YTSEJAM digest 2351

Date: Sun Mar 16 1997 - 04:38:34 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 2352"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2351

    Today's Topics:

      1) Metropolis (6.2/6)
     by "Eric LaRue" <>
      2) Fwd. Error Condition Re: Posting rejected
     by "Eric LaRue" <>
      3) .wav files galore!
     by Brian Wherry <>
      4) Metro
     by Swanson <>
      5) Re: Met. story
     by "Dale R. Newberry" <Dale.R.Newberry@MO.NET>
      6) Re: Metro
     by Tymoteusz Altman <>
      7) Re: Megadeth Vs. DT
     by Mark Smeets <>
      8) DT
      9) musings
     10) Re: Metropolis (original story)
     by Stephen Daedalus <>
     11) Nuno Batancourt/ Savantage/Queensryche
     by John Emmons <>
     12) Finneus Gauge
     by "Brian O'Neill" <>
     13) Re: new DT drummer?
     by (Dr. Mosh)


    Date: Sat, 15 Mar 1997 21:48:06 -0800 (PST)
    From: "Eric LaRue" <>
    Subject: Metropolis (6.2/6)
    Message-ID: <>

    Dan ran from building to building, trying not to be seen. He had to make sure
    he wasn't seen by anyone, but this was hampered by the fact that he was
    worrying about Jennifer at the same time.

    He was well within the city limits, now, on the far east side, and heading
    straight for downtown-The heart of activity. He knew that if he could safely
    get there, and if Jennifer could safely get there, and they could find each
    other, maybe they could reason with the people and convey the message that Paul
    was talking about.

    Then he noticed something.

    "All the shooting has stopped. What happened? Could Jenny have gotten through
    to them already?"

    He started to walk out, a little more calm. Then he heard something.

    "Hey, you! You're a cop!"

    A young girl with a laser rifle started running towards him. Dan started
    running away from her. He tripped and fell over on his stomach, and when he
    turned over, he saw the young girl standing over him.

    "You're dead, bastard."

    She tried to shoot, but her weapon just would not fire. Dan got up, and the
    young girl stood scared.

    Dan looked at her, with compassion unfeigned, and said, "What's your name?"

    "Michelle," she said, still not trusting this strange man.

    "Listen, Michelle, I need to get downtown. Do you know of a way I can get
    there quickly without anyone seeing me?"

    "My dad told me about the escape tunnels underground. I can direct you there."

    "Could you do that for me, please?"

    Michelle nodded, still scared, and led Dan to the secret tunnels.


    Jennifer had been running for what seemed like hours. She found a bunker to hide behind and rest.

    She noticed that there wasn't any shooting, which was very abnormal for the southeast side of town. After she caught her breath, she walked out, looking for another place to run and hide on the way downtown.

    Suddenly, she heard a jeep round the corner. She looked behind her and saw a Saratoga gunman and the driver inside. Remembering her training, she ran towards them, and before the gunman had a chance to fire, she jumped up, kicked the rifle out of his hands, and threw him out of the vehicle.

    The driver pulled out his pistol, tried to shoot Jennifer, but found that it was jammed. Jennifer struggled with him for control of the vehicle, and finally, she simply kicked open the driver's side door, and him with it.

    She sat down in the driver's seat and headed towards her destination.


    Dan emerged from the tunnels and found that he was where he wanted to be. He looked around, and found, like the place where he had entered the tunnels, that the air was surprisingly quiet and lacking of the typical violence that filled the air.

    Suddenly, he felt a pistol protruding his back.

    He looked around and saw Mark, his young partner.

    "Mark! It's so good to see you! Come on, I-"

    Mark turned him back around and held him. "You helped a prisoner escape. Not only a prisoner, but a known Yamato mercenary. A general search warrant for your arrest. If you'd come with me, please."

    Mark led his prisoner to the dead center of town.


