without any reservation. And it's true, it's too slow. So this
    may not work quite like I expected. However I still think that Melissa's
    direct-feed idea will get you all your CDs faster (those of you waiting
    for TDOW and PT know exactly what I'm talking about).

            So here's the solution I'm gonna try. I'm going to keep accepting
    orders until I reach around 100, and then after that I'll close orders
    here on the net, and any further orders that are already in the mail (like
    from international customers) will still be fulfilled. So the final print
    run will probably wind up being around 125 discs. It also came to my
    attention that the KX fans here on the net might go berserk with desire
    for this special boot CD, so I'll keep the door open to the possbility of
    an extended run... but no more than 200, not ever. Thus it will remain
    totally collectible, like the discs that came before it. And everyone
    should have a chance to get it. I think this will work... please e-mail me
    constructive criticism or ideas if you have any.

            So, in a nutshell: Go ahead and send the order in, any order
    postmarked before the day I close orders, will be fulfilled no matter
    what. Sound good? :)

            Now then, on to something completely different. Melissa has been
    doing a lot of artistic stuff lately and we were browsing the CD covers
    when we realized that a lot of that art is actually really cool. I
    mentioned that I'd like to have the SFAM cover on a T-Shirt, and she
    thought it was a great idea, and I agreed. So we're thinking of running
    T-shirts of the covers. Naturally, the artists will be in for a little
    further "compensation" because it is their brilliance that will be getting
    exposure due to this. Assuming I could find a silkscreener that will bring
    the shirts in at a decent final price... say $20 or so... would that be
    something you Jammers would like? I'd start with the SFAM cover (Forest
    green print on a white shirt) and follow with the other covers that were
    exceptionally cool looking. I would rather have an awesome shirt with a
    mediocre return on the investment than a piss-poor shirt with a huge
    profit margin, so don't anyone worry about quality control. :) So let me
    know. Which of my CD boot covers would you like a shirt of. I would put
    the setlists on the back, along with some other miscellaneous stuff. Since
    this endeavor is totally independent of my computer, delays in the CD
    production would not affect it in any way.

            Take care all!!

    - Mike Bahr - -


    Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 20:28:40 -0400 (EDT)
    From: (Dan Temmesfeld)
    Subject: WTB: Dweezil Zappa "Confessions"
    Message-ID: <v01520d00afba2f21be62@[]>

    Wanted to buy Dweezil Zappa's 1991 (?) release called "Confessions."

    Either new or (good qual.) used, but definitely on CD.

    If you have it or have seen it somewhere, email me.


    ---+ +---
        Dan Temmesfeld -
             "Home of the Galactic Cowboys Page"
    ---+ +---


    Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 20:48:44 EDT
    From: (Scott Cook)
    Subject: Re: Mike Bahr's new system
    Message-ID: <>

    On Tue, 3 Jun 1997 13:39:09 -0700 (PDT) (Niklas
    Thorpenberg) writes:
    >I really have to beg Mr. Bahr not to go through with his newly
    >invented delivery system. Sure, it probably would make shipping faster,
    >unfortunately it also gives American residents a huge advantage.
    >Since the ones who pay first would get their discs first, obviously
    >the CD's will be sold out before the Euro-customers' payment arrive.
    >An e-mail however, travels equally fast no matter where you send it

    Well, maybe if you email Mike directly he'd be able to help you out.
    I've dealt with Mike on various CD's in the past and he's always been
    very considerate and helpful.

    >Secondly, I know americans are used to paying by cheques, but in
    >Europe we can't simply make out a cheque and send it to the US,
    >because the banks over there won't accept them.

    I sympathize with your situation. When I order from Europe I have the
    same problem. Is there a way you can send cash where the recipient
    has to sign for it? That way you know if it got there or not.

    >And if the CD's are already sold out when the cash arrives, well what

    Like I said, email him privately and I'm sure he'd be more than willing
    to help somehow.




    Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 22:03:35 -0300 (EST)
    From: Rogerio Brito <>
    Subject: Let's trade...
    Message-ID: <>

            Hi, there...

            I'm so sorry for the waste of bandwidth, but I have been having
    some problems with my e-mail server and I don't know if my last posts went
    to the list. So, I'll be posting again my list of bootlegs (the post that
    I think was the most important :-)). And if interested, please *don't*
    reply to, but *DO* reply to <>.

            Thank you, Roger...