    The Public Square. In earlier years, this had been a place for friends to congregate, for merchants to conduct business, and the place that reflected the spirit of the city. Now, it had just become the place that determined who controlled the city. Whoever controlled the Public Square controlled the city.

    This was where Mark was bringing Daniel to face his punishment. All sorts of people, government officals, Yamato, Saratoga, and representatives of all the other conquestor groups were there for one thing-to witness Daniel Marks' execution.

    Mark led Daniel up to the stand, where the police chief was waiting. "Well, Daniel, up until now, you had been one of our best officers, but now I guess we see your true colors. Mr. Ferguson, present Sgt. Marks to the firing block."

    Mr. Ferguson, the sharpshooter who would administer Daniel's death sentence in front of this audience, led Daniel to his stand where he would die. He then took his place at the firing mark, and poised himself to fire.

    Suddenly, there was a jeep that drove up behind the crowd. The people looked behind to see who it was. Suddenly, they realized that the driver was not about to stop now, and they tried to shoot at her. But, for some reason, their weapons would not fire, and so they had no choice but to scramble to get out of the way.

    Jennifer drove right up to the stand and said, "That's my fiancé up there, and I'll be damned if I let you kill him!"

    "Well, young lady, your fiancé is a threat to Metropolitan security. So unless you give me a good reason not to, we're going to have to kill him. And I don't think you'll be able to come up with a good enough reason, since you're not very popular with your people, either."

    Jennifer climbed up on to the stand and addressed the crowd. "I'll give you a good reason.

    "Daniel and I have something very special between us. Something that has been lost from this city for a very long time. Something that allowed a police officer and a Yamato conquestor to live together in peace. Something that, if we had, then this city would be in much better shape than we're in. We wouldn't have these petty divisions in our people. We wouldn't have violence constantly ravaging our streets and our homes. We wouldn't have the hatred between our families. We wouldn't have so many of our friends, and our brothers, and our sisters, dying on a daily basis. We would be able to work together to build each other up, not tear each other down. We would be able to create something we could be proud of. We would be happy again, instead of sad, angry, and miserable."

    She walked over to Daniel as she made her final statement.

    "This thing that we posess is called love."

    As she and Daniel locked in a passionate embrace, a different feeling came over the crowd. They learned to look past their differences and see their similarities. They had a resolve to build each other up rather than just themselves. They resolved to seek out the light rather than be content with the darkness.

    The third dance was complete. They had discovered love. And they were going to let it live.


    Metropolis, Miracle, and Sleeper were all smiling at their work. "Very well done, Metropolis. It seems that you have accomplished what you have set out to do. There is a new desire for peace among your people."

    "Glad you think so. Can I go home now?"

    The three of them chuckled. And then they laughed. They were all happier than they had ever been before.


    Hope you enjoyed it, and sorry I had to chop it in half!

    Complete with burning guitars, bashed up drum sets and sealed with a kiss,

    Eric Paul LaRue

    "Take hold of the flame. Don't you see life's a game? So take hold of the flame. You've got nothing to lose, but everything to gain!"

    Queensrÿche-"Take Hold of the Flame"

    "We're on a mission from God."-Blues Brothers

    --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at ---------------------------------------------------------


    Date: Sat, 15 Mar 1997 21:50:19 -0800 (PST) From: "Eric LaRue" <> To: Subject: Fwd. Error Condition Re: Posting rejected Message-ID: <>

    >Your posting to list YTSEJAM was rejected. >Reason: message size limit exceeded (maximum allowed: 10000 bytes)

    Well why not?

    Dream Theater writes songs that are 10 minutes, why can't I write posts that are 10K? :-)

    Complete with burning guitars, bashed up drum sets and sealed with a kiss,

    Eric Paul LaRue

    "Take hold of the flame. Don't you see life's a game? So take hold of the flame. You've got nothing to lose, but everything to gain!"