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         Several people have been asking me if I had something to trade.
         And to speed things up, here is my list of Metallica bootlegs.
         Currently, I'm very interested in anything by Metallica and Dream
         Theater, and now I *HAVE* some bootlegs by Dream Theater, but
         only a few. So, if you'd like to help a newbie... :-)
         Now, I'm really interested in getting the following videos:
         - Japan Pay Per View from the "Awake Tour" (Dream Theater);
         - Woodstock II video (Metallica);
         - Donnington'95 (Metallica);
         - London, Astoria'95 (Metallica);
         - 100 Club, Canada (Metallica).
         If you have these videos, and you can dub in HiFi, I'll be very
         happy to trade with you (unfortunately, I can only trade videos
         in NTSC and PAL-M video systems; sorry, no SECAM or PAL).


         But if you don't have these videos, please, let me know what you
         got and we can set up a trade anyway (I would really like to get
         more videos now, but I have some audios that I'm dying to hear
         such as "Puppets in El Paso" version of "Sanitarium").
         More information can be seen at my bootleg home page (now it is
         updated), where this list cames from (information such as videos,
         trading rules, setlists and other details) or by sending an
         e-mail to
         The URL is: <>.

         Please, read the rules.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Title Place Date Len. Src.


    Uncovered London '95 120' CD
    Guitar Talkin' (Acoustic & New Songs) various '91-'95 75' CD
    Wake Up Japan '95 130' 1st gen
    Mind Control Japan '90 130' 1st gen
    Another Uncovered Germany '95 80' ??? gen
    When Dream and Today Unite various ??? 80' CD
    Fix for '96 Toad's Place'96 135' ??? gen


    Megadeth Live USA '92 35' 1st gen
    Punishment is Due ??? '93 77' CD
    Live in Ferrocarril Oeste Argentina '95 70' CD


    Live Shit: Binge & Purge Mexico City '93 180' CD
    Donnington'95 Donnington '95 56' CD
    Enter Mudman (2CD) Woodstock 2 '94 100' CD
    Covering'em I compilation --- 73' CD
    Covering'em II compilation --- 75' CD
    Metallica - Halloween compilation '82-'92 68' CD
    Garage Days Re-Revisited + B-sides & Demos studio '87-'91 72' CD
    Creeping Death EP + Jump in the Fire EP studio '84 30' CD
    Kill'em All + Am I Evil? + Blitzkrieg studio '83 62' CD
    No Life Till Leather studio '82 30' CD
    Apocalyptica: plays Metallica by four Cellos studio '9x 40' CD
    Metal Milita I studio '96 xx' CD
    The Lemmys (better than "We are the Lemmys") Los Angeles '95 73' CD
    Rough Justice (Justice Demos) studio '88 60' CD
    Live Shit Load ??? '96 75' 1st gen
    ..And Justice for Woodstock Woodstock2 '94 75' 2nd gen
    Secret Demos studio '84-'88 50' 1st gen
    London, Astoria'95 London '95 140' ??? gen
    Sweden'87 Sweden '87 80' 2nd gen
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
         Hope to hear from you soon, Roger...

      Rogerio Brito - - 
      "Master, Master, where's the dreams that I've been after?
       Master, Master, you promised only lies!
       Laughter, laughter, all I hear or see is laughter.
       Laughter, laughter, laughing at my cries."
                 James Hetfield (Metallica), Master of Puppets


    Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 20:04:57 +0000 From: "KorgX3" <> To: Subject: Re: Message-ID: <>

    > I was reading a post from the Queen list where someone posted > that Lars Ulrich is a better drummer than Neil Peart, on a techinal > level. Can you believe it? Lars is a better drummer than Neil Peart? > > I really had a good laugh over that one.

    I hate to say it about Lars, but I think Neil could be more creative with a single Folger's Coffee can than Lars could on his own kit. He'd probably have a better tonality, too. :P

    > Damnit. No! I, too, want that thread. Support the People's Front > of Judea!

    Go to hell! Everyone join the Judean People's Front. We're much more civil! :) (I haven't seen that forever!)

    :) KorgX3 a.k.a. Pastor of Muppets "Yay, yay, ormschperdinki du! Yay bork schperduggin dieder, Bork, Bork Bork!" ---Some Swede Muppet


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 2608 **************************

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Thu Apr 01 2004 - 17:59:28 EST