    Queensrÿche-"Take Hold of the Flame"

    "We're on a mission from God."-Blues Brothers

    --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at ---------------------------------------------------------


    Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 01:05:31 -0500 From: Brian Wherry <> To: The Jam <> Subject: .wav files galore! Message-ID: <>

    Hey everyone! I just uploaded 14 new .wav files onto my music page. Check 'em out if ya want to!


    Brian -- /* * User: Brian Wherry,, * School: Boston University College of Engineering * Web: * * Quote: "Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur." */


    Date: Sat, 15 Mar 1997 23:07:45 -0600 From: Swanson <> To: Subject: Metro Message-ID: <>

    Hey guys,

    For the past couple of months, the main focus of my life has been working on and performing Metropolis in the Chatfield Percussion Ensemble. The show is a beautiful piece of work and I couldn't be prouder of our first effort in the competitive percussion world. Anyone who knows anything about percussion competitions knows how hard and how cool it can be. I am pretty confident that our show is better than the other groups in our class.

    There's just one problem. The judges don't seem to think the same way I do. They have been consistently scoring us very low, and ranking us as the second to last drumline in the state of Colorado. For the past few weeks, I have been taking these rankings as personal insults. I just figured that I was biased because I'm in the ensemble, and that we probably haven't been working as hard as these other groups.

    After today's show, in which we were yet again ranked second to last, I got to see a video of us for the first time. On the same tape there was one of the groups that has been beating us consistently. I have spent the last couple of hours watching the two together and comparing. I've come to a couple of conclusions. One is that we are much tighter and more involved in what we are doing than these other groups. Another is that it is probably the agression of our music that has been turning off the judges, who seem to prefer the more traditional (extremely pussy) shows. Our music is biting and aggressive, and they just can't seem handle it.

    This has made me feel better about my situation. I say, fuck these fogeys if they can't handle a little caffiene in their coffee. But still, the show is a blast, and I want SOMEBODY to appretiate the power of this beautiful piece of music. The problem is, I don't know what to do to be able to reach people. I want the voice of Metropolis to be heard, and that is kind of hard when you regularly play in time slots that leave you playing for your parents. We have one more show on the 29th of March at C.U. These will be the state finals. If you guys can think of any way to help us make our final show be something really special, then let me know.

    I can't stand the voice of Metropolis going unheard.

    Sincerely, Cory Swanson


    Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 00:44:28 +0000 From: "Dale R. Newberry" <Dale.R.Newberry@MO.NET> To: Subject: Re: Met. story Message-ID: <199703160656.AAA12179@Walden.MO.NET>

    >Paul Attredies Hmm, seems mighty close to Paul Atreides from Frank Herbert's Dune. BTW, I dig the story :). Keep posting it.

    Dale R. Newberry


    Date: Sat, 15 Mar 1997 22:50:23 -0800 (PST) From: Tymoteusz Altman <> To: Subject: Re: Metro Message-ID: <199703160650.WAA06713@fraser>

    > This has made me feel better about my situation. I say, fuck these fogeys > if they can't handle a little caffiene in their coffee. But still, the show > is a blast, and I want SOMEBODY to appretiate the power of this beautiful > piece of music. The problem is, I don't know what to do to be able to reach > people. I want the voice of Metropolis to be heard, and that is kind of > hard when you regularly play in time slots that leave you playing for your > parents. We have one more show on the 29th of March at C.U. These will be > the state finals. If you guys can think of any way to help us make our > final show be something really special, then let me know. > > I can't stand the voice of Metropolis going unheard.

    sorry that the judges just don't get it. it's what dream theater and prog groups like them have to put up with on a regular basis (as do their fans). maybe not from judges, but from the general public, radio, mtv, and others. I don't know about other jammers, but i'd love to hear what you and your group came up with. if you could take a recording of one of your performances, and convert it to a wav file, and put it up for the world to hear, it would be fantastic. if you don't have a web page, maybe some other jammer would volunteer to have it up on their page (maybe someone who already has a page dedicated to DT)? i think it would be a great addition.

    good luck at the finals!



    Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 00:06:47 PST From: Mark Smeets <> To: Subject: Re: Megadeth Vs. DT Message-ID: <>

    ** Reply to note from 03/15/97 9:58pm -0800

    Hi folks, yes, I am enjoying myself thoroughly..sickening isn't it :) The fun part:


    -First of all, it appears most people here can't read. I said -"most Megadeth fans". In my experience, I've found fans of -that band to be stupid.

    ok...everyone on the list that likes Megadeth..raise your hand...ahh, so, we've got how many people on the list? uh huh...uhm...scuse me, lars, could you please include/attach your list of megadeth fans who aren't dumb? You can put your hands down now fellas, we have to wait for dumbass here to give us his "who's not as smart as me" list.

    -I never said Megadeth fans couldn't like DT.


    Speaking of being on this list 2 years ago, I believe I was on the list then and people were just as passionate about it as they are now.

    -I don't like Megadeth. I've listened to all their albums, -and I used to think they were okay at one point, but I got -bored and I really don't like them.

    ahh, it's a question of bordom then? Well, that's understandable. Sometimes I get bored with bands but that doesn't mean I go off insulting their fans, even if it is a generalization.

    -As for this comment, you might be interested in knowing that -MOST (I assume) people listen to music for the MUSIC. WHAT DUDE...there are people on this list who listen to the a band because...Hey..They WANT to, or are forced too, just happen to be a musician and enjoy a certain members ability to perform their duty. But of course Lars, you being the one man on this list that knows everyone and can lump all these fans into 1 category...I wouldn't have expected you to listen to a band for any other reason other than your own.

    -If you think I - and I'm sure the same applies to most people -on this list - would listen to a band because they have good -rhythm guitarists, you need to get a brain.

    ok's where the fun begins. Not like it hasn't already started buuuuuuuuuut...let me draw you a picture Lars. 1>I am a college student going into university. 2>my grades, are pretty good, about a B- average or so. I play bass, I study philosophy, I work in theatre and other live evets, I have also been a life gaurd at one point in my, it would seem to most people that, Hey, I'm pretty damn smart...So, I think this prooves that I have a brain.

    Now, I buy albums for 2 reasons...1>because I like the band and 2>if a bassist or other member strikes me as incredible, I will learn what I can buy listening to that disc and applying those skills to my own playing. So, I think I've outlined that.

    I'm glad you think megadeth is crap...I really do, it shows you have a healthy opinion and that you feel threatend by a style of music your small feeble mind just can't comprehend but hey...that's ok.

    Oh..and to show I'm having fun...Lars...a personal invitation. I am on irc, in fact, I am on the DT server/channel etc...If you like, you can meet me there and you can confront me and see just how stupid I actually am. Since your so smart, i don't think I have to include the address and the way to get should be able to find that out for yourself, unless of course you already know it.

    Mark *You must unlearn, what you have learned, only then, will you have learned something. - Yoda, Star Wars *I have learned, that I know nothing - Mark Smeets *You have not yet completed your training - Yoda, Star Wars Check out the Megadeth Faq: My Page:


    Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 02:23:33 -0500 (EST) From: To: Subject: DT Message-ID: <>

    All i know is that we need more DT airplay and TV play

    "If I had started from the top and worked my way down there would be no reason to live forever"

    ~~~Dream Theater~~~ To live Forever


    Date: Sat, 15 Mar 1997 23:49:03 -0800 (PST) From: MAMALOOKABOOBOODAY <> To: Subject: musings Message-ID: <>

    >And coming next month on ABC, a 3-night miniseries called "The Shining." >Screenplay by a man named Stephen King. It's gonna rule :)

    Please give some more info! Stephen King rules and the original movie was great. Not as good as the book, but still a great movie.

    >Wait a minute-Wasn't KI$$' drummer Peter Criss? What happened to him?

    Peter Criss was their original drummer and is on the current "We have come for your wallets" tour. Eric joined the band in unofficially in 1991 when Eric Carr was sick with cancer then "officially" joined after Carr's death.

    BAY AREA JAMMERS! Rainbow is at The Edge in Palo Alto this Wednesday night. Ritchie is truly one of the greats, even though his attitude gets the best of him from time to time.

    Honorable mention: I'm currently listening to "Bloodrock Live." For any of you fellow old farts out there, they were a rock band out of Ft. Worth in the 70's. A friend of mine turned me on to these guys back around 1987 or 88 and I think they are awesome. Their first two Lp's are on CD from One Way records. If you can find them I suggest get them.

    Enuff Z'Nuff: Howard does like these guys a lot and they've played for him at some of his bookk signings before. They are a good band I think, nothing special that would make me rush out and buy one of their CD's, but they're OK. If I only listened to what Howard like then I would toss out my DT stuff since I've heard him say he doesn't like them.

    I'll leave you in the immortal words of Phil Anselmo: "I smoke Pot as often as possible and if you don't you should start and you should smoke it all the time.


    *********************************************************************** "Kill Kill Kill the White Man Kill him until he is dead. Kill Kill Kill the White Man... Thank you."

    Mamalookaboobooday - Detroit's only black traffic reporter ***********************************************************************


    Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 03:01:54 -0500 (EST) From: Stephen Daedalus <> To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: Re: Metropolis (original story) Message-ID: <>

    Friends, Weren't Metropolis and The Killing Hand both based on stories JP originally wrote? No offense to Eric, I think what he's doing is tre cool, but isn't that right? Be well. Matt B

    ==================== "You are all weirdos. Hmph." (Sam the Eagle, The Great Muppet Movie)

    "Now all we need is a little enerjon, and a lot of luck." (Optimus Prime, Transformers the Movie)


    Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 03:08:33 +0000 From: John Emmons <> To: Subject: Nuno Batancourt/ Savantage/Queensryche Message-ID: <>


    I was wondering if anyone out there has any Nuno Batancourt (ex-Extreme guitarist) solo cds. He has a new album out and I was wondering if it was really good, or if there was another one that I should check out first..

    Also, I was wondering if anyone knows where I can learn more about the new Savatage album. Is there a website with more information about it?

    And speaking of new releases, does anyone know the exact date of the release the new Queensryche album? I have heard that it is around the 22 or the 25, but I of course want to get it the first day it's out...

    thanks for all your time and patience, Maria


    Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 03:21:19 -0800 From: "Brian O'Neill" <> To: Subject: Finneus Gauge Message-ID: <>

    Hey guys and gals, my name is brian, I'm new here, I play guitar in a prog band in the vein of DT, fates, marillion queensryche and many more. You all probably know my bassist, (or as he thinks that im his guitarist). Saveur. I just wanted to say that I sww finneus gauge tonight, and they were completely awesome. I personally liked them better than echolyn, because they were a bit heavier, and the melodies definitely had a darker feel to it. If you liked echolyn you will most likely like finneus, the vocal harmonies were great and the musicians lacked nothing.


    Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 01:17:47 -0800 From: (Dr. Mosh) To: Subject: Re: new DT drummer? Message-ID: <>

    On the Eve of Destruction, MAMALOOKABOOBOODAY said: >I was just curious; if Mike Portnoy decided to leave DT (HE'S NOT, SO RELAX!) >who do you think would be a good replacement. My pick would have to be Eric >Singer. Lots of you may not like KI$$, but Eric is a brilliant drummer that >would compliment ANY band that he plays for. >

    I would say Simon Phillips...

    -The Doc

    -- #$%*#$*@ E-MAIL: #$%#$#$% *$%&%#$* Global Micro Solutions #$#$#@@# *$*$*$*# Reality Enhancement Software - Engineering Reality *$&#*#@$ #$@#$#@# @#$@##@$


